Up for auction on ebay de. A Detailed Guide on How to Sell on eBay

In the age of consumerism, a person purchases various goods in quantities that far exceed his vital needs, and old, but still serviceable, things tend to accumulate in his home. And if old furniture and shabby or hopelessly stained clothes can be “written off at the dacha,” then what should we do with the rest of the “unnecessary” things that are of no use at the dacha? Of course, sell!


How profitable the transaction will be and how quickly it will be completed depends on the correct choice of where to sell the goods. And there are two ways. The first way is the simplest, but not profitable for all goods; this group includes flea markets, newspaper advertisements, consignment stores and local sites selling various used goods, for example Avito.

The second path is more thorny and it is called. On eBay You can sell goods of some categories with great profit. For example, your old smartphone, which is not even a year old, is more profitable to sell through an advertisement newspaper or take to a flea market, but if you have an “unnecessary” Motorola released in the dashing 90s, it is unlikely that anyone with Avito will be interested in such a rarity. But rare goods are in GREAT demand among users eBay. It's not that eBay this is a community of lovers of rarities and rarities, there are simply more than 100 million users in the world and among the nicknames there are definitely half a million, maybe 10 million collectors of various goods.

You can try to sell anything on eBay. True, you need to adequately assess the legality of your actions, as well as the possibility of successfully completing the transaction. For example, one resident of the Republic of Bashkortostan is trying to sell Russia entirely; he even pointed out that the country is in good condition, although it has been used for more than 1000 years! This is one of the screenshots of the page with the lot, trading was stopped by the administration eBay, when the current bid was more than 100 thousand dollars.

If we take the issue seriously, then residents of countries former USSR can sell goods from the following groups with the greatest profit:

  1. collectibles: badges and boxes, stamps, coins and banknotes, but money in any form is prohibited for postal delivery;
  2. goods that became symbols of the Soviet era: soldiers' hats with earflaps, pioneer ties, various “red” pennants, etc.;
  3. various Russian symbols: nesting dolls, bear cubs with hammers, whistles, Tula gingerbread cookies, etc.;
  4. various rare electronics;
  5. products of local industrial and handicraft industries;
  6. HandMade products, that is, made by hand.

With the first 4 groups of goods, everything is more or less clear. But I’ll tell you a little about “locally produced products.” For example, you have a friend who is a blacksmith (potter), you will agree that having bought a forged rose or an exclusive clay vase from him for 1500-2000 rubles, you can sell such a product on eBay or another foreign trading platform for much more: for 150-200 US dollars . Of course, you will have to study the market for similar goods and carefully consider your price offer, it must be competitive, and then arrange your lot in the right way. This is an example of selling craft goods.

It’s about the same with industrial goods. It is also necessary to find a group of products that are in demand. For example, in my city there is a shoe factory specializing in the production of shoes for industry and the army. How much do you think a pair of leather boots with metal inserts in the toes will cost for a slinger or other specialist working with heavy objects in the USA or England? And in a store that sells goods directly from the assembly line, such boots will cost about three thousand rubles, which at the current exchange rate is only $50!

Of course, in both examples it is desirable to have the product “available in our own warehouse”. Otherwise, an unpleasant situation may arise when the buyer places an order and it turns out that the required model or size is not available in the factory’s warehouse, or the potter will not wait until you buy the “exclusive vase” from him and sell it to the buyer who is ready to give the money right now.

Of course it's not full list categories of goods that are profitable to trade from Russia on eBay, but it is quite voluminous and everyone can choose something for themselves.

Payment for placing goods up for auction, payment of commissions for the successful sale of goods

After searching for goods suitable for sale, any businessman who values ​​his time must evaluate all risks, all items of expenses and income. If everything is more or less clear with income, then with expenses there is a small snag. In addition to the costs of purchasing or manufacturing goods sold, a certain variable appears - commission, which can be divided into three components:

  1. payment of remuneration eBay for putting goods up for sale;
  2. payment of commission interest eBay for the successful sale of each product;
  3. commission for accepting payment through the system PayPal;
  4. Some sellers include the cost of delivery in the price of the goods, if you also want to do this, then this aspect is also worth considering when pricing.

Let's look at each expense item in more detail. Pay eBay for putting a lot up for sale on the website eBay it is called Standard selling fees.

IN in this case a fee of $0.30 will be charged for each item listed. This fee is not charged if the number of lots exhibited for the current month does not exceed 50 pieces (for auctions and goods exhibited at a fixed price). For some categories of goods, the free quantity for auction is 100 pieces, and $0.05 for goods put up for sale at a fixed price if their quantity is 50-100 pieces. per month. Regardless of the number of lots displayed, fees may apply for additional services:

  1. setting a reserve price at promotional auctions: $2 for a reserve price up to $200 and 1% for a reserve price over $200, but not more than $10;
  2. adding an extended photo gallery to the product description: $0.35 or $1 depending on the length of the listing;
  3. highlighting a product in the search, displaying the product in the recommended ones, displaying the product in the search on eBay sites of other countries, etc. from 0.10 to 2 $;
  4. Duration of auctions over 10 days: $0.40.

Of course, when displaying inexpensive goods, it is not profitable to use these options and you should strive to reduce the fee for displaying goods to zero. It may be more profitable to reduce the price by a few more dollars and then the product will sell out even faster. But if you want to sell a fairly expensive product, then it is much more profitable to use them to attract the attention of a larger number of potential buyers and therefore sell the product faster. After all, the faster your goods are sold, the greater your trade turnover and profit.

Each successful sale of a product on eBay paid by the seller in the amount of 10% of the cost of the goods and delivery. In this case, the maximum payout is limited to $750.

These fees will have to be paid eBay overall for all sales once a month. The third type of fees is commission PayPal for accepting and transferring payment for goods and delivery. Commission PayPal is 3.9% of the payment amount plus 10 rubles. Size interest rate decreases to 2.9% if the sales amount exceeds 1.5 million rubles, but this is not entirely suitable for novice sellers. Commission PayPal is debited from the seller at the time the payment is accepted, and the payment already reduced by the amount of the commission is credited to the account.

Thus, when calculating the price of goods sold, you should take into account the total commission fees of at least 14% of the cost of the goods and delivery. This amount will increase if you use paid options when putting the lot up for sale.

eBay Requirements to Become a Seller

Now let's talk about what you need to be able to sell goods on eBay:

  1. auction experience eBay as a buyer;
  2. verified Email;
  3. the account number must be indicated mobile phone;
  4. linked account PayPal for accepting payments from customers and for paying commissions.

Surely, all or most of these requirements have already been met by 90% of the readers of this article. But despite this, it is worth discussing each requirement in detail: why it is needed and how to ensure its implementation.

Shopping experience is required to sell on eBay!

It would be surprising if in order to become a seller on eBay there would be no need for experience in purchasing various goods on eBay. How can you allow an untested user to accept payments and sell goods? Several users contacted me to help me understand the reason for account blocking, which arose immediately after putting goods up for sale. Surprisingly, these novice sellers did not have a single purchase. On the other hand, to the market of the Russian part eBay major sellers came out mobile technology such as Euroset, naturally, they do not have any purchases or reviews from other sellers. But in this case, the initiative most likely comes from the Russian representation eBay, which pulls these big players into its trading platform by the ears.

To sell on eBay you need a verified email.

Surely when you registered on eBay You have already gone through this simple procedure. Confirmed Email is necessary so that the buyer or seller can be informed about various events in his account, for example, the sale of a product, messages from potential buyers. After all, feedback from the seller determines not only communication, but also the speed of order processing; the success of its activities and the convenience of working with the entire trading platform depend eBay.

The seller must have a mobile phone number

Many guides to getting started selling eBay It is stated that having a mobile phone number and an established telephone PIN code is prerequisite. This may be so, in any case, creating such a PIN code is not difficult, but with its help you can very easily restore access to your account or contact the contact center eBay straight from your phone. This may be necessary if attackers gain access to your seller account.

So, to prepare your account eBay to the start of sales, go to the section My eBay on the Account tab and in the left side column select the Personal data link.

You will see a page of information about your account: its type, registration name and address, payment information. Follow the Create link in the line Telephone PIN code. The process of creating a telephone PIN code is protected by a user password, so you must enter it in the window that appears.

Now you need to enter your PIN twice, it must be 6 digits long and must not start with a zero. After entering, press the button with a little strange name Change and send phone number

Check and, if necessary, change your registration data and click the button Change registration details

You will once again be shown the data that you need to check and click the Send button.

At this point, the process of creating a telephone code is completed, and you will once again be shown your registration data.

To sell on eBay you need to have a PayPal account!

PayPal has long been the main method of payment for goods on eBay, therefore, to sell goods on eBay You also need to have an account in the system PayPal. If you have already made purchases on eBay, then you should already have an account in the system PayPal If you paid for purchases directly from a bank card or through the system, then now is the time right now. Pay eBay for exhibiting lots and a percentage for their sale, it is also advisable to pay through PayPal, but you can directly from a bank card or account; in your account settings there is an option to automatically pay for these overhead expenses. In addition, the future seller must give permission for the automatic return of payments under the program - this is a mandatory action without which the seller cannot put the lot up for sale.

So it is necessary to give eBay permission to debit funds from your account PayPal if compensation is required Money by program eBay Money Back Guarantee. When giving such permission, be careful because the write-off occurs unconditionally if the write-off amount is less than $2,000. If the refund amount exceeds $2000, the seller will be given 10 days to replenish the account PayPal or linked cards for the missing amount. You can read this in the conditions. To begin this process, click the Add link in the Method of payment of compensation In chapter Financial information

You will be shown a message Select a refund payment method. In my example, there are no other options other than payment from the account PayPal was not offered. You may have another method, choose a method convenient for you and click Continue.

You will be shown the terms and conditions for using the account. PayPal for payment of automatic compensation under the program eBay Money Back Guarantee or other debts to eBay. Read these rules carefully, comprehend everything written, and if this does not contradict your goals and business principles, click the button Agree and continue

If this operation is completed successfully, you will be shown the following message:

HOORAY! That's all, your account is ready to sell any products on eBay! Click on the link Start selling to see such a colorful offer to find “unnecessary things” and put up the first lot.

If you are ready to sell something, use the List your item button. If you are not ready to start listing your first lot for sale right now, then be sure to bookmark the link to this page in your browser. Or click on the List your item button and save the link to the page shown. This will help you save time later on searching for a link to start listing the product for sale.

Preparing your PayPal account to accept payments in foreign currencies

Now about a small problem that citizens may encounter Russian Federation when selling goods on eBay, or upon receipt of any other payment in foreign currency. According to new laws on countering aiding terrorism and extremism, unconfirmed users - citizens of Russia - are prohibited from having foreign currency in their accounts. That is, if you received payment for goods in dollars, then it will be immediately converted into Russian rubles and in this state they will be blocked on your account for 21 days (partial or complete blocking proceeds from sales on eBay- this is a standard technique PayPal anti-fraud). It seems like nothing bad, but if the exchange rate is constantly changing, as it is now, then you can lose very seriously on the difference in rates.

This happened to me: the lens that was put up for sale as an example for this article was bought by an American on December 31, when the exchange rate was approximately 55 rubles, I received a payment in US dollars and it was converted into rubles, I was able to withdraw this money only when the exchange rate became equals 63-67 rubles, in total I lost about $12 out of $52.5.

To prevent this from happening, you must once again confirm your identity in the system. PayPal and set the account currency to US dollars. This will allow you to be in the black in the event of another change in the ruble exchange rate.

So confirm your identity in PayPal will require you to have a photograph or scan of the first spread of your Russian passport (page 2-3). To begin verifying your identity, log into your account. PayPal and on the page that opens Account overview at the bottom of the left side column, find the link Check your account limits.

On the page that opens, view the transaction limits available to you and the maximum available account balance. If the description of your limits contains the words After increasing the limits or similar, then press the button Increase limits

If you have already added and confirmed bank card earlier, then you will see instructions such as in this example, otherwise you need to follow all the recommendations sequentially, starting with the one that you did not follow earlier. So click the Start button

You will be shown the details for which your account is registered. PayPal. You need to accurately fill out your passport information and upload a scan of the first page of your passport. If you have a TIN, you can indicate its number, this is not necessary. After you have filled in all the data, click the Send button.

As always in the system PayPal The data is never sent immediately, so we check everything again and press the Send button again.

After this, you will be returned to the list of actions that need to be performed to increase the payment acceptance limit and gain the opportunity to store foreign currency in your account. Instead of the Start button, an inactive Under Review button will be shown.

Now all you have to do is wait for an email notification that your data has been verified and the limits have been increased. After this, you can view your PayPal account limits, in my case they are more than 8 thousand US dollars. I wish the same for you!

In the near future, an article will be prepared detailing the process of putting goods up for auction on eBay. In order not to miss an article, subscribe to new articles on the site and stay updated latest news eBay. Happy sales with !

Every home accumulates a lot of things that make no sense to store, and it’s a pity to throw away. What to do in such a situation? You can try to sell something you don’t need online. After all, for some it may turn out to be the most necessary and important. One of the best trading platforms is Ebay. There you can sell almost any product anywhere in the world. So how to sell on Ebay? Everything is not so difficult if you read the detailed and simple instructions.

Total information

Various trading platforms offer their visitors to sell and buy goods on different conditions. The advantage of Ebay is that many countries participate in auctions. So, for example, what you consider outright trash may turn out to be a luxury item or a valuable piece of a collection in another country. Before you start selling on Ebay, please read their terms and conditions.

Why bidding

It is most profitable to participate in auctions. You place a lot, indicate the minimum amount from which the auction begins, as well as the final cost of the goods. To open your own store on Ebay, you must have the status of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, which is not always convenient for one-time transactions. Especially if you don’t have such status in principle.

Fixed cost

Another way to sell something on a marketplace is to set a specific price for the item. This means that no one will bargain for your item, but will simply buy it for the amount that you consider adequate.


Before you sell a product on Ebay, you must go through the registration process. It's not too complicated as it might seem. On home page site you need to find a button asking you to register. Filling out standard fields is no different from creating a buyer account: address, country, last name, first name and patronymic, email address. But in the status field, you need to select the “seller” or “seller” item. You also need to come up with a short name for your account, which will be displayed next to the item for sale. It is advisable to choose short name to make it easier for customers to remember. After confirmation Email it is necessary to confirm your seriousness of intentions to trade, that is, solvency.

PayPal and cards

If you have not previously registered with payment system, then it's time to do it. Since the trading platform only works through PayPal, you cannot avoid creating a personal account there. Before selling on Ebay (instructions will be detailed later), link your card to the payment system. This way you will confirm your age (persons under 18 years old cannot trade), and at the same time mark yourself as a serious seller and not a scammer. And without payment details, no one will allow you to sell on Ebay.

Adding a product

Before you can sell anything on Ebay, you need to add it to the catalog. In his personal account add product. Write its name on English language(online translators can help you if you have any difficulties). But next you need to create a description. Before you sell an item on Ebay, carefully look at similar items from other sellers. First, you need to fill everything out correctly, otherwise no one will simply buy from you. Secondly, the system may not allow the item to go on sale if you do not describe it correctly.


Write honestly and openly about the condition of your item, what it looks like, and who it is suitable for. So, for example, when selling used jeans or sneakers, tell them how worn they are, how much they cost when purchased, and how long they can last for a new owner. By the way, if you are putting up for sale new items that do not suit you in size or color, indicate that they are new, whether they have tags on them, and the reason for the sale. This will significantly elevate you in the eyes of buyers. Don’t forget to indicate how many products you have in stock, what color, size, shape they are. In general, everything that is important to buyers. Before selling on Ebay, put yourself in the buyer’s shoes: what would you be interested in knowing about the product, what would be important to you.


Without this, the chances of selling something are zero. It’s unlikely that anyone wants to buy a pig in a poke without looking. Therefore, before selling on Ebay (com), take photographs of your item from several sides. So, for example, clothes can be photographed simply from both sides (front and back), and at the same time on a mannequin or a person, so that you can evaluate how well the item fits the figure. When selling electronics, you need to photograph them in working condition, noting all abrasions, cracks, and the slightest negative aspects. They will need to be indicated in the description so that the buyer does not later open a dispute for discrepancy.

Cost of delivery

This is perhaps one of the most problematic aspects of selling. It is impossible to independently calculate how much delivery will cost, because anyone can buy an item, from anywhere. Fortunately, you won’t have to count anything yourself. The trading platform system is designed in such a way that choosing the appropriate payment option and delivery costs is not difficult. By following simple tips, you can protect yourself from selling at a loss. Before you sell anything on Ebay, provide a list of countries in advance where you are willing to ship your item.

Sales format

The most important thing in selling is the choice of format. This is exactly what an auction or fixed payment is. The first option is suitable for those who are selling something exotic or in high demand. This also includes goods self made. But the second option is suitable for those who are in no hurry to sell and are ready to wait until someone is willing. By the way, before selling at an Ebay auction, it is enough to fulfill all the conditions described above, setting the auction period and price. And then you can safely sell.

Product announcement

This item is needed for those who do not put the lot up for auction, but use a fixed price per unit of goods. There are usually no difficulties. However, when placing your first advertisement, you will always have to choose its form. Only later, having become an experienced seller, the need for this will no longer be necessary. Filling out the form is not difficult, since prompts are active, even if you don’t need them. Marketplace Ebay cares about its users, making it easier for them to sell and buy.

Communication with buyers

Foreign buyers tend to ask a lot of questions before purchasing a product. It is noteworthy that this rarely happens at an auction, but things with a fixed price make you want to ask more about the details. You can manage your communication on the “my ebay” page, where you can also track your ads, and in general everything related to the product being sold. It's worth visiting there at least once a day. When answering customer questions, never deceive or avoid answering truthfully. Why? Because buyers have internal protection against fraud and deception. If you lie, you will have to pay damages to the dissatisfied purchaser.


Always maintain communication with the buyer, including after the sale, while the goods are on their way to him. This will set you up well. Make sure the payment has gone through and the buyer has transferred funds before shipping the item. This is not difficult to do, because trading system The site itself tracks everything, you simply receive notifications about a particular moment of sales.

Product packaging

Perhaps this is one of the most basic points. You must carefully pack the item you are selling so that it reaches the recipient safe and sound. Certainly, transport companies try to deliver goods safely, but this is not always possible (and human factor, and force majeure situations make themselves felt). Please enter the correct recipient address (check several times). It’s good if you fill it out not by hand, but print the sheet on a printer and then glue it to the box or bag. This is especially true when delivering parcels to other countries.

So, how to sell on Ebay? The instructions are simple:

  1. Register in the payment system and link your bank card.
  2. Create a seller account on Ebay.
  3. Add a product.
  4. Fill out the description as detailed and honestly as possible.
  5. Add photos.
  6. Select the sales format (fixed price, auction).
  7. Set a price (either final or minimum for bidding).
  8. If necessary, limit the auction time.
  9. Add a sale ad if the price is fixed.
  10. Decide on delivery options.
  11. Communicate with buyers.
  12. Send the goods on time.

We talked at the very beginning of international sales on eBay, and also discussed the issues of commissions and fees that sellers need to pay. I hope this information has been understood, taken into account, and factored into the pricing of those items you do decide to sell on eBay. Now let's talk about creating an advertisement for the sale of our product.

Putting goods up for sale

Since we already have a registered account on eBay, we can start selling directly. To do this, you can first go to the Selling section of your Seller Account through the drop-down menu at the top right of the screen and look around your seller account. There is no need to get too carried away with the settings at first, just remember where everything “lies” here.

When you first list an item, the system will ask us to fill in your contact address. This is a continuation of registration, but it is a one-time procedure, as is the procedure for linking a Paypal account to automatically pay eBay fees.

So, we create Sell and begin to create a description (listing) of the product being sold. For those who have already prepared everything to start selling (description of the product, photographs, Paypal account into which you will accept money), you can continue right here, or try to use the full potential of eBay, go to some regional site and continue listing the product there. Why do this? For many reasons. For example, to display more goods if the limits for displaying goods on the American site (10 lots sold for a total of $500) do not suit you. So, for example, the English site - ebay.co.uk - will allow you to sell the same 10 lots for a total of 650 pounds, which is noticeably more. We will try to display our product on it.

So we clicked Sell and now eBay asks us to enter EAN/ISBN/UPS product codes (to facilitate its search in product categories). If there are any, we enter them, or simply write some general name of the product.

It’s clear that for most products we have practically nowhere to get codes from (or they will simply be unfamiliar to eBay), so the easiest way is to click Bro ws e categories in order to manually select the appropriate category for your product.

For our specific product (see below), we choose something like Antiques > Antique Furniture > Boxes/Chests > 20th Century, press the Continue button and get into the product description, or as it is usually called here, listing.

At first glance (and at the second too), the devil will break his leg here in all these fields and menus. Of course, a little later, you won’t even pay attention to this pile-up, but for now, yes, it’s alarming...

However, in reality, there is nothing terrible here. All required fields are marked green stars. We fill them out. In the language of the site in which we exhibit. In this case, in English.

So, first we fill in the title (Title), this is very important point- based on the information from this field, the system will offer customers your product, so it is very important that the information is accurate and fairly brief (80 characters are available to you). However, there is no point in minimizing the title unnecessarily. If necessary, we use the Condition description field if, for example, the product is not new and requires additional description of properties, wear, external damage, etc.

Next, click on the Add pictures button (this is a mandatory part of the listing) and add pre-prepared photos of the product. Here you need to keep in mind that eBay restricts uploading photos with low quality, so try to make a photo at least 800*600 pixels. It should be noted that the number of free photo spots varies on different sites and in different product categories. In this case, the system offers us the insertion of up to 12 pictures.

Then, fill in the optional, but desirable, fields Add item specifics, we move on to the most important section of the description, precisely what is colloquially called “listing”.

Here you can place additional photos of the product and its Full description, including a description of your payment acceptance policy, etc., etc. Please note that we are currently using the Standard listing tab. Another tab - HTML - allows you to significantly change the appearance of our listing, but requires certain knowledge and skills, so we will talk about its use next time. In the meantime, we use all the usual functionality for text formatting: font, size, color, etc. By clicking Preview at the bottom of the window, you can see a preview of the listing.

Next, select the format for displaying the goods - auction and/or BIN (Buy Now) and enter the estimated amounts in the appropriate fields. Here it is necessary to clarify that eBay, although it is called an auction, allows you to display goods both in an auction format, when buyers bargain with each other, gradually increasing the final price, and in a fixed price format. Or you can combine both of these options, as we will do now (although this entails an additional fee from eBay). Then we set the duration of the auction to be equal to, for example, 7 days, do not pay attention to eBay’s offer to transfer a certain percentage of the sale to charitable organizations (or, we do. It depends on you...) and move on.

In the next section, we check whether your account was listed correctly Paypal(you already have it, right?..), to which the payment will be received, we change it, if necessary, to an intermediary account for accepting payments (for example, for Ukraine and other countries where accepting funds to a Paypal account is not yet allowed) and Let's move on to the section of formalizing the shipping policy, or, in common parlance, shipping.

Everything here is also quite simple. Taking into account the slowness of Almost Russia, we select from the proposed list (at the very bottom) the slowest option (Economy shipping from outside of UK) and write down its cost in the adjacent window. You can also specify FREE SHIPPING, i.e. "free" shipping, included by default in the price of the product. This is quite convenient for a standardized, small item sent in "small packages". Then we cross off Russia from the list of countries to which we ship goods. This is due, first of all, to the restrictions and rules mentioned above. In addition, we can create our own list of countries to which we do not want to ship this particular item by clicking on Create/edit exclusion list. The country exclusion list that applies to ALL of your listings is maintained elsewhere, in your Seller Account settings.

That's basically it. Next, we fill out the last mandatory section - Add other details, where we make our adjustments to Buyer requirements and Returns policy(Return Policy), where you can stipulate all sorts of interesting points, for example, payment for returning goods to the warehouse and associated costs, the so-called restocking fee. This topic is controversial, even eB ay for some reason actively removes it from its forums, but this is part of the rules, so why not?.. I’ll say right away that 50% is such a joke. eBay, in my opinion, suggests limiting it to 15%...))

Ultimately, our Returns Policy And Requirements for buyers looks something like this

That is, we automatically exclude customers who do not have an account from our goods. Paypal, "habitual defaulters", people registered in countries you don't want to ship to, and people who have a certain number of violations of eBay's policies. We are not on the same path with them!

Everything is clear with the Returns Policy. We accept returns within 2 weeks after receipt (this is important to improve the seller’s rating, as well as shipping within 3 days after receiving payment), we determine that payment for shipping the returned item is the responsibility of the buyer, and we indicate , that if the buyer does not like the product for some reason (but at the same time exactly corresponds to the listing), then he will have to reimburse us from the return amount for the costs of receiving the product back to the warehouse in the amount of 50%.

Next, we simply go to the next screen using the Continue button and see the final screen with the accrued fee for listing the product. You ask what fee is?.. It means you didn’t read it carefully (or missed it). Just in case, I’ll repeat it again.

Fees are eBay fees for the right to trade on it. They are divided into insertion fee (fee for listing goods), final fee (sale fee) and others (for various “beauties” in the listing that are not directly related to the sales process). At the same time, if there are no fees for listings up to a certain threshold for the number of lots displayed, then a sales fee (10%, in the vast majority of cases) is always charged and one must be prepared for this by including such a premium in the total price of the goods. At all, optimization of fees is a separate big topic, and we will talk about it in more detail another time.

We check the boxes where necessary (if we want to automatically relist the product and add this listing to the template bank for further reuse)

and click on the List button with fees displayed, agreeing to the issuance with accrued funds in the currency of the issuance site, with agree with the proposal International Selling Agreement(at the first listing of goods for international sale) and in that's it. Our product is listed on the English eBay site and is waiting for its buyers!

Limits for us, as a beginner, there were the following are installed - You can sell up to 10 items or up to GBP650.00 per month, whichever comes first.

It will be fine for trading not the cheapest things. This is almost twice as much in terms of the amount of goods displayed as 10/500 on the American site. For a start it’s quite normal, but we’ll see later... :)

To be continued...

eBay is a huge online auction where hundreds of thousands of people buy and sell goods every day. Some people use eBay for one-time sales, while others have built an entire business on it with tens of thousands of dollars in profit. Be that as it may, eBay makes it possible to quickly and profitably sell almost any product. A logical question arises: how to sell on eBay? Is this a difficult process? What is needed for this? Can residents of CIS countries put their goods up for sale? In this article we will try to give answers to all your questions, tell you how to sell on eBay, and also consider in detail the procedure for putting an item up for sale.

Selling on eBay begins with the most banal and simple step - registration. After this simple procedure is completed, you need to obtain seller status and put your first lot up for sale.

We recommend reading:

We would like to say right away that eBay does not tolerate hackwork. If you really want to sell something, then weigh the pros and cons, analyze similar lots, evaluate your product and its chances. Remember, there are hundreds of thousands of sellers at the auction besides you, and many of them have dozens of experience and sales skills. If you make a mistake somewhere, the product will hang on the site for weeks, and no one will even place a bid. Therefore, we advise you to read our article to the end in order to compete with experienced sellers and sell your item at the best possible price.

First you need to select a selling format (Selling Format)

So, now you need to decide on the sales format. On eBay, there are two ways to sell a listed item: auction (where you set a starting price and users bid for the listed item), and through sale at a fixed price (where you specify a specific price for your item).

Each of these types has its own pros and cons. If you know that your product is in demand, that many can “compete” for it, then hold an auction. If you want a specific amount, then simply bid at a fixed price. If you choose an auction, you can choose from: standard auction, reserved price auction, Dutch auction, private auction.

We recommend reading:

Selecting the appropriate category

You won't be able to sell an item on eBay if you don't choose the right category for it. Therefore, before putting a lot up for sale, you need to already know which category to classify it into. If you choose it incorrectly, moderators will most likely remove the item from sale, or buyers will not be able to find it.

The easiest way to find out which category your product belongs to is to enter its name in the search. We can say with a high degree of probability that such goods are or have been sold on eBay. Look at what category they were assigned to and add your lot there.

There may be a situation that your item will fit into several categories or subcategories. Then for a small fee you can place it in several sections of the site. This is very convenient, because larger number potential buyers will see your product, and the chances of selling it at a good price will increase significantly.

Once again we would like to remind you that you should not place a lot in a clearly inappropriate category. Most likely it will be removed from auction, and if you frequently violate this rule, then the eBay administration will block your account.

We recommend reading:

Selling Success on eBay Depends on the Right Title and Description

Effective headline– this is where any lot begins. As you understand, the title should be informative, interesting, and catchy. This is the first thing a potential buyer will notice (after the price, of course). All products are found through a special search form on eBay, so try to include a few basic ones in the title keywords, by which the user can quickly find the lot you have put up. How to do this correctly? Again, check with your competitors. Look at how they form their headlines, what they indicate there, what they emphasize. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, just look at a ready-made solution and modify it a little.

It is very important that the title does not contain any grammatical errors. Firstly, if it can alienate the buyer. Well, an advertisement for the sale of an expensive product does not look serious if there are several serious errors in the title. Secondly, the buyer will not be able to find your product through a search, because the system simply will not return it using the correctly written key.

In order to increase the number of clicks to their listing page, many experienced sellers use the eBay Keywords system. This is a pay-per-click advertising system. You buy advertising using a specific key, by entering which the user will see your small advertising banner.

Product description. This is the second most important element, after the title. It is very important that the product description is as informative, clear, and truthful as possible. You must fully describe the condition of the product, its functions, and characteristics. Give as much information as possible about delivery, payment, etc.

We recommend reading:

In the description you also need to indicate several key phrases by which buyers can find your item. Don't forget that in addition to the standard search on eBay, which searches among titles, there is also an advanced search that includes searching by description.

Try not to spread yourself too thin and fit everything into a few paragraphs. No water, only the most important and necessary information about your product. Write as if for yourself. Think if you were a buyer, what would you be interested in, first of all, about this product. This is exactly the information you write.

What not to do in the description:

  • Use a lot of capital letters
  • Use bright colors. Making a rainbow out of a description
  • Overdo it with bright expressions, evoking emotion(WOW, SUPER, GREAT).
  • Make mistakes, inaccuracies, typos
  • Write lies or embellish the real condition of the goods

Use the power of HTML markup. If you have the skills to use HTML, you can mark up your ad better. This can be done directly on the eBay website using the built-in editor, or you can create an ad on your computer and then paste the code into the description window. Every self-respecting seller, if for him eBay is a serious business and not a one-time opportunity to sell an unnecessary product, is simply obliged to understand the basics of HTML markup and make high-quality descriptions of his lots.

We recommend reading:

Starting price and images of your lot

It would seem that it would be difficult to enter a starting price. But there are some subtleties here too. If you set a symbolic price, for example 1 dollar, then a lot of buyers will come. They will all place bets one after another, but after reaching a certain point, the bidding will end. And it’s not a fact that the price at which the active sales phase will stop will suit you. Many people want to snatch an item at a penny price, and when the price of the lot exceeds a more or less serious threshold, they refuse to continue the auction. Therefore, by setting a low starting price, you risk attracting many “freeloaders” who are not willing to pay real price goods.

If you set an inflated price, then you can wait several days, but still not receive a single bid. Right choice the initial price is a delicate matter. It seems that you need to lure people with a low starting price, but at the same time you need to get the maximum benefit from the auction. There is an option to use a type of bidding in which a minimum price threshold is set that suits the seller. If this threshold is not reached, the auction will not take place.

We recommend reading:

Next, you need to decide on the duration of the auction. The auction can last 1,3,5,7 and 10 days. This also has its own subtleties and nuances. Many experienced sellers set the duration in such a way that the end of the auction falls on the weekend. It is on weekends that user activity is much higher, and there is a greater chance that they will place good bids on your item.

Don't forget about time. Determine who your target audience is. If these are Americans, then if you put up a lot at 8 a.m. Moscow time, you will make a big mistake. The time difference is at least 10 hours, and when it's morning, many Americans are already having their first dreams. The peak of activity usually occurs in the middle of the working day. It is best to exhibit the lot between 12 and 15 hours. If you are targeting buyers from Europe, then make adjustments depending on their time zone.

A photograph of a product is a kind of face of the lot. The better quality and more attractive it is, the better. There is no need to add ordinary pictures from the Internet, or copy photos from another lot. Users trust more those products that have real photos, displaying the condition of the item being sold, showing all its advantages and disadvantages. eBay allows you to add only one photo of an item for free; you will have to pay extra for all subsequent ones. True, you can upload the photo to a file hosting service and provide links to it in the description. This is not prohibited by the auction rules.

We recommend reading:

And the last thing you have to do is choose some paid services that you wish to use. This is not mandatory, but sometimes such features are very helpful. For example, you can make the title bold, underline it, put an image next to the title, etc.

So we figured out how to sell on eBay. This process is not that complicated, it just requires some attention and skill. Remember that besides you, tens of thousands of sellers can put up a similar lot for auction. You must be better, your titles and descriptions must attract maximum attention from potential buyers.

The Anatomy of Business project team wishes you successful sales and big profits.

Good afternoon

First of all, my articles on effective selling are intended for people who know that selling online is possible, but that’s all they know. They don’t know how to accept money or how to display goods. People who have sold a dozen cameras to the USSR already, in principle, understand what’s what.

For this reason, I decided to start the series of articles from the basics, where an individual unprepared for sales will at least understand what’s what. Well, you know, it’s like watching a shaman-mechanic go through the engine and wondering how he knows everything. And when you learn, there seems to be nothing complicated about it. It’s absolutely the same with online sales.

What can you sell on eBay?

Let's see how simplified online sales are:

- Product search.

Well, if you have your grandfather’s Zorki 4 camera or a commander’s watch, then this is not a problem for you. For example, my first product sold was Tula gingerbread. Honestly. For twenty-odd dollars when the price in the store is 100 rubles. What about the rest - articles about searching for goods are still to come.

- Determination of the site for sale.

Can be called:

Ebay.com and other regional Ebay auctions. (our initial choice, bourgeois the best!)

Hammer/aucro. (and domestic buyer....one today)

Your own website. (More about this in one of the following articles)

Other auctions, e-crater for example, Amazon, but it’s hellishly difficult there.

- Opening/having an account in payment systems.

If you decide to sell on ebay, then you need to open PayPal, regardless of whether you will accept money for it. You need it to open an ebay account. (Explanation - in this moment In the Russian Federation you can accept PayPal, but you cannot withdraw money into cash without having an account in a US bank. You have? For me, yes, but how old am I?))). For a newbie selling Grandfather’s Zorkiy 4, IMHO the best option is to accept 50-70 dollars for the product from the buyer on your PayPal and try to buy something that is cheaper from them and more expensive from us.

If you desperately need money, you need to register with an intermediary, who, having accepted the money for you, will withdraw it to Webmoney or in another way available to you.

I personally know of two ancient intermediaries, http://ok-checkout.com/ and http://westernbid.com/. There are probably many new ones, but I advise you to use these.
The first one is flexible (it withdraws your money as soon as you provide a check), the second one is more, let’s say, conservative. Maybe a seller with many years of cooperation can be sent with a conclusion if, for example, he gets urine on his left hemisphere. But both are reliable.
We will not mention the fact that the person reading this article has a Webmoney wallet.

- Direct display and sale.

This is a rather intensive and fragile process for a beginner. This article cannot contain the intricacies of the exhibiting process.

- Receiving money for the product and sending it to the address.

Everything seems simple here. But in future articles I will tell you about my wars with the Russian Post, which began with standing in line for 4 hours, a book of complaints and other things, and ended with the fact that now “every mongrel” shakes a hand at me when I meet.

This is a highly simplified enumeration that we could barely fit into this article. For each of the points, I will try to explain as much as possible in the future.
If you have questions, ask in the comments. I will try to answer to the best of my ability and ability. But I sincerely ask you to spare my time. Please search the forum for the answer to your question, maybe it is already there.

Thank you all for your attention, Your Python.

All questions about how to sell on eBay ask
