How to insert a candle into yourself. Is it possible to light a candle for the repose of an unbaptized person?

To avoid any unnecessary inconvenience when visiting a church, we have created this article with full rules and the traditions of installing candles in churches.

A candle has several spiritual meanings: it is a voluntary sacrifice to God and His temple, a testimony of faith, a person’s involvement in the Divine light and the flame of his love for the one at whose face the believer places a candle.

A burning candle is a symbol, a visible sign; it expresses our ardent love of goodwill towards the one to whom the candle is placed. This is a sign of our faith and hope for God’s gracious help.
The light in an Orthodox church is an image of heavenly, Divine light. In particular, it signifies Christ as the Light of the world, Light from Light, true Light, which enlightens every person coming into the world.

Why light candles in church?

Candles in the temple are our modest material offering to God. You need to understand that a candle bought outside the walls of the temple and then brought into the temple is not a sacrifice, but an attempt to pay off. And you can’t put such candles near icons. Asking the Omniscient Creator for something for yourself and being cunning at the same time is the same as playing fools with yourself. Such a game is not worth the candle.

It is better to buy only two candles for twenty rubles in the temple than to come with a dozen bought for the same amount outside the temple. Buying candles is a small sacrifice to God and his temple, let it not be burdensome, most importantly, voluntary.

The number of candles cannot “appease” the saints. You can ask for spiritual help by bringing your own only from a pure heart.

A pure heart is the best sacrifice to God. With a pure heart, light a candle in front of the image, even if it is small, but pleasing to God. A burning candle is a visible sign of the warm, bright burning of the human heart, ardent love for God, the Mother of God, and the saint to whom the candle is placed. But if all this is missing, then the candles have no meaning, the sacrifice is empty.

Lighting a candle formally, with a cold heart, is a sin. When lighting a candle, you need to pray, at least in your own words, but carefully, reverently, with faith. Turning all your thoughts and feelings to God.

How to properly light candles in church

If the candlestick is filled with sand, then placing a candle is very simple.
If it is metal, then the bottom of the candle should be heated from any already burning wick. The candles are lit one from the other, burning, and placed in the socket of the candlestick. The candle should stand straight. This can be done not only before the service, but also during it. You just need to not interfere with other parishioners’ prayers.

You should not use matches or lighters in the temple if there are already burning candles in the candlesticks. You should not light a candle from a lamp, so as not to drip wax into the oil or accidentally extinguish the lamp.
It happens, especially on patronal feasts, that all the candlesticks are occupied. How to light candles in church in this case? Under no circumstances should you worry about this, much less get angry.
Those who put two candles in one cell or remove someone else's candle to put their own do it wrong.
The candle should simply be placed on the edge of the candlestick or close to it. It will definitely be installed by other believers or ministers as soon as the place becomes available. All that remains is to be glad that there are so many parishioners in the church, and their faith is so strong.

Having placed a candle in front of the saint of God you have chosen, mentally say: “Holy Servant of God (name), pray to God for me, a sinner (or the name for whom you are asking for).”
Then you need to come up and venerate the icon.

Lighting the candle, cross yourself and say:

Before the image of the Savior: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner”.
In front of the icon Mother of God: "Most Holy Mother of God, save us"
Before the chosen saint: “Holy Servant of God (name), pray to God for me, a sinner (or the name for whom you are asking)”
At the image of all saints: "All saints, pray to God for us"
Before the image of the Life-giving Cross of Christ: “We worship Your Cross, Master, and we glorify Your Holy Resurrection”

And venerate the icon, crossing yourself and bowing.

Superstitions about church candles

There are many superstitions associated with candles, and they are all meaningless. They are spread mainly by unchurched, religiously illiterate people.

You shouldn't believe the talk about
that you just need to light a candle right hand;
that if it goes out, it means there will be misfortunes;
that the lower end of the candle should not be scorched to ensure stability in the hole, and so on.

But what is definitely not allowed is purchasing church candles for some magical actions, divination, witchcraft. In itself, all this is a monstrous sin. And if you committed it, even foolishly, in childhood, not to mention conscious participation in these ungodly deeds, then confess as soon as possible and bring deep repentance. And let the candles that you light inform the sky only about your godly intentions.

Who should light candles and how many?

There are no mandatory rules about how many candles to put and to whom. Their purchase is a voluntary sacrifice to God.

First of all, it is good to light a candle to the “holiday” (central analogue) or to a revered temple icon, then to the relics of a saint (if they are in the church), and only then to health (to any icon) or to repose (on the eve of – square or rectangular table with a Crucifix).

If you pray for a person suffering from an illness, pray in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Healer” and light a candle.
If a person has taken the path of alcoholism, then a candle can be placed on the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon. They often light candles for their patron saints.
If you light a candle(s) for yourself, then you say to the Lord, the Mother of God or the saint in front of whose image you place the candle, so that this candle will be accepted for you, your health and salvation.

If several candles are placed, then, as a rule, in this order:

Parishioners usually try to light several candles. First of all, a candle is placed for the holiday icon, which is located on a lectern in the middle of the church, and only then candles are placed for health or for repose.

— Holiday (icon opposite the Royal Doors).
- The relics of the saint (if they are in the temple).
- For health (to your saint, whose name you bear, to the revered icons of the Mother of God and to the revered saints).
- For the repose (on the eve).

About health candles are placed for the Savior, the Mother of God, and saints to whom the Lord has given the grace to heal illnesses. They also often pray for the health of the sick and light candles in front of the icon of the great martyr and healer Panteleimon.
You can light candles and pray for your health. A candle is a symbol of prayer to God. And most prayers are written in the first person.

ABOUT family well-being They pray to the Mother of God, Saints Guria, Samon and Aviv, and Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg. It is also useful to remember and realize your guilt in relation to your husband, ask for forgiveness, and try to reconcile

About getting rid of passions(drunkenness, drug addiction, etc.) you can pray and light a candle in front of the icons of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”, martyr Boniface, righteous John of Kronstadt.

How to light candles and pray for health

When praying for ourselves or for the health and well-being of our loved ones, after lighting a candle, we must definitely invoke the name of the saint or saint in front of whose icons we place candles.
For example, “Most Holy Theotokos, save us!” Or: “Reverend Father Sergius, pray to God for me and for the servants of God (name)”

“Pray to God for me, Saint (name of the saint), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and a prayer book for my soul. Guardian Angel: Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven for my protection, I diligently pray to you: enlighten me today, and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen."

In the temple, it is customary to place candles for health in any candlesticks (usually they are like in the picture, but on a high leg, except for those that stand on the eve table and are intended for candles that are placed for repose (see material below). But there are churches , in which there are no eve tables and candles for health and repose are placed in any candlestick, because the main thing is prayer:

“Save, Lord, and have mercy on my spiritual father (name), my parents (names), relatives and benefactors and all Orthodox Christians.”

A candle for health will be lit in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem near the Throne, located directly above the place of the Nativity of Christ (Star of Bethlehem).

How to light candles and pray “For repose”

Each temple has especially revered shrines, in front of which candlesticks are placed. To commemorate the dead, eve tables are installed in churches - usually located on the left side of the church, in front of the image of the Holy Cross - where candles are placed with a prayer for the repose of the deceased (“for the repose”)... Such a table is easily recognized by the rectangular candlestick on which the Crucifix is ​​installed. (pictured). If you have brought any food so that the church ministers can pray with you to remember your family and friends, put it in the baskets that stand right here on the table, and then go to the candlestick.

Decide in advance how many candles you will put. It's difficult to advise anything here. You can light one candle for everyone you remember, or you can light it for each one separately.

Approaching the candlestick, you should cross yourself twice and bow to the shrine (usually with a bow from the waist), then light a candle from other candles, melt the bottom and place it in the socket of the candlestick. She should stand straight without falling. If it doesn’t work the first time, melt the bottom again and put it in the nest again.
You should not use matches or lighters in the temple if there are already burning candles in the candlesticks. You should not light a candle from a lamp, so as not to drip wax into the oil or accidentally extinguish the lamp.

To renounce earthly things, look at the flickering light for a while, calm down, forget about the worldly and read the prayer mentally or in a whisper. If you don’t remember by heart, take a piece of paper.

“Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your servant (names) and all my departed relatives and benefactors, and forgive them all their sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.”

After reading the prayer, stay close to those for whom you prayed. Remember their faces, their speech... Don’t be shy about tears if you cry. Before you slowly leave, make the sign of the cross and bow.

It may happen like this: the candle you just lit was extinguished by a church minister for some reason. Do not be indignant not only in word, but also in spirit. Your sacrifice has already been accepted by the All-Seeing and All-Knowing Lord.

When there is a Divine service, and because of the crowd of people you cannot get through, then there is no need to push your way to the eve table. You will disturb those praying. Hand over the candles and food, saying to put it “for the dead.”

It happens, especially on weekends and holidays that all the slots in the candlesticks are occupied. Those who put two candles in one cell or remove someone else's candle to put their own do it wrong. In this case, put your candles in a special box (drawer). Candles sacrificed will definitely be burned. The attendant monitors this. But, after placing or passing the candles, do not forget to pray. The main thing is prayer. Read from the heart, it will reach the Lord and be properly accepted by Him.

In this prayer we do not mention our name, but: “pray for others and you will be rewarded” - this is how we can briefly characterize the statements and instructions of the holy fathers of the Church of all times. The same applies to our ill-wishers and enemies: “pray for those who use you and persecute you,” said Jesus Christ

A person who accidentally, out of ignorance, placed candles for health on a tetrapod (candlestick for funeral candles) has no reason for unbridled despair. According to the word of the Holy Scripture, “all are alive with God.”

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for the sake of Her icon “Inexhaustible Chalice”

“Oh, most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us: wives, children, mothers; and the serious illness of drunkenness of those possessed, and for this sake from your mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, brothers and sisters, and heal our relatives.

Oh, merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence.
Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity.

Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of children, orphans and wretches, abandoned by those who have gone astray, and of all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the throne of the Most High.

Cover and protect us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for endless ages of ages. Amen."

For the dead, candles are placed on the eve of the crucifix.

By the way, you cannot light a candle for the remission of sins. Sins are forgiven only at Confession after a sincere, detailed confession of all of them in the presence of a priest and the reading of a prayer of absolution to him. A candle is a symbol; in itself it does not free one from sins and does not connect one with God.

If the required icon is not in the temple, then you can put a candle in front of any image of the Lord, Holy Mother of God or in front of the icon of All Saints and say a prayer. You can pray in your own words, as long as they are sincere.

You can pray for the unbaptized with your personal prayer and light candles for them, you just cannot write their names in church notes, since the Church does not pray for the unbaptized.

It is advisable for those who come to the temple to light candles before the service begins. If you are late, wait until you can light a candle. so as not to disturb other believers and not to violate decorum. If you pass the candle to those in front, then indicate which icon to put it on.

It is better to purchase candles only in the temple where you came to pray - this is a small sacrifice to this particular temple. It is believed that a Candle purchased in a temple is an object of veneration for a believer; it is intended to serve as a sacrifice to God, but a Candle purchased by you outside the walls of a temple, even in a pious place, and then brought to the temple is not a sacrifice (I don’t know why ?).


It is customary to stand with lit candles at a memorial service during the service of Great Heel Matins. Candles are also lit on polyeleos, but this tradition is mainly preserved only for clergy. A burning candle must be handled carefully: make sure that the wax does not drip onto the floor, and that the clothes of the person standing in front do not accidentally ignite. The rest of the time, it is more correct to place the candle on a candlestick that is specially designed for this purpose. In the temple one must follow the established order, and not do as one pleases.


Sins are forgiven only at Confession after a sincere, detailed confession of all of them in the presence of a priest and the reading of a prayer of absolution to him. A candle is a symbol; in itself it does not free one from sins and does not connect one with God.


For family well-being they pray to the Mother of God, Saints Guria, Samon and Aviv, and Saint Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg. It is also useful to remember and realize your guilt towards your husband, ask for forgiveness, and try to reconcile.


You can pray for the unbaptized with your personal prayer and light candles for them, you just cannot write their names in church notes, since the Church does not pray for the unbaptized. A sick child should be baptized as soon as possible. If the child is seriously ill, you can call the priest home or to the maternity hospital. In the Sacrament of Baptism, the child will receive a special grace that will help him. If a child dies unbaptized, the parents will bear the sin. And a baptized child can be given communion, order magpies, prayers for health - this is first aid in illness.


You can pray for deliverance from this passion and light a candle in front of the icons of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, the martyr Boniface, the righteous John of Kronstadt.


A candle can be placed next to any icon: the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the holy saints of God. In addition, you need to know that a child’s illness is a time of prayer and repentance for the whole family. It seems to stimulate spiritual life. The baby should be given holy water and washed with this water.
And the most important thing is the communion of the sick child with the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Communion can take place at home, in a hospital, or in a church, depending on the condition of the baby. If a child already knows how to pray, let him do it himself, but if he doesn’t know how, then his parents and godparents should do it for him. And, of course, spiritual work must be combined with treatment that a professional doctor can recommend.


You can light candles and pray to the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, the holy unmercenary doctors Cosmas and Damian. You also need to prepare for Confession and Communion, order a prayer service for the successful outcome of the operation, find out the name of the doctor and pray that the Lord will control his hands.


Of course, you can light candles and pray for your health. A candle is a symbol of prayer to God. And most prayers are written in the first person.


Everyone can and should light candles and pray for the departed.


Anyone who wants to receive anything from the Lord or from the saints must not only pray to them, but also build his life according to the commandments. Through the Gospel, God appeals to everyone with a request to be kind, loving, humble, etc., but people often do not want to listen to this, but themselves ask Him to help them in business. For prayers to be successful, you must pray with words coming from the heart, with faith and hope for God’s help. And it should be remembered that not everything that a person asks from the Lord is useful for him. The Lord is not a machine that fulfills all desires; you just have to press the right button, that everything He sends is aimed at the benefit and salvation of the soul, although sometimes people think this is unfair.


You can light candles and pray for the unbaptized, but you cannot give notes in church with the names of the unbaptized.


You can always light candles for health and peace, but prayers for the departed on Easter and Bright Week The church does not perform them, they are transferred to Radonitsa - the second Tuesday after Easter.


Candles are usually purchased in the temple where they come to pray - this is a small sacrifice to this particular temple.

WHAT TO DO WITH THE CANDLE AFTER THE Blessing of Easter cakes and eggs? CAN I TAKE IT HOME?

You can take it home and light it during home prayer, or you can put it in a church in front of any icon.


Due to the large number of people who want to light candles, they are sometimes removed not completely burned out. There is no need to be embarrassed by this, or by the fact that the candle that was not completely burned out was extinguished after the end of the service - the sacrifice has already been accepted by God.


Incense is used in the Church during divine services, as well as during funeral services for the dead, and during the consecration of dwellings by the priest. You can also use incense during home prayer.

We must remember: in order for prayers to achieve success, one must pray to the Holy Saints of God with faith in the power of their intercession before God with words coming from the heart.

Medicines used to affect the rectal area will act much faster than oral ones. It should be borne in mind that the drug will penetrate into the blood in a much higher concentration, which is another advantage. In addition, rectal suppositories are affordable and can always be purchased at the pharmacy. To achieve maximum effect, you need to learn everything about exactly how they are inserted - this is important for children and adults.

Process Basics

Each candle is made in the form of a cone and includes the main component and additional medicinal components that enhance the effect of the product. Considering the shape of the suppositories, it should be understood that this is aimed at facilitating their introduction into the intestines (more precisely, into the rectum).

Before you start using the candle, it is strongly recommended that you thoroughly wash your hands with soap and dry them.

It is advisable to cool not only the suppository, but also your hands - the fact is that they begin to melt very quickly. This not only aggravates the process of introducing the component, but also worsens its therapeutic effect. Talking in more detail about how to insert suppositories rectally, pay attention to the fact that:

  • The candle is removed from the packaging as carefully as possible - there should be no damage to it. To do this, it will be enough to separate the packaging in different directions, which is disconnected from the top;
  • It is strongly recommended to hold the suppository tightly with your fingers, for example, using special gloves;
  • in order to facilitate the process of inserting a candle, it is permissible to use a lubricant that dissolves in water (for example, Vaseline);
  • In the absence of such means, proctologists insist on treating the rectal area with cool water.

In order to insert the candle correctly, you need to relax as much as possible. This process can be carried out standing (leaning forward a little), or you can lie on your side. Regardless of the specific position, the person will need to spread the buttocks in different directions and insert the suppository so that it goes beyond the muscular sphincter. More specifically, this means that suppositories of 2-2.5 cm are administered to a child, and up to five cm to adults.

After completing the presented algorithm, proctologists recommend squeezing your buttocks tightly for a few seconds. This is how the suppository is pushed further down the rectum and will not pop out. After this, the best thing to do is not move for several minutes or even longer. In any case, this will not be harmful, because this is how the medicinal components penetrate directly into the circulatory system.

Additional nuances

In some cases, patients are prescribed half a suppository. To ensure that the rectal preparation does not lose its properties and shape, you will need to cut it lengthwise into two parts. To ensure this process, a disposable razor blade is usually used.

Those who are wondering how to insert suppositories into the rectum should know that it will be permissible to hold them under running cold water immediately before insertion. This also contributes to timely cooling of the suppository and does not lead to loss of medicinal effect.

In the process of introducing a candle in a horizontal position, it is strongly recommended to do it this way:

  1. straighten the leg that is below as much as possible;
  2. a prerequisite is its straightening, which will facilitate more complete administration of the suppository;
  3. the upper leg is pulled towards the stomach;
  4. after this, the candle can be inserted, and then the position changes to the usual horizontal one. The buttocks are squeezed tightly to prevent the suppository from slipping out.

After the suppository has been administered, you must throw away all materials used for this and wash your hands thoroughly. Traditionally, suppositories are administered before going to bed to ensure maximum absorption of medicinal components. The minimum period of time required for this can be called five to six hours. The question of how to properly use rectal suppositories in childhood deserves special attention.

How to insert a candle into a child?

Considering that suppositories, after their introduction, provoke the urge to empty the intestines, it is advisable to empty the intestines before the procedure. Because it is much easier for an adult to restrain himself in such a situation than for a child. After this, parents need to wash and warm their hands in hot water, despite the fact that the candle in this case will begin to melt much faster.

After this, the suppository is removed from the refrigerator compartment where it was previously stored. Rinse under cold water is optional because it will cause your hands to get cold. Then the child must be placed on his back, while simultaneously removing the suppository from the package. In order to speed up the process, it is recommended to cut the ends of the plastic with scissors and pull the edge of the package.

As in the case of an adult, for successful treatment of a child it is very important that the suppository retains the integrity of its cone-shaped shape. Further, it is strongly recommended to pay attention to the following:

  1. with one hand you will need to lift your legs, which should be bent at the knees;
  2. the suppository is carefully inserted into the required area. It is very important to do this as gently and correctly as possible, so as not to provoke the development of painful sensations;
  3. the suppository is inserted directly behind the muscle sphincter, which will reduce the likelihood of it suddenly popping out and speed up the absorption process.

After this, parents will have to lower their legs and keep their buttocks squeezed for 10 seconds. Before inserting the suppository, it is permissible to lubricate the anal area with baby cream or just a rich cream. Since children perceive this process much more difficult from a psychological point of view, it is necessary to talk about this, explaining exactly why this is necessary. Like an adult, a child will need to be in a horizontal position for at least five hours, and therefore introducing a suppository before bedtime will be the best option.



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    1.Can cancer be prevented?
    The occurrence of a disease such as cancer depends on many factors. No person can ensure complete safety for himself. But everyone can significantly reduce the chances of developing a malignant tumor.

    2.How does smoking affect the development of cancer?
    Absolutely, categorically forbid yourself from smoking. Everyone is already tired of this truth. But quitting smoking reduces the risk of developing all types of cancer. Smoking is associated with 30% of deaths from cancer. In Russia, lung tumors kill more people than tumors of all other organs.
    Eliminating tobacco from your life is the best prevention. Even if you smoke not a pack a day, but only half a day, the risk of lung cancer is already reduced by 27%, as the American Medical Association found.

    3.Does it affect excess weight on the development of cancer?
    Look at the scales more often! Extra pounds will affect more than just your waist. The American Institute for Cancer Research has found that obesity promotes the development of tumors of the esophagus, kidneys and gallbladder. The fact is that adipose tissue not only serves to preserve energy reserves, it also has a secretory function: fat produces proteins that affect the development of a chronic inflammatory process in the body. And oncological diseases appear against the background of inflammation. In Russia, WHO associates 26% of all cancer cases with obesity.

    4.Do exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?
    Spend at least half an hour a week training. Sport is on the same level as proper nutrition when it comes to cancer prevention. In the United States, a third of all deaths are attributed to the fact that patients did not follow any diet or pay attention to physical exercise. The American Cancer Society recommends exercising 150 minutes a week at a moderate pace or half as much but at a vigorous pace. However, a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer in 2010 shows that even 30 minutes can reduce the risk of breast cancer (which affects one in eight women worldwide) by 35%.

    5.How does alcohol affect cancer cells?
    Less alcohol! Alcohol has been blamed for causing tumors of the mouth, larynx, liver, rectum and mammary glands. Ethanol decomposes in the body to acetaldehyde, which then, under the action of enzymes, turns into acetic acid. Acetaldehyde is a strong carcinogen. Alcohol is especially harmful for women, as it stimulates the production of estrogens - hormones that affect the growth of breast tissue. Excess estrogen leads to the formation of breast tumors, which means that every extra sip of alcohol increases the risk of getting sick.

    6.Which cabbage helps fight cancer?
    Love broccoli. Vegetables are not only included in healthy diet, they also help fight cancer. This is also why recommendations for healthy eating contain the rule: half of the daily diet should be vegetables and fruits. Particularly useful are cruciferous vegetables, which contain glucosinolates - substances that, when processed, acquire anti-cancer properties. These vegetables include cabbage: regular cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

    7. Red meat affects which organ cancer?
    The more vegetables you eat, the less red meat you put on your plate. Research has confirmed that people who eat more than 500g of red meat per week have a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer.

    8.Which of the proposed remedies protect against skin cancer?
    Stock up on sunscreen! Women aged 18–36 are especially susceptible to melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. In Russia, in just 10 years, the incidence of melanoma has increased by 26%, world statistics show an even greater increase. Both tanning equipment and Sun rays. The danger can be minimized with a simple tube of sunscreen. A 2010 study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology confirmed that people who regularly apply a special cream have half the incidence of melanoma than those who neglect such cosmetics.
    You need to choose a cream with a protection factor of SPF 15, apply it even in winter and even in cloudy weather (the procedure should turn into the same habit as brushing your teeth), and also not expose it to the sun's rays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    9. Do you think stress affects the development of cancer?
    Stress itself does not cause cancer, but it weakens the entire body and creates conditions for the development of this disease. Research has shown that constant worry alters the activity of immune cells responsible for triggering the fight-and-flight mechanism. As a result, the blood constantly circulates a large number of cortisol, monocytes and neutrophils, which are responsible for inflammatory processes. And as already mentioned, chronic inflammatory processes can lead to the formation of cancer cells.


  1. With answer
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    Task 1 of 9

    Can cancer be prevented?

  1. Task 2 of 9

    How does smoking affect the development of cancer?

  2. Task 3 of 9

    Does excess weight affect the development of cancer?

  3. Task 4 of 9

    Does exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?

  4. Task 5 of 9

    How does alcohol affect cancer cells?

  5. Task 6 of 9

    Which cabbage helps fight cancer?

(21 votes: 4.62 out of 5)

By blessing His Holiness Patriarch
Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II

How did the custom of lighting candles and lamps arise?

The custom of lighting candles in churches came to Russia from Greece, from which our ancestors received the Orthodox faith under the Holy Prince Vladimir. But this custom did not originate in Greek churches.

Candles and lamps with oil were used in churches in ancient times. The command to build a lamp of pure gold with seven lamps is one of the first given to Moses by the Lord ().

In the Old Testament tabernacle of Moses, the lamps constituted a necessary accessory to the sacred service and were lit in the evening before the Lord (). In the Temple of Jerusalem, simultaneously with the daily morning sacrifice performed in the courtyard of the temple, in the sanctuary the high priest silently and reverently prepared the lamps for the evening lighting, and in the evening, after the evening sacrifice, he lit the lamps for the whole night.

Burning lamps and lamps served as a symbol of God's guidance. “You, Lord, are my lamp,” exclaims King David (). “Your word is a lamp to my feet,” he says in another place ().

The use of lamps at Saturday and other holiday suppers, especially at Easter, passed from the temple into the homes of Old Testament believers. Since the Lord Jesus Christ “in the night, betraying Himself, and even more so betraying Himself for the worldly life and salvation,” also celebrated Easter, it can be assumed that in the Upper Room of Zion, which is the prototype of Orthodox churches, at the first celebration of the Holy Eucharist, lamps were also burning.

Both the holy apostles and the first followers of Christ lit candles when they gathered at night to preach the word of God, pray and break bread. This is directly stated in the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles: “In the upper room where we gathered there were enough lamps” ().

In the first centuries of Christianity, candles were always lit during worship services.

On the one hand, there was a need for this: Christians, persecuted by pagans, retired to dungeons and catacombs for worship, and besides, worship services were most often performed at night, and it was impossible to do without lamps. But in another way - and main reason, lighting had spiritual significance. “We never perform divine services without lamps,” said the teacher of the Church, “but we use them not only to disperse the darkness of the night - our liturgy is celebrated in daylight; but in order to depict through this Christ - the uncreated light, without which we would wander in darkness even at midday.”

At the end of the second century in the Church of Jerusalem, God created a miracle: when on Easter there was no oil for the lamps in the church, Bishop Narkis ordered well water to be poured into the lamps - and they burned all Easter, as if they had been filled with the most the best oil. When the persecution of Christ stopped. and peace came, the custom of lighting lamps and candles remained.

Not a single divine service, not a single sacred act was performed, as it is not performed now, without lamps.

In Old Testament times, an unquenchable lamp burned before the book of the Law of Moses, signifying that the Law of God is a lamp for man in his life. And since in New Testament times the Law of God is contained in the Gospel, the Jerusalem Church adopted the rule before carrying out the Gospel to carry a burning candle, and while reading the Gospel to light all the candles, signifying that the light of the Gospel enlightens every person.

This custom passed on to others local churches. Subsequently, they began to light candles and light lamps not only in front of the Gospel, but also in front of other sacred objects, in front of the tombs of martyrs, in front of icons of saints, to commemorate their favor towards the shrine. Jerome, in his letter against Vigilantius, testifies: “in all the Churches of the East, when the Gospel is read, candles are lit in the sunshine, truly not to drive away darkness, but as a sign of joy, in order to show that light under the image of sensual light... Others do this in honor martyrs."

“Lamps and candles are an image of eternal Light, and also mean the light with which the righteous shine,” says Saint Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem (VII century). The Holy Fathers of the VII Ecumenical Council determine that in Orthodox Church Holy icons and relics, the Cross of Christ, and the Holy Gospel are honored by burning incense and lighting candles. The blessed one (15th century) writes that “candles are also lit in front of the icons of saints, for the sake of their good deeds in the world...”

The symbolic meaning of candles, candlesticks, lamps and light in the temple

The light in an Orthodox church is an image of heavenly, Divine light. In particular, it signifies Christ as the Light of the world, Light from Light, true Light, which enlightens every person coming into the world.

Ancient Byzantine-Russian churches had very narrow windows, creating twilight, darkness in the temple even on the brightest day. But this is not darkness, not a complete absence of light. It means earthly human life, immersed in the darkness of sin and ignorance, in which, however, the light of faith, the light of God, shines: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (). The darkness in the temple is an image of that mental spiritual darkness, the veil with which the mysteries of God are generally surrounded. The small narrow windows of ancient temples, symbolizing the sources of light of the Divine, therefore created an environment in the temples that exactly corresponded to the quoted words of the Gospel and correctly reflected the nature of things in the spiritual realm of life.

External light was allowed inside the temple only as an image of immaterial light, and in very limited quantities. Light in the proper sense for the church consciousness is only Divine light, the light of Christ, the light future life in the Kingdom of God. This determines the nature of the interior lighting of the temple. It was never intended to be light. Temple lamps have always had a spiritual and symbolic meaning. They are also lit during the day, during daytime services, when there is enough light from the windows for general illumination. In statutory cases, church lamps during evening and night services can be lit in very small quantities, and when reading the Six Psalms at the all-night vigil, all candles are supposed to be extinguished, except for the candle in the middle of the temple, where the reader stands, in front of the icons of Christ, the Mother of God and the temple in the iconostasis. The darkness in the temple becomes very thick. But complete darkness never happens: “A light shines in darkness.” But during holiday and Sunday services, all the lamps are lit according to order, including the upper ones - the chandelier and the chandelier, creating an image of that full light of God that will shine for the faithful in the Kingdom of Heaven and is already contained in the spiritual meaning of the celebrated event. The symbolic nature of light in the church is also evidenced by the design and composition of burning candles and lamps. In ancient times, wax and oil were offerings of believers to the temple as voluntary sacrifices. The 15th-century liturgist, Blessed Simeon, Archbishop of Thessaloniki, explaining the symbolic meaning of wax, says that pure wax means the purity and innocence of the people bringing it. It is offered as a sign of our repentance for perseverance and readiness to continue to obey God, like the softness and pliability of wax. Just as wax produced by bees after collecting nectar from many flowers and trees symbolically means an offering to God as if on behalf of all creation, so the burning of a wax candle, like the transformation of wax into fire, means deification, the transformation of earthly man into a new creature through the action of fire and heat Divine love and grace.

Oil, like wax, also signifies the purity and sincerity of a person in his worship of God. But oil also has its own special meanings. Oil is the oil of the fruits of olive trees, olives. Also in Old Testament The Lord commanded Moses to offer pure oil without sediment as a sacrifice to God (). Testifying to the purity of human relationships with God, oil is a sign of God’s mercy towards people: it softens wounds, has a healing effect, and approves of food.

Great liturgical and mysterious meaning have lamps and candles. They burn in the altar behind the throne in a special lamp (seven-branched candlestick); a lamp or candle in a candlestick is placed in the High Place, on the throne, on the altar; lamps can also be lit near individual icons in the altar.

In the middle part of the temple, lamps are usually lit near all icons, and several lamps are lit near especially revered icons; in addition, large candlesticks with cells for many candles are placed so that believers can place the candles they bring to these icons here. A large candlestick is always placed in the center of the temple on the eastern side of the lectern, where the icon of the day lies. A special candlestick with a large candle is brought out at the small entrances during vespers and liturgy, at the great entrance during the liturgy, and also in front of the Gospel when it is brought out at the entrances or for reading. This candle signifies the light of Christ's preaching. Christ Himself, as Light from Light, true Light. The candle in the candlestick has the same meaning, with which, together with the censer during the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, the priest blesses the people with the words “The Light of Christ enlightens everyone.” Candles in bishop's dikirias and trikirias have special spiritual significance. During the censing of the church in statutory cases, the deacon precedes the priest performing the censing with a special deacon’s candle, which marks the light of the apostolic sermon preceding the acceptance of faith in Christ among the peoples, that is, as if preceding Christ coming to people. Lighted candles are held in the hands of priests in the cases of worship provided for by the Charter. The priest uses a special lamp with three candles to bless the people during Easter services. In the central part of the temple, a large lamp with many lights, lit on appropriate occasions, descends from the dome downwards - a chandelier or chandelier. From the domes of the side aisles, similar smaller lamps, called polycandiles, descend into the temple. Polikandils have from seven to twelve lamps, chandeliers - more than twelve.

Church lamps are different. Candlesticks of all types, in addition to their practical purpose, symbolize that spiritual height, thanks to which the light of faith shines on everyone in the house, on the whole world. The chandelier (multi-candlesticks, translated from Greek), descending from above into the central part of the temple, and the polycandilo, located in the side chapels, with their multitude of lights mean the Heavenly One itself as a collection, a constellation of people sanctified by the grace of the Holy Spirit, enlightened by the light of faith, burning with the fire of love for God , abiding inseparably together in the light of the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, these lamps descend from above into that part of the temple where there is a meeting of the earthly Church, called to spiritually strive upward, to its heavenly brothers. The Heavenly Church illuminates the earthly Church with its light, drives away darkness from it - this is the meaning of the hanging chandeliers and chandeliers.

On the iconostasis and in front of almost every icon case in the temple one or more lamps hang, and there are candlesticks with burning candles. “The lamps burning in front of the icons mean that the Lord is an unapproachable light and a consuming fire for unrepentant sinners, and for the righteous a cleansing and life-giving fire; that the Mother of God is the Mother of light and the purest light Herself, unflickering, shining throughout the entire universe, that she is a burning and unburnt bush, which has unburntly received into Herself the fire of the Divine - the fiery throne of the Almighty... that the saints are lamps burning and shining throughout the whole world with their faith and virtues... “(St. rights.).

“The candles in front of the icons of the Savior mean that He is the true Light, enlightening every person coming into the world (), and at the same time the Fire consuming or reviving our souls and bodies; candles in front of the icons of the Mother of God mean that She is the Mother of unapproachable Light, and at the same time fiery love for the human race; that She carried the fire of the Divine in her womb and is unburnt and eternally carries within Her the fire of the Divine that has taken possession of Her; candles in front of the icons of saints mean the saints’ fiery love for God, for whose sake they sacrificed everything that is dear to a person in life... they mean that they are lamps that burn for us and shine with their lives, their virtues and our ardent prayer books before God, day and night those praying for us; burning candles mean our ardent zeal for them and heartfelt sacrifice..."

The lamp hanging in front of the icon symbolizes the ancient pillar of fire that Israel brought out in the night.

Candles burning on a candlestick, placed around a lamp, remind the person praying of the bush, of the thorn bush, which burned but was not consumed, and in which God appeared to Moses. The burning but not burning bush especially typified the Mother of God.

The candles, placed in regular circles, represent the chariot that delighted Elijah, and the circles themselves depict the wheels of this chariot.

“The fire of burning... candles and lamps, like the censer itself with hot coals and fragrant incense, serve for us as an image of spiritual fire - the Holy Spirit, who descended in tongues of fire on the apostles, burning away our sinful defilements, enlightening our minds and hearts, igniting our souls with flame love for God and for each other: the fire in front of the holy icons reminds us of the fiery love of the saints for God, because of which they hated the world and all its delights, all untruths; It also reminds us that we must serve God, pray to God with a fiery spirit, which for the most part we do not have, for we have cold hearts. “So in the temple everything is instructive and there is nothing idle or unnecessary” (St. Rights).

Rule for lighting candles in the temple

Lighting candles in the temple is a special action, closely related to the chants and sacred rites of the services.

During everyday services, when almost all prayers express one thing: repentance, contrition and sorrow for sins, and the lighting is very minimal: here and there a lone candle or lamp glows. On holidays, such as on Sundays, when the victory of Christ the Savior over death and the devil is remembered, or, for example, when people who especially pleased God are glorified, the church expresses its triumph with great light. There are already fires here polycandyla, or as we say chandelier, which, from Greek, means many-candles. On the greatest of Christian holidays, the bright Resurrection of Christ, not only is the entire church illuminated, but all Orthodox Christians stand with lit candles.

So, the more joyful and solemn the Divine service is performed in the Temple, the more light there is. The Church Charter prescribes to light more candles during more joyful and solemn services, and less so during less solemn, or sad, Lenten services. Therefore, at Compline, Midnight Office, and the Hours, fewer lamps are lit than at Vespers, Matins, and Liturgy.

During the reading of the Six Psalms, the candles in the temple are extinguished. This is done so that the psalms, expressing awareness of one’s sinful state, depicting many enemies seeking to destroy soul and body, are listened to with attention and fear, and, as the Holy Fathers wrote, so that everyone, standing in the dark, can sigh and shed a tear.

Darkness during the reading of the Six Psalms especially promotes concentration and turning inward to one’s soul.

In the middle of the sixth psalm, the priest, as if assuming the title of Intercessor and Redeemer of the entire human race, goes out to the pulpit and before the royal doors, as if before a closed paradise, brings a prayer to God for all people, secretly reading the prayers of the lamp. One explanation of the prayers of the lamp indicates that they are so called because they contain thanksgiving to God for night light, given to us in candles, and a prayer that the Lord, under the guise of material light, will instruct us and teach us to walk in the truth. About such thanksgiving and prayer he writes: “Our fathers did not choose to accept the grace of the evening light in silence, but to give thanks as soon as it appeared.” In the prophetic verse “God is the Lord and appeared to us,” two comings of Christ are glorified: the first, as it were in the morning, which happened in the flesh and in poverty, and the second in glory, which will happen as if at night, at the end of the world.

During the proclamation of the peaceful litany, all the candles in the temple are lit, signifying that they are illuminated by the glory of the Lord. At the Liturgy, as at the most solemn service, on all days of the year (that is, weekdays and holidays), more candles are lit than at other services. The first candle is lit at the place where the Divine service begins - on the altar. Then candles are lit on the throne. “The burning candles on the throne depict the uncreated Trinity Light, for the Lord lives in the unapproachable light (), and the fire of the Divine, burning our wickedness and sins" (St. John of Kronstadt). These candles are lit by the deacon or the priest himself. After this, burning candles are placed in front of the icons of the Savior, the Mother of God, the temple and saints.

At the beginning of the reading of St. Gospels and candles, as in ancient times, are lit throughout the entire church to represent the fact that the light of Christ enlightens the entire earth.

Lighting candles in a church is part of the service, it is a sacrifice to God, and just as you cannot disturb the decorum in the church with unworthy, restless behavior, you also cannot create chaos by passing your candle through the entire church during the service, or, even worse, by squeezing into a candlestick to install it yourself.

If you want to light a candle, come before the service starts. It is sad to see how those who came to the temple in the middle of the service, late, at the most important and solemn moments of the Divine service, when everything freezes in thanksgiving to God, violate the decorum in the temple, passing their candles, distracting other believers.

If anyone is late for the service, let him wait until the end of the service, and then, if he has such a desire or need, light a candle without distracting others or disturbing decorum.

Candles and lamps are lit not only in the Temple, but also in the homes of pious Christians. Venerable Seraphim, the great intercessor before God for the living and the dead, explained the great significance of candles and lamps: “I have... many persons who are zealous for me and do good to my mill orphans. They bring me oil and candles and ask me to pray for them. Now, when I read my rule, I remember them first once. And since, due to the many names, I will not be able to repeat them at every place of the rule where it should be, then I would not have enough time to complete my rule, then I put all these candles for them as a sacrifice to God, one for each a candle, for others I constantly warm lamps; and where it is necessary to remember them in the rule, I say: “Lord, remember all those people, Your servants, for their souls I, the poor one, lit these candles and kandila (that is, lamps) for You.” And that this is not my, poor Seraphim’s, human invention, or just my simple zeal, not based on anything Divine, then I will give you the words of Divine Scripture to support it. The Bible says that Moses heard the voice of the Lord saying to him: “Moses, Moses! Say to your brother Aaron, let him light candles before Me in days and in burdens: for this is acceptable before Me and sacrifice is acceptable to Me.” So... why the Holy Church of God has adopted the custom of lighting candilas, or lamps, in holy churches and in the homes of faithful Christians, before the holy icons of the Lord, the Mother of God, holy angels and holy people. Those who have pleased God."

As we see, a church candle is a sacred property of Orthodoxy. She is a symbol of our spiritual union with the holy Mother Church.

The candle reminds us of our baptism. Three candles are placed on the font itself, as a sign of the Holy Trinity, in whose name baptism occurs. Our successors, having pronounced for us the vows of renunciation of Satan and union with Christ, stood at this font with candles in their hands. The candles they held in their hands showed the belief that this sacrament gives the soul of the baptized person enlightenment, that the baptized person goes from darkness to light and becomes a son of light, which is why baptism itself is called enlightenment.

The candle reminds us of our marriage. Candles are given to those getting engaged and getting married. Lighted candles in the hands of those marrying indicate the purity of their lives. Through the candles lit by the newlyweds, the purity of marriage seems to shine. The sacrament of unction also occurs with candles. Near a lamp or other vessel with wine and oil, seven candles are lit in the image of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, and all those present hold lighted candles in their hands as a sign of their fiery prayer.

A burial ceremony takes place with candles, and the candle reminds us that we will lie in a coffin, surrounded by four candlesticks with burning candles, symbolizing the cross, and our family and friends will hold burning candles in their hands during the funeral service, depicting the Divine light, and with which the Christian was enlightened in baptism.

One view church candle can evoke in the soul of an Orthodox person the deepest thoughts about life and death, about sin and repentance, about sorrow and joy. A church candle speaks a lot, a lot to both the feelings and the mind of the believer.

The spiritual meaning of a church candle - our sacrifice to God

The candles that believers buy in church to place in candlesticks near icons have several spiritual meanings: since a candle is bought, it is a sign of a person’s voluntary sacrifice to God and His temple, an expression of a person’s readiness to obey God (the softness of the wax), his desire for deification , transformation into a new creature (burning a candle). A candle is also evidence of faith, a person’s involvement in the Divine light. A candle expresses the warmth and flame of a person’s love for the Lord, the Mother of God, an Angel or a saint, at whose faces the believer places his candle.

A burning candle is a symbol, a visible sign; it expresses our ardent love of goodwill towards the one to whom the candle is placed. And if there is no this love and favor, then the candles have no meaning, our sacrifice is in vain.

Unfortunately, this happens often, too often. Many who light candles “for health,” “for peace,” or for the success of some business, not only do not like those for whom they light these candles, but do not even know to whom they light these candles.

It is customary to light candles for your Angel, that is, the saint whose name they bear. How many people know the life of their saint? And without knowing, is it possible to love him?

Some of us remember God, the Mother of God, and the saints only when we go into church, and then only for a few minutes, and think that it is enough to put a candle in front of the icon and our prayer will be fulfilled - as if God, the Mother of God and the saints need candles!

Often living like unbelievers, like pagans, or even worse, not knowing the Law of God, we think that by lighting a candle, we have fulfilled our duty, become pure and righteous - as if a candle can beg and appease God for us!

It could be worse. Some not only do not consider it a sin to deceive, oppress, or rob another, but they also rejoice when they manage to do this. And then they think that if on a holiday they placed candles in the church or lit a lamp at home in front of the icon, then God will not punish them for lying, for deceit, for offending people.

How terribly wrong these people are! Without love for God, without love for one's neighbor as oneself, without fulfilling the Commandments of the Lord, our candles are not needed. Nobody demands them from us. God requires that we love Him with all our hearts, honor Him with all our souls, unswervingly fulfill His holy commandments and glorify Him with our whole lives. His holy saints want us to be imitators of them, just as they were imitators of Christ, so that we are like them and with all diligence, with all care, follow those who live in the image of those who pleased God, and do not follow the enemies of the cross of Christ, them But the end is destruction, God is their womb, and their glory is in their cold, the hedgehog of the earth is wise. If we live like this, if in our soul there is the light of God, in our heart there is a fire of love for Him and for those who pleased Him and zeal to imitate them, then we will put candles and light lamps in front of their images: both, as a visible expression of our inner light and fire, it will please them.

And if there is impenetrable darkness in our soul; if our life is sin and lawlessness, what are our candles and lamps? Absolutely nothing! And it would be nice, if only – nothing. No, they insult the Lord God and His saints and arouse not love and mercy, but anger and punishment. After all, imagine: someone who has plundered millions of rubles through deception and lawlessness and then thinks that with a dozen candles he will not only close all his lawless deeds, but will also earn mercy from God - what does he want and hope to do? Deceive the Lord God, bribe His holy justice? Yes, it’s scary to think and say, but it’s true. Otherwise, why are there candles in his hands? Are they evidence that he loves God? If he had loved God, he would have lived according to God; but does not live according to God’s commandments, which means he does not love and does not know Him. What are the candles here? Lies and deceit, like all his words are lies and deceit; like lies and deceit all his oaths; like all his actions are lies and deceit. But words, oaths and actions relate to people; and candles are offered to God and His saints... And this is how they think to please the Lord God, Who sees our every deed, every word and every thought! And it’s strange how a person can blind himself. What honest person would accept anything from a thief and robber? Not only will he not accept it, but he will also consider it an insult if such a person dares to come to him with anything. And here, from what was obtained by deception and all sorts of lies, that is also theft. same robbery, light candles. Who do they think God is? Or do they really think that God is pleased and pleased with something that would offend any honest person? A disastrous delusion! It is all the more disastrous that they completely calm down on their candles and are convinced that by lighting the candles they can continue to commit lawlessness fearlessly and with impunity.

No not like this. Listen to what the Lord said to the Jews, who, in the same way, leading a wicked and lawless life, thought that if they made any sacrifices to God, then for them they were pure before Him and pleasing to Him.

“Why do I need your many victims? You come to appear before My face; but who demands this at your hands, that you trample my courtyard. From now on, don’t bring me empty gifts. Your smoking is disgusting to Me. My soul hates your new moons, fasts and holiday gatherings. They are a burden to me, and I will no longer tolerate your iniquities. When you stretch out your hands to Me, I will turn My eyes away from you. And no matter how much you pray, I will not listen to you.” This is the verdict of the Lord God Himself over all the sacrifices that are brought to Him - that is, over candles - when those who offer them do not care about the most important thing - about pleasing Him with their lives! If even now the prophet of God appeared among us, then how many, many would he say in the name of the Lord God: your candles are an abomination to Me; My soul hates your fasts and holidays. And who demanded this of you? Wash yourself first from your wickedness; take away the wickedness from your souls before My eyes, stop from your wickedness, learn to do good, seek judgment (be fair and honest) and only then come here with your candles. Otherwise, when you stretch out your hands to Me, I will turn My eyes away from you; Even if you multiply your prayer, I will not hear you.

A pure heart is the best sacrifice to God. With a pure heart, place a candle in front of the image, light the lamp at home - they will be pleasing to Him and His saints. And even if your candle is the smallest of all the candles in the church, it will be more pleasing to Him than the thick candles mentioned above. But, we repeat, candles and lamps, by themselves, without our faith and zeal, mean nothing; never forget this. Do not place any hopes on them: they will not save you if you yourself do not care and try to do so; they will not bring favors from God if you do not love Him with all your soul. Do not forget also that all your prayers, all your sacrifices to the Lord God will be rejected by Him if you have evil in your heart against someone or are at enmity with your neighbors. This is what our Savior said: if you bring your gift to the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go, first make peace with your brother and then come and offer your gift. That's how it should be. You come to church to testify to the Lord God your love, your reverence; but: is it possible to truly love the Lord God without loving your loved ones? No. If anyone says that I love God but hates his brother, that is a lie; For you love your brother in his own form, God, but you do not see Him, how can you love? And this commandment of the imams is from Him, that he who loves God, loves his brother.

According to the words of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt: “It is good to place candles in front of icons. But it is better if you sacrifice to God the fire of love for Him and your neighbor. It’s good if both happen together. If you light candles, but don’t have love for God and your neighbor in your heart: you are stingy, you don’t live peacefully, then your sacrifice to God is in vain.” And one last thing. Candles must be purchased only in the Temple where you came to pray. It is prohibited to bring candles with you, purchased even in a pious place, but outside the walls of the Temple, and to place these candles in front of icons.

A candle purchased in the Temple is an object of reverence for a believer; it is intended to serve as a sacrifice to God, in the stench of a spiritual fragrance. A candle that you bought outside the walls of the Temple and then brought to the Temple is not a sacrifice.


Instruction Orthodox Christian about the church candle. - M.: Moscow Metochion of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra; " A new book", 1996 – 32 p.

Vaginal suppositories or suppositories are medications for topical use in gynecology that are inserted into the vagina. This group of drugs is good because it has powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial properties, depending on the active substance. To get the maximum benefit from vaginal suppositories, you need to know how to use them correctly, since the effect directly depends on the correct application.

Exist certain rules on the introduction of intravaginal suppositories, which provide maximum benefit and the effect of use:

  • The doctor prescribes administering suppositories no more than twice a day. The standard recommendation is once a day before bedtime.
  • Before starting the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands and rinse off the soap well, otherwise it may get on the vaginal mucosa and cause irritation. First, along with the candles, you should take out and prepare a sanitary pad.
  • The suppositories are inserted as deep into the vagina as possible. To do this, you need to lie down and press your knees to your chest, and then use the applicator to insert the suppository as deeply as possible. After insertion, the applicator is carefully removed, and if it is not included in the kit, then everything is done with your fingers. It is in this position (knees pressed to the chest) that it is easiest to administer the drug because anatomical features women. If the depth of administration is insufficient, the substance will not work normally, but will simply dissolve and flow out.
  • After inserting the candle, you need to wear underwear with a sanitary pad, since some of the product will still leak out, and therefore the pads prevent soiling of the underwear and bed.
  • When using vaginal suppositories, you need to know that sexual intimacy with a sexual partner during this period is extremely undesirable. Otherwise, relapse of the disease cannot be avoided and you will have to be treated again. Moreover, repeated cases of illness are more difficult to cure.
  • You should not move or stand up too much after inserting the suppository to avoid premature leakage of the product. For this reason, suppositories are administered before bedtime.

The use of contraceptive vaginal suppositories

Before using vaginal suppositories, you need to know that there are suppositories not only for treatment, but also for prevention. unwanted pregnancy. The basis for such preparations is a powerful spermicide, which has a detrimental effect on sperm and destroys their integral membrane. Contraceptive suppositories do not affect hormonal levels and do not destroy microflora, which is an undeniable advantage over other methods of contraception.

Before introducing a contraceptive, a woman should wash the external genitalia, but without using alkalis (soap, shower gels), as they reduce the effectiveness of spermicides. Then you need to insert the suppository deep into the vagina 10-20 minutes before sexual intercourse. The contraceptive effect after administration of the drug lasts about three hours. Before new sexual intercourse, you need to insert the next suppository, regardless of how much time has passed since the previous coitus.

After using spermicidal suppositories, there is no need to douche or wash with soap so as not to disrupt the contraceptive effect. These products are good because they reduce the risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections and provide additional lubrication. The disadvantages include possible allergic reactions and the development of vaginal dysbiosis if this method of contraception is used for too long (more than two to three months in a row).

Advantages and disadvantages of vaginal suppositories

The main advantage of vaginal suppositories in the treatment of diseases is their local application. After all, drugs for systemic use can provoke a wide range of side effects.

Candles in rare cases cause negative manifestations, most often due to individual intolerance to the active substance. In this case, you just need to change the product to another analogue. Also, intravaginal suppositories do not require douching and rinsing after administration, which is quite convenient.

There are also disadvantages to intravaginal products. For example, many women do not like using suppositories due to the inconvenience associated with limited mobility and the release of drug residues onto the pad. However, there are no ideal drugs, so you need to use the products as prescribed by your doctor, regardless of whether you like this method of treatment or not.

Vaginal suppositories should be stored carefully and in the right conditions, otherwise the active substance will be destroyed. Most candles are made with a gelatin base, so it is important to avoid melting. Optimal conditions are in the refrigerator on the side shelf at a temperature of 2–8 degrees Celsius. It is also impossible to keep the drug in colder places, otherwise it will deteriorate when frozen. Holding suppositories in your hands for a long time will cause them to melt, so they should be administered immediately.

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2.2. Personal data may be used for the following purposes:

2.2.1. Providing Services to the User, as well as for information and consulting purposes;

2.2.2. User identification;

2.2.3. Interaction with the User;

2.2.4. Notifying the User about upcoming promotions and other events;

2.2.5. Conducting statistical and other research;

2.2.6. Processing of User payments;

2.2.7. Monitoring of the User's transactions in order to prevent fraud, illegal bets, and money laundering.

2.3. The operator processes the following data:

2.3.1. Last name, first name and patronymic;

2.3.2. Address Email;

2.3.3. Cell phone number.

2.4. The User is prohibited from indicating personal data of third parties on the Site.


3.1. The Operator undertakes to use Personal Data in accordance with Federal Law“On Personal Data” No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 and internal documents of the Operator.

3.2. The User, by sending his personal data and (or) other information, gives his consent to the processing and use by the Operator of the information provided by him and (or) his personal data for the purpose of implementing the contact number and (or) contact information specified by the User. email address newsletter (about the Operator’s services, changes made, promotions, etc.) for an indefinite period, until the Operator receives a written notification by e-mail about the refusal to receive newsletters. The User also gives his consent to the transfer, in order to carry out the actions provided for in this paragraph, by the Operator of the information provided by him and (or) his personal data to third parties if there is a properly concluded agreement between the Operator and such third parties.

3.2. With regard to Personal Data and other User Data, their confidentiality is maintained, except in cases where the specified data is publicly available.

3.3. The Operator has the right to store Personal Data and Data on servers outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

3.4. The Operator has the right to transfer Personal Data and User Data without the User’s consent to the following persons:

3.4.1. State bodies, including bodies of inquiry and investigation, and local government bodies upon their reasoned request;

3.4.2. Operator's partners;

3.4.3. In other cases directly provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.5. The Operator has the right to transfer Personal Data and Data to third parties not specified in clause 3.4. of this Privacy Policy in the following cases:

3.5.1. The user has expressed his consent to such actions;

3.5.2. The transfer is necessary as part of the User’s use of the Site or the provision of Services to the User;

3.5.3. The transfer occurs as part of the sale or other transfer of a business (in whole or in part), and all obligations to comply with the terms of this Policy are transferred to the acquirer.

3.6. The Operator carries out automated and non-automated processing of Personal Data and Data.


4.1. The User guarantees that all Personal Data is current and does not relate to third parties.

4.2. The User may change (update, supplement) Personal Data at any time by sending a written application to the Operator.

4.3. The user has the right to delete his Personal Data at any time; to do this, he just needs to send an email with a corresponding application to Email: Data will be deleted from all electronic and physical media within 3 (three) business days.


5.1. The Operator ensures proper protection of Personal and other data in accordance with the Law and takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect Personal data.

5.2. The applied protection measures, among other things, make it possible to protect Personal Data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties.


6.1. Using the Site, the User has the right to enter data of third parties for their subsequent use.

6.2. The User undertakes to obtain the consent of the subject of personal data for use through the Site.

6.3. The Operator does not use personal data of third parties entered by the User.

6.4. The operator undertakes to undertake necessary measures to ensure the safety of personal data of third parties entered by the User.


7.1. This Privacy Policy and the relationship between the User and the Operator arising in connection with the application of the Privacy Policy are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

7.2. All possible disputes arising from this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation at the place of registration of the Operator. Before going to court, the User must comply with the mandatory pre-trial procedure and send the relevant claim to the Operator in writing. The period for responding to a claim is 7 (seven) working days.

7.3. If for one reason or another one or more provisions of the Privacy Policy are deemed invalid or unenforceable legal force, this does not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Privacy Policy.

7.4. The Operator has the right to change the Privacy Policy, in whole or in part, unilaterally at any time, without prior agreement with the User. All changes come into force the next day after they are posted on the Site.

7.5. The user undertakes to independently monitor changes in the Privacy Policy by familiarizing himself with the current version.


8.1. Contact Email.
