Is May 1st celebrated in Israel? Between grief and joy: Israel remembers the fallen and prepares for Independence Day

April and May are very popular times for traveling to Israel; it is already warm like summer, but not yet swelteringly hot. In May in Israel you can find one short period(about 2 weeks or less) when the poppy fields and other vegetation bloom - soon all this will be scorched by the summer sun.

It is worth booking tickets and hotels for the May holidays in advance, since there are usually a lot of people who want to come here at this time.


In May, summer is almost upon us in Israel. The air temperature in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa is about +24...+26 °C, and in Eilat it is already very hot - about +35 °C. The water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea is +19 °C, in the Red Sea - +22 °C, and the warmest place to swim is in the Dead Sea - about +25 °C.

The swimming season in May is already open throughout the country, and rain at this time is very rare.

What is the price

Hotel prices vary by city. The most expensive hotels are in Tel Aviv; staying there will cost about 25% more than in Netanya or Haifa. Please be prepared to pay a deposit before moving in.

It is often more profitable to buy a ready-made tour for the May holidays.

Things to do?

Sunbathe and swim in three seas - the Mediterranean, the Red and the Dead, go on excursions to holy places and leave a note in the Western Wall with cherished wish, improve your health at the Dead Sea resorts and restore your beauty in local spa centers, dance all night in Tel Aviv discos, try all the falafel in the surrounding cafes and decide where is the best.

In April-May, Israel celebrates one of the main holidays of the year - Independence Day, so there is a chance to see military parades and other special events. IN

Holidays in Israel in May 2018

Jewish holidays in Israel in May 2018

Public holidays in Israel in May 2018

Holidays in Israel in May 2018

Memorable dates in Israel in May 2018

There are 4 holidays celebrated in Israel in May. This is Lag Ba-Omer, Day of Salvation and Liberation (Yom Shihrur ve-Atsala), Jerusalem Day (Yom Yerushalayim), Shavuot

According to the Jewish calendar, Lag Ba'omer is the 18th day of the month of Iyar, 5778.

Lag Ba'omer is a holiday in the Jewish calendar that marks the anniversary of the death of the great sage and kabbalist Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. On this day, picnics and other entertainments are held, bonfires are lit and archery is performed.

Working day in Israel

This is the only holiday in the country according to the Gregorian calendar. If May 9 falls on a Saturday, then holiday events postponed to Sunday

The holiday was established by the Israeli law “Celebration of Victory Day over Nazi Germany” No. 2659 dated July 26, 2017 and will be celebrated for the first time in 2018

The law consolidates the state status of the holiday, approves the date of its holding and determines the procedure for organizing celebrations, which previously took place throughout Israel with the support of central and local authorities

In Israel Defense Forces units and in high schools, time will be devoted to studying the topic of Victory over Germany.

In Israel, every year, starting in 2018, they will provide cash local authorities to work to perpetuate the memory of this event. In addition, the holiday will be celebrated with a procession in Jerusalem, a ceremonial meeting of parliament and a government ceremony. Israelis have celebrated the holiday before, but this is the first time it has been approved at the state level.
At the same time, Victory Day, as the Day of Salvation and Liberation (Yom Shihrur ve-Atsala), will continue to be celebrated, primarily in individual schools (mainly in the Jewish religious sector of education) with the permission of the Minister of Education on Iyyar 26 according to the Jewish calendar

Working day in Israel

On Friday, May 11, 2018, Israel celebrates the Day of Salvation and Liberation.Yom Shihrur ve-Atsala

According to the Jewish calendar, Yom Shihrur ve-Atsala is the 26th day of the month of Iyar, 5778

Celebrating Victory Day in Great Britain Patriotic War in Israel and in the largest Jewish communities in Europe. Celebrated since 2015. At its core, the Day of Salvation and Liberation is a holiday of prayer and gratitude

May 13, 2018, Sunday, Israel celebrates Jerusalem Day, Yom Yerushalayim

According to the Jewish calendar, Yom Yerushalayim is the 28th day of the month of Iyar, 5778

Proclaimed in honor of the reunification of Jerusalem after the Six-Day War (1967). During the war, for the first time in two thousand years, control was established over the sacred sites - the Temple Mount and the Western Wall. This day symbolizes the historical connection of the Jewish people with Jerusalem.

Working day in Israel

According to the Jewish calendar, Yom Yerushalayim is the 6th day of the month of Sivan, 5778 ( Russian name Pentecost - 50th day of the Omer)

Yom Tov - holiday

Jewish holiday, the giving of the Torah to the Jews on Mount Sinai upon leaving Egypt. The holiday of Shavuot is celebrated in honor of the Sinai Revelation. On this day in 2448 from the creation of the world (1312 BC), the Almighty gave the Jews the Torah and the Ten Commandments - the moral and ethical basis of all human civilization. The diaspora celebrates the 6th and 7th

Day off in Israel

For more information about the holiday of Shavuot, see here:

2018-02-01T17:10:49+00:00 consulmir Israel Holidays and weekendsHolidays and weekends in IsraelPublic holidays in Israel in 2018, Public holidays in Israel in April 2018, Public holidays in Israel in May 2018, Jerusalem Day (Yom Yerushalayim), Day of Salvation and Liberation (Yom Shihrur ve Atsala), Jewish holidays in Israel in 2018, Jewish holidays in Israel in May 2018, Israel, Lag Ba'omer, Memorable dates in Israel in 2018, Memorable dates in Israel in May 2018, Holidays in Israel in 2018, Holidays in Israel in May 2018 ,Holidays and weekends,Holidays and weekends in Israel,Holidays and weekends in Israel in 2018,Holidays in Israel in 2018,Holidays in Israel in May 2018,ShavuotHolidays in Israel in May 2018 Jewish holidays in Israel in May 2018 Public holidays in Israel in May 2018 Holidays in Israel in May 2018 Memorable dates in Israel in May 2018 In May, Israel celebrates 4 holidays. This is Lag Ba-Omer, the Day of Salvation and Liberation (Yom Shihrur ve-Atzalah), the Day of Jerusalem...consulmir

Many Mediterranean countries open their beaches to holidaymakers in May. And this is not without reason. Rest this month is the most favorable, as it is favored by suitable weather. The rain is starting to dry up sea ​​water It’s warming up, and the sun is still not quite scorching. An amazing place to relax in the Mediterranean is the Holy Land - Israel. This small country is surrounded by forests, mountains, deserts, gorgeous beaches and protected areas, church and cultural monuments. Israeli health resorts and bustling big cities, saturated with cultural events, happily welcome tourists. What is a holiday like in Israel in May?

Weather conditions in May

Very important question for a visit to an area with a subtropical climate - weather. Should you go to Israel in May? There is no need to even doubt this choice! The weather in Israel in May is excellent in every corner of the country. Helps you enjoy true happiness warm air, gentle sea and not too scorching sun. This is facilitated by the Mediterranean subtropical climate. The relief of the Holy Land is very diverse, so the temperature is different corners may vary. Mountain regions are generally cool, while coastal cities enjoy moderate warmth in May.

Israelis have something to be proud of; their country is washed by four seas. Where exactly to go in Israel in May? Good weather this month they welcome tourists throughout the country. The Red Sea region stands out for the hottest weather in Israel in May. The temperature here can reach +35 °C. In more northern regions The thermometer readings can be about +25 °C.

What is the sea temperature in Israel in May? The water warms up significantly at the end of spring, to about +24 °C. The Dead Sea is the most gentle, the temperature in it reaches +31 ° C (Eilat).

The cities of Netanya, Ashdod, and Tel Aviv are very comfortable in the spring: the thermometer rises to 27 °C. At night in Israel (in May) it is also warm, average temperature+20 °C. The Dead Sea will also delight its visitors; the temperature near its shores can rise to +38 °C at the end of May. As summer approaches, Israeli resorts become increasingly hotter both day and night.

Features of activities and beach holidays in May in Israel

All Israeli shores begin in the spring swimming season. In Israel, in May the sun shines generously, the velvety sea becomes steamy, and the sky becomes cloudless. Bright beach leisure for sunbathing tourists is guaranteed. May is the optimal month for a beautiful and healthy tan and real swimming. At the beginning of the month, the water warms up to +21 °C, and the second half will delight you with water up to +23 °C. For people who cannot stand hot weather, it is best to go on a tour to Israel in May.

The natural world of the Holy Land this month will delight you with fresh green leaves, flowering trees and shrubs. In the mountains and meadows of Israel, you can watch flowering meadows, which are later burned out by the sun.

Where to go and what to see?

Israel has very rich history. Every corner here bears witness to a turbulent past. The most popular routes for tourists are sacred places. You can visit Jerusalem at any time of the year; this cradle of Christianity will take your breath away. Jerusalem surprises with the abundance of tombs, grottoes, monasteries, gardens, and underground tunnels. The Way of Sorrows, the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Golgotha ​​- these are the most popular places in the city from biblical accounts.

Bethlehem is located 8 km from Jerusalem, where many pilgrims also come. Caesarea and Nazareth greet guests joyfully. In the city of Ramla you can see the very interesting Mini-Israel park. There are a lot of interesting things in Tiberias. Modern Tel Aviv amazes with its architecture. Beach holiday will delight the city of Eilat.

Entertainment activities

Every tourist will find entertainment to suit their taste in Israel. The country's wonderful water parks delight not only children, but also adults. Jerusalem joyfully opens its doors to visitors to the biblical zoo, where birds, reptiles, and mammals mentioned in the Holy Scriptures are collected. Ramat Gan delights tourists with its zoological center "Safari".

In May, Jerusalem hosts exciting events offering visitors. The country's best artists and performers gather this month for the Israel Festival, which you can also visit. Various holidays and fairs are held in Tel Aviv and Rosh Pina, where vacationers stock up on local souvenirs. One of the country's celebrations in May is Independence Day.

May evenings and nights in Israel are also unforgettable! There are many nightclubs, restaurants, bars and discos here.

Not only relaxation, but also wellness

Fun activities are good, but what about getting healthy in May? Many Europeans prefer to be treated in Israel. Medical services in this country are among the best in the world. Thus, Lake Cyrenet is famous for its health centers. For treatment, sea water is used, which is beneficial for the blood and nervous systems. The Dead Sea area has become a real healing zone.

Tours to Israel in May

Holidays in Israel in May cost tourists a little more than in summer. The price of the tour is approximately 1300 EUR. People going there in the spring are focused on a resort holiday. Most often, tourists fly to Tel Aviv and Eilat, which have developed infrastructure.

Thus, the TUI company offers to visit Israel in May for 27,000 rubles per person. Departures take place from Moscow.

Tour operator has the following offers: eight-day tour to the Dead Sea - 505 USD, "Seven days in Jerusalem" - 488 USD, "Israel and Jordan" - 774 USD for 8 days.

"KMP-group" has a wide range of excursions around Israel. Most often the tour lasts 7-8 days.

Also, tourists often use the services of such tour operators as Coral Travel, Shalom Israel Travel. They often offer discounts, gifts, and promotions.

Calendar of state and religious holidays Israel. Public holidays in Israel when shops, restaurants and banks may be closed.

Israel is an amazing country that has managed to preserve its identity and traditions and at the same time rush forward in terms of innovation. At the same time, few places in the world have preserved such an amount of historical and religious heritage as here. As soon as you step onto the grounds of Ben Gurion Airport, you will understand that the country is inhabited by friendly people with a great sense of humor. Respect for traditions could not but influence the holding of holidays in, during which an indescribable atmosphere reigns.

So, what does a tourist need to know about the main celebrations of this country?

Calendar New Year in Israel

For local residents, the night from December 31 to January 1 is not special. This does not mean that the New Year familiar to most countries does not exist in Israel. On the contrary, local clubs and restaurants are packed to capacity at this time. The only problem is that the rabbinate, as such, does not accept the celebration of the calendar New Year. Therefore, all entertainment venues, theaters, cinemas and art galleries are operating at full capacity.

If the question is whether to go or not to go to Israel for New Year, then the answer will be unequivocal - of course, go. You shouldn’t expect general fun, as in, but don’t expect to be sad in a hotel room alone either. Tel Aviv, Bat Yam, Eilat and Haifa will still buzz all night.

IN New Year's Eve You can watch musical performances from classics to modern times, have a blast at a disco, or take your child to visit Santa Claus. Popular in days New Year holidays and rural tourism. This is the so-called immersion in the life and culture of ordinary people. If such leisure activities do not inspire you, know that even in winter in Israel you can go down the river or ride a bike, since the climate is quite mild.

Also during New Year's holidays Stores are pleased with discounts. In Israel you can find both national souvenirs and analogues of Russian toys specially created for this day.

Winter holidays and festivals in Israel 2019

Israelis amazing people, they pay tribute to everyone - from the queen to the trees. In honor of the latter, even their own New Year was invented. This holiday is celebrated in Israel on the 15th day of the month. shevat(in 2019 this will be January 31). It is typical for him to plant fruit trees and decorate the table with fruits from his own garden or garden. Seven of them must be present at the holiday. These are grapes, figs, pomegranates, dates, olives, barley and wheat.

For reference. In Israel reverent attitude To fruit trees. They cannot be cut or broken, since in “tradition” they symbolize a person. Thus, the crown of a tree represents life, the fruits represent children, and the roots represent faith.

The festival has its fruits: pomegranates are sold like apples here!

On February 25, Queen Esther (Esther) is remembered in the country. A modest, beautiful, respectable woman at one time saved Persian Jews from death and uncovered a conspiracy. This day is not a holiday in the country, but many Jews go to church and cook festive dinner to pay homage to the beautiful Esther.

Israeli holidays in March 2019

When fun is a commandment, and prayer is consolation.

March 1, 2019 Israel will be overwhelmed by a wave of fun. This is not surprising, because Purim- one of the most grandiose Jewish holidays. The celebration celebrated in honor of the salvation of the Jewish people has a centuries-old history and traditions. The obligatory stages of the holiday are the reading of the Scroll of Esther, a festive meal, generous (and delicious!) gifts to loved ones and, of course, a carnival.

Theatrical performances began to be organized back in the 6th century, but masquerade processions won the hearts of people only in the last two centuries. Today this has acquired unprecedented proportions: grandiose carnivals are held in all major cities countries, thousands of people take part. Those travelers who find themselves in Israel at the beginning of March will be especially lucky. Where can you better feel the spirit of the people and join the culture of the country, if not at a national holiday?

It is noteworthy that Purim is celebrated twice: first throughout Israel, and the next day on. It just so happens that in the newly declared capital it is customary to celebrate the holiday a day later.

Jewish Easter is celebrated for a whole week (in 2019 - from April 19 to 27). This is a time of pilgrimage and prayer. On the first day none government agency does not work, in the following days the Israelis work for half a day. Tourism during this period acquires exclusively religious overtones.

Spring holidays: a tribute to history and traditions

On April 20 the country will celebrate independence Day. This is not only a memorable, but also a unique holiday. This is the only non-religious celebration in Israel. Scientists, military men and artists receive awards, meat and vegetables are cooked everywhere on open fires, fireworks bloom in the sky, and in the evening the city streets turn into one huge dance floor.

Lag B'Omer(May 3) is a special holiday like everyone else. According to legend, on this day (on the 33rd day after the counting of the Omer) the epidemic ended, which claimed the lives of 24 thousand of Rabbi Akiva’s disciples. Despite the sad background, on the day of Lag B'Omer it is customary to have fun, jump over fires, and compete in archery.

With the arrival of the chief May holiday Israel seems to be coming back to life from mourning. During the day you can admire the colorful performances, and at night you can test yourself and your own dexterity by briskly jumping over a huge fire.

Israel Summer Holidays 2019

In the summer, local residents have no time to celebrate holidays, because Jews are hardworking people. This doesn't mean they don't have reasons to celebrate. But truly happy laughter can only be heard on Shabbat, that is, on Saturdays. If you didn’t know, then this particular day is considered the final day in the calendar week.

But once a year it happens that even a sacred day off is not a reason for joy. It's about a day of mourning Tisha B'Av(August 1). On the Day of Tribulation, Israelis remember the chain tragic events: from the destruction of the first temple to the extermination of the nation during the Second World War.

Traditional New Year in Israel

Unlike the rest of the world, in Israel the New Year is celebrated three times. For most local residents, the period of counting down the “new life” begins in the fall. This date is floating, but it never falls on Sunday, Wednesday or Friday. In 2019 Rosh Hashanah will be celebrated from September 10 to 11 (Monday-Tuesday). This holiday has its own traditions:

  • It is generally accepted that on this night a person’s fate is decided in heaven: whether to live or die. Once in Israel on Rosh Hashanah, you can hear the wish to be written in the book of life.
  • Traditional treats for the Jewish New Year are sweets. Round bread or apples are dipped in honey to bring prosperity to the coming year.
  • It is customary to refuse sour foods so as not to darken the future.
  • Another tradition of the Israeli New Year's table is to decorate it with the head of a chicken, fish or lamb. In some areas, original dishes are prepared from these parts of the carcasses.

Rosh Hashanah is considered the beginning of the year, but you won't see fireworks or fun on the streets. This is more of a celebration of the soul rather than the body - you can’t count on spectacles.

If your soul still asks for holiday fireworks, you can go to the light show in the museum any day. Look how beautiful it is.

Festive October, or “week of huts”

From October 5 to October 12, 2019, local residents will leave their homes, because in the yard Sukkot- one of the most important pilgrimage holidays, during which houses (huts) are built from branches and religious rituals are performed. This is a tribute to the walk of the Israeli people in the desert. As a rule, the celebration coincides with the harvest time. Therefore, at the same time, it is customary to thank God for what is given, ask for rain and simply enjoy life.

Despite the significance of this holiday for Israel, local residents do not receive the “October holiday” as a gift. One day is quite enough, local authorities believe. But according to tradition, you can only eat and sleep in a hut, so the particularly religious part of the population takes “time off” and even vacations at their own expense.

It’s easiest for children and students - for them the whole week is a day off.

Hanukkah in Israel, or festivals of light

On December 13-20, Israeli cities flash with thousands of lights. The brightest week of the year begins - Hanukkah. Every day the amount of light on the streets becomes more. In houses they try to light candles every day: on the first day one, and then gradually - up to 8 candles. They are usually placed on window sills or entrance doors- lucky are those who live in multi-storey buildings!

During this holiday, it is customary in Israel to eat fried donuts or pancakes, and also to play spinning top. Children enjoy the festival the most, because Hanukkah replaces Christmas in the country. Children are given gifts, and older children are given money. Schools and kindergartens are closed at this time.

If you missed Easter or beach season in Israel, go to Hanukkah. You will not find such a riot of light anywhere else. The festival in Jerusalem is especially colorful.

Excursions in Israel at the best prices

The most interesting excursions in Israel are routes from local residents. Topics for every taste: from historical and religious to gastronomic tours of eastern markets. For holidays it is better to book in advance. All excursions are conducted in Russian, and there are already more than 60 walks on Tripster!

Weekends in Israel 2019

Many Israeli festivals last for weeks, and only the first few days are official days off. When are official holidays in the country?

  • December 31 and January 1- New Year;
  • January 31- New Year of fruit trees;
  • 20 April- Israel Independence Day;
  • April 21, 2019- Easter in Israel;
  • September 9-10, 2019- New Year Rosh Hashanah;
  • October 5- the beginning of Sukkot;
  • December 13th- the beginning of Hanukkah.

There are several more in the Israeli calendar significant dates: Queen Esther's Day (February 25), Purim (March 1, 2019), Lag B'Omer (May 3, 2019) and Tisha B'Av (August 1). They are not official days off.

And remember the main thing: the seventh day of the week (Saturday) is sacred in this country, it is reserved for communication with God. To put it simply, for complete rest, when you cannot do not only work, but also worldly affairs - even driving a car or purchasing groceries for the week ahead.

Most holidays in the country are of a religious nature, which means they must begin with prayer. This is probably why Israel leads the list of places on earth where the largest number of pilgrims come from all over the world.
