Slimming drinks at home. Drainage drinks for weight loss, swelling and overall well-being Drainage drinks for weight loss at home

Drainage drinks are very good for losing weight at home. Just choose from a variety of recipes the one that suits your taste and liking, and get rid of all unnecessary for the sake of maintaining health. And we, in turn, will tell you about this way to lose weight in more detail.

What are drainage drinks and how do they help you lose weight?

Drainage drinks are a real godsend for those who want to get rid of extra centimeters in the waist, on the hips, and even on the ankles as soon as possible. After all, excess weight is not only fatty deposits, but also the fluid accumulated in the cells, which gives puffiness and extra pounds on the scales. So, in order to get rid of it, experts recommend resorting to lymphatic drainage, that is, removing stagnant lymph with the help of special drinks.

Lymphatic system

In addition, cocktails that help you lose weight have a number of other positive properties for the body:

  • they speed up metabolic processes;
  • help cleanse internal organs;
  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restore water-salt balance;
  • remove toxins and toxins;
  • relieve edema;
  • reduce the amount of extra pounds;
  • have a beneficial effect on the color and health of the skin;
  • saturate the body with useful substances and microelements;
  • increase overall tone and help fight depression;
  • make cellulite less pronounced;
  • normalize stool;
  • strengthen the immune system.

As a rule, all homemade drainage drinks are extremely beneficial for the body, because they consist only of healthy and natural ingredients. But, they also have a number of contraindications that you should be aware of. These are: the period of pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance to the components, an allergic reaction, gastrointestinal diseases, the presence of problems with the gallbladder, liver and kidneys.

How to Drink Drainage Drinks Properly?

And here we want to draw your attention to one very important point: drainage drinks work well only in conjunction with physical activity, subject to the norms of proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. Yes, they really help get rid of extra pounds, edema and even cellulite on the buttocks, but in order to achieve truly impressive results and become healthier, you will have to take an integrated approach.

As for the intake schedule, it is quite simple: the most important thing is to drink cleansing drinks separately from food. Ideally, if the cocktail is drunk on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals or exercise. And don't forget that everything should be done regularly.

Drainage Drinks Recipes

Now let's find out what kind of drainage slimming drinks can be made easily and easily at home. Below you will find several miracle recipes that will help you get rid of annoying pounds and unpleasant sensations associated with being overweight.

The easiest slimming drink

Recipe 1. Hydromel

A drink with such an interesting name was invented in France many years ago by nutritionist Madeleine Gesta. Moreover, it is prepared absolutely elementary, and the benefits for the body are colossal.

  • Bring 200-250 ml of still drinking water to a boil;
  • cool it down to 40 °, pour into a glass;
  • add 10g of honey there, and 10-20g of lemon juice.

Be sure to keep the temperature below the specified temperature, otherwise it will destroy the beneficial enzymes in honey. Optionally, to enhance the fat-burning effect, you can add a little grated fresh ginger to the drink.

The benefits of ginger

Recipe 2. Infusion of birch leaves

An excellent drink with a rich taste, prepared according to a folk recipe. You need to drink it 2 times a day.

  • Take a pinch of pre-dried birch leaves;
  • fill them with boiling water in the amount of 250 ml;
  • let it brew for 45 minutes - an hour;
  • add a tablespoon of honey to the infusion;
  • 10-20 g lemon juice;
  • one stick of cinnamon.

Birch leaves for this drink can be purchased at the pharmacy, or collected by yourself in late May or early June.

Recipe 3. Water Sassi

This popular and very healthy drink also has excellent cleansing properties. To prepare it, take:

  • 2 liters of clean drinking water;
  • a bunch of mint;
  • half a lemon;
  • 1 cm of fresh ginger root;
  • one medium cucumber.

Grate the ginger root, cut the lemon and cucumber into thin slices. Put everything together with mint in a jug and cover with water. Before drinking, the drink must be placed in the refrigerator overnight so that it is infused. We recommend starting the next morning with him.

Recipe 4. Drink for weight loss from grapefruit and sea buckthorn

Anyone who has encountered the problem of excess weight knows that grapefruit is an excellent assistant in the fight against excess pounds. And if you enrich it with other useful products, the effect will be overwhelming.

  • Pour one liter of water into a jug;
  • add half the sliced ​​grapefruit with the skin;
  • put 2 tablespoons of grated fresh ginger there;
  • then pour 100 ml of sea buckthorn syrup, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or store;
  • mix everything and set to cool for an hour and a half.

This drink will have a slightly specific, but pleasant taste.

Recipe 5. Drainage infusion on currants

To prepare it, take:

  • 30-40g dried currant leaves;
  • pour from 250 ml of boiling water;
  • let it brew for 60 minutes;
  • then add 100 ml of fresh or frozen currant juice to a container with leaves.

According to a similar recipe, you can make an infusion of strawberries.

Recipe 6. Lymphatic drainage herbal collection

It consists of four components:

  • dandelion root;
  • sweet clover medicinal;
  • geranium inflorescences;
  • flowers cuff.

Take a teaspoon of each of the herbs, pour 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Take a drink during the day half an hour before meals.

Recipe 7. Drink with parsley

Parsley is also considered to be an excellent appetite suppressant. It cleans well of toxins and toxins.

To prepare, wash a bunch of fresh seasoning in running water. Chop it finely, boil it with boiling water. Let it brew in a dark place for 30 minutes. In this case, the container with parsley should be covered with a blanket. Drink the drink in portions, 100 ml a few minutes before meals.

In addition to the above drinks, excellent drainage properties are: green tea, kefir with cinnamon, citrus cocktails, beet juice and plain water.

Probably, many people know that excess weight often occurs due to constant fluid retention in the body. And the point here is not only that the increase in body weight is due to the accumulation of water in cells and intercellular space. If the kidneys do not have time to process all this water at a certain time, edema of various types appears, and other processes in the body also begin to be disrupted. There are malfunctions in the endocrine system, the state of health worsens, and the lack of natural vitamins and minerals adds to the problems: it is no coincidence that it is customary for us to “lose weight by summer,” after several months of a “winter” lifestyle, rich in calories and poor exercise.

Today we will talk about drainage slimming drinks, what they are, why they help you lose weight. Here are the best folk recipes for drainage drinks at home. Go?

What is lymphatic drainage

What to do with these problems, familiar to many people firsthand? Recently, such a concept as "lymphatic drainage" has been "heard"; This is often the name given to procedures that allow excess fluid to be removed from the intercellular space. This fluid is lymph, if you do not go into details; we can also say that it becomes the actual lymph, getting from the intercellular space into the lymphatic capillaries.

We will not describe completely the structure of the human lymphatic system. Let's just say that it is lymph that cleanses our body from the inside, washing all organs, removing toxins, microbes and other dirt, and thereby protects us from diseases and premature old age.

Every day, 1.5-3 liters of lymph can circulate in the human body, and it has many functions: for example, it removes excess fluid and fat from the body, fights infections, etc.

With the modern lifestyle, stagnation of lymph in the body has become a very common phenomenon: after all, the lymphatic system does not have a "pump", like the circulatory system, and the movement of lymph occurs due to muscle contractions, and we move very little. It is because of the weak work of the lymphatic system that toxins accumulate, and the state of health and appearance deteriorates.

The procedure of lymphatic drainage - cleaning the lymphatic system, today is offered not only by medical clinics, but also by beauty and health centers, and beauty salons. There are different types: hardware lymphatic drainage (vacuum, microcurrent), manual, etc., and it is shown not only for certain problems, but also as a preventive measure that allows you to maintain normal metabolism, and therefore a healthy weight.

Lymphatic drainage can be arranged for yourself and from the inside, taking home remedies that accelerate the movement of lymph and help cleanse it. So, the well-known tool Turboslim Drainage based on plant extracts is designed to improve lymph circulation, remove toxins, relieve edema and lose weight.

Why are folk drainage drinks useful?

However, in addition to purchased products, you can also use home drainage drinks for weight loss: as always, folk recipes for herbal infusions, mixtures of juices and other drinks come to the rescue - they are called "drainage". Drainage drinks, like almost all folk methods for losing weight, do not require noticeable financial costs, complex manipulations and a lot of time: any housewife can prepare delicious drainage drinks that help get rid of edema, cellulite and excess weight; by the way, men are increasingly interested in such means.

The best recipes for losing weight at home

Let's start with simple recipes for drainage drinks that drain excess fluid and have a tonic effect.

Medicinal preparations, herbs, spices and spices have excellent drainage properties. And now about everything in order.

Medicinal plants and herbal preparations for weight loss

Fresh or dry leaves of black currant (30 g), brew like tea (0.5 liters of boiling water), insist and cool. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day, before meals.

Leaves and berries of wild strawberries (2 tablespoons) are brewed in the same way, insisted for 2 hours. They also drink before meals, but 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

During the day, you can drink a drainage drink for weight loss with lemon juice (1 tbsp) and honey (1 tsp), stirring them in a glass of lukewarm boiled water. You need to drink it half an hour before meals, and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.

An even more effective drainage drink for weight loss is considered to be an infusion of birch leaves with honey: 2 tsp. insist crushed leaves for 15 minutes in a glass of boiling water, strain, add 1 tsp. honey, stir and drink. You need to prepare and drink the drink twice a day, 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch.

Drainage drink with parsley

Slimming drink with parsley helps to "disperse" the liquid in a day. A bunch of fresh herbs is cut, kneaded in a saucepan, poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool, filter and drink 1/2 cup 40 minutes before meals. Drinking parsley can also help you lose weight by reducing your appetite.

A good drainage drink for weight loss is considered to be an infusion of a mixture of herbs: melilot, cuffs - plants of the pink family, often called a love spell or dew-shed, - geranium and dandelion root. It is useful for weakened immunity, after long-term treatment with chemical drugs, etc. The herbs are mixed in equal parts, 1 tbsp is poured. mixture with boiling water (0.5 l) and infused for 10 minutes. Drink in small sips throughout the day.

Effective drinks with ginger

Drinking ginger is believed to improve lymph circulation. There is a simple recipe for a slimming drainage cleansing drink made with wine - red (winter) or white (summer). Dry ginger powder (1 tsp) is poured with a liter of wine, kept in a dark place for 3 days, and then the resulting drink is taken in 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Drainage slimming drinks with lemon

For those who do not drink wine, ginger and lemon are suitable: this combination is considered very effective. A piece of fresh ginger root 4 cm long is crushed together with half a lemon, juice is squeezed out of the rest of the lemon, poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. The infusion is filtered and drunk during the day.

Lemon juice (the same amount) can be mixed with rosehip syrup (1 tsp), add chili pepper - cut off 2 thin rings from a small pod, pour boiling water over everything (200 ml), leave for 10 minutes and drink 1/2 cup each 3 times a day.

Fruit juice and sodium sulfate

On vacation or on weekends, lymphatic drainage can be done with a drainage slimming drink made from fruit juice and sodium sulfate solution. It is necessary to prepare melt water (1.8 l) in advance, and in the morning squeeze juice from fruits: grapefruit - 900 ml, orange and lemon - 200 ml each. 1.6 l of water is mixed with the obtained juices, and 1 tbsp is stirred in 200 ml. sodium sulfate powder, and drink slowly on an empty stomach. Then do a warm foot bath for 15 minutes to induce sweating; water temperature - 38 ° C. Then, during the day, every half hour, you need to drink 100 ml of a drink from juices and water. It is recommended that you wear warm clothing, such as an old tracksuit, and wrap yourself in a blanket. In the next two days, the procedure must be repeated, however, if it is difficult, you can limit yourself to one day. In general, before carrying out such procedures, it is imperative to consult a specialist or attending physician: there are a number of contraindications, and not every organism can withstand such cleansing without any problems.

Success secrets

As for drainage drinks for weight loss, they must be taken for at least a week - this is the minimum necessary in order to get the desired result. Weight with them leaves slowly, but surely: in 1.5-2 weeks, eating dishes from natural products and not overeating, you can safely get rid of 3-4 extra pounds. Many reviews confirm this, but it is noted that it is also worth observing the daily regimen, and at least twice a week to work out in the gym, on the home simulator, do aerobic exercises or just run.

The tense rhythm of modern life, physical inactivity, sedentary work at the computer, metabolic disorders - all this contributes to a set of extra pounds, stagnation of lymph and fluid in the body. In order to return to the previous slender figure, it is necessary to correct nutrition and increase physical activity. However, they will help speed up the process of losing weight, which will not only remove excess fluid from the tissues, but will remove puffiness and improve the condition of the body as a whole.

Important conditions for losing weight

Drainage drinks help well and quickly, but in combination with other methods:

  • limit, and it is better to exclude fatty, sweet, salty, smoked foods from the diet;
  • you definitely need good vigorous activity (brisk walking, running, dancing, twirling a hoop, pumping your abs, doing aerobics);
  • eat more foods with a lot of fiber and drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

If these rules are followed, drainage drinks will speed up the process of losing those extra pounds. In addition, home drainage systems help to heal the entire body as a whole, enriching it with minerals and vitamins.

Slimming drainage

These drinks, which normalize the water balance due to the movement of lymph, accelerate the metabolism in the body.

Conventionally, homemade drinks can be divided:

  • any product has been added to the water;
  • fresh juices of vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • infusions, decoctions of various herbs.

Benefits of drainage drinks

The availability of drinks assumes that everyone can use their effect on themselves. Almost anyone can freely take advantage of the beneficial properties of green tea, mint, lemon, pepper, ginger, rose hips, parsley, lingonberries and cranberries, significantly improve and strengthen the immune system.

  1. Simple to use. Typically, these drinks are taken on an empty stomach before any meal, lymph massage, or workout. Everyone adjusts the dose for himself.
  2. These drinks improve the digestion of food, speeding up its movement through the digestive organs, speed up the metabolism, which leads to better absorption of nutrients.
  3. By dispelling the stagnation of lymph, improving its movement, drinks will help to remove excess fluid from organs and tissues, which helps to reduce weight from three to five kilograms.
  4. Most of the products that make up the drinks are rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, with regular use of drainage drinks for weight loss, the body is well replenished with vitamins and minerals.

Drainage Slimming Drinks

These miracle drinks allow you to lose 1-1.5 kg of weight in the very first days of their intake. The following recipes have proven to be effective.

Honey drinks

They also prepare a birch-honey mixture. Numerous reviews have shown that such a mixture is more effective, although it is more difficult to prepare it. It is necessary to take dry birch leaves and brew with boiling water (glass) after 15 minutes, strain and stir a teaspoon of honey in the broth. This mixture should be drunk in the morning and evening before breakfast and dinner.

Miracle drink with parsley

An excellent recipe for getting rid of edema and pounds of weight. Chop a bunch of parsley, pour boiling water (250 ml), close and insist for 20 minutes. Take the strained infusion 40 minutes before meals at least three times a day. Those who experienced the effect of parsley infusion claim that after 2 weeks they lost 4-5 kg ​​of weight. You can use fresh and dry parsley.

miracle drink

Herbal Slimming Drainage

Most often, coltsfoot, horsetail, calendula are used from herbs.

3 tbsp. l. dry raw materials mother-and-stepmothers fall asleep in a cup of boiling water and insist an hour in a thermos. Within 2 weeks they drink a tablespoon after 2 hours. Reviews of those losing weight about the infusion are excellent.

Horsetail in the amount of two tablespoons is poured into a glass of boiling water, infused and taken three times ¼ glass of infusion.

Dry calendula flowers (3 tbsp. L.) Are brewed in a thermos with 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for about an hour, drunk three times a day, 0.5 cups each. The result is amazing, and the immune system is also strengthened.

The most popular ingredients for homemade drinks:

  • lemon, honey;
  • green tea;
  • lingonberry, cranberry, black currant, strawberry, wild strawberry;
  • infusions of leaves of young birch, currants, lingonberries;
  • peppermint, lemon balm;
  • dill, parsley, fennel;
  • juice of beets, cucumbers, zucchini.

Now you know how useful. Try, experiment, and you will definitely get an excellent result, losing the right amount of hated kilograms.


Traditional medicine recipes are most often used in conjunction with conventional treatment or as an adjunct to conventional treatment. Any recipe is good after consulting a specialist.

Do not self-medicate!

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In case of metabolic disorders or water-salt balance, refusal from favorite foods and adherence to a diet may not bring the desired result. In the absence of a positive effect, nutritionists advise women to start drinking lymphatic drainage. Reviews of this drink are extremely positive.

What is lymphatic drainage tea, how does such a drink affect the body - read in this article.

Whether there will be an effect from drinking tea and whether it will help you lose extra pounds depends on what type of product is used. According to leading doctors, regular black (which is the most common) has absolutely no effect on the process of losing weight.

The situation is completely different with green tea and with special pharmacy teas made from various herbs and additives.

Most of these drinks have a diuretic effect, and also helps to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body, which is the most important condition for losing weight.

In addition, almost all of these drinks contain caffeine, which makes a person feel more energetic.

This leads to the fact that training in the gym can be longer and more intense, which also has a positive effect on weight loss.

It's important to know! In most cases, the active ingredients of such drinks are senna, bearberry and corn silk.

What could be harmful

Despite the fact that anti-cellulite teas have a harmless composition, most doctors do not advise girls to consume them on a regular basis. It is recommended to use these no more than 2 times a year (in courses).

This is due to the fact that the effect of such teas is achieved due to their diuretic effect, and it is not recommended for a healthy person to take diuretics and laxatives. Doctors prescribe these drugs only in specific cases.

If you abuse diuretic drinks, there is a possibility of the following complications:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • addiction to the effects of diuretic and laxative components;
  • elimination of beneficial trace elements and minerals from the body, which can lead to a general deterioration in well-being and health;
  • the occurrence of problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eating disorder.

If a decision is made to lose weight with the help of special teas, they must be taken strictly following the instructions and not exceeding the dosage.

Drainage tea for cellulite - what is it

Lymphatic drainage drinks are drinks that help normalize metabolism and regulate water-salt balance. A positive effect against the background of their intake is achieved due to the normalization of lymph flow in all organs and systems.

The effect of the drinks is very similar to modern lymphatic drainage procedures, which are carried out in the centers of aesthetic cosmetology.

Every day, fluid accumulates in the cells of the body, which after a while enters the capillaries and is transformed into lymph.

This substance plays an essential role as it helps the body to remove toxins and toxins, which is an essential condition for the proper functioning of internal organs.

In the event that the lymph flow is slowed down, the violation will negatively affect the state of the whole organism.

Best ready-to-drink drinks

Despite the fact that on the Internet you can find many recipes for weight loss tea at home, most girls prefer to purchase ready-made products. This is due to the fact that funds in this category can be found in any pharmacy, and they have a more than affordable price.

The safest and most effective are the following drinks for lymphatic drainage:

  1. Drainage tea from Teabreeze... The main active ingredients of the product are Alexandrian leaves, blackberries, black currants and lingonberries. This drink has a very mild effect on the body, it not only promotes the elimination of excess fluid and accelerates lymphatic drainage, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect and fights fatigue. The approximate cost of a package with 20 sachets is 52 rubles.
  2. Drainage... This dietary supplement fights against fluid retention and relieves edema. The main active ingredients are senna extract, green tea and cherry stalk extract. Preparation of a drink will not cause labor - 2 teaspoons of dietary supplements should be dissolved in a liter and drunk during the day. The cost of such a product, which is produced by the famous brand Evalar, is 359 rubles.
  3. Cleansing tea drink from Chernikoff. The basis of the product is chamomile, calendula, yarrow and meadowsweet. The product has a mild laxative effect and promotes overall body cleansing. A package with 20 sachets costs about 74 rubles.

If you still can't find a ready-made drink, you can make your own herbal tea for weight loss at home. The most popular are the following recipes:

Both store-bought and home-made cellulite drainage drinks work in much the same way. You need to choose a tool based on your own preferences.

Will it be possible to lose weight only with the help of drainage teas

In consultation with nutritionists, many are interested in how to drink green tea for cellulite. Experts assure that the use of the drink in this case will be no different from the consumption of ordinary tea.

But you need to understand that you should not count on losing weight only from using drainage drinks. To achieve a result, a woman in any case will have to go on a diet and start playing sports.

To quickly get rid of excess subcutaneous fat, exercise and diet are sometimes not enough. After all, a large percentage of excess weight is precisely the liquid, which is retained in the tissues and sometimes adds several kilograms to us. Drainage drinks for weight loss help to remove it. It is not difficult to cook them at home, moreover, they are very tasty and healthy.

Main ingredients

It is clear that it will not be difficult for you to buy a ready-made drainage drink for weight loss. Reviews of such products are generally positive. But many people, despite active advertising and propaganda, still adhere to the opinion that making a cleansing drink at home is much more profitable. In addition, it will rid your body of unnecessary "chemistry" and will be beneficial for health, as it is made from natural components rich in vitamins and microelements.

Usually, the following ingredients are included in the composition of drainage fluids: medicinal herbs, lemon, honey, ginger, mint, rose hips, parsley, pepper, berries. They are able not only to remove excess fluid from the body, but also to strengthen the immune system, eliminate cellulite. Representatives of the fairer sex often resort to such recipes, who claim that already in the first days after using such a miracle drink, they manage to get rid of 1-1.5 kilograms. A quick result cannot but rejoice, it is especially easy to achieve it with the help of the following recipes.

Honey drinks

For weight loss, made on the basis of honey, it is very effective. It owes its success to the main component, because its useful properties cannot be underestimated: the bee product actively contributes to the cleansing of the body, relieves it of toxins and toxins without any problems. Preparing a drink is easy. You will need: a glass of water, one teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of fresh squeezed lemon juice. It is necessary to take a drink before meals three times a day. It is important that the water is at room temperature during its preparation. Stir the ingredients well until smooth.

Many people cook and birch-honey drainage Reviews indicate that they work much better, although they take longer to cook. You need to take dry birch leaves and pour a glass of boiling water over them. The mixture is infused for about 15 minutes. Then the liquid is filtered and a spoonful of honey is added to it. It is recommended to drink in the morning and in the evening before the main meal.

Berry drainage

Strawberries or currants are usually taken as a basis. These berries are famous for their diuretic properties, which will ensure you get rid of excess fluid quickly. The first recipe for a slimming drainage drink is quite simple: two tablespoons of dried berries and strawberry leaves are evaporated in a glass of boiling water. Then the mixture is infused for several hours. The liquid is filtered. Can be taken four times a day (one tablespoon 15 minutes before meals). Tasty and healthy.

As for currants, the recipe is similar. The only difference is in application - 1/2 cup three times a day. For a larger mix, double or even triple the main ingredients. Many women prepare berry drainage drinks for weight loss at home. Reviews about them are positive, because they do a good job with the task of removing water from the body. Unfortunately, they also have side effects: flatulence and increased stool frequency. Therefore, they are advised to drink to people suffering from frequent constipation and indigestion.

Miracle parsley

A drainage slimming drink prepared from it will remove excess fluid in a day. In addition, parsley will be able to remove edema and reduce appetite, which is also important for people who dream of getting rid of the hated kilograms. You need to take drainage from this greenery regularly - three times a day. At the same time, it is recommended to combine the drink with a dietary diet: the use of low-fat food, separate meals, and so on.

For cooking, you need a bunch of parsley. It is finely chopped, poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 20 minutes. Having filtered the mixture, it should be consumed 40 minutes before meals (100 milliliters each). Women highly praise this slimming drainage drink. Reviews indicate that two weeks after its introduction into the diet, it is possible to lose 4-5 extra pounds. If the cause of excess weight is exclusively water in the body, then it will be possible to remove 5 kg in just a few days. Both fresh and dried parsley are suitable for preparing a drink.

Herbal drains

Many people choose to prepare these effective drainage slimming drinks at home. Reviews read: it is best to use horsetail, coltsfoot, calendula. For example, to prepare drainage from the first component, you only need horsetail (2 tablespoons) and 200 ml of boiling water. Finely chopped leaves of the plant are poured with water and thoroughly insisted, after which they drink a quarter of a glass three times a day.

Mother and stepmother also works great. Three tablespoons of dry leaves and flowers of this plant are poured with a mug of boiling water and insisted in a thermos for an hour. After they are consumed within two weeks (a tablespoon every two hours).

The third recipe for a good drainage slimming drink is made with calendula. Two tablespoons of its dried flowers are mixed with 0.5 liters of boiling water, and the mixture is allowed to brew. After straining the drink, you can use it three times a day - half a glass before meals. It not only gives amazing results, but is also beneficial for the immune system and human health.

Best drink

You will be surprised, but this is ordinary water. She is able to rid a person of excess weight. The main thing is to drink it throughout the day in sufficient quantities - at least 2 liters. In order for this simple drainage slimming drink to work quickly without causing harm, several rules must be followed. Firstly, water cannot be taken from the tap, only purified, boiled or from a mountain spring will do. Secondly, you cannot drink ice water, liquid at room temperature would be an excellent option.

For weight loss, you can also drink mineral water. True, it must be non-carbonated. Carbon dioxide strongly irritates the walls of the stomach and intestines, causing an increase in acidity. Therefore, if the liquid is carbonated, unscrew the lid and hold the container in this state for about an hour. Better yet, immediately buy non-carbonated mineral water, which is sold in any store. Lemon juice can be added to some of the liquid. This drink is recommended to be consumed in the morning before breakfast. It helps to cleanse the body, saturating it with the necessary moisture and vitamins.
