Name days in October, Orthodox holidays in October. The Best Names for Boys Born in October

In the life of almost every person there comes one happy moment when he becomes a parent. And often even during pregnancy the question arises about a name for your beloved child. This article will help those who are waiting for the addition of their family in the fall and are already choosing October is celebrated a large number of name day

Boys born in October will be very enterprising and practical. They will never make a hasty decision. Such people take risks only in cases where they are confident that the end justifies the means.

What to name a boy born in October? The most successful names that will bring happiness to a child are: Andrey, Vasily, Vladimir, Vladislav, Grigory, Denis, Ivan, Igor, Ilya, Innocent, Konstantin, Mikhail, Nikita, Sergey. There are other names, but in this article we will look at these.


He is a sociable, intelligent, determined person with a good sense of humor. There are different names for boys. In October, hot-tempered and impudent people are often born, and the name Alexander fully corresponds to this characteristic. It is impossible to convince him using force. Such children are often introverts and run away from reality. However, they are also inquisitive and have a vivid imagination.


A child named Alyosha will be very sincere and lack the ability to lie. If he considers the situation unfair, he will express his indignation, perhaps even overly emotionally. Such boys are spontaneous and, harboring a grudge against someone, will do everything to annoy their enemy as much as possible. Alexey will never just give up his opinion and will defend his judgments.


Everyone knows that the names of boys born in October influence their character. For example, all Andreys are wonderful inventors and great dreamers. A child can play noisily, run, scream, pretend to be a train or an airplane, or he can sit quietly in the corner and enthusiastically tinker with the construction set for several hours. Such boys also have problems with obedience. He can pretend that he does not hear adults so that he does not have to carry out their instructions. These children are distinguished by a predisposition to infectious diseases.


This is a real “favorite grandson.” However, despite his craving for his grandparents, Vasya cannot live a day without friends. Companionship always comes first for him; he may even quarrel with his parents or wife over this. This guy does his job conscientiously. But if his friend is working nearby, then Vasily will try not to surpass him. Women find this man attentive and gallant. Its only drawback is its possible addiction to alcoholic drinks. Therefore, it is necessary to follow his hobbies.


Since childhood, Vova has been actively learning the world. They skillfully apply the acquired knowledge in life. On the first of the month this boy's name is given according to the calendar. October is rich in names that bring restlessness and curiosity. The child loves risk and often gets involved in various adventures. Volodya has a tendency to card games. With age, self-confidence comes to him. He will always calmly listen to the advice of his elders, but will still act in his own way. The guy will always try to be a leader in everything.


Very often, parents, wondering what to name a boy born in October, choose a noble name for him - Vladislav. But it is worth remembering that such children are truly fascinated by fire. As children, their favorite thing to do is play with matches. If, for example, some piece of paper or rag catches fire during such a game, the boy will perceive it as a real fire and run to look for help, instead of dousing the flame with water. Vladislav is also distinguished by his love of reading.


The names of boys born in October often suggest a restless and capricious character. Grisha is different in that he always listens to adults. But restlessness is still clearly manifested in him. Socks are never white for long, knees are never broken, and objects around him are intact. Most of all, such a child loves to run through puddles. He tries not to offend the girls, but if they seriously offend him, he can use brute force.


Such children are often susceptible to stress and nervous breakdowns. Particular attention should be paid to the child’s genitourinary system. Denis definitely needs to sleep well, and he nervous system needs to be preserved. At the same time, the boy is bursting with wonderful, fresh ideas and is able to bring them to life himself. Sometimes, of course, a guy will need help. He will choose them very pickily. Living with him is quite difficult, since Denis has a very contradictory character. Denis celebrates his name day in October. The boys are congratulated on the third day.


There are common names for boys. In October, calling a boy one of them will be very the right decision. A child named Ivan combines many contradictory qualities. He can be open and cunning, kind and cunning, gentle and strong, or treacherous and weak. Such versatility will help in upbringing, and it depends only on the parents how exactly their Vanya will grow up. In addition, a child can have any hobbies. Among the Ivans you can meet pilots, artists, lawyers, and scientists.


The child is very active and inquisitive. He has a strong ability in mathematics and other exact sciences. However, Igor's parents often appear at school, as he also loves to play pranks. Such children can be stubborn and irritable, but quite patient. Many of them go in for sports and even achieve good heights. Their perseverance can even lead a small athlete to the Olympic championship.


If Ilya receives the right upbringing, he will be an excellent assistant to his parents. Boys born in October and given this name will willingly take part in household chores and car repairs, planting a garden and building a country house. Costs Special attention pay attention to those with whom the child communicates, since he easily succumbs to the influence of others and always chooses his friends correctly.


These boys have an easy-going but reserved character. They are distinguished by modesty. Therefore, even if Ilya sets a specific goal for himself, he will move towards it very slowly. It is difficult for him to get along with people, and even more difficult to part with them. Often this child from childhood pays special attention to the spiritual sphere of life and in the future can become a priest. Ilya is a wonderful family man, for whom his family always comes first. He is a little squeamish, so he appreciates neatness in people.


As a child, this child is afraid of everything new; changes disturb him. IN adolescence the guy will learn to mask his fear with a humorous tone of communication. Those around him consider the boy to be friendly, but Kostya will not call everyone his friend. Since childhood, he has been distinguished by a conscientious attitude to any business. The child is easily irritated over trifles, but at the same time has an excellent imagination. Konstantin celebrates his name day in October. The boys are congratulated on the second day.


For many parents, there is not even a question of what to name a boy born in October. After all, it has long been believed that Mikhails are strong and kind personalities. Indeed, such a child will easily share the most expensive toy with a friend, will gladly help his family in the garden or in the garden, and will happily take care of a pet. However, it is worth considering that the boy is very sensitive to criticism and cannot be alone for a long time. Mikhail has good hearing, and he often takes part in various concerts.


Already in childhood, this child is distinguished by a sharp mind and quick wit. Nikita loves communication, but cannot immediately start a conversation with a stranger. Some consider this a sign of unsociability, but in fact the boy is simply looking closely at his interlocutor, trying to get to know him better, otherwise Nikita will not be able to trust him. Being rude to this child will only lead to him becoming offended and withdrawn into himself. The most difficult situations for these children are when they need to make decisions on their own.


As a child, it is the child who will make his parents worry. In particular, this will happen due to its pain. However, by the age of seven the boy will have grown stronger. Sergey is very caring child, but I’m not used to expressing my feelings violently. It is better for him to act than to give free rein to his emotions. Seryozha treats any task conscientiously, tries to fulfill any request, and does not need to be repeated to him twice. Rarely expresses his opinion, preferring to keep it to himself.

We hope that this article helped you answer the question: what to name a boy born in October. However, you need to rely not only on its meaning, but also on your personal feelings. After all, these are not all boys' names. The month of October, first of all, gives you a little happiness, and you decide under what name it will go on its long life journey.

Name days in ancient times depended on the birthday, so parents rarely chose a name for their child in advance. After the birth of the baby, according to the calendar, they looked at which saints were celebrated on this day.

As a rule, the day of remembrance of a saint is considered the day of his death and transition to the kingdom of God. Name days in October, as in other months, church calendar there are men's and women's.

In contact with

Namesake of a newborn

IN modern world name day, or namesake (which means namesake), is celebrated on the day closest to the birth. If there are several saints with the same name, you can choose one who is closer in spirit and life. In this case, the date of birth does not matter. Name days are often called angel's day, although this name refers to baptism, the date of which may not coincide with the celebration of the saint's day.

IN pre-revolutionary Russia It was customary to name a child after Christmastide on the eighth day. For example, on October 24 a girl was born. The eighth day after birth falls on October 31st. Women's name day on October 31 is celebrated by Zlata and Elizaveta, and they were chosen from them. These names could be used to name a girl born on October 31 or to look at the Christmastide of early November.

Some religious saints are marked in the church with several days of remembrance, but the main one is the day of transition to eternal memory, the day of death. Other days of remembrance are considered small name days.

Parents, sometimes not baptized themselves, often perform the sacrament to protect the child from the evil eye and disease. Such a Christian action, carried out not from a pure heart, without observing prayer requests, communion and confession, usually does not grant protection to the child. For this ritual you need to sincerely believe in God.

Name day is also celebrated, but more modestly than birthday. You must definitely read prayers to the saint, ask for help and thank you for your support. You can assemble a small table, but without alcohol and noisy events.

Men's name day

According to the church calendar, in October there are many birthdays among boys, young men, and men. There are more than a hundred names in total in a month. October birthday people in alphabetical order indicating the number The venerations of the holy namesake are as follows:

Alphabetical list of names with numbers listed The name day celebration allows people born at the end of September to find out when their angel day is in October. It’s easy to find out who has a man’s name day today according to the Orthodox calendar: the names and revered saints are indicated on each page.

Female names

There are much fewer women's names whose name day fell in October than men's. Basically, one name is mentioned every day, less often two or three, but there are days when the name day of girls and women is not indicated at all.

IN Orthodox calendar the following names are indicated:

Important dates in October

There are birthdays on October 13 for both women and men. The total number of revered saints in the calendar is 15. In the church, this day is considered the celebration of the name of Michael in memory of the saint, who became the first metropolitan of Kievan Rus.

Prince Vladimir, having been baptized in Byzantium, asked to send to his homeland a worthy person capable of coping with the rampant paganism. Mikhail turned out to be such a person. He was engaged in the construction of temples and preached Christianity to the masses. Things were going well, the Metropolitan coped well with the task.

The next day, October 14, celebrate Intercession Holy Mother of God. The holiday originated after the attack of Russian troops on Constantinople. The ships off the coast of the city were under siege. Residents of Constantinople saw the Virgin Mary approaching at night, surrounded by angels. Having removed the veil from her head, she covered the worshipers with it for protection from enemies. Soon the siege ended, and the Russian ships were scattered across the sea by a storm. An interesting fact is that the holiday is celebrated by the Russian Church, but in Greece they do not remember it.

Boys born in October are calm and attentive to their surroundings from the very moment they are born. This is very smart people who, despite their high intelligence, prefer to carefully think through every action. Also distinctive features men celebrating their birthday this autumn month, are enterprising and practical. Such people do not like to take risks and weigh all the pros and cons until the last moment in order to make a decision, which in most cases turns out to be correct.

What is the best name for a boy born in October?

The character of future men born in October is very difficult. Despite various hesitations on certain issues, such people are rather cold and reserved. They can be very strict, not only towards others, but also towards themselves. And if they are generous to the mistakes of others, then for themselves they constantly arrange “work on mistakes” so as to never make them again. Since October children are very harmonious and self-sufficient, many names will suit them that will complement their inquisitive nature. But in order to soften the character of boys, many parents prefer to give them romantic sonorous names. People with such a soft, easy-going name are difficult to piss off. They will be very balanced and delicate, but will always be able to defend their point of view and find the right way out in difficult situations.

Do not forget that the name must be consonant with the surname and patronymic, so that the child does not have difficulties in adult life. If the middle name ends with a vowel, then it is best to choose the name so that it ends with a consonant, and vice versa.

It is also not recommended to name a boy after his father or a deceased relative who had a very difficult and tragic fate– there is a high probability that in the future the child will make the mistakes of these close people.

IN Lately Most parents prefer to give their newborns very exotic names. This decision is not always correct and is often a big problem in a child’s life. Do not forget that the name of a favorite character from a film or book may be inappropriate in modern reality.

Suitable names for boys born in October

Konstantin, David, Georgy, Vladimir, Ivan, Nikolay, Valentin, Anatoly, Sergey, Mikhail, Kirill, Grigory, Vasily, Oleg, Victor, German, Ilya, Semyon, Peter, Dmitry, Maxim, Mark, Matvey, Boris, Stepan, Fedor, Julian, Yakov, Arkhip, Nikanor, Nikita, Veniamin, Nazar, Gabriel, Afanasy, Taras, Fedot, Anton, Leonty, Lev, Bogdan, Savva, Rodion, Igor, Tikhon, Trofim, Pavel, Roman, Vladislav.

How to choose a male name according to the Saints.

Baby's baptism - an important event in the life of every family. In Russian Orthodox tradition There were several unshakable rules for naming children that all parents followed.

Orthodox names for boys according to the Saints in October: origin, meaning, Patron Saint

Important: be sure to read the biography of the Saint whose name your child bears!


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "Alexandros" is a man who protects. The name "Alexander" is the most popular name worldwide.

Name day in October
Patron Saints
3 St. new Alexander (in the world Alexander Tetyuev), presbyter.

St. new Alexander (in the world Alexander Belyakov), presbyter.

St. new Alexander (in the world Alexander Fedoseev), presbyter.

5 Alexander (biography not preserved).
9 St. new Alexander (in the world Alexander Levitsky), presbyter.
11 Martyr Alexander of Kalutiy, blacksmith. Martyr Alexander (biography has not survived).
13 St. new Alexander Trinity-Golenishchevsky (in the world Alexander Orlov), confessor.
14 St. new Alexander (in the world Alexander Agafonnikov), presbyter.
24 St. new Alexander (in the world Alexander Grivsky), presbyter.
25 St. new Alexander (in the world Alexander Pozdeevsky), presbyter.
30 Saint Alexander of Semipalatinsk (in the world Alexander Shchukin), new martyr.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. “Alex” - prevent, protect, preserve.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "andreas" - courageous.


Etymology: from the Latin family name Antoniev.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "Aristarchos" - the one who rules.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "arkadoss" - one who lives in Arcadia or a shepherd.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "athanasios" - immortal.


Etymology: shortened form of the ancient Slavic name Borislav - glorious in struggle, battle.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "basilios" - the one who rules.

Name day in October Patron Saints
3 St. Blessed. Prince Oleg Romanovich (monastically Vasily).

Novomuch. Vasily (in the world Vasily Kondratiev).

St. new Vasily (in the world Vasily Krymkin), presbyter.


Novomuch. Vasily (in the world Vasily Vinogradov).

St. new Vasily (in the world Vasily Voskresensky), deacon.

13 St. new Vasily (in the world Vasily Guryev), presbyter.
15 Martyr Vasily Kazansky (in the world Vasily Sadykov).
17 St. Rev. new Vasily (in the world Gavriil Tsvetkov).
21 St. new Vasily (in the world Vasily Ozeretskovsky), presbyter.
23 St. Rev. Vassian (Basily), wonderworker of Constantinople.


Etymology: from the Latin “valens” - healthy.


Etymology: from the biblical name Benjamin - the son of my beloved wife; son of my right hand; happy son.


Etiology: from the Latin “victor” - winner.


Etymology: from the Latin “vitalis” - vital.


Etymology: from the Old Russian “Vladimir” - the one who owns the world or from the Old Russian “Volodimer” - the one who owns the measure.


Etymology: name of Slavic origin - one who owns glory.


Etymology: from the Old Russian phrase “greater glory” - more glorious.


Etymology: from the biblical name Gabriel - God's helper; one who supports God.

Georgy / Egor

Etymology: from ancient Greek. "georgios" - one who owns land.


Etymology: from the Latin “germanus” - native.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "gregoreo" - one who is vigilant, awake.


Etymology: from “pressed” (Hebrew) - beloved by all.


Etiology: from the Hebrew name Daniel - God is my judge.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "damaso" - to conquer.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "diosios" - one who belongs to Dionysus.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "demetrios" - one who belongs to the goddess Demeter.

Name day in October Patron Saints
4 Saint Demetrius, Metropolitan of Rostov.
9 St. new Dimitri (in the world Dmitry Rozanov), presbyter.
10 St. new Dimitri (in the world Dmitry Shishokin), presbyter.
15 Martyr Demetrius of Kazan.
17 St. new Dimitry (in the world Dmitry Voznesensky), presbyter.
21 Saint Demetrius, Archbishop of Mozhaisk (in the world Ivan Dobroserdov), new martyr.
28 St. new Dimitry (in the world Dmitry Kasatkin), presbyter.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "doroteus" - God's gift.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "eugenos" - noble.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. the phrase “hieros theos” - the one whom God sanctified.


Etymology: from the Hebrew name Euphraim - the one whom God impregnated.


Etymology: from Yohanan (Hebrew) - Divine Grace, Yahweh (God) was merciful or from the biblical name John.

Name day in October Patron Saints
1 St. new Blessed Elder John Vasiliev, layman, confessor.
3 Rev. John the Farsighted, hermit and hermit of Egypt.

St. new John (in the world John Bystrov), presbyter.

St. new John (in the world John Lazarev), presbyter.

St. new John (in the world John Nikolsky), presbyter.

St. new John (in the world John Flerov), presbyter.


St. new John (in the world John Pankratovich), presbyter.

Martyr John the Baptist.

Martyr John of Syracuse.

Martyr John.


Novomuch. John (in the world John Zolotov).

Apostle John the Theologian (Zebedee), evangelist.

12 St. new John of Riga (in the world Ivan Pommer), archbishop.

Novomuch. John (in the world Ivan Artemov).

Rev. John the Angel-voiced (Kukuzel), songwriter.

15 Martyr John of Kazan.
16 Rev. John Chozebitus, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine, St.
19 St. new John (in the world John Rybin), presbyter.

Martyr John (with peace Ivan Rybin).

St. new John (in the world Ivan Khrenov), deacon.


Novomuch. John (in the world Ivan Letnikov), confessor.

Martyr John the Baptist.

28 Saint John, Bishop of Suzdal and Nizhny Novgorod.
29 St. new John (in the world Ioann Zasedatelev), presbyter.


Etymology: from the Latin “ignis” - fire.


Etymology: from the Scandinavian proper name Ingvar - warlike. The Slavs had a slightly different meaning - “one who protects the name of God.”


Etymology: from the Greek “ilaros” - joyful.



Etymology: from the Latin “innocentius” - innocent.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "Kirillos" - ruler.


Etymology: form of ancient Greek. named after Kodr.


Etymology: from Greek. "kosmas" - universe.


Etymology: from Latin name Constantius is persistent.

Name day in October Patron Saints
1 St. new Konstantin (in the world Konstantin Tverdislov), presbyter.

St. new Konstantin (in the world Konstantin Golubev), presbyter.

St. Blessed. Prince Konstantin Vsevolodovich.

4 St. new Konstantin (in the world Konstantin Shirokinsky), presbyter.
15 Martyr Constantine, Prince of Aragvet.

St. new Konstantin (in the world Konstantin Aksenov), presbyter.

St. new Konstantin (in the world Konstantin Sukhov), presbyter.

Laurus / Lavrentiy

Etymology: from the Latin “laurus” - laurel tree (the Romans had a laurel wreath - a symbol of victory).


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "Leontius" - lion-like.


Etymology: from Greek. named Lucas.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "Makarios" is a lucky guy.


Etymology: Roman generic name from the Latin "maximus" - the greatest.


Etymology: from the Latin “marcus” - hammer.


Etymology: from the Latin "martius" - one who belongs to Mars.


Etymology: from Aramaic "matityahu" - God's gift.


Etymology: from “mi kmo elohim” or “mi-ka-el” (Hebrew) - like God.

Name day in October Patron Saints
1 St. new Mikhail (in the world Mikhail Skobelev), presbyter.
3 Martyr Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny, Prince of Chernigov.
10 St. new Mikhail (in the world Mikhail Platonov), presbyter.
13 Memorial Day of Metropolitan Michael of Kyiv and All Rus'.

St. new Mikhail (in the world Mikhail Vologda), presbyter.

Rev. Martyr Michael, abbot of Zoviysky (Sevastian).

15 Martyr Mikhail Kazansky.
17 St. new Mikhail (in the world Mikhail Tverdovsky), presbyter.
27 St. new Mikhail (in the world Mikhail Lektorsky), presbyter.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "nestor" - wanderer.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. “Nikolaos” is the one who conquers nations.

Name day in October Patron Saints
2 St. new Nikolai, Presbyter Iskrovsky.
5 Martyr Nicholas.
6 Memorial Day of the Martyr Nicholas Pandopol.

St. new Nikolai Petrogradsky (in the world Nikolai Rozov), presbyter.

St. Rev. Nikolai Trikkokit.

14 St. new Nikolai (in the world Nikolai Kuligin), presbyter.
17 St. new Nikolai (in the world Nikolai Vereshchagin), presbyter.
20 St. new Nikolai (in the world Nikolai Kazansky), presbyter.

St. new Nikolai (in the world Nikolai Kuzmin), presbyter.

St. new Nikolai (in the world Nikolai Rein).

25 Saint Nicholas of Alma-Ata (in the world Theodosius of Mogilev), new martyr..
26 St. new Nikolai (in the world Nikolai Ermolov), presbyter.
31 St. new Nikolai (in the world Nikolai Sokolov), presbyter.


Etymology: from the Old Scandinavian “heilahr” - sacred.


Etymology: folk form of the canonical name Eustathius. The name Eustathius comes from ancient Greek. the words "Eustachios" - healthy or balanced.


Etymology: from the biblical name Yosef - the one who will be added.


Etymology: from Latin word"paulus" - small or junior.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "petros" - stone.

Name day in October Patron Saints
1 St. new Peter of Verkhnesaldinsky (in the world Peter Dyakonov), presbyter (new martyr).
4 St. new Peter (in the world Peter Sakharovsky), presbyter.
5 St. Righteous Peter the African.
6 Martyr Peter of Syracuse.
10 St. new Peter, Metropolitan of Krutitsky (in the world Peter of Polyansky).

St. new Peter (in the world Peter Pushkinsky), presbyter.

St. new Peter (in the world Peter Solovyov), presbyter.

14 Saint Peter.
15 Martyr Peter of Kazan.
16 Martyr Peter.
17 St. Rev. Martyr Peter of Capetolia, Damascus, presbyter.

St. new Peter (in the world Peter Nikotin), presbyter.

St. new Peter (in the world Peter Ozeretskovsky), presbyter.


St. new Peter (in the world Peter Vyatkin), presbyter.

St. Rev. Peter of Constantinople (in the world Leontius).

27 St. new Peter (in the world Peter Lebedev), presbyter.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "prokhrus" - the one who walks in front of the choir.


Etymology: from the Latin “romanus” - Roman.


Etymology: form of ancient Greek. named Herodion.


Etymology: from ancient Hebrew. "sava" - sage.


Etymology: from the biblical name Shimon - God heard.


Etymology: From the Roman family name Sergius (Etruscan origin): one who is honored or one who performs the ceremony.

Name day in October Patron Saints
1 Novomuch. Sergius (in the world Sergei Vedernikov), layman.
7 Novomuch. Sergius (in the world Sergei Mikhailov).
8 The repose of St. Sergius, abbot of Radonezh, wonderworker.

St. Rev. Sergius Obnorsky, miracle worker of Vologda, Nuromsky.

St. Rev. Sergius the Obedient, Pechersky.

Martyr of Rosafsky Sergius the Roman.

23 St. Rev. Martyr Sergius of Zografsky, monk.

St. new Sergius (in the world Sergei Bazhanov), presbyter.

St. new Sergius (in the world Sergei Gusev), presbyter.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "stephanos" - crown.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "tarasso" - to worry.


Etymology: from the Latin “terenus” - one who lives on Earth.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "tokhn" - fate.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "trophimos" - the one who feeds or the pupil.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "theodorus" - the one whom God gave.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "theodos" - the one whom God gave. Slavic form of the name: Bogdan.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "philippos" - one who loves horses.


Etymology: from the Greek “phokas” - seal.


Etymology: from ancient Greek. "theomas" is a twin.


Etymology: from the Scandinavian phrase “eld arr” - fire warrior.


Etymology: from Greek male name Yul.


Etymology: from Aramaic "yaakov" - one who follows.

Video: How does a child’s name affect his character and destiny? Boris Khigir. Psychology

In this article we have compiled for you a list of holidays in October, including name days. We publish full list female and male names according to the calendar.

Name days in October: days of remembrance of saints

Male and female names in October (given here are the names currently in use in their secular form)

1 – Alexey, Ariadna, Arkady, Boris, Veniamin, Vladimir, Euphrosyne, Hilarion, Ivan, Irina, Konstantin, Mikhail, Peter, Sergey, Sofia.

2 – Alexey, David, Igor, Konstantin, Maria, Nikolay, Nil, Trofim, Savvaty, Fedor.

3 – Alexander, Hilarion, Ivan, Mikhail, Oleg, Tatyana, Fedor.

4 – Agnia, Alexander, Alexey, Andrey, Valentin, Vasily, Vladimir, Daniil, Dmitry, Ivan, Joseph, Kondrat, Konstantin, Lavrenty, Nestor, Peter.

5 – Alexander, Benjamin, Jonah, Isaac, Kuzma, Makar, Martin, Nikolai, Praskovya, Peter, Fedor, Feofan, Foka.

6 – Andrey, Anton, Ivan, Innocent, Iraida, Nikolai, Peter.

7 – Abraham, Andrey, Anton, Vasily, Vitaly, Vladislav, Galaktion, David, Nikandr, Pavel, Sergey, Spiridon, Stepan, Fekla.

8 – Athanasius, German, Eugene, Euphrosyne, Maxim, Nikolai, Pavel, Paphnutius, Prokhor, Roman, Sergei, Theodosius.

9 – Alexander, Afanasy, Vladimir, Dmitry, Efrem, Ivan, Nikolai, Tikhon.
10 – Akulina, Aristarchus, Veniamin, Victor, German, Dmitry, Ignatius, Mark, Mikhail, Nikon, Peter, Savva, Sergei, Fedor, Filimon.
11 – Alexander, Anna, Valentin, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Hilarion, Kirill, Mark, Maria, Nikon, Tatyana, Khariton.
12 – Ivan, Cyprian, Theophanes.
13 – Alexander, Alexandra, Alexey, Apollinaria, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gregory, Leonid, Matvey, Mikhail, Peter, Procopius, Seraphim, Semyon.
14 – Alexander, Alexey, Vera, Georgy, Gregory, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Roman, Savva, Fedor.
15 – Andrey, Anna, Boris, Vasily, Georgy, David, Dmitry, Ivan, Kasyan, Cyprian, Konstantin, Mikhail, Peter, Stepan, Fedor, Yakov.
16 – Denis, Ivan, Pavel, Peter, Rustik, Feodosia.
17 – Vasily, Veronica, Vladimir, Gury, Dmitry, Erofey, Jonah, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter, Stepan, Tikhon, Yakov.
18 – Alexandra, Alexey, Gabriel, Gregory, Demyan, Denis, Evdokim, Jonah, Innocent, Kuzma, Makar, Matvey, Peter, Tikhon, Philip.
19 – Ivan, Makar, Nikanor, Thomas.
20 – Demyan, Jonah, Joseph, Leonty, Mark, Nikolai, Pelageya, Sergei, Julian.
21 – Ambrose, Vasily, Varlaam, Victor, Vladimir, Dmitry, Elizabeth, Ivan, Jonah, Isidore, Maria, Nadezhda, Nicodemus, Nikolai, Pavel, Pakhom, Pelageya, Peter, Seraphim, Taisiya, Tatiana, Tryphon.
22 – Abraham, Andronik, Constantine, Maxim, Peter, Stepan, Jacob.
23 – Ambrose, Andrei, Anton, Evlampia, Efim, Hilarion, Innocent, Cyril, Cyprian, Kuzma, Pavel, Savva, Sergei, Simon, Stepan, Thomas, Yakov.
24 – Alexander, Ambrose, Anatoly, Anton, Zinaida, Hilarion, Joseph, Isaac, Leo, Makar, Moses, Nikon, Theophanes, Philip.
25 – Alexander, Andronik, Denis, Ivan, Kuzma, Lavrentiy, Makar, Maximilian, Martin, Nikolai, Taras, Feodosius, Fedot.
26 – Anton, Veniamin, Zlata, Innocent, Karp, Nikita, Nikolai, Trofim.
27 – Ignatius, Kuzma, Maximilian, Mikhail, Nazar, Nikolai, Praskovya, Peter, Svyatoslav.
28 – Afanasy, Dmitry, Denis, Efim, Ivan, Semyon.
29 – Alexey, Georgy, Evgeny, Ivan, Leonty, Terenty.
30 – Alexander, Anatoly, Andrey, Anton, Demyan, Joseph, Isidore, Kuzma, Lazar, Leonty.
31 – Andrei, Gabriel, David, Euphrosyne, Elizabeth, Joseph, Zlata, Luke, Nikolai, Sergei, Semyon, Fedor, Julian.

Church Orthodox holidays in October

Among the Russian saints there are many great noble princes who have made a lot of efforts to preserve and exalt our state. 2 October the church remembers four people at once - the successor of the work: the blessed prince Theodore of Smolensk and Yaroslavl, his sons David and Konstantin, as well as the passion-bearer Prince Igor of Chernigov, killed in 1147 in Kyiv by an angry crowd.

October 6 The Conception is celebrated, the birth of which was predicted by the prophet Micah before the appearance of the Messiah. The parents of the Forerunner, the righteous priest Zechariah and Elizabeth, until their old age, prayed to the Lord for permission from childlessness, but remained childless. One day in the temple, Zechariah saw the Archangel Gabriel, who predicted the birth of his son John. Because Zechariah did not believe him, Gabriel left Zechariah mute until Elizabeth was relieved of her burden.

October 8- day of repose, the founder of the Holy Trinity Monastery - the future Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Venerable Sergius- one of the most revered Russian saints, a great wonderworker and at the same time an example of monastic humility. It was he who blessed the army.

St. ap. John the Theologian

The next day, October 9, the church celebrates the death of one of the closest followers of Jesus Christ. John was the only one of the disciples who did not leave the Lord during His crucifixion; He entrusted him with the care of His Mother. The apostle did not suffer martyrdom, like other disciples of Christ; he lived for more than a hundred years, preaching the Gospel in many countries. At the end of his earthly journey, John ordered his disciples to put him in the grave alive and cover him with earth, but the next day the grave turned out to be empty.

On the same day in 1989, he was canonized as the first primate of the church elected after the restoration of the patriarchate in Russia. His ministry took place during the harshest post-revolutionary years of persecution and schism, when main task was to preserve the Russian Church in the purity of Orthodoxy.

October 14- a great holiday. In 860, Russian squads approached Constantinople from the sea. During the all-night vigil in the Blachernae Church, Saint Andrew, the Fool for Christ's sake, saw the Mother of God walking through the air, surrounded by a host of angels and saints. The Mother of God extended Her head veil over the worshippers, protecting them “from enemies visible and invisible.” Soon after this, the Russian squads lifted the siege and left Constantinople - according to some reports, the ships were scattered by a strong storm. An interesting fact: the Greek Church does not celebrate this event, while in Rus' the Feast of the Intercession, established in the 12th century by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, is one of the most revered Mother of God holidays not included in the circle of the Twelves.

October 18- the day of remembrance of twelve Russian saints and wonderworkers: Macarius, Job, Peter, and Macarius. Each of them has their own days of remembrance, but on this day the church gives them equal honor - both heavenly patrons Moscow and the entire Russian land.

October 19 we remember whose name has become a common noun to denote distrust. However, according to the words, “Thomas, who was once weaker than the other apostles in faith, by the grace of God became more courageous, zealous and tireless than all of them, so that he went around almost the entire earth with his preaching.” He founded Christian Churches in Palestine, Mesopotamia, Parthia, Ethiopia, and also in India, where he suffered martyrdom for Christ.

The Day of Remembrance of the Venerable Leo of Optina, as well as the Council of the Fourteen Venerable Optina Elders, headed by October 24. The saints were canonized as locally revered saints in the 80-90s, and in 2000 they were glorified by the Jubilee Council of Bishops of the Russian Federation. Orthodox Church for general church veneration. The holy relics of the elders are in the Vvedensky Cathedral of the monastery.

October 26- the day of bringing to Moscow. First list miraculous icon, brought from Athos, dates back to 1648. This image accompanied the Russian troops in the 1654 campaign against the Polish army, and then was placed in the Smolensk Cathedral of the Novodevichy Convent.

October 31– day of remembrance of another one. A native of Antioch in Syria, Luke came from an educated Greek family and was a doctor and artist. It was he, according to legend, who was the creator of the first icons depicting the Virgin Mary. Luke wrote his Gospel, as well as the Book of Acts of the Holy Apostles, under the guidance of the Apostle Paul, whom he accompanied on his missionary journeys. After the death of the chief apostles, Luke continued preaching in Libya, Egypt and Greece, where he suffered martyrdom in 84.

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