What does a phraseological unit mean in seventh heaven? What is the seventh heaven and how high is it located?

In a comic form it means the highest peak of happiness. It is mainly used together with this word - happiness. And also with the verbs “to be”, “to be”, “to achieve”, “to appear”, etc.

To find out the origin of this phraseological unit, you need to plunge into ancient Greek history.

History of origin

There once lived a philosopher, Aristotle, who believed that the components of the sky were crystal spheres; there were exactly seven of them in number and stars and planets lay on them. But the seventh heaven was precisely the abode of spirits and angels, a semblance of paradise. This is the one highest point which can be achieved human soul after death, because the living are prohibited from going there.

Many assume that Aristotle’s role in the emergence of this expression is completely insignificant, since the Slavs also had the concept of heaven in heaven, and the number seven has always appeared in Russian folklore and carried a sacred meaning.

But be that as it may, this phraseological unit means highest degree satisfaction, happiness is not ordinary, but that which brings the highest pleasure, so the seventh heaven is not so easy to achieve.

“Rogozhin himself turned into one motionless
sight. He could not tear himself away from Nastasya Filippovna, he was drunk, he was
in seventh heaven" (F. Dostoevsky).

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Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

On the seventh sky

The expression, meaning the highest degree of joy, happiness, bliss, goes back to the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC), who in his essay “On Heaven” explains the structure of the firmament. He believed that the sky consists of seven motionless crystal spheres on which the stars and planets are established. The seven heavens are mentioned in various places in the Quran; the Koran itself was allegedly brought by an angel from the seventh heaven.

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.


See what “In Seventh Heaven” is in other dictionaries:

    ON THE SEVENTH SKY- who to be; feel absolutely, infinitely happy; in a state of bliss. This means that a person, or less often a group of people (X), experiences a state of deep emotional satisfaction and harmony. Spoken with approval. speech standard. ✦ X... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    on the seventh sky- Unism. Infinitely happy, very satisfied. Most often with verb. nesov. and owls kind: to be, to feel... how? on the seventh sky; in seventh heaven from what? out of joy, out of happiness... Raisky was surrounded by his peers... forced to draw, painted himself, brought... Educational phraseological dictionary

    - (to be) the highest degree of joyful excitement Wed. Rogozhin turned into one motionless gaze. He couldn’t tear himself away from Nastasya Filippovna, he was intoxicated, he was in seventh heaven. Dostoevsky. Idiot. 1, 16. Wed. What a seventh heaven I was now... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    In the skies, there, behind the clouds, in the heights, happy, high Dictionary of Russian synonyms. in seventh heaven adverb, number of synonyms: 5 on high (4) ... Synonym dictionary

    On the seventh sky- Razg. Express Infinitely happy, deeply satisfied. Rogozhin himself turned into one motionless gaze. He couldn’t tear himself away from Nastasya Filippovna, he was drunk, he was in seventh heaven (Dostoevsky. Idiot) ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    On the seventh sky- wing. sl. The expression, meaning the highest degree of joy, happiness, bliss, goes back to the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC), who in his essay “On Heaven” explains the structure of the firmament. He believed that the sky consists of seven... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    Adj., number of synonyms: 45 delirious (37) complacent (25) ... Synonym dictionary

    Adj., number of synonyms: 44 delirious (37) complacent (25) ... Synonym dictionary

    To be crazy, not to hear your feet, to fly into space, to be on top of bliss, to get high, to taste bliss, to experience pleasure, to have fun, to feel in seventh heaven, not to hear your feet beneath you, to rejoice, not to hear the earth,... ... Synonym dictionary

    The original source of the essay “About Heaven” ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC), who speaks in it about the structure of the firmament. He believed that the sky consists of seven motionless crystal spheres on which the stars and... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions


  • The Case of the Black Raven, Natalia Kuznetsova. Leshka is in seventh heaven - finally his and Romka’s friend Artem has returned from England and they are about to spend a great summer! But along with Artem came his new friends: Nikita and Garik.… eBook
  • Princess of the Golden Mountain, Daria Kalinina. Second Honeymoon with your dearly beloved spouse on board a snow-white ship - you can only dream about this! Marisha was in seventh heaven. But again she is being pursued by someone...

Origin of the expression "over the moon"

On the seventh heaven. According to the cosmogony of the ancient Greek scientist and encyclopedist Aristotle, the sky is divided into seven spheres. They contain different celestial bodies, stars, constellations, planets. And by the farthest sphere, the philosopher, in fact, meant paradise and eternal bliss. This is where the souls of the dead go. A person can experience a state close to an excess of happiness while alive, and then they remember this very “seventh heaven.”


  • I will tell you. The ancient Slavs have such concepts as reality and nav, rule, these are concepts of the material world and immaterial worlds, dark nav is non-existence. it’s just darkness, and rule this is an immaterial world for the righteous, that is, living according to conscience, the Slavs also had two consciences, but this is a completely different story, so rule this is heaven, there are only seven of them, but the ancient Slavs knew only four levels of the non-material world.
  • thank you)))
  • This expression can also be fulfilled on earth. Man is born to prepare himself to meet and live in heaven with Jesus. When you meet Him on earth in prayer, you experience peace, tranquility, tranquility, inexpressible happiness from communicating with Him.
  • It is surprising that Aristotle has something to do with this expression. 7 is a lucky number for the Slavs. 7 days of the week, 7 notes. At the heart of the universe, the number seven clearly plays an important role.
  • Simple as that. That's why seven is a lucky number. All this means heaven and eternal bliss. Dont know. Now I know.
  • It’s surprising that the ancients, without any high technology, already knew a lot about the structure of the sky, etc. I also meant that this expression meant like in heaven. Those. something very, very good.

Meaning IN THE SEVENTH HEAVEN (BE) in the Phraseology Guide


experience great joy, happiness, bliss. The turnover is associated with ancient ideas about the structure of the world, described by Aristotle in his essay “On Heaven.” Aristotle believed that the sky consisted of seven motionless crystal spheres on which the stars and planets were fixed. According to another version: the expression is associated with ideas about the sky as seven rotating crystal spheres-heaven. On the upper sphere farthest from the Earth is paradise.

Handbook of phraseology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is IN THE SEVENTH HEAVEN (BE) in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • BE V Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , present no (except for 3 liters singular there are also obsolete and bookish 3 liter plural parts); was, was,...
  • BE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    would be, is, will be, is, will be, is, will be, is, will be, will be, is, will be, is, the essence, will be, would be, would be, would "lo, would" be, would be, would be, ...
  • BE in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    Syn: to appear, to be, to remain (verbal, high), to exist, to be present, to be present (book), to exist...
  • BE in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: to appear, to be, to remain (established, high), to exist, to be present, to be present (book), to exist (publ. ...
  • BE in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    exist, constitute, appear, figure, be present, be, lie, show off, be found, exist, have a place, be found, nest, hide, remain, continue, stay, hide, come across, ...
  • BE
    Syn: to appear, to be, to remain (high definition), to exist, to be present, to be present (book), to exist...
  • BE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • BE in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • BE full spelling dictionary Russian language:
    to be, is, essence; past was, was, was; bud. will, …
  • BE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    to be, is, essence; past was, was, was; bud. I'll be...
  • BE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    happen, happen Yesterday there was a thunderstorm. B. trouble. There was no meeting. be Used as part compound predicate. + The son will be a doctor. ...
  • BE in Dahl's Dictionary:
    being, existence, etc. see happen...
  • BE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    present no, except 3 l. units h. is also outdated. 3 l. pl. h. the essence is in certain meanings. (see these...
  • BE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    nesov. nepereh. 1) a) As a semantically independent verb it means: 1) to exist, to exist; 2) to be present b) to be located, to be located somewhere; c) colloquial ...
  • BE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • BE in the Bolshoi Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language:
    nesov. nepereh. 1. As a semantically independent verb it means 1) to exist, to be 2) to be present somewhere 3) to be located, to be located somewhere 4) to visit...
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"Being in seventh heaven" meaning phraseology and the history of its origin are given in this article.

“Being in seventh heaven” phraseological unit

Be in seventh heaven- to rejoice, to feel extraordinary pleasure, to feel boundless happiness.

"Being in Seventh Heaven" origin

We often talk about this great joy, but not everyone knows where this expression came from and what exactly it meant before. And this expression is very ancient. Also Aristotle, the great Greek scientist and philosopher of the 4th century. BC e., adopted it in the essay “O Heaven.” Explaining how the vault of heaven works (in ancient times they thought that the sky was a hard shell that covered the earth), Aristotle expressed a new idea for that time: the sky is seven unshakable crystal hemispheres nested within each other. Each celestial “sphere” has stars and planets attached to it. The seventh heaven is high. So, imagining yourself in seventh heaven is the same as being at the peak of happiness.

"Being in Seventh Heaven" examples

Matyash was in seventh heaven (Sobko, Granit, 1937, p. 92);

A baby stirred under his heart... And the father was in seventh heaven and declared with the pride of a neighbor: “My son will be no worse than yours” (Kolo-mest, Red Poppies, 1961, p. 22).

Oleg has already run for parliament twice and was always elected unanimously. Nikodim Dynka (father) was on the seventh sky(M. Zarudny)

When Markevich played with the violinist and erased Lipinsky's concerto, Taras felt on the seventh sky(A. Ivanenko)

It was clear from everything that he was now on the seventh sky. Up to the cheekbones on the emaciated, skin-covered face lit up (V. Rechmedin).

Now you know what the phraseological unit “to be in seventh heaven” means and why we say so.
