A candid interview with Tom Cruise's first agent. Interview with Tom Cruise How would you describe the film?

9 July 2012, 21:47

Eileen Berlin was Tom Cruise's first agent from 1980-1983. She became his second mother and mentor when he was on the cusp of fame; Tom Cruise's former personal manager, Eileen Berlin, says she knew from the start that his relationship with Katie Holmes was doomed. Breaking her silence for the first time since she signed on with Tom Cruise, who had just turned 18, Mrs Berlin said last week that she believed Tom's three marriages had ended because of his hidden anger, which was created by severe the actor's childhood. The actor's real name is Thomas Cruise Mapother IV. As a child, he suffered from dyslexia, was bullied by his peers, and was beaten by his father. At age 15, he entered the seminary, intending to become a priest. Mrs. Berlin, now 77, who owned an agency with her husband, met Cruise about three years later, after he decided acting was his calling. "Tom's mom asked him to leave her house, I think because he had teenage problems with alcohol," says Mrs. Berlin.
Proof: Tom Cruise's 1981 photo shoot when Eileen Berlin was his manager and the birthday message he wrote to her. "Every time I saw him, he would be with a girl, but I never saw him with the same girl twice. It was like he was trying to prove that he was needed or he just wanted to feel love." "I wasn't surprised when Kathy broke up with him. I was just surprised that the marriage lasted so long. I was surprised when he married his first wife, Mimi Rogers, and I was surprised that it lasted ten years." the second time, with Nicole Kidman. “Tom was easily susceptible to mood swings and could get angry at the snap of his fingers. Cruz moved into the manager's Manhattan apartment within three months of him signing with her company. In 1981, he signed a contract for his film "Taps", which became his breakthrough. By the time I met him, he decided he could be a star, says Eileen. He wanted to be treated like a star, and he acted like a star. He walked into my house practically naked. I had a mirrored wall and he stood in front of it, flexing his biceps and admiring himself. "I was a little embarrassed, but he loved showing off his body." Although he could be moody, the young lodger also had a charming side to his character. Mrs Berlin said: "He was sweet, respectful and polite. He always addressed me as 'ma'am' and my husband as 'sir'. But he was secretive and unable to show his true feelings. I'm sure his wife couldn't cross that barrier. He would channel his anger into his roles, says Mrs. Berlin. "While filming 'Taps,' he locked himself in the closet. He said he imagined someone had raped his sister before than he did the scene where he blew up the machine gun. My husband and I took him out to lunch one day when we were on location and the waitress said, 'Are you one of the actors?'" Tom told us, "Please tell her not to asked me no questions. I'm still in character." Another time he flared up was when Mrs Berlin gave him a real surprise on his birthday - an album in which she had inserted photographs of him from fan magazines. Mrs Berlin says: "He screamed that he didn't want to to be on the cover of teen magazines, he threw the album in my face and hit me on the cheek with it. Their professional relationship ended in 1983, but they remained in touch and at one dinner he mentioned the Church of Scientology, saying it had helped him overcome the dyslexia that had prevented him from doing well in school. Mrs. Berlin says she began receiving invitations to church events. "I think Tom was the perfect candidate for Scientology, says Eileen. He didn't believe in therapy, but he clearly needed help. He just couldn't have a relationship, and I think that it is because he suffered too much from his father to do so. “The world thinks he is a handsome guy who is worth millions. I see him as a little boy. Posted by Sharon Churcher

Posta-Magazine publishes exclusive interview journalist Nat Ivey with Cruise,

who these days is traveling around the main cities of the planet, presenting his new work “Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation” in cinemas.

Will fans once again admire the versatility of their idol, and haters will compose another volume of memes? A real hero cannot be unambiguous! Actor, director, producer and screenwriter, three-time Golden Globe Award winner and three-time Oscar nominee, Tom Cruise is the all-time box office leader... and a constant source of ridicule.

His sincerity, passion and emotionality often become the basis for cruel jokes, but the inhospitability of reporters does not prevent Cruz from remaining himself, although sometimes he has to defend his convictions in court. His marriage to Nicole Kidman is a constant source of idle speculation among Internet psychologists. His emotional declaration of love for Katie Holmes on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2005, where he jumped onto the couch and dropped to one knee, has been the subject of numerous parodies, including in Scary Movie 4. His daughter Suri, according to journalist and author of an unofficial biography of Cruise Andrew Morton, was conceived with the help of specially preserved sperm of Scientology founder Ron Hubbard (however, the actor categorically disagrees with this statement and filed a lawsuit against Morton), and Tom Cruise’s very passion for Scientology became the subject of ridicule in the TV series "South Park", in the episode "Stuck in the Closet"...

However, in the end, it is these angry satirists who remain “stuck in the closet” of their one-sided hatred: Tom Cruise moves forward - and not just in the race cars he adores! He is actively involved in charity work, raising his daughter and creating films that are watched by millions of viewers around the world. Posta-Magazine presents an exclusive interview with the actor, who these days introduces the public to his new job"Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation." Let's respond to the call of the movie portal vulture.com, which called its material It’s time to start liking Tom Cruise again - It’s time to fall in love with Tom Cruise again!

Nat Ivey: “The Mission” is a cult movie that fans are very passionate about. How did the fans greet you at the premiere?

Tom Cruise: Incredibly warm. I love going out to fans and talking to them. Some I have seen for many years in a row and recognize them by sight, and I really appreciate each of them, because it is an incomparable privilege to do what you love and receive gratitude for it. I'm making this movie for you, and it's important to me that you enjoy it.

A special role in the film “Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation” is given to the building of the Vienna Opera. Will you reveal the secret of the plot twist?

I've been invited to Vienna many times to film because the thing about Mission: Impossible films - and one of the main reasons I've always wanted to make films - is the opportunity for both actor and audience to travel the world and celebrate diversity and diversity. its cultures. I was invited to Vienna, and Chris McQuarrie (director, one of the screenwriters of “The Mission” - Note) came up with the idea to start filming in the building of the Vienna Opera. This is classic suspense, carefully, meticulously crafted, an incredibly beautiful sequel, and I want you to enjoy it quickly. Especially the incredible performance of the great actress Rebecca Ferguson.

I am a true cinephile, I love cinema with all my heart, I study cinema, I enjoy it. And one of the key things that Chris McQuarrie and I wanted to achieve was full development stories and characters set against a backdrop of exciting action. When my hero Ethan Hunt first meets Rebecca Ferguson's character, it's a standard man-meets-woman setup. But in Vienna this acquaintance turned out to be extremely romantic and elegant. At The Mission we call this scene the “first date.” As the plot progresses, the character of the heroine is revealed from a very interesting side, and Rebecca brilliantly conveys all the shades.

- “Missions” are wonderful because you are constantly doing something that no one has done before. IN new series You perform incredible airplane stunts - and you do them without a stuntman!

- “Mission” is action, and I like to do everything “live.” I'm working with the best stunt team in the world. Whether it's motorcycles, cars or airplanes, I always jump at the chance to practice and improve my skills. Chris McQuarrie came up with the idea to use me. “What do you think about hanging from this plane?” - he asked me. “Sounds tempting. I always wanted to try something like this,” I replied. And, to my luck, we managed to come to an agreement with Airbus, and everything turned out exactly as we planned. There was no camera on the plane itself. We were driven to the scene by a test pilot who had been involved in the development of this aircraft for 10 years, and he also helped us with all the preparations for filming. It became clear that in order for me to keep my eyes open, I would have to wear special lenses. When the plane took off from the ground, I wanted the plane to take off at such an angle that I could see the ground disappearing from under my feet, and so that my legs would dangle, hitting the body of the plane. There were no objections to this idea from the pilot; I remember how he told me: “There will be no problems with this.” One more thing: it was very cold. We filmed in winter, but I couldn’t wear thermal underwear due to the specifics of the costume. I don’t know if you remember Hitchcock’s movie “North by Northwest”, I adore this film, and I especially love the scene in which Cary Grant’s character, dressed in an elegant suit, tries to ram a plane in a corn field. It was this scene that inspired me in the airplane sequence: I had to be in a suit. It doesn't make any sense, but it's fun and metaphorical. In general, there was a lot of work and ideas. And being behind the plane is also a challenge. I myself am a pilot, I fly maneuverable aircraft and I know first-hand what an exhaust nozzle is.

When the day of filming arrived, I was strapped to the plane, the pilot started the engine, then the plane taxied, everything went according to plan, I saw Simon Pegg, I saw the camera filming me from over his shoulder before we took off from the ground. And suddenly the plane begins to “nod off”, I don’t know where to put my legs, I hit them against the fuselage. Fortunately, the nose of the plane eventually rose into the sky. And then I felt a wild rush of adrenaline, I felt fear in my whole body, I thought: “Is this a good idea? Now I’m not so sure about it, but it’s too late to change anything.” But the scene was worth these experiences. People ask why I do this. I'm doing this for you. It seems to me that only such a movie can entertain and captivate, so I really hope that you will not be disappointed.

You've been portraying the character of Ethan Hunt for two decades now. Do you think he has changed during this time?

I don't know how it has changed, but I feel like I've started making better movies. This is the fifth film I've produced, and it's inspiring, I dream of making more and more. It’s some kind of unearthly joy to put it together like a puzzle, connect all the ideas and create a film. "The Mission" is always a challenging film to make, and every day of filming brings me great joy, it is always a challenge that I accept with excitement and enthusiasm. Plus it's extremely fun, and if you like it, we'll continue.

How Tom Cruise changed from film to film...

You said that you wanted every actor in the film to have a decent role. How did you work through the script with Chris McQuarrie to satisfy your desire to build a full-fledged character for each character without having such a strong team ruin the film?

You know how much I love movies. I am both an actor and a producer, and what inspires me most in my work is the people I work with. I have people around me whom I truly respect, and Chris McQuarrie, with whom we have already made five films, constantly inspires me with new ideas, he is my brother in creativity. But not only the idea is important; you need to be able to not just take an actor and “mix” him well into the intended character. It’s much more interesting to find what an actor is really good at, understand what admires you about him, and create a character for him in which his talent will shine and sparkle with new colors.

The director must give the actor a role that will glorify him, that will bring him the recognition he deserves. I'm carried away strong characters to the cinema. I think if you look at all my films, starting with Lights Out and Risky Business, it becomes clear what kind of acting inspires me, and I want... as a viewer, I want to see not just a sketchy plot, but full-fledged characters. I make a movie - but this story is not about me, but about us. And what I admire about Chris McQuarrie is his ability to select actors and reveal them. Simon Pegg - who doesn't love Simon Pegg? This is his third time on our team. I remember seeing him in “Shaun of the Dead” - and immediately invited him to the third “Mission”! And the way he works with character, the way he develops, is exactly what every true film fan dreams of seeing on screen. Jeremy Renner, Ving Rhames, Alec Baldwin. Every!

Tom Cruise - like any Hollywood superstar of this caliber - is constantly being watched. How did he behave, what was he wearing, what did he order for breakfast at the hotel, what glasses did he wear? People are interested in any details. By the way, we learned about glasses - Tom Cruise is a fan of the Ray-Ban brand.

Posta-Magazine thanks the Fotodom agency for its assistance in organizing the interview.

On June 14, 2012, Adam Shankman's film musical Rock of Ages, based on the Broadway musical of the same name, was released in Russia. Tom Cruise will appear before his fans as 1980s rock star Stacey Jaxx, whose career is nearing its end. However, at the end of the film, he gives hope to his fans.

Galina Galkina: I can’t even believe that you will soon turn 50 years old...

Tom Cruise: Yes, the third of July.

G.G.: What do you do to look so great?

T.K.: I’m working. After all, since childhood I dreamed of becoming an actor, and now I’m doing what I love. This probably makes you look younger (laughs).

G.G.: Why did you decide to play in the musical?

T.K.: Katie loves musicals very much (actress Katie Holmes is the wife of Tom Cruise - G.G.). She sings and dances, and together we studied the entire history of musicals. And our daughter Suri really likes Hairspray. You probably know that when a child likes something, he cannot stop. So, I watched “Hairspray” with my daughter fifteen times. I thought that director Adam Shankman did a very Good work. I met with him and asked: “What will our musical be like?” Soon he invited me to “Rock of Ages” in Los Angeles. That's how it all started.

G.G.: Your character Stacey Jaxx is a rock star in the 1980s. Were you initially confident that you could sing?

T.K.: No, I didn’t make this decision right away. I told Adam, “Let’s see how I do.” Maybe the eighties will inspire me, if I’m not completely deaf” (laughs).

G.G.: Throughout your career, you have played many roles of varying degrees of complexity, but it seems that you have not yet sung in any film?

T.K.: Absolutely, but I like it when a new role gives me the opportunity to learn new skills. So I would never have planned to take singing lessons, but in order to play my role well, what can you do (laughs)! Preparing for this film became the same training for me as for all other films. In order for muscles to work, they must be trained. And if you want to sing, then you need to train your vocal cords. In addition, I had very professional consultants: for example, Ron Anderson, former coach on vocals by Axl Rose from Guns N'Roses. But even before you start preparing for new role, I usually think about what kind of story I want to tell. My last character has fallen into melancholy because he only really lives on stage and his time is running out.

G.G.: Was it difficult to learn to sing?

T.K.: I practiced vocals in the studio for four hours a day, after which I couldn’t even speak. This is my first and last role as a rock star (laughs).

G.G.: Did you sing as a child or in your youth?

T.K.: One day I was rehearsing a scene from the movie “Risky Business” at home. My mother went to work, my sister also went out somewhere, and I turned on Bob Seger at full volume and began to repeat after him. I learned to dance to the legendary TV show Soul Train. I realized then that if a man knows how to dance, then he has a greater chance of being the center of female attention. So I worked really hard on this role (laughs).

G.G.: Your character in “Rock of Ages” spends most of his time in bed with his fans and opens one bottle of alcohol after another. What did you find most difficult about this role, besides singing?

T.K.: It was difficult to get used to this kind of character, but without it I would have become just a laughing stock. Stacy had to look real, but I didn't want to imitate this or that rock star. I wanted to create an original and unique hero who is not like anyone else, but in whom the audience would believe.

G.G.: Your Stacey has a lot of luxurious tattoos, and it’s clear that this is part of the makeup. What about long hair– did you grow them specifically for the role?

T.K.: No, this is my hairdresser’s trick - hair extensions, which look much more natural than a wig.

G.G.: Yes, but where did the monkey come from? Was she in the script?

T.K.: No, it’s just that when I was looking for my character, I decided that I needed a monkey. My character is very lonely, and it seemed to me that the monkey should become his bosom friend. I re-read the biographies of so many rock stars and realized: despite the huge crowds of fans and admirers, they were very lonely people. And the stage became their home.

G.G.: Where is your home?

T.K.: Good question. My home is now in Miami, where we are filming Rock of Ages. Then I'll move to Pittsburgh to film Jack Reacher. Well, then - to Baton Rouge. There we have to shoot the film “Oblivion”, which should be released next year. This is a story about a mechanic who fixes aircraft. One day he discovers castaway spaceship, and in it - a beautiful woman.

In 2006, on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Tom jumped on the couch and shouted to a seasoned, but nevertheless shocked Oprah that he was crazy about Katie Holmes. He proposed marriage to her in Paris, then they had a wedding in Italy, and finally, Katie gave birth to Tom’s daughter Suri... All this time, rumors about the couple did not stop: either no one believed in the sincerity of the actor’s feelings, then everyone was discussing his style Katie, we were worried that Cruise had dragged his poor wife into the Scientology sect... Now on the agenda new topic: Katie made her successful stage debut in the Broadway musical All My Sons, and everyone is talking about her new sexy image, while Tom, meanwhile, is having a meltdown with his new film Valkyrie, the premiere of which is being postponed. The actor played German officer Claus von Stauffenberg, who was preparing the assassination attempt on Hitler in 1944, and acted as a producer of the film.

Photo: DEFD/Vostock Photo

Tom, they say, in Lately you have become much more restrained. Do you think marriage and fatherhood have changed you a lot?

Yes very. In general, it was an amazing time for me: I found a woman with whom I am still madly in love, she is wonderful, and besides, she gave birth to me a child that I could no longer even dream of! It was simply excellent! Now I can confidently say: I am very happy and looking forward to the future.

In addition to Suri, you have two adopted children from your marriage to Nicole Kidman. But the birth of your own child was probably the most important thing for you. important event in life?

I would not share these events at all. My adopted children are as dear to me as Suri. They are all equally important to me, I treat them all absolutely equally and do not make any distinctions between them. Ask Isabella and Connor if they feel a lack of communication with me, and they will confirm that nothing has changed in our relationship since the birth of Suri. Just like now with Suri, I once woke up in the middle of the night and changed Isabella and Connor’s diapers to let Nicole sleep... I am their father and would do anything for them. And there will always be a very strong connection between us. Moreover, I am sure that Nicole will tell you the same thing, although she now has her own child.

By the way, about Nicole. You acted in films with her. Have you thought about a joint project with Katie, or is it difficult to work with your wife?

I wouldn't say it's hard or easy. I work well with everyone. And working together with your beloved is very pleasant. (Smiles.) Katie and I are working on our home and family, and it gives us great pleasure. So why not extend these pleasant moments with shared movie scenes? I don't mind, the main thing is to find the right film.

Well, that's not a problem for you. Do you know that you are considered one of the most influential actors in Hollywood?

Whatever they think I am, it doesn't matter. Me and " golden raspberry“They handed it over, and now what? (Smiles.)(Tom was nominated four times for this anti-award and won twice, including as “Most Annoying Tabloid Character” after his scene on the notorious sofa on The Oprah Winfrey Show. - Note OK!.) I know I can make films. There are still things that I can do well and always do them one hundred percent. Otherwise I just live my life. Although this does not mean that I am not responsible for what happens. And in general, I don’t think about all these titles and ratings. I am who I am.

Do you explain anything to children when they see you on billboards?

I don’t think there is any need to explain anything here; I have a completely different idea on this matter. Things like that don't bother me, and I don't want them to bother Isabella, Connor, or Suri.

And when people criticized you for jumping on the couch on Oprah, did that bother you?

No, absolutely not. I was in love, the feelings overwhelmed me, and it was so wonderful that everything else didn’t bother me at all. Yes, many people condemned me, but I’m not the only one. Many of my friends also tell me their stories, talking openly about how they felt when they fell in love. And in general, people around me constantly tell a huge number of their love stories, and that's great, it reminds us to enjoy life! If we don't hope that everything will be fine in life, then it will never happen.

How often do you think back to the time when your mother left your father and decided to support the family herself, desperately trying to earn money?

I never forget about this. And oddly enough, sometimes it seems to me that there was some kind of adventure in this. Many people find themselves in much more difficult situations than the one I found myself in then... I had to learn how to work, and I don’t regret it. Another thing is that today in our society children are not allowed to work, and this is wonderful. And of course, then all this did not seem like a fun adventure to me at all; on the contrary, I was very worried. When I was young, I generally thought all the time: why did everything turn out this way? I was always looking for an answer...

After all, before acting career you wanted to become a priest...

me with early age interested in life in all its manifestations. It was not important for me to become a priest, I was simply interested in religion, spirituality, life, people. I kept asking myself the question: why?

Did you find the answer?

And what is he like? Perhaps reincarnation?

And this, of course, too. I believe in reincarnation. In general, Scientology helped me a lot: thanks to it, I developed a philosophical outlook on life.

Have you ever felt like you were playing Tom Cruise in your life?

No, it never even occurred to me. I am who I am and I just live my life no matter what people think of me.

Your New film"Valkyrie" is about Germany during the war. Don’t you think that now almost all movies touch on the topic of politics in one way or another?

Yes, lately all films have been related to politics to one degree or another. It seems to me that now is the time important time, and all the decisions that each of us makes are reflected in the world. Moreover, this applies not only to the press or politicians, but also to teachers, students, businessmen, and housewives. And of course, to us, the actors.

Do you dream of winning an Oscar?

Let's just say it was never my dream, but it would be a lot of fun to get one. Although I don't even think about it. I love being involved in making a film and bringing a story to the audience. And I wouldn't say that the film academy is that terrible, but let's be real: it has never been objective. So I have not been guided by the opinion of academics for a long time. I just always wanted to act in different films and did it. My career includes everything from “Born on the Fourth of July” and “Magnolia” (for both films Tom was nominated for an Oscar, but never received it. - Note OK!) and ending with Eyes Wide Shut, Jerry Maguire (also nominated for an Oscar. - Note OK!) and "Vanilla Sky".

You have everything in life. What would you like, because you are still missing something?

I'm very pleased with everything. But life always teaches us something, so if I am missing something, I will soon understand it. ( Smiling.)

Of course, the most significant premiere of this summer, if we talk about blockbusters, is the new “Mission: Impossible” proudly called “Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation”. Needless to say, no matter how many missions Tom Cruise takes on, we will root for him for as long. Because it's Tom Cruise! Correspondent Marina Kobleva fulfilled the dream of millions - she went to meet Cruz in Vienna.

Exactly a year ago - in August 2014 - filming of the film “Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation” began in Vienna. They also decided to hold the world premiere here. The painting was completed literally five days before this solemn event.

And now - one of the central streets in front of the Vienna Opera is blocked, hundreds of fans, an incredible two hours for autographs and an hour for interviews with the international press - all this in 35-degree heat! The premiere was greatly delayed, but not disrupted at all - this is always the case with Tom Cruise. He does everything honestly and 100%. Here he takes off to a height of one and a half thousand meters above the ground, holding onto the door of the plane. This was not filmed in a studio, nor was it made with computer graphics. This is for real!

Tom, this airplane stunt is absolutely crazy! What were you thinking when the plane took off?!

I thought: Holy shit!

And so all 8 takes? Which was scarier - the first or the second? It's always worse to do it again, isn't it?

Oh, no, no, no, the first time was the scariest, absolutely! Of course, each time you had to be very careful - it’s dangerous, you don’t just have to perform a trick, but also act and work for the camera. And for the first time the adrenaline just went off scale! And during the second take, something flew into me and broke my rib. And all the next times I was afraid that some stray bird would kill me! But... I'm fine!

Are you really dangerous in a fight?))


We'll tell you more about the box office achievements of the new "Mission" on Friday, but now we'll move on to Russian cinema. The traditional film festival “Window to Europe” was held in Vyborg; the decisions of the jury, which this year turned out to be the most controversial in the entire history of the film festival.

In the entire 23-year history of the Window to Europe festival, for the second time the Grand Prix is ​​awarded not to a film, but to an actor. This happened for the first time 4 years ago: the prize was given to actor Pyotr Zaichenko for his role in the film “Siberia. Monamour" by Slava Ross. This time the main prize was won by Irina Kupchenko for her role in the film “The Teacher” directed by Alexei Petrukhin. The same film also received audience choice. “The Teacher” is a story about what a teacher can go to. A history teacher, tired of the impudence of high school students, takes up arms.

“I really wanted teenagers to look at themselves from the outside, recognize themselves in the characters of this film and draw some conclusions for themselves, what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is bad,” notes Irina Kupchenko.

The merits of Alexander Proshkin were awarded a special prize from the festival president Armen Medvedev. In the co-production feature film competition, Bakur Bakuradze won with the drama “Brother Deyan”. Prize for best scenario went to Yusup Razykov for “Escape from Moskvobad” directed by Daria Poltoratskaya. The best documentary film became “The Last Knight of the Empire” by Sergei Debizhev about Ivan Solonevich, the author of the book “Russia in a Concentration Camp”. Thus the “Window to Europe” closed.
