What does Nina Dobrev do? Nina Dobrev - biography, career, personal life, interesting facts, news

She is gorgeous, thousands of men dream about her, her heroine Elena Gilbert turned the heads of the sexiest vampires on American television, her friends love her, and at the same time she speaks fluently three languages: French, Bulgarian and English. She has taken part in international competitions in rhythmic gymnastics, practices yoga, and is called a “designer's dream” - almost all fashion designers want the actress to present their outfits. All this is about Nina Dobrev, the beautiful star of the popular series “The Vampire Diaries”.

Nina Dobrev's childhood and early career

No one can resist the bright Bulgarian beauty of this girl. Nina was born in Sofia on January 9, 1989, and then her family moved to Canada when the baby was just over two years old. Her full name is Nikolina Konstantinova Dobreva, which she received in honor of her grandmother, and is very proud of it, as it reflects part of her “Bulgarian heritage”. However, the actress changed her name for professional reasons, taking the shortened version.

Nina Dobrev's family is, first of all, her mother, a talented artist and a very creative, purposeful person. Women are connected by true friendship. Nina adores her mother, constantly consults with her and considers her the closest and dearest person. Nina's father, like her older brother, is an engineer.

Since childhood, the girl took prizes in rhythmic gymnastics competitions, danced in ballet and studied jazz. She continued her studies at Wexford Collegiate School of Art in Scarborough. Then the girl studied brilliantly at an acting studio in Toronto.

As a teenager, Nina worked as a model, acted in commercials and constantly went to acting auditions. Her exotic beauty did not go unnoticed.

In 2006, Dobrev landed her first major television role in the series Degrassi. The series was broadcast for more than one year, with a different cast, and became a start in life for many stars.

The young actress played Mia Jones, a young teenage mother who became pregnant at age 13. The series did not become a sensation, but it aroused some interest.

The girl was noticed, and she received several more not very bright roles in such films as: “Away from Her”, “Fragments”, “Two-Faced Killer”, “Love on the Front Line”, “Werewolf”.

In the film Chloe, the actress was unlucky because her co-star Liam Neeson lost his wife, actress Natasha Richardson, as a result of the tragedy, and as a result, most of the episodes with him and Dobrev were cut.

Films with Nina Dobrev in the title role always attract the viewer with their sincerity and, albeit simple, but interesting plot.

Despite the fact that Nina became an actress, her dream is a serious education. She began studying sociology at Ryerson University, but was forced to interrupt her education due to a busy work schedule.

Nina, like all the girls of that period, was fascinated by the Gothic, she was attracted by everything mysterious and supernatural. She passionately dreamed of playing Bella in the Twilight vampire saga.

Her dreams were destined to become a reality, only in a larger-scale project - the cult series “The Vampire Diaries”. This series became a sensation, it gained millions of fans around the world, and in a certain sense became a very bright final point of the “vampire” era on TV.

The Vampire Diaries is more than just a role

In 2009, Nina Dobrev first began writing her famous diary of Elena Gilbert and began storyline, which audiences around the world are obsessed with. In a complex role, where Dobrev was not afraid to bring to life several completely different characters at once, her talent finally showed itself in full force. Thus came the era of The Vampire Diaries, and the brightest and most unforgettable six years began in the life of the young actress.

CW producers originally offered Ashley Tisdale the role of Elena Gilbert, but she turned it down without even auditioning. As soon as Nina Dobrev found herself at the casting, she did not leave the slightest chance to the numerous contenders for this role. Her competitors were Ashlee Simpson, Torrey DeVitto, Alexandra Chando, who before Nina's appearance had serious chances of success.

Nina found a lot in common between herself and her heroine, so she found it easy on the set. First of all, in Elena the actress embodied her inherent optimism, faith and goodwill.

The series centers on the life of the small provincial town of Mystic Falls. Seventeen-year-old schoolgirl Elena Gilbert finds herself at the center of mystical events. Her parents are dead, two powerful and beautiful vampires are fighting for her heart, her life and the lives of her friends are in danger. But despite everything, her life is illuminated by love. Love for one of the vampire brothers Damon Salvatore.

This novel won the hearts of millions of viewers. Nina Dobrev and her partner Ian Somerhalder demonstrated amazing chemistry, sensuality and the thrill of real feeling on screen. And this is not surprising, because on-screen love grew into a real feeling between the actors, giving the history of cinema one of the most beautiful couples, which has delighted fans for three years.

Nina Dobrev's personal life is intertwined with her career. Unfortunately, in 2014, Ian and Nina broke up, which was one of the reasons for Dobrev's departure from the series.

And although Nina stated in her interview that she always knew that her Elena story would be a six-season adventure, crew members noted that her breakup with Somerhalder affected the mood in the team. Relations between the once madly in love young people have become strained. In addition, new darling Ian, Nikki Reed, who later became his wife. Nina had a hard time with the breakup and chose to leave.

The talented young Bulgarian was the most versatile actress on the CW show, playing multiple roles at the same time, so when she left the series, fans were devastated. Executive producer Julie Plec couldn't give her up and waited patiently for her return. The script has been amended accordingly.

Nina’s heroine Elena simply “fell asleep” and was invisibly present in the series for two seasons. They talked about her, they remembered her, she still remained part of the plot. And a miracle happened to the delight of all fans. Nina Dobrev returned to play in the final episode and give viewers a long-awaited happy ending.

Leaving the show that made her a star was an incredibly risky move, one might even say career suicide, but Dobrev welcomed the unknown. “I needed to feel that fear: Oh my God, what if I don’t work anymore?” - she explained her position to one of the popular publications.

“It just made me work five times harder to make sure that didn’t happen. “I don’t want to play teenagers anymore, I want to play adult roles, challenge and work with great filmmakers and tell incredible stories.”

Since 2015, she has had a flurry of guest roles and several serious films. Nina starred in “Camatozniki”, “It’s Good to Be a Wallflower”, “ The latest girls" and "ХХХ. World domination."

Nina Dobrev: personal life

The personal life of Nina Dobrev interests many fans. Before filming The Vampire Diaries, Nina dated her partner in the TV series Degrassi, Daniel Clark. But this relationship was more like a romantic affair between two teenagers and did not last long.

The actress began a real romance, passionate, tender and filled with a reverent feeling, with Ian Somerhalder, who embodied the image of Damon Salvatore on the screen.

Fans of this couple on the screen (the so-called Delena fandom), with bated breath, watched as step by step the fairy tale became reality. Young people began to appear more and more often together in their free time from filming. They were drawn to each other like a magnet.

Romantic walks in Paris, secret kisses, joint visits to Hollywood events and festivals. Their photographs appeared more and more often on the Internet, but Ian and Nina did not advertise their relationship.

Somerhalder was very kind to his beloved, protecting and preserving his happiness. Finally, the couple stopped hiding their relationship and told the whole world about their love.

For two years, both friends and fans waited for news of the wedding, but these dreams were not destined to come true. At the beginning of 2014, like thunder with clear skies, the news broke that Ian and Nina had broken up. Nobody could believe it, but the fact remained a fact. Love could not withstand the conflict of interests. Somerhalder proposed to Dobrev several times and was always refused. He passionately wanted to start a family, she wanted to continue building a career. Eventually, the conflict became insoluble and the couple broke up.

Both had a hard time with the breakup. Ian quickly, and, according to the tabloids, “out of spite,” started an affair with Nina’s friend Nikki Reed. Their whirlwind romance ended in marriage less than a year later.

Dobrev suffered painfully through this period, plunging headlong into unbridled fun, endless parties and short-lived novels. Her boyfriends included Austin Stowell and Derek Hough.

The actress's varied hobbies

Nina Dobrev is a versatile person. She often turns to the wisdom of great people. Almost every day the actress publishes on her pages in in social networks interesting quotes or motivational drawings. She's always beautiful physical fitness because he devotes a lot of time to yoga and sports. Plays volleyball, football, baseball, basketball.

She is also known to enjoy rock climbing, lake walks, snowboarding, horse riding and swimming. As the actress admitted in an interview, she always carries a swimsuit in her purse. In 2005, she competed in both the Senior World Championships in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the World Junior Championships in the Czech Republic.

Nina is an active volunteer and uses her fame to support many charitable projects.

In 2012, the actress appeared in a music video called "SPF" with comedian Nick Brown. When she was with Ian, they never missed the annual Coachella festival.

She is often called the "people's actress." In 2012, the girl won the People's Choice Award as Favorite TV Drama Actress, and the actress was initially not even included in the voting ballot. Loyal fans staged a real riot and gave their votes to her.

Nina travels so much that she calls herself an “air travel expert.” Her traditional kit: a portable charger, noise-canceling headphones, a pillow, an eye mask and a blanket.

Some interesting facts about the actress:

  • Colleagues, lovingly, give Nina different nicknames. The most popular: Ninshe, Ninja, French cat, Trouble, Dode.
  • Beloved historical period Nina's is from the 1920s.
  • According to the horoscope, Nina is Capricorn.
  • She wears glasses.
  • Nina considers herself a gourmet and does not like beer because she considers its taste disgusting.
  • Nina Dobrev was mentioned in the song "Coachella Girl" by Gentleman's Vibe.
  • Nina is very afraid of spiders.
  • Dobrev is a certified scuba diver. She knows how to ride a horse, surfs and is an excellent motorcycle driver. She also loves to play ping pong.
  • She is a major fan of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. She visited all the filming locations for this film and has many photo sessions from the fairytale village of Hogsmeade.
  • The creators of The Vampire Diaries adamantly wanted Elena Gilbert to be a blonde, but they loved Nina too much after her first audition.
  • Her favorite films are Juno, The Notepad and Schindler's List. She loves such TV shows as: “Gossip Girl”, “Grey's Anatomy” and “House”.
  • After six years of living in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, while filming The Vampire Diaries, she called America her home and even decided to buy a house in Los Angeles.

She is bright and unusual, controversial and very talented, however, she does not want to live forever.

She was once asked if she had thought about the topic of immortality, having played in the vampire saga for so many years. To which Dobrev replied: “I live very cool life in real. I’m happy with everything, let life continue to burn just as brightly.”

Nina Dobrev is the most charming “vampire” of our time, a famous actress and singer, born on 01/09/1989 in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia.


The girl's parents are complete opposites in character and interests. The girl’s mother is a talented artist and literature lover. Father is a systems analyst and programmer. But this is precisely the rare case when the difference has become complementary. And the children (Nina has a brother) inherited best qualities from both parents.

It’s interesting that my brother followed in his father’s footsteps and became interested in exact sciences and subsequently became an engineer. But little Nina, from the age of two, sang songs with all her might, introducing herself great artist. At first, my parents thought that this would go away with age. But the older Nina got, the more interested she became in music and dancing.

When she was only one year old, her father was offered a transfer to Canada, and the family moved overseas and settled in Toronto. There are two widely spoken languages ​​in Canada: English and French. Therefore, now the actress speaks fluently both and her native Bulgarian. Studying was generally easy for her thanks to her good memory and innate abilities.

At school, she immediately began to actively attend clubs and take part in all productions and concerts. Her parents were simply amazed how in one day she managed to study music and ballet, singing and drawing, and even train in the rhythmic gymnastics section. But the little girl was just bursting with energy, and she really loved what she was doing.

In middle school, her parents decided to support Nina and transferred her to the prestigious Wexford Arts school. There, teenagers were developed in all directions, allowing them to decide on their priorities. Having tried a lot, Nina finally settled on an acting career, which she liked most.


At the same time, the girl begins to receive acting lessons at the famous Dean Armstrong studio, with which leading advertising and acting agencies cooperate. A cute and very photogenic girl does not go unnoticed, especially since she herself constantly attends castings.

Already in adolescence She actively shoots for advertising and often ends up as an extra on film shoots. This gives her the opportunity to earn her first money, which she invests in creating a high-quality portfolio. But, to the surprise of friends and family, after graduating from school she chooses the profession of a sociologist and enters the university.

Things didn't work out with my studies. Already in her first year, she was forced to abandon this idea, since unexpectedly for her, its demand increased greatly. In 2006, Nina signed her first long-term contract to star in the popular TV series Degrasse, which took several hours a day.

She gets the role of a teenage girl (Nina always looked younger than her age), who became a mother early. Over three years of work, Nina managed to film more than 50 episodes and became a favorite of American and Canadian viewers. The series became her springboard into the world of big cinema.

Simultaneously with her work in the series, Nina managed to star in episodes of five full-length films in 2007 and attracted the attention of famous directors. 2008 turned out to be a fruitful year for musicals. In 2009, she already starred in a supporting role in the psychological drama “Chloe” and voiced a deer in the cartoon “Christmas Madagascar.”

Debut main role who made it a real star, Nina received in 2009 in the mystical series “The Vampire Diaries”. According to the plot, she had to play two heroines at once - the simple shy Elena and the fatal seductress vampire Katherine Pierce.

She managed to create such a strong contrast between her characters on screen that she received several prestigious film awards for her work.

Filming of “The Vampire Diaries” lasted almost six years, but during this time Nina received many other offers, some of which she managed to bring to the screen. She managed to star in the psychological thriller “The Roommate,” the action film “Arena” and the melodrama “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.” And all the images she created were completely different.

After Nina completed her work on the vampire saga, she mainly starred in science fiction and horror films. It was these genres that the girl liked most, as they required maximum transformation. Today, Nina is one of the most beautiful and sought-after Hollywood actresses and is actively continuing her successful career.

Personal life

Since from an early age Nina lived only in the world of cinema, most of her novels began and also ended on film sets. During her first serious work in Degrassi, she met her love, also an actor, Daniel Clark, with whom she remained for about two years. In 2009, the couple broke up due to Nina's new romance.

With Daniel Clark

This time his hero turned out to be his co-star in “The Vampire Diaries,” the handsome Ian Somerhalder. For a long time they tried not to advertise the feelings that arose between them. Moreover, Nina did not give up immediately, but after several months of courtship.

But in 2011 they officially appeared in public together. By this time, the public had already dubbed them the best on-screen couple, so this turn of events did not surprise anyone.

With Ian Somerhalder

Alas, this relationship also fell apart. Ian wanted a family and children, and Nina was so passionate about building own career that she didn’t even want to hear about it. Having proposed marriage to his beloved several times and received a refusal, the actor lost patience, and on his initiative they broke up.

Just a few months after their breakup, Ian proposed ex-girlfriend Nina Nikki Reed, which she happily accepted. Nina had a very hard time with the wedding ex-boyfriend, feelings for which have not yet completely faded. This is what made her leave the vampire series, not having better offers at that time.

Trying not to get depressed, she often appears at social parties and at one of them she meets Austin Stowell. A romance breaks out between them, but this is only a fleeting feeling. Not having lasted even a year together, they break up.

With Austin Stowell

This was followed by a short-lived relationship with Derek Hough that lasted only a few weeks. But today Nina is completely absorbed in work, and her heart is completely free and waiting for new love.

Nina Dobrev is a Canadian actress who became popular for her starring role as a vampire's lover in the American television series The Vampire Diaries. Also known for the films “Chloe”, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”, “Fragments”.

The main films of actor Nina Dobrev

  • short biography

    Nikolina Konstantinova Dobreva (this is the real name of the actress) was born in the family of a programmer and an artist in Bulgaria on January 9, 1989. When the girl was two years old, the Dobrevs moved to Canada. From her youth, Nikolina studied ballet, rhythmic gymnastics, music, fine arts, theater - in general, she was an athlete, and smart, and beautiful. The appearance of the brown-eyed brunette, who simultaneously creates images of both a fatal enchantress and a sweet “girl from our yard,” led her to become a fashion model. Nikolina wisely took the pseudonym of Nina Dobrev and sparkled in advertising, on TV and in glossy magazines. Nina did not intend to stop at her career as a fashion model - the girl received professional acting education at an art school in Toronto.

    Nina received her first role in the Canadian youth television series “Degrassi: The Next Generation” (since 2001), where she played 14-year-old single mother Mia. At the age of 17, Nina played in episodes of Canadian films " Family games"(2006) and "Away from Her" (2006).

    Already at the age of 18, the girl became a popular Canadian actress. In 2007, 18-year-old Dobrev appeared in leading roles in four successful films. In Damian Lee's Canadian melodrama Love on the Front Line (2007), she plays the beautiful Jewish woman Rachel, who falls in love with German officer During the Second World War. Next, the young actress embodies the image of a modern Juliet in Michelle Paulette’s television film “Too Young to Get Married” (2007). Then - the seductive Bella in Jeremy Podeswa's drama "Fragments" (2007) about a Jewish boy who survived the war and becomes a poet. And in Douglas Jackson’s crime thriller “The Two-Faced Killer,” Nina transforms into Justine, deceived by her boyfriend, who is forced to become an accomplice in the crime.

    Next, the popular Canadian actress gets the leading role of Ellie Shepard in the American romantic musical American Alley (2008). However, some viewers were disappointed with the performance of 19-year-old Nina, who in this musical film pretended to sing and play the piano. However, a small setback did not stop her from shining in another leading role - in the Canadian film “Werewolf Hunt”, where the heroine Dobrev organizes a fight against a mystical neighbor who is actually not a person, but some kind of fantastic creature. The actress herself does not hide the fact that she loves science fiction and thrillers, and especially the Twilight saga. Play main character"Twilight", the vampire's lover, Bella - was Nina's blue dream. Therefore, as soon as Nina found out about the casting for the fantastic American television series “The Vampire Diaries” (since 2009), she immediately began storming the agencies. After all, the producers were just looking for an actress to play the role of the vampire’s girl! Having gone through a rigorous selection process, Nina finally got the main role - Elena Gilbert, the lover of two vampires, as well as her double - the 500-year-old vampire Katherine. In the wake of the popularity of the love-vampire theme in general, the series gained incredible popularity in the United States and abroad, especially among teenagers. 20-year-old Nina Dobrev has become a youth idol. Simultaneously with filming in “The Diaries...”, Nina managed to captivate director Atom Egoyan, who cast her in the role of Anna in his erotic thriller “Chloe” (2009).

    Despite her success in cinema, Nina does not hide the fact that she wants to get a “serious education.” She even entered the sociology department at Ryerson University, but had to leave the university due to her growing acting career.

Nina Dobrev born in the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia on January 9, 1989. At the age of two, the girl and her parents moved to Canada, namely to the city of Ontario. From childhood, Nina was very interested in art, and she was a talented girl. She especially liked dancing, gymnastics, music, theater and more. She even had quite good achievements in the field of gymnastics. She took part in international competitions several times. But still, the soul of the talented girl lay precisely in the art of acting.

Nina Dobrev - the beginning of a stellar career

While in her teens, Nina Dobrev had already starred in various commercials. In addition, she worked as a model and went to acting auditions. Thanks to its exotic beauty, as well as her extraordinary abilities, producers simply could not help but notice Nina. His first breakthrough on television can confidently be considered his participation in the famous teen drama Degrassi: The Next Generation. Here the talented actress played the role of young mother Mia Jones, who tried to live on her own ordinary life a teenager, however, at the same time raising his own child. Nina Dobrev did not stop at this role. She begins to appear in various films, most of which involve small roles.

Nina Dobrev - gaining popularity

The girl’s real rise to popularity occurred in 2009, when one of the most popular youth mystical series “The Vampire Diaries” was released, where the girl simultaneously played two main roles. The Bulgarian beauty has become a real gem of this series. Her first role involved an ordinary modern schoolgirl, Elena Gilbert, with whom two vampire brothers were in love. The second, completely opposite role is the beautiful vampire Katherine Pierce, who directly turned the brothers into vampires. It was after these roles that Nina Dobrev began to receive more and more invitations to star in various films. In 2010, Nina received the Breakthrough of the Year award: “Best Actress in the TV Series The Vampire Diaries.”

Nina Dobrev - the most notable roles

As mentioned earlier, Nina Dobrev's first notable role was in the Canadian drama Degrassi: The Next Generation. In 2006 and 2007, the talented actress took part in two films at once, which, by the way, were awarded: the dramas “Fragments” and “Away from Her.” In 2008, she starred in the musical film American Alley, and in 2010 in the thriller Egoyan's Atom Chloe. Her partners in these films were the well-known Julian Moore and Amanda Seyfried.

Nina Dobrev - personal life

Unfortunately, in Nina Dobrev’s personal life, not everything is as transparent as on television. In 2007, she had an affair with actor Daniel Clark, however, things never came to a wedding. Today, many of the girl's fans attribute her to an affair with her partner in the series - real heartthrob Ian Somerhalder, who plays the role of one of Damon Salvatore's brothers. They are often seen together, so fans are absolutely sure that they are having an affair. However, the stars deny all these guesses in every possible way, claiming that between them there is only friendly relations.

Nina Dobrev - interesting facts

Nina Dobrev is a real fan of various films and books about vampires, for example, “The Twilight Saga,” where, by the way, she dreamed of playing the role of Bella in the film. She is also delighted with the film “True Blood”. Therefore, the girl was very happy about her starring role in the TV series “The Vampire Diaries”.

As a hobby, the girl makes jewelry. Nina claims that in the future she even plans to open her own jewelry store.

You can also note this interesting fact where Ian Somerhalder pushed his co-star in the series to buy an Audi so that she could get to the set herself.

Nina Dobrev - today's day

Today, Nina Dobrev feels very happy that she managed to gain recognition among fans at such an age. She dreams of growing even further in terms of acting career. The girl has enough large quantity invitations to various projects. One of them is the drama “The Perks of Being a Wallflower,” which will be released in 2012, where Nina Dobrev plays the main role.

One of the most beautiful “vampires” of the 21st century was born in Bulgaria on 01/09/1989 Full name- Nikolina Konstantinovna Dobreva. She became famous thanks to the TV series “The Vampire Diaries”. Modest Elena Gilbert and fatal Katherine Pierce - both roles in this project were played by Nina Dobrev. The personal life, latest news, biography and career of the actress have always interested her fans.

But in addition to the sensational “The Vampire Diaries”, the girl’s arsenal includes many other worthy films and interesting roles. Thanks to her bright appearance and expressive charisma, she wins the attention of the viewer, even playing a secondary character in a particular film.


Nina Dobrev's parents are a rare and successful example of a union of two absolutely different people. Mother Mikaela Dobreva is a creative person, an artist. Father, Konstantin Dobrev, is an analyst and programmer. As a result of this combination of two polarities, wonderful children were born - Nina and her brother Alexander, who did not follow the example of his star sister and chose the profession of engineer.

Two years after the birth of their daughter, the family immigrated to Canada and settled in Toronto. Nina Dobrev was a very energetic and active child as a child and showed creative inclinations from the very beginning. Thanks to her parents and bilingual Canada, the girl Fluent in English, French and native Bulgarian languages.

IN early years the future TV star studied at public schools Vradenburg and J.B. Tyrrell, where she tried to master all creative subjects: dance, jazz music, ballet, drawing and rhythmic gymnastics. At first, the girl even dreamed of devoting her life to gymnastics and performing at world championships and Olympics. Everyone around was amazed at how the young talent managed everything.

Noticing their daughter’s desire for art, her parents transferred her to Wexford Arts School, where she completely immersed herself in the world of creativity and chose from many directions for herself acting. The last one she successfully studied at the Dean Armstrong School in Toronto. Subsequently good physical training and sports skills played an important role in her cinematic career.

There was also a moment in the actress’s life when she decided to choose a more serious specialty, enrolling in the sociology department at Ryerson University. But the busy filming schedule did not allow the girl to study fully and in 2008 she had to leave her studies.

Career and films

Already in her teenage years, the future star tried to earn extra money on the set of advertising and extras. It brought small income, which she had been saving to build her portfolio. She was soon noticed and offered a serious role. In 2006, she played the role of a young single mother in the TV series Degrassi: The Next Generation, which was quite popular in America and Canada and has been produced since 1979. The girl appeared in 53 episodes of the project and this is where her stellar career began.

Also in 2006, the actress received a role in the drama “Away from Her.” Despite the minor nature of her character, critics praise her performance very highly.

In 2007, Nina played cameo roles in several films:

  • "Love on the Front Line"
  • "The way she moves."
  • "Fragments."
  • "Two-Faced Killer"
  • "Too young to get married."

2008 was marked by work in the musical film “American Alley” and the horror movie “Werewolf Hunt”.

In 2009, Dobrev was invited to work on the Chloe project, and was very disappointed when many of her episodes were cut. This forced her to work harder on herself to achieve success in cinema. At the same time, the girl got a job voicing a deer from the cartoon “Christmas Madagascar.”

Fateful "The Vampire Diaries"

But the most significant and fateful event of 2009 was the invitation to film in the TV series “The Vampire Diaries”. The double role in this project turned her whole life around and made her worldwide famous actress. She was involved in it until 2015.

During the filming of “The Vampire Diaries,” the girl managed to star in several more films: “The Roommate,” “Like Cops,” “Arena” and “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.” In the latter, Nina played the role of a girl who was subjected to violence from her young man. For her, this role seemed very significant and important.

The actress also speaks especially warmly about her role in the action movie “Like Cops,” where she was allowed to invent the habits and behavior of her heroine herself. For her participation in this film, the star was nominated for the Best Action Actress award, but the award was awarded to another actress (Gal Gadot).

In 2015, the beauty left the set of The Vampire Diaries. Fans believe that this happened due to a painful break with Ian Sommerhalder, who played one of the main roles there. The girl herself explains her action by saying that the series eventually exhausted itself, and for her it no longer made sense to work on it.

For her participation in the series “The Vampire Diaries” the actress received the following awards:

  1. In the category “Best Actress in a Fantasy Series,” the girl received 6 Teen Choice Awards.
  2. She received 1 award in the “Breakthrough of the Year” nomination.
  3. The duet of Nina and Ian Sommerhalder was also awarded the “Best Screen Couple” award.

After leaving the popular series, the star landed a role in the comedy horror film The Final Girls.

During 2016-2017, Nina was busy filming the films Nochlezhka, Flatliners and Xxx: World Domination, which also had a positive effect on her popularity rating.

Personal life

During the filming of the TV series Degrassi, Nina began dating actor Daniel Clark. But after two years of relationship in 2009, the couple announced a breakup.

Dobrev and Sommerhalder

In 2011, it became known about her whirlwind romance with her partner in the series “The Vampire Diaries” Ian Sommerhalder. Fans received this news with great delight, as the on-screen characters were very much loved by the audience. And in life the heroes looked no less impressive and harmonious. At that time, the actress’s loyal fans called their union nothing more than “Nina Dobrev and her husband,” so everyone was sure of their imminent wedding.

For some time there were even rumors that Nina Dobrev was pregnant. Someone also came from unverified information that Nina Dobrev has a child. All these arguments appeared after the girl refused alcohol at some reception, then appeared in public in loose clothes, and to top it all off, a photo of the actress with a small child appeared online.

But this did not happen and in 2013 there was a painful breakup. The young people explain this by saying that Ian really wanted a family and children and proposed marriage to Nina several times. But the girl was not ready to find marital status and wanted to continue pursuing a career. As a result, the lover chose not to waste time and married another charming “vampire” Nikki Reed, who, by the way, was once Nina’s friend.

Nina's life after Ian

All these events had a strong impact on emotional state girls and trying to distract herself, she began dating dancer Derek Hough, who was her friend's brother. But the romance was short-lived; in October 2013, Nina became free again.

At one of the social parties in 2015, Dobrev’s friend Selena Gomez introduced her to Austin Stowell, an actor known for the films “Young Hearts” and “Dolphin Tale.” Their relationship lasted until 2016, after which the young people broke up. Some time after this, the girl was again seen in the company of Derek Hough, but this time their romance lasted only a few weeks.

Fans of the actress never stop dreaming that Nina Dobrev will give birth to a child and get married. But judging by the goals and aspirations of the beauty, they will not be able to see their idol with wedding ring on the finger. Marriage and children are not at all in the plans of the flighty girl, career and entertainment come first for her.

The question of who Nina Dobrev is dating now remains open. After all, having noticed her in the company of this or that man, journalists immediately begin to attribute to her new novel and spreading wild rumors, such as rumors of an affair with Glen Powell in 2017, which were never officially confirmed.

On social networks and news channels, followers constantly follow the TV star and her personal life. Last news they say that the girl is in a relationship with publicist Gary Mantoosh, but this information has not been confirmed by either the man or Nina herself.

Any famous actor has its own Interesting Facts from biography, habits and individual characteristics. Nina did not go unnoticed either:

Despite being busy on film sets, the young actress still hopes to get a serious specialty in a prestigious educational institution. But for now, she completely devoted herself to her career and having fun with friends.

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