Item is not for sale on ebay. A Detailed Guide on How to Sell on eBay


If you want to sell an elephant, a chest of drawers, a jalopy, or, horror of horrors, your beloved hamster, then is the place for you.
It is there that you can sell everything that you are so tired of and that turns out to be unnecessary. I want to make it clear right away that this is not an auction. This is a typical bulletin board, with the only difference that this is one of the most popular boards, and therefore the chance that you will quickly find a buyer for your junk there increases noticeably. Ebay classifieds is a 21st century replacement for the typical newspaper classifieds that we are used to studying in order to buy something second-hand. excellent condition and cheaper than in the store.
So, I decided to try advertising on this site. What was waiting for me there?
First, go to the main page of private advertisements

On the side, select “Publish an ad” and begin to fill out the windows that appear very simply. Something like this:

In order for a buyer to find you later, fill out your contact information. It is not necessary to write down the apartment number, hours when you are not at home, etc. Just an email address is enough. You can also add a phone number:

Then agree to the rules (if you don’t agree, then go and hang ads on poles) and click “publish an ad.”
But your junk hasn't appeared on ebay yet. For this to happen, you need to go to your Mailbox, which you indicated on the site and find the following message there:

All you need to do is simply confirm it by clicking on the similar inscription below.
And then you will see this message:

Rejoice! Because this means that everything is going according to plan, as evidenced by this email:

This means that your product is up for sale and is waiting for its buyer!
You can read about this by following the link “go to ad”:

Here it is, your dear announcement about getting rid of unnecessary volumes of the great Russian writer Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy! Please note that the default payment is set as “at a meeting with the seller”, that is, a priori, you do not need to have any account for payment. Although, of course, you can agree with the seller and transfer the money to a virtual account, or send it by mail if you are sending it somewhere to another region.

I want to note that I posted an ad here without a photo, but nothing can stop you from getting your favorite Hasselblad and taking a photo bookshelf with a novel by uploading a photo to the Internet!

All ad submissions are absolutely free!
You throw them like a hook into a river and wait for a buyer. Then you sell things you don’t need in your household and become a millionaire! Everything is very simple! Use it! =)

The eBay online auction is a platform where people from all over the world buy and sell various goods. At the same time, this is an opportunity to earn money. Since 2014, it has also appeared among Russian sellers, which means it’s time to get acquainted with what and how to sell on eBay.

What to consider before selling on eBay

Let's start with the fact that the process of selling goods on eBay is a serious matter and must be approached responsibly.

There are two types of sellers on eBay: people who want to sell unwanted items, and people who are professional sellers of goods online. This article is equally useful for both, since the essence of the process does not change. The difference is that in the second case you will have to put in more effort. But the profit will be much higher.

Initially the site runs on English language, but for convenience you can switch to Russian. The language change button is located at the top right. Before starting work, be sure to read the site rules. They must be known and followed if you expect to successfully sell on eBay.

If you break the rules - no matter whether intentionally or out of ignorance - your account will be blocked, and after that you will no longer sell anything.


The first step is to create an account. The registration process is simple and is unlikely to cause you any difficulties. But several aspects are worth paying special attention to.

First of all, think carefully about your login. When a buyer corresponds with you, the first thing he will pay attention to is your name. And if you specify a set of unreadable characters, you are unlikely to inspire confidence in a potential buyer.

Also, please note that eBay has registered buyers from all over the world, so do not choose anything as a login that could cause negative associations for a representative of a certain country.

The best option is to enter your real name. But if for some reason you don’t want to do this, choose a representative and official nickname that will inspire confidence in buyers.

If you suddenly want to change your login, you can do this no more than once every 30 days. In addition, you should not get carried away with this if your store has regular customers - in this case, they may not find you when they need it.

It is advisable to add a photo to your profile; people tend to trust such accounts because it makes it clear what is on the other side of the screen a real man. The photo should be moderately formal, although a smile will not hurt.

Be sure to enter a work email that you have regular access to. It's better if you receive notifications about new emails. The fact is that you will receive notifications by email about users who are interested in your product, about new messages on the site and about new questions about the product. The speed of your responses determines whether a person will buy from you or from another seller. And if a competitor responds faster than you, you will lose a buyer.

The phone number you enter on the site must also be working and active. It is needed to restore access to your account if you forget your password or your account is hacked by scammers.

Finally, you need to get an account with payment system PayPal. Buyers can pay with a Visa card. In theory, sellers also have this opportunity, but in practice it is very inconvenient to use the card, problems arise with withdrawing funds, and so on. All serious eBay sellers use PayPal exclusively.

Features of selling on eBay

So you've registered on eBay. How to start selling products on eBay?

Before you list items for sale, it is recommended that you place a few orders yourself first. Why is this necessary?

The fact is that by buying real goods, you prove to the site administration that you are not a scammer. You show that you are a common person, who wants to sell their goods on eBay and has already gained experience buying on the site. Without this, your account may even be blocked on suspicion of fraud. In addition, with these purchases you will gain your first rating and receive positive reviews from sellers, thereby increasing the confidence of future buyers. It’s unlikely that anyone will want to buy from a seller with zero ratings and no reviews.

In order not to spend a lot of money, order several inexpensive but necessary lots, and then start designing your own store.

What do you need to know before you start selling?

  1. Carefully study the available product categories and choose the most suitable one for your product.
  2. Study competitors' prices for similar products and set an adequate price.
  3. When specifying characteristics, indicate everything as accurately and competently as possible. Pay attention to the features that make your product stand out from its analogues.
  4. Be sure to list all shortcomings and defects. If the buyer discovers a defect after receipt that was not stated in the description, he has every right to a refund.
  5. Post high-quality photographs that show the product, preferably from different angles.
  6. Include all expenses in the price, including commission and delivery, so that there are no incomprehensible moments later.
  7. Write in the product name keywords and the most important characteristics.

When creating an ad, look at other offers of similar products and place your lot based on them. Remember that everything must be described reliably, indicating its advantages and disadvantages. eBay cares about all participants in the transaction, so it closely monitors that sellers and buyers fulfill the terms in good faith. If you are silent about the defects of the product or describe it inaccurately, and the buyer ultimately remains dissatisfied, there is a risk that the administration will block your account. At a minimum, you will have to return the money for it, plus the buyer may leave you negative feedback, which will negatively affect your reputation.

Listing process

We've covered all the nuances you need to consider before selling on eBay. Let's move on directly to how to display the product being sold.

So, to place a product, click “Sell” or “Sales” at the top of the screen. First of all, enter the title of the future ad - if anything, then you can change it. Write short name goods. At this stage, the main thing is to make it clear what you are selling. Don't forget that the name is written in English. It is best to include the most key information in the title: the name of the product, its condition and category.

Based on the title you enter, you will be offered the most suitable product categories to choose from. You need to put the one that suits you best - this determines how many users will see your ad.

If the search does not give you the category you need, find it manually. To do this, go to the “Browse categories” tab and select a category yourself.

The next step is a description of the product. First, choose how to create a description - simple or complex. They differ in that they in a complicated way more sections with information and more photos that can be attached. After choosing a method, proceed to the actual description.

Please select the condition of the item below. There are four available options:

  • “brand new” - new;
  • “new in box” - new in box;
  • “used” - used;
  • “used very nice” - used, but in perfect condition.

Next, add a photo. The minimum quantity is 1, the limit is 12. It is better to add as many photographs as possible, showing the product from different angles, so that the person has a clear idea of ​​what he is buying. Try to take photographs yourself, and do not insert photos of the same goods, then it will immediately be clear that you are selling a real thing.

The next stage is filling technical characteristics. This part is very specific to each product, so there are no universal tips here. Fill out all the information truthfully, and if you don’t know some technical characteristics, look in ads with the same products. If this does not give you results, it is better to simply leave the fields empty.

Then enter a text description. You can copy it from another ad selling the same product, or write it yourself. If you copy text, re-read it carefully so that false or inaccurate information does not creep in. But it is still recommended to compose the text yourself.

This text should contain a description of the operation and condition of the product, as well as the terms of delivery and return. Here write about how you accept payment, which countries you do not ship to (if any), whether the buyer will receive a tracking number and other similar nuances.

Finally, on last stage you are required to enter all information regarding financial relations seller and buyer, namely:

  • type of sale;
  • price;
  • delivery method;
  • order processing time;
  • possibility of return.

Let's take a closer look at the first point. What are we talking about?

The fact is that there are several types of trading on eBay. The first type is selling at a fixed price. The scheme is as follows: you display the product, determine the price, if the buyer agrees with the price, he clicks “buy”, after which the product is considered sold.

The second type is an auction. The seller putting the goods up for auction determines only the minimum price and auction period. During this time, everyone offers their price. The only condition is that this price must be higher than the last one offered. At the end of the period, the lot goes to the user who offered the highest price.

The third type is a “reverse” auction. This type of sales is otherwise called a “make offer”. Unlike a regular auction, users do not offer a higher price, but, on the contrary, bring it down. But the winner is not the one who offers the most low price, but the one whose terms the seller will accept.

Choose the most suitable option for yourself. After that, indicate the cost. If you are selling at a fixed price, then set it. For an auction, set a lower price threshold, and for a “make offer”, set the desired size, but be prepared to negotiate.

To select a delivery method, you need to switch to the complicated option for creating an ad, even if you previously filled out everything in the simplified way. The fact is that only American postal services are available in the simplified editor.

To switch, click “Switch to form with more choices” - this link is at the very top of the form. After switching, scroll down again, go to selecting the delivery method and indicate the city from which the goods will be sent. After this, you will have all available delivery methods, from which select the most suitable one.

How to sell an item on eBay

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Many people know about such an Internet auction, a store like the eBay site, where you can buy or sell various goods. Sales can be carried out not only by a legal entity, but also by a simple buyer by choosing the seller mode.

That is, it turns out that with the help of this site, even simple individual has the opportunity to earn income. So, you want to understand how to sell an item on eBay?

How to sell an item on eBay

First, you should carefully study this service and the rules that the seller must follow. Now we move on to the first stage, to make sales.

When registering on eBay, you have the opportunity to register as a regular buyer or seller, if registered as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.

After completing this procedure, in the first and second cases, you need to create an account in the PayPal payment system. My article tells about this payment system and registration in it: ““. The average buyer can do without it.

The eBay website provides the opportunity to become a seller without becoming an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. But there is one important point, to make payments you must have PayPal to carry out payment transactions. When registering an organization, a corporate account is created in share pal.

In general, why is this being done? This payment system is the leading one on eBay and is the most secure in terms of payment transactions.

How to sell an item on eBay, step by step steps

While on the eBay service, go to your personal account by clicking “My eBay” at the top

On the page that opens, pay attention to the column on the left side of the site.

Click on the “Sell” tab - “All sales” - “sell product”.

You will be asked to fill out contact information to indicate it in the seller's profile as an address to contact you.

And only after specifying all the data, a page will open for adding a product and describing its properties, qualities, selecting a category and currency. Be sure to indicate payment rules, delivery methods, and product return policies.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the rules for posting advertisements and conducting sales;
  2. Select the product you plan to sell;
  3. Decide on the category to which the product belongs. If you don’t know what to classify it as, then in a search engine you can simply enter the name and see what category its analogue belongs to;
  4. Come up with good name store. When coming up with a name for your store, you need to try to make it interesting and memorable, preferably one that will reflect the essence of the lot put up for sale;
  5. Create ads to attract buyers. Pay attention to the quality and design of product photographs. Read the ads posted by successful sellers to get an idea of ​​what might attract buyers. Then create your own unique and interesting ad for sale;
  6. Think about what key phrases you can include in your ad so that site users can easily find your product with their help;
  7. Consider different marketing tactics, including sales;
  8. At the final stage, when making a transaction, try to answer questions that interest the buyer.
  9. After the buyer confirms delivery, leave feedback about it.

With the help of such a simple plan, you can understand the overall picture of the sales system for the site. Now you can take a closer look at the rest.

Additionally, you can say the following:

  1. Be sure to try to monitor the auction and adjust your ad if necessary;
  2. If necessary, you can block buyers with a bad reputation;
  3. After making a sale, try to get paid as quickly as possible by issuing an invoice. Also, you can immediately leave good review about the buyer;
  4. Be sure to check the quality of the packaging. If the product is fragile or easy to break, place it in a special container. Also don't forget about packaging. She must be careful.

If any problems arise, there are two solutions:

  1. Just contact the buyer and resolve the issue directly;
  2. Contact the site administration to resolve the dispute.

What products can be put up for sale?

When deciding to start selling through eBay, an important question arises: what can be put up for sale and what cannot?

There are no special requirements for the goods sold; it is worth noting that there are a number of goods that are prohibited from sale:

  1. Alcohol, tobacco products and drugs.
  2. Animals.
  3. Used items.
  4. Plants and seeds, etc.

As previously mentioned, before starting sales, you need to decide on the assortment that you plan to exhibit. You can first study what exactly is in greatest demand among buyers.

It is worth noting that collectibles or crafts are in greatest demand. self made.

How does the sales process work?

You must choose the method by which the sale will be made. eBay offers two options for sellers:

  1. Carrying out sales through an auction. There is a standard auction, Dutch, private (for a certain circle of people) and with a reserve price. The minimum auction period is 1 day and the maximum is 10 days;
  2. Setting a single fixed price for which anyone who wants it can buy it.

However, when holding an auction, there is one caveat when putting goods up for auction: you should choose unusual and interesting lots. This is done in order to obtain maximum profit from the sale. In addition, when setting the duration of the auction, it is worth choosing a weekend as its end.

How to sell an item on eBay from Russia, additional fees

If you are interested in how to sell on eBay from Russia, then the principle remains the same. When opening an account in the PayPal payment system, if sales will be handled by an individual, the cost of the goods is indicated in foreign currency and is not available to buyers from the Russian Federation.

If a legal entity or individual entrepreneur opens a corporate account, then purchases become possible for buyers from any country. To post ads on eBay you will need to use platforms such as Ecwid or MIP.

During the grace period, commission fees for sales within Russia will be zero. If conditions change, we will receive Additional Information. IN in this case only a commission is paid in the amount of 2.9% to 3.9% of the cost of the goods with delivery + 10 rubles for the operation.

If payments will be accepted by an individual, then it should be taken into account that in addition to the commission from PayPal, the following will be additionally charged:

  1. 10% of successful sales on eBay. Payment is made once a month;
  2. $0.30 for each lot displayed;
  3. Various additional paid services(extension of the auction period for more than 10 days 0.4 dollars, etc.).


Thus, before you start selling, you should weigh everything, carefully calculate, and think about it.

I believe that it is better to try something new and not be afraid to change your life. Even if the experience is not successful, it’s okay, treat life more simply, like a game. But you will gain knowledge and experience that will undoubtedly enrich you and will definitely be useful in life.

And already knowing how to sell a product on eBay, you can do drop shopping, which is very profitable nowadays, especially if you use the Aliexpress + eBay combination. It is quite possible that you will find your source of income in this niche. Good luck!

P.S. I am attaching screenshots of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone can do it, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means learning from those who are already making money, that is, from professionals.

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It always seemed to me that eBay is the ideal option to get rid of stale goods. It has the largest audience among online markets – over 110 million active users. They, of course, are spoiled by Chinese prices, but if they reduced the price tag on my T-shirts to cost or slightly lower, then they got a competitive offer. The experience of selling abroad gave me confidence: using ASOS Marketplace, I sent parcels to the UK and France several times.

eBay's conditions suited me: free placement of up to 50 items per month, the market takes about 10% of the sale (depending on the category). Registering for a merchant account simply required entering your name, verifying your phone number, and providing your PayPal account. After that, I got to the welcome page, where I was asked to start posting products.

This process turned out to be simple, but tedious. eBay even asks you to indicate the dimensions and weight of the packaged item. The end of the ridiculous procedure ended in complete disappointment.

“Unfortunately, you will not be able to complete this item card because you have reached the limit on the number of items you can post in this category,” the message on the screen read. IN reference information Limits were mentioned only in passing - who would have thought that the limit would be zero positions. That is, I cannot sell a single item, and the only way to fix this is to call the international eBay office, and strictly during business hours.

Hoping that on the other side of the line everything would probably be automated and that at most I would have to say my e-mail, I waited until evening and called the number provided.

But the manager answered me, and all the advice he gave me boiled down to entering the PIN code when creating a seller account. And I dealt with this for a long time and successfully. After three minutes of communication, the 300 rubles in my account were gone.

And then I started writing. I wrote about my problem and a day later received a response in which I was again asked to enter my PIN code. Then I wrote even more long letter, where I attached screenshots, and only after that things started to happen. They sent me a list of documents for identification. This list is not posted anywhere on the website.

It included: a copy of a driver's license or any other document with a photo, an agreement with the forwarding service, if any, a certificate from the bank about the existence of an account and cards linked to it, a billing address and the expiration date of the card, and if the address on the card ( billing address, for us this is the registration address) does not coincide with the address indicated on eBay and planned to be used in trade, then it must be confirmed by sending a copy of the utility bill.

However, it must be admitted
that the service employees tried
help me. Every time I received a long and clearly not a template letter

All documents must be sent by fax with title page, which indicates the mail and ID associated with the account in the eBay system, after which they are reviewed within 7-10 days.

I sent all the documents through the service and began to wait. Seven days later I received a message in which it was written that they could not satisfy the request, since they did not understand my situation with the addresses.

I sent the following fax, in which on the cover page I described the difference between the registration address and the residential address in Russia, and attached a scan of the registration page from the Russian passport to all other documents.

10 days passed, but they still didn’t answer me. I wrote it myself. It turned out that they touched my second request somewhere. After a couple of hours of searching, they wrote that they had found it, and now they again need 7-10 days to review it.

After another 10 days, having not received a response, I wrote again myself. I was informed that my request was sent to a special department that reviews complex applications, and now they have a lot of work, so I will have to wait a little longer. By this time, a month and a half had already passed since my first attempt to become a seller on eBay.

Over the following weeks, I contacted them several more times: they either lost my faxes again, then asked me to confirm the address again, or reported on the workload of their department. Therefore, when I finally received the long-awaited letter satisfying my request, it was already joyful, funny, and sad. The whole procedure took me three months.

It should still be admitted that the service employees always sincerely tried to help me. Each time I received a long and clearly not a template letter. They thanked me several times for being an eBay user for two years and three months, praised my choice of the latest purchase, and generally showed miracles of tact. I just can’t be angry with them, although I understand that it would be better if they spent their time not on writing letters, but on debugging processes.

Out of the promised limit of 50 product units, I was able to use only 20. The system promised that this number would increase over time and with the growth of my sales. But from time to time I will still have to go through the identification confirmation procedure again. Meanwhile, in the first week of listing on eBay, we had several dozen views for each product - and not a single sale. One thing is good: during this time I have already sold some of my remaining inventory on ASOS Marketplace.

Every home accumulates a lot of things that make no sense to store, and it’s a pity to throw away. What to do in such a situation? You can try to sell something you don’t need online. After all, for some it may turn out to be the most necessary and important. One of the best trading platforms is Ebay. There you can sell almost any product anywhere in the world. So how to sell on Ebay? Everything is not so difficult if you read the detailed and simple instructions.

Total information

Various trading platforms offer their visitors to sell and buy goods on different conditions. The advantage of Ebay is that many countries participate in auctions. So, for example, what you consider outright trash may turn out to be a luxury item or a valuable piece of a collection in another country. Before you start selling on Ebay, please read their terms and conditions.

Why bidding

It is most profitable to participate in auctions. You place a lot, indicate the minimum amount from which the auction begins, as well as the final cost of the goods. To open your own store on Ebay, you must have the status of an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, which is not always convenient for one-time transactions. Especially if you don’t have such status in principle.

Fixed cost

Another way to sell something on a marketplace is to set a specific price for the item. This means that no one will bargain for your item, but will simply buy it for the amount that you consider adequate.


Before you sell a product on Ebay, you must go through the registration process. It's not too complicated as it might seem. On home page site you need to find a button asking you to register. Filling out standard fields is no different from creating a buyer account: address, country, last name, first name and patronymic, email address. But in the status field, you need to select the “seller” or “seller” item. You also need to come up with a short name for your account, which will be displayed next to the item for sale. It is advisable to choose short name to make it easier for customers to remember. After confirmation Email it is necessary to confirm your seriousness of intentions to trade, that is, solvency.

PayPal and cards

If you have not previously registered in the payment system, then now is the time to do so. Since the trading platform only works through PayPal, you cannot avoid creating a personal account there. Before selling on Ebay (instructions will be detailed later), link your card to the payment system. This way you will confirm your age (persons under 18 years old cannot trade), and at the same time mark yourself as a serious seller and not a scammer. And without payment details, no one will allow you to sell on Ebay.

Adding a product

Before you can sell anything on Ebay, you need to add it to the catalog. In his personal account add product. Write its name in English (online translators can help you if you are at a loss). But next you need to create a description. Before you sell an item on Ebay, carefully look at similar items from other sellers. First, you need to fill everything out correctly, otherwise no one will simply buy from you. Secondly, the system may not allow the item to go on sale if you do not describe it correctly.


Write honestly and openly about the condition of your item, what it looks like, and who it is suitable for. So, for example, when selling used jeans or sneakers, tell them how worn they are, how much they cost when purchased, and how long they can last for a new owner. By the way, if you are putting up for sale new items that do not suit you in size or color, indicate that they are new, whether they have tags on them, and the reason for the sale. This will significantly elevate you in the eyes of buyers. Don’t forget to indicate how many products you have in stock, what color, size, shape they are. In general, everything that is important to buyers. Before selling on Ebay, put yourself in the buyer’s shoes: what would you be interested in knowing about the product, what would be important to you.


Without this, the chances of selling something are zero. It’s unlikely that anyone wants to buy a pig in a poke without looking. Therefore, before selling on Ebay (com), take photographs of your item from several sides. So, for example, clothes can be photographed simply from both sides (front and back), and at the same time on a mannequin or a person, so that you can evaluate how well the item fits the figure. When selling electronics, you need to photograph them in working condition, noting all abrasions, cracks, and the slightest negative aspects. They will need to be indicated in the description so that the buyer does not later open a dispute for discrepancy.

Cost of delivery

This is perhaps one of the most problematic aspects of selling. It is impossible to independently calculate how much delivery will cost, because anyone can buy an item, from anywhere. Fortunately, you won’t have to count anything yourself. The trading platform system is designed in such a way that choosing the appropriate payment option and delivery costs is not difficult. By following simple tips, you can protect yourself from selling at a loss. Before you sell anything on Ebay, provide a list of countries in advance where you are willing to ship your item.

Sales format

The most important thing in selling is the choice of format. This is exactly what an auction or fixed payment is. The first option is suitable for those who are selling something exotic or in high demand. This also includes handmade goods. But the second option is suitable for those who are in no hurry to sell and are ready to wait until someone is willing. By the way, before selling at an Ebay auction, it is enough to fulfill all the conditions described above, setting the auction period and price. And then you can safely sell.

Product announcement

This item is needed for those who do not put the lot up for auction, but use a fixed price per unit of goods. There are usually no difficulties. However, when placing your first advertisement, you will always have to choose its form. Only later, having become an experienced seller, the need for this will no longer be necessary. Filling out the form is not difficult, since prompts are active, even if you don’t need them. Marketplace Ebay cares about its users, making it easier for them to sell and buy.

Communication with buyers

Foreign buyers tend to ask a lot of questions before purchasing a product. It is noteworthy that this rarely happens at an auction, but things with a fixed price make you want to ask more about the details. You can manage your communication on the “my ebay” page, where you can also track your ads, and in general everything related to the product being sold. It's worth visiting there at least once a day. When answering customer questions, never deceive or avoid answering truthfully. Why? Because buyers have internal protection against fraud and deception. If you lie, you will have to pay damages to the dissatisfied purchaser.


Always maintain communication with the buyer, including after the sale, while the goods are on their way to him. This will set you up well. Make sure the payment has gone through and the buyer has transferred funds before shipping the item. This is not difficult to do, because trading system The site itself tracks everything, you simply receive notifications about a particular moment of sales.

Product packaging

Perhaps this is one of the most basic points. You must carefully pack the item you are selling so that it reaches the recipient safe and sound. Certainly, transport companies try to deliver goods safely, but this is not always possible (and human factor, and force majeure situations make themselves felt). Please enter the correct recipient address (check several times). It’s good if you fill it out not by hand, but print the sheet on a printer and then glue it to the box or bag. This is especially true when delivering parcels to other countries.

So, how to sell on Ebay? The instructions are simple:

  1. Register in the payment system and link your bank card.
  2. Create a seller account on Ebay.
  3. Add a product.
  4. Fill out the description as detailed and honestly as possible.
  5. Add photos.
  6. Select the sales format (fixed price, auction).
  7. Set a price (either final or minimum for bidding).
  8. If necessary, limit the auction time.
  9. Add a sale ad if the price is fixed.
  10. Decide on delivery options.
  11. Communicate with buyers.
  12. Send the goods on time.
