Maximum amount allowed. How to declare money at the airport and other border points

Traveling to other countries requires having money with you. Transporting currency across the Russian border is also relevant if you work in a country other than your home country. So that you can import or export from Russian territory without any problems. required quantities funds, it is necessary to monitor the customs regulations of the Russian Federation. It is these rules that regulate the procedure for transporting foreign and national currency, things and other material assets, determine how much and what you can transport with you. Unlike migration rules, which Lately until 2019, they changed a lot in the direction of tightening, customs rules remained virtually unchanged.

Knowledge of current regulations will help you cross the border without any problems. The regulations clearly regulate the amount of money, things and their value that can be carried through Russian customs without hindrance, for which declaration is required, and for which customs duties are levied.

Today it is not uncommon to travel to other countries in search of work, on vacation, or even on shopping tours. All these trips are associated with the need to transport cash currency across the Russian border. To avoid conflict situations and problems during customs inspection, you should familiarize yourself with the amounts of money that can be transported across the border of the Russian Federation.

If a person has made trips before, nothing will change for him, since Russian customs rules in 2019 have not changed compared to previous years. We invite you to update your knowledge of how money is transported to and from the Russian Federation or to familiarize yourself in detail. If the trip is the first or after a long break.

Free transportation of cash


Carrying money from or to the customs territory of Russia without following the procedure established by customs rules is an offense. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation defines the transportation of money or monetary instruments across the border in an amount exceeding 10 thousand US dollars without proper declaration as smuggling. The punishment for committing such an act is:

  • fine from 3 to 10 times the amount;
  • a fine of wages the perpetrator for a period of up to 2 months;
  • restriction of freedom – up to 2 years;
  • forced labor – up to 2 years.

Fines and other sanctions depend on how the offense was committed and how much money the offenders were trying to transport. If a particularly large amount was transported (more than $50,000) or with the participation of several people:

  • a fine of 10 to 15 times the amount of currency moved without declaration;
  • a fine in the amount of the convicted person’s salary for a three-year period;
  • restriction of freedom – up to 4 years;
  • forced labor – up to 4 years.


Customs regulations unlike migration Last year have not changed and continue to operate in 2019, so no surprises are expected for those who travel a lot. You can carry cash in any currency equivalent to 10 thousand US dollars.

How much currency can you export from Russia? This is one of the key questions for Russian citizens planning a trip abroad. The topic is relevant both for tourists and businessmen, and for those traveling to another country for permanent residence. After all, in a foreign country you cannot do without money. And the traveler should know how much currency can be brought across the border in 2019 without declaration.

The export of currency across the border of the Russian Federation is regulated by customs rules. No changes were made to them in 2019. To export a certain amount of dollars or other currency from Russia, it is necessary to declare it. It is the customs rules that determine how much money can be taken outside the Russian Federation freely, and how much - by declaration.

Before visiting abroad, travelers are advised to clarify customs details. This will allow you to avoid problems at checkpoints and freely take out the required amount from the Russian Federation - in rubles, dollars, euros, pounds, yuan, etc. It is worth remembering that the rules for exporting currency apply not only to banknotes. Exported money is divided into 2 types:

  1. Cash cash, which are legally in circulation in countries around the world. Such means include:
    • Banknotes.
    • Treasury notes.
    • Coins (with the exception of coins made of precious metals).
  2. Monetary instruments:
    • Bills of exchange.
    • Securities.
    • Bank checks.
    • Traveler's checks.

Main rules

A Russian citizen leaving the Russian Federation must comply with the following customs rules for the export of money:

  • Without a declaration, it is allowed to export an amount equivalent to no more than 10 thousand US dollars. At the same time, at the request of the tourist, the amount can be declared. The rule applies:
    • Cash.
    • Traveler's checks.

  • According to the passenger customs declaration, an amount equivalent to 10 thousand US dollars is exported. The entire amount is subject to accounting. The rule applies to:
    • Cash.
    • Traveler's checks.
  • Upon written declaration, it is allowed to export any amount in monetary instruments. The rule does not apply to travelers checks. Thus, the following are subject to mandatory accounting, regardless of the amount:
    • Bills of exchange.
    • Securities.
    • Bank checks.

Based on customs rules, a traveler can take out as many rubles, dollars and other currencies as he wants from the Russian Federation. The only question is the declaration.

Important! Bank cards are not taken into account or declared when crossing the border. On such rollers it is allowed to transport an unlimited amount of money.

Main nuances

What is prohibited from being imported into some countries?

  • Conversion into dollars occurs at the exchange rate of the country to which the Russian resident is sent. The rate is calculated at the time of filing the declaration.
  • When accounting for monetary instruments (in addition to traveler's checks), the following is recorded:
    • Or their face value in the currency of a foreign power.
    • Or the quantity of monetary instruments themselves (assuming that there is no nominal price).
  • The minimum of 10 thousand dollars is calculated for 1 person, including minor children. That is, a family consisting of a father, mother and child has the right to freely take out 30 thousand dollars. The declaration for the child is completed by the parents.
  • The amount of 10 thousand dollars consists of all the currencies available to the traveler. Exported rubles are added to this amount.
  • It is important to remember that each state has its own customs rules. Eg:
    • You are allowed to import up to $20,000 duty-free into Thailand.
    • In China, a declaration is required for the import of amounts over 5 thousand dollars.
    • In the EU, the equivalent of freely transported 10 thousand is calculated in euros.

Filling out the declaration

In 2019, the same rules for filling out passenger customs declarations apply. A citizen exporting an amount subject to accounting from Russia should indicate:

  • Date and place of your birth.
  • Address:
    • For residents of the Customs Union (RF and several CIS republics) – place of residence or registration.
    • For non-residents of the Union - the place of intended temporary stay (name of the hotel, address of relatives or friends, etc.).
  • Confirmation of the right to travel abroad. Details of one of the documents are required:
    • Visa (if available).
    • International passport, etc.

  • Data on how much money is exported from the Russian Federation.
  • Information on monetary instruments (other than traveler's checks):
    • Type of instrument.
    • Date of issue.
    • The name of the organization that issued it.
    • Identification number (if available).
  • Data on the source of money exported from the Russian Federation (cash and instruments):
    • Official certificate of income.
    • Document on the sale of property.
    • A deed of gift in the name of the tourist, notarized.
    • Inheritance (court decision on entry into inheritance rights), etc.
  • Information about the planned use of funds (cash and instruments).
  • Information about the owner of the exported amount (cash and instruments), if it does not belong to the declarant.
  • Route and method of transportation of funds (cash and instruments). It is required to indicate the type of transport on which the tour is carried out.

Declaration form

The passenger declaration form can be printed on the website of the Russian Customs Service or. The document consists of a main and an additional form. The latter concerns cash and monetary instruments.

Example of filling out a declaration

The tourist has the right to independently prepare additional questionnaires monetary declaration. To do this you will need a computer and a printer. The form must be printed on both sides of an A4 sheet (210×296 mm). You will need 2 copies - for customs and the declarant. Information is entered:

  • Or by hand (the words are written clearly, legibly, without errors or blots).
  • Or on the computer.

The applicant personally signs both forms and puts the date of completion. Neglect of customs rules for the export of currency entails punishment. Various penalties are applied to violators - from a warning to an administrative fine. In some cases, citizens face confiscation of cash by court order or imprisonment.

Question: Reading the answers and questions on customs border crossing, I did not see the following - I am a citizen of Ukraine, I am going to go to Russia. Allowed from Ukraine export amounts up to 10000 Euro equivalent to declaration. In Russia, I also declare them (for example, $10,000). Question - how can I take out an amount other than currencies declaration, because I will use rubles in Russia, and they will remain. Will the document from the exchange office be enough for me at customs, or do I have to exchange it at the banks? And what documents do you require then? A plastic card is not entirely suitable, because... commissions are high. Thank you.

Answer: from Russia and to Russiawithout declarationYou can import and export any currency in an amount not exceeding the equivalent of $10,000. If you bring and declare $10,000. Then you can withdraw an amount no more than this in any currency.

Question: Before writing to you, I carefully studied this section" Currency". Thank you for your site. But still, I would like to carry $32,000 in cash across the border, arriving in Rostov-on-Don. Please tell me, can I spend this amount for 2 people? Or will I have problems at customs? How, without using it legally plastic card transfer this amount? If you can, please answer.

Answer: if you are flying from abroad to Rostov, then you can bring this amount even for one. Having declared it without fail. However, I would not recommend doing this. About fifteen years ago, a gang of robbers was operating at the Pulkovo airport, which was informed by some dishonest customs officers about the import of large sums of currency. If you are going to export, then the amount for export is more than 10 thousand dollars bank permission required. Among other things, when importing a large amount of currency, after you declare it to customs, customs must inform the tax authorities about the import of such amount. This is not to say that they always do this, but they do.

Answer: It’s time to go to the Prosecutor’s Office. I don’t know in which customs office your incident occurred, but such customs officers should be kicked out of customs. To begin with, you can complain to a higher customs authority, however, this will take time. Customs can only appeal to the fact that children are legally incompetent, but this does not free customs officers to think with their heads. The truth is on your side. Keep all your air tickets to prove in court that you were all traveling together. Otherwise, these smart guys have the audacity to claim that you took out the entire amount alone.

Question: Hello, Alexander Mikhailovich! Could you name Maxim. amount European currency(euro), cat. A family consisting of two adults and one child (1.5 years old) can be taken out of Russia by filling out customs. declarations and without filling out, with and without bank permission? I am a citizen of Russia, I live in Germany. I have a foreign currency deposit in one of the banks in Russia. At the end of the deposit period, I want to withdraw the currency from Russia. Thank you!

Answer: the easiest way is to place money in an account in a bank that exists in both Russia and Germany (CitiBank, Reiffaisen Bank, etc.), issue a plastic card and carry everything. Safe and legal. Cash without declaration is the equivalent of $3,000 per individual. A child is also a natural person. The rules for importing vodka and cigarettes really don’t apply to him, but money please.

Question: Hello, Alexander Mikhailovich! In previously asked questions, you answer, and I quote: “Every person has the right to export an amount not exceeding $10,000. A child too. However, recently this has been disputed by some people on the grounds that children, from a legal point of view, are not fully capable. So far the norm is in force and no one canceled it. I think it won’t be canceled." In my case, does my son, who is 1.5 years old, have this right? Please clarify this article of the law, which I can refer to if problems arise at customs, if any. How is this amount declared? Thank you!

Answer: You can refer to paragraph 5 of Article 286 Customs Code RF. "The goods of a minor under the age of sixteen years are declared by one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees, his accompanying person, and in case of organized departure (entry) and return entry (exit) of a group of minors unaccompanied by parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees - by the head such a group." Thus, other points of view are contrary to the law.

Question: Hello, Alexander Mikhailovich! Are there any fees? customs duties(or taxes) when exporting currency from Russia from $3,000 to $10,000 and more than $10,000? Thank you.

Answer: when exporting currency in an amount less than $3,000, it is not even subject to declaration. Up to $10,000 must be declared, but you can still export it. There are no duties on the export of foreign currency. When exporting larger amount cash currency requires bank permission. If currency is exported in the form of a plastic card, then the amount is not limited and the cards are not declared.

Question: I have a question. Moscow company from its own account cashed out for an Italian who flew to us on a business trip, 100,000 euros. Who in the bank and in what form must give permission to this foreigner to export currency? Or they will ask what kind of money this is? And this is the rent that the Milanese company paid to the Moscow company for renting premises for an office, a warehouse, and renting an apartment for employees. Will an Italian be detained at customs at the airport and will he be required to explain the origin of the capital? Will this money be confiscated? If he declares 100,000 euros, does he have to pay duty on it? Which one? And if an Italian deposits 100,000 euros into a plastic account of a certain bank, will he be able to cash out these amounts at an ATM in Italy without problems? In any bank in Italy or only in the one that has a representative office in Milan and Moscow?

Answer: I don’t even know how to answer you. You indicated that you are an accountant, but your question is quite strange for an accountant. For office services, etc. Usually they pay from account to account by bank transfer in accordance with the agreement. All kinds of cashing brings to mind all sorts of thoughts about the laundry. Among other things, even if this amount is taken out, it must be legalized in Italy. For plastic, of course. you can put it. This is the only way to take them out. The bank may not give permission until it receives clear explanations. In general, your question is not very much a customs issue. You are clearly within the area of ​​responsibility of the authorities that control tax evasion.

Question: my question is this: I have Russian citizenship. I went with my child for a year to south korea. When leaving Russia, I did not take out an amount exceeding $3,000. Now I’m returning back to Russia and I need to transport $6,000. Do I need to declare this money or does my child have the right to transport 3000 dollars just like me and thus the two of us can transport 6000 thousand without declaring? and the second question - will there be any problems at customs due to the fact that when I left Russia a year ago I had no money, and now I enter the above amount? Thank you very much in advance

Answer: You could have worked abroad. The child does have the same rights to move currency. Thus, if between you two you have less than 6 thousand dollars, then you don’t have to declare. There won't be any problems. If more, just fill out the declaration.

Question: Hello, I am a citizen of Russia. Can I withdraw from Russia $3000 and your own laptop? Or is its cost also included in this allowed $3000?

Answer: currency is exported without declaration if the amount of currency being moved, including rubles, is less than the equivalent of $3,000. A laptop is not a currency and is not included in this limit, but I would advise you to declare it for temporary export so as not to have problems upon return.

Question: Hello! When leaving Russia, you need to fill out a declaration (if the amount is more than $3,000), but when entering Germany, this declaration will no longer be needed (since you can import up to 10,000 euros into Germany without declaring)? When departing (from Russia), in this case, do you need to go along the red corridor, or is there no such corridor when leaving? Can people in Russia be asked to present receipts for currency purchases? Thank you.

Answer: I answer in order. The idea that when entering Germany you do not need to write a declaration for an amount of up to 10,000 euros is correct. When leaving Russia and having an amount of more than $3,000 (including all available money, including rubles), it is mandatory to fill out a declaration. When filling out a declaration, you must definitely go through the “red” corridor because there is also a conclusive declaration form (I have written about this), when you show by your actions that you have items that are subject to declaration. Receipts for currency purchases are not needed.

Question: Is it possible for a foreigner - from Germany - to come to Russia without declaring amount less than $3,000 and when leaving, declare an amount of no more than $10,000 (having received an amount in debt in Russia, for example), will there be any questions as to where it came from and why before, but now there is $9,800

Answer: A foreigner from Germany can take out less currency than he imported, but he cannot take more. THOSE. If he does not declare anything at the entrance, then he cannot bring more than $3,000 at the exit. The most convenient way to move currency across the border is a plastic card from a bank that has branches in the country of departure and in the country of entry. For example, Citibank, Raiffeisen, etc.

Question: Is bank gold a commodity or a financial instrument? Can Baku gold be equated to currency?

Answer: gold bullion is treated as a commodity. The duty-free import rate for individuals is 65,000 rubles or 35 kg. The rest is subject to duty. If the norm of 650,000 rubles is exceeded, the goods are registered in the manner prescribed for legal entities.

Question: Three people leave Russia by car across the Finnish border to Helsinki, and then fly to the USA. Two adults, if I understand correctly, they can take out $10,000 each. The third little man is a minor (4 years old), is it possible to take another 10,000 dollars for him? That is, can such a family take out $30,000?

Answer: I hope I'm not late with my answer. Sorry, but I've been sick with the flu for a long time. Each person has the right to export an amount not exceeding $10,000. The child too. However, recently this has been disputed by some people on the grounds that children, from a legal point of view, are not fully capable. So far the norm is in force and no one has canceled it. I don’t think they will cancel it. At the same time I recommend large sums move it in the form of a plastic card, it’s more reliable. And the West doesn’t like cash. In the USA, amounts over $10,000 are also subject to mandatory declaration. They can spend a long time trying to find out where the money comes from and where. For them, big cash is always black.

Question: I am a German citizen and live in Germany. I want to lend my sister, a Russian citizen, 50,000 Euros for two years. Question: If I transfer this amount by bank transfer to my sister’s bank account, will this serve as a basis for my sister to be able to transfer this amount back to me in two years_

Answer: I don’t even know what to advise. Your question has more to do with banking sector activities than to customs. You'd better ask your bank. In principle, money can be transferred to credit card or through a bank that has branches in Germany and Russia

Question: And if I take this amount in cash and declare it, will I be able to take this money back in 2 years (or another time)?
Thank you in advance.

Answer: The declaration is valid for a year. So in two years you will not be able to take out this amount. The best way This bank transfer or plastic card.

Question: I am a citizen. Russia, I am moving for permanent residence to Russia. I will need to transport things from Ukraine to Russia due to the move. Most likely by train in several stages. Accordingly, money will also have to be transported.
Question: 1. How much money can I bring into Russia at a time? (since I don’t want to take risks with plastic due to the crisis. It’s dangerous to store money in a bank now).2. If I cannot transport the entire amount at one time, how often can I transport the money? I can stay in Ukraine for up to 90 days.

Answer: The amount of money imported into Russia is not limited, however, an amount exceeding the equivalent of 10 thousand US dollars must be declared. First of all, find out how much and how you can take money out of Ukraine. You can import money at least every day.

At the same time, I don’t agree with you about plastic. All my money is in plastic and in banks. You just need to choose one that has branches in both Russia and Ukraine. I suspect that this may be our VTB or Citi Bank.

Question: I sold my apartment and am leaving for permanent residence in Israel, what do I need in order to withdraw money for the apartment I sold? Thank you.

Answer: The export of foreign cash currency from Russia is limited. Money in the amount of up to $3,000 can be exported even without declaration. Money in the amount of up to $10,000 must be declared. If the amount exceeds $10,000, you must have a bank permit for export. At the same time, it is more convenient and safer to transport money in the form of plastic cards. They do not need to be declared and no permits are needed. Choose a bank that has branches in both Russia and Israel, and that’s it.

Question: Can foreign citizen, traveling without a visa on an international transit flight with a landing in Russia, do not declare currency in the amount of up to 3 thousand USD. and then calmly take her out? Will the lack of confirmation of currency import raise questions?
In this situation, the passenger does not leave the transit zone and remains in Russia for less than a day.

Answer: Currency in an amount less than $3,000 or equivalent to this amount is not subject to declaration. From three to ten thousand is subject to mandatory declaration, and over ten thousand requires permission from the bank. Among other things, in most cases, transit passengers on international flights do not leave the restricted area and in this regard customs control don't pass. I wish you success, A.M. Puchkov

Question: My friend and I are going to go to Kyiv. What documents and what are the rules for crossing the border? And the second question: how much money can be transported across the border from Ukraine to Russia?

Answer: To travel abroad, a passport and visa are required. Money can be exported up to $10,000 per person with mandatory declaration. Up to $3,000 per person - without declaration. I wish you a successful trip, A.M. Puchkov

Question: How else can you transfer money and in what currency from Ukraine to Russia. Is it possible to open a bank account, get a VIZA card and come to Russia with it and cash out? Will there be commissions or interest? THANK YOU!

Answer: It is always better to transport money on plastic, and it is better to choose a bank that has branches in both Ukraine and Russia, then there will be no commission.

Question: Please tell me whether entry into the customs zone of the Russian Federation with an amount of currency exceeding $10,000 is illegal currency transaction and the second question is whether it is an attempt to export an illegal amount of currency if I spoke about it orally to the customs inspector voluntarily, and he then asked me to look at the incomplete declaration, crossed it out, stamped it and accused me under Article 15.25, paragraph 1. Whose side will the law be on? Thank you!

Answer: It is not prohibited to import currency into Russia. Simply, if you have an amount over $3,000, you are required to declare it both upon import and upon departure. To export an amount exceeding $10,000, a bank permit is required or there must be an entry declaration in which the imported amount of currency is indicated and certified by customs.

Question: I apologize. To the question asked above - how else can I transfer money and in what currency from Ukraine to Russia? Is it possible to open a bank account, get a VIZA card and come to Russia with it and cash out? Will there be commissions or interest? THANK YOU!

Answer: It is always better to transport money on plastic, and it is better to choose a bank. Which has branches in both Ukraine and Russia, then there will be no commission.

Question: Hello. How much can you carry by train in hryvnia from Ukraine to Russia?
Answer: Dear Matvey! The import of currency into Russia is not limited, but amounts over $10,000 in any currency are subject to mandatory declaration. But I don’t know how much can be exported from Ukraine. I wish you success, A.M. Puchkov.

Question: Hello! My friend traveled from Russia to Ukraine. The customs service asked about the presence of a plastic card and the amount on it. Is it legal? Thanks.
Answer: Dear Igor Vladimirovich! It’s not clear at what border such stupid questions are asked; in Russia it seems they shouldn’t. A customs officer can ask about everything that moves across the border; he has such a right. After all, this is a question about an object being moved across the border. However, the law does not regulate the movement of plastic cards, much less the amounts on them. Consulates often ask about the availability of a card and the amount on it. European countries, explaining this by the fact that only wealthy citizens are given a visa. Although I know of cases where some customs offices require you to include credit cards in the declaration and enter the number. It’s a good thing we haven’t thought of asking for a PIN code yet.

Question: Hello! Can a foreign citizen traveling on an international transit flight without a visa, landing in Russia, not declare currency in the amount of up to 3 thousand USD? and then calmly take it out? Will the lack of confirmation of the import of currency raise questions? In this situation, the passenger does not leave the transit zone and stays in Russia for less than a day.
Answer: Dear Natalia! Currency in an amount less than $3,000 or equivalent to this amount is not subject to declaration. From three to ten thousand is subject to mandatory declaration, and over ten thousand requires permission from the bank. Among other things, in most cases, transit passengers on international flights do not leave the security zone and, in this regard, do not undergo customs control

The rules for exporting currency abroad are regulated by the Agreement of the Customs Union countries on the procedure for moving funds and instruments across the customs border, which was approved by decision of the Interstate Council of the EurAsEC dated July 5, 2010 No. 51. This document defines how currency is exported abroad without declaration. 2017 did not bring any changes to these rules.

Rules for exporting funds and instruments abroad

According to Russian currency legislation, the concept of “currency” includes two components:

  • cash;
  • non-cash funds.

It should be noted that customs rules for moving currency across the border apply only to cash. In fact, transporting non-cash funds across the border is physically impossible.

In addition to currency, customs rules apply to monetary instruments, the list of which is contained in the specified Agreement. This list includes:

  • traveler's checks;
  • bills;
  • checks;
  • some documentary securities.

According to the rules set forth in the Agreement, the export of currency and traveler's checks without a declaration is allowed in the amount of up to 10 thousand US dollars inclusive. If the amount is exported in larger size, then filing a declaration becomes mandatory. In this case, you need to declare the entire amount of exported currency and traveler's checks. When exporting up to 10 thousand US dollars, the declaration can be submitted voluntarily. As for monetary instruments (except for traveler's checks), their export must be declared regardless of the amount exported. The form and procedure for filling out the declaration were approved by decision of the Customs Union Commission dated June 18, 2010 No. 287.

Similar rules for declaring funds and instruments are established by the Treaty with regard to their import into the territory of the countries of the Customs Union.

This amount (10 thousand US dollars) is calculated for one individual. Accordingly, when exporting (importing) funds and instruments by several family members without a declaration, you can move 10 thousand US dollars across the border for each of them.

How is the amount of exported funds determined when the currency is exported not in US dollars? For such cases, the Agreement provides for a rule on recalculating the amount of exported funds into US dollars. Recalculation is done at the exchange rate calculated in accordance with the legislation of the country through whose border funds are exported.

Responsibility for exporting currency without declaration

Violation of the rules for declaring funds and instruments during their import and export may result in prosecution. Depending on the size of illegally imported or exported funds, such an act may be recognized as smuggling (Article 200.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) or an administrative offense (Article 16.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

According to Art. 200.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, smuggling is the illegal (including undeclared) movement of funds and instruments into large size(more than 20 thousand US dollars). This violation may result in a fine, restriction of freedom, or assignment of forced labor.

When planning a trip abroad, it is better to find out in advance how and how much money can be transported. To avoid any questions at the Russian border, get acquainted with up-to-date information and Customs regulations governing the import and export of currency.

Rules for importing and exporting money across the border

When going on any trip, decide how much you can and want to take with you. Customs rules are simple; to comply with them you only need to know a few basic points.

Important: You can transport both cash and money on a bank card, which is not subject to declaration. There are no restrictions on funds on a bank card.

The entire process of importing and exporting money is regulated by the Rules for the movement of currency and goods for personal use across the customs border Russian Federation.

How much currency can you export from Russia?

So, how much cash can you take out of the Russian Federation without filling out a declaration? Previously, this amount was 3,000 US dollars, now it is 10,000 US dollars. Please note that 10,000 US dollars is a conventional unit. For convenience, all money transported by a person across the border is converted into American dollars at the Central Bank exchange rate on the day of the transaction. For example, if you are carrying 10 thousand US dollars, 5 thousand euros and another 50 thousand rubles in cash, you will still have to fill out a declaration, since the total amount of money you are transporting exceeds the threshold of 10 thousand US dollars.

Important: money in the equivalent of 10 thousand US dollars without declaration can be carried by 1 person, regardless of age.

In other words, a family of 3 people traveling with a child (even a minor) can transfer cash in the amount of up to 30 thousand US dollars without filling out a declaration.

It is always worth remembering that customs rules differ in many countries, so find out in advance the rules for importing or exporting money from the country you are going to. For example, you can enter Bulgaria with 1 thousand US dollars in cash.

How much currency can you import into Russia?

Cash, the amount of which in US dollars is less than 10 thousand, is not subject to declaration. It is calculated for 1 person. This means, for example, that a family of 3 people can bring $30,000 into the territory of the Russian Federation and not file a declaration.

Important: persons who do not have items and currency that must be declared cross the border along the “Green Corridor”. Those who have something to declare cross the border along the “Red Corridor”.

In addition to cash, traveler's checks must be declared if their amount exceeds the equivalent of 10,000 US dollars.

Fine for currency smuggling

If a person has slightly exceeded the amount of transported cash, then for the first time customs officers can give a verbal warning to such a violator. According to Art. 16.4. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: false declaration (the amount is indicated incorrectly) or non-declaration (an attempt to hide the fact of import or export of currency) an individual currency of the Russian Federation (rubles) and/or foreign currency entails a fine in the amount of 1000 to 2500 rubles.

In addition to administrative measures against the offender, criminal liability is also provided for by law. Thus, according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Article 200.1), smuggling is considered to be the movement of cash and (or) monetary instruments across the customs border of the Customs Union within the EurAsEC:

  1. Committed on a large scale (the amount of illegally moved cash exceeds twice the amount permitted by law) is punishable by:
    • a fine ranging from 3 to 10 times the amount of illegally moved cash;
    • a fine in the amount of the person’s salary or other income for a period of up to 2 years;
    • restriction of freedom for up to 2 years;
    • forced labor for up to 2 years.
  2. In an especially large amount (the amount of illegally moved cash exceeds five times the amount allowed by customs legislation for movement without a written declaration) or committed by a group of persons, the following is punishable:
    • a fine of 10 to 15 times the amount of illegally moved cash;
    • a fine in the amount of the person’s salary or other income for a period of up to 3 years;
    • restriction of freedom for up to 4 years;
    • forced labor for up to 4 years.

Important: when calculating the amount that was moved illegally, the part that is allowed to be moved without declaration (or was declared by the person, but not in full) according to the legislation of the Customs Union is excluded.

A person may be exempt from criminal liability, if it voluntarily surrendered cash in excess of the amount allowed for movement. The following cannot be considered voluntary surrender:

  • detection of cash during customs control;
  • seizure upon arrest;
  • discovery during investigative actions.


Some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the movement of funds across borders include the following.

Do I need to declare funds on a bank card?

No, funds on bank cards do not need to be declared. According to the law Customs Union, can be transported plastic cards in any quantity and with any amount of money on them.

At what rate is a person’s entire available currency recalculated?

Recalculation is made at the rate established on the day of filing the customs declaration with the customs authority.

If I transport US dollars, euros and rubles, will all the money be counted?

When calculating the total amount of cash that moves across the border, both foreign currency and rubles will be counted.

How much money can you carry on planes and trains?

It doesn't matter whether you cross the border by train, car or plane. The total amount of permitted non-reportable cash is still $10,000 (USD equivalent) per person. IN in this case The question of the weight of the money you are transporting will be relevant. So, most often on an airplane the weight hand luggage should not exceed 10 kg and depends on the rules of the specific airline, so if you are transporting a lot of small banknotes and they take up a lot of space (and weigh a lot), try to exchange them for larger bills so as not to violate the Rules.

On domestic Russian air and rail flights, the amount of cash carried for one person is not limited. If you're flying internationally, find out in advance how much cash you can bring into your destination country. On popular tourist routes The following restrictions apply:

  1. You can come to Thailand with cash up to 20 thousand US dollars.
  2. You can take up to 5 thousand US dollars in cash to Turkey.
  3. To countries European Union– up to 10 thousand euros.
  4. In the UAE – 10 thousand dollars.
  5. In China there are no restrictions on the import of cash.

If the amount you need to transport exceeds this, you must fill out a declaration and indicate all the cash being transported. Securities and traveler's checks are also subject to declaration. The declaration is completed in two copies.

Is it possible to transfer currency without declaration?

When crossing the border of the Russian Federation, you can legally carry currency only if it does not exceed 10 thousand US dollars. In all other cases, it is necessary to fill out a declaration. Money issued in the form of traveler's checks is equivalent to cash currency, their amount should also not exceed the specified amount. Please note that the amount of 10 thousand US dollars is calculated per person. Even minor children can carry this amount.

The currency you are transporting to bank card, not subject to declaration.

Advice: take the issue of declaring cash seriously if you transport it in various foreign currencies and in recalculation it is close to the amount of 10 thousand US dollars per person. Before your trip, find out the current exchange rate set by the Central Bank of Russia.

So, in this year Customs rules have not changed, so travel lovers will not expect any “surprises”. Remember, you can carry money in any currency, in total and in the equivalent of up to 10 thousand US dollars. If you exceed this amount, you will still have to fill out a declaration. Follow the Law and may everything go according to plan on your travels!
