Hermione Granger's real name. How to look like Hermione Granger from Harry Potter

In the sensational films based on the fairy tale novel by JK Rowling, one of the main characters was played by actress Emma Watson. In the story, her mom and dad are Muggles, that is ordinary people, not having magical power, but, apparently, endowed with remarkable imagination, because it was they who gave their daughter such an unusual, beautiful, real name - Hermione (Granger is the surname of her dentist parents).

She has a bright appearance and a “formidable” defender

Where should a girl study? unusual abilities? Of course, at Hogwarts, the school of magical sciences! Along the way, as soon as the special train pulled away from platform 9.3/4, brown-eyed Hermione with a lush head of brown hair met new wizards just like her. Their names were Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.

Then her smile was slightly spoiled by her long front teeth. But later she easily and painlessly coped with this aesthetic defect. It was not her parents' dentistry that helped her, but Madame Pomfrey's medicine (after Malfoy's spell, her teeth grew so much that they reached her chin).

All young wizards had pet animals. Mostly owls, but our heroine had a cat Crookshanks - it was Granger who called him Crookshanks, in the Russian version of the film. The girl looked after him touchingly, and he loved and, like a real bodyguard, protected her, for example, from harmful and dangerous rodents (from a feisty animagus in the guise of a rat).

Hermione's Outstanding Qualities

Hermione is not a passionate “crammer” or an “upstart” (for which she got it more than once), she simply loves and knows how to learn, she likes to read and participate in scientific research. Remember how often her knowledge of spells and magical recipes helped her best friends, Ron and Harry, in their joint adventures. In addition to erudition, she also has developed ingenuity. In the story of the search for the philosopher's stone, she solved Snape's riddle, based not on knowledge, but on logic. Often, because of the dedication with which she rushes to protect “her own people,” it seems that main character not Harry, his real name is Hermione Granger.

Friends and enemies

Character strengths and weaknesses

To our character, first of all, we need to include her greatest power- intelligence and ability to think critically in complex situations, problematic situation. The heroine has another exceptional quality; she, like Harry’s mother, Lily, is capable of self-sacrifice and compassion. She always helps those who are having a hard time. Finally, Hermione is very brave and always fights for what she believes in, especially when it comes to protecting her friends when they are in danger.

Our character has much fewer weaknesses than strengths, but they do exist. Sometimes she gets too hot-tempered and loses self-control (most often this happened in adolescence and during conflicts with Ron). Sometimes she gets into difficult situation due to the fact that she is overly protective of her reputation as an excellent student and is afraid of failure. This happens due to the constant need to constantly prove to everyone that Hermione Granger is the real name of a worthy sorceress, albeit of Muggle origin.

By the way, playing such a bright and multifaceted character for many years was very difficult. Hermione Granger (real name of the actress Emma Watson) is a great achievement that brought the young performer enormous fame all over the world and new interesting roles.

Many of us think that we know almost all the facts about Hermione Granger: she is a young, talented, well-read sorceress, best friend Harry Potter and Ron Weasley (and - as an adult - the latter's wife). Hermione often helped out her friends and tried to keep them from acting rashly. Interesting facts about Hermione: she memorized all the books of spells even before entering Hogwarts and sometimes irritated her fellow students with her “know-it-all” attitude, and some people disliked the girl because she comes from a Muggle family.

And yet, despite seven books read and eight films watched, we bet there are interesting facts about Hermione Granger that have passed you by. Let's talk about this!

Excellent student, workaholic, talented sorceress: facts about Hermione Granger

"Sour" surname

Fun fact: Hermione didn't always go by Granger. There was a time when JK Rowling wanted to name the heroine differently. The writer came up with whole list surnames that she was supposed to give to Harry's classmates. How do you like this option: “Hermione Puckle.” Not very loud, right? So Rowling decided so - that the surname has a slightly “sour” connotation, especially since “tow” means “pickle” in Scots. This is how Hermione Granger was born - nice fact!

In honor of the Greek god

Some may have wondered where this came from. unusual name? And here's the second fact about Hermione Granger: her name is a feminine derivative of the name Hermes. Reminder: This is a character. Greek mythology, god of trade, who was known for his resourcefulness and quickness (aided by magical sandals). He was a kind of intermediary between the world of Olympus and mere mortals. Likewise, Hermione is the link between wizards and Muggles. And, of course, she could be cunning and resourceful if circumstances required it.

Rowling's alter ego

Sometimes authors describe in their books some of their acquaintances, their habits and hobbies, and sometimes they offer the reader a literary version of themselves. So Rowling couldn’t resist the temptation, because Hermione is her copy, which, of course, has undergone some changes. But Joan, like Hermione, was a crammer, not always self-confident.

About the younger sister and... teeth

Did you know this fact about Hermione Granger: she was not supposed to be an only child. Rowling originally planned for the heroine younger sister. When Harry and Ron meet their future girlfriend, she says: “No one in my family has anything to do with magic.” Then the writer hoped that she would introduce Hermione’s sister into the story (otherwise Granger would have said: “My parents have nothing to do with magic”). But Rowling couldn't find a way to introduce this sister to readers, and then it was too late.

In the books, Hermione is described as a girl with large front teeth. That's probably why, when she accidentally enlarged her teeth with a spell, Ron was indignant, and Professor Snape said that he didn't see any difference. The director of the first part (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone), Chris Columbus, tried to give Emma Watson fake teeth, but it was very inconvenient, and the idea was abandoned. IN last scene Hermione's fake teeth can be seen in the film, but their size is reduced to a minimum compared to the original ones.

She could be Ravenclaw

Before entering Hogwarts, Hermione performed several simple spells, but for some reason did not fall under the decree on reasonable restrictions on magic among minors. It turns out that children under the age of 11, who do not yet have a magic wand and have little control over their abilities, are exempt from punishment.

We know that newcomers were distributed among faculties by a special Hat; we owe it to the famous trio “Harry-Ron-Hermione”. But before sending Granger to Gryffindor, the Hat thought for four minutes: the girl’s sharp mind allowed her to get into Ravenclaw (in English - Ravenclaw). However, Hermione's courage prevailed, and she became a Gryffindor student. Later, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, one of the students wonders why Hermione wasn't sorted into Ravenclaw.

Secret desire and great fear

More interesting fact about Hermione Granger, revealed by JK Rowling. He touches the mirror of Erised. We know what Harry saw in this mirror of his deepest desires - himself and his parents. And Ron imagined that he was the Gryffindor Quidditch captain and was holding the cup in his hands. It turns out that if Hermione had looked into Erised in the summer of 1997, she would have seen herself, Ron and Harry alive in the mirror, and Voldemort dead.

As for the boggart, which showed the deepest fears of the characters, in the book “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” Hermione met a boggart who had the face of Professor McGonagall (and the mentor was very dissatisfied with Hermione’s knowledge). This means that the perfectionist Greenger was insecure and always afraid of failure.

Sent my parents to Australia

This fact about Hermione Granger is most likely known to fans of the series: she erased her parents' memories of herself in order to protect them from Voldemort and the Death Eaters and force them to move to Australia. But did you know that when the mess with the Dark Lord was over, Hermione restored the memories of her father and mother? Rowling herself stated this.

Highly qualified sorceress

As we remember, Ron, Hermione and Harry left Hogwarts, refusing last year training - they went to look for horcruxes. Thus, they failed the final magic test. But Hermione could not remain a dropout, and after the Second Wizarding War she returned to Hogwarts and passed the test - the only one of the three. This is what it means to be an excellent student!

Having thus received the necessary qualifications, Hermione could choose a magical profession to her liking. She went to work at the Ministry of Magic - in the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures. She then achieved a high position in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and used her power to correct the ancient laws of inequality between pure-blood wizards and those born Muggles. It’s interesting that Emma Watson also fights – for women’s rights.

Translated an ancient book and invented spells

There are "non-franchise" books in the Harry Potter series, including The Tales of Beedle the Bard. The first edition of the book (written in ancient runes) was bequeathed by Dumbledore to Hermione. She read the book and translated it into English language. The translation was published some time after Hermione graduated from Hogwarts and contained Dumbledore's explanations (Professor McGonagall gave them to her student).

It is a well-known fact: Hermione Granger is a talented witch who knows a lot about magic. She also came up with several spells herself! For example, a spell that points to a sneak, or one that makes a wand act like a compass and point north.

She ended up in... frogs!

For all her accomplishments, including translating books, fighting for the rights of magical creatures, and inventing spells, Hermione was immortalized. How? She ended up on a card from chocolate frogs. We don't know how many Muggle-borns were given the honor of appearing on these cards, but the fact that Hermione Granger deserved it is undeniable.

Hermione Jean Granger(English: Hermione Jean Granger, /hərˈmaɪ.əni ˈdʒiːn ˈɡreɪndʒər/) is one of the main heroines of the Harry Potter series of novels along with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.

General information


The name "Hermione" has Greek origin and is associated with the name of the god Hermes. IN ancient mythology Hermione (Greek) Ερμιόνη ) - the name of the daughter of the Spartan king Menelaus and Helen. Rowling, however, borrowed the name not from Greek myth, but from Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, where the queen, mother of the lost princess Lost, bears the name. The writer specifically chose a rarely seen name so that the namesakes of the book heroine would not be teased in schools.

Role in books

Book one

When Harry, Ron and Hermione decide to create a Polyjuice Potion, Granger uses flattery to get Lockhart's permission to borrow the book "Powerful Potions" from the library. Later, Harry and Hermione manage to steal ingredients from Snape's office. Hermione takes hair from the jacket of Millicent Bulstrode from Slytherin, with whom she fought in the dueling club, for the potion. But Hermione comes across a hair from her cat, and she turns into half-human, half-animal, after which she has to undergo long-term treatment.

Hermione is later attacked and left frozen, just like the previous victims of the Chamber of Secrets monster. However, having previously visited the library, she realizes that this monster is the Basilisk serpent, and tears out a page from a book about the Basilisk, on which she writes the word “pipes.” The page was found in her numb hand. Friends understood from this that the monster of the Chamber of Secrets was moving through the sewer pipes. Subsequently, herbology teacher Professor Sprout made a decoction of mandrakes and revived all the victims of the Basilisk, including Granger.

Due to the attacks, exams are canceled and Hermione is very upset.

Book three

During the holidays, Hermione goes with her parents to France and sends Harry a birthday present - a broom care kit.

In Diagon Alley, Granger meets Ron, then Harry. In the “Magic Menagerie” he buys the cat Crookshanks.

At Hogwarts, Granger receives from McGonagall, the dean of their faculty, a Time-Turner, with the help of which she manages to visit “simultaneously” everything that interests her academic subjects(despite the scheduling conflicts).

Hermione begins to develop a dislike for divination and in February, after an argument with Professor Trelawney, she quits studying the subject.

During the Christmas holidays, Hermione learns that Harry has been given the best broom in the world, the Lightning Bolt. She suspects that Sirius Black could have sent the broom, casting a bunch of deadly spells on it, and tells Professor McGonagall about the gift. She takes the broom from Harry. Because of this, the friends have another quarrel, but soon the broom is examined and returned. Then a suspicion arises that Crookshanks ate Ron's rat, Ron takes offense at Granger and they do not communicate for several weeks. Hermione is lonely, she often goes to Hagrid and cries with him. She also helps him prepare for Buckbeak's defense in court. After Buckbeak's death sentence is handed down, he makes peace with Ron and on the same day hits Malfoy in the face for mocking Hagrid.

Hermione is the only one of the students who realized that Professor Lupine is a werewolf, but she does not tell the truth to anyone, not even Harry and Ron. At the end of the year, Hermione passes her exams brilliantly, only in the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam she cannot cope with a boggart. Later, with the help of a time turner, he returns with Harry several hours into the past to save Buckbeak and Sirius.

Book Four

In her fourth year, Hermione began to study intensively social activities. Namely, she created the organization G.A.V.N.E. (Civil Association for the Restoration of Elven Independence), whose activities were aimed at protecting the rights of house elves. Harry and Ron didn't like her idea. Hermione helps Harry in some of the trials of the Triwizard Tournament. She makes peace between Ron and Harry when they quarrel, but soon she herself quarrels with Ron. He goes to the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum, the Seeker of the Bulgarian Quidditch team. At the end of the year, he invites her to his place for the summer holidays.

Book five

In her fifth year, Hermione became Head Girl of Gryffindor House. She suggested that Harry create Dumbledore's Army and accepted main role in concealing and protecting the organization. Hermione came up with fake Galleons so that members of the OA could use them to find out the date of the new meeting. Hermione also saved Harry from being tortured by the Cruciatus Curse.

During the battle at the Ministry, Hermione was struck by Antonin Dolokhov's spell and for a long time lost consciousness (in the film she fights with everyone else until the Aurors appear).

Book six

The first begins to have a negative attitude towards the Half-Blood Prince's textbook and tries to find out who exactly the textbook belonged to. At the Quidditch tryouts, he casts a Confundus spell on McLaggen and thereby contributes to Ron's appointment to the team as goalkeeper. Shows interest in Ron Weasley, but he does not notice this and begins dating Lavender Brown. Granger, in retaliation, goes to Slughorn's dinner party with seventh-year Gryffindor Cormac McLaggen, but breaks up with him. Nearly figures out who the Half-Blood Prince is by finding information about student Eileen Prince, but not fully discovering that she was Snape's mother.

Book seven

Hermione plays a significant role in the last, seventh part. Helps to search and destroy horcruxes. Saves Harry's life when meeting the snake Nagini. He fights in the Battle of Hogwarts, during which he destroys the Horcrux, Penelope Hufflepuff's Cup, with the fang of the Basilisk.

Further fate

Hermione began her working career in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, where she contributed to significant improvements in the lives of house elves and their fellows. Then she moved (despite her statement to Rufus Scrimgeour) to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, where she was engaged in eradicating unjust laws that protected only purebred magicians.

Character Description

Hermione's Brown eyes and brown hair. Her appearance in the book “Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone” is described as follows: “a girl with thick hair brown hair… Her front teeth were a little longer than they needed to be.” However, in the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the Dantisimus spell cast by Malfoy at Harry ricocheted at Hermione, causing Hermione's front teeth to grow almost to her chin. In the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey gave Hermione a mirror and told her to watch it until her teeth were the same size. Hermione waited a little longer than necessary, and her teeth became neat and even. She has a cat Crookshanks (in other translations - Crookshanks), which she bought with money received for her birthday from her parents. It was Crookshanks who first recognized the rat as Ron Peter Pettigrew. At first, Ron hated the cat because he wanted to eat Scabbers (Pettigrew), but later they made up. When Sirius gave Ron an owl (a dwarf owl, as it turned out in the fourth book) Sychik, thus compensating him for the loss of his pet, he brought it to the cat’s face to make sure that everything was okay with the bird.

Hermione loves to study and devotes a lot of time to it. Sometimes she is too arrogant and overly proud of her academic success. She is ambitious, in class she always tries to answer first and stand out with her knowledge, for which many, not without reason, consider her a know-it-all. In the eyes of others, with her fanatical desire for order and discipline, she looks overly correct and boring, and for this they often laugh at her. He speaks somewhat edifyingly and verbosely, without, however, losing logic (which is especially noticeable in the first books). He writes letters the same way: in long sentences with many commas. Her written work always turns out to be longer than expected. However, the first impression of her turns out to be incorrect: indeed, compliance with formal rules and academic success mean a lot to her, but we can say with all confidence that she has much more significant values ​​and ideals. She values ​​justice highly.

In the first books, Hermione's powers of observation are striking. For example, she is the only one who notices how Fluff stands, while Harry and Ron do not take their eyes off the three scary heads of the monster. One glance at the luggage of the teacher sleeping in the compartment is enough for her to see Professor Lupin's mark. Also, of all the students, she was the only one who guessed that Professor Lupine was a werewolf. While everyone's attention is focused on the Goblet of Fire, which suddenly decided to throw out the name of the fourth Champion, Hermione peers at Harry. The expression on his friend's face leaves no doubt: the choice of the Cup for Harry is a complete surprise. Until the end of the first round of the Triwizard Tournament, Hermione remained perhaps the only Hogwarts student who did not accuse Potter of deception.

Hermione is a brave and courageous girl who is always ready to help her friends. However, one of her weak points- inability to act in a non-standard situation when you need to quickly make a decision. Over the years, this trait of hers also changes. We can say that Hermione's tenacious powers of observation are gradually complemented by the ability to quickly navigate the environment. If she is given at least a minute to think calmly, she will find the best solution. This was especially clearly manifested in her behavior in the book “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.” When Harry, Ron and Hermione steal Slytherin's locket in disguise, she is the only one who thinks of creating a copy of the locket so that Dolores Umbridge does not notice the loss; when Hermione literally at the last second transgresses herself and Harry from Bathilda Bagshot's house, escaping the clutches of Voldemort; when the guys left Xenophilius Lovegood, who had betrayed them to the Death Eaters, Hermione ingeniously solves several problems at once: hides Ron under the invisibility cloak (thus protecting the Weasley family from investigation), erases Mr. Lovegood’s memory of their visit and for a short moment shows Harry Potter to his pursuers, saving thereby saving the Lovegood father and daughter from reprisal by the Death Eaters for a “false call.” Just as quickly, under Bellatrix’s torture in the Malfoy mansion, she comes up with a coherent story about the fake Gryffindor sword. J. K. Rowling admitted that Hermione is a lot like her.

MOSCOW, February 2 – RIA Novosti. Writer JK Rowling admitted that she made a mistake by marrying the heroes of the Harry Potter book series, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, the Sunday Times reported on Sunday.

In an interview with Wonderland magazine, Rowling said that it would be better if Hermione and Harry Potter were together at the end of the book. In addition, the writer suggested that as a result, Ron and Hermione's relationship would end with them having to turn to a family psychologist.

According to Rowling, Hermione stayed with Ron "for reasons that have little to do with literature." Rowling also apologized to fans of the book series about the famous wizard. However, she added that she "made this choice for personal reasons."

It is reported that actress Emma Watson, who played the role of Hermione Granger in the saga of the wizarding school, took part in the interview with Wonderland magazine. Watson said she shares Rowling's opinion. "I think a lot of fans also understand this and wonder - could Ron really make her happy?" - says the actress.

According to the plot, in the finale of the novel, Harry Potter married Ron's sister Ginny, they had three children, Ron and Hermione had two.

Rowling's series of seven Harry Potter novels, published between 1997 and 2007, have sold a total of 400 million copies and been translated into 65 world languages.

Last year, the first book about the adventures of Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, became the most popular children's publication in the UK. And in 2012, the entire series, according to an online survey conducted by the American National Public Radio (NPR), topped the list of 100 best books for children and teenagers.

JK Rowling's first “adult” book, “The Casual Vacancy,” was published in September 2012 (in February 2013 in Russia). This is a novel about the small provincial English town of Pagford, about its inhabitants and hidden conflicts.

In April 2013, the detective novel The Cuckoo's Calling was published, the author of which was listed as a certain Robert Galbraith. However, on July 14, the Sunday Times newspaper published material stating that the true author of the work is the creator of the series of books about Harry Potter. About how journalists destroyed Rowling's hoax.

What else did Rowling say about the fairy tale characters?

After the release of the sixth book of the Potter series, JK Rowling told the world about the secret of one of the main characters of the epic - Hogwarts school principal Albus Dumbledore. During the writer's performance at New York's Carnegie Hall, one of the fans timidly asked if Professor Dumbledore had real love. Rowling replied: “Dumbledore is gay,” which caused a storm of applause and delight from fans. After waiting for fans to calm down, she joked: “I would have said this sooner if I knew you would be so happy.”

11-year-old Emma Watson woke up famous after the premiere of the film “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” - the first of eight film adaptations of the “Potter” series.

The young actress did not find herself hostage to the role of the talented sorceress Hermione Granger. In addition to success in the acting field, she realized herself as a fashion model.

Popularity and money did not make Emma Watson indifferent to problems modern society. She is a UN Goodwill Ambassador and campaigns against gender inequality, for which she was named activist of the year by the Observer in 2015.


Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson was born in Paris on April 15, 1990, in a family of lawyers - Frenchwoman Jacqueline Lewsby and Englishman Chris Watson. According to one version, the girl received her name in honor of her paternal grandmother, and according to another, in honor of a good friend of the family.

When the girl was five years old, her parents divorced. The father returned to his homeland, and in order not to traumatize the psyche of the baby and her younger brother Alex, Jacqueline also decided to move to England. Therefore, little Emma spent her childhood, as they say, in two houses: she lived with her mother in Oxford, and on weekends she visited her father in London.

At the age of three, Emma first stated that she dreamed of playing in the theater, and at the age of seven she received her first “acting award” - for reading poetry at school competition among the poetry readers named after Daisy Pratt.

Seeing the little girl’s desire for the stage, her mother sent her to the acting school Stagecoach Theater Arts. On her stage, the girl played the evil witch Morgan in the production of “King Arthur: Years of Youth”, the Swallow from the play “The Swallow and the Prince”, the angry cook from “Alice in Wonderland”, and also played the main female role in the fairy tale “The Happy Prince” by Oscar Wilde.

Emma Watson and Harry Potter

It was the teachers of the Stagecoach school who sent Emma's portfolio to the manager who was selecting actors for the film adaptation of the bestseller British writer JK Rowling "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

The first samples of Radcliffe, Green and Watson

Emma Watson had no illusions about her acting capabilities and was simply glad that she made it past the first round. In turn, producer David Hayman was simply amazed by the confidence of the 8-year-old girl, who in eight stages easily beat more than a thousand competitors, including professional actresses. JK Rowling also approved the choice - the writer had her fists on the girl from the very first audition.

The girl, who successfully passed all the auditions, was introduced to Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Greene. She had to work with them for the next 12 years, full of hard work on the set and vivid impressions.

Expected by millions of fans of Rowling's books, the premiere of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone took place on November 4, 2001. Already on the first day, the film broke the record for the number of viewers, and subsequently became the highest-grossing film of 2001.

Critics praised the performance of the three young actors; many focused on Emma Watson. Edition The Daily The Telegraph praised Hermione Granger's portrayal as "delightful" and entertainment media columnist Imagine Games Network said Emma Watson stole the show. In the same year, the girl was awarded the Young Artist Award in the “Best Actress” category.

Interview with little Emma Watson (2001)

Emma's fee - 125 thousand dollars - Emma's parents put into a bank account to pay for her future studies. But part of this money still went to a luxurious party for Emma’s friends in honor of the completion of filming of the first part of the saga.

The girl emphasized that after the phenomenal success of "Potter" her life did not change much: she, as before, had to look after younger brother and make the bed yourself.


Filming of the first and subsequent parts took place almost all year round, so Emma had to transfer to Headington School for Girls, where distance learning was possible. Even when work on the film was in full swing, Watson and her comrades diligently crammed every day school curriculum for five hours. In 2006, between the fourth and fifth parts of the Potter series, the girl received a school completion certificate. On her report card there were eight “A+” and two “A” marks.

In 2008, Emma completed summer courses acting Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, after which she continued her studies at Brown University, USA. Her favorite courses included geology and literature.

Before entrance exams There were rumors at the university that Emma was not going to play in the sixth part of the saga. “I didn’t want to be completely dependent on the filming process for the next three years,” she said in an interview. But her departure would put an end to the titanic work of hundreds of people who worked on the previous parts. Warner Bros. representatives finally managed to convince her to stay. History is silent about the size of her fee for the sixth part. To take part in the filming, the actress had to take a sabbatical leave.

In the spring of 2014, the actress graduated from Brown University with a bachelor's degree in English literature.

Other roles of Emma Watson

“Is there life after Hermione?” asked many fans of the actress after the premiere of the second part of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” which was released in 2011, emotionally summing up the epic about the adventures of young wizards. The answer is yes, there definitely is.

Emma Watson's first role outside of the Harry Potter saga was as ballerina Paulina Fossil in the TV adaptation of Streatfeild Noel's Ballet Shoes. The lyrical film for family viewing was warmly received by the audience. The audience was especially touched by the twins Nina and Lucy, played by Emma's half-sisters.

In 2009, Emma signed a contract to star in the French melodrama Napoleon and Betsy, directed by Leon Gates. The script described the relationship between Napoleon Bonaparte, whiling away his days in exile on the island of St. Helena, and a little girl, the daughter of a local official. Alas, the project never went into production.

In 2009, viewers could see her in the film “7 Days and Nights with Marilyn.” The role of assistant Lucy was small, but memorable - the matured Emma Watson was, as always, inimitable.

A year later, the film “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” (an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Stephen Chbosky) was released. The story was about a shy and unpopular boy, Charlie, who met people who finally truly understood him and accepted him into their company. On the set, Emma Watson became friends with Logan Lerman (Charlie) and Ezra Miller (Patrick).

Emma Watson's best roles

In 2013, she played a self-confident thief in the film “Elite Society” by Sofia Coppola. She also appeared in the comedy disaster film “The End of the World 2013: Apocalypse, Hollywood Style.” Like the rest Hollywood stars, involved in the project, she played herself. In the story, Seth Rogen, James Franco, Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill and other guests of a crazy party wake up to the end of the world and try to survive.

In the spring of 2014, she played the role of Ila, adopted daughter biblical Noah, in Darren Aronofsky's film Noah.

At the beginning of 2016, the girl announced that she would leave acting for a year and devote time to self-development. “My goal is to read two books a week. One for myself, the other for my feminist project "Our bookshelf"," she shared in an interview.

Emma Watson in the modeling business

Emma Watson began her modeling career in 2005. The 15-year-old girl's first professional photo shoot was for Teen Vogue magazine. Her photograph graced the cover of the November issue.

Three years later, the British media announced that the fashion brand Chanel was changing its face advertising campaign from Keira Knightley to Emma Watson, but, as it turned out, someone put misinformation into the press.

In the same year, Emma became the face of the 2009/2010 Burberry autumn-winter collection, and six months later - the spring-summer collection. As part of the spring advertising campaign, she starred in the video for the song “Say You Don`t Want It” by the group One Nigt Only, along with male model Max Hard.

One Night Only – Say You Don't Want It

A little later, Watson signed a contract with the ethical clothing brand People Tree - she advised representatives of the brand on the design of the spring line. The result of her efforts hit the shelves in February 2010. The collection was warmly received by readers of Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan and People.

In 2011, Emma was awarded the Style Icon award. The award was presented to her by the provocative fashion designer Vivienne Westwood at the Elle Style Awards ceremony. At the same time, the actress became the new face of Lancôme.

May 2013 was marked by the release of GQ magazine with Emma Watson on the cover. The actress appeared in the image of Julia Roberts from “Pretty Woman.”

In 2014, Emma Watson won the Best British Style nomination at the British Fashion Awards, beating serious competitors - Keira Knightley, Kate Moss and David Beckham. At the same time, the girl admitted that she always considered Elizabeth Taylor her idol and fashion compass.

Social activity

An initiative and energetic girl long ago realized that thanks to her high position in society, she could become a mouthpiece for those who do not have the opportunity to openly express their problems.

She is most concerned about the problems of inequality between men and women. Her speech at the UN headquarters was devoted to this topic. The actress launched the HeForShe campaign, the leitmotif of which was the fight against female oppression.

Emma Watson's speech at the UN (Russian subtitles)

Calling herself a feminist, Emma Watson always adds that men are not fewer women suffer from gender stereotypes: “I want men to join this fight. So that their daughters, sisters and mothers can free themselves from prejudice. So that their sons can allow themselves to be vulnerable and show their feelings.”

The already mentioned project “Our Bookshelf” is a thematic virtual book club for feminists, created with the participation of Watson.

Emma Watson's hobbies

IN school years Watson fell in love with sports art and contemporary music, notably Bryan Adams, Dido and Suzanne Vega. Emma did not have a good relationship with classical music, as well as with opera. But her dad instilled in her a love of rock and roll: since childhood, the actress heard songs by Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry in the house.

Emma admits that her idol and one of her most favorite actresses is Julia Roberts. She enjoys watching films with Goldie Hawn and Sandra Bullock. One of her favorite actors is John Cleese, who played Nearly Headless Nick, the Gryffindor ghost, in Potter.

The girl loves Italian cuisine (especially pizza) and chocolate. Emma loves to read (her favorite children's writer is the American Roald Dahl), but the girl is not as keen on literature as Hermione Granger.

Emma Watson's personal life

The actress does not like to talk about her romances, because she is afraid that popularity will scare away her boyfriends. However, some information about her boyfriends was leaked to the press.

Emma Watson admitted that at the age of 10 she was in love with her co-star Tom Felton, better known to viewers as Draco Malfoy.
