Ideal nose shape: geometry of beauty. Perfect face

For all its seemingly insignificant size, the nose is the part of the body that makes a significant contribution to the appearance of every person. On the face, it is by far the most striking feature of one's appearance. But, according to physiognomists, in addition to its contribution to appearance, any nose can also tell a lot about the character of its owner.

Structure and types of nose

Before plunging into an analysis of ideals and what this part of a woman’s face can say to adherents of physiognomy, you must first understand exactly what parts it itself consists of. They also form general shape nose and, as a result, a picture of the face of its owner.

Components of the nose:

The nose is characterized by its shape, width, length and the above components, such as the tip, bridge of the nose, and so on. All these signs in their combinations are traced every day in our lives and have ethnic and geographical characteristics that lie in the particularities of their structure. Types of the nose along its back:

  • Straight (characterized by the fact that the bridge of the nose and the tip lie on the same straight line).
  • Concave (this type is characterized by a depression from the bridge of the nose to the tip).
  • Convex (it is characterized by a protrusion between the tip and the bridge of the nose).
  • Wavy (this type is characterized by all sorts of irregularities from the base to the very tip, not always uniform, but smooth).

Ideal shape and size

It is worth considering the criteria for the ideal of this part of the body from the position of physiognomy, because it is the specialists of this science who believe that the location of the nose at the epicenter of three zones is a direct indication that it is a fulcrum by which one can assess the balance of the face as a whole.

And this one this attribute is of great importance when reading faces by specialists. At all times and among different peoples, ideals were different: for example, the Greeks had one, the Chinese had another. One of the oldest monuments of beauty is the sculpture of Aphrodite. The statue is a personification female beauty in general and Greek ideas about the beauty of the nose in particular: smooth, high, with an almost completely absent bridge of the nose.

However, in our times, ideas about the beauty of noses have undergone significant changes. An ideal spout in the modern sense almost impossible without a rounded tip that is not excessively upturned, which slightly closes the openings of the nostrils. At the same time, a slight elevation of the tip of the nose is considered to be a feminine feature. And, naturally, an ideal nose simply cannot tilt either to the right or to the left.

In addition, the ideal nose is in perfect harmony with the rest of the face - with every feature and fold, which makes the overall picture complete. In other words, there is no such thing as scattered beauty, for just as at all times only holistic beauty was sung, so in the modern world no one will sing the praises of only one component part of the face.

Physiognomists also emphasize that a perfect nose is characterized by rooting at its base, that is, it is typical of a small area between the eyes and eyebrows.

Required attributes of the ideal:

  • straight back;
  • rounded and slightly upturned tip;
  • shape, streamlined along its entire length;
  • an angle of 45 degrees between the skin part of the septum between the nostrils and the protruding point of the tip of the nose;
  • an angle of 95 degrees between the septum between the nostrils and the upper lip;
  • symmetrical nostrils and nostril wings with smooth outlines;
  • harmony with the rest of the face.

Visual examples of an ideal nose

However, it is important to keep in mind: The ideal shape of this face detail does not suit everyone. No matter how strange it may sound, it is true. Keep in mind that beauty does not depend on each line or part of the face individually, but on their harmonious combination.

Besides, important role The anthropometric data of a woman, which is far from the face, also play a role, for example, such as her height. A snub nose looks great on short women, while having one on a tall girl will make her nostrils overly conspicuous, which can hardly add to her attractiveness. On large faces it should be correspondingly large, and on small faces, respectively, vice versa.

Determining character by the shape of the nose

According to physiognomy, depending on the shape of a person’s nose, you can not only feel sympathy or antipathy for him, but also learn about his character. It is difficult to judge the degree of reliability of such studies based on parts of the face, but it may be worth familiarizing yourself with the main features that characterize a person based on his nose, and then analyze the reliability based on your own experience. Take a closer look and evaluate your character, as well as those of your loved ones and acquaintances, using the forms presented below.

Classic shape

This shape is easily recognized by its evenness, and a straight line can be drawn from its bridge to its tip.

Holding back emotions from others is common for a woman with such a part of her face. It is this trait of theirs that leads to the fact that they are able to give the impression of strict egoists with a cold disposition. As a rule, these are people of a hardworking character, with whom they always know what they need in life and go towards their goals. Despite the selfish nature of straight-nosed girls in the eyes of others, they usually strive not only to achieve what they want themselves, but also to help their loved ones. It is difficult for such ladies to be confused by life's problems, crises and circumstances. They always try to take care of themselves and take care of themselves no matter what.

Upturned tip

Snub-nosed type, as a rule, straight, with features in the form of an upturned tip and often several widened nostrils

The upturned tip of the nose is characteristic of girls who look at life with sparkling optimism. They are characterized by kindness, a sympathetic and compassionate disposition. Distinctive character traits of those with snub noses are their imagination and energy, which sometimes encourages them to go to extreme lengths. various kinds adventures. In love they are carefree, as, indeed, in many other aspects of life, and often give themselves to it wholeheartedly. Cheerfulness and easy disposition can attract people to them, in particular men, but constancy is not distinguishing feature snub-nosed girls. Taking on any responsibility is a burden for them, and therefore they constantly need the support of friends, family and loved ones.

Roman nose

Straight and large, with a slight hump, which is clearly visible in profile and which smoothly aligns to both edges of the nose.

Owners of the Roman type are distinguished by a strong, to some extent masculine character. They are characterized by an analytical mindset and some aristocracy, ambition and leadership qualities. Impulsiveness and sensitivity to circumstances are alien to them. Owners of a Roman nose get used to calculating their actions in advance, anticipating the consequences and being several steps ahead when it comes to competition. Their resilience and ambition soften the blows of fate both in their careers and in their personal lives, encouraging them to look forward without fear.

In the form of potatoes

Characteristic external feature- a significant difference between the wings of its owner’s nose and the width of the bridge of her nose. Its back can have different lengths, as well as the tip of the nose.

For all the apparent simplicity of girls with potato noses, as well as the superficial impression of the everyday mind of these girls that they make on many, all these hasty conclusions are, as a rule, deceptive and fail upon closer examination of the owners of potato noses and communication with them. Many people can envy the discretion of girls with this nose shape, since they often turn out to be smarter than many other people.

In pursuing their goals, they are distinguished by uncompromisingness, sometimes bordering on tyranny. They rarely think about both other people’s and even their own feelings, which cannot but help negative influence on relationships with others, which often end dramatically. With all this, girls with potato noses are very sociable, have a positive attitude and have an excellent sense of humor.

Eagle nose shape

Many girls are not happy with eagle shape, which is characterized by a straight nose with a slightly curved tip hanging over the lips, but this shape can make woman's face memorable. Often there is a hump on the nose of this shape.

What definitely cannot be taken away from women with an eagle shape is self-sufficiency, which does not even allow them to get bored alone. They know how to enjoy life, but rarely go to extremes. Owners aquiline nose are not subject to the pressure of public opinion, since the opinions of strangers about their way of life do not bother them. They know how to live the way they like, without having to prove to anyone that they are right and enjoying life and themselves. They avoid arguments, which, given their slightly arrogant disposition, is quite natural.

Ways to get the perfect shape

There is no clear answer to this question. So, specialists in the field of surgery will have one answer to this, and make-up artists, given that the nose can be changed purely visually and without surgery, will have another. In addition, the general context of the face against which the shape of the nose changes is of great importance, and correction of certain parts of the nose can be beneficial for some, while the appearance of others can only make things worse.

Rhinoplasty procedure

Rhinoplasty is the name given to surgical manipulation of the nose to give it the desired shape.. This is one of the most difficult cosmetic operations, since the favorable outcome often has some degree of variability.

The operation is directed to those areas of a given part of the face with which the girl is dissatisfied, for example, the wings and tip may be subject to correction, and the operation may also be aimed at removing a hump or eliminating the consequences of injuries. Also, many resort to nose correction surgery to correct defects obtained from a previous operation, that is, they go for rhinoplasty again to correct mistakes from the previous one.

It is important to take the step of nose correction through surgery very seriously., since the consequences do not always live up to expectations. Often surgery is needed to achieve not so much aesthetic as functional goals, for example, such as correcting birth defects. In this matter, it is very important to consult with a reputable specialist, and not only in order to choose the ideal nose shape for yourself. It is important to minimize the risk of possible errors (including on the part of the surgeon).

Visual correction with cosmetics

It doesn’t always make sense to lie down on the operating table when you can correct the outline of your nose while standing in front of a mirror, even if it is only a temporary visual effect. To do this you need to do special makeup, but there is nothing complicated about it.

To visually reduce any area, you need to apply dark powder to it. If the goal is to highlight a particular area, making it more voluminous, then light powder is applied to it. Example: if you want to shorten a long sock, apply dark powder to the base and light powder to the wings.

But the matter is not limited to just cosmetics. You should also select appropriate hairstyles and other image details. For example, voluminous hairstyles can visually reduce this part of the face if it is too large, but you should not make eyebrows too thin - this will shift the emphasis precisely to the most voluminous parts of the face. Women with a hump on a large nose are not recommended to wear bangs.

Try it, experiment with the image of your appearance, and you will definitely come to an understanding of which nose is ideal for you, as well as how exactly to emphasize all its charms and hide its flaws.

ID: 3306 47

The ideal of beauty varies from person to person, sometimes even the opposite. Even for the same person, preferences can change over time. This list was made by me to see if there are people who like the same things as I do.
In tenth place is Milla Jovovich.

As a child, she seemed to me the most beautiful girl in the world. I had notebooks and posters with her image. I liked everything about her: her eyes, her lips, the oval shape of her face, her signature squinting look, which I tried to copy, but most of all her nose - straight, quite large, with fluffy nostrils and a sharp tip. Now she doesn’t seem to me as beautiful as before, but her nose deserves tenth place.
In ninth place is Camilla Belle.

Camilla Belle is a girl of incredible beauty, and I consider her nose to be her most important asset. Large, straight, beautiful, with a narrow back, it was given to her by nature.
In eighth place is Olga Koryagina.

Probably no one remembers who she is anymore. I remember. This former member VIA group GRA. She didn’t stay in the group for long, so she appeared in a couple of videos, but her nose sank into my soul. And now she is in my top.
In seventh place is Barbara Brylska.

A 71-year-old Polish actress and simply a beautiful woman who looks wonderful even at her age, and I think her nose plays an important role in this.
In sixth place is another former member of the VIA GRA group, Tatyana Kotova.

Tatyana is a real beauty, and I’m not the only one who thinks so. Tatyana is the winner of the title “Miss Russia 2006”. This is one of the few times when I agreed with the jury of this competition.
In fifth place is Victoria Radochinskaya.

She participated in the Mrs. World 2009 contest and became its winner. The naturalness of her beauty is questionable, but even if so, her nose is still worthy of attention and fifth place in my top.
In fourth place is Aishwarya Rai.

Perhaps most will not understand me, but once she was at the top of my top, I considered her nose to be the standard. I especially liked the tip and nostrils. But either my tastes have changed, or have become more beautiful girls, and she is now only in fourth place.
In third place is Agnia Ditkovskite.

Her nose has such a thin back and such a sharp tip. This is exactly what my nose is missing. How he decorates her already beautiful face.
In second place is Natalie Portman.

Even with a shaved head, she is as beautiful as a woman with a shaved head can be. She's perfection. She's ideal. Her nose is considered the most desirable on the list of rhinoplasty specimens. And I would agree with this if she had not appeared on the “stage” - the winner of the first place. So…
In first place is Alena Shishkova.

Here she is - the owner perfect nose and eyes and lips. And let all this be the merit of the surgeons, but you must agree that she is wonderful.

Although there are no universal rules, there is a basic principle. All parts of the face (cheeks, nose, eyes, ears, chin, cheekbones and eyebrows) should be in complete harmony with each other.

“Golden ratio” - is achieved when the shape of the face and the size of each part of it are in harmony and correspond to the basic proportions. What are these proportions?

Proportions of an ideal face according to the golden ratio of Leonardo da Vinci

The famous Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci created a model back in the 16th century, in which he reflected his observations and conclusions about the proportions of a correctly built body and face. This is what his drawings looked like:

The essence of its rules is as follows:

The nasolabial angle should be greater than 90 degrees. This nose looks straight.

To measure the parameters of the nose, you will need photographs of the face in profile (preferably a close-up for accurate measurements), a pencil, a ruler and a protractor. Research has shown that the ideal height of the tip of the nose is 67% (2/3) of the length of the dorsum.

The ideal angle formed between the columella and highest point the tip of the nose is 45-46%. This proportion is considered to be in harmony with other parts of the face.

If the nasolabial angle is less than 90 degrees, the nose will appear pubescent. The harmonious nasofrontal angle (the angle between the line of the forehead and the back) is considered to be an angle equal to degrees

The measurement results should not be taken as a direct guide to rhinoplasty. Thus, rhinoplasty can help create a nose of the desired shape. But will it be harmonious with your facial features? Will other abnormalities, such as deep-set or narrow-set eyes, thin or too thin eyes, be aggravated? plump lips, obvious nasolabial folds, etc.

Modern scientists have defined facial harmony as follows:

  • The distance from the eye line and mouth line should be equal to 36% of the total length of the face.
  • The distance between the pupils is equal to 46% of the width of the face.

What is the opinion of modern scientists about the correct proportions of the face?

While discussing the correct facial features in women, German scientists conducted an interesting experiment regarding ideal proportions, according to ordinary people. They organized observation of how a group of men and women compared the beauty of photographs real people dressed in the same clothes with computer models of an ideal face.

This is the conclusion they came to. The following are considered beautiful: narrow faces with dark thin eyebrows, a small narrow nose and high cheekbones. Preference is given big eyes With thick eyelashes and thin eyelid. If we talk about the characteristics of a handsome man, then a noticeable strong-willed chin is added to this image.

Interestingly, the experiment revealed that such data in aggregate do not occur in life. This is only possible if we are talking about creating an identikit that can create the ideal features and proportions of a woman’s face.

What does an ideal face look like according to Stefan Markworth's theory?

Stefan Markworth is an American scientist who for thirty years studied the proportions of the faces of the most beautiful actresses and ordinary women. He revealed that the absolute harmony of the face corresponds to the proportions of the “golden section” - 1:1.618. This means that the mouth is the correct size wider than the nose by 1.618 and so on. These ratios are approximately shown in the following photo:

To make it easier to determine whether a girl’s facial features correspond to these ideal proportions, he created a so-called mask diagram of an ideal face and an ideal smile. These masks look like this:

And here’s what the mask diagram for an ideal smile looks like.

The ideal female face from the past.

However, the principles of Stefan Markworth cannot be considered an absolute measure of harmony and beauty, since only beautiful women European appearance. And this is only a third of the human race. It is no secret that among the representatives of the Negroid or Mongoloid race, there are quite a lot of truly handsome men and women.

Ideal proportions of a male face

How to change the proportions of your face and make a beautiful nose?

Every living person necessarily has an individual appearance with its own advantages and disadvantages. By nature, we prefer to hide shortcomings and emphasize advantages.

Today, there are quite a few ways to achieve harmony in your image and improve your appearance. Here are some of them:

Makeup. The art of makeup has been known since ancient times. With the help of powder, blush, cosmetic pencils, lipstick, eyeliner, mascara and shadows, we can visually reduce or enlarge certain parts of the face. Skillfully done makeup allows a person to immediately change greatly in appearance for the better.

When applying makeup, it is correct to adhere to the so-called “harmony lines”. They are shown in the following diagram:

Hairstyle. A correctly chosen haircut, the presence or absence of bangs and its shape can have a tremendous impact on the visual perception of the shape of the face.

Finding the right haircut is a whole science, which, in fact, is what stylists do and teach. When choosing a hairstyle, first consider the shape of your head.

  • Plastic surgery. This is a radical method that helps to change serious facial imperfections and make it look younger. For example, a girl with big nose, can reduce it, remove protruding ears or raise eyebrows.

Georgian nose in profile

Snub nose photos of girls

A girl's ideal face is the result of efforts to bring the shape of her nose, eyebrows, chin and lips to perfection. For example, the living Barbie Valeria Lukyanova has undergone many plastic surgeries, including rhinoplasty, in order to look like the Barbie doll that was popular in the 90s.

A big nose

A big nose - individual characteristics ratios of length, width, height of the external nose, in which it looks disproportionate in relation to other parts of the face. A nose that is too large disrupts the harmony of facial features, attracts attention and causes ridicule from others, and contributes to the development of complexes in its owner regarding his appearance. At the same time, the large external nose protects a person to a greater extent from the penetration of airborne pathogens and allergens into the respiratory tract. If an individual is dissatisfied with the size and shape of the nose, nose surgery (rhinoplasty) comes to the rescue.

A big nose

Characteristics big nose are very individual and depend not only on its length and width, but also on its proportionality and balance with the rest of the facial features. If a person’s face is naturally endowed with small eyes, lips, and thin eyebrows, then even a nose of average anatomical size will seem “giant.”

The shape of the nose is determined by the ratio of a number of its structural components: base, root, back, tip; size - length, width and height of individual parts of the nose. Endless combinations of these values ​​create a variety of options for the structure of the nose.

The variability of the size and shape of the nose depends on age: over the years, the shape and relationship of the nose with the facial skeleton become different, and besides, against the background of general ptosis of the soft tissues of the face and sagging skin, the nose looks much larger and larger. On average, growth and development of the nose continues into adulthood. The shape and size of the nose is also influenced by hereditary and national characteristics. European peoples have tall and thin noses, Mongolian - flat and wide.

Anthropological parameters of the nose

The length of an ideal nose is 1/3 of the length of the face, the width does not exceed 1/3 of its length, and the height is approximately 1.5 times its width. With a classic profile, the angle of the nose is 30°; the break at the bridge of the nose should not be too deep.

The percentage ratio of the width of the nose to its length is the so-called nasal index, which can vary from 60% to 110%. The nasal index is widely used in anthropology and has the following options:

  • leptoria - nasal index up to 69.9% characterizes a high narrow nose;
  • mesorinia - nasal index from 70% to 84.9% is typical for a medium-sized nose;
  • chamarinia - nasal index from 85% to 99.9% is observed with a low, wide, wide nose;
  • hyperchamarinia - a nasal index above 100% occurs in those with a large, large nose.

According to this classification, leptoria is characteristic of the peoples of European groups and Eskimos; Chamarinia is found among African, Australian peoples, etc. Anthropologists suggest that the size of the nose has adaptive significance for performing the most important respiratory function.

Physiological features of a large nose

A large nose often seriously complicates the life of its owner, introducing disharmony into the appearance, becoming the subject of ridicule in childhood and a source of complexes in adulthood. However, the undoubted advantage of a large nose is that it is able to protect its owner from the penetration of infectious pathogens and allergens into the body. American researchers have experimentally confirmed that a large nose represents a kind of barrier that prevents the penetration of microorganisms into the nasopharynx, as well as plant pollen, which causes allergic rhinitis (hay fever).

Those with a large, protruding nose inhale 7% fewer dust particles and bacteria from the air than those with a normal or average nose. Also, a large nose protects the oral cavity from inhaled microorganisms.

And, nevertheless, not all owners of a large nose are ready to reckon with its advantages. Women especially often resort to nose reduction.

Plastic correction of the shape and size of the nose

Surgeries to change the shape and size of the nose are called rhinoplasty. With the help of plastic correction, you can make a wide nose narrower, a long nose short, i.e., recreate the proportions of the nose that are in harmony with the appearance of a person.

Rhinoplasty, performed to correct a nose that is large in size or disproportionate in shape, involves reducing its osteochondral frame. Access to the nasal frame is made by making incisions on the inner surface of the nostrils. During the operation, “excess” bone and cartilage tissue is removed, the resulting defect is then closed by bringing the nasal bones together. If necessary, part of the skin in the nostril area is removed. With an isolated reduction of the wings of the nose, the nasal septum and bone structures of the nose are not affected.

If the patient has difficulty breathing through the nose, the position of the nasal septum is simultaneously changed - septorhinoplasty. If new form or the size of the nose comes into dissonance with the rest of the face (chin, cheeks, etc.), there is a need to change the appearance of these parts of the face, which can be performed simultaneously with rhinoplasty or separately in the future.

Rhinoplasty to correct the shape and size of a large nose is performed under general anesthesia and takes 1-2 hours.

During the recovery period, it is necessary to protect the surgical area from trauma. With qualified rhinoplasty, the risk of postoperative complications is minimal.

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The ideal nose - is it ideal for you?

There is fashion in appearance, as well as in clothing and makeup.

For example, the very straight "Greek" nose has been the epitome of beauty for men and women for several hundred years (think of statues and paintings ancient Greece).

The “history” of rhinoplasty, its first records indicate that the first patients who wanted to change their nose only asked to make it larger, since a small nose was then an indicator of congenital syphilis.

Since the era of cinema, the fashion for noses began to be dictated by His Majesty Cinema

And now, quite often, patients come for consultations who do not just want to correct the problems of their own nose, but want to have a nose like that of That_actress or That_actor; they bring photographs and even casts of the nose that they want to get after surgery.

But each face is individual. And a nose that looks great on someone else's face may not look good on yours.

There is no “Perfect” nose in nature. The ideal nose for you is the one that is balanced with the proportions of your face.

Of course, scientists and artists have long developed formulas and numbers that define the canons of beauty, and every surgeon bases his work on them.

But patients rarely have ideal facial proportions.

In addition, numbers are numbers, but reality - your nose, its external and internal structure, the body's reaction to surgical intervention - dictate its conditions. And, regardless of the experience and/or qualifications of the surgeon, not everything is achievable in rhinoplasty.

To understand a little, let's look at what parameters of the nose the surgeon is interested in, and what he pays attention to during consultations.

First of all, the surgeon will look at the patient’s face, in general, through the eyes of a “common person”, in order to determine for himself that very “first impression” of how harmonious the face is and what spoils the balance of proportions.

After which he will ask you to tell us what exactly you don’t like about your appearance, what you want to change, and what final result you expect.

And after that he will move on to a detailed assessment.

All 4 projections of the nose must be assessed:

Front view:

Three positions are assessed: + Asymmetry and deformation of the nose; + Back width; + Tip of the nose

Asymmetry and deformation of the nose

The beautiful shape of the nose is created by a smoothly curved line, slightly diverging to the sides near the tip of the nose.

The line should be symmetrical on both sides and not make sharp jumps that indicate unwanted flaws in the internal structures.

Asymmetry and curvature, even minor ones, always catch the eye, giving the face an “irregularity” and making it less attractive. The same applies to any deformations - pits, irregularities, bulges.

Width of the bridge of the nose and tip

Dorsum of the nose (bone section)

A wide back gives the nose “heaviness” and, in general, makes the face look rougher.

The width of the bridge of the nose should ideally be about 80% of the distance between the wings

tip of the nose

A wide tip of the nose (potato-shaped) makes the face simpler, while a thin tip will give it an aristocratic look.

The opposite does not look very attractive - the tip is too narrow

The line of the base of the nose should resemble the smooth line of a flying swallow

Wings of the nose

Ideally, the width between the wings is equal to the distance between the inner corners of the eyes or the width of one eye.

The wings of the nose significantly affect the appearance. Widely spaced, they make the face look rough, and narrowed, neat wings (even with a wide tip of the nose) give the appearance elegance and “aristocratism.”

But, unfortunately, narrowing of the wings can lead to functional disorders - difficulty breathing. Therefore, this issue must be approached very carefully.

Ideal nose proportions: do they exist?

For several centuries people have been trying to learn the secrets of ideal beauty. Each new period in history brought its own ideals of appearance. Different nationalities represented human beauty in their own way. Examples of ideal appearance different eras came to us in the form of works of art: in sculptures and paintings. For a long time you can look at the faces of the heroes of the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci, who spent his whole life searching for formulas of ideal beauty, and also admire the graceful busts of Caesar, Venus and Apollo.

The modern world gives rise to certain stereotypes of ideal appearance. In an attempt to bring their nose closer to the ideal, people are increasingly resorting to the help of plastic surgeons, because it is no secret that the nose primarily attracts attention; it is a balancing element of the facial proportions. Are there universal parameters for an ideal nose? And how do you find out your parameters? Experts calculated the answers to these questions a long time ago.

Ideal proportions

The previously mentioned genius Leonardo da Vinci, at one time, developed formulas that are used by modern plastic surgeons. The researchers calculated the following parameters suitable for a Caucasian face: the height of the nose should ideally be more than half the length of its dorsum (about 65% of it), and the angle formed by the tip of the nose and the columella is approximately 45% of it. The angle between the nose and lips should ideally be straight; visually this gives the nose evenness; an angle of more than 90 degrees will appear upturned, and less than 90 degrees will appear slightly lowered. The harmonious angle between the bridge of the nose and the line of the forehead is considered to be an average of 35 degrees. Using these parameters, it is not difficult to calculate the proportions of your nose. To do this, you will need to prepare photographs with a close-up of your face in profile, a protractor pen and a ruler.

Please note that the given parameters are not universal. All people are unique and each face has its own ideal nose size. If for some reason you want to resort to plastic surgery, then a good rhinoplasty surgeon will help you choose the harmonious shape and size of your nose. The doctor will model the future nose with you so that you can evaluate the approximate final result. The doctor will definitely take into account your wishes, but if the client wants a nose that does not at all match his face, then the plastic surgeon will say so and give his recommendations.

The famous plastic surgeon Vladislav Semenovich Grigoryants, in one of his interviews, noted that he likes noses that have almost ideal proportions. When performing operations, he prefers noses with thin tips rather than round ones. Vladislav Semenovich noted that each patient undoubtedly needs his own approach, different people it has its own specific shape of the nose. The surgeon admitted: “It happens that a person urgently wants to become the owner of a nose that does not suit him at all, then I have to refuse.”

Remember, beauty is harmony! The nose should go well with all parts of the face: eyes, lips, head shape, eyebrows, and even height and figure. A nose that is too small will not suit a long face, and a long, straight nose is strictly contraindicated for a chubby body type.

Modern rhinoplasty techniques are varied; they can change the shape of the nose completely radically. With such dramatic changes a plastic surgeon may recommend changing some other parts of the face in order to achieve the correct harmonious combination of all its components.

Love yourself and appreciate your individuality, and experienced plastic surgeons can correct any flaws in your appearance!


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Beauty standards: parameters of an ideal nose

We breathe and smell through our nose. The nasal mucosa is designed intelligently to protect us from infections whenever possible.

It would seem, what more could you want from this organ? But restless humanity, analyzing beauty standards over the centuries, has developed the parameters of an ideal nose - one that everyone will fall in love with (regardless of gender and religion).

To check the perfection of your own nose, you will need a compass, a protractor and a mirror. To avoid damaging your nose during the measurement process, try not to laugh.

35 degrees - at this angle the ideal nose should grow to the face.

95 degrees - this should be the angle between the nose and lips in men. In women, this figure can reach 105 degrees.

6 mm is the ideal distance from the corner of the eye to the top of the bridge of the nose.

5 mm - this is how much the partition between the nostrils should protrude below the line of absolutely symmetrical nostrils.

2 mm - an ideal nose should have a hump of this size.

5.8 cm is the length of the nose of the average European man. The nose protrudes from the face by an average of 2.6 cm.

5.1 cm - this is the length of the nose of a standard European woman; such a nose protrudes from the face by 2.1 cm.

6.6 cm - this is the length the nose of the same average European man reaches by the age of 97, since the nose, like the ears, grows throughout his life. For a woman, this figure is 6.1 cm.

What should be the ideal nose length?

Everyone knows that appearance is the first thing people always pay attention to. This is especially true for the face, because it expresses beauty and emotions. Therefore, many people strive for standards of perfection, but not everyone is close to the ideal. The reason for this is the human nose - the most prominent part of the face, which often looks unaesthetic due to its size.

What should be the length of the nose?

Experts were able to analyze beauty standards and calculate the ideal dimensions of this part of the face. Not only its length was assessed, but also some other parameters. The resulting dimensions were:

  • The length of the nose in men is about 5.9-6.2 cm, and in women - about 5.2-5.6 cm. The distance from the deepening of the bridge of the nose to the tip is measured.
  • The distance to which the nose protrudes from the face is also assessed. In men it is 2.5 cm, in women it is about 2 cm.
  • The width of the wings of the nose should ideally be equal to the distance between the eyes.

However, these parameters correspond to the average person, so the indicators for each individual may fluctuate up or down. Ideally, the nose should harmoniously complement the rest of the face. Therefore, today there is a simpler way to determine it perfect length. It is necessary to conditionally divide the face into three parts with two lines drawn at the level of the bridge of the nose and the area above the lips. Ideally, their sizes are the same, that is, the length of the nose, forehead and mouth with chin are approximately equal.

What other parameters should be considered?

When assessing the length of the nose, which corresponds to beauty standards, other indicators are also determined:

  • The angle at which this organ “grows” to the face should be no more than degrees for representatives of both sexes.
  • The angle between the nose and lips in women usually ranges from 96 to 106 degrees. For male representatives, it is degrees.
  • The length of the segment from the top of the bridge of the nose to the inner corner of the eye is 0.5-0.6 cm.

You can determine all the parameters yourself at home using a compass and a protractor. At the same time, you need to try not to laugh so that the indicators are as accurate as possible. Do not forget that if the length of the nose corresponds to the canons of perfection obtained by experts, and the rest of the face is too small, it can hardly be called ideal.

To correctly assess the harmony and proportionality of your appearance, you can consult a plastic surgeon who will provide detailed information about the ideal sizes of all parts of your face.

What is rhinoplasty

Hello Tatiana! Yes, sure. In your case, it is possible to perform secondary rhinoseptoplasty.

Hello Nika! It is unlikely that you could damage the seam with cotton swabs. The seams may not be exactly the same and that's okay.

© “” - The whole truth about rhinoplasty. The first website in Russia entirely dedicated to rhinoplasty and plastic surgery. Here are collected unique impressions of real patients after rhinoplasty of the nose, who learned from their own experience what it is like plastic surgery and rhinoplasty ( Plastic surgery nose). Moscow Medicine and Beauty on the Internet. Copying information | Site Map

Ideal proportions of a beautiful nose

Fashion has been around since ancient times. Fashion is not only about clothes, but also about appearance. She also affected her nose. Its ideal proportions, which Leonardo da Vinci thought about long ago, are recognized.

Each nation has its own views. For example, the ancient Greeks had a perfectly straight nose as a standard of beauty. Moreover, it suited both women and men.

However, even despite well-established role models, people's faces are individual. And if one nose looks perfect on one face, then on another it will look stupid and ugly. Nevertheless, standards have already been established, although at present they differ from the past.

Define, beautiful nose whether a person has it or not, based on his exact parameters that meet modern beauty standards. The main indicators are:

Nasolabial (there is a possibility of changes with age, which occurs in both men and women);

The bridge of the nose should be slightly higher than the eyelashes on the upper eyelid;

The columella (dividing septum) is located just below.

The most beautiful nose, by modern standards, should not be perfectly straight, as in ancient Greece, but, on the contrary, have a hump. The main thing is that it is not conspicuous and barely noticeable.

First, the face needs to be visually divided vertically by six lines. A nose that fully meets all standards should be located clearly in the middle. It is easy to determine how even its back is: by drawing a central straight line (from the center between the eyes to the tip). If the back is flat, it will be parallel to all six lines. Otherwise, the nose is deformed.

Secondly, the face is divided (visually) into four horizontal lines. The ideal nose is always located strictly in the center. If it doesn’t fit into the frame, it means it’s longer than it should be.

The angle between the nose and forehead should not be less than 110 degrees, but not more than 120 (for women). An angle of 90−110 degrees is considered absolutely ideal.

These parameters are considered perfect by the standards modern world. However, even if not everyone has them, this does not mean that it is necessary to undergo surgery (rhinoplasty). It is recommended only in case of medical indications.

Very important: when deciding to have rhinoplasty, you should not go abroad. There is more than enough in Russia good doctors, and the cost of the procedure here is significantly lower compared to Europe or America.

beautiful noses, beautiful nose

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Physiognomy especially highlights the shape of the nose as a very significant aspect of reading a person’s character traits. The disadvantage of such a diagnosis, and a very serious one, may be the fact of rhinoplasty among people. In this case, we could be very wrong. Although men undergo such operations much less often, the peculiarities of reading a person’s character in this way will still be useful to you.

To begin with, let's talk about perfect nose, which is also called lion's. This average length, well-shaped wings of the nose, rounded tip, not too wide bridge of the nose. Such people are courageous, passionate and assertive. Especially if the nostrils are a little larger than necessary.

A big nose reveals courageous, rather conflict-ridden personalities. Such people will not go into their pockets for words and will defend their own. Such people strive to occupy a leadership position, they need to be organizers, they always want to make a big contribution to the matter, to steer the process.

A long nose is considered a sign of high intelligence and strong individuality, although it is also often a sign of conservatism. Such a nose indicates a desire to control everything, to set the rhythm. If the nose is extremely long, then this is a sign not only of intellectual achievements, but also of capriciousness. A long and wide nose speaks of a stable character and generally calm temperament.

The nose is bony and long– an indicator of pride, sometimes even arrogance and quarrelsomeness.

And here is the nose long, large with a hanging tip speaks of the owner's insight. Such a person keeps other people's secrets and knows the skeletons in the closet. Loves money.

Eagle nose indicates vanity and ambition.

The nose is long and straight speaks of the logic and consistency of the owner. Such a person plans well and sees the future.

Narrow nose speaks of independence. Such people are accustomed to relying only on themselves in life and working hard. We are sure that nothing is given for free and will always think about how much any of your proposals is worth.

If short nose, then this speaks of responsibility and hard work. Such people are not afraid to work, they complete everything and often do meticulous work. Also, a short nose is a sign of optimism and good nature.

At all small nose indicates jealousy and pettiness.

And here snub nose reveals an emotional, often creative nature. They really want others to recognize their merits and support them. A snub nose, just like a short one, speaks of optimism, sociability, and gullibility.

Aquiline nose reveals people who are creative, active and practical. Such people strive to manage others and consider themselves experts in many things. They love innovative ideas.

Bony nose with a hump shows that the owner is stubborn, often arrogant, proud, but at the same time decisive and even aggressive.

The hump generally says a lot. First of all, it’s about self-control.

If hump is located closer to the tip of the nose, this speaks of the ability for rapid mobilization, self-defense, and constant strengthening of one’s positions.

Hump ​​in the center of the nose indicates a desire to protect others and heroism. Such people are noble and protect the weak.

The hump is closer to the bridge of the nose speaks of an aggressive and cocky character. Such a person is always ready to fight back.

The ridge of the nose – its upper part under the bridge of the nose – says a lot about a person.

If no ridge at all, that is, a flat place under the bridge of the nose, or completely depressed, then this is a sign of a team player. Such a person always works better in a team, but it is difficult to work alone - there is always a need for communication.

But if nose with high ridge When the nose protrudes strongly from above, in the bridge of the nose, a person is used to working alone, independently. He is responsible, chooses his own rhythm of work, is assertive, and does not tolerate strong control. At the same time efficient and hardy.

Nose with a high and wide ridge, like a direct continuation of the forehead, without a notch. This type of nose is also called Greek when the bridge of the nose is missing. People with such a nose are decisive and have an iron will. They are stubborn, purposeful, with pronounced leadership qualities.

The nostrils are also a serious indicator that always corrects the first impression of the shape of the nose.

Small nostrils talk about conservatism and frugality. Such a person may even turn out to be a miser; he values ​​the energy of money very much. No matter how many there are, they will always be few.

Small nostrils with a rounded tip noses speak of gullibility, conformism and a tendency to boast.

And here big nostrils, on the contrary, they talk about generosity and ingenuity. Such a person is brave and desperate, often takes risks.

Long and narrow nostrils indicate the emotional generosity of the owner. He provides moral support and loves to share advice.

Huge, flared nostrils They talk about energy, self-confidence, even extravagance. Life energy is overflowing. A person considers himself a winner and has creative potential. Such a person takes on excessive responsibility and goes from one extreme to another. Not always consistent.

Large nostrils, wide open, indicate that a person works all his life to increase wealth, for him the material aspect is the most important. He loves money and believes that it is the key to a happy life.

Rectangular nostrils They talk about conservatism in spending: a person does not waste money, but does not particularly value it. Calm attitude towards financial resources.

Triangular and small nostrils indicate excessive frugality and stinginess. A person is very afraid that there will not be enough money.

Nostrils are round talk about generosity and high dedication.

The tip of the nose is characterized by two aspects: the angle of inclination and its shape.

The angle of inclination is the degree of gullibility. The more strongly the tip of the nose is inclined, the less trusting a person is.

The tip of the nose is turned up betrays curiosity, gullibility and impressionability. A completely upturned nose indicates strong curiosity and attention to the secrets of others. It is difficult for such people to keep other people's secrets.

Pointed and upturned nose, in addition to curiosity, also speaks of wastefulness in financial affairs and savings difficulties.

Nose horizontal, when there is no inclination either up or down, reveals a reliable person, very practical and thorough. He trusts others moderately, but it is extremely difficult to deceive him.

The nose seems to be bent down betrays strong suspicion and skepticism. A person is calculating, rarely takes his word for it, and, as a rule, manages finances well.

If the nose is bent down and has a pointed form indicates selfishness and even cruelty.

The tip of the nose resembles eagle beak speaks of vindictiveness and cunning.

If the tip of the nose is completely drooping, almost to upper lip, then experts regard this as a tendency towards betrayal and treachery.

The tip of the nose hangs down like a piece of meat: The owner is often fixated on sex issues.

And here fleshy nose (potato) speaks of the good-heartedness of the owner. At the same time, such a person gives great importance financial success, manages finances well, loves comfort around him, and often collects things. At the same time, she loves life and knows how to have fun, loves company.

If you notice a groove (or pit) at the tip of the nose, the nose seems forked. This person often searches for himself, often changes activities, as he needs his work to bring emotional satisfaction. This also speaks of suspicion and shyness, although contact with people and communication are very important to him.

Round nose tip(like a small ball) talk about the aesthetics of the owner. A person has artistic taste, is drawn to elegant things, an esthete.

The nose is narrow as if someone who is squeezed from the sides does not save money and easily parts with it. At the same time, such a person perfectly understands the value of it, and at the same time treats financial resources as a tool, a means for acquiring something. This is especially true if the tip is thin and the nostrils are wide.

Pointed nose tip issues musical ability and self-control, as well as manipulative tendencies.

Heart-shaped tip of the nose speaks of stinginess.

As you can already understand from such a significant description, the nose is a very important element in physiognomy and in correctly reading a person. The nose, as the most prominent part of the face, can tell a lot of interesting things about the interlocutor. However, it is worth noting that diagnosis should always be comprehensive, in combination with other facial features. We will talk about this in subsequent posts.

Vadim Sokolov

A person with a long nose is almost always dissatisfied with his appearance. Of course, this applies to a greater extent to women, but for men, a long nose often becomes a source of discomfort. Experts say that you should not measure your nose in centimeters; it is better to determine how proportional it is in relation to other parts of the face. To do this, the easiest way is to take your photo and draw two horizontal lines on it - one on the bridge of the nose, and the other under the tip of the nose. Normally, the lines will divide the face into three approximately equal parts, but if the central part is larger than the other two, then the nose can be considered long. Sometimes the olfactory organ only seems so, for example, this happens with a thin face type with graceful features.

What to do if your nose is long and does not add beauty and charm to your face? It is better to contact a plastic surgeon with this question, who can radically change the shape of the nose and get rid of complexes forever. If there is a fear of surgery or, perhaps, the nose is not large enough to decide on extreme measures, stylist's advice will help, after all, competent makeup and the right hairstyle make the face more harmonious.

Long nose - reasons for the unaesthetic appearance of the olfactory organ

It is clear that the shape, length and width of the respiratory organ are genetically predetermined. Although life often makes adjustments, and the nose becomes longer, for example, due to injury.

The length of the nose depends on:

From the nasal septum. If the osteochondral plate dividing the nose into two chambers is long, then it holds the tip of the nose at the lowest point, thereby visually lengthening the organ of smell. This situation occurs often and is solved by removing part of it, as a result of which the tip moves upward and the nose looks shorter.

From the length and strength of the lateral cartilages. These structural formations displace and hold the tip at the bottom (sometimes it even hangs over the base of the nose). The situation can be corrected, but only by shortening the cartilage.

From the height and length of the tip of the nose. There is an opinion that the length of the tip of an ideal nose should not exceed 67% of the total length of the organ; in addition, if the tip is significantly removed from the plane of the face and is lowered down, then the nose appears longer than in reality.

Signs of a long nose

  1. 1. The length of the nose from the bridge of the nose to the lowest point of the tip is more than a third of the length of the face.
  2. The nasolabial angle is less than 90 degrees. The consequence of this feature is a “droopy” nose (the opposite is upturned), which always looks longer than it actually is.
  3. Dropped tip. The nose looks shorter if the nostrils are visible, and the lowered tip covers the lower part of the nostrils, and thereby visually lengthens the respiratory organ.

Long nose: what to do?

A woman’s long nose is perceived as a defect in appearance and gives reason to consult a plastic surgeon. During the consultation, the specialist will tell you about all the nuances of the operation called rhinoplasty. You should know that there are a number of contraindications to surgical correction of a long nose, so you will need to answer a number of questions regarding your health status and undergo the usual tests in such cases. Quite often, women with long noses fantasize about what their olfactory organ should be like after surgery. Unfortunately, dreams are not always destined to come true, because the surgeon’s task is to make not just a beautiful, but a proportional nose, that is, a nose that “fits” perfectly into the face, the shape of which, based on the structural features of the face and nose, is modeled by a computer program.

Video: correction of a long nose

Long nose surgery, in principle, can be performed under local anesthesia, but most patients choose general anesthesia, which is due to the specifics of the correction area. The fact is that with local anesthesia, a person feels touch and can see how the doctor separates the tissues of the nose, and this sight is not for the faint of heart!

Usually, to shorten the nose, resection (partial removal) of the lateral cartilages is used, and in cases of large discrepancy between the length of the dorsum and the distance from the base of the nose to its tip, part of the cartilage of the nasal septum is removed. In the latter case, a tightening of the “loose” skin is required; this manipulation is carried out in the inner part of the nose, where incisions are made, and then the skin is tightened.

In many cases, it is enough to shorten the tip so that the olfactory organ as a whole looks more neat. For this purpose, the following techniques are used: shorten the medial crura of the tip of the nose and the lateral crura of the alar cartilages, reduce the wings of the nose, and also weaken the ligaments that support the tip of the nose. Final result largely depends on the patient's skin type. Thin skin contracts well and the tip after surgery has a clear, well-defined contour, even with a significant shortening of the nose. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about thick skin, which contracts poorly and therefore limits the scope of correction due to the likely loss of definition in the nose with significant shortening. Patients tolerate rhinoplasty of a long nose well; two to three weeks are enough for rehabilitation.. Experts warn of a possible decrease in nasal sensitivity, dullness of smell and a feeling of nasal congestion. All these problems arise due to natural post-operative tissue swelling and in most cases disappear within a week.

How much does it cost to shorten your nose? Price for long nose rhinoplasty in Moscow

Long nose in men and women: the gender of the patient matters

A long nose can seriously ruin the life of its owner. However, if for men a long nose in general does not interfere with communicating with people and does not deprive them of self-confidence, then women sometimes refuse active life due to low self-esteem. The requirements for a new respiratory organ are also different: women dream of a slightly snub nose with a raised tip, while men prefer a straight nose, emphasizing masculinity. The operation sometimes gives a pleasant “side” effect: it seems that the patient received a lift along with rhinoplasty, the face looks so young and fresh after correction of a long nose.

Photos of patients before and after nose shortening

Note: how can a girl “hide” a long nose?

Women tend to overestimate the length of the nose, so owners of relatively small noses also complain about the size and shape of the respiratory organ, often simply not knowing how to present their face in a favorable light. Decorative cosmetics will help adjust the length of your nose if you apply them as follows:

  1. Use two types of foundation: Apply a light tone to the back of the nose and bridge of the nose, and a dark tone to the wings and tip. This technique allows you to narrow the wings and make the contour of the nose clear. Foundations should be well shaded, and it’s also a good idea to dust your nose with matte (in no case shimmering or shiny!) powder, which will smooth out the edges and give the face a natural look.
  2. Girls with long noses should make their eyes or lips stand out more clearly(if you highlight it at the same time, it will turn out vulgar) - this technique allows you to divert attention from the nose. Experts advise giving preference to lipsticks rather than lip gloss.
  3. Highlight and emboss your cheekbones using blush of a suitable shade.
  4. Well-groomed, fairly wide arched (possibly rounded) eyebrows will help a girl visually correct her long nose - firstly, they will distract attention from it, and secondly, they will “separate” her face in a horizontal plane.

Women with long noses can look elegant and sophisticated if they choose the right hairstyle. The task of making the olfactory organ less noticeable is well accomplished by multi-level (ladder) haircuts, as well as techniques such as highlighting and coloring hair. It has been noticed that the richer and more saturated the hair color, the less attention others pay to the central part of the face, that is, to the nose. Besides, The principle of asymmetry works well - a girl with a long nose goes with bangs and side partings, hairstyles from long hair, curls and curls. What definitely doesn’t work is short haircuts and sleek hairstyles (for example, a ponytail), which visually lengthen the nose.

As for accessories, girls with long noses can safely wear large earrings, glasses with a wide and low bridge, as well as hats with visors and brims.

Long nose: it's interesting

Physiognomists say that owners of long noses are balanced, proud, responsible and serious people. They are distinguished by a desire for power, an active life position, refined taste and an excellent sense of humor.

Among the rich and famous people In our time there are many owners of non-standard noses. A long nose did not prevent Penelope Cruz from becoming a popular actress, Gisele Budchen from becoming a sought-after model, and Barbara Streisand from becoming a famous singer.

You can add two Russians to this row - Ksenia Sobchak and Kristina Orbakaite, who corrected the shape of their noses, but left their length practically unchanged.
