Interesting facts about African peoples. Amazing Facts About Africa

Interesting facts about Africa - a vast continent with a rich own and inherited colonial culture - these are official statistics and unusual information from the life of indigenous peoples.

  1. East Africa - the cradle of mankind and the most likely place of human origin. Here, in Kenya and Tanzania, archaeologists find the most ancient human ancestors. Remains of predecessors found in Olduvai Gorge modern man, tools and remains of prehistoric animals.

  2. Lake Chad is rapidly drying up m. It has existed for millions of years. The main reason for the shallowing of the lake is the wasteful withdrawal of water for irrigation by the inhabitants of the nearest villages.

  3. Africa is home to the largest living land animal. African elephant used to have a wider distribution area. But on the territory North Africa he is no longer known.

  4. Africa is the largest supplier of diamonds, the continent accounts for about a third of all reserves mineral resources planets. Diamonds were found by chance, in the Karoo desert plateau in Republic of South Africa, farmer.

  5. Most unusual inhabitants Africa is penguins. The only type of penguins in Africa are spectacled. Their nesting place is the southwestern coast of the continent. Their existence on the driest and hottest continent is possible only thanks to the cold Bengal current.

  6. Record holder for growth rate - the Sahara Desert. The largest desert receives only 7 centimeters of precipitation per year. Even in the "wettest" parts of the desert, precipitation may not fall for years. The Sahara is growing south at a rate of 48 kilometers per year.

  7. In Benin, there is a wall of ramparts and ditches that is longer than the wall in China.. The protective structure is protected by UNESCO. It is the largest earth structure in the world. The construction of the wall was started in the period of 800 BC.

  8. The amazing miracle of the plant world of Africa - the baobab. It is not only famous for its unusual size and shape, but also for its lifespan. Last fact is still controversial, since it is difficult to establish growth rings on a tree. But the method of radiocarbon analysis shows that the tree has a lifespan of 5500 years. The trunk of a giant can reach 25 meters in diameter.

  9. The oldest university is located in Africa, in the city of Fes. It was founded in 859. educational institution is still valid. In addition to Muslims, Christians also studied here.

  10. Ethiopia's most violent ethnic group, the Mursi. Men do not go out without a Kalashnikov, and fights and murders are common among this tribe. FROM early childhood mursi warp lower lip, stretching it to an incredible size. A necklace made of human fingers is considered to be a particularly prized adornment for Mursi women.

  11. Longest-lived record holder lives in Africa. The naked mole rat lives in deserts. The rodent lives up to 70 years.

  12. Ol Doinio Lengai is the only volcano on the planet with an alkaline lava composition.. A stratovolcano is located in Tanzania. Millions graze on the shores of the soda lake pink flamingos. Against the background of black lava, flamingos look especially exotic and bright.

  13. Poisonous lake without fish and even the simplest organisms is located in Algeria. The fact is that here instead of water - ink. The water of the lake is overflowing with various organic compounds from peat bogs. As a result of decomposition, ink is obtained. Lake fumes are hazardous to health.

  14. The highest and lowest ethnic groups live on the continent. The Tutsi tribe is the tallest people, and the most short people on the planet are considered representatives of the Mbuti tribe.

  15. At least 250 million Africans suffer from chronic malnutrition, every fifth woman dies in childbirth, more than 50% of the population is under 25 years old, more than 25 million are infected with HIV.

Wildlife of Africa

Most of Africa is undeveloped by people. A significant part of North Africa is occupied by the sultry Sahara Desert. This lifeless sandy expanse is one of the hottest places on the planet.

In the equator region, which crosses the African continent exactly in the middle, there are vast rainforests- impenetrable thickets of giant trees. These forests are always humid due to heavy tropical rains.

More than one third of the African continent is occupied by a flat hill, for the most part overgrown with grass and shrubs. it African steppe- savannah. Huge herds of elephants, antelopes, zebras and other herbivores graze here. Other animals, such as lions, prey on herbivores.

Mountains, lakes, rivers

Through East Africa passes a giant fault in the earth's crust, which is called the Great Rift Valley. There are many mountain peaks, gorges and deep lakes in this area. The highest mountains are in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The largest lake is called Victoria and occupies a huge depression in the middle of the rift valley. It looks like a small inland sea, fertile lands are located along its shores.

The most full-flowing African rivers- Nile, Niger, Congo, Zambezi and Limpopo.

Fish are caught in them, they are used for various transportations and for irrigation of fields.

peoples of africa

Africa is inhabited by many different peoples. The north is dominated by Arabs and Berbers, most of whom are Muslims. Black tribes and peoples living south of the Sahara desert, representatives of more than 800 different ethnic groups, make up three-quarters of the population of the continent.

Africa has 53 states, more than any other continent. Their inhabitants speak more than two thousand different languages.


Many people in Africa are agriculture grow cocoa, cotton, sugarcane, coffee, tea, bananas and rubber trees. Africa is the main producer palm oil from which soap and margarine are made.

In addition, Africa is very rich in minerals: gold, diamonds, tin and copper are mined there. There are large deposits of oil in the west and north of Africa. Most Africans live in small villages, often preserving the ancient way of life and culture of their tribe. But cities and industrial areas grow very quickly.

Most big cities Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt, Lagos in Nigeria, Kinshasa in Democratic Republic Congo and Cape Town in South Africa.

European influence

For many centuries, Europeans knew very little about Africa and Africans. At the end of the 15th century, the Portuguese opened a sea route to India, rounding the southern tip of Africa. Soon the entire African coast was mapped, but few merchants and explorers ventured inland.

In the 16th century, European navigators began to bring slaves from Africa.

In the 1500-1800s, about 14 million slaves were taken from Africa to America. Usually merchants bought them from the tribes on the coast.


In the 19th century, many European countries founded their colonies in Africa. The continent was divided between Great Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Portugal and Italy. European authorities brought new customs and rules to Africa, but soon many Africans began to resent foreign domination.

The conquest of independence

During the 1950s and 1960s, most of the colonies became independent states. Many of them were very poor and endured terrible civil wars in which different political groups fought for power. Now many African states are experiencing difficulties. However, their economy is developing, they receive assistance from stronger and more developed countries.


The African continent is able to surprise and charm any traveler. Africa attracts with its mystery and naturalness. Today it is one of the most interesting places on Earth, thanks to its nature and landscapes, color and, of course, inhabitants. This article contains the most Interesting Facts about Africa:

  • According to archaeological excavations, it was on the African continent that human civilization originated.
  • Africa is considered the only one of the 6 continents on which there are still places untouched by man.
  • It is home to unique species of wild animals that are not found anywhere else in the world.
  • The area of ​​the Sahara (the world's largest desert) is larger than the area of ​​the entire United States.
  • Nile is the most long river Africa and the second longest in the world (after the Amazon).
  • Lake Victoria is a freshwater reservoir, which is considered the second largest in the world and second only to Lake Baikal.
  • The sound of the Victoria Falls can be heard for 40 km.
  • African men and women have the lowest life expectancy. The average is 49 years.
  • This is the most "seven" continent, because it is crossed by the zero meridian and the equator.

  • The Pyramids of Cheops, which are located in Egypt, are one of the wonders of the world. It is the only one of the surviving miracles.
  • Black Lake is a natural phenomenon where ink is contained instead of water. No fish live in it and no algae grow. Reasons for the origin of this unique phenomenon- are still unknown.
  • Few people know that Venice is not the only city on the water in the world. So in Africa there is the city of Ganvie, where houses are built on the water.
  • Richat, also known as the Eye of the Sahara, is a geological structure in the desert. Due to its considerable diameter (50 km), the Eye of the Sahara was clearly visible from space and served as a guide for astronauts for a long time.
  • Heraklion is an ancient, sunken, Egyptian city. Discovered, relatively recently, during the operation of the search for sunken ships.
  • Ol Doinio Lengai is an African volcano whose lava temperature does not exceed 600C. It is considered the only "cold volcano" in the world.
  • Sidi Bou Said is the third largest surviving Colosseum in the world. Included in the UN heritage list. This is a city in the north of Tunisia, it is also called the "blue pearl of Africa", the city received this name due to the fact that it is painted in white and blue.
  • Kolmanskop is a city in Namibia, one of the most famous ghost towns in the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was the center of diamond mining in Africa. Now, its territory can only be visited for a fee, as part of a tourist group.

  • Natron is a red-pink lake in Tanzania. Due to excess salt on the surface of the lake, it changes its color from pink to bright scarlet. It is one of the few places on earth where flamingos breed.
  • The Stone Forest or Tsingy de Bemaraha, a geological plateau located in Madagascar, has an amazing landscape of caste origin. Included in the list of objects under the protection of UNESCO.
  • Tatawin - the city-prototype of the planet Tatooine from the saga " star Wars". Some of the film's episodes were filmed right here.
  • The level of gold and diamond mining in Africa is the highest among all continents.
  • On the African continent, I simultaneously live tribes whose population is considered the most tall people in the world. The average height of an adult male here is about 1m 85cm. There are also tribes where people live whose height does not exceed 1m 35cm.
  • Equatorial Guinea is the wealthiest country on the continent. It ranks 24th in the ranking of the richest countries in the world.
  • Kilimanjaro is a volcano that has never erupted (according to other sources, the eruption was more than 2 thousand years ago), but is considered active.

  • Naked digger - small rodent, is unique in its kind, because it is insensitive to certain types of pain. Lives in Kenya and Ethiopia.
  • Egypt is not the only country African continent where there are pyramids. There are more than 200 pyramids in Sudan. Only they are no less famous than the Egyptian ones. Sudan is the most large country African continent. The smallest country is considered to be the Seychelles.
  • Nigeria is the country with the largest population.
  • Penguins also live in Africa. These are spectacled penguins - an endangered species that lives on the coasts of Namibia and South Africa.
  • Cannibalism is still common in some African tribes.
  • Graça Machel is an African who has been honored to be first lady twice. The first - as the wife of Samor Mashela, the second - as the wife of Nelson Mandela.
  • Baobab can live up to 10 thousand years. The tree can change in volume, because during the rainy season the baobab accumulates moisture, and then consumes it.
  • 8 Nobel laureates were originally from South Africa - this is the highest figure among all African countries.

  • The world's first heart transplant (1967) was performed in Africa.
  • An underground lake in the Sahara is the source of water for all the oases of the desert.
  • The oldest operating university in the world is located in the city of Fes. This is Al-Qarween. Outstanding Eastern philosophers and mathematicians studied there.
  • Cartographers have created a unique map of the Sahara. It indicates the places where people most often see mirages.
  • Over 35% of Africans are uneducated.
  • Egypt is the most popular country in Africa among travelers. Every year, it is visited by more than 10 million tourists.
  • Islam is the most widespread religion on the continent. It is practiced by more than 75% of the total population.

  • The African elephant is the largest land animal in the world. Its weight is from 6 to 7 tons.
  • Morocco is the only country in Africa that is not part of the African Union.
  • Africa has the lowest number of Internet users of any continent.
  • Nigeria is the largest oil importing country in Africa.
  • Translated from Latin, "Africa" ​​means "sunny".
  • The distance between Morocco and Spain is only 13 km.
  • On the French in Africa they say more people than in France.

Of course that's not all interesting facts about Africa, to list all the unusual and mysterious about this continent is impossible in one article. Africa still keeps a lot of things unknown to man!

Summary of GCD on cognitive and speech development using a multimedia projector

"Journey through Africa" ​​in the senior group.

Target: expanding and consolidating children's knowledge about the mainland Africa.


1. Refine elementary representations about features geographical location Africa.
2. Consolidate children's knowledge about climatic zones Africa (desert, savanna, jungle).
3. Clarify children's ideas about the animals of Africa: their features appearance and habits depending on the environment.
4. Form ideas about herbivores (giraffe, zebra, rhinoceros, elephant) and predatory animals (lion, cheetah) of Africa.

1. Enrich vocabulary children.
2. Fix value compound word(rhinoceros).
3. Develop the ability to communicate during the discussion; decide problem situations explaining your choice.
4. Develop logical and imaginative thinking, attention, memory, imagination.

1. Cultivate love and careful attitude to nature.
2. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.


Globe or geographic map"Animal and vegetable world”, visual aid “Animals of hot countries”.

preliminary work:

  • looking at a world map, a globe, a map of Africa, reading books: "Aibolit", "Barmaley" by K. Chukovsky;
  • memorizing poems by S. Marshak "Elephant", "Giraffe", "Camel".

Course progress.


Guys, what time of year is it now? (children's answers)
- Yes, outside the window is frost, cold, snow, but there is such a place in the world where it is summer now. And today we will get acquainted with such an amazing place.


The warmest continent

Picturesque and great.

Lives here in the savannas

Lots of lions and monkeys.

Children: Africa.

Educator: Guys, today we will make a trip to Africa. Let's go to the map (globe) and see where Africa is?

Children approach the map, the teacher shows the location of Africa.

The coast of Africa is washed by two oceans - the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean.
Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia. About 1 billion people live in Africa. Africa is considered the ancestral home of mankind, it is here that the most ancient remains of our ancestors were found. Africa is the hottest continent on the planet.

How are we going to get to Africa? (children's answers)

The teacher and children imitate a boat trip to the sound of the ocean.

- Guys, I see the largest sea animal. Who is this? (children call it a blue whale). But the most swims by predatory fish. What is it called?
So we got to Africa. Exit the ship.
caregiver : You and I got into the realm of hot sand and bright sun. What is the name of this place?
Children: desert.

What do you know about the desert?

What it is? (children's answers).

What is in the desert?

The sand is very, very hot. If you bury an egg in the sand, it will boil. Hot winds blow here, there is no rain for years.
Do you think plants can live in this place? (answers)
Trees and flowers practically do not grow in the desert, but camel thorns grow there. They have long, long roots with which they try to reach the water underground. In the north of Africa, there is the largest desert on earth - the Sahara, and in the south - the Kalahari (map).

Educator. Guys, who can live in the desert?

Children: Camel.

Why is a camel known?

Children: humps.

Do you know what's in his humps? Fat - he eats it when he walks in the desert for a long time. A camel can not drink for two weeks and not eat for almost a month!

Can you not drink for two weeks and not eat for almost a month?

No, people cannot go without drinking or eating for so long, especially in the desert.

caregiver :

Guys, what do people call a camel? (ship of the desert).
Why do you think? (movements are smooth, like a ship).
- Is a camel a domestic or a wild animal? (children answer)

Why do people need camels?
- Camel caravans carry heavy loads, people.
These are very strong and hardy animals. Long thick wool protects the body of a camel from scorching sun rays. There are thick calluses on the feet to make it comfortable for the camel to walk on the sand. The deserts of Africa are inhabited only by camels They are also called... dromedaries.

caregiver : Children, who can remember the verse about the camel?

Children tell the poem "Camel" by S. Marshak.

Poor little camel:

The child is not allowed to eat.

He ate this morning Alice.

Only two such buckets!

Educator: Other animals also live in the desert: turtle, meerkat, tarantula, black cobra, horned viper, scorpion, monitor lizard.

Educator: It's time for us to move on.

A camel has a baby camel, a turtle has a baby turtle.
-Further our path lies through african meadow - savannah.

(sl.1) Savannah presentation.
- What is the land in the savannah covered with? (grass).
It's always thick here. (sl.2) yellow dry when there is no rain and

(sl.3) green juicy after the rains. grow somewhere giant trees. What are their names?
These are baobabs. (sl.4)

it amazing trees, they have a thick trunk. To embrace it, you need to join hands with the whole group kindergarten.
Let's observe the inhabitants of the savannah.

(sl.5) For example, a lion

Do you know what it's called?

Children: King of beasts.

Educator: right. The lion belongs to the cat family and is the second largest living cat after the tiger.

(sl.6) The lion has the thickest mane of all animals. Do you know any animal with the same beautiful thick mane as a lion?

And the hair on the body is short, only at the end of the tail there is a brush of long hair.

Can you show me how a lion roars? (sl.7)

Guys, what does a lion eat?

In Africa, the main prey of the lion is the wildebeest and the zebra, because the lion is a very predatory animal.

Is the lion a wild or domestic animal?

The teacher continues the story . (sl.8) But this Cheetah is the fastest animal on earth, it can run as fast as a car goes 100 km / h. Can you run as fast? (sl.9)

caregiver : Come on guys, show me.

Children quickly imitate running in place to fast music. The teacher praises the children, they sit down, the lesson continues.

Educator: Guys, tell me the biggest animal in the world.

(sl.10) The elephant is the largest animal on earth. The elephant has large thick legs that look like columns, ears that look like burdock, large and sharp tusks.

What else does an elephant have?

Children: trunk.

(sl.11) Why does an elephant need a trunk? (children's answers) With the help of a trunk, an elephant collects leaves and fruits from trees, tears grass, drinks. With it, he effortlessly can transfer a rather thick tree.
An elephant can use its trunk as a hand, and lift various objects, including putting food in its mouth.

Guys, what do elephants eat?

And elephants feed on leaves, branches, bark and roots of trees and shrubs. Children, who can tell a verse about an elephant?

Children recite S. Marshak's poem "Elephant"

They gave the shoe to the elephant.

He took one shoe

And he said: - Need wider, Anya Putkina.

And not two, but all four.


African horses dress in vests ... What kind of horses are they? (children's answers)
(sl. 12) Of course they are zebras. Are zebras herbivores or carnivores?

caregiver : Name the tallest animal on the planet.

(sl. 13) Giraffe. The giraffe is very Long neck, and on his head he has two horns covered with wool. Giraffes can run fast, but they usually walk slowly. Giraffes feed on tree leaves.

Educator: Children, who knows the verse about the giraffe?

Children tell the verse "Giraffe" by S. Marshak.

Picking flowers is easy and simple

Children of small stature

But the one who is so high Mila, Kostya Zhurov.

It's not easy to pick a flower!

“And he doesn’t sing and doesn’t fly” ... Who is this?

(sl.14) In Africa lives the most large bird in the world.
This is an ostrich.


Ask me kids.

“Why do people consider him a bird?”

(sl.15) The ostrich has wings and a beak. Ostriches, like other birds, lay eggs.
Educator: (sl.16) There are small lakes in the savannah. It's… a waterhole. All the animals of the savannah gather there to get drunk, to swim.

Physical education "Monkeys".

We are funny kids

We play too loud.

We all stomp our feet

We all clap our hands

We puff out cheeks

We jump on toes.

Together we jump to the ceiling,

We raise the finger to the temple,

And even to each other

Let's show the tongues!

Let's open our mouth wide

We'll make all the grimaces.

When I say word three

All freeze with grimaces.

One two Three!

Educator: Guys, who do you and I look like?

(sl.17) Children: monkeys.

Educator: Guys, do you know what monkeys like to eat?

Children: Bananas.

Educator: (sl.18) Correctly. Monkeys love bananas, and they also eat insects, bird eggs, seeds, tree leaves, and grass. Monkeys like to climb trees, and they can even sleep there.

(sl.19) And if we met monkeys, then we are in the rainforest.

What is it called? (jungle). Yes, it's jungle. In the jungle grow very tall trees and palm trees, creepers, ferns. (sl.20) Lianas are climbing plants. Liana does not have enough light, so she clings to a tree trunk and wraps herself around it. The jungle is the kingdom of monkeys. There are a lot of them here.


Guys, who else besides animals lives in Africa? (Africans)

How are they different from us Russians? (skin color)

Educator: Guys, today we only talked about some of the animals of Africa, and many, many more interesting animals live there, but we'll talk about them next time.

Surprise moment:

(sl.21) - sad children.

(A letter and parcel arrives from Africa from African residents).

“Animals from the African deserts, savannahs, jungles have mixed up their homes. African children ask children from Russia to help. In gratitude, they send a gift (bananas).

(sl.22) - funny kids.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher praises the children, and treats themselves to bananas.

(sl.23) - mainland Africa.

Synopsis of a game lesson for children of the 1st junior group (3rd year of life), topic: "Africa"


To give children elementary ideas about Africa.
Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.
Improve counting skills, compare objects by size (large-small, tall-low, thick-thin), the ability to navigate in space (top-bottom).
Continue to learn to distinguish and name colors, geometric shapes.
Introduce children to different sand play options.
To form visual skills (sculpting, drawing, gluing).
Develop thinking, imagination, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.


Parrot toy.
Clothespins. Color silhouette image of a parrot without wings and crest.
Picture-scheme with the image of a palm tree from geometric shapes, geometric shapes.
A background picture depicting a thick and thin palm tree and three and one parrots, pebbles, nuts, the numbers "1" and "3".
Silhouette images of elephants in four sizes.
Background picture with the image of a tiger without stripes, brown gouache brushes.
Toy simulator "boa constrictor".
Background picture depicting three mountains of different sizes, colored silhouette pictures depicting the sun, an eagle, flowers, a lake, blue ribbons.
pebbles different color, size, shape. Pouches.
Background picture depicting a turtle with circles of different colors and sizes pasted on the shell, corresponding buttons.
Capacity with millet, sand, funnels, bottles.
Trays with sand, figurines of animals, plants, bars.
Green salt dough, corks from plastic bottles, spruce needles.
Background picture, yellow paint, semolina, glue, silhouette color picture"turtle", plasticine of different colors.
Dynamic pause equipment:
Audio recordings: E. Zheleznova "Limpopo", "Monkeys".

Lesson progress:

Greeting game "Our smart heads"

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, deftly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs straighten
We smile at each other.

Surprise moment "Parrot"

An unusual bird came to visit us today. This is a parrot. (Toy display). The parrot wants to invite you to his land, where he lives - to Africa. Africa is big, there are forests, mountains and deserts in Africa. We accept the invitation, we go to Africa?

Parrot invites to the African forest

Didactic game "Fold the palm tree"

From geometric shapes, fold a palm tree with nuts.

Didactic games "Thick and thin palm trees", "Feed the parrots with nuts"

Count how many palm trees are in the picture? Two palm trees. Show a thick palm tree. Show thin palm.
How many parrots are on a thick palm tree? Three parrots. And how many parrots on a thin palm tree? One parrot. Put numbers under the palm trees indicating the number of parrots. What number will you put under the palm tree with three parrots? Number three. And what number do you put under the palm tree with one parrot? Number one.

Let's feed the parrots nuts. Arrange the nuts on the palm trees so that each parrot gets one nut. How many nuts will you put on a thin palm tree with one parrot? One nut. And how many nuts should be put on a thick palm tree. Where are the three parrots sitting? Three nuts.

Didactic exercise "Arrange the elephants"

Here the elephants came with the whole family to the watering place. Arrange the elephants around the lake (blue circle). Two little elephants decided to swim. And two big elephant they are closely watched from the shore. Put two little elephants in the lake. And now the elephants got drunk, bought themselves and were about to go home. Put them in order of height: the first is the largest elephant-dad, followed by a smaller elephant - mom, after mom - an elephant, a little smaller than mom, and the last is the smallest elephant.

Drawing "Tiger"

Tigers live in Africa. Here they are beautiful, with stripes. And one tiger was born without stripes and is very upset by this. Feeling sad and angry all the time. Let's help him and draw stripes. Take the brushes in your hands and draw lines from top to bottom on the tiger so that it has stripes.

Game with clothespins "Parrot"

Make wings and a crest of colorful clothespins for the parrot.

Dynamic pause "Boa constrictor"

Here a boa constrictor crawled to us. Say hello to him. The boa constrictor invites you to play with it.

Lie with your chest on the boa constrictor, clapping your hands on the floor, swinging your legs.
Lie on your back, head on a boa constrictor, raise your legs and arms up, catch your legs with your hands.
Rolling from side to side. Head on a boa.
Walking on a boa constrictor with a regular step, attached.
Walking. Feet on the floor, boa constrictor between the feet.
Crawling on all fours, boa constrictor between knees and hands.
Stepping over a boa constrictor.

Parrot invites to the African mountains

Didactic game "In the mountains"

The sun shines bright and hot in the sky. Put the sun on the sky, at the top of the picture. Here they are - the mountains. How many mountain peaks are in the picture? Count. Three mountains. On the top of the highest mountain there lives an eagle bird. Land the eagle on the very high mountain. And flowers bloomed on the lowest mountain. Put two flowers on the lowest mountain. A stream flows down from the top of the middle mountain. Place the blue streamer ribbon on the middle mountain. At the foot of the mountains, below, a whole lake turned out from a stream. Lay out a lake at the bottom of the picture, under the mountains.

Exercise "Collect the stones"

Pebbles are scattered on the floor. Children must collect them and put them in bags.

Drawing on stones

Let's draw on the rocks. Choose your stone and color it.

Dynamic pause "Limpopo"

Children move by overcoming obstacles (tunnel, bench, corrective path, stumps).

Parrot invites to the African desert

Button game "Beautiful Turtle Shell"

Arrange the buttons in circles suitable color and sizes, decorate the turtle shell.

Exercise "Find gems"

In a container with millet, children look for pebbles with their hands.

Exercise "Pour the sand"

With the help of a funnel, children pour sand into bottles.

Modeling "Cactus"

In traffic jam plastic bottle children insert rolled up in a circular motion a large ball of green salt dough. A small ball is attached on top of a large ball. Then spruce needles are stuck into the resulting cactus.

Visual activity "Desert"

First, the children paste the image of a turtle on a green background. Balls are made from pieces of plasticine, applied and pressed against a yellow background - pebbles are made. Then the children smear the yellow paint with a sponge, sprinkle with semolina and move their fingers - sand in the desert.

Sand play "Africa"

Sand is poured on trays, children run their fingers along the sand - they make a river. Pebbles, animal figurines are placed on the sand, plants are stuck in, a bridge is built across the river - a bar. Then the children play with the buildings.
