International license for cargo transportation. Permit for international transportation of goods

Transport license. License for international road transport. License for international cargo transportation. License for international shipping passengers. Admission card vehicle.

Necessary documents for obtaining permission to carry out international road transport

Our specialists have extensive experience in obtaining access to international road transport. These include freight and passenger road transport. They prepare a complete package of application documents. The applicant is required to provide a package of constituent documents.

  1. Charter - a copy certified by a notary;
  2. Foundation agreement - a copy certified by the organization;
  3. Certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN), a copy certified by a notary;
  4. Certificate of state registration- a copy certified by a notary;
  5. Information about registration in the Statregister of Rosstat, a copy certified by the organization (statistics codes);
  6. Extract from One State a copy certified by the organization;
  7. The decision to create a legal entity - a copy certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the director);
  8. Order on the appointment of gen. director - a copy certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the director);
  9. Organization card with contact numbers (legal and actual address, bank details).
  10. A document containing information about the number and type of vehicles (vehicles), as well as documents confirming their compliance with international technical standards, international conventions and agreements regulating international road transport;
  11. Document confirming the professional competence of the responsible specialist (copy); - if available
  12. Agreement for pre-trip medical examination; - if available
  13. Agreement for Maintenance TS; - if there is
  14. Vehicle parking agreement - if available
  15. For each vehicle: registration certificate, maintenance coupon (copy), verification and installation of tachograph (copy certified by the organization’s seal and the signature of the manager), owner’s civil liability insurance policy vehicles(copy); copy work book and medical right for each driver (if we're talking about on admission to international passenger transportation);
  16. Balance sheet (forms No. 1 and 2 according to All-Russian classifier management activities) for the last reporting period (these reports are not required for newly formed legal entities);
  17. Power of attorney.

Transport license

Who issues
Admission to international road transport is carried out by the bodies of Rostransnadzor of the Ministry of Transport Russian Federation- Russian Transport Inspectorate of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Validity period of admission, extension, territory
Our specialists will help obtain admission only to companies registered in Moscow.

The Admission Certificate is issued:

  • for 1 year - to Russian carriers who have submitted an application for the first time and have no experience in international road freight (passenger) transportation or have such experience lasting less than 1 year
  • The permit can be issued for five years if the carrier, during the period of the previously issued Certificate of Admission to International Freight (Passenger) Transportation, carried out its activities during this year and can confirm this with documentary evidence;
  • The validity period of an Admission certificate issued for 5 years can be extended at the request of its owner, but no more than two times.

Attention, some cargo transportation licenses have been cancelled. See below

Lawyers of the company "GSR" help to obtain a license for cargo transportation for intracity, intercity and international transportation of goods. You can order from us to obtain a license for the transportation of goods on a turnkey basis. When obtaining a permit for cargo transportation, we fully undertake to go through all stages of preparing the documents that will be needed to obtain the permit, and protect your interests when considering an application for a license for cargo transportation by road.

The economic activity through which freight transportation is organized is called freight forwarding activity. Transport and forwarding activities carry out functions that control freight transportation, including sending and receiving cargo, as well as other operations related to transport expedition.

There are several types of licenses for the transportation of goods:

  • License for commercial transportation of goods on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • International license for transporting goods outside the country;
  • Limited license for transportation of own goods on a non-commercial basis.

Relatively speaking, we obtain the following types of licenses for the transportation of goods:

1. License for transportation of dangerous goods(canceled); Instead it is required special permit for the transportation of dangerous goods;

3. License (cancelled); Instead it is required admission to international cargo transportation;

4. License for cargo transportation by car (canceled);

5. License for cargo transportation by railway transport;

6. License to transport cargo by air;

7. License for cargo transportation by water transport;

8. Transportation license hazardous waste (canceled); - instead of it, the MSW License (License for activities for the neutralization and disposal of waste of I - IV hazard class)

Urgently obtaining a license to transport goods

Professional lawyers of the GRS company will help you urgently obtain a license for cargo transportation, both within Russia and for international transportation of goods. Our specialists have gained significant experience in obtaining permits for the transportation of goods, and established contacts facilitate the rapid receipt of licenses from licensing authorities in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The process of obtaining a license to transport cargo is approved by law. The body issuing licenses for cargo transportation by road is federal Service on supervision in the field of transport.

When a license to transport goods is not required

The Tachocenter.RF workshop prepares transport companies for international admission - obtaining an admission certificate (license) and MAP cards. A certificate of admission to international transportation can be obtained legal entities, individual entrepreneurs located in any city of the Russian Federation, which carry out commercial and non-commercial international transportation of goods and passengers. Permission to international transportation is issued by Rostransnadzor!

Services list Price per one. (excluding VAT), rub.
Preparation of MAP card and admission certificate (license) from 3,000 to 15,000
Updating the MAP card due to a change of vehicle or owner 5 000
Consultation on preparing a vehicle for traveling abroad for free
Services for determining the market value of a vehicle up to 5,000
Services for determining the market value of real estate from 5 000
Prof. course retraining of the person responsible for ensuring security traffic 15 000
Prof. course controller retraining technical condition vehicles 20 000
Two courses on prof. retraining 25 000

Requirements for carriers

  • Availability of vehicles on the basis of ownership or other basis,
  • Availability of working AETR tachographs,
  • Compliance of vehicles with international technical standards,
  • The presence on the balance sheet of the enterprise of property worth at least 300,000 rubles for the first vehicle and at least 170,000 rubles for each subsequent vehicle.

When increasing the fleet of vehicles, the carrier is required to obtain access cards for each new vehicle, even if the vehicle is leased. If, under a leasing agreement, the vehicle is transferred from the bank to the ownership of the carrier, if the registration address changes, then the current MAP card is canceled, returned to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and a new one is issued. In case of suspension of the admission certificate (license) or its cancellation, the certificate and MAP cards are returned to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

A set of documents for preparing an admission certificate and MAP cards.

  • Requisites.
  • Copies of TIN and OGRN.
  • Copies of STS and PTS.
  • A copy of OSAGO (if the recipient of the permit is LLC, OJSC, then the insurance must be without restrictions). The Insured and the Owner must be either one person or the Lessor-Operator, there must not be 3 persons.
  • A copy of the Vehicle Rental (Leasing) Agreement, which states permission to travel abroad. The validity period of MAP cards is limited by the validity period of the vehicle rental agreement!
  • If the Simplified Taxation System, then an assessment of property (vehicle, semi-trailer, real estate) in an amount exceeding 300,000 rubles is required. for the first vehicle and 170,000 rubles. for each subsequent vehicle.
  • If General System Taxation then required balance sheet for the past reporting period, where the turnover exceeds 300,000 rubles. for the first vehicle and 170,000 rubles. for each subsequent vehicle.
  • Company letterhead, if available.
  • Full name, phone number, email, passport details, position of the person responsible for submitting/receiving documents to the UGADN.

Issuance of MAP card(s) and admission certificates (licenses) in UGADN units throughout Russia

Organizing your own business related to the provision of cargo transportation services requires the mandatory execution of the appropriate package of documents. One of which is a license for international cargo transportation. This is a permitting document for transporting goods to foreign countries. The presence of a document for owners of transport companies involved in cargo transportation is fundamental. It’s better to start registering it immediately upon registration. own business. To obtain a license, you need to submit an application and documents to government agencies and wait for them to be processed. If the verdict is positive, a permit or license is issued for transporting goods over long distances. Collecting documents takes time, and if you don’t have time to do this, you can entrust the registration of a license to a private company, which, for a fee, will quickly complete all the necessary documentation.

A license for international cargo transportation can be issued by the carrier itself or with the help of private companies

What documents are needed to obtain a license?

To obtain a permit for cargo transportation, you must provide notarized photocopies of:

  • passports for existing vehicles;
  • technical inspection certificates;
  • rental agreement if there is a leased vehicle;
  • insurance certificate;
  • certificate of registration of an enterprise certified by a notary;
  • constituent documents;
  • codes entrepreneurial activity;
  • details of the enterprise: addresses of actual location, telephone numbers, full name. drivers performing transportation;
  • certificate of agreement for storage of vehicles in a documented location if there is a private parking lot;
  • composition of specialists, data from the order on their appointment to the position of driver, information on professional suitability, availability of road safety diplomas;
  • medical examination data for each driver.

A driver's medical examination is required to obtain a license.

Who issues permits?

Admission is a permit for international transport and cargo, issued by the Transport Authority, subordinate to Rosmintrans. A special license is issued after verification and completion of documentation in the prescribed manner. Availability of a driver's license, qualifications and education for each full-time driver - required condition when submitting an application. Review of the submitted documents takes 1-1.5 months; the authenticity of the submitted documentation is carefully checked by the competent authorities.

The list of documents is voluminous and collection takes a lot of time, so many companies turn to specialized companies that, for a fee, will prepare documents for submission to Transport company. You must attach a completed application to the documents and pay the state fee. The total amount of expenses, taking into account notary expenses, will be 6000-6500 rubles. The cost of the license will cost 50,000-65,000 rubles. Separately, you need to pay for license fees, document submission, and also when receiving a license in hand.

Transportation licensing is issued to companies for 1 year, to organizations that have previously received this permit - for 5 years. Permission to transport is issued for each vehicle in the form of a certificate. Every driver must carefully store the document and keep it in the cabin of his car at all times. After the specified period, you can submit a new application for renewal and renewal of the license, but not earlier than 3-6 months before the expiration date of the current application. The license cannot be renewed more than 2 times.

The license is issued by Rostransnadzor after 30 calendar days after submitting the application in two copies: in the form of a certificate and an access card, confirmed by stamps and signatures. All documentation issued to the company is genuine, of national importance, not subject to sale, exchange or transfer to third parties, accountable, therefore all forms are original.

Carrying out international transportation activities without a issued license is illegal, fines are imposed on entrepreneurs, and problems may arise when obtaining admission in the future. Recommended individual entrepreneurs prepare and submit the relevant papers for consideration to the transport inspectorate immediately after registering your business activity. A license is a state-issued document, therefore all the requirements and regulations specified in it must be strictly observed.

Documents are issued by the Transport Authority

Who can be denied a license?

An application for a transport license may be rejected due to:

  • unreliable, false information in the submitted documents;
  • failure to comply with regulations specified by law;
  • the enterprise is on the verge of liquidation;
  • loss of qualifications by drivers, deprivation of their driver's license;
  • information received from other government services about non-fulfillment of certain requirements.

In case of refusal, the Licensing Committee must notify the applicant in writing and indicate the reason for the negative verdict. If required document for the transportation of international cargo you have received, then entrepreneurs are obliged to comply with all the conditions specified in it, treat the document with care, and not transfer it to third parties. Otherwise, the license may be revoked, the entrepreneur’s work suspended, and all participants brought to criminal liability.

If you have an 8-seater car for international transport, at the discretion of Rostransnadzor, you can immediately obtain a license for 5 years, there is no probationary period. However, a motor transport company should not have any complaints or early negative reviews from its clients, but must have an impeccable reputation and extensive experience in the field of long-distance cargo transportation. Newcomers can obtain a permit only for a period of 1 year, but subsequently apply for an extension.

Cargo licensing – important aspect to carry out activities to provide transport services. Beginning carriers need to understand legal aspects of this business difficult, trade economic relations between countries are constantly changing. Delivering cargo to another country is problematic. Preparation and execution of all related and accompanying documents, obtaining permission for hassle-free entry into another country takes a lot of time.

But for the transport of eight or more people, as well as the delivery of products to other countries, international permission You must obtain one, therefore, if you do not want to deal with licensing your transport yourself, you can use the services of companies that will help with the preparation of documentation in a short time.

A permit for international transportation of goods is called an admission to carry out the specified transportation (MAP approval). Read about the procedure and conditions for receiving it, and its validity period, in this article.

Conditions for obtaining permission for international transportation of goods for individual entrepreneurs and organizations

International road transport of goods can be:

  • transit;
  • bilateral;
  • from or to the territory of a third state.

The criteria for classifying transportation as each type were approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated August 19, 2015 No. 248.

To conduct this activity, regardless of the type, a Russian carrier needs to obtain a permit for international transportation of goods by road - the so-called MAP permit.

According to clause 3 of the regulations, approved. By Government Decree No. 730 of October 16, 2001 (hereinafter referred to as Regulation No. 730), the conditions for issuing permits for international transportation of goods for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities include:

  • compliance of the vehicle (TS) with international technical standards;
  • drivers have appropriate qualifications;
  • stable financial position of the applicant-carrier;
  • availability of a valid MTPL policy.

Compliance with these conditions is confirmed by documents, copies of which must be submitted along with the application.

The procedure for obtaining permission for international transportation

Documents for obtaining a MAP permit are submitted to the structural unit of Rostransnadzor - the interregional department of Gosavtodornadzor.

The list of documents to be submitted is contained in clause 7 of Regulation No. 730.

  1. A statement containing information:
  • about the applicant: name of the organization / full name and passport details of the entrepreneur, address, tax identification number, entry number in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Vehicle: make, engine type, license plate number, etc.;
  • the driver who will drive this vehicle;
  • the period for which admission is requested.
  1. Copies of documents related to the vehicle: passport, document indicating the basis of ownership of this vehicle, compulsory motor liability insurance policy.
  2. A copy of the document confirming the driver's qualifications.
  3. Documents confirming the financial stability of the applicant: balance sheet and income statement. Instead of accounting records, you can provide information about the cadastral value of real estate if the carrier has real estate worth more than 300 thousand rubles.

Gosavtodornadzor reviews documents within 30 days from the date of their receipt.

If the government agency makes a positive decision, it issues the applicant a certificate and an admission card.

Identity card and access card - what's the difference?

The carrier is issued:

  • an admission certificate confirming his right to international transportation by road;
  • access card for the vehicle on which transportation will be carried out (clause 6 of regulation No. 730).

The forms of these documents are approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation; they are strict reporting documents.

Information about issued certificates and access cards is entered into a special register. It can be downloaded from the Rostransnadzor website.

The certificate is issued in the following order.

  1. When you first apply to Gosavtodornadzor, the validity of the certificate is set to 1 year. It cannot be extended; you must apply for a new certificate.
  2. The second time, the certificate is issued for the period specified in the application, but not more than 5 years.

This certificate can be renewed - an application for renewal is submitted 30 days before expiration. Gosavtodornadzor can satisfy the application for extension 2 times, then you will have to issue a new one.

There may be a situation where the carrier acquired another vehicle and increased its transport fleet. Then he needs to get access cards for new vehicles. To do this, they submit an application to the regulatory authority, indicating:

  • ID number;
  • information about the new vehicle.

The ID and access card are issued free of charge.

NOTE! You can submit an application for the issuance of a MAP permit, renewal of the certificate and access cards not only in writing, but also electronically (clause 22 (1) of regulation No. 730).

Rights, obligations, responsibilities of a carrier with MAP approval

Let's briefly talk about the rights, duties and responsibilities of a carrier with MAP approval.

Permitted carrier specified type, has the right to obtain permission from the foreign authority state power for travel through the territory of this foreign state, as well as for registration of transportation using a TIR Carnet.

The carrier’s responsibilities include (clause 16 of regulation No. 730):

  • compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties;
  • monitoring the validity period of access cards and whether the driver has a certificate of the appropriate level of competence;
  • timely warning of Gosavtodornadzor about planned changes in constituent documents, etc.

For carrying out transportation without a MAP permit, the driver may be held liable under Art. 11.29 Code of Administrative Offences.

How to obtain permission to internationally transport dangerous goods

The permit for international transportation of goods by road, discussed above, must be obtained in any case. Without it, the carrier is not allowed to carry out international cargo transportation (Clause 7, Article 2 of the Law “On State ...” dated July 24, 1998 No. 127-FZ).

If the cargo being transported is dangerous, you must also obtain a special permit for the international transport of dangerous goods. This is an independent document, it is issued after receiving the MAP permit.

In this case, the following are submitted to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the certificate of approval of the vehicle for the carriage of dangerous goods;
  • copy of the vehicle passport;
  • a copy of the developed route for transporting dangerous goods, etc.

To conduct international transport activities by road, you do not need a license; you must obtain MAP approval. It includes a certificate and an admission card. These documents are issued free of charge at Gosavtodornadzor within 30 days from the date of application. If the cargo is dangerous or very heavy, in addition to the MAP permit, you must also obtain a special permit to transport such cargo.

You can read about the rules that the parties to the MAP agreement must follow in the article
