The real name of Vasilisa Volodina. Famous astrologer Vasilisa Volodina

Vasilisa Volodina has been practicing astrology for more than twenty years. Over the course of her career, she has provided advice and personal and business forecasts that have helped many people find correct solution in everyday and work matters. Having become one of the hosts of the “Let's Get Married!” program, Vasilisa gained popularity and love from TV viewers. The stars helped Volodina improve not only her business, but also her personal life. For more than 15 years she has been happy with her husband, with whom she is raising two children.

Vasilisa (name and surname at birth were different) was born in 1974 in Moscow. Her father was a military man, so the girl was raised in strictness. Already in school years she became interested in astrology, and then became interested in fortune telling by cards and palmistry. After graduating from school, the girl received economic Education, but at the same time she studied at the Academy of Astrology. Since her student days, Volodina began drawing up horoscopes and giving astrological consultations.

Future astrologer as a child with his parents

Having received her diploma, she continued her activities, achieving success a few years later. Since 2006, Vasilisa began collaborating with television. In addition, she published several books in which she advises readers how to meet their soul mate with the help of the stars, decide family problems and find financial success.

The personal life of the TV presenter is also controlled with the help of stars. Even at the dawn of her career, she drew up a star chart for herself, from which she learned that she would soon get married and become a mother at the age of 27. One day a girl was asked to make a personal astrological forecast for young man named Sergei Volodin, with whom she celebrated perfect compatibility. And after a while she met him at a friendly party. The acquaintance grew into a romance, and then the lovers got married.

In the photo Vasilisa Volodina with her family: husband Sergei and daughter Vika

They did not immediately become parents; only in 2001 their daughter Victoria was born. After this event, the couple’s personal life changed, and they devoted all their time to the baby. When the astrologer began working in the “Let's Get Married!” program, her husband had to quit his job in logistics and become its director. Thanks to this decision, the couple had time to study family business, as well as communicate with my daughter and learn lessons with her.

In the photo Vasilisa Volodina with her son Vyacheslav

At the end of 2014, it became known that the TV presenter would become a mother for the second time. Son Vyacheslav was born at the beginning of 2015. Already now Vasilisa believes that in the future the boy may also become an astrologer. He loves to look at the sky, but the baby is especially attracted to the bright Moon. Volodina devotes a lot of time to developing her eldest daughter who loves to play basketball and studies English language. The girl doesn't turn on yet Serious relationships, devoting a lot of time to study. Star mom She had already drawn up her daughter’s horoscope, predicting Victoria that she would find her feminine happiness abroad. However, the TV presenter does not want to part with her daughter and is sure that fate can be corrected.

Vasilisa (real name is Oksana, and she considers the pseudonym Vasilisa to be her astrological name) came to astrology in 1992. She began to become interested in the possibilities of esoteric science early - at the age of 14. On top of that, Vasilisa is a person of a mathematical mind, so of all the esoteric sciences, she stuck with astrology. “Well, then I was always fascinated by the starry sky...” says the astrologer. Having graduated from school with excellent marks, Naumova (maiden name Volodina) easily entered the Faculty of Economics to the Academy of Management and at the same time went to study at the Academy of Astrology.

Over time, Vasilisa achieved incredible success - now the number of her clients who are eager to “talk” with the stars reaches 7,000 people! “Over the years of work, I have had the opportunity to encounter topics of various scales - from everyday life to government issues. But the main part of the questions concerns predicting specific events for a specific person. And I can confidently say that with astrology, life becomes much more understandable and convenient than without it,” says Vasilisa.

How to get into “Let's Get Married!”

Volodina’s television journey began in 2006 - then she created and hosted her own astrological program “ Starlight Night with Vasilisa Volodina." Expert and co-host in the daily program “Let's Get Married!” she became in 2008. The fact is that Volodina knew since 2000 that one day she would become one of the most famous astrologers in the country, so she worked a lot with the press and passed the casting for the popular Channel One program without any problems. “Everything was leading up to this. In order to achieve success and fame in professional activities, you need certain indicators in the horoscope. But not only! There is still a lot of work to be done. Only my family and friends know that for many years my working day has been at least 15–16 hours... Sooner or later, quantity turns into quality.”

The unchanging trinity: Vasilisa Volodina, Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova have been organizing people’s personal lives for eight years

The stars helped me meet my husband

For many years now, Vasilisa has been happily married to her director Sergei Volodin, who left logistics specifically for the sake of the woman he loved. It is not at all surprising that she also chose her husband with the help of astrology. True, this happened against her will. As the TV star herself admits, she and Sergei simply mystical story acquaintance! “It so happened that I studied his horoscope before we met. Once a friend approached me and asked me to draw up a horoscope for his friend Sergei Volodin. I complied with his request and, I remember, noted to myself: “I have amazing compatibility with this stranger.” A little time passed, and a friend invited me to his birthday. In the courtyard of his house I ran into a handsome guy. When our gazes met, for the first time in my life the thought flashed through my mind: “But I would marry someone like that...”

But then, at 20, she didn’t think about family at all - she was a very flighty person, she fell in love for life every two weeks. “This young man and I entered the entrance, then in the elevator we found out that we needed one floor... In short, we showed up at my friend’s apartment together. This is where he introduced us. He said: “And this is the same Volodin.” And I immediately had the feeling that I knew everything about this person, I remembered his horoscope well! And, most importantly, I really like him. From that evening we left together and since then we have not parted for 21 years.”

For several years they simply dated, then they began to live in a civil marriage and only after that they got married. The astrologer does not hide that there was also a period of adjustment in their relationship. It was mainly Vasilisa who was seething - at more than 20 years old she was a very impudent girl, but Volodin simply perceived all her antics with inhuman calm. Vasilisa blames everything on the fact that he is a Virgo, and Virgos make excellent husbands, in her opinion.

Over all the years of acquaintance, Sergei did not give Vasilisa a single reason to doubt the correctness of her choice. But sometimes, of course, you have to make compromises... “When we were moving into our apartment, we stumbled over a stumbling block. My husband really wanted a giant sofa, 3.5 meters long. I resisted as best I could. Sergey is generally a lover of everything big and comfortable. And I am a child of small apartments, I don’t have enough space everywhere, I need more air, and minimal furniture. At the same time, I was captivated by an expensive Italian chandelier, but to Sergei, on the contrary, its avant-garde style seemed nightmarish and aggressive. As a result of long negotiations, we agreed: I agreed to the sofa (although it was still reduced by a meter), and he agreed to buy this lamp. We are learning to meet each other halfway.”

Volodina calls her 14-year-old daughter Victoria a person with a difficult character

Become a mom on a schedule

The first child in the family, a girl named Victoria, was born in 2001. According to Vasilisa, she and her daughter have an excellent relationship - they can talk about a variety of exciting topics. “I’m glad that she has no secrets from me,” Volodina is proud. True, this case also has its drawbacks - Vasilisa jokes that the difficult age of Victoria, who, by the way, plays streetball professionally, began at birth and never ends. “We have been living in a difficult age for 14 years now. I'm used to it. I remember how my grandmother told me: “It’s okay, when she’s a year old, it will be easier for you.” Then I whined and complained again, and she said to me: “It’s okay, she’ll be three years old, it’ll be easier for you.” Further: “Here, he goes to school, it will be easier.” No. So many years have passed, but it hasn’t gotten any easier, I can admit that.”

At the end of last year, Volodina disappeared from the screens for a while - she spent several months on maternity leave, and during this time her place in “Let's Get Married!” occupied by Lydia Arefieva and Tamara Globa. Moreover, Volodina informed the channel’s management about her imminent departure at the beginning of the year - she knew for sure that she would become pregnant. And so it happened! On January 3, 2015, a second child was born into the family - son Vyacheslav. It turns out that the astrologer waited three years for the opportunity to become a mother again, although her doctor insisted at every consultation that she needed to give birth as quickly as possible. “But I'm confident in myself and I know I'm better now than three years ago. Therefore, it was decided to wait until I turn 40,” said Volodina.

11-month-old Slava is growing quite serious, but at the same time sociable and sociable - Vasilisa can already see this. “We actively express emotions, we explore this world with pleasure. One minute he was thinking about something, and a minute later he was already “talking” to the patterns on the chairs. ¬If you compare ¬with your daughter, then, ¬despite the fact that their horoscopes have a lot in common, they are very different. Vika is a clear representative fire element, and Glory is the earth. It so happens in our family that the children repeat my husband and me. That is, I am a fiery comrade, and our dad is earthly. In my opinion, it turns out very harmoniously.” As an astrologer, Vasilisa will do everything to make life easier for her child, to raise him good man and make it pleasant and useful for others.

Volodina had little time on maternity leave, because she was very much asked to return to the air, and she could not refuse. But not without my own conditions... “On the set, thanks to the management, I was given a separate dressing room where I can always feed my son. And while I’m in the frame, my husband is babysitting the baby. Our nanny and my mother help us at home.”

In just a month, Vasilisa’s charming son Vyacheslav will celebrate his first birthday!

Washing machine by stars

Astrology takes up a lot of space in Vasilisa’s life. She views every serious proposal through the prism of the stars. Needless to say, they are even with their family household appliances buy only with the help of astrology! Among other things, Volodin calls astrology sedative... For example, during her first pregnancy she was very jealous of Sergei - she was simply blown away. Vasilisa knew that her husband left work at six o’clock, which meant he should be home at half past six. But it seemed to her that a lot could happen to him in that half hour, so she constantly called him. “One day I call, but he doesn’t pick up. I got so excited that I rushed to draw up one special horoscope. And he showed me that, most likely, my husband is now in the store and it has something to do with our car. 20 minutes later, when Sergei arrived, everything was confirmed - he really bought the necessary spare parts.”

The family never goes on vacation from the bay, because first you need to carefully study the entire horoscope. “This is a whole epic: I make sure that everyone has a good day both on the way there and back. I’m checking how our stay on site might turn out. For example, one day we planned to go to Prague with the whole family to celebrate my birthday there. But I made a forecast that showed that it is better not to fly by plane this month. We replayed everything and went on vacation in the Moscow region. My husband and daughter, of course, were upset, but very quickly became convinced of the correctness of our decision. First there was this terrible plane crash in which the President of Poland died. Then - a volcanic eruption in Iceland, when flights across Europe were canceled one after another. Well, I wish I was good - according to my schedule, at this time a week of regular filming of the program “Let's get married!” began. If we were in Prague, I could easily ruin everything! Every person should pay attention to the signs of fate. If you are going on vacation and you are chronically unlucky: there are no tickets, the hotel is not booked, your favorite car has broken down, you have to make titanic efforts to overcome obstacles, you should think that fate is trying to signal you about something. Perhaps these plans should be abandoned."

Vasilisa met her husband Sergei 21 years ago, and their daughter Victoria was born seven years later

Tips from Vasilisa Volodina:

“If serious processes have begun in your life - a divorce, a change of job or you are going to have a child, get ready, such changes do not happen quickly. They are governed by transits higher planets, the slowest are Uranus, Pluto, Neptune. Events related to them take a long time to develop - from a year to two and a half years.”

“First of all, a child’s name can and should be chosen with desire; parents should like it. Astrologically, you can see how a name you like adds nuances - draws a small pattern in a person’s life. It does not completely change fate, but horoscopically you can see some things through it. What I mean? Well, let’s say, if the name is Greek, then a person’s fate may be a reflection of one or another myth. In general, a correctly chosen name improves a person’s destiny. It doesn’t fundamentally change, but it can correct some character traits.”

“By getting married faster than 12 months from the date they met, a woman is at great risk. For 1 calendar year The sun makes a full cycle, passes through all the signs of the Zodiac. Exactly 12 months from the moment we met new lover able to show all sides of himself in most ordinary situations. In a year you will understand exactly whether he is capable of being gentle and hammering nails, how he treats professional responsibilities and family dinners, whether he has bouts of generosity or problems with potency.”

Lyubov Novoselova / Photo: Instagram,, Vida Press

Year of birth: 1974
Russian nationality
Education: Ordzhonikidze Academy of Management, Moscow Academy of Astrology.
Marital status: Married
Place of residence: Moscow
Number of children: daughter Victoria and son Vyacheslav
Parameters: weight – 56 kilograms, height – 170 centimeters.
Occupation: co-host and independent astrological expert of the “Let's Get Married” program, individual consultations, business consultations, astrological forecasts for the press and television, including financial forecasting, maintaining your own website.


The famous astrologer Vasilisa Vladimirovna Volodina was born in the capital Soviet Union in April 1974. Volodina is a married name. She doesn’t reveal her real name; different sources call her Elizaveta, Lena, Oksana or Sveta. I chose my nickname based on my horoscope.

Her father, a former military man, raised the girl strictly, instilling responsibility and hard work. She successfully combined her studies with visiting various clubs and sections, and graduated from music school. From the age of seven she kept house with her mother.

Interest in astrology began during my school years, when reports about UFOs began to appear on television. The girl took binoculars that belonged to her father and whiled away the evenings on the balcony, looking at the starry sky.

Although I didn’t have a chance to examine any unidentified objects, Vasilisa began to have a good understanding of the location of the stars. A teenage hobby threatened to develop into something more.

Vasilisa took up fortune telling with cards and began reading special literature on astrology, palmistry and fortune telling. Back then it was difficult to get anything worthwhile on this topic; books were most often self-published. Later, the girl read on her palm that she would become famous.


Volodina (then Naumova) successfully graduated from school and entered the Faculty of Economics of the State Agrarian University named after. S. Ordzhonikidze. But neither the dominant atheistic ideology nor the instructions of the parents could overcome the hobby. She got the second higher education, graduating from the Moscow Academy of Astrology.

The girl became interested in a topical problem - making business forecasts, starting her career at the age of 20. professional biography. Her predictions were infallible. Thanks to this, Vasilisa Volodina gained great popularity in the elite circles of the capital.

In 2006, the program “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina” was released. Two years later, she became an independent consultant for the famous TV show “Let's Get Married.” Vasilisa still works there to this day.

Four years ago, her book “Astrology of Seduction” appeared on store shelves, which is now extremely popular. The book talks about how to win a man's heart and become the only one for him. This is a whole encyclopedia of human relationships. It turns out that to seduce a representative of the opposite sex, it is enough to know his date of birth. The lady can only act, taking the right steps, determining what a man expects from the woman of his dreams.

Vasilisa says: “Without false modesty, there has never been such a book on the topic of astrology, either in content or design.” Volodina considers herself the “grandmother of Russian astrology,” because she had the opportunity, standing at the origins of Russian astrology, to make a significant contribution to its development.

When her son was born, Vasilisa did not have to stay at home with him for long. TV viewers demanded the return of their favorite TV presenter. In April, she again came to the “Let's Get Married” show. In the same year, readers became acquainted with her series of books “Love astro forecast for 2015.”

Vasilisa Volodina’s website is extremely popular, where you can order a personal horoscope, a business forecast, a compatibility chart, get up-to-date advice and watch video forecasts. Her page is on Instagram.

Personal life

Vasilisa met her future husband thanks to her calling. An old acquaintance approached the novice astrologer. He asked Naumova to make a personal horoscope for his friend Sergei Volodin. Analyzing the guy’s star chart, Vasilisa thought that they had a lot in common, and she would love to become his wife. Some time later, the girl was invited to a party by friends. At the entrance, Vasilisa ran into a young man. It turned out that they were going to the same apartment. And what a surprise it was when the girl found out that this was the same Volodin for whom she had drawn up a horoscope!

Since then, the couple has not separated. Vasilisa says that Sergei is the love of her life. In 2001, the lovers had a daughter, who was named Victoria. After this, the young people legalized their relationship, but did not arrange weddings. Even the parents were presented with a fait accompli.

Sergey did good career logistics. The family lived in a small apartment, where Vasilisa Vladimirovna had to conduct consultations with clients. She and her husband decided not to have another child until their living conditions could be improved.

In 2010, having moved into a brand new apartment, the couple seriously thought about adding to their family. Then Sergei quit his job in his specialty and became his wife’s director. He himself draws up her work schedule so that she has enough time not only to communicate with her daughter and husband, but also to relax.

Vasilisa’s first pregnancy was difficult; there were health problems that had to be addressed long time. Parents were not delighted after the news of another pregnancy of their aging daughter. But the mother-in-law came to the defense of her daughter-in-law, who gave birth to her third child when she was already over forty.

According to astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, she was specially waiting for her fortieth birthday, because the stars predicted that this would be the favorable time for conception and gestation.

At first they planned to give birth in France, but later, after weighing all the pros and cons, they trusted Russian medicine.

The office was converted into a children's room. To create coziness, a soft carpet was laid there. But Vasilisa didn’t like the children’s painted wallpaper and furniture; she wanted to preserve a little of the business atmosphere in the baby’s room. A happy pregnant woman told reporters: “... it seems to me that I will immediately treat him as a full-fledged person, as an individual, without all these endless lisps.”

In January 2015, Vasilisa gave birth to a healthy son, who was named Vyacheslav.

Veronica supports her mother in everything, and dotes on her little brother. A nanny helps them look after Slava.

The Volodins love to relax at the seaside, go to the Maldives, Spain, etc.

Vasilisa reads a lot, especially literature on symbolism and psychology. Her favorite writers are Leskov, Turgenev, Tonino Benaquista (from entertainment), but, according to the woman, she finishes reading any book until last page, hoping to figure out for what purpose it was published.

Recipe female happiness sees in not being selfish and bitchy in love. If both spouses treat each other with care and understanding, the harmony desired by everyone arises, as the astrologer claims.

Vasilisa’s life is an excellent example of such an idyll. She manages to combine her life’s work and family, self-education and relaxation. Even the ubiquitous press cannot accuse Volodina of participating in quarrels or scandals, because she is a very decent, principled person. Analyzing her life, you begin to believe in fate and destiny.

Vasilisa Volodina- a rare combination of an astrologer and a TV presenter, an eternal participant in “Let's Get Married,” one of the most popular entertainment television shows in all of Russia.

Vasilisa Volodina biography, photo - find out everything! Name: Vasilisa Volodina Date of birth: April 16, 1974 Zodiac sign: Aries Place of birth: Moscow Occupation: astrologer, TV presenter Weight: 56 kg Height: 170 cm

The name Vasilisa for the heroine of our story is a pseudonym that, in her opinion, suits her horoscope. Various sources with the real name of the famous astropsychologist Vasilisa Volodina called Svetlana, Oksana, Elena or Elizaveta. It is believed that the closest option to the truth is the name Oksana. My maiden name- Future TV presenter Vasilisa Volodina replaced Naumov when she married Sergei Volodin ( distant relative. But first things first.

Vasilisa Volodina born in the capital of the USSR on April 16, 1974. The girl was raised under strict discipline from an early age, as her father was a military man. Since childhood, Vasilisa’s parents taught her to have order, hard work and diligence. Vasilisa Volodina in childhood, in addition to general education, the child also attended a music school, as well as many clubs and sections.
Vasilisa Volodina She was a very diligent student and from the age of seven she helped her mother run the household. The high moral standard set for the girl by her parents set a strict working pace for all subsequent activities. Vasilisa Volodina. The now famous astrologer began to show interest in the future work of her life while still in school.
Then, in the 80s, for the first time on Soviet television they started talking about UFOs and various paranormal phenomena. Listening enthusiastically to these programs, Vasilisa greedily listened to all the information.

And then, on long evenings near Moscow, a thoughtful and dreamy schoolgirl spent endless hours on the balcony of her parents’ apartment in Odintsovo, watching the world through her father’s military binoculars. starry sky. According to the recollections of the astrologer herself, she did not see a single UFO, but she began to perfectly navigate the location of the stars. Being a very enthusiastic and purposeful person, Vasilisa read the first few books on astrology in her life. From them she learned the most important truth for herself: the stars can predict the future. And a little later, at the age of 14, after reading several books on palmistry, Vasilisa made an important discovery in her own palm: fame and glory awaited her in the future!

Having graduated from school with a gold medal, Vasilisa Volodina(then Naumova) easily entered the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Academy of Management at the Faculty of Economics. She continued to study diligently at the university, but the diploma she received in the specialty “economist-cybernetics” did not give moral satisfaction. Her soul yearned for something else. Creative inspiration Vasilisa Volodina received while studying in parallel with the university at the Moscow Academy of Astrology.
First astrological consultations Vasilisa Volodin I started doing it when I was 20 years old. And after completing her studies at the Academy of Astrology, Ms. Volodina became interested in building astrological forecasts for business. In the 90s, this could not have been more relevant. In addition, future TV presenter Vasilisa Volodina Conducted personal astrological consultations for friends and acquaintances.

Since the early 2000s, career Vasilisa Volodina has definitely taken off. Children's predictions gradually became reality. The business forecasts and personal horoscopes she compiled had a high percentage of accuracy, which did not escape the eyes of the Moscow elite. Volodina became a recognizable and well-known figure in Moscow social circles. Horoscopes of Vasilisa Volodina very popular In 2006, the astrologer was invited to work as a presenter program “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina”, aired on the Stolitsa TV channel. And in 2008, she began working as an expert astrologer in the Channel One program “Let’s Get Married.”

Vasilisa Volodina about horoscopes: how important it is to use the exact time of birth It was this show that made Volodina famous throughout the country. Many TV viewers think Vasilisa Volodin the most charming of the three presenters of this program, including such well-known media personalities Russian culture, like Roza Syabitova.

Once, in the distant 90s, an acquaintance approached the young astrologer Naumova with a request to draw up a personal horoscope for his friend, a certain Sergei Volodin. At the behest of fate Vasilisa Volodina studied the star chart of her future husband even before meeting him personally.
Noting to herself the rare and amazing compatibility with her horoscope, the girl had already managed to forget about this strange case. But fate brought them together in person at a meeting of friends. With this friendly party, when a spontaneous but strong feeling arose between the young people, and they are still together.

In 2001, after three years life together V civil marriage at Volodin couples a daughter, Victoria, was born. At the same time Sergei and Vasilisa Volodin finally officially got married without arranging lavish wedding celebrations. Sergei, who initially worked in the field of logistics, after some time became the director of his wife, drawing up her business schedule. Vasilisa Volodina gave birth to a son Vasilisa was in no hurry with her second child. Having thoroughly studied her horoscope, she calculated that her future son should be born into this world only when she herself turns 40 years old. On January 3, 2015, Volodina became a mother for the second time. The baby was named Vyacheslav.

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is familiar to many from the TV show “Let's Get Married,” in which she compiles horoscopes for couples. However, the celebrity also has several of his own Internet resources, television projects and author’s books. In addition, the astrologer gives paid consultations on drawing up a personal horoscope.


Today everyone knows the famous astrologer. However, according to her passport, Vasilisa has a completely different name. The presenter does not hide the fact that Vasilisa is a pseudonym, but she does not give her name. According to various sources, the celebrity's name is Oksana, Svetlana or Elena. The presenter explains the change of name in “good manners” in astrological circles, where it is customary to take pseudonyms.

Vasilisa’s date of birth is April 16, 1974. According to her horoscope, she is an Aries, born in the year of the Tiger. The astrologer knows exactly what these dates are eastern calendar endowed her with such character traits as perseverance and determination, hard work and insight. These qualities helped her achieve professional success at an early age.

Vasilisa Volodina is 170 cm tall and weighs 56 kg. Russian nationality. She owes her Slavic appearance to her mother. Like her mother, Vasilisa loves feminine outfits with bright patterns. She always wears colorful jewelry around her neck.

Biography of Vasilisa Volodina

Vasilisa Volodina’s personal biography contains little information, since the star does not like to talk about her life publicly. The future celebrity was born in Moscow into the military family of Vladimir Naumov. From childhood, the girl was brought up in strictness. The parents kept their daughter busy with her studies, taking her to different clubs and sections. Vasilisa was good at playing music, but most of all she loved to look at the stars in the hope of seeing a flying saucer.

As a child, the telescope replaced her father’s binoculars. It was impossible to see cosmic phenomena through it; the girl never saw the UFO, but in this way the future astrologer studied the map of celestial bodies well. She read many books on astrology, and later became interested in card fortune telling and palmistry.

Her parents did not take her hobby seriously. When Vasilisa graduated from school with a gold medal, she entered the Faculty of Economics at the Moscow Academy of Management. However, Vasilisa couldn’t imagine her personal life without stars, so at the same time the student attended courses at the Moscow Academy of Astrology. After graduating from both institutions, Vasilisa Volodina became a certified specialist in two fields at once.

Vasilisa chose astrology and compilation as her main profession. natal charts. But her hobby is also collecting Tarot cards, with which she tells fortunes to her friends.

Family of Vasilisa Volodina

The astrologer calls himself "hopelessly married woman" Vasilisa Volodina’s husband and children adore her as much as she does them, although professional activity takes up almost all of a celebrity's time. Therefore, the presenter prefers to spend any free minute with her family, avoiding public events.


The astrologer also calculated from the stars when the children would be born. Daughter Victoria was born in 2001. Vasilisa and Sergey had known each other for 3 years, but they were in no hurry to formalize the relationship. After the birth of their first child, the lovers got married.

Fans of the presenter and most of her acquaintances did not even know that Vasilisa Volodina was pregnant again. The astrologer was already 40 years old at that time. However, the celebrity knew that at this age fate would give her a gift in the form of a second pregnancy. She read about this in her personal horoscope. In 2015, the presenter gave birth to her second child, a son, whom she named Vyacheslav.

The astrologer decided to take maternity leave in order to devote all her time to the newborn. However, the maternity leave did not last long, as the presenter’s fans asked her to return to television. Vasilisa Volodina showed the face of her three-year-old son to journalists for the first time, protecting family happiness from the press. She also rarely brings her daughter out in public.


The celebrity has been married to Sergei Volodin for 20 years. Their dating story was also “astrological”. Vasilisa’s acquaintances asked to draw up a horoscope for one young man. While working, the astrologer was surprised at how much she had in common with this man.

The astrologer met her future husband at a mutual friend’s birthday party. The man who attracted so much attention young specialist, and it turned out to be the young man for whom she was drawing up a horoscope. It was not difficult for Vasilisa to win the man, since he was also fascinated by the girl.

Sergey became reliable support for the wife. Vasilisa Volodina’s husband worked in a logistics company, but took on most of his household responsibilities. And when fame came to Vasilisa and her client base expanded, Sergei left his job and became his wife’s director. The presenter admits that she and her husband understand each other well, so best partner She can't find a job or family.

Professional activity

Before the “Let's Get Married” program, Vasilisa Volodina was already a celebrity not only in astrological circles, but also on television. She began to practice palmistry, card fortune-telling and drawing up astral horoscopes back in student years. The first clients of the novice tarot reader and astrologer were friends and acquaintances. However, after receiving her diploma, the young specialist has already begun drawing up horoscopes for businessmen.

The business forecasts were so accurate that the name of the young astrologer quickly became recognizable in business circles. In the 90s, Vasilisa had many clients, as business in Russia was actively developing. In addition to business forecasts, the astrologer also compiled personal horoscopes based on the date and time of birth. Soon interviews with Vasilisa Volodina began to appear on television. And in 2006, the program “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina” started on the capital’s channel.

The astrologer gained all-Russian popularity thanks to the marriage show “Let’s Get Married,” released in 2008. Vasilisa Volodina was a member from the very beginning, interrupting her professional activities on television only for a while maternity leave. In 2012, the presenter took part in the creation of several episodes of the program “Zodiac Signs” for the TNT channel.

Fulfilled forecasts and predictions

Everyone who contacted the astrologer claims that Vasilisa Volodina’s predictions almost always come true. The celebrity herself says that prophecies are painstaking work of several days, and sometimes weeks and even months. Although Vasilisa is engaged in making personal predictions, sometimes she is asked to comment on the future of the country and its inhabitants. However, in this case, Vasilisa notes that the universal detailed forecast does not exist for everyone, there are only general trends.

In newspapers and magazines you can often find predictions based on the signs of the Zodiac from the astrologer Volodina. They are accurate, although they contain general information. Increasingly, Vasilisa is asked to speak out about government and social changes in the country. So far she cannot give positive forecasts on these issues. Previously, she predicted a long decline in the Russian economy after the 2008 crisis, a deterioration in the geopolitical situation, and instability in the ruble exchange rate, which later came true.

In the coming 2018, the astrologer predicted strong dissatisfaction among the people with the activities of the authorities. This prediction came true in the form of rallies and protests against pension reform. In addition, Vasilisa saw signs in the starry sky indicating a possible change in the leader of the Russian state.
