Prayer for the well-being of the family home. How to create prosperity and financial wealth in the family... Or another female way to attract money to the house


A conspiracy for peace and harmony in the home

This plot can be read at any time of the day before dark. You need to light a candle and say it, looking at the flame, out loud, by heart.

I ask the Lord God for help! I go out into an open field, climb a mountain, search and find where my troubles live, where they come from. And they live in a deep cave, under a high mountain. I will go into that cave and say to the troubles and discords: “You sit, troubles, where you sit, don’t come to me, don’t leave your place. And so that you don’t leave your place, I will burn you with flames, cross you, lock you, and bury the key deep. You should sit here and rot, and never come to my house.” May this be accomplished according to my word. Amen.

Afterwards, with this candle, without extinguishing it, you need to walk around all the rooms of your house clockwise, starting from front door, and baptize all walls, corners, windows and doors with flame.


Do not place things in a prominent place in your home that remind you of something sad or suggest sad thoughts. Also, do not keep medications, medical devices, thermometers, bandages, etc. in plain sight. After using them, immediately put them in a medicine cabinet or drawer. Only things that remind you of good luck and pleasant moments in life should be in a prominent place. Then luck and joy will be attracted again and again.

Against quarrels in the house

This plot will help if there are often quarrels in the house, or in order to avoid quarrels, prevent them from happening. In the morning, at dawn, take White list paper, place it on the table, take a candle, light it, tilt it over a sheet of paper, and drip wax onto the sheet so that the drops are distributed over the entire sheet. Think that these are your tears, shed from quarrels. Then extinguish the candle with your fingers, fold the sheet in four and go to the bank of a river or stream. Sit there by the water, tear the leaf into small pieces, and throw it into the water. As you do this, say three times in a whisper or out loud:

Water-queen, little river-sister, take my tears, take our quarrels, wash them away with a clean stream, take them far away, so that they remain there and do not return back.

Then leave without looking back and without saying a word to anyone along the way.


In the house, under no circumstances should you talk across the threshold, and also not pass any things through it, say hello or say goodbye. Otherwise, evil spirits may come between you, and quarrels and swearing will begin in the house.

So that there are no quarrels in the house due to jealousy

Make scrambled eggs using an odd number of eggs (at least three). When you break the eggs, speak to them in a quiet whisper (so no one can hear):

Just as a mother’s child believes, so do you (name of spouse) believe me. Just as a chicken is meek, so be meek. Don't quarrel, don't swear, don't find fault with me. Peace in our home, from now on and forever and ever, amen.

Eat scrambled eggs with your spouse, but don’t talk about what you did.

For a housewarming party, to have a rich house

When you move to new house, take the broom that you used in the old house and say out loud at it:

Let's go, let's go, to a new home, to a happy life, to wealth. Forever and ever, amen.

Take the broom with you and use it in your new home as usual.


Always sweep the floor in the house not towards the threshold, but away from the threshold. Otherwise, you can sweep the happiness out of the house. You only need to keep one broom in the house. If there are more of them, then you can create poverty and scatter wealth in the corners.

Conspiracies for friendship with a brownie when moving into a new house

When you leave your old home for a new home, say out loud:

Master-master, come with me and take charge of a new house, you will help me, and make good money together!

Before entering new apartment, stop at the threshold and say out loud:

Master-father, I bow to you, I invite you with me, come into the new mansions, try the porridge, you will be warm and happy here!

After this, be sure to prepare a treat for the brownie - put porridge or pour milk into a saucer, then the brownie will faithfully serve you.

When you have dinner for the first time in a new house, take the first slice of bread cut off at dinner outside and bury it in the ground near the right corner of the house (as seen from the entrance), with the words:

Brownie-breadwinner, come to us, eat our bread, listen to the owners, live and live, help in everything!

Don’t forget to talk to the brownie in the future, thank him for his help and feed him, leaving porridge or milk in a saucer at least once a year. Greet him with these words, always out loud:

Hostess-father, let's live together, drive away trouble from home, bring joy and happiness into the house. Do good!


You can move to a new house any day of the week except Wednesday. If you move on Wednesday, according to signs, the new owners will not stay in this house for long.

For the brownie to protect

If troubles start in the house, ask the brownie for protection and help. Determine the place where the brownie will live. This is usually a far away secret corner. You can put a broom there - the brownie likes to live behind it. Take a saucer, pour milk into it and speak to it.

Brownie, little brownie, we can’t do anything without you, there’s no joy, come and help! We want to live in a house peacefully, comfortably, okay, so that evil spirits don’t interfere, don’t jump around the house - drive away, mistress, all the evil unclean ones, guard our house, defend us. Let us live peacefully and quietly, in harmony and kindness. WITH God's help. Amen.

Then place the saucer with milk in the brownie’s corner. Let it sit for a day or two, then you can pour it out.


Sharp objects left on the table overnight will prevent the brownie from fighting evil spirits in your house. Therefore, put knives, forks, scissors, needles, etc. in drawers. Also, do not leave salt and pepper on the table without first covering them with lids.

So that the house is protected from any harm

Take wool or linen threads - they must be strong. It is better that they are multi-colored, with a predominance of green, to which you can add a little yellow, blue and red. Using a knife, cut the threads into equal pieces of about one and a half meters long. You need to weave a braid from these threads. Do it in the morning, start at dawn. When you braid your hair, repeat the words of the spell to yourself by heart until you finish the work.

Guardian angel, be with me. Save my house, bring good, drive away evil, with the Holy Spirit the house of autumn. Amen.

When the braid is ready, secure it above the front door. This is a very powerful talisman to protect your home.


If troubles started in the house, and not just one, but several at once - someone got sick, things and food spoiled, the ceiling leaked, they began to wither houseplants, etc., this may mean that the brownie is angry about something and does not want to help you. We need to appease him with money. Put a few coins in a corner for him and ask for help. He will become kinder and help you get rid of misfortunes.

A conspiracy so that nothing threatens the house

God bless! Save and preserve the doors, and the windows, and the corners, and the ceilings, and the floors, and the gates, and the roof, and the chimney, and every crack, and fence my house with a wall stronger than iron; trouble will not pass through it, but happiness will find its way. My house is protected by the cross, covered with prayer. Amen.

So that the necessary things come to the house

If you want to equip a new home, or buy new things for your old one, and you want not to make a mistake with the purchase, so that they are only good things, and the money goes to good use, take a green scarf and speak to it in a whisper or out loud (you can use a book) any time of the day until dark.

I am a good owner, my house is good, and the things in it are good. Prosperity comes into the house on its own, I call it, invite it to my place. Let my house and everyone who lives in it live - not be sad, not need anything, may they rejoice at every little thing, small, large, medium, and everything. Welcome to the house!

Then tie the scarf to the leg of a table or chair, or to a pipe, or fasten it to the door, and go shopping. The scarf can be removed and stored in a secluded place when all the items have been purchased. This scarf cannot be used like an ordinary scarf; it should be kept in a secret place as a talisman for your property.

A conspiracy to avoid poverty and misfortune in the house

Buy new broom and sweep the whole house well with it. This should be done any time before dark. When you sweep the trash out the door, say out loud seven times in a row:

Along with this broom and rubbish, leave me, poverty and misfortune.

So that spouses, by mutual consent, dispose of family property and money

This conspiracy will help if one of the spouses unreasonably manages common money and property to the detriment of the other (for example, drinks away the family treasury, or spends common money for their own needs, regardless of the interests of other family members). The spouse who is the suffering party must do so. Take some item (from your spouse’s clothes) and wash it, and then rinse it in clean water. When you rinse, speak the words of the spell at the item three times in a row, in a whisper. Do this in the absence of your spouse, he should not know anything. And it’s better that he doesn’t realize that the item has been washed. It is not difficult for a woman to fulfill this condition, but it is much more difficult for a man - the wife is more likely to notice that her things were taken and washed. Therefore, men are recommended to take some small already washed item from their wife, which lies among the clean linen (at least a handkerchief). After washing, carefully put it in the same place so that she doesn’t notice anything.

We live in peace, we share everything equally, no one is offended, everyone is respected. I wash and rinse, I trust in the saints, I wash away stupid extravagance and the ruinous spirit from my spouse. Amen, amen, amen.

For peace and prosperity in the house

In the first half of the day, it is advisable to choose a time when no one is at home. Light a candle and walk around all the rooms of your home with it. While you walk, repeat the words of the spell aloud, louder, all the time, without being distracted by anything, without stopping or interrupting.

Fire-fire, burn poverty, bring wealth. Fire-fire, burn away troubles, quarrels and discord, bring happiness to the world. Fire-fire, burn away fears and worries, bring peace. Let the house be like the Garden of Eden - fruits hang there in abundance, no one shouts at each other. So in my house there is peace and quiet, and God's grace. There will be prosperity, peace and abundant life here. Amen.

Then extinguish the candle with your fingers and keep it as a talisman.

To save family and home

This conspiracy helps if something threatens your home or family, or you feel, seemingly without any reason, some anxiety, worry for your home and family. This plot will also help if something bad happened in the house (someone was seriously ill, died, or there were strong quarrels, a lot of swearing, or someone suffered greatly because of something). Go to church on Wednesday morning and bring holy water. Immediately spray all corners and windows of your home with this water. When you do this, say the words of the conspiracy, out loud, from memory.

Lord, help, save and preserve! Forgive us for our sins, voluntary and involuntary! Avert trouble, save our house and everyone living in it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Repeat without stopping all the time while you go around the house with holy water. If necessary, repeat again after a week.


If indoor plants grow and bloom well, then everything is fine in the house and in the family. If the plants begin to get sick, wither, and wither, this means quarrels, discord in the family and troubles.

To avoid quarreling in the house

In the first half of the day, take as many nails as there are rooms in your house (including rooms, hallway and kitchen). Drive the first nail above the front door with the words:

I’m not hammering a nail, I’m nailing down all the incoming quarrels and discords that sat and were silent and didn’t open their mouths!

Then drive a nail in each room (in any place) with the words:

I’m not hammering a nail, I’m nailing down all the kitchen (bedroom, living room, room) quarrels and discords so that they sit and remain silent and don’t open their mouths!

The nails must be driven in right up to the head, which would then be nice to paint over or cover with wallpaper.


If you don’t want to quarrel, never dry yourself together with the same towel, and don’t dry the dishes either. You can't hold on to the same towel together either.

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Oh, Most Holy Lady and Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honorable icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who come running to You, pray, O Merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, that He may keep our country peaceful and His holy Church unshakable. May he preserve and deliver from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from slander. evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, illnesses, troubles and from sudden death; Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that all of us, gratefully chanting Your greatness and mercy, manifested over us here on earth, we will be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom and there with all the saints we will glorify the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.


First prayer.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, the only hope for us sinners! We resort to You and pray to You, for you have great boldness before the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who was born of You in the flesh. Do not despise our tears, do not abhor our sighs, do not reject our sorrow, do not disgrace our hope in You, but with Your Mother’s prayers beseech the Lord God that He will grant us sinners and unworthy to be freed from sins and passions of the soul and body, to die to the world and to live for Him. one for all the days of our life. O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, travel and protect and protect those who are traveling, deliver those captives from captivity, free those suffering from troubles, comfort those in sorrow, sorrow and misfortune, alleviate poverty and all bodily suffering, and grant to everyone everything necessary for life, piety and life more temporary. Save, O Lady, all countries and cities, and this country and this city, to whom this miraculous and holy icon of Thy was given for consolation and protection, deliver me from famine, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, and turn away all anger towards us who are righteously motivated. Grant us time for repentance and conversion, deliver us from sudden death, and during our exodus appear to us, the Virgin Mother of God, and deliver us from airy ordeals, the princes of this age, vouchsafe to stand at the right hand of Christ at the Last Judgment, and make us heirs of the eternal good, may we glorify forever the magnificent name of Your Son and our God with His Originless Father and His Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer before the icon of the Mother of God of Feodorovskaya

O Most Merciful Lady, Queen Theotokos, accept our humble prayer, and do not reject us, our Intercession and Refuge, and do not disdain us, unworthy, but as the Merciful One, do not stop praying, Whom You gave birth to, that He may grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, yes will save us in the image of our destinies. Have mercy on us, Lady, have mercy on us, for there is no salvation for us from works. It is also true that we cry to Thee: have mercy on Thy servants, and show our barren heart fruitful in good deeds. Look down on us unworthy. You are our hope and protection, life and light to our heart. As you raised up the Everlasting Light from Your womb, illuminate our soul, O Pure One, and drive away all darkness in our hearts. Grant us tenderness, repentance and contrition of heart. Grant us, all the days of our lives, to do the will of Thy Son and our God and to please Him alone in everything. O Mother of God, do not stop praying to the One born of You for all those who flow with faith to this miraculous image of Yours and give them ambulance and consolation in sorrows, and misfortunes, and suffering, deliver them from slander and human malice, from enemies visible and invisible, and all kinds of needs and sorrows. Save our fatherland, this city and all cities and countries from all troubles and needs, and make the existence of our God merciful to us, turn away all His wrath against us and deliver us from His due and righteous rebuke. O God-loving Lady, adornment of the angels, glory to the martyrs and joy to all the saints, pray to the Lord with them, that he may grant us in repentance to end the course of our life. In the hour of death, Most Holy Virgin, deliver us from the power of demons and condemnation, and answer, and terrible trials, and bitter ordeals, and eternal fire, so that, having been honored with the glorious Kingdom of God, we magnify You and glorify Christ our God, incarnated from You, glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The third prayer before the icon of Our Lady of Feodorovskaya

To whom will I call, the Lady; to whom shall I resort in my sorrow; To whom will I bring my tears and sighs, if not to You, Queen of Heaven and earth. Who will pluck me from the mire of sins and iniquities, if not You, O Mother of the Belly, Intercessor and Refuge of the human race. Hear my groaning, comfort me and have mercy in my sorrow, protect me in troubles and misfortunes, deliver me from bitterness and sorrows and all sorts of ailments and illnesses, from visible and invisible enemies, pacify the enmity of those who suffer me, so that I will be delivered from slander and human malice; So free me from your flesh and vile customs. Cover me under the canopy of Your mercy, so that I may find peace and joy and cleansing from sins. I entrust myself to your Motherly intercession: be my Mother and Hope, Protection and Help and Intercession, joy and consolation and a quick Helper in everything. Oh, wonderful Lady! Everyone flows to You, without Your all-powerful help does not leave: for this reason, even though I am unworthy, I come running to You, so that I will be delivered from sudden and cruel death, gnashing of teeth and eternal torment. I am worthy to receive the Kingdom of Heaven and to You in the tenderness of my heart the river: Rejoice, Mother of God, our zealous Representative and Intercessor, forever and ever. Amen.


O many-spirited Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have transferred to the earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. For you know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but since you have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the One God, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen..


O servants of God, Schema-monk Kirill and Schema-nun Mary! Hear our humble prayer. Even though your temporary life has naturally ended, you do not depart from us in spirit, always following the commandments of the Lord, teaching us and patiently bearing your cross, helping us. Therefore, together with our reverend and God-bearing father Sergius, your beloved son, we naturally acquired boldness towards Christ God and His Most Pure Mother. Even now, be prayer books and intercessors for us, unworthy servants of God (names). Be our intercessors of strength, so that by living faith, by your intercession, we may remain unharmed from demons and evil men, glorifying the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


O all-honorable and blessed Father Alexis, wondrous Elder of Moscow and to the whole Russian Church praise and joy! Having great love for the Lord, unfailingly fulfilling the covenants of the Gospel, you laid down your soul for your flock, grieving with a merciful heart for all who ask for your help. Accept this little prayer of ours, and as in your earthly life you quenched every tear and delivered you from every sorrow, so even now, merciful prayer-maker and our intercessor, take away your burdens, more Our pain and sorrow, fill our suffering hearts with joy and beg God, the Lover of mankind, for forgiveness our sins; Yes, having cleansed the soul by repentance, let us turn to a virtuous life. To her, Elder Alexie, be a good shepherd for us too, instructing us on the path of salvation, so that through your prayers we will immaculately walk the path of our life and find the Heavenly Fatherland, where you stand with the angels and all the saints Shea to the Throne of the Holy Trinity, glorifying the Beginning Father with His Only Begotten Son and the Most Holy One , and the Good, and His Life-giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers for prosperity and prosperity

Prayer to the Guardian Angel against bad luck

Prayer to the Lord God for prosperity II

You, O Lord, are our wealth, and therefore we lack nothing. With You we desire nothing, neither in heaven nor on earth. In You we enjoy indescribably great bliss, which the whole world cannot give us. Do it, so that we may continually find ourselves in You, and then for Your sake we will willingly renounce everything that is displeasing to You, and we will be content, as if You were Heavenly Father ours, nor arranged our earthly fate. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for material well-being

I appeal to you, angel of Christ. He also protected me and protected me and kept me, for I have not sinned before and will not sin in the future against faith. So respond now, come down on me and help me. I worked very hard, and now you see my honest hands with which I worked. So let it be, as Scripture teaches, that labor will be rewarded. Reward me according to my labors, holy one, so that my hand, weary with labor, may be filled, and I may live comfortably and serve God. Fulfill the will of the Almighty and bless me with earthly bounties according to my labors. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for abundance

Having given tribute to our Lord God, Jesus Christ, for the dishes on my table, in which I saw a sign of His highest love, I now turn with prayer to you, holy warrior of the Lord, angel of Christ. It was the will of God that for my little righteousness, I, the accursed one, would feed myself and my family, my wife and unthinking children. I pray to you, saint, protect me from the empty table, fulfill the will of the Lord and reward me for my deeds with a modest dinner, so that I can satisfy my hunger and feed my children, who are sinless before the face of the Almighty. Since he sinned against the word of God and fell into disgrace, it was not out of malice. Our God sees that I did not think about evil, but always followed His commandments. Therefore, I repent, I pray for forgiveness for the sins that I have, and I ask to be given a plentiful table in moderation, so as not to die of hunger. Amen.

Prayer to the holy martyr Harlampius for deliverance from hunger, asking for the fertility of the earth, a good harvest

Most wonderful holy martyr Haralampie, unconquerable passion-bearer, priest of God, intercede for the whole world! Look at the prayer of us, who honor your holy memory: ask the Lord God for forgiveness of our sins, so that the Lord will not be completely angry with us: we have sinned and are unworthy of God’s mercy: pray to the Lord God for us, that he may send peace upon our cities and towns May He deliver us from the invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare and all kinds of discord and discord: establish, O holy martyr, faith and piety in all the children of the Orthodox Christian Church, and may the Lord God deliver us from heresies, schisms and all superstition. O merciful martyr! Pray for us to the Lord, may He save us from hunger and all kinds of diseases, and may He give us an abundance of the fruits of the earth, an increase in livestock for human needs, and everything useful to us: above all, may we be worthy, through your prayers, of the heavenly kingdom of Christ our God, to Him honor and worship befits, with His beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel, protecting from failures

Making the sign of the cross over myself, I turn in fervent prayer to you, angel of Christ, guardian of my soul and body. Who is in charge of my affairs, who guides me, who sends me Lucky case, don’t leave me even in the moment of my failures. Forgive my sins, since I have sinned against the faith. Protect, saint, from bad luck. May failures pass by the servant of God (name), may the will of the Lord, the Lover of Mankind, be done in all my affairs, and may I never suffer from bad luck and poverty. This is what I pray to you, benefactor. Amen.

Prayer to Martyr Tikhon

All praise to the saint and servant of Christ, our Father Tikhon! Having lived as an angel on earth, you, like a good angel, appeared in your long-ago glorification: we believe with all our souls and thoughts that you, our kind-hearted helper and prayer book, through your honest intercessions and grace, abundantly given to you from the Lord, ever contribute to our salvation . Accept therefore, blessed servant of Christ, even at this hour our unworthy prayer: free us through your intercession from the vanity and superstition that surrounds us, the unbelief and evil of man; strive, speedy representative for us, with your favorable intercession to beg the Lord, may He add His great and rich mercy to us sinners and unworthy His servants (names), may He heal with His grace the unhealed ulcers and scabs of our corrupted souls and bodies, may He dissolve our petrified hearts tears of tenderness and contrition for our many sins, and may He deliver us from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna; May He grant to all His faithful people peace and quiet, health and salvation, and good haste in everything, so that having lived a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, let us be worthy to glorify and sing the all-holy name of the Father with the Angels and with all the saints and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for prosperity in front of the Kazan icon

O Most Holy Lady, Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love before honest and miraculous icon With Your falling, we pray to You: do not turn Your face away from those who come running to You: beg, O merciful Mother, Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to keep our country peaceful, and to preserve His holy, unshakable Church from unbelief, heresies and schism let him deliver. There are no imams, for there is no other help, no imams of other hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the all-powerful helper and intercessor of Christians: deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, illnesses, misfortunes and from sudden death: grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all gratefully sing of Your greatness and mercy, manifested over us here on earth, we will be worthy of both the Heavenly Kingdom and there with Let us glorify with all the saints the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for deliverance from money problems in front of the “Protection” icon Holy Mother of God»

ABOUT Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the Highest Powers, Heaven and earth Queen, our city and country, all-powerful Intercessor! Accept this singing of praise and gratitude from us, Thy unworthy servants, and lift up our prayers to the Throne of God Thy Son, that He may be merciful to our untruths and add His grace to those who honor the all-honorable your name and with faith and love those who worship Your miraculous image. We are not, because you deserve to be pardoned by Him, if you do not propitiate Him for us, the Lady, as everything is possible for You from Him. For this reason, we resort to You, as to our undoubted and speedy Intercessor: hear us praying to You, cover us with Your all-powerful protection and ask God Your Son as our shepherd for zeal and vigilance for souls, as a city ruler for wisdom and strength, for judges for truth and impartiality. , a mentor, reason and humility, a spouse, love and harmony, a child, obedience, patience for the offended, the fear of God for those who offend, complacency for those who grieve, abstinence for those who rejoice:


Prayer for protection from poverty and other troubles of Saint Xenia the Blessed

Holy all-blessed mother Ksenia! Having lived under the shelter of the Most High, knowing and strengthened by the Mother of God, having endured hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, you have received the gift of insight and miracles from God and are resting under the shade of the Almighty. Now the Holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorifies you: standing at the place of your burial, before your holy image, as if you were alive and dry with us, we pray to you: accept our petitions and bring them to the Throne of the Merciful Heavenly Father, as you have boldness towards Him , ask for eternal salvation for those who flow to you, and for our good deeds and undertakings a generous blessing, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows, appear with your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinners, help, holy blessed mother Ksenia, babies with the light of the Holy Illuminate Baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, educate boys and girls in faith, honesty, fear of God and chastity and grant them success in learning; heal the sick and ailing, family love and the consent of those who have descended, with the monastic feat of good will be worthy to strive and protect from reproach, strengthen the shepherds in the strength of spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and tranquility, for those deprived of the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ in the dying hour: you are our hope and hope, soon hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for protection from poverty

I appeal to you with prayer, my benefactor and patron, my intercessor before the Lord God, holy angel of Christ. I appeal to you, for my barns have become poor, my stables stand empty. My bins are no longer pleasing to the eye, and my purse is empty. I know that this is a test for me, a sinner. And therefore I pray to you, saint, for I am honest before people and God, and my money has always been honest. And I did not take sin on my soul, but always profited according to God’s providence. Do not destroy me with hunger, do not oppress me with poverty. Do not allow the humble servant of God to die despised by all as a beggar, for I worked very hard for the glory of the Lord. Protect me, my holy patron angel, from a life of poverty, for I am innocent. Since I am guilty, then everything will be God’s will. Amen.

One of the greatest values ​​for a person is family. Only those closest to you can help and support in different ways. difficult situations that a man or woman faces. And they are the only ones who will sincerely and wholeheartedly rejoice at success. But quite often the ties that bind people , are subjected to various tests influencing peace and family well-being and prosperity. And they do not always remain as strong as they were before. In order not to lose a precious connection, it should be protected and stored. Prayer for the family and its inviolability can play a big role in this.

When to Turn to Prayer

There are moments when there is a clear understanding that the familiar world is collapsing. Mutual understanding and love disappears, life together begin to be accompanied by quarrels and scandals, dear a person closes in on himself. And one fine day the husband announces that he is leaving the family.

Sooner or later, faced with the possibility of marriage breakdown, women very often turn to God, seeing this as their only salvation.

There are several ways to turn to the Almighty:

  • request;
  • question and reproach;
  • forgiveness and the repentance that accompanies it.

But only a sincere appeal coming from the very depths of the soul and heart will have power.

How to pray correctly

The appeal can be pronounced mentally or out loud, at home or directly in the temple in front of the saints. Usually prayer involves observing a certain ritual:

  • A person must kneel.
  • You need to look at the icon or just up.
  • Place your hands together.

But some prayers can be read without adhering to this rule. At the same time, a person must have faith that his request will be heard and fulfilled.

Only the Lord has the power to correct the current situation and return everything to normal. the right way. Any conversion should begin with thanksgiving to God for everything that he has already given, and repentance for all sins committed. Then you need to ask, in front of the image of the chosen saint, to convey your request to the Almighty.

Prayer for the family to the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Virgin Mary is considered the guardian of the family hearth. And that’s why everyone prefers to turn to this saint. married ladies, asking her for protection from rumors and slander, envy and betrayal.

This prayer has several options and does not require the observance of any specific rituals. It is important to preserve the semantic content and not necessarily to pronounce specific memorized words. Here is one of the most common texts:

After they are completely burned, you should cross yourself three times and sprinkle yourself with blessed water.

This text, like any other prayer for the family, is strong. And it would be best to write it down on paper and store it behind the icon.

Prayer for the preservation of the family and admonishment of the husband

Words given miraculous prayer addressed to Saints Peter and Fevronia, who are considered the patrons of marriage and love. Their life story is an example of loyalty and honor for two loving people. You should turn to them when you need to return your husband to the family and strengthen devotion:

Pleaser of the Almighty, Peter and Fevronia. Hear me in my prayers to the Lord God and help. The Almighty blessed you for your Christian strong love, for loyalty and devotion. You are the defenders of personal happiness and peace. Please teach me the value of love and harmony. I pray for God's Blessings on you. I contact hard time. Love in my family is lost, it suffers from squabbles and scandals. I pray to protect my family from demonic affairs and enemies. May your names be glorified.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

Appealing to Mother Matrona helps with such life troubles as the impossibility for a long time conceiving a child or a spouse leaving for a rival. Prayer to save the family is strong which has been proven many times real cases healing from infertility or the return of family well-being after an appeal to the holy martyr.

An ideal option would be to visit the relics of Matronushka. If this is not possible, you can directly contact the monastery for spiritual support. In a family where there is a real threat of divorce, there must be an icon of the saint, in front of which one must read a prayer every evening.

The blessed virgin patronizes all those who are in difficult life situation or terminally ill. Therefore, along with a request to her, it is necessary to help someone who is suffering. This is usually expressed in donating some of the products to the homeless:

  • a piece of black bread;
  • dried fruits or nuts;
  • something sweet (cookies, honey, sugar);
  • cracker.

You can place live chrysanthemums in front of her image.

Prayer for peace in the family

For help about family well-being they turn not only to female saints, but also to the martyrs Samon, Aviv and Gurias. According to legend, these saints were deprived of their lives for refusing to venerate the pagan gods, since they recognized only one God.

To protect the family from various troubles and disagreements, you should say a prayer to them in front of a burning candle:

In addition to these saints, you can ask Nicholas the Wonderworker or John the Theologian for help.

Prayer for family well-being

Prayer for family well-being is powerful when addressed to Mother of God Semistrelnitsa. She, unlike the Most Holy Theotokos, is depicted without a baby and with her heart pierced by seven arrows. The image is usually placed opposite the front door or directly above it. It is believed that it is she who protects the family from evil tongues, ill-wishers, envious people, illnesses and sinful behavior.

In conclusion, it should be noted once again that without sincere faith in the miraculous powers of prayers, there will be no sense in them, regardless of who the prayer is addressed to.

. 1. Always take change from the store, even if it is small. If there is no money in the cash register for change, wait until they change it.
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2. Do not give money to anyone in unfolded form. Fold the bill in half and pass it with the folded end forward. If you ignore advice and give money open side, your wealth will begin to dry up.
3. Never throw money on the floor or the ground; even if small coin fell, pick her up.
4. Do not crumple banknotes or carry them crumpled in your pockets.
5. Do not keep old receipts in your wallet - this will attract unnecessary expenses.
6. If you win the lottery, be sure to share this amount with your friends or donate some to the church. Otherwise, you will soon lose the same amount as you won, or even more.
7. Place a bill in your newly acquired wallet and do not spend it for a week - the money must get used to its new “home”.
8. To avoid being left without money, do not put your hat, gloves and keys on the table.
9. Money goes away like water; You cannot have faulty plumbing in your home to avoid leaks.
10. Don’t cut your own hair or trim your bangs, otherwise you risk being broke.
11. If you drop your wallet and money falls out of it, pick it up only right hand, and be sure to leave at least one coin on the floor (or on the ground). In this case, you can say: “I leave one - I receive the rest.”
12. On the day you receive your salary, do not spend a single penny - the money must spend the night at home in order to love it.
13. Ask for a pay raise on Wednesday afternoon.
14. When a debt is repaid to you, keep a fig in your pocket.
15. If it itches left hand, unexpected money will come.
16. Give all the change from your wallet to the poor on Sunday or spend it yourself, otherwise you will only be rich in small money.
17. After guests leave, shake out the tablecloth from the table at which you ate. Then there will be money in the house.
18. Don’t sweep crumbs off the table with your hand - you’ll lose your stable income.
19. Sweep the floor from the threshold, and not towards the threshold, so as not to sweep away good things from the house. Do not do this in the evening - your well-being will worsen.
20. Don’t throw away trash in the evening, otherwise you risk being robbed.
21. To make money, cut your nails on Tuesday or Friday.
22. Don't whistle at home - you invite poverty. Whistling next to another person means whistling all his money.
23. Don’t sweep the same apartment with different brooms - scatter wealth into the corners.
24. Do not leave coins, bills or an empty bottle on the table overnight - this will lead to loss of funds. Leaving the keys means losing property.
25. Do not stand on the threshold so as not to block the path of prosperity coming into the house.
26. Pay off debts in the morning, not in the evening.
27. Place a few coins under the tablecloth in the kitchen - this will attract a quick return of debts.
28. After the unwanted and envious guest leaves, sweep the house, especially the corners and threshold - you will sweep away the bad energy.
29. Chestnuts count money talismans. Place a few fruits in your money box or in a bag next to your wallet.
30. While moving under a bridge where a train passes, put your wallet with money on your head and walk a few steps.
31. If, when buying an item, you spend everything that was in your wallet, then while you are wearing this item, you will experience an acute lack of funds. On the contrary, if you have a decent amount of money left, you will not need anything.
32. Don't throw away old wallets - doing this will drive away money luck.
33. If you happen to have someone else’s dishes, jar or basket, when returning them, put some object there - there will always be prosperity in your home.
34. Do not pour alcohol out of the water - all glasses and glasses must be on the table, otherwise the money will run away from the house.
35. When you hear the cuckoo for the first time this year, take it in your hand silver coins- You will have money throughout the year.
36. Show a coin or bill new month and say over your shoulder: “A month, a month, give me money!”
37. On the day of the full moon, do not prepare food, otherwise you will run out of money.
38. Do not keep torn banknotes - exchange them at the bank for new ones, otherwise material success will pass you by.
39. Don't leave a knife in a loaf of bread to avoid poverty and hunger.
40. Leave at least one paper bill and a few coins in your wallet: an empty wallet attracts poverty.
41. Workplace It is better to position it so that there is a wall or partition behind you. If conditions do not allow this, choose a work chair with a high back - it will protect you from behind from the influence of negative cash flows.
42. If you want to settle in a company for a long time, avoid placing your workplace opposite the stairs and under overhanging objects.
43. Place on your desktop your most successful photo, which was taken at the time of an important event for you. It will inspire you to new achievements.
44. At the end of the day, be sure to tidy up your desk. Otherwise, the troubles of yesterday will carry over into the new day and interfere with productive work.
45. When taking breaks to drink tea or coffee, pour a full mug or glass. Incomplete vessels promise a lack of money and waste.
