An interesting scenario for graduation in elementary school. Camping. Scene “Serious conversation”

Time flies at lightning speed. People begin to notice this especially clearly when they have children. Just yesterday I had to put the baby to sleep with a lullaby. And now we have to celebrate our elementary school graduation. 4th grade is a kind of milestone in a student’s life, another completed stage on the path to achieving knowledge. Students say goodbye to their first teacher, to the junior school and to the class in which they spent their first years of study. And at this time the question arises of where to hold the graduation ceremony for the 4th grade so that this event will be imprinted in the children’s memory for a long time.

In the world of discoveries and inventions: a fascinating graduation ceremony at the museum

The determination of the daily start and end of the lesson is determined in consultation with the speakers responsible for the progress of the students. In case of disagreement, the headmistress and the director responsible for student advancement may make a decision of the school council.

Schools for which regular school bus, must agree on the appointment of days off. Students are subject to school supervision during lessons, breaks and free periods, while participating in other school activities, and for a reasonable period of time before and after these school activities. The same applies to student waiting periods in the context of the overall progress of students before the start of the lesson and after the end of the lesson.

Traditional option

Graduation is celebrated within the walls of the native school. Usually decorated Assembly Hall, where all the action takes place. The ceremonial part, sweet table, photographs for memory are the main elements of the event. Congratulations and instructions, poems for graduation are addressed to children.

4th grade is the time to say goodbye to the first teacher. The teacher is preparing a reverent speech, because he is sending his children on a free voyage. Children and parents are introduced to a new class teacher who will help them adapt to high school and personality development.

Leaders may supervise the principal, teacher supervisors and others charged with supervision, which may include parents who have agreed to do so. Students are bound by the instructions of these individuals. Pupils may leave school premises at school years with the permission of the teacher.

If students are not allowed to attend classes or other school events declared compulsory, the school must be informed before the start of the lesson. A well-reasoned written apology must be submitted no later than the third day. Additional evidence may be required in special medical cases, in exceptional cases through academic certificates. Regardless of further measures based on the school law, parents must be informed immediately if there is no refusal.

The children prepare a wonderful concert with a demonstration of children's talents with special diligence, thinking through the characters and repertoire to the smallest detail. Parents help decorate the hall for the celebration. Girls in elegant dresses, boys in suits and ties, matured and ready for a new period of their lives, repeat their words. Along with them, they also receive albums with photographs as souvenirs of elementary school. There can be many options for albums: from the usual vignettes to a 3D album with discs and pleasant video moments from school life.

Absence from lessons and other compulsory school activities is recorded in the class list or class register. Leave for classes and other school activities declared mandatory may be for a good reason. Religious leave must be granted.

The responsible teacher grants leave for individual classes. Up to three days of classes, the class leader or class leader leaves, in other cases - the main teacher or director. Leaving immediately before or after the holidays should not be announced; Exceptions may be allowed by the headmistress. A written statement of reasons and evidence may be required.

The celebration can continue in the classroom, where parents organize a sweet table. Undoubtedly, a gorgeous cake is a worthy end to the evening. It can be prepared to order. There are plenty of offers to suit every taste and budget. The so-called Candy bar will look original - a novelty in the art of confectionery. This is a cake and a lot of small cupcakes, sweets self made, decorated very stylishly on a separate table.

Non-participation in physical education

The competent ministry may specify holidays. Students do not participate in physical education if their well-being requires it. Leaders, in coordination with the sports teacher, may decide that a student will attend classes in a different class. A medical certificate may be required.

Lessons in Religiosity and Ethics

Students participate in religious instruction in their confession. Participation may be declined writing parents. Upon written request from parents, students who are not members of any church or religious group may participate in religious confessional instruction if permitted by the church or religious community. This applies accordingly to pupils who belong to a church or religious community, but for compelling reasons the religious indication of their confession cannot be established.

The end of the event could be a song about 4th grade. Graduation is a celebration where children can fully show their talents. You can't do without a concert program.

Celebration in the cafeteria

Where to hold graduation for 4th grade, if this cannot be done within school walls? A good option there will be a cozy cafe. It’s worth choosing a place in advance. You also need to take care of choosing a holiday menu. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that non-carbonated drinks and a neutral choice of dishes are suitable for children. The treats should please all the children. Light food without mayonnaise and French fries is an ideal choice.

The decision to participate in religious education is made by the teacher responsible for religious education on behalf of the church or religious community. The application must be submitted at the beginning of the academic year and can usually only be withdrawn at the beginning of the new academic year. Students' achievement scores are assessed.

In agreement with the churches or religious communities concerned, special arrangements may be made for participation in religious teaching of another denomination. Students who do not take religious education take ethics classes. Students of a religious community for whom no religious instruction has been provided at school and who are equally participating in a course recognized by the appropriate school authorities are exempt from the obligation to attend ethics classes.

Adults can choose the menu based on their preferences; alcohol is an extra attribute on children's party. It would be a good idea to have a buffet so that the guys don’t get bored with their plates and cause mayhem. During holiday program any child can run up to the table and have a sandwich or canapé. Fruits and a chocolate fountain will be the highlight of the evening. How delicious it is to dip a sweet strawberry in melted milk chocolate!

Skip class level

Gifted and willing students may skip a grade level if they are likely to be successful at the next higher level. A request to skip a grade level may be made by a parent or class leader in agreement with the parent. The decision will be made by the head teacher or director. The omission is noted on the certificate.

Students should be supported in their host class on the basis of an individual development plan so that the difficulties associated with absence are as limited as possible. When assessing benefits, a period of at least six months should be allowed. Skipping 4th grade requires school board approval.


How else and where to hold graduation for 4th grade? Of course, going out into nature can be a great option. This could be either a holiday at a country campsite or a celebration by the river.

Well-equipped recreation centers will allow you to relax away from the bustle of the city. Everything is provided there for a full and quality pastime: gazebos, barbecues, rocking chairs, playgrounds, pleasure boats. This entire arsenal will make your vacation unforgettable.

By good reason, especially in the case of prolonged illness during the school year, a change of school, special developmental difficulties or at home, a student in grades 2-4 may, at the request of the parents and with the approval of the class conference, head the headmistress or the director once resign in the next lower class.

No repeat grade or grade level waivers are permitted. The parents' application must be submitted to the school no later than one month before last day school year; Parents should first consult with their children's teachers and the head teacher. The refusal is noted on the certificate.

Disco for the guys

What could be more wonderful than a walk under the stars? Disco until the morning. Cartoon DJs, light music, disco dancing. What could be cooler? Celebrating graduation outdoors, near the river, will allow parents to reduce vacation costs. It will not be difficult for anyone to prepare the necessary supplies at home. You should take all the equipment with you: tables, chairs, a tape recorder and even a hammock.

Providing support to students. with learning difficulties and learning disabilities

Section 13(2) applies accordingly. Students with learning difficulties and learning disabilities should be supported according to their individual needs. For them individual plan promotion must be created, tested and adapted during the learning process. You can seek advice from out-of-school specialists.

The funding plan must be explained to parents. Depending on the nature of the difficulties and disturbances, support will be provided in a prioritized class of differentiated measures according to the hours available to teachers through additional double sessions or small groups and, if these are insufficient, through comprehensive special needs training.

ball, competitions, even fishing will not leave anyone behind. You can have fun until the morning and sing songs about 4th grade. Graduation in primary school happens once in a lifetime!


In order for children to have fun, and for adults to have a little rest and relaxation, various children's animation agencies offer their services. They already know in advance how and where to hold the graduation ceremony for the 4th grade. Programs are drawn up long before graduation ceremonies and are thought through to the smallest detail. It is unlikely that schoolchildren will be interested in spending a festive evening at the table. Children are terrible fidgets and must always be on the move. The subject of the program can be varied:

The type and duration of funding must be agreed with parents and everyone involved in supporting students. Parents are encouraged to be regularly informed about developments. As long as learning difficulties or learning difficulties persist, assessment of performance in these areas will be based solely on the individual's learning process. Grades are not assessed in grades 3 and 4, but are assessed orally.

Details are regulated by the competent ministry. The decision on the location of funding is made by the school board after listening to parents and based on a special report on education. For students with special needs educational opportunities supporting integration, the provisions of these school rules apply in principle; § 1 (2) - (7) school regulations applicable to public schools, are used in accordance with the goals and design of the lessons. Incidentally, the provisions of the school rules applicable to public special schools apply accordingly to changes in school careers.

  • "Treasure Island" is about Flint's lost treasures.
  • "Star Wars" is a party where you will reveal all the secrets of space.
  • "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" is a funny and entertaining game with charades and puzzles.
  • "Jolly Indians" - entertainment with quests and outdoor games.
  • "Crazy Hands" - master classes for children. This could be making, cooking and painting gingerbread cookies.
  • "Harry Potter and His Friends" is a program with all kinds of tricks, where each participant can become a magician himself.
  • "In the Land of Cartoonland" - a program with children's cartoon characters. No one will be indifferent to such entertainment.

Animators often offer to purchase incentive prizes for children. After all, it is doubly pleasant to relax, have fun and receive gifts.

Since these students have special educational needs in areas of specialization or holistic development, school rules, applicable to public special schools, apply to training school courses with a focus on learning and school with a focus on holistic development Assessment and performance assessment, certificates, transfers and school qualifications. The certificate must be included in certificates in which the student was taught integratively.

Promotion of Immigrant Students

Immigrant students are usually placed in a class appropriate to their age and previous school career. Staying away from school due to lack of knowledge German language not allowed. The teaching of German and the rapid school integration of these students are the primary educational objectives of the differentiation of regular education. Pupils with inadequate knowledge of German should receive additional support within the capabilities of staff.

Unusual entertainment

How else can you spend your school graduation? 4th grade are quite resilient children. They can do a lot. They will withstand any journey without whims or fatigue. It won’t be difficult to go with the kids, for example, to a zoo located in another city. The ceremonial part can be held in class, and then everyone can go on adventures together. It's worth deciding how to get to your destination. You can rent a bus in advance. It is also interesting to visit the dolphinarium. This adventure is sure to please both children and adults. No one has ever left the dolphinarium without delight and a million positive emotions.

To promote the development of linguistic and cultural identities, students should be offered additional instruction in their language of origin as part of staff and organizational opportunities. Another school offers, and extracurricular assistance in a day school should be proportionate to the teaching in the pedagogical task. Determination of class time and time for further school offers according to § 14 para.

For day schools, lunch is offered as an offer and as a requirement; In day schools in open form You can order lunch. For secondary schools In mandatory form, § 20 applies with the following reservation. School time in the afternoon should not end after 5 pm.

Let's go on an excursion

How else to organize graduation (4th grade)? Where to spend it? Moscow is a great choice! There are many interesting attractions for children in the capital. Excursion tour- this is what any schoolchild can dream of. Museums, theaters, ballet, opera - you can’t list everything and you can’t get around it in a week. But a teacher together with parents can create a competent and interesting program.

Daily teaching time should not exceed eight lessons. Saturday and at least the afternoon of another day must be free from obligatory activities. Accordingly, for day schools in the form of an offer, paragraph 3 applies; School time should be four days a week for eight hours, usually from 8am to 4pm. Other school offerings should include lesson-related lessons including pedagogical support homework, thematic projects and projects, support and leisure.

In public schools, education is organized in an open form in accordance with §. The all-day school, in the form of an offer or in a compulsory form, may additionally offer extra-curricular assistance in the form of a day school in an open form or through primary school measures or, usually in cooperation with the treasure, provide childcare during the holidays.

You can also contact a travel agency for help. At the request of children and adults, the program will be designed to capture all the most interesting sights of the capital. Visit the Tretyakov Gallery and Grand Theatre, visit the famous Red Square, take pictures with your favorite actors - what could be better? Undoubtedly, organizing such a vacation requires additional financial investments. Not everyone can afford the idea, but the success of such an event is guaranteed.

Performance appraisal and performance appraisal. The Supreme School Council determines the details of educational goals and competencies to be achieved at the end of primary school education, in particular, through educational standards and school and school level requirements for individual subjects and areas of study, as well as time tables. Schools create their own work plans that build on these guidelines and form the basis of lessons along with them. Subjects are obtained from the system.

Principles of performance appraisal and performance appraisal

The school promotes motivation, performance and achievement based on individual needs appropriate to each student's developmental level. Encouragement, validation, learning assistance and learning monitoring are the basis targeted training. Students' achievements should be viewed as steps and results in the learning process. The learning process is documented. The form and number of performance assessments are determined from a pedagogical point of view. Performance evaluation is punctual or landmark.

Results of efforts

Whatever the decision of the class teacher and the parent committee on where to hold the graduation for the 4th grade, the main task is to make this holiday unforgettable, unusual, to involve every child, to allow him to feel his importance.

For some, 4th grade graduation isn't that big of a deal. important event. Some parents may even be against such large-scale actions. But we should not forget that the holiday is organized primarily for children who are taking the next step into adulthood.

In what format to hold a graduation for their own children, it is up to the parents to decide. The kids should enjoy this day to their fullest. May your 4th grade graduation party be joyful and fun.

Entertainment program for graduation party in 4th grade. Scenario

Scenario for prom in primary school


1) the use of active and non-standard forms of extracurricular activities of students in conducting this event;

2) stimulating initiative, creativity and activity of students and parents.

Decoration of the hall and stage.

There are 5 tables in the hall, at each of which 5 children and 5 parents sit.

Posters on stage:

“Long live 4th A” class!”

“Long live girls of 4th “A” class!”

“Long live the boys of 4th “A” class!”

“Greetings to the teacher of grade 4 “A”!”

“Hurray for the parents and guests of class 4 “A”!”

“Pages from the book” hang on the walls - kind words about each child.

A boy and a girl are the presenters.

The progress of the holiday

Presenter 1. Today, dear children, parents and guests, you have a wonderful evening - farewell to elementary school.

Greetings, parents!

Tonight could be very different

But it must be beautiful today!

We summarize the teachings at school,

And let’s remember what was most memorable.

But where are the heroes of today's meeting?

To whom will we speak passionate speeches?

Solemn procession of class students. Children enter one at a time in a certain order at a certain time interval. The teacher gives a description (briefly about each) while the student walks across the hall and sits next to the parent at the table.

Presenter 2.

Our school year has come to an end!

Don't call us "underclassmen"!

Our shoes and sneakers have become too small,

And the shirts became short!

Presenter 1.

This is how it was for the first time

We entered the walls of our school...

We were greeted by a cheerful bell,

The teacher met the pass first!

Presenter 2. Let's remember how we came to school and how our parents chose it. Sketch “School Choice”.

Sketch “School Choice”

Characters: Tsar, Guard Filimon, Princess Vasilisa's nanny, Princess Nesmeyana.

Guard Filimon sweeps the grapple. The king enters. Walks quickly.

Oh, it is difficult, the royal burden!

The crown of the head swells from worries and troubles.

There are more than a thousand important things to do in the state!

And you won’t find any helpers in our house!

The queen is always busy with herself,

He warms his lower back with a lamp.

And the prince abandoned his notebooks

And he shoots with a slingshot all day long.

Are you somewhat boring, Your Majesty?

Tea, what's the problem?

Tsar. Yes, Princess Nesmeyan needs to be taught to be smart, otherwise she cries from morning to evening!

Philemon. Or maybe send her to school? They'll beat the crap out of her quickly!

Tsar. You, Philemon, express yourself more carefully, tea, royal child!

Philemon. Well, then call Vasilisa for advice! The Tsar claps his hands, the nanny Vasilisa enters and pulls Nesmeyana along with her.

Vasilisa. Why are you crying and crying?!

Nesmeyana. I'm bored!

Tsar. Do you want ice cream?

Nesmeyana. I am cold!

Tsar. What about jam with tea?

Nesmeyana. I'm hot!

Tsar. Well, then you'll go to school!

Nesmeyana roars, the king goes out and returns with a stick.

Nesmeyana. I don’t want to study, I want to get married!

Tsar. And what school will we send her to, Vasilisushka? good school It is also necessary that the handling be careful.

Vasilisa. Why, Father Tsar, we only have one school. For the entire regional kingdom-state. Such a nice one! The students are all smart, beautiful - you can’t tell in a fairy tale, you can’t even describe them with a pen!

Tsar. What kind of school is this?

Vasilisa and Philemon (singing).

The executive committee has a secondary school

It's been 40 years!

Children are always taught there properly,

This is how she attracts everyone to her.

Why do we want so much, brothers,

Enroll in this school quickly!

It was 31st, now No. 14.

What do you want, brothers,

We need to register for school soon!

Nesmeyana (sings joyfully). And I’ll go learn to read words syllable by syllable.

Everyone leaves. The scene is over.

The teacher conducts an “Express Interview” with the children.

Sample questions:

2. What is the address of our school?

3. When you woke up today, what did you think about?

4. What is your favorite lesson? Why?

5. When you open the door to your classroom, you want to say...

6. If you were a teacher, what would you tell the kids?

7. In which class did you study the most subjects?

Presenter 1. There are envelopes on your table. Take envelope No. 1. In this envelope there is a “mysterious” table. This quiz game. All tables are playing. Once you solve the numbered riddles, you can fill in the table and you will have a word. It will help us in the next scene to guess the missing item that she forgot to put in her backpack.


1. “The little animal has 100 silver coins.” You need to take the third letter from the answer; it will be your first.

2. On the fourth line there is a riddle: “Two brothers went to the river to swim.” Take the first letter from the answer, it will be the fourth.

3. On the seventh line there is a riddle, and the answer consists of sin letters.

"The area is famous

Green beauty:

A sundress is like a bell,

On the ground and by dragging,

Hat with edge,

With a sharp top."

Take the third letter from the answer, it will be the last.

4. On the second line: “Not a rider, but with spurs, not a guard, but wakes everyone up.” Take the fourth letter from the answer, it will be your second.

5. On the fifth line: “The little dove is white, she flew into the house, she saw everything in the world, she told about everything.” Let's take the second letter from the answer; for you it will be the fifth.

6. The sixth letter will be the one that appears in the third answer:

“In the spring and summer We saw him dressed, And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off the poor thing.”

7. On the third line: “The turtle crawls - a steel shirt, the enemy - into the ravine, the turtle - where the enemy goes.” Take the fourth letter from the answer - it will be your third.

You have a table:

Line dies

Letter number

Presenter 2. So, you have a word. You will have to say it in unison at the place where Nastya is staying, and at the same time remember what you put in your backpack when you went to first grade.

Coupling “What did I put in my backpack?”

Three girls for the first time

We were getting ready for first grade.

Nastya says to her friends:

I want to learn in class.

I put everything in my backpack.

Just no...

Presenter 1. What didn’t Nastya put in her backpack?

Children. Primer!

There is a ruler, glue, notebook,

To write letters in it.

There is a rubber band, a white eraser,

There is an orange marker.

There is a set of different papers,

Yellow, blue, bright red,

Pen, pencil, pencil case.

My backpack became heavy.

And then Katya said,

Who looks sad:

Who said that Katya is crying?

Can I cry?

I'm going to school soon -

I turned 7 years old.

And I will go this time

To the best first class

I'll be at school to study

And I dream about

To excel in studies

And, like my mother, become a doctor.

And the silent Irina

Suddenly he says to his friends:

I sculpt from plasticine

I learned the alphabet!

I'll tell you without stress

Multiplication table for you.

I know the north, I know the south,

I'll draw a circle with chalk.

I'll teach you too

And I’ll tell you, without saying a word,

I want to teach children

Just like my grandmother!

Three girls for the first time

We were getting ready for first grade.

Presenter 2.

The desired hour has come.

You are enrolled in first grade!

And now four years have passed.

And parents admire their students.

They are here for you today

Everyone is terribly worried!

Let's ask them.

Presenter 1 conducts a quick interview for parents.

Sample questions:

1. What do you remember about our class?

2. For what purposes have you donated money without regret?

3. How did you feel when you came to our holidays?

4. What colors do you associate our class with?

Presenter 2. We are closing the page of our school

life “How we came to school” and move on to a new one - “Parade of school sciences”.

Sciences coming out: Mathematics, Russian language, Literary reading, The world, Physical training. Each science is indicated by a poster with a picture title page textbook.


Marathon runners are moving forward!

They take math with them!

It's impossible to live without her,

Open the envelope, friends!

Presenter 1. Open envelope No. 2. It contains tasks, one for each table.

1st table. How to divide 3 apples between two daughters and two mothers? (11 about 1 apple: daughter, mother, grandmother.)

2nd table. How many cats are there in a room if there is one cat sitting in each of the four corners of the room, and three cats sitting opposite each cat? (4 cats in total.)

3rd table. There are 8 branches on a birch tree, each branch has 5 knots. There are 2 apples on each branch. How many apples are there in total? (Apples do not grow on birch trees.)

4th table. Grandfather Micah has 10 sheep, all but 9 escaped. How many sheep are left? (9 sheep.)

5th table. There are 15 students in the line. How many students stand between 3rd and 12th? (8.)

Presenter 2. In the category “Best Mathematician” the awards are... (Children who excelled in the subject “Mathematics” are awarded.)

Russian language.

Love you, grammar!

You are smart and strict!

You, my grammar,

I will master it little by little.

I'm doing my best.

I want to understand spelling.

But it nevertheless causes

Spelling surprise.

And my task is this:

Sparrows are sitting on a branch,

To discuss your affairs.

Sparrows are sitting on a branch,

Do they sit on “E” or “I”?

Presenter 1. In the category “Best Expert in the Russian Language” the awards are... (Children who have distinguished themselves in learning the Russian language are awarded.)

The world around us and History.

Taught us to love our land

And watch nature

How to protect all animals

Protect both forest and water.

We talked about everything:

About mushrooms and flowers,

About birch and aspen,

About fields and meadows.

We are with History, friends.

Without her, neither you nor I would

We'd never know

How it originated and where it came from

Our Russian land.

Presenter 2. Open envelope No. 3.

1st table. What animals go out of their way? (Snakes lose their skin when they shed.)

2nd table. What is more convenient for a hare to run - uphill or downhill? (Uphill, since the front legs are shorter than the hind legs.)

3rd table. What birds dig holes for nesting? (Swallows.)

4th table. Where do crayfish spend the winter? (In burrows underwater near the shore.)

5th table. The name of which plant from China represents the word "sakh"? (Tea.)

Presenter 1. In the nomination “The best expert on the world around us” we are awarded... (Children who have distinguished themselves in studying the subject “the world around us” are awarded).

Literary reading.

Reading is a wonderful corner.

There is a lot of useful information in each of the lines:

Whether it's a poem or a story,

You teach them, they teach you.

This competition is very interesting,

It's for the brain

Very useful.

We will be able to drop the words -

Let's find out the names right away.

Presenter 2. Open envelope No. 4. Read the encrypted words and guess the names of fairy-tale characters.

1st table - imokachyuoDv (Thumbelina.)

2nd table - InkaMtorstok (Matroskin the Cat.)

3rd table - kyalkopsha (Shapoklyak.)

4th table - nikechP (Pechkin.)

5th table - srkanayoKchashpa (Little Red Riding Hood.)

Presenter 1. In the nomination “Best in literary creativity and writing skills" are awarded...

Rewarding students.

In the “Fastest Reader” category the awards are...

Rewarding students.

Physical training.

What is physical education?

Training and game.

Fiz, and cul, and tu, and ra.

Hands up, hands down. This is physical.

We twist our necks as if the steering wheel were a sack.

Jump in height deftly - that's it.

Run for half an hour in the morning - that's ra.

While doing this,

You will become dexterous, strong, courageous.

Plus - a good figure,

This is what physical education means!

Presenter 2. In the nomination “Most Physical” the winners are...

In the "Fastest" category the winners are...

In the “Most Titled” category, awards are...

Foreign language. Each group presents its number on foreign language.

Presenter 1. In the category “They have no equal in a foreign language” the winners are...

Presenter 2.

In creative, wonderful lessons

Enter the world of art

And express yourself in it

It was very interesting for all of us.

Presenter 1. In the category “The Most Prize-winning in Creativity,” the winners of school, district, and city crafts and drawings competitions are awarded...

Presenter 2.

Our marathon has come to its finale,

We did our best.

It's time to sum up

It’s not a sin for us to reward the best.

Presenter 1. In the nomination “Masters in all sciences”, excellent students of 4 “A” class are awarded...

Presenter 2. The school science parade is over. You will meet these subjects, as well as new ones, in 5th grade.

Presenter 1.

In music lessons

We were taught to sing together,

And without great music

We have no joy in life!

A choral song about school and school life is sung.

Presenter 2. We are starting a new page from a new life - “Change”. It's time for us to rest.

The bell rings for recess.

Presenter 1.

The bell is ringing for recess,

The lesson ended, and as always,

Runs out together, as if on stage,

The whole cast is a great family!

Change, change, 4 "A" climbs the walls,

Suddenly the boys came together in unison

They fall on the dirty floor...

Everyone is yelling, screaming, throwing,

They don't understand anything

As if Mamai passed here.

Presenter 2.

Wet hair, disheveled look,

A drop of sweat runs down my neck...

Maybe Sasha, and Grisha, and Vanya

Did you spend the whole break in the bath?

Or did they plow on them, the unfortunate ones?

Or were they shoved into the mouth of a crocodile?

No! So during recess they rested!

Presenter 1. In the category “Our shooter has ripened everywhere” the awards are...

Presenter 2. Here are some situations that may worry the guys.

Presenter 1.

Christina was walking home from school,

Nothing was nice to her.

What's the matter? - we asked.

I got a C!

Andrey runs towards

There are rays in his eyes.

He screams loudly.

I got a C!

Presenter 2. In the nomination “I’m happy with any result” -

Presenter 1. And these are the situations we discuss -

Scene “Serious conversation”

Vanya, Petya and Evgeniy

Gathered for recess

To solve a painful issue

And seriously discuss

How to behave in class.

If Zhenya loves Nastya,

What do they all love now?

And be friends with girls?

Vanya was the first to speak.

I wouldn't pay attention

For the girls combined

Black, white, freckled.

Why are you shaking your head?

Don't you agree with me?

I don't agree with you

So much laughter!

At least one, otherwise all of them!

All talkers and antics,

And they behave like idiots!

You should meddle with them less,

Otherwise you’re spinning like a demon!

Why do you always tease them?

Did you see me climb?

I don't like girls in class!

What, have you gone completely wild?

You better not touch Nastya,

Even though you're a friend, you'll get a kick!

You me? Try to touch

You'll regret it later!

Zhenya. Well, off to the throne!

Vania. Well, touch it!

Peter. Quiet, quiet!

You quarrel painfully!

Then a call was heard,

Inviting you to a lesson.

Well, we didn’t have time again!

What are you children, really?

Zhenya. The break is too short...

Zhenya said bitterly.

Since the question was not a trifle,

So the friends decided this:

On a day off, get ready in the morning

And to figure it out specifically

Love everyone or just one?

Should everyone be friends or no one?

Let's wait until Sunday

To find out their solution...

Presenter 1. In the category “Defender of all girls in the class” the award is...

Presenter 2. So we have become a year older! Everyone still remembers the First of September ceremonial line, new meetings. But four years flew by unnoticed, leaving impressions that the guys shared in the questionnaire.

The teacher reads interesting sayings children in the processed questionnaires, in which there were next questions:

1. Will you be sorry to leave primary school?

2. What did you gain in elementary school, what did you lose?

3. What did you like most about elementary school and why?

4. Is there a good team in the class, and why do you think so?

5. Your favorite subject.

6. Which boys and girls do you like best?

Presenter 1. In the nomination “The Most Charming and Attractive” the winner is...

Presenter 2. In the category “First Guy in the Village” the award is...

Presenter 1. We open a new page of our magazine - “Zateinitsa”. Let's remember how we had fun, prepared for the holidays, participated in all the events of the school, district and city.

Girls and boys come out and sing ditties.


1. Play, balalaika,

Balalaika - three strings,

Sing, don't yawn,

Come out, dancers!

Presenter 2. In the category “Best Artist of the Class” is awarded...

2. Oh, and loves to chat

Grisha is in class.

The teacher looks at him

But he doesn’t see anything!

Presenter 1. In the category “Language without bones” the award is...

3. Our teacher was waiting for an answer

It's a long time from Ivan.

No answer, no hello

No point!

4. Our Sasha would be good for everyone,

If it weren't for the notebooks.

There are mistakes every time

They play hide and seek with him!

5. Our Dasha, oh, smart,

You can't say anything.

But I never came

Get to class without being late!

Presenter 2. In the “No Offences” category, awards are...

6. At our Anton's

Not the head - the computer.

He knows a lot of things

We don't understand anything!

Presenter 1. In the category “Squadron of my crazy thoughts, or Computer Head” the award is...

7. Nikita is a very smart guy,

He and I have only been studying for a year.

He's clear to all the boys,

And he is unsociable with girls.

Presenter 2. In the “Mr. Mystery” category, the award is...

8. Two Andryushkas in class

Always smiling

And when they call you to the board,

They stand and smile!

Presenter 1. In the “Mouth to Ear” category, awards are...

9. We are funny ditties

You have now performed:

About ourselves, about our friendship

And about some of us.

We fell in love with each other

Our friendship is strong.

Our friendship is with us

Entering fifth grade!

Presenter 2. And our parents are moving to the fifth grade with us.

1st student.

We are at this hour

We still have to say

About those who gave us life,

About the closest people in the world,

About those who help us grow,

And it will help in many ways,

2nd student.

Our parents follow us invisibly:

And in joy, and in the hour,

When trouble came,

They seek to protect us from sadness,

But, alas, we do not always understand them.

3rd student.

Forgive us, dear, dear,

Besides you, we have

There are no people dearer.

As they say, children are the joy of life,

And we are your support in it.

All students sing the song “Oh, Mommy”:

Mom said: everyone must learn,

But I wasted my words.

We didn’t listen to our mothers, we covered our ears,

Oh, mom, mom, how right you were!

Oh, mommy, we rode on sleds all day,

We covered our ears, we didn’t listen to you,

What we all regret now.

Parents' response: "Parental suffering."

Parents sing:

We send our children to school.

Who will feel sorry for them?

What if they roar together?

2. Oh, how nice everyone is

We have the kids.

It's okay that they made a lot of noise

Last time in class.

3. They flew by unnoticed

These school days.

Look how you've grown up

Our daughters and sons.

4. And we have worries again:

Transfer them to the fifth grade.

We have to worry again.

Presenter 1. In the “Most Active Parent” category, awards are...

A skit involving parents

Sasha is solving a problem, mom is reading a book, dad is fixing the alarm clock, grandma is dozing in a chair.

That's the damn task

I fought and fought - failure!

There were already circles in my eyes,

Sit down, dad, help!

Head up, son!

With dad you are not alone.

Sits down for class.

Parts of speech in exercises

We were told to emphasize...

Be more careful!

Underline parts of speech?

We'll figure it out somehow.

Sits down for class.

I'll go out for a minute

Where is my jacket?

Presenter 2.

In the morning Sasha walked cheerfully,

With a blue bag on his back.

But no fun from school

He was returning home.

Mother. What did you bring?

Sasha. See for yourself!

Pasha. No, report first!

Dad - “five”, “four” - mom,

And you, grandma, are “two”!

Presenter 1.

Well, four years have rushed by,

We have grown, strengthened, matured,

We solved many difficult problems,

They managed to do what they couldn’t do before.

Presenter 2.

We just left for school,

Yes, we sat at the desk,

Yes, they signed it in the notebook,

At recess they became noisy,

All friends were listened to -

Suddenly the holidays for some reason

Then they attacked us.

Teacher. What happens if you put a bom and a bom together? (Bom-bom.)

- What if you add ding and ding? (Ding-ding.)

And if you put a bom-bom and a ding-ding together, what comes out? (Bell!)

A school bell made in the shape of a flower is brought out. It rings melodiously.

Presenter 1. The bell notified us that we had turned over all the pages of our school life.

All the children go on stage, music sounds.

Presenter 2.

It happened...

Apparently this is fate:

We cannot live without a teacher.

Let's remember the one who these years

The main thing for us was

Who accompanied us with knowledge

From class to class.

Who taught us to solve problems,

Add numbers and write essays.

She did it all, she did it all

Our first teacher.

Children in chorus say the teacher's name and patronymic. The teacher comes on stage. The floor is given to parents.

Children sing the song “Goodbye, school” to the tune of “It’s getting quieter in the stands...”.

Our class is getting quieter

You can even hear the beating of hearts.

Goodbye, elementary school,

This school is a road of miracles.

We are sad, we cry, parting,

Remembering happy days

How did we come here as kids?

And how we left you.

Friends break up

Tenderness remains in the heart,

Let's take care of our friendship

Goodbye, see you again.

In this class you and I dreamed,

We were led along the path of knowledge.

Here we met our friends,

Here we made discoveries.

Don't be sad, our beloved teacher,

We will come running to you again, and more than once,

Let others come to replace us,

We are the only ones like you.
