Ex-girlfriend of will. Pavel Volya's ex-girlfriend spoke about motherhood

The showman took his beloved to the Red Sea to “make children”

The showman took his beloved to the Red Sea to “make children”

One of the funniest and cutest couples in Russian show business - 31-year-old Comedy Club participant Pavel VOLYA and 25-year-old TV presenter Maria KRAVTSOVA - after a high-profile breakup, she tried to arrange her personal life separately for a year and a half. But both never met new love, we decided once again to try to build a family together. This time it's official.

"Glamorous Bastard" Pavel Volya and TV presenter Maria Kravtsova, better known as Marika, met at a Comedy Club performance. Seeing an attractive, smiling girl among the audience, Pavel boldly approached her to meet her after filming.

“I didn’t know who she was,” Volya said. “The entire time I was standing on stage, I literally could not take my eyes off her. And she looked at me, batting her eyelashes and smiling with all her teeth. I was blown away!

At first we were friends

At that time, Pavel had just broken up with his girlfriend and couldn’t even think about new ones. serious relationship. Marika herself was also licking her wounds after breaking up with the hockey star Pavel Bure, whom I dated for several years. By the way, it was Express Gazeta that first wrote about the relationship between Marika and Pasha.

Bure and I had good moments, - Marika recalls. - But he did not occupy a special place in my life - Pasha was just one of my many men.

After meeting, Volya offered to give Maria a ride home, the girl agreed, but admitted that she was hungry and asked to stop at a restaurant first. This is how their first happened romantic dinner. Pavel refused alcohol that evening because he was driving, and Masha decided to support her new acquaintance.

- Oh, we behaved very decently! - Maria recalls. - Somehow we immediately got into a friendly mood. I immediately really liked Pavlik - he was so positive and wise beyond his age. He was telling something and laughing to the point of tears, which brought me to some kind of hysterical laughter.

According to the guys, after that they were just friends - they gave each other gifts, called each other on the phone every day, chatted and laughed a lot. And then Volya unexpectedly invited the girl to go with him to Seychelles. It was there that Kravtsova and Volya kissed for the first time. Returning to Moscow, the couple decided to live together. This news immediately spread in the press, and a photo hunt began for the stars.

There were paparazzi sitting in cars near the house,” says Masha. - We left the house and felt with our skin that they were looking at us. Journalists came up with some tall tales about me and Pasha. It was difficult, but we overcame all the challenges together.

Pavel Volya and Maria Kravtsova lived together for more than four years.

Love with Zhanna

When Masha was offered filming in the new project “Five Apart,” they began to gossip that Kravtsova had turned on her handsome co-host Artema Korolev. Then Volya began going to the set with Masha to control her friend. And suddenly Pavel himself was “caught” in the company of his partners in the film “Plato”, where Volya plays main role. But star couple survived these blows of fate. When all the gossip died down like thunder clear skies There was news that Pasha and Masha... broke up. For a long time both refused to comment on their breakup until Kravtsova admitted: “Our relationship did not develop, it reached a dead end. Nothing connects us with Pasha now.”

They gossiped in the party that Volya really wanted a family and children, but Marika thought it was too early for her to have a baby and was going to make a career.

After breaking up with Pasha, Masha couldn’t find herself, the couple’s friends Olga and Vadim tell us. - She made mistakes, rushed from one extreme to another, and probably regrets a lot today.

Some psychologists believe that the most ardent love lasts three to four years, says Kravtsova. - I partly agree with this. At some point, the thrill of the sensation ends. But, in addition to love and passion, there must be respect and mutual understanding. To maintain all this, you have to be tolerant...

Red sea of ​​passion

For a year and a half of separation, neither Maria nor Pasha ever met a worthy replacement for each other. Both recalled pleasant days and wonderful nights spent together. The couple's friends knew this. One day, a music channel invited Marika to become the host of an outdoor party. But having learned that her ex-lover would become her co-host, the girl flatly refused - it was too hard for her to see Pasha. The disappointed showman had to host the beach party alone. After filming the program, Volya, also tormented by memories of Mashenka, decided to try to talk to her frankly and arrived at her house after midnight with a huge bouquet of peach roses.

“I was so stunned when I saw him,” the girl recalls, “that I said something like: “Pasha, let’s get married, or leave and don’t torture me!”

Having made peace after a year and a half breakup, Masha and Pavel signed at the nearest regional registry office. The couple did not spend money on the wedding - the newlyweds decided to arrange for themselves a first-class Honeymoon and went on a kite safari in the Red Sea.

“I’m 25, and I think I’m ready to start a family,” says Maria. - I’m finally ready to fulfill Pasha’s dream - to become a father. Actually, starting from this trip, we stopped using protection.

“I want a lot of children,” Volya always said. - I'm sure I will have them! I will generally be the most gorgeous father in the world.

He is also supported by Marika, who said in a recent interview: “One hundred percent I will be a wonderful mother!” Let's hope that the young couple's dream will come true this year.

27-year-old TV presenter and designer hides her businessman husband

They first started talking about Marika (then Masha KRAVTSOVA) when she, 16 years old, appeared in our correspondent’s photo hugging hockey player Pavel BURE. This was 11 years ago. Then the athlete invited Express Gazeta to visit him, where he introduced his young lover. After this, the attractive girl began to appear at social events and on the covers of magazines. The unexpected fame turned Masha's head, and she and Pasha quickly parted. But this didn’t really upset her - there were so many handsome, wealthy and gallant suitors around that her eyes ran wild...

Soon after Bure, casino owner Vadim Sosin appeared in Marika’s life, who had long been “suspected” as the father of actress Alika Smekhova’s son. Rumors about the secret wedding of Kravtsova and a businessman were even actively circulating in the party, but the matter did not actually reach the registry office - the far-sighted beauty considered it unnecessary, because life was just beginning.

The most famous and longest-lasting was Marika’s romance with Comedy Club resident Pavel Volya. But after four years life together they broke up.
- Love is gone, but I can’t live without bright emotions. We probably just overexposed our love. And the relationship reached a dead end,” Marika shared with Express Gazeta a year and a half ago. - Now I'm completely at work.
It is worth noting that even before the final break with Volya, Kravtsova was caught in Ibiza with another resident of “Comedy...” - Viktor Vasiliev, who is now marrying Snatkina.
“The newspapers made a big deal about my affair with Marika,” Victor told us. - We really were in Ibiza. And it so happened that we were placed in one room with a large bed. We were terribly tired, Masha with four suitcases... We looked at each other and realized that we were already such friends that we could easily spend the night in the same room. True, we asked the administrator for two blankets.
A few months later, Marika was caught in a nightclub, where she was intimately snuggling with Pavel Derevianko when he was celebrating his 35th birthday. And at the same time, the TV star admitted:
- I really miss tenderness and sincerity of feelings in my life.
And last summer, Marika, completely immersed in creating a fashion collection, met a sensible businessman. They say Sergei. They say attractive. And this summer the couple is already getting married in one of the most beautiful corners Italy.
Kravtsova carefully hides her husband, explaining that he is not a media person and does not strive for any publicity. And whoever, like her, wants quiet family happiness, illuminated by children's smiles. Having become independent and financially independent, Marika came to the conclusion that she now wants to be not only a wife, but also a mother. But, like a wise woman, she understands that she needs to carefully prepare for this serious step, so she undergoes a full examination at the Moscow Perinatal Center, where the children of many celebrities were born, despite the fact that the cost of a contract for childbirth exceeds a hundred thousand rubles. True, relatives claim that Marika plans to give birth in Italy, where she has a business, so that, as they say, without interruption from production. But it’s too early to think about this.
- Masha - well done! If he really wants something, he always achieves it,” the star’s friends note. “And everything will work out soon with the baby.” And, probably, she and her husband will not stop at one thing.

Marika Kravtsova acquired the pseudonym in 2005, when she made her debut on the MTV-Russia channel as the host of the Euro-top 20 music hit parade.

Maria Kravtsova, also known by her stage name Marika, is a very special girl. During her career, she managed to realize herself in a variety of roles. At first, our today's heroine became known as a model, and later managed to declare herself as a talented designer and TV presenter. IN Lately Marika also managed to appear in the cinema. Therefore, it is now almost impossible to unambiguously determine the type of her activity.

So who is she, this bright Russian beauty? Our article today will help you dot all the i's.

Early years, childhood and family of Maria Kravtsova

Maria Vitalievna Kravtsova was born on February 22, 1985 in Moscow. From childhood, the girl tried to realize herself in a wide variety of creative directions. She studied at a choreographic studio, a music school, and also attended drawing and burning classes!

At the age of twelve, our today’s heroine decided to try herself as a model for the first time. Having collected everything she needed, Marika went to the modeling school of the famous couturier Vyacheslav Zaitsev and, as a result, was able to easily surprise the discerning jury members.

From that moment on, Maria Kravtsova began to diligently build a modeling career. She learned to walk the catwalk correctly, behave naturally in front of the camera, and also use her natural beauty. As a result, very soon the young beauty managed to achieve considerable success as a professional model. After graduating from several high schools as an external student, the girl began to often appear in fashion magazines, appearing on the pages of such publications as “Oops!”, “Cool Girl”, “Harper’s Bazaar” and some others. Once, photos of the young model even appeared in one of issues of Playboy magazine.As a result, by the age of twenty, the girl became an established celebrity.

Maria Kravtsova's career in the world of show business

In the early 2000s, our today’s heroine first appeared on screen, playing the main female role in the video by Sergei Zhukov and the group “Hands Up” - “I’m Eighteen Already.” This filming experience was only the first bright flash in long biography Moscow celebrity.

Maria Kravtsova hung on the phone

Maria Kravtsova at a beauty contest

In 2001, Maria Kravtsova won the title “Vice-Miss Moscow”, thus becoming one of the most beautiful women Russian capital. After that on bright beauty Many well-known modeling agencies in Russia and Europe paid attention. The result of all this was the signing of a number of lucrative advertising contracts with companies such as President, Red Stars, Point and Modus Vivendi’s. Marika worked a lot and often, and therefore, at times, it seemed that not a single event took place in Moscow without her participation. fashion show. The girl walked on the catwalk with such stars as Adriana Lima, Stephanie Semur, Cindy Crawford and Linda Evangelista. For this reason, at a certain point, Maria Kravtsova began to be called a super-model.

Thanks to her amazing performance, two years later our today’s heroine became a nominee for the prestigious Ovation Award in the category “ Best model" During the same period the name star beauty appears in the list of "One Hundred Most beautiful people Moscow." From that moment on, our today's heroine began to often appear among the winners of various Russian awards.

Marika Kravtsova on television

Having reached the highest heights in the world modeling business, Marika began to look for herself, as well as a new bright hobby. Having successfully graduated from the Russian State Humanities University, the girl received a diploma in advertising and PR. However, she still did not go to work by profession. Instead, in 2005, Maria Kravtsova decided to try herself for the first time as a TV presenter, appearing in this capacity in the Euro-top 20 program on the MTV channel. The debut turned out to be very successful. The new presenter became a real favorite of the audience, and therefore VJ Marika soon became well known in the world of music television.

Masha Kravtsova in the club

IN different years as a presenter, our today’s heroine appeared in such projects as “Style Guide”, “Five Away”, “Night Flirt”, “Elementary Sex”, “Baby Riot”, as well as some others. Since 2010, Marika has successfully hosted the program “Shopaholic,” which is also very popular with viewers. In parallel with her work on television, Masha also successfully acted in films. As a rule, the girl played only cameo roles in various films, and also appeared in the form of episodic characters. However, quite large screen works are also found in her filmography. A striking example of this is the comedy “Luck Island”.

However, that was not all. Having decided to look for new interesting projects for herself, at the end of 2007 the girl presented her personal brand “Masha Kravtsova” to the public. A few months later, in 2008, Marika pleased her fans with the first line fashionable clothes, which received the provocative title “Yes..Yes..Yes..More!” After this, Maria Kravtsova began to often work as a wardrobe designer. Most of the collections of ex-models were presented to the public as part of Russian Fashion Week. To date, the talented Muscovite has created and released eight fashion lines.

Marika Kravtsova today

Currently, Maria Kravtsova successfully combines many favorite activities. She works as a model, designer, TV presenter, and also acts in films and voices cartoons. The versatility of this talented girl is truly amazing. And therefore it is very, very difficult not to sympathize with her.

Personal life of Maria Kravtsova

For a long time, Maria Kravtsova dated the famous Russian showman Pavel Volya. Their romance lasted for several years and was very touching and heartfelt. Despite the fact that the celebrity relationship was interrupted in 2010, Marika and Pavel still remain good friends.

In mid-2012, Maria Kravtsova secretly got married in Italy. Her chosen one was a certain businessman named Sergei.

Fans of the talent of Pavel Volya, one of the most popular artists of the popular Comedy Club, can breathe a sigh of relief, because what they secretly dreamed of for so long has finally become a reality - Pavel “Snowball” and Marika - TV presenter of the MTV channel (real name Maria Kravtsova) got married. The personal life of Pavel Volya has always been of interest to both journalists and fans of the talent of the Comedy Club resident. True, the guys tried to make this event as intimate as possible, and even nowhere on the Internet there is still no information about which of the capital’s registry offices the wonderful celebration took place, but they went on a honeymoon to the Red Sea “in full” . It is interesting that not long before this wonderful moment the couple broke up, and the young people lived separately from each other, but at one fortunate moment everything changed dramatically. Once, having met Marika on one of the filming sessions, Pavel first talked to her, and then at night drove up to her house with a huge bouquet of roses in a soft peach shade. It is clear that Marika was shocked and told Pavel that she was already tired of such a relationship, and that he should either leave completely, or they should get married!

Who became the chosen one, truly worthy of such a guy? Marika is already twenty-five years old, and she is already quite seriously capable of understanding the meaning of the sacred bonds of marriage. According to the girl, now she is quite mature to create a full-fledged family, and Pavel dreams of becoming a father. However, for now, unfortunately, all rumors about the TV presenter’s pregnancy remain just rumors. Of course, Marika would really like to have her own children, but she is not going to have them in the near future and treats all rumors on this topic with humor. Now the young wife already has a lot to do, because in addition to the project “Dancing Without Rules” and the show “Five in Breakaway” on TNT, she often appears at numerous social events and the pages of glossy magazines. And if in childhood Marika was actively involved in choreography, as well as classical and ballroom dancing, then today her favorite hobby is sports training (the girl devotes a lot of free time, it would seem, not at all feminine look sports - boxing, as well as swimming and gym classes). It was sport that became one of the ways for her to relieve excess tension and stress. Another girl, Pavel Volya, loves to sometimes stay at home alone and watch television series, having purchased a lot of groceries in advance, but in no case are action films or thrillers. Marika also loves to eat delicious food, so following a diet is not her thing. It’s interesting that as a child, Marika was more friendly with boys, ran around garages with them and was a real tomboy. It was also very easy to throw her off balance due to excessive emotionality and temper. Now she has become wiser, and prefers not to get irritated over trifles and not to quarrel over nothing with others, she has learned to restrain her emotions.

Hard work became for her the main secret of success, because a talented and hard-working person is always, according to Marika, able to achieve what he passionately strives for. The girl also highly values ​​the respect and affection of her colleagues. A man, if he is poorly brought up, behaves incorrectly towards women, is unkemptly dressed, is rude, would never be able to attract her attention. Marika herself prefers a more classic style of clothing, which should also be convenient and comfortable, but not necessarily designer. It is no coincidence that Pavel not only married Marika, but also recently gave her a fancy snowboard. It was this projectile that the girl mastered quite recently and quite successfully. Therefore, the gift could not have come at a better time. This is what it is, the personal life of Pavel Volya.

Famous people usually do not like to talk about their personal lives. But the heroes of our history have set a record in terms of conspiracy: they have already more than a year they hide their relationship

and pretend like they barely know each other. However, “YES!-Stars” managed to find out all the details

love story of MTV VJ Marika and comedy club resident Pasha Volya. But do not tell anyone…

The beauty, model, TV presenter Marika (Maria Kravtsova) and then just gaining popularity ex-Kaveen member Pasha Volya met a year and a half ago on the set of Comedy Club. Friends invited Masha to a new comedy show. She sat in the studio, sipping a cocktail, and watched with interest what was happening on stage. Soon a thin young man appeared in front of the microphone, introducing himself as a “glamorous scumbag.” His gaze quickly ran through the rows of spectators, lingering a little longer than usual on one of the girls. On the next program, this girl appeared again. But only at the official invitation of the program organizers. Pavel Snezhok did not let her relax for a minute, every now and then making jokes about Masha. It is unlikely that anyone at that moment, seeing Marika at a table near the stage, could have thought that a new feeling might have arisen in the heart of the charming blonde...
After the broadcast, the MTV beauty repeatedly said that she became very friendly with the guys from Comedy Club and fell in love with them. And she also blabbed: it turns out that from an early age she was drawn to hooligans, to “scum,” in a word... And to the question: “What excites you most about men?” Masha frankly admitted: “Intelligence. Since childhood, I’ve been partial to bad boys, but when a guy also has a sharp mind and a great sense of humor... it’s hard to resist.” It seems that these were very specific hints... For six months, the young people looked closely at each other - they became friends: Masha became a frequent guest on the set of Comedy, Pasha’s car was often noticed near the MTV office. In one of the interviews, Marika said: “There is such a friendship... between a guy and a girl, which clearly looks like something more... This is a very delicate, pleasant period in a relationship. Although I feel like a fool in such a situation, I don’t know what to say, how to behave...” Now it’s completely clear who Marika meant when she mentioned “strange friendship.” For the first time they started talking about the romance between Volya and Kravtsova after the “Comedy on Paphos” festival, organized by Pasha. The atmosphere of romance made the lovers forget that on the island, just like in dusty Moscow, paparazzi are constantly walking around. As a result, in addition to touching photographs, a lot of rumors appeared. However, Marika still stubbornly insists that she is lonely, and Pasha, maintaining the image of a “glamorous scumbag,” dreams of all the girls on the planet at once... Nevertheless New Year the couple met together. And then she went on a trip to Cuba, where the lovers watched cockfights, swam with dolphins and wandered along the night shore. Pasha and Masha love to surprise each other. On Marika’s last birthday, Volya awarded his friend comic orders of all degrees of honor: she received cups with the inscriptions “To the Champion of my heart,” “ To the best girl Moscow and the Moscow region” with the signature of Yu. M. Luzhkov and “The best girl in Russia” - V. V. Putin. The Comedy in Sicily festival is approaching, and it’s easy to guess who Pasha’s companion will be...
