Scary horror stories from real life. Scary stories, creepy stories from real life

Several years ago, in one of the hunting grounds Perm region I heard an unusual story. About a strange mushroom picker. Impressed by what he heard, he even wrote a short poem about this, “The Lost Mushroom Picker.” Comical. Changing the essence of the story a little. I couldn’t believe its veracity at the time. You never know what people will come up with...

Although the game manager who told about strange case, didn’t look like a comedian at all. In all seriousness, he said that for the second year in the local forests, mushroom pickers and hunters met a very strange character.

Back in school, the boys and I noticed a strange trend - each of us had a particularly unlucky part of the body. Which received more than other organs and limbs. For some it turned out to be a hand, for others a leg, for others it was a completely bad head. And some were unlucky in general on the right or, conversely, the left side of the body. Like me, for example.
Over the years, for most, the situation probably evens out, and the “bumps” begin to fall evenly over the entire body. And the number of injuries noticeably decreases with age and the advent of intelligence. But not everyone, unfortunately...

Now, when you hear from someone that he is interested in photography, by God it becomes funny. With development digital technologies photography can rightfully be called a hobby by a three-year-old child who has learned to point a finger at a smartphone.

I became interested in photography in the late seventies. Fortunately, there was someone to learn from in practice. And there was a theoretical basis in the form of specialized literature (now many books from those times have become second-hand rarities).

I heard this story from my good friend. Contrary to the prevailing opinion about former prisoners, after his imprisonment he remained normal person and returned to normal civilian life.

Do you like to read horror stories at night or want to tickle your nerves? Our creepy stories are not for the faint of heart! The site's collection of horror stories is regularly updated with new original stories, including true stories sent by our readers. Come in for new experiences!

Very scary stories for mystery lovers

In this section we have collected for you the creepiest creepy stories that you can read for free online. Our collection includes both author's fantasies in the style and scary mystical stories from real life.

Almost every person is frightened by certain things, but the objects of fear are different for everyone. Some people are horrified by abandoned houses or wild desert areas, while others are panicked by cramped spaces. The darkness of night strikes fear into many children, and even some adults. In creepy stories you can find many scary images that have a depressing effect on the psyche:

  • Crazy maniac lying in wait for his victim
  • An ethereal ghost chasing its killer
  • A village witch who can turn into a black cat at night
  • Creepy clown from the perverted parallel world
  • , grinning ominously at you from the mirror image
  • A dusty doll that comes to life at night to sink its sharp teeth into its victim's throat.
  • Devilry- vampires, werewolves, goblin, mermaids, wolves

Scary creepy stories will help you get your dose of adrenaline, and without any risk. Although, if you think about it... There is an opinion that some thoughts and fears of a person can materialize. What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in the dark with a living skeleton or other unattractive character in a story? Is it worth reading scary stories at night or is it better to abstain and save your nerves? Decide for yourself!

From Yesterday, 13:20

It was evening, there was nothing. Or rather, several years ago, on the night of “war, taiga”. At that time we were in 11th grade. We began to communicate well with one of our classmates, Alina, who was a total blast. A person who is not afraid of anything in life (or just pretends to be). All covered in piercings (either 17 or 18 holes, she pricks herself). And I am an arrogant, reckless schoolgirl. Yes, only I have an innate sense of proportion (or maybe I’m just a coward), but if I sense danger even a little in an adventure, I will never get into it.

Now let's get down to business. For as long as I can remember, I have always wondered. Moreover, I understand all these issues quite seriously, study them, and so on. But I’ve been shying away from mirrors since childhood. I don’t know why, but I’m afraid even during the day near the mirror if I’m alone at home. And this incident happened during carols, as I already mentioned.

I stayed with Alina to spend the night. The apartment is large, 3 rooms. And also 3 huge fat lazy cats. Only at that moment did they disappear somewhere in the most mystical way. It all started with beer and Christmas movies. And then at one fine moment it struck my friend’s mind to tell fortunes. The clock shows wolf time - about two in the morning. I started to dissuade her. It's just useless. In general, I had no choice but to start “from afar”, in the hope that my friend would finally abandon this idea.

Real life is not only bright and pleasant, it is also scary and creepy, mysterious and unpredictable...

“Was it or not?” - real life story

I would never have believed in something like that if I hadn’t encountered this “similar” thing myself...

I was returning from the kitchen and heard my mother screaming loudly in her sleep. So loud that we calmed her down with our whole family. In the morning they asked me to tell him about the dream - my mother said that she was not ready.

We waited for some time to pass. I returned to the conversation. This time mommy didn’t “resist.”

From her I heard this: “I was lying on the sofa. Dad was sleeping next to me. He suddenly woke up and said that he was very cold. I went to your room to ask you to close the window (you have a habit of keeping it wide open). I opened the door and saw that the closet was completely covered in thick cobwebs. I screamed and turned around to go back…. And I felt that I was flying. Only then did I realize that it was a dream. When I flew into the room, I became even more scared. Your grandmother was sitting on the edge of the sofa, next to your dad. Although she died many years ago, she appeared young before me. I always dreamed that I would dream about her. But at that moment I was not happy about our meeting. Grandmother sat and was silent. And I screamed that I didn’t want to die yet. She flew up to dad on the other side and lay down. When I woke up, for a long time I could not understand whether it was a dream at all. Dad confirmed that he was cold! For a long time I was afraid to fall asleep. And at night I don’t go into my room until I wash myself with holy water.”

I still get goosebumps all over my body when I remember this mom's story. Maybe grandma is bored and wants us to visit her at the cemetery?.. Oh, if it weren’t for the thousands of kilometers that separate us, I would go to see her every week!

“Don’t go for a walk through the cemetery at night!”

Oh, that was a long time ago! I have just - just entered the university... The guy called me and asked if I wanted to go for a walk? Of course, I answered that I wanted to! But the question became about something else: where to go for a walk if you’re tired of all the places? We went through and listed everything we could. And then I joked: “Shall we go and wander around the cemetery?!” I laughed, and in response I heard a serious voice that agreed. It was impossible to refuse, because I did not want to show my cowardice.

Mishka picked me up at eight in the evening. We drank coffee, watched a movie and took a shower together. When it was time to get ready, Misha told me to dress in something black or dark blue. To be honest, I didn’t care what I was wearing. The main thing is to experience a “romantic walk”. It seemed to me that I would definitely not survive it!

We've gathered. We left the house. Misha got behind the wheel, even though I had a license for a long time. Fifteen minutes later we were there. I hesitated for a long time and did not leave the car. My beloved helped me! He offered his hand like a gentleman. If it weren’t for his gentlemanly gesture, I would have stayed in the salon.

Came out. He took my hand. There was a chill everywhere. The cold “came” from his hand. My heart trembled as if from cold. My intuition told me (very persistently) that we should not go anywhere. But my “other half” did not believe in intuition and its existence.

We walked somewhere, past the graves, and were silent. When I felt really creepy, I suggested returning. But there was no answer. I looked towards Mishka. And I saw that he was all transparent, like Casper from the famous old movie. The light of the moon seemed to completely pierce his body. I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t. The lump in my throat did not allow me to do this. I pulled my hand out of his hand. But I saw that everything was fine with his body, that he had become the same. But I couldn’t imagine it! I clearly saw that my beloved’s body was covered with “transparency.”

I can’t say exactly how much time passed, but we headed home. I was just happy that the car started right away. I just know what happens in films and TV series of the “creepy” genre!

I was so cold that I asked Mikhail to turn on the stove. In the summer, can you imagine?! I myself can’t imagine... We drove off. And when the cemetery ended... I again saw how for one moment Misha became invisible and transparent!

After a few seconds, he became normal and familiar again. He turned to me (I was sitting in the back seat) and said that we would take a different road. I was surprised. After all, there were very few cars in the city! One or two, probably! But I didn’t try to persuade him to go along the same route. I was glad that our walk was over. My heart was beating somehow restlessly. I chalked it all up to emotions. We drove faster and faster. I asked to slow down, but Mishka said that he really wanted to go home. At the last turn, a truck drove into us.

I woke up in the hospital. I don't know how long I lay there. The worst thing is that Mishenka died! And my intuition warned me! She was giving me a sign! But what could I do with such a stubborn person like Misha?!

He was buried in that same cemetery... I did not go to the funeral, as my condition left much to be desired.

I haven't dated anyone since then. It seems to me that I am cursed by someone and my curse is spreading.

Continuation of scary stories

"Terrible Secrets of the Little House"

Three hundred kilometers from home... It was there that my inheritance in the form of a small house stood and awaited me. I've been meaning to look at him for a long time. Yes, there was no time. And so I found some time and arrived at the place. It so happened that I arrived in the evening. She opened the door. The lock jammed as if it didn’t want to let me into the house. But I still managed to handle the castle. I walked in to the sound of creaking. It was scary, but I managed to cope with it. Five hundred times I regretted that I went alone.

I didn’t like the setting, because everything was covered in dust, dirt and cobwebs. It’s good that water was brought into the house. I quickly found a rag and began to put things in careful order.

Ten minutes into my stay in the house, I heard some noise (very similar to a groan). She turned her head to the window and saw the curtains swaying. Moonlight burned through my eyes. I saw the curtains “flash” again. A mouse ran across the floor. She scared me too. I was scared, but I continued cleaning. Under the table I found a yellowed note. It said this: “get out of here! This is not your territory, but the territory of the dead!” I sold this house and never went anywhere near it again. I don't want to remember all this horror.

From 04/17/2019, 12:28

The time was 09:30 am. Nikolai was in in a great mood. Still would! Today he is going to Yuzhny on vacation for a month. Standing at the main entrance to the station and deliciously releasing large portions of smoke from his mouth and simultaneously imagining how he would have a blast with his friends Yegor and Lekha. Egor himself lived in Yuzhny, but Lech was from Vladivostok. Of course, he knew Lekha well, but they didn’t communicate much. He had a closer friendship with Yegor. We were friends from the army itself. Egor was a cheerful guy, often even when it was completely unnecessary. Lech and Kolya himself had a more restrained character.

The time was approaching 10:00 and Kolya went to the carriage that had already arrived. Having settled down in his compartment, he sat at a table and looked out the window. The sun was shining, it was warm and the weather was good. He will be there within a day of travel. He was traveling alone in the compartment. The trip itself was no different from ordinary trips. In the evening, at one of the stops, he called Yegor, they talked a little. Lech was already there, and tomorrow they agreed to meet him in the car of an army friend.
