Lucky Finds: Ten Things That Bring Good Luck. How to spell things for good luck in any business or endeavor

Magic offers various means to attract good luck. Among them are various conspiracies for things, both new and those that have become familiar.

In this topic:

Typically they give good result, because a charmed thing can always be with a person, attracting positive energy and desired benefits to him.

Conspiracy for personal belongings

To attract good luck into your life, you can read magic words on your thing. It can be any item of clothing. The text is read above it 12 times:

“Just like a squirrel wore a fur coat, it didn’t take it off, so you (to name the thing) would bring me luck, bring me happiness. Let it be so!"

This clothing is worn in all situations where good luck is needed, and it will definitely help its owner.

Using a pin to protect against the evil eye has already become commonplace. But this simple item can also be used to attract good luck, you just need it in a special way speak. A new pin is prepared for the ceremony. It is opened and stuck into a previously prepared mound on a plate. white.

A slide is made from salt, sugar and rice, taking each bulk product in the amount of three spoons. The pin stuck into the slide is left overnight. In the morning you can take it out, pin it to your clothes and use its magical energy to get good luck. And everything that was in the plate is buried in the ground.

Conspiracy on a lace

To attract good luck, you can use a lace in the form of a braid, woven from ropes or threads of three colors. To make a lace you will need red, green, and blue parts.

A standard braid is woven from them; its volume can be any, and the length must correspond to the circumference of the ankle. Then, above this lace, you need to read the words of the spell for good luck. The lace is worn on the left leg. The words could be:

“You, good luck, come and look at me. May luck burst into life and return to me forever.”

It is better to use this plot on nights of the full moon, in which case the moon will give the object additional power.

Coin spell

You can get good luck and fortune in money matters with the help of a special good luck spell. Only a coin that is in the house is suitable for the ritual. long time. Arbitrary words are said over it, in which one should express how much one wants to get good luck and be happy. You should carry this coin with you and use its ability to attract good luck.

Ring plot

To attract good luck, a charmed ring is often used. For this, a ring and wool are prepared. The wool can be white or gray. And the ring can be chosen either gold or silver, with or without a stone.

For the ritual, they buy a wax candle, which they light, placing it in front of themselves. The candle is placed on the table with the right hand; it must also be lit with the right hand. Yarn is placed on the table with a ring wrapped in it. The wool should be between the candle and the person performing the ritual. The ring should not stick out from the yarn. Then the following words are said over it:

“A tit bird lived overseas, a tit bird built a nest. The tit bird found a ring in it and brought it to me (name). I will decorate myself, I will dress up, I will be useful to good people. All doors will be opened to me, all secrets will be revealed to me, everything will be according to my desire.”

After reading the plot, you must sit quietly and wait until the candle burns out completely. As soon as it goes out, the ring is taken out and put on your finger. And the wool is placed inside the pillowcase of the pillow on which you sleep. The ring will attract good luck to you and the wool will attract symbolic dreams.

The next ring ritual is different in that in this case the ring will need to be worn constantly, so the jewelry should be comfortable. Before carrying out the conspiracy, the ring is cleansed with the power of fire from church candles. As soon as midnight comes, well water is brought. The bucket with the ring lowered into it is placed on the windowsill, but the window must be open. Only a cloudless night is suitable for the ritual, since the light of the stars should be reflected in the bucket. Looking at the water, they say the following words:

“I, servant of God (name), will go out at night - not during the day. A door - not a window, a road - not a path, in a field - not into a swamp. I will take with me a silver thing for the servant of God (name). Silver little thing, midnight water, take care of your mistress, call good luck to her. Drive away sadness, (name) attract luck. As said, so be it. Amen".

Water spell

Water is endowed with special energy, which is why it is so often used in magical matters. In order to attract good luck, you can read magic words over water and drink it. These actions are performed at sunrise. The words are spoken 3 times.

“Voditsa, water, you let me drink, you let me wash. So give me, water, three drops of luck, five drops of luck, and a sea of ​​happiness. I close it with a key, wash it with water, and let everything come true according to my word. Amen".

You can take a little water, about a glass. They drink the charmed water slowly, thoughtfully. Representing the benefits that should come after this ritual.

In order for all conspiracies for certain things to work, you must be completely confident in their power. This is the only way to get the desired luck.

Many people don’t even realize that some common things attract money and good luck. Be sure to place them in your home to enhance positive energy.

Every thing in our house has a certain energy., and sometimes our well-being depends on these items. Some of them affect us negatively, and sometimes because of this we cannot achieve our goals and achieve wealth and success. Many things, on the contrary, enhance the positive energy of the home. With their help, you can improve your life and change your destiny.

Any objects in our home can attract or repel good luck. Get rid of the first ones as soon as possible and be sure to place objects in your home that will help you find happiness and well-being. Many of them are already present in your home, and now you can learn more about them.

What things attract good luck and money to your home?

Most items have strong energy, and with their help you can attract money and good luck. The team at will tell you what 7 things you must have in your home.

Honey. This delicacy has been familiar to each of us since childhood. However, this product is notable not only for its taste qualities And beneficial properties, but also special power.
Even looking at him appearance, we can say that honey is a symbol of wealth. To enhance the energetic properties of honey, you need to place it correctly in your home.

Buy natural fresh honey without impurities. Before you bring it into your home, clean up the mess, paying attention to every corner of your home. Take a clean and preferably new brush, dip it into the product, and then apply a drop into every corner of the house. Afterwards, place the remaining honey in the center of the dinner table for each member of your family to taste. Once the honey has become candied, discard it. After some time, repeat the ritual.

Never store spoiled or sugared honey in your home. In this way you attract poverty into your home and scare away good luck.

Rhinestone. Rock crystal crystals have strong energy that can attract good luck and prosperity to your home. Its main strength lies not so much in attracting wealth as in preserving it. With its help, you can avoid senseless waste, as well as save your money from thieves and scammers.

To add more power to rock crystal, place it on a windowsill. sunlight enhances the properties of crystal, and thus it not only will attract wealth to your home, but will also become your talisman.

Cup with water. The energy properties of water have been known for a long time. It is believed that she is able to perceive and even transmit any information received, which is why many rituals are performed using water. These also include rituals to attract good luck and money.

To unleash the power ordinary water, you will need a new wide mouth cup. Place it in the western part of your home - the wealth zone. Stagnant water loses its properties, so it must be changed every day.

Red ball. The color red is a symbol of prosperity, which is why red threads are often used for money rituals or kept in one’s wallet. You can attract wealth into your home and improve your financial situation with the help of an ordinary ball.

You need to buy a red ball, it is advisable to pay for it not with bills, but with coins. When you get home, unwind it and then wrap it around a small wooden stick. It is best to store it under the bed or in the western part of the house, and soon your life will change significantly for the better.

Yellow coins. Both coins and yellow symbolize wealth. Place at least one yellow coin in your home, and you will always have good luck, and your financial situation will improve. This item is often used for rituals, but even its presence in your home will bring positive results.

Take one or more yellow coins and place them on the windowsill on the Full Moon. The light of the moon must fall on the coins. Leave them overnight, and in the morning hide them in a secluded place where no one can find them. This way you will strengthen their energy, which will help you attract wealth. Spending coins is strictly prohibited.

Aspen rods. This item is not considered a strong talisman for attracting what you want, but it can protect you from poverty and failures. You will only need a few aspen branches. To enhance their properties, first perform an effective ritual.

You will need: a knife with a wooden handle, a medium-sized flower pot, soil, several aspen branches. It is necessary to cut off the tops of the rods, and stick the rest of them into a pot of soil. The tops should be wrapped in white cloth and placed under the bathtub. After a while, repeat the ritual.

Nail. Every person has had to drive a nail into a wall once, but few people know that the object can bring good luck and money into the house. Besides, this thing acts as a talisman that can protect your home from robbers and envious people.

Take a medium sized nail, without rust. Drive it near the front or kitchen door. It is advisable not to hang anything on it, but if you want to disguise it from the eyes of other people, hang a clock on it. Do not hang pictures on it under any circumstances. The things and objects depicted on them can interrupt the energy of the talisman.

Thanks to the teachings of Feng Shui, it became possible to learn many useful tips, and most of them relate to the organization of our home. Some things can accumulate negative energy , therefore it is prohibited to store them in your home. We wish you happiness, success and wealth,

For peace, love, health and prosperity to reign in your home, you need a lot of positive energy. There should be no quarrels or scandals in the house, and there should be no accumulation of rubbish and unnecessary things. The owner of the house must have positive energy and share it with others. There are also 10 amulets that attract good luck and health and protect against negativity. the site invites you to find out what these items are and how they affect you and your home.

You will also be interested to know what you need to do before the end of the month.

10 items - amulets in your home

1. Horseshoe.

Surely, you have noticed more than once that many people have a horseshoe hanging above their door. According to the ancient popular belief, it brings good luck and health. To activate this amulet, it is very important to place it correctly so that it works as it should and draws happiness into the house like a magnet. Before hanging the horseshoe, introduce it to the house, show the rooms and ask for protection. It is also necessary to “communicate” with the horseshoe and thank for the help.

2. Garlic.
Garlic helps protect your home from evil spirits. Surely each of us has noticed moments when everything doesn’t go well - sometimes dishes break, sometimes scandals for no reason, sometimes the mood just sours. All these are the tricks of unfavorable energy and evil spirits. With the help of garlic, you can pacify evil spirits, as well as remove the evil eye and damage from your home. To clean the house, garlic is hung in a secluded place under the ceiling, asking for its protection. It is also useful to eat garlic, it improves immunity and cleanses negative impact people who wish you harm.

3. Honey
Honey attracts material wealth and is also a love spell for the person you like. Treating yourself to honey, the guest remembers the house as cozy and the hostess as hospitable and friendly. Honey also serves as a treat for the brownie. People believed that honey in the house brought prosperity. Honey was poured into a beautiful bowl or saucer, saying tender words: “Taste the honey, brownie father, and protect our home from adversity, bring us happiness and prosperity. And may it be as sweet as honey.”

4. Apples.

Keeping apples in the house brings prosperity. They will provide you good mood and will be endowed with positive energy accumulated over the summer. Energy will enter the house and cleanse it at all energy levels. Place a nice, smooth, pourable apple in beautiful dishes, tie a bow from a satin ribbon on the handle, saying: “I tighten the knot tightly, I lure happiness into the house. A pourable apple is in the kitchen - it will preserve order and contentment.”

5. Icon.
Icon is one of the most strong amulets. They ask her for protection, pray for health. Icons are endowed with powerful energy that can drive away any evil from your home. Icons need to be placed correctly. You must treat them with care and respect, then they will bring peace and tranquility to your home.

6. Pin.

The pin is the most famous remedy for the evil eye. Helps attract health and happiness. Gets rid of bad thoughts and desires that come with guests. To activate a pin as a talisman, it should be heated over a fire, rinsed in running water and sprinkled with a mixture of salt and pepper on the nose. In the morning, ask for a pin to protect from negative thoughts and pin it over front door so that it is invisible.

7. Bell.
The ringing of a bell lifts the spirits of those living in the house, drives away evil spirits and resists evil forces. It was believed that the most effective bell was one made of silver or iron. Its ringing should not be annoying, the sound should be clear. To activate it, take it to a place where it will ring often. Listen, if the melody sounds plaintive or disappears completely, then it’s time to change the bell, because it has absorbed a lot of negativity.

8. Soap.
Many signs are associated with soap, but few people are aware of them. Soap is a symbol of cleanliness and health. You can make your bath a temple of cleansing by placing a dried bar of soap in a beautiful box tied with a ribbon. You can activate soap as a talisman in this way: light a white candle, take 2 pieces of soap (without chemical additives), wash your hands up to the elbows and say: “Just as water with foam washes away dirt, so soap protects the house. From illnesses, from the evil eye, from negativity, from scandals.” Also place one of these pieces in the toilet.

9. Candles.

Candles bring prosperity in all areas. Very powerful amulet. A candle is a symbol of wisdom and light. Best suited as a talisman church candle. When you are alone, light a candle and walk around the house with it, to all corners. Ask for protection and light in your home and soul. Place the cinder in front of the icon and place it on the eastern side of the house.

10. Mirror.
As a talisman, a mirror works best in a wooden frame and it is desirable that it be round shape. If the house is calm, love and mutual understanding reign, it absorbs positive energy and returns it with interest. If you have Bad mood, try not to go near the mirror. Also, you cannot swear or use foul language in front of him. It is better for a woman to activate the mirror. Dampen a clean cloth with your favorite perfume and rub the mirror in a circular motion. At night, place a beautiful deep plate in front of the mirror. Pour various symbolic objects into it, for example, coins (for prosperity), a comb (for beauty), a family photo (for well-being). Ask for protection.

Every home has many things that create atmosphere. Some of them were purchased independently, others were received as a gift or inheritance. In any case, you need to know that every thing has its own energy, which means that things can influence your life. Let's look at this in more detail.

Some things bring happiness to the house, and some are better to get rid of immediately. Perhaps well-being depends on this, Family status or health. Of course, these facts have not been scientifically proven, but it is better to play it safe and put your house in order.

Energy things

Let's start with the good stuff and tell you what things you would like to have in your home. According to psychics, they attract good luck, prosperity, positive events and protect the health of residents.

Things with positive energy

Flowers in pots
Flowering plants absorb some of the negative energy of their owners. But only if people care about the flowers.

Tanned skins
Some people are scared by animal skins in the room. However, they have good energy, help increase material wealth and protect what they have acquired. Therefore, such things can be safely placed in the office to increase profits and capital.

Dried flowers
Many people think that dried flowers are not good. However, such a bouquet, placed in a vase, promotes well-being, wealth, health and comfort. Dried flowers neutralize negative energy. It’s not for nothing that earlier in every village house one could see bunches of herbs under the ceiling or in the corner of the room.

Animal figurines
Figures of soldiers, warriors, and nesting dolls, repeating each other and placed in a row, are an excellent means of cleansing energy. Elephants following each other are a universal symbol of well-being. Especially if their trunks are pointing straight up. This promises the owners of the house constant material wealth.

Embroidered pillows
They are considered a talisman for the love of spouses. If there are flowers on the pillows, this is a talisman of health, if there are images of people or animals, this is protection from dangers, if there are landscapes, this helps to be successful in any endeavor.

But there are also those things that attract negativity into the house. You should not keep them, even if good memories are associated with them.

Things with negative energy

We are talking about old worn-out slippers or new ones, but with holes. They attract negative energy. If the slippers are torn, they must be removed from the apartment. Otherwise, the owners face serious financial difficulties.

climbing plants
Living plants whose stems cover the walls cannot be inside the house. They attract various diseases. Their shoots should be positioned so that the climbing stems form a ball in the pot. You can install a wire frame. But if the plant is located outside the house, on the outside, then this is only beneficial - your house is protected. You should not grow flowers such as pansies. They are traditionally planted near graves.

A palm tree in itself in the house is not bad. But there is one serious exception. This plant should not be accepted as a gift. If you have already been given a palm tree, it is better to leave it at work, since such a gift cannot be brought into the house.

Crockery with defects
No matter how beautiful the dishes are, if they crack or a piece breaks off, you should throw them away without regret. The plate symbolizes family. Defects in the dishes indicate possible problems in a relationship.

From time immemorial, people have turned to the help of magic: some want to improve their health or bring back a loved one, others want to find out or change their destiny, and still others want to attract fortune to themselves. In the latter case, you can charm the object for good luck, and then it will have magical properties that will make a person happy.

If you are constantly plagued by a series of failures, this is a serious reason to think about how to change everything. There are two options: turn to a seer with magical skills, or get acquainted with the basic rituals that you can perform independently, and their effectiveness will become noticeable literally immediately.

Rules for performing rituals

It's important to remember that final result depends not only on the spoken words or the chosen object for the conspiracy, but also on compliance certain rules the person who will perform the ritual.

What everyone needs to know who wants to spell a thing for love, luck and happiness:

Taking into account the above details when performing the ritual, you can make it absolutely safe and effective, and then it will really attract good luck and happiness.

How to spell a thing for good luck?

In order to always have good luck in all matters, you need to find your favorite thing and read this prayer 12 times to attract prosperity, which will certainly affect all areas of life.

“Just like a squirrel wore a fur coat and couldn’t take it off, so you (name the thing) would bring me good luck, happiness. Let it be so!"

There is another option for carrying out the ceremony, for which you will need a simple pin:

  • We wait until the Moon reaches the new moon phase;
  • At midnight we take a pin and read above it:

“The moon is being born again, its power is awakening and heading straight towards me. My luck will never break away from this pin, just as the Moon will never part with the sky. Following on the heels of my luck, follow me, I will do great good! Amen!"

  • It is advisable to do such a ritual every time there is a full moon, and then luck will certainly never leave you.

There is a third way to help attract luck to your side:

  • We take a lace and braid a pigtail from it;
  • We charm the string, saying the prayer intended for these purposes:

“Hurry up, luck comes, look at me. May luck burst into life and return to me forever.”

The easiest way to attract fortune is to simply tie a lace to your left leg, saying: “ I tie the lace, I tie luck to myself " Despite its lightness, it has no less magical power than the conspiracies presented above.

It is advisable to carry all enchanted objects with you: they will act as talismans and protect the owner from illnesses and problems.

Keychain spell

For such a ritual you will need an agate, which in the future needs to be hung on a keychain or phone. What to do:

  • We wash the stone under running water;
  • When midnight comes, light the candles, hold the agate in our hands and repeat: “ Help me, agate, help, protect and bring good luck »;
  • In addition to a keychain, the stone can be used as a pendant; the main thing is to carry it with you constantly and hold it in your hands more often, thinking about your success.

Ritual for luck

This ritual is universal: it promotes good luck in career, love and other aspects that are important for every person. How it is done:

  • From midnight to 3 o'clock from Saturday to Sunday we stand near the mirror, holding a church candle in our hands;
  • We read a prayer from the Antichrist:

“Deliver me, Lord, from the seduction of the godless and evil-cunning Antichrist who is coming, and hide me from his snares in the hidden desert of Your salvation. Grant me, Lord, the strength and courage to firmly confess Your holy name, so that I will not retreat from the fear of the devil, and may not renounce You, my Savior and Redeemer, from Your Holy Church. But grant me, Lord, day and night to cry and cry for my sins, and have mercy on me, Lord, at the hour of Your Last Judgment. Amen"

We extinguish the candle using a cotton cloth. We put everything under the pillow at night.

Rituals on a pin

Since ancient times, the pin has been considered the most the best mascot from the evil eye, therefore it is used in many rituals. You can spell it for success as follows:

  • Take a bowl and put 3 tbsp in it. spoons of salt, rice and sugar, open a pin and stick it into a pile of them;
  • We leave the attributes for the whole night so that no one sees them;
  • In the morning we take out the pin, and throw the contents of the plate into the ground and bury it.

If you need protection from troubles, the evil eye and damage, the following ritual is suitable:

  • We open the pin and say: “ Turn away my enemies, remove all evil, protect me, turn away damage and the evil eye. Amen »;
  • We fasten the amulet to our clothes and wear it without taking it off.

There is a third way to attract good luck using a pin:

  • During the Moon in its growth phase, on Friday we buy a pin and a white candle, and on Tuesday we perform the ritual;
  • We light a candle and heat a pin with its flame, whispering a plot to attract the Protector Angel:

“God, the Angela have arrived! Guardian, protect me. Protect from evil machinations, wash with pure flame. Let it be so. Amen!"

We moisten the tip of the pin with hot wax, when everything hardens, we fix it on the clothes.

Spells for wealth and good luck

A difficult financial situation can be easily corrected with a 5-kopeck coin if you spell it as follows:

  • We put money in left palm and read the plot specially designed for her:

“Money to money, wallets to wallets. Just as the sun turns golden with light, so my penny glowed, brought money, gave joy. As said, so done. Be my words strong and my actions firm. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

  • We carry the coin with us for a year, then repeat the ritual again.

It is advisable not to give money to anyone and put it in a separate pocket in your wallet after the ritual.

Gold ring to attract good luck

This ritual is considered one of the most effective, because gold has long been used as an attribute endowed with magical energy. How to make a ring made from it bring happiness:

  • We take woolen yarn, place it on the table and wrap a ring in it;
  • Hold the candle in right hand and we read: “ A tit lived across the blue-blue sea and built its nest there. She found the ring in it and immediately brought it to me. I’ll decorate myself, I’ll go dress up, I’ll be useful to good people. All my secret secrets will be revealed to me, all doors will open, everything will be my way. Amen!" ;
  • We try to wear the enchanted ring all the time, keeping it in a secret place.

Only faith in the power of magic and your own luck will contribute to the speedy receipt of results from rituals: in this case, changes in life will become obvious, but this may take some time.

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