The most powerful love in the history of mankind. Beauty secrets, fashion trends, women's stories, love, communication

Love is a great feeling that can work miracles: change the world and people, heal heart wounds and inflict new ones, shake society and give peace. Beautiful and unimaginable interesting stories about love can be found not only in film novels and books, but also real life, especially if you pay attention to celebrities. We have selected the most mind-blowing love stories that were talked about on every corner.

This love story is not a scandal, but simply the collapse of all seemingly iron-clad English traditions. The thing is that the chosen one of the representative of the monarchy, Edward, who became the first and only king in the entire long history England, she became an ordinary, not even very attractive, divorced (twice!) American woman. It was because of her that he abdicated the throne.

Their romance began when Mrs. Wallis lived in London with her new husband, successful and wealthy businessman Ernest Simpson. Their first fateful meeting took place in 1930 at a dinner party. At first sight, the woman fell into the heart of the Prince of Wales, and then everyone wondered why, because she was not a beauty. Although it is worth noting her charm and magical charm.

The couple began to have their affair in front of everyone, not even embarrassed by their position (Wallis is behind her husband, and Edward is a representative of the monarchy). They attended social events together, dined in restaurants, and walked the streets. The royal family thought that this was a frivolous, non-long-term hobby for the prince, which would soon fizzle out. But how wrong they were! As soon as Edward took the throne after the death of King George V, the American woman filed for divorce. The couple decided to get married, but then someone intervened The Royal Family, who set a condition for Edward: either the throne or a flighty woman from another country.

The result was the king's most famous speech, in which he abdicated the throne because of love. The couple lived for a very long time. They did everything together: wrote memoirs, traveled, gave interviews. True, they did not have children. Happiness ended in 1972, when Edward died of cancer.

In whose relationship passion was seething, it was between Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. Their romance of the century lasted a long time, experienced ups and downs.

Their love story can be easily used as the basis of the plot and a beautiful and exciting film can be made. It would have everything: passionate kisses, quarrels and separations, fights and reconciliation, divorce and wedding (even twice). Not only did they star in films together that brought fame and awards, but they also destroyed numbers together while they fought furiously.

Their meeting took place on the set of the film “Cleopatra” in 1962. He was successfully married to actress Wallace Sybil, and she was also not free, she was married to the singer. The passion that flared up on the set overwhelmed Richard and Elizabeth so much that they continued to kiss even after the romantic scene was filmed. They behaved depravedly, without being embarrassed by anyone, they made love wherever they had to. The paparazzi were constantly hunting for them. Even the Vatican officially recognized this relationship as sinful, but the couple continued to meet. They eventually divorced their spouses and got married. Later they separated, but they were constantly drawn to each other.

Yes, the romances of the Golden Age of Hollywood do not compare to modern adultery. But there is a couple whose love has passed many tests and is one of the most beautiful.

To the novel by Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones for a long time They were skeptical, saying “he’ll play and quit.” But it was not there!

The successful actor, who managed to win several Oscars, simply fell in love at first sight with the young aspiring but already famous actress at the premiere of her film “The Mask of Zorro.” Michael, who had been married for 23 years at that time, simply could not allow Katherine to remain in the role of mistress. He sought her as best he could, a little old-fashioned, but selflessly. Five months later, the actress’s fortress fell, and the lovers set off on a trip around the world.

Love is like a tree: it grows by itself, takes deep roots into our entire being and often continues to turn green and bloom.
even on the ruins of our hearts.
Victor Hugo

On the eve of the coming spring, let's talk about the most famous love stories of worthy people.

Romeo and Juliet - eternal love

“There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet...” Why great love These two children, by our standards (Juliet was 13, her beloved Romeo was two or three years older) became a symbol of love of all times and peoples. What is the power and strength of this feeling of a timeless river?

It is possible that it was sung in the wonderful style of the great playwright William Shakespeare, or perhaps because love was a victim of the eternal squabbles of adults, the voluntary death of the heroes made the crowd shudder and melted the enmity of the hearts of the warring families of Montagues and Capulets... Who knows...

And even if the authenticity of the events described in the tragedy has not been confirmed, who will doubt the reality of the story, because the names Romeo and Juliet have become common names for beautiful, faithful love, and to this day they evoke admiration and admiration for two young hearts.

The love story of Odysseus and Penelope

One more no less famous story love from the ancient times, sung by the ancient Greek - the great Homer. It is based on the marital relationship of Odysseus and his wife Penelope - an example of rare sacrifice in the name of love and a woman’s ability to wait in spite of everything...

Odysseus, like a true warrior, leaves his young wife after the wedding and goes to war.

Penelope waited for his return for twenty long years, raised her son alone and during this time rejected marriage proposals from 108 men who, citing the death of her husband, sought to take his place.

Penelope and Odysseus were no less faithful in their naval battles, trials and wanderings, maintaining fidelity and chastity to his wife. Thus, having met a beautiful witch who tried to seduce him and offered him eternal youth in exchange for his love for her, the hero of Hellas resisted the temptation. And the unfading light helped him in that distant love his Penelope. And only 20 years later, loving hearts were reunited despite all adversity.

Love To Kings of Great Britain Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson

But now it’s completely modern history love worthy of talking about.

In 1930, the UK's Windsor Palace stunned the world with exciting news: the heir royal throne Edward VIII abdicated power. The reason was love for a young American woman and, moreover, married woman Wallis Simpson, far from being of royal blood.

The royal court was indignant and gave the heir a choice: either power or love for a commoner. Edward VIII, without hesitation, chose fiery love for a woman.

Having divorced their first husband, Walliss and Edward got married and lived for thirty-five years away from their homeland, keeping their love that was so dear to them.

“Love never dies,” wrote 84-year-old Wallis after the death of her husband. “It changes its course, it becomes softer and wider... Love is work. On the altar family happiness women must bring their wisdom..."

Alexander Griboedov and Nina Chavchavadze love story

This worthy love of our compatriot writer Griboyedov for his wife: fleeting happiness in a few months and 30 years of mourning, as a symbol of fidelity and eternal love Georgian woman to Russian writer.

33-year-old Alexander Griboyedov as ambassador Russian Empire, was sent to Persia. On the way, he visited the house of his longtime friend, Prince Alexander Chavchavadze. And from the first minutes his heart was conquered by the daughter of the owner of the house - fifteen-year-old beauty Nina. And the young princess could not resist the avalanche great feeling to the Russian writer: “How sunbeam“I burned!” she confessed to her friend.

Having gotten married in the fall, the newlyweds went to Persia, and in January of the following 1829, Alexander was brutally killed by a crowd of Islamic fanatics. So short was the moment of captivating love.

Nina Chavchavadze-Griboyedova did not remarry and for almost 30 years, until the end of her days, she did not stop mourning. “The Black Rose of Tiflis” - that’s what they called her in the city, she wrote on her husband’s tombstone:

“Your mind and deeds are immortal in Russian memory, but why did my love survive you?”

The burials of the Griboedovs are located nearby, in the city pantheon of Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia.

You can list and list beautiful stories like a celebration great love. It's easy to love someone who shares your feelings. Where does love come from and what does it feed on when it is not divided, and sometimes even rejected? However, this does not make the feeling weaker, but perhaps, on the contrary, even more piercing and stunning in its strength.

Elbert Einstein and Margarita Konenkova

The story of this unusual relationship is not a romantic anthem devoted love, it is interesting only because it showed the only love of a brilliant scientist, which broke his heart.

Einstein fell in love with Margarita Konenkova (nee Vorontsova), the wife of a famous Russian sculptor, at the age of 56, as soon as he saw her. How different young Margarita was from his clumsy wife Elsa with a blurry figure and an exhausted face, whom he never loved, like his first wife Mileva, a Serbian! And here is a chiseled waist, beautiful breasts, graceful position of the hands - in order to preserve this beauty, the woman refused to have children. Her sculptor husband adored and idolized her and silently accepted her decision.

Konenkov the sculptor and his muse-wife Margarita Konenkova.

At first, Margarita treated Einstein as just another amusement; accustomed to constantly cheating on her husband with other men, she prepared herself for another flirtation. But she soon realized that she frozen heart begins to melt from hitherto unknown fiery feelings for the great genius.

A year later, Einstein's wife, Elsa, dies, and the shackles of marriage no longer fetter his love for Margot. Both of them don’t even try to hide her frequent visits to Princeton to the scientist’s mansion. And only Margarita’s husband does not seem to notice anything or pretends not to notice.... He is afraid of losing his Margarita - his muse and inspiration. And her caresses and tenderness were enough for many... Incredibly talented, smart, beautiful, she, like a lioness, easily conquered more and more new hearts, becoming the bohemian of America.

This relationship for three lasted a long time. While communicating, Margarita not only truly loved the founder of the theory of relativity, but also her homeland, the USSR, she carried out tasks of the NKVD and learned from him all the secrets of the development atomic bomb. When Einstein found out about this, he couldn’t even yell at his beloved, he just went to the FBI to ask for mercy for his beloved and helped her return to her homeland.

IN last years before parting Margarita and Albert.

Upon the return of the Konenkov family to the USSR, the love relationship was put to an end. From that moment on, life for Einstein lost all meaning. He flatly refused to comply with doctors' orders for surgery on his heart, which was no longer able to withstand the cruel finale of separation.

Moreover, the authorities forbade Margarita's correspondence with Einstein, which caused incredible suffering for Albert. He wrote to her throughout the remaining years, but did not even have the opportunity to send letters. Even dying, 76-year-old Einstein could not send farewell letter his only beloved, with love in his heart for whom he left this world.

Without much torment, Margarita accepted the news of the death of her distant friend, although she was far from indifferent to him. Soon her husband, a sculptor, also died, and fate treated her incredibly cruelly in her declining years. Aged and unkempt, she lived in oblivion in her house-workshop, often falling into oblivion. Only the memories of her bright, only love for a man with eternally disheveled hair and a thick mustache brought her joy... She was dying of hunger, there was no one next to her except the devoid of virtue, an arrogant and cruel housekeeper who became the mistress here...

In 1980, in the center of prosperous Moscow, the body of a once emaciated woman was taken out of a dirty apartment. beautiful woman, on whose hand they tapped last minutes gold watch - a gift from the Great Einstein. He personally put them on the wrist of the woman dearest to him when they parted.

Ivan Turgenev and Polina Viardot

The great Russian writer Ivan Turgenev and the famous opera diva of Spanish origin “with a French conscience and spirit,” as the newspapers of those times called her, Pauline Viardot-Garcia is a vivid example of a dramatic love full of suffering throughout the writer’s life. Their relationship can rather be characterized as follows: one loved, the other only allowed herself to be loved... but there is no doubt that the friendship was sincere and strong.

In the outwardly inconspicuous, slightly stooped woman with bulging eyes, there really was something rough, gypsy, inherited from her Spanish father, singer Manuel Garcia. But according to contemporaries, as soon as the first notes fell from her voice, a spark ran through the audience, ecstasy seized those listening, and the appearance of the singer herself no longer mattered. Fascinated by the performer's voice, people fell into a kind of prostration, and there could not be one among them indifferent to this person.

Besotted at first meeting in a charming voice Polina, the Russian writer lost his head, and experienced a similar state for four whole decades before last days own life.

Viardot, being married to a man 20 years older than herself, felt only warm sympathy for Turgenev, the commonality of views and interests, the unity of spirit attracted him to him, and then she brought him closer to her, brought him into her home as a friend, a family member , beloved...

Polina Viardot-Garcia not only illuminated the writer’s soul with love, became his muse for many years, inspired his creativity, helped him with translations into French, honing his style, but was also by his side until his last days, dying of cancer far from his homeland. But Ivan Turgenev chose to love with unrequited love and be with her all his life, never having his own family and children.

Poor artist Niko Pirosmani and French actress Margarita

Ah, Margarita again...

“A million, a million scarlet roses...” - who doesn’t know the chorus of this song about the incredibly poignant and unrequited love of a poor artist for a visiting actress. It is also based real events. Niko Pirosmani is a Georgian artist from a simple family, who lost his parents at an early age, was in constant need, he did not even have the opportunity to buy canvases, and he placed all his creations on walls, boards, and oilcloth on the table. He often made a living by making signs for drinking establishments.

Beautiful French actress Margarita toured the provincial town where Niko lived and worked, and at the same time the heart of the aspiring artist. Pirosmani fell in love with her passionately, from the first minutes, with all his gut, but, unfortunately, this love did not evoke a reciprocal feeling. The poor artist's heart burned in the flames of passion.

On his birthday (it was spring), Niko Pirosmani filled several carts with fresh flowers and brought them to the windows of the house where Margarita was staying. Armfuls of lilacs, white acacia and snow-white roses (not scarlet) filled the streets of Tiflis with an incomprehensible aroma and lay on the square like a thick floral blanket. It remains a mystery where the artist got these flowers...

Margarita’s heart, touched by the spectacle, trembled, she went out, kissed Niko and that’s it... The next day, the actress left the city forever. They didn't see each other again...

Nikola Pirosmanishvili did not become a great artist during his lifetime, his direction of primitivism in painting was not understood, he died at the age of 56, in complete poverty, until his last days, keeping the image of his beloved Margarita in his heart... The artist's works are kept in museums around the world.

Love - great power, capable of transforming the whole world, making a person better, stronger, higher, it is timeless. According to Turgenev:

“Only by her, only by love does life hold and move.”

And let it singe your wings with its flame at least once in your life! And may you be lucky in love!

And may you be lucky in love!!! Maybe you will be interested in reading about Valentine's Day, about falling in love and love in our lives in the article ( 1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

1. Cleopatra and Mark Antony

This is, without a doubt, the most famous love story, repeatedly portrayed in plays and films. Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, was a very charismatic woman with a charming voice (contemporaries say nothing about her beauty). She constantly fought for the right to be considered the ruler of her country with her own relatives, and in order to finally establish herself as the queen of Egypt, she was forced to look for a patron, and found him in the person of 52-year-old Gaius Julius Caesar. 21-year-old Cleopatra was able to conquer the great conqueror and became Caesar's mistress. He was already married, but this did not stop him from taking Cleopatra with him to Rome, along with their common son Caesarion. The Romans were quite worried about the fact that Caesarion could become the heir of the great Caesar. But it didn’t come to that - Caesar, as we all know, was stabbed to death at next meeting Senate.

Cleopatra returned to Egypt, where she learned about the formation of the next ruler of Rome. She decided to seduce him, and to carry out her plan, she sailed to Tarsus (present-day Turkey) on a special ship. Anyway, Mark Antony fell in love with Cleopatra, and soon after they became lovers, Cleopatra bore Antony two twins.

The end of the relationship, as well as the lives of both lovers, was put by the confrontation between Mark Antony and Octavian, Caesar’s nephew (Antony, by the way, was married to Octavian’s sister, but left her for Cleopatra). Mark Antony returned to Rome, quarreled with Octavian, and a war began, which ended in the complete defeat of the combined forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. After Octavian's troops entered Egypt, Cleopatra hid in the mausoleum, and Anthony was told that she had committed suicide. Mark Antony, without hesitation, threw himself on the sword and died in the arms of his beloved. Cleopatra killed herself after she learned that she would be carried through the streets of Rome in a carriage, as a symbol of defeated Egypt.

2. Catherine the Great and Grigory Potemkin

In 1761, Catherine the Great was not yet Great, she was just the wife of the not particularly wise Tsar Peter III. After only a year of reign, he was deprived of power (not without the help of Catherine) and killed (maybe Catherine herself sent the killers, there is such an option). After this, a prominent military man, Grigory Potemkin, stands guard over the life and peace of the queen.

She was never indifferent to male beauty and strong character, and fell madly in love with Potemkin, showering him with money and honors. To the credit of the latter, Potemkin really began to serve his queen faithfully. Catherine, being a very strong-willed woman, loved Potemkin so much that she even wrote him tender love letters, which she almost never did. Potemkin and Catherine, according to some sources, even got married, although the fact of the wedding is doubtful among many historians. The wedding took place in 1774 in the Church of the Ascension, which has not survived to this day.

Catherine and Potemkin eventually became just comrades-in-arms, but Catherine until the end of her days had very warm feelings for her secret husband. After his death at the age of 52, she lost heart and was almost constantly depressed.

3. Napoleon Bonaparte and Josephine

In the fall of 1795, Josephine, in her thirties, met with Napoleon, who had just turned 26 years old. To him she seemed like a very elegant and graceful lady, noble and even somewhat proud. Perhaps the success was also reinforced by the fact that Josephine was able to perfectly play the role of the supplicant.

In general, Napoleon and Josephine got engaged, and they did it at a time when no one could yet suspect Napoleon’s dizzying career. By the way, when he goes on long hikes, she plunges headlong into love adventures.

Despite everything, Napoleon idolizes his wife, and his joy is overshadowed by only one fact - Josephine cannot get pregnant. In the end, Napoleon breaks the bonds of marriage, although he does not stop loving his Josephine. She was the only person to whom the prisoner of St. Helena turned in his dying delirium. He did not see any flaws in his “goddess”, and kept his love until his death.

4. Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna

Young Nicholas II, the future Tsar of Russia, fell in love with German princess Alexandru as soon as he saw her. Despite all the strict moral laws of that time, which were even more stringent in relation to royalty, Nicholas and Alexandra began to often appear in public together.

The future tsar and Alexandra Feodorovna were engaged in 1893. Soon after this, Nicholas's father died, and, a couple of days later, Nicholas II became Tsar of all Russia. Their love continued until the idyll was disrupted by the uprising of workers and peasants, plus Grigory Rasputin appeared on the horizon.

Be that as it may, on July 16, 1918, all royal family was destroyed by the Bolsheviks. People died, but their love story remained.

5. Charles Lindbergh and Anna Spencer Morrow

Charles Lindbergh became famous in 1927 after he crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone. A year later, traveling around Latin America, he met his future wife, Anna Spencer Morrow, daughter of the US Ambassador to Mexico.

Their relationship attracted worldwide attention, and just a year later, Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow became husband and wife. Soon after, Charles and Anne began flying together, conquering the skies. They set the world speed record between Los Angeles and New York in 1930, with Anna already seven months pregnant.

Both were not only skilled pilots, but also wrote books, becoming the authors of as many as 13 books. Unfortunately, the bright life of both was overshadowed by the kidnapping and murder of the Lindbergh son in 1932. Despite everything, Lindeberg is considered one of the most romantic couples, who really lived in perfect harmony, as they say.

“What Russian heart does not tremble, does not perk up, listening to Tchaikovsky’s romance “Among the Noisy Ball”?”

Vladimir Stasov.

In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance, In the anxiety of worldly vanity, I saw You, but Your mystery covered my features.

Many people remember these poems by Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy (1817-1875) and the melody of Tchaikovsky’s romance that merges with them. But not everyone knows that behind the poem there are living events: the beginning of extraordinary romantic love.

They first met at a masquerade ball in the winter of 1850-51 in St. Petersburg Bolshoi Theater. He accompanied the heir to the throne, the future Tsar Alexander II, there. From childhood, he was chosen as a playmate for the Tsarevich and, secretly burdened by this, regularly bore the burden of being chosen. She appeared at the masquerade because, after breaking up with her husband, Horse Guardsman Miller, she was looking for an opportunity to forget and disperse. For some reason, in the secular crowd, he immediately noticed her. The mask hid her face. But grey eyes looked intently and sadly. Beautiful ashen hair crowned her head. She was slender and graceful, with a very thin waist. Her voice was mesmerizing - a thick contralto.

They did not speak for long: the bustle of the colorful masquerade ball separated them. But she managed to amaze him with the accuracy and wit of her fleeting judgments. She, of course, recognized him. In vain he asked her to open her face, to remove the mask... But he business card she accepted, making a sly promise not to forget him. But what would have happened to him, and to both of them, if she had not come to that ball then? Perhaps it was on that January night in 1851, when he was returning home, that the first lines of this poem formed in his mind: In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance, In the anxiety of worldly bustle, I saw You, but Your mystery covered my features...

This poem will become one of the best in Russian love lyrics. Nothing was invented in it, everything is as it was. It is full of real signs, documentary, like a report. Only this is a “report” that poured out from the poet’s heart and therefore became a lyrical masterpiece. And added another immortal portrait to the gallery of “muses of Russian romances.” The future was hidden from him. He didn’t even know if he would see her again... Soon after that meeting at the masquerade ball, he received an invitation from her. “You won’t escape me this time!” - said Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, entering the living room of Sofia Andreevna Miller.

Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy, who combined kindness, tenderness, delicacy and vulnerability of the soul with truly masculine beauty, heroic height and physique and enormous physical strength, was a pure, chaste, straightforward nature. This is how he was in love - a monogamous man who did not bow to his mother’s imperious reluctance to acknowledge this love, who waited twelve years until Sofya Andreevna received a divorce in order to finally unite his life with her forever. In 1878, three years after the death of Alexei Tolstoy, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote music for the poems “Among the Noisy Hall”, music as pure, gentle and chaste as the poems.

Sung by G. Ots, M. Magomaev, Yu. Gulyaev Material used from the page of St. Petersburg singer Sergei Rusanov.

Famous people love, lose and suffer no less than others. We will tell you about the seven most touching and sad love stories that the whole world watched.

One of the most famous couples America of the 50s - cult actress and famous baseball player. In 1954, the lovers got married and seriously planned to become a model family. The fatal blonde insisted with all her might that she wanted to give birth to Joe’s children and become a complete home woman. True, in Marilyn’s understanding this did not include leaving Hollywood. Of course, the hot Italian husband did not like this, and his wife’s status as a sex symbol acted on him like a red rag on a bull. Jealousy conquered love, and after just 2 years of marriage the couple separated.

However, the warmest feelings between the former spouses still remained - all their lives they maintained communication and helped each other. Moreover, it was DiMaggio who was involved in preparing Monroe’s funeral, and on his orders, fresh flowers appeared on the actress’s grave for many years as a sign of love and respect from her former lover.

This love story began quite pragmatically - presidential candidate John Kennedy needed a profitable match and found it in the person of the respectable and educated Jacqueline Bouvier. The wedding took place in 1953 - the couple looked impeccable, but their happiness was mostly an invention of PR people. Kennedy did not take the oath of fidelity to his wife particularly seriously and started affairs right and left, while the faithful Jacqueline tolerated all his adventures and remained close during the severe attacks and operations that John endured due to his serious problems with the spine.

In the late 50s, Jackie's patience ran out and she decided to file for divorce. Her father-in-law and former diplomat Joe Kennedy persuaded her to save the marriage. The couple stayed together, and for some time peace and love truly reigned in their family - John began to appreciate his wife, and she allowed their relationship to start over with a new leaf.

But the idyll was not destined to last b for a long time - on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, a shot killed Kennedy and at the same time ended the story of their relationship with Jacqueline.

Witnesses of that tragic event especially remembered the gesture of the faithful wife, who decided not to change her blood-spattered suit so that the whole world could see not only her pain, but also the horror of the crime committed by the killer.

Although Birkin did not become the first love of the French chanson star Serge Gainsbourg, she definitely left a serious mark on his life and work. The couple met in 1968 on the set of the film “Slogan”. At first they hated each other, but after a while the situation changed dramatically, and from an enemy, Jane turned into the musician’s third wife.

The lovers stayed together for 12 long years, during which their daughter Charlotte was born and the famous hit “Je t"aime... Moi non plus” (“I love you... I don’t either”), which was personally criticized by the Pope, which , however, only added to the song’s popularity.

The tandem broke up due to Serge's addiction to drinking, but they remained good friends and colleagues - it was Gainsbourg who wrote it for Birkin best songs. To this day Jane speaks of ex-husband with great warmth and calls him a very vulnerable, but incredibly talented person.

This romance can rightfully be called a work affair - it flared up on the set of the film “Flame Over England”, where Lee and Olivier played lovers. Despite the fact that both actors were married, they decided to not care about everything and start living together. The couple decided to formalize the divorce from their other halves only a few years later, and only after that they were able to register their relationship.

Both sides destroyed this beautiful story -Lawrence was tormented by envy of his beloved’s success, and Vivienne began to experience an exacerbation of manic-depressive psychosis, which ultimately ruined her life and put an end to her passionate relationship with Olivier.

The actor came to his senses quite quickly, got married a year later and lived happily for 30 years, but Lee died just 7 years later from tuberculosis and remained single for the rest of her life.

The fatal blonde of our time and her famous husband met in 1968 on the set of the Warner Brothers studio. The romance flared up quickly - the couple got married the same year. The couple stayed together for 7 years.

They separated because of Penn - he was never famous for his exemplary behavior, but in those days he broke all records: he regularly got drunk, was wildly jealous of his wife and often beat her. One day he became completely carried away - the severely beaten singer even filed a report with the police. A little later, she actually took him away, saying that she wished Sean all the best, as long as he was away from her.

However, Madonna's feelings were strong - she later admitted more than once that Penn was her greatest love. In 1996, she invited the actor to attend her birth, and after that she regularly appeared with him at events and was extremely flattered when Sean visited and approved one of her performances. However, the couple was never able to fully forgive each other, and their reunion remained only in the dreams of fans.

6. Romy Schneider and Alain Delon

Another love affair at work, which, moreover, began with mutual hatred - having met on the set of the film “Christine,” the impulsive Delon and the sophisticated Schneider immediately disliked each other. But a few months later, Romy moved from Australia to Paris to Alain, and a couple of months later their engagement was announced. The wedding, however, never took place - after some time, Delon was spotted by the paparazzi with a certain blonde, a little later he left Romi, and he married this blonde. Schneider remained bottom.

Coping with grief, she got married and forgot to think about Delon, until fate brought them together again on the set of the film “The Swimming Pool.” As it turned out, fate was here And Moreover, the role for Romy was procured by the actor himself. Passion flared with new strength, Schneider’s husband left, and soon Delon himself fled, again leaving the actress alone with herself and her pain.

Romy's suffering turned into a passion for alcohol, and in 1981 she suffered another blow - her 14-year-old son suddenly died. Soon the actress herself died of a broken heart.

Delon accepted death ex-lover as his own fault - he wrote about this in a letter published in one of the newspapers: “It was because of me that your heart stopped beating. Because of me, because 25 years ago I was made your partner in Christina.

7. Michelle Williams and Heath Ledger

Williams and Ledger met on the set of the controversial film Brokeback Mountain. According to the actors' colleagues, their romance flared up immediately. The couple was happy together for three years - in 2008, after the birth of their daughter Matilda, they announced their engagement. However, they never got married - after some time, both actors announced a break in relations. For the press, the main version was the employment of Ledger and Williams. But close sources said that the matter was Heath’s addiction to drugs. The actor also experienced a difficult and painful breakup with Michelle with their help. And soon he was found dead in own home. He allegedly accidentally mixed strong sleeping pills, after which he could no longer wake up.

Williams suffered from the loss for a long time and is unlikely to fully recover from it now. In an interview, she said that no one can even imagine how many things died for her along with Heath.
