Character based on facial features: thin lips will indicate a gossip, a hooked nose will indicate an egoist. Character of a person based on the shape of his nostrils

The shape of the nose is what we pay attention to intuitively. A large nose catches the eye and alarms, while an extraordinary nose attracts the eye. Upturned encourages not to take a person seriously. Let's talk in more detail about what types of noses there are and what they can say about a person.

Based on an analysis of a person’s appearance, one can determine his character traits. This is the science of physiognomy. It has ancient roots. This term was also used by Hippocrates in his writings. Physiognomy believes that the shape of the nose can determine the success of a person.

The main indicators for comparing the character and shape of the nose are its size, length, width, type of nostrils, as well as the presence of other features (hump, ridge)

According to physiognomy, the shape of the nose can say a lot about its owner. Science focuses on its proportionality and harmony in relation to other parts of the face. What does the shape of the nose say?

Let's look at the pictures to see what types of noses there are:

What is the perfect nose?

Can be found different shapes, but the most correct, in other words, the ideal shape of the nose has been identified:

A long, bony one indicates traits such as quarrelsomeness, arrogance and pride.

If this part of the face is long and straight, the person is logical and consistent. One can envy him in his ability to plan things.

If the tip is prominent, such a person is a storehouse of secrets, but others may not worry about disclosing them. The personality is also distinguished by insight, loves and respects money

This nose shape can say a lot of interesting things about your personality, but not very pleasant ones. An aquiline nose belongs to a vain, ambitious person. The shape is memorable, but not everyone likes it - the female sex is intuitively wary of men with such noses. However, with a small size, the protruding part of the face looks quite attractive


Denotes jealousy, pettiness. But a short nose of medium width will indicate such personality traits as impulsiveness and openness. Its owner is an active, serious person


The nose belongs to people who are sociable, trusting and optimistic. Such traits indicate a person’s responsiveness, but at the same time touchiness. As a rule, such people have good taste

Potato nose

Characterizes a kind-hearted person. He loves comfort and a friendly environment

How to determine character by the bridge of the nose?

This top part nose under the bridge of the nose. It is also a rather interesting element of the face and, it turns out, can tell about important characteristics personality.

Hump ​​(wavy back)

She reveals the uniqueness of her personality. According to physiognomy, a hump is, first of all, self-control inherent in a person. In general, the character of the owner of such a nose is characterized by creative inclinations. These people love new ideas and creativity in everything. They consider themselves experts in all areas.

If the hump is located closer to the tip of the prominent part of the face, the person is capable of rapid changes of strength, mobilization, and knows how to defend himself. The hump in the center is a defining feature of noble people who love to be heroes and protect the weak. When the “decoration” is located closer to the bridge of the nose, its owner is cocky, aggressive, and always ready to fight back.

Convex back

Owners of this element do not tolerate being commanded. They like to work alone, are hardy and efficient.

The back is wide and high

This nose is called Greek. As for the owner of such a nose, we can say that he is distinguished by an iron will. Often such men and women are leaders; they know exactly what they want. Stubborn.

What can the tip of the nose say about personality?

The tip of the nose is an element that cannot be ignored when analyzing facial features.

Cocked This is impulsiveness and impressionability of a person. If it is pulled up too tightly, the person always cares about other people's secrets
Raised up and pointed His owner probably has difficulty saving money and is quite wasteful
Bent down Suspiciousness and prudence of the individual. But such people get along well with finances
The tip, bent to the bottom, is pointed You should be careful when communicating with such a person. This form speaks of selfishness and cruelty
The tip of the nose is shaped like an eagle beak Means cunning and vindictiveness
Drooping nose tips They may indicate sexual preoccupation or excessive interest in sex issues
Forked nose tip (with a pit) They mean a seeking person. She can often change jobs in the desire to achieve emotional satisfaction in her activity. This person is usually shy
Pointed nose tip Tendency to self-control. Often such people have talent in musical art


Protruding or too small nostrils are no less striking than the shape of the protruding part of the face.

Small nostrils characterize their owner as a thrifty person. Usually he is careful about finances and does not believe that they can be enough.

Large ones, on the contrary, indicate that the person is generous and ambitious. But at the same time, he can be vindictive and arrogant. If the nostrils are flared or huge, the person often takes on a lot. A person can go to extremes and take on too much responsibility.

Round nostrils, as a rule, mean generosity and high dedication. Rectangular ones reflect conservatism, and the fact that a person is in harmony with money. Triangular ones will speak of stinginess, extreme frugality.

Narrow and long nostrils mean that a person likes to provide emotional support to others.

Which one is more beautiful?

Facial features, including the shape of the nose, are inherited. Men, as a rule, do not think about their beauty and correctness. But women attach great importance to this great importance. A prominent, large nose or with a hump can cause embarrassment and complexes in women. However, extraordinary, for example, eagle or greek nose makes the appearance more memorable, and even adds charm.

The preferred nose shape for men is a hooked or straight nose, as well as a Greek nose. Representatives of the stronger sex value extraordinary forms more than ideal ones. In addition, it is believed that a large nose is an indicator of sexual temperament.

Today with development plastic surgery Changing the appearance of your nose is not difficult. You can become the owner of its correct shape or any one you like. But the question arises: will this change a person’s character traits? Although appearance affects inner world and qualities of character, the happiness of each of us and harmony with the world still depend on more complex internal factors. Human character is, first of all, the depth and breadth of the soul. Love and appreciate yourself, no matter what flaws you find in your appearance!

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 15 minutes


One of the landmarks in the science of physiognomy is human nose. It is clear that for a complete picture it is necessary to use its connection with all facial features. How can you determine a person’s character by the shape of his nose?

Character of a person according to the length of the nose

You could say the starting point in defining character. Ideal length this part of the face is considered to be one third of the entire length of the face . A nose exceeding this length is long , not reaching it - short .

  • A long nose. Common features: balance. The desire for power. Sexual activity. Pride, refined taste and a great sense of humor. Activity, seriousness, responsibility. Stubbornness.
  • Short nose. Common traits: flexible character, impulsiveness, openness and attractiveness. The incentive in love is approval, in work - praise. Open soul, optimism.
  • Large and long nose. Common traits: willfulness, stubbornness, high requirements to the people around you.

Nose shape and human character

Convex nose

Character Traits:

  • Efficiency.
  • Inability to easily express your emotions, feelings of happiness, inner joy.
  • Aggressiveness in pursuit of financial well-being.

sunken nose

Character Traits:

  • The exact opposite of the owner of a convex nose.
  • Ease of expressing emotions.
  • Peace of mind regarding your financial situation.
  • Generosity of soul, which manifests itself both in relation to feelings and in the spending of finances.

Narrow nose

Character Traits:

  • Treating love like difficult work– tense and responsible.
  • High efficiency.
  • The ability to value your own and other people's time.

Flat and wide nose

Character Traits:

  • Prudence, coldness when making serious decisions. Especially regarding money.
  • Perfect mastery of the art of love.
  • Loyalty to a loved one.
  • Devotion to family.
  • Good nature.
  • Unpretentiousness.
  • Sometimes sloppiness.

Straight and smooth nose

Character Traits:

  • Indifference to the “high,” earthiness.
  • Materialistic mindset.

In combination with blue eye:

  • Constantly striving for the unattainable.
  • Inflated requests.

Fleshy nose

Character Traits:

  • Charm and kindness. Thrift.
  • Emotionality, bad luck.
  • Loyalty and devotion to family.
  • Easy-going, love of travel.
  • Increased sexuality.

Greek nose

Character Traits:

  • Integrity, leadership, dictatorship.
  • Pride, independence.
  • Ruthlessness towards liars, devotion to friends.
  • Control over family budget, but lack of greed.
  • Sarcasticity, love of money.

Snub nose

Character Traits:

  • Sociability, kindness, generosity.
  • Touchiness, painful pride.
  • Decency, loyalty, accuracy in everything.
  • Intolerance to intrigue and gossip.
  • Charm, cheerfulness.
  • Attentiveness to spouses.
  • Great taste.

Potato nose

Character Traits:

  • Slowness and phlegmatism.
  • Sickness in childhood.
  • Hot temper.
  • Directness. Intolerance to lies, squabbles and gossip.
  • Success with the opposite sex.
  • Slowness.

Hawk nose

Character Traits:

  • Kindness, promiscuity in partners, increased sexuality.
  • Flammability in relationships.
  • Imbalance, gambling.
  • Unpredictability and conflict.
  • Intolerance to criticism, lies, new circumstances, injustice.
  • Energetic, easy-going.
  • Love to beautiful clothes, comfort and decoration.

Hawk nose with a hump and raised nostrils

Character Traits:

  • Analytic mind.
  • Aptitude for psychology and politics.
  • Peace of mind regarding your financial situation.
  • Demanding behavior towards the opposite sex.
  • Erudition.


Character Traits:

  • Sharp mind, excellent memory.
  • Easy attitude towards money (spenders).
  • Wit, sociability.
  • Pickiness and tediousness in the family.
  • Hot temper, laziness.
  • Leniency even towards enemies.
  • Moderation in sex.
  • Grumpiness in old age.
  • Superstition and gullibility.

Pointed nose

Character Traits:

  • Intractability and persistence.
  • Sharpness, categoricalness, persistence.
  • The desire for leadership, condescension towards the weaknesses of others.

Determine a person's character by the tip of the nose

Character of a person based on the shape of his nostrils

It is impossible to say for sure whether the shape of the nose really has an impact on a person's life. And in particular, will the character change if the hump or “fleshyness” is removed from the nose? There is an opinion that, changing the shape of the nose (or, for example, the name given at birth), we we change our destiny . And it is unknown - for better or for worse.

Incredible facts

Without exaggeration, the nose is the most prominent part of our face.

It is this part of the body that is the key element of our face, which plays a very important role in determining the appearance of a person as a whole.

The nose can both decorate us and spoil our appearance.

Nose shape

Noses can be different: long, short, hump-shaped or potato-shaped.

Each nose shape is unique and different, and can tell a lot about our personality. The shape of the nose reveals a whimsical insight into our inner selves.

Well, you see, it’s very interesting to study your own nose and analyze what it says about your character traits and other aspects of life.

So, find your nose type in the descriptions below and see how accurate your personality analysis is!

Character by nose shape

Small nose

A small and neat nose should not be misleading. Yes, as a rule, owners of this nose shape have a light and cheerful disposition.

But sometimes this friendliness can disappear, and those around you are faced with a real beast. Lightness and kindness are their nature, but sometimes they can lose their composure and then they become truly crazy.

In other words, despite their apparent calmness and peacefulness, owners of neat noses can be scary when angry. In addition, their partners should be aware of their very unusual preferences in bed.

A long nose

If you have a long straight nose, it means the following: you are someone who was born to be a leader.

You have a great feeling business activity, innate high ambitions, keen instincts and a developed instinct to conquer heights. You easily create your own path to success.

The most big problems often happen to you precisely because you are a strong and independent person.

A big nose

The bridge of this nose shape can be either short or long. However, the nostrils tend to be wide on large noses.

Nose size is directly related to feelings of strength, drive, leadership, ego and desire to work.

Holders big nose endowed with an independent and strong mind. It is difficult for such people to obey anyone. Therefore, it is much easier for them to work for themselves. In addition, they hate small conversations that lead nowhere.

Button nose

A button nose is the cutest and cutest nose shape out there.

Women with a button nose are usually gifted with a rich imagination. They usually take pride in the shape of their nose. They are caring, loving, optimistic and kind natures.

However, not everything is so smooth in their character. People with this nose shape are also known to be emotionally unstable. They are usually suppressed by people with stronger and more developed willpower and domineering character.

Large fleshy nose

This definition mainly includes noses that have a narrow base and gradually widen towards the tip.

People with this nose shape are usually people who are very fast in everything they do. They think quickly and act even faster!

These are active people who do not spend a lot of time thinking about something, but immediately begin to implement plans. Sometimes they seem too aggressive to others.

But they are also caring and sensitive partners towards their significant other.

Greek nose

The Greek nose is a completely straight nose that has fairly narrow nostrils.

People with the so-called Greek profile are very intelligent and developed natures, guided primarily by their own logic.

They are naturally very intelligent and therefore reliable. You can fully count on the fact that they will always provide a reliable shoulder and help you out in any difficult situation.

Roman nose

This is a nose that has a slight hump that attracts the attention of others. People with this nose shape tend to be particularly stubborn and ambitious by nature.

They can even influence others in simple words and they do it perfectly. The organizational skills and leadership qualities of those with a Roman profile are certainly noteworthy!

Nubian nose shape

Like a long nose, the Nubian nose has a wide base that makes its wearer stand out.

A classic example of someone with this nose shape is ex-president USA - Barack Obama.

These people are usually emotional, bright and very inquisitive. They are attractive and charismatic, have an open mind, are excellent communicators and can handle problems with ease.

"Heavenly" nose

The so-called sky nose is characterized by a slight indentation in the middle of the nasal bridge, with the tip turned upside down. This is one of the most attractive nose types.

People with this nose shape are usually lively, optimistic people with an unbridled desire to live and strive for something.

Their warm and sincere nature makes them great and true friends, and they readily take on all the blows of fate.

A small note: those with celestial noses are very adventurous in bed, they like to experiment.

Roman nose

Do you remember what the beak of a hawk or eagle looks like? The so-called eagle nose in humans is very similar to that of a bird.

Slightly curved in the center, with sharply defined edges, this nose shape can be easily recognized among other types.

Holders aquiline nose They are confident in themselves and their abilities, they never ask for anything, preferring to achieve everything themselves. They believe in life and the opportunities it provides them.

These people always stand out among their peers both in appearance and in their character.

Looking at their reflection in the mirror, everyone probably wondered how facial features can tell about a person’s character and behavior. Psychologists have found that by looking at your gentleman's face, you can easily get to know him better, determine his temperament and predict his actions. You just need to look at his nose.

It turns out that there is some connection between the shape of the nose and the character of a man.

    Snub nose.

    A man with this nose shape has a gentle, kind character. You can get great pleasure when communicating with him, as he is easy-going and reliable in many matters. The only drawback is the rare manifestation of initiative. Therefore, the ladies of these men should often guide their chosen one in the right direction.

    Girls with an upturned nose are usually sympathetic and kind optimists who easily move from topic to topic in conversations and are not inclined to take responsibility for anything. Such women are energetic, carefree adventurers with a developed imagination and sparkling fun that attracts men. It is very important for them to feel the support of their family and loved ones.

    Potato nose.

    A man with this nose shape undoubtedly has golden hands; he can build a house and repair a faucet with great success. Imperfection is his carelessness in everyday life. Therefore, you should not be embarrassed to remind him once again so that he does not forget to help you around the house.

    Women with this nose shape are smart and have a good sense of humor. They go towards the goal by overstepping both their own and other people’s emotions.

    Roman nose.

    Owners of this nose shape are, as a rule, the most temperamental; they know how to look after beautifully, and without special labor can win a girl's heart. They can be prudent and stingy. However, if the girl shows a little cunning and affection, the man will undoubtedly shower her with gold.

    Girls with a hooked nose do not care about the opinions of others, they are self-sufficient and will never be bored in splendid isolation. They live and enjoy life.

    Pointed nose.

    A man with such a nose is a very vulnerable person and has difficulty withstanding criticism. A romantic, he knows how to court with refinement and knows exactly the actions that can surprise the lady of his heart.

    Roman nose.

    A person with this nose shape is talented in different areas. He can be both a lyricist and a mechanic at the same time. Good family man. He will willingly take care of his beloved and children. A character flaw is the presence of arrogance.

    Externally, the nose looks like an eagle's. The difference is that its tip is curved down. Men with such noses are sophisticated womanizers who can turn the head of any woman. They love themselves. They know how to increase the self-esteem of their chosen one with their compliments and courtship.

Human character is a great mystery. Some people are kind, others are vulnerable, others are gloomy. And, often, when communicating with a person, it is not immediately possible to understand what he is like, what his main features are. By studying the nose of your loved one, you can get one step closer to unraveling the character and temperament of your chosen one, as well as determine your behavior when communicating with him.

Find out what a person should be like and compare with yours, according to statistics, absolutely ideal forms can not be.

There is an opinion that by the shape of a man’s nose one can supposedly judge the power of his other virtue. Of course, this has little to do with reality. However, it doesn’t matter, but it still has: there are some regularities that make it possible, according to the constitution of the nose, to comprehend the riddle of the name “man”.


If you meet a man with a hooked nose, be on your guard: this is a true macho man. He may not be considered a canonical handsome man, but 99.9% of ladies will not be able to resist the charm of this Don Juan. This type is incredibly sexy and attractive, he will easily win over a girl and just as easily break her heart: after all, on top of everything else, he is extremely loving, and also selfish. You will never be the only one in his life, this man is too hot.


Those with a characteristic hump nose are brutal on the outside and vulnerable on the inside. But these guys definitely won’t write poetry, shower you with compliments and rose petals - they don’t like sentimentality or romantic flair at all. They are more interested and impressed by the physical aspect of the relationship with their partner - in other words, sex is on their mind.


Owners of a Roman nose (straight, long nose with a slightly lowered tip) are a reliable rear for a woman. They are courageous, energetic, stable in relationships and always provide the family with financial well-being thanks to their outstanding analytical skills. In a word, no crisis is scary with such a man. But there is one nuance: in terms of energy, such men are interested in seeing next to them strong woman capable of challenging them. Submissive Gray mouse this man will quickly get bored, and he will again go in search of the Amazon woman.


Men with a wide, fleshy nose are lucky in everything; they are lucky, as they say, both at cards and in love. They easily succeed in everything they undertake, which is why they are often described as having “golden hands.” Sexually, these guys are not too whimsical and active, but any of them will cope well with everyday routine and become an exemplary family man.


The guy with the long nose will give Casanova a run for his money: he’s a real sex machine. He has a master's degree in matters of love and seduction. He will do everything to please the girl, especially in bed - she will remember such a lover for the rest of her life. Kisses, gentle hugs, exciting touches - this man is a virtuoso, he will seduce you before you even have time to blink an eye!
