What is a WiFi Internet Access Point and How is it Different from a Router? What is better for accessing the Internet: a USB modem or a smartphone as a Wi-Fi router.

The concept of “wifi access point” is quite broad. Firstly, it can mean any device that distributes the Internet via WiFi - a computer, laptop, smartphone. If you want to configure a laptop as an access point, I recommend reading the separate detailed guides on this topic - for and for Windows 10. But an access point is also called a separate device for creating wireless Internet access for several computers. It is often confused with a router, so today I propose to understand in detail what a wifi access point is and how it differs from a router.

What is the difference between an access point and a router?

WiFi hotspot- this is a device with which you can wirelessly distribute the Internet to laptops, phones, TV, and so on. But the router too? Yes and no. To understand the difference, you need to remember one important point:

The access point software does not have the ability to connect to the provider, assign IP addresses and forward ports. That is, with its help it is impossible to organize a local network to which various devices are connected - it is simply a converter of cable Internet to wireless.

In addition, the access point has only one LAN port, which means you cannot connect more than one cable to it.

In general, it can only work fully when paired with a router. Although, in fairness, it is worth noting that some models have several modes and the access point can be used as a client to connect the computer to the Internet.

But the wifi router, despite the fact that it works precisely as an access point, is equipped with the necessary software not only for distributing a wifi signal, but also for fully setting up a local network - it has a DHCP server, DDNS services, port forwarding, FTP server, firewall, filters and other delights. The access point does not have all this.

Why then do you need a wifi access point in its pure form?

Fair question! And I will answer you this way - today it is almost not used, since it is possible to install an inexpensive, but full-fledged router. The only thing it might be useful for is if the center of your network is a router without a wireless signal - for example, in an office where there are many computers connected by cables. What if you had the urge to create a wifi network as well - not to set everything up again on a new router? It’s logical, so you just need to buy a wifi access point, which turns cable internet into wireless.

Examples of using an Internet access point

I think that you have already figured out what a wifi access point is and how it differs from a router. To make it completely clear, I will give a few real examples its application in practice.

  • Wireless bridge between two local networks. This mode, which is “scientifically” called WDS, allows you to combine several networks that were created using different routers. I described in detail
    using the example of combining an apartment and a dacha, which is located several kilometers away in direct visibility.
  • Creation or expansion of wifi Internet reception area. This task is often posed to system administrators in office premises, and ceiling access points cope well with it. This is exactly the case when the office has a large and highly branched cable network, and it is necessary to set up an access point to access the Internet via wifi, and so that it works equally stably throughout the entire area.
  • Well, I talked about how to connect a computer to the Internet via wifi using an access point in an article about

Wifi surrounded us everywhere. We can no longer imagine life without these networks, which allow us to connect to the Internet anywhere. But they cannot arise on their own. For this, special network devices are used. A large variety of them are produced. In this article we will look at one of these devices and figure out what it is wifi point access.

Let's first look at the definitions of each of these devices.

An access point is a small station that creates a connection to a ready-made network. It receives Internet connection from the router and transmits it further. There are more expensive models that allow you to do this without routers, but they vary greatly in price. It should also be noted that the access point has only one connector.

Router ( router) is a special network device that has several interfaces. It allows you to exchange data between different devices on the network. The router is capable of distributing Wi-Fi to all devices located nearby.

What do a router and an access point have in common? The answer is quite simple. Most modern routers have the function of creating a new wireless network. Access points operate on a similar system. This allows all home devices to use wifi.

But the access point has additional functions. It allows you to create a Wi-Fi connection based on an existing one. This is necessary in cases where the router cannot distribute the Internet at the required distance on its own. It can also help reduce the load on the router. There are many applications that can be found.

Next, let's talk about how to choose an access point

access points and their applications

Access point specifications

Manufacturing materials

The device is divided into the following types based on materials of manufacture:

  • For external placement. Used when you need to place the device outdoors or in other unpredictable environments.
  • For indoor placement. Placement in an office or home.

It should be noted that the first type requires stronger materials in order for the device to work as long as possible.

Installing an access point

Also, the device can be placed different ways. Standard placement options are on a table or on a wall. But you can also plug it into a power outlet, which is ideal for repeater mode. This is the most convenient and easiest way of all.

  • Operating frequency

Transmitters can operate at different frequencies - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Models that support these frequencies simultaneously are also sold.

  • Transmitter power

The resulting transmitter power affects the strength and distance over which the signal is transmitted. The higher it is, the further you can distribute the wifi network. Also, with high power, the network passes through walls and other obstacles better.

But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to buy a device with the strongest signal without obtaining special permits. The maximum permitted transmitter power in our system is 20dBm. Anything more is professional equipment that must be registered with special authorities.

  • Maximum wifi speed

Each access point has its own standard of supported communication. It allows you to draw conclusions about the speed at which you can use the Internet. Information about the standard must be clarified before purchasing. The best thing to do here is to consult a specialist.

  • Number of antennas

This option is completely related to the previous paragraph. The more antennas a wi-fi access point has, the faster its speed. But you need to understand that not all antennas can be used. Some of them will not work if there are fewer of them in the receiving device, such as a laptop.

Antennas can have different operating ranges.

  • Antenna types

There are two types of antennas:

  1. internal;
  2. external.

The second type of antenna can often be removed in order to replace it with a more powerful and suitable one. This helps strengthen the signal.

  • Ethernet port speed

These ports connect the transmitter to a wired network. If you have a high-speed Internet connection, then you should choose the maximum allowable speed of these ports, i.e. up to 1000 Mbit/s. If your provider does not allow you to use a very fast connection, then a speed of 100 Mbit/s will be sufficient.

  • PoE support

This is a special function that transmits using a transmitter electrical energy and data. It is used in cases where the transmitter is located at a considerable distance from sockets and other means of supplying electricity. But this function

will significantly increase the cost of the access point. This function is used mainly in professional models.

Transmitter operating modes

  • Access point

The most popular and used operating mode, which creates a wifi network for connecting devices. It is also possible to create a network based on an existing one.

A bridge connects two wireless networks together. This increases range and capabilities.

  • Repeater

A wifi access point is used as a signal repeater. Allows you to repeat an existing signal, which greatly increases the network coverage area.

This is what allows you to turn the received wireless signal into a wired one. Used for desktop computers.

  • Router

Allows you to create a new wifi connection with your own settings.

Making a choice

We have already decided on access point and what is it. Now let's move on to the choice.

First of all, you need to choose in which mode your transmitter will be used, options:

  1. If you want to create wifi on an existing wired network, then select the “access point” mode
  2. If you need to connect two networks into one, then select support for the “bridge” mode.
  3. If you want to expand the coverage area of ​​one wifi network, you must choose models with repeater support.

After you decide on the operating mode, proceed to selecting the connection speed. The common range is 2.4 GHz. It is cheaper than other options. 5 GHz is suitable for residents of high-rise buildings who require less network congestion. Also, when choosing a speed, keep in mind that devices must support the same connection standards.

Let's sum it up

We answered the question about what a wi-fi access point is. This is a way of creating or expanding the range of a signal. You should not buy models with big amount antennas or high speed if not needed. Choose a device that suits your individual needs.

Nowadays, the WiFi wireless network is used for almost all devices: laptops, mobile phones, netbooks, PDAs. This technology makes it more convenient for us and quick access to the Internet. Many providers now offer WiFi Internet access. In order to take advantage of wireless access technology, you need to use a router or access point. Both of these devices use a WiFi channel and are designed to provide radio coverage (AP mode), but, nevertheless, they are fundamentally different from each other. Although the router can operate in access point mode and has more advanced functions than just an access point. The router mode is determined by its settings. By default, the router is set to access point mode and there are many instructions on how to configure the router as an access point.

So what is the difference between a wireless router and an access point? This difference is determined by the capabilities of the device and the visual difference. The access point functions practically as a radio cable extender. You simply transfer the signal from the provider cable to the computer. This gives you the opportunity to use your computer's wireless Internet connection. If you use an access point, then you will have to set the provider settings in the tcp/ip protocol settings, and it is quite difficult to connect more than one laptop to such a device. After all, for the second laptop you will have to use a different IP address. And a device like wireless router is a router that already has an access point built into it. With its help, you can already create a network at home and connect several devices without any problems.

In addition, using an access point alone will not provide you with protection from network intrusions. In this case, for protection, you will have to use the firewall capabilities on your computer. In the router you can configure protection against network attacks. Some of the advantages of using an access point include the fact that you don’t have to configure port forwarding for torrents and dc. A standard access point provides signal reception within a radius of 200-250 meters, if there are no obstacles in the signal path that reduce the signal power (concrete walls, iron structures).

If we visually compare the router and the access point, we can note that the access point is equipped with only one Ethernet port, while standard routers have five (four LAN ports and one WAN port).

As a rule, the WAN port is separated from the rest and a network cable from the provider is connected to it. The front panel of the router usually has indicator lights that indicate when a cable is connected to a particular port. In LAN ports, clients of your local network created by the router are connected via twisted pair cables.

By default, access points have a DHCP server disabled by default, and therefore, to connect to it via WiFi or Ethernet, you must assign it a static IP address. Using an Ethernet port, the access point can connect via Static IP or DHCP. You definitely need to know what connection protocol your provider has installed.

WiFi routers are more functional in this regard. In addition to the usual Static IP and DHCP protocols, they can also support a VPN connection with the PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP protocols.

You can often hear that WiFi routers are also called routers and gateways. During their operation, routers act as a gateway to access the Internet, because they connect several networks (WAN, LAN, WLAN) and are installed exactly at the junction. This ability to connect multiple networks is provided by the NAT translation protocol. Access points do not have this function. Using the NAT protocol, the router can convert the IP address received from the ISP into local IP addresses of the order Using a router, you can, through one contract with the provider, simultaneously connect several more clients to the channel. Thus, the provider can get by with fewer IP addresses, and you can connect several clients per channel.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that a WiFi router has a greater number of application possibilities and is therefore more versatile. With its help you can build a home or small office network. Access points have broader functionality for setting up a network. Their use is justified in creating large networks over a large area of ​​premises.

Router operating modes

The router's design allows it to be used in different operating modes (access point, bridge, repeater, client).

Router as an access point

The wi-fi access point router mode is the main one for the operation of WiFi equipment and is called AP (Access Point). The router, in access point mode, creates a radio coverage area around itself at a certain distance, determined by the signal output power. All devices located within this zone and capable of working as an AP-client (WiFi adapters and individual access point models) can be connected to the WiFi network.

Thus, a wifi router access point is used to connect to a WiFi network and this mode is set by default in routers.

Router in client mode

In the main mode, AP-client is available only for WiFi routers. Some access point models are also equipped with this functionality and can operate in this mode. In this mode, the router allows a computer or other devices to connect to a WiFi network. For example, if you receive the Internet via a radio channel, and then it is distributed via cable to desktop computers.

Router - bridge mode

In this mode, you can connect two remote Ethernet network segments via a radio channel, if certain places You can't make a wired connection or you just don't want to lay a cable. When you connect two access points with a bridge connection, the network formed by them will be invisible. This feature greatly increases the protection of your network from outside connections.

Setting up a bridge router requires that the SSID, channel, and encryption type of these devices match.

Setting up a router in bridge mode

To configure the router in bridge mode, you first need to change the password on the router and configure Wi-Fi. And then go to the router settings and open the SETUP menu and select Network Setting. In the window that opens, you need to set the Wan Port Mode to Bridge Mode.

A connection with the same functionality can be created if

make a circuit of two devices. On one side there should be a device operating in AP mode, and on the other side there should be an access point connected that operates in AP-client mode.

This connection can provide very good performance. The only drawback here is that the network's SSID is broadcast over the air, depriving your network of its invisibility properties.

Router in repeater mode

Very often a situation arises when you need to expand your network access area. There are many options for solving this problem, including using a router as a repeater.

In this mode, the router works as a signal amplifier of the main router. A router configured in repeater mode receives the signal and accordingly transmits it further, thereby increasing the reception radius. In this mode, to obtain best results you need to position the repeater, wifi router in the middle, at the same distance from the main router (or access point) and your computer.

What is the difference between a router and a WiFi access point?

In this article we will try to understand in as much detail as possible the question of how a router differs from an access point. An access point is a device to which Wi-Fi devices connect. The hotspot alone wouldn't be very useful since it only connects devices via Wi-Fi together.

To connect various devices to a wired network and provide them with Internet access, the access point must be connected to a router. It is he who will receive packets coming from the access point and also redirect them to the wired network to provide Internet access to devices via Wi-Fi.

What is an access point

An access point is a device used to connect wireless clients to a wired network. Such devices are widely used in Wi-Fi technologies. The device creates an access point that broadcasts the SSID. Other Wi-Fi enabled devices such as laptops, mobile phones or tablets connect to this hotspot using Wi-Fi. But what fundamentally distinguishes a router from an access point is the way it connects to the World Wide Web or another network.

The access point is usually connected to a router. Everyone connected to the point will be provided with the Internet through a router. In addition, all devices connected to the point will be associated with local network. They can use various services such as file sharing. It is also important that in modern wireless routers these two elements are integrated into one device.

Usage example

Let's say there is an ADSL connection to the Internet and a home network. A wired ADSL router is connected to the telephone line on one side, and on the other side several computers are connected using an Ethernet cable. This creates a LAN, all devices can communicate with each other and have access to the Internet.

In the event that you buy an access point and connect it using an Ethernet cable to an ADSL router, the access point will create Wi-Fi network, and any device can connect to it. They will be able to access the Internet because the packets will be routed through ADSL. In addition, wireless devices can exchange data with each other, as well as communicate with a wired local network.

Modern Wi-Fi cards installed on laptops and mobile phones can also act as access points. Software, as well as built-in tools in operating systems, allow you to share the Internet by turning the Wi-Fi module on your laptop or mobile phone to a virtual access point.

What is a router?

A router is a network device that routes data packets across a network. It operates at the network layer and is therefore a layer 3 device. A router maintains a table called a routing table. It consists of an IP gateway through which a packet must be routed to reach a specific destination IP address. This is the difference between a router and an access point.

Can be statically specified by the network administrator or automatically generated using routing algorithms. When a router receives a packet, it first stores it in memory and parses the recipient's IP address. It then looks up the routing table to see which gateway the packet should be routed through. Then, based on this information, it forwards the packet accordingly.

An access point definitely needs a router to connect its wireless clients to the Internet. After all, it only connects Wi-Fi devices, but does not know how to route packets. Thus, it must be connected to the router, and it will forward the packets originating from the access point to the external network.

What is the difference between an access point and a router?

Let's determine the differences between an access point and a router:

  1. The hotspot allows you to connect to Wi-Fi devices. The router connects the access point to an external network such as the Internet.
  2. The access point does not have the ability to route packets. The router does this to route packets to the appropriate destination.
  3. A router has a switching structure that routes packets from different input interfaces to patch output interfaces. The access point only forwards what comes from the Wi-Fi receiver to the wired interface. And also what happens from the wired interface to the Wi-Fi transmitter.
  4. Routers perform complex routing algorithms that include data structures. Such complex algorithms and tables do not exist in access points.
  5. The access point has wireless equipment such as Wi-Fi receivers and transmitters. Routers do not have this in their composition.

Here's Wi-Fi. It's all about the scope of application of the devices.

Wi Fi is used to transfer data between devices and the advantage of this method is precisely the ability to wirelessly transmit information over radio channels. Wi Fi is used to distribute the Internet, especially in places where people use portable devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops, netbooks, etc.). Also today, everyone can set up a Wi-Fi network at home to connect to the Internet all devices that have a Wi-Fi module, and for this you only need one incoming cable from the provider. And, already using a router, you can connect any number of devices.

When connecting only to wired Internet, you will be able to connect only one device with a network card at a time, while for others you will have to install cables throughout the apartment for an additional fee. But tablets and smartphones can only be connected via Wi Fi, so if you have these devices in your house, and laptops too, then it’s better to make a hotspot at home Wi-Fi access. The great advantage of such a network is the wireless connection, which allows you not to tie the device to only one point where there is an Ethernet connector (RJ-45). And places to connect to Wi-Fi are limited only by the range of the router. The advantages of this network also include a set of uniform standards for all manufacturers. That is, all equipment is able to connect to the network if it has a Wi-Fi logo. In addition, several devices can simultaneously connect to the router at the same time.

Router for Wi-Fi point

To organize a Wi-Fi access point at home, you will need a router. A router is a device that will coordinate signals in wired internet and wireless signals in radio channels that come from or to our devices. When purchasing, you need a Wi-Fi router, and not a router that can be used to branch out a wired Ethernet network.

Wired Internet can provide faster speeds than a Wi-Fi network, so when buying a router you need to look at the speed that it can support (may be called “routing speed” in the passport). There are several Wi-Fi network standards, they differ in data transfer speeds. Real speeds are always lower than the maximum possible for each standard by about 2 times. But even with such a decrease real speed can reach tens of Mbit/s, which is quite enough for the normal operation of several connected consumers. It would also be useful to have a USB connector in the router, which can be used to connect to home network printers, scanners, etc. Printers that support Wi Fi can be connected like other devices via a wireless network. But if there is no such support, then a USB connection will help you organize a home network with a printer and other devices.

Many companies today produce network equipment, including routers. Therefore, you will have plenty to choose from. Any Wi-Fi router will have several connectors. One of them is WAN, this input is used to connect the incoming Internet cable. There may also be several LAN connectors for connecting other devices via cable. This is when the router can also act as a router. There may be a USB port. And a connector for connecting the power supply. There should also be power on/off and reset buttons to return to factory settings.

Setting up the router

After purchasing and unpacking the router, you need to connect it to configure it. We connect the Internet input to the WAN connector, and a cable for connecting a computer to the LAN output.

After this, we turn on the router, insert the disk that comes with the router into the computer, and install all the necessary drivers and programs. The disk may also contain a program with which you can make all the settings for the router. Or you can make these settings through the browser.

In order to enter the router settings through a browser, you must enter in the address bar the address that is written on the sticker on the bottom of the router. There should be an IP address of 4 groups of numbers (for example, something like this: There is also a login and password for accessing the admin part of the router settings.

IP address, login and password to enter settings

If it is not indicated on the router this information and it’s not in the instructions, then you can follow the path on the computer “Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center” and in the window that opens, select “Change adapter settings.” And here you should see the “Local Area Connection” item.

By clicking on it 2 times, you will be taken to the network status menu.

By clicking on “Information” you will open a window with various information, but you need two lines.

This will be the IP address of the router and its value and enter it into the address bar of the browser. You will be asked to enter your username and password. By default, the login is “admin” and the password is “admin”. If everything is correct, a window with information about the network will open in the browser.

router settings window

To configure you need:

  1. create an internet connection
  2. create access to local network
  3. make security settings (change the login password to the admin part)

Connecting the router to the Internet

First, go to the WAN section, where you will configure your Internet connection.

There you can configure several types of connection depending on the conditions of the provider. Set "dynamic IP address". Most providers give users a dynamic address.

After that, click “apply”, the settings page should reload (this is the router rebooting). After this, the computer should already be connected to the Internet.

If you choose PPPoE, also a common option, in this option the provider gives you a login and password, and may also give you addresses DNS servers and others additional settings. Additional settings vary by provider. Basically it's just a username and password. That is, select the PPPoE item, enter the login and password from the provider, click “apply” and the computer from which the settings are made will be connected to the Internet.

If you need to select L2TP as the WAN connection (all these points depend on the provider), then in addition to the login and password, you also need to enter the server name. In addition, you may need Additional Information. All this information is issued by the provider and does not depend on the brand of the router.

There may also be a “static IP” for the WAN connection. In this case, you need to enter the IP address, subnet mask, gateway and possibly DNS addresses.

additional data when selecting "static IP"

All the options considered are possible if you have all the necessary information from the providers. What if you don’t know this data? Then you can view them on your computer. How to do it .

After entering all the data in the WAN setup window, you click “apply” and the router reboots.

Additional router settings

After that, you enter the “Wireless Network” section.

In the “SSID” item you specify the name of your network, which will be displayed in the list wireless networks available for connection.

For WPA encryption, select “TKIP”.

Install "WPA pre-shared key", which will be the password to log into the network. This password is needed to protect your Wi-Fi connection from intrusion by strangers. After all, the Wi Fi network can extend to other apartments within the coverage radius specified in the passport.

After that, click “apply”.

After these settings, the router should already distribute Wi-Fi Internet.

If you need to change your login and password to enter the admin part, then you need to go to “additional settings”. Next, in the “Administration” section, look for the “System” item.

After logging into the system section, you will be able to change your login and password.

After that, click “apply” again and the router will reboot.

You also need to configure the security of your network connection and your router is ready to work distributing Wi-Fi in your home.
