Strong spell for mother-in-law's love, mother-in-law love spell. Rules for conducting and using conspiracies on mother-in-law

New article: prayer for the love of a mother-in-law on the website - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

A conspiracy for an evil mother-in-law consists of magical texts that create conditions for attracting the energy of mutual understanding and peace into the house, promoting a calm, measured life of people who may not tolerate each other, and may even hate each other.

There are a huge number of conspiracies against the mother-in-law if she interferes with the normal life of her son’s family, most of which were created and perfected over tens, even hundreds of years. After all, unfortunately, there are cases when a mother, who does not agree with her son’s choice, goes to literally anything to separate the naughty “little blood” from his chosen one.

The quintessence of magical knowledge of many generations works perfectly today, the main thing is to make sufficient efforts to resolve the issue, to really want to achieve success.

Exists a large number of proven conspiracies to ward off the mother-in-law, allowing you to improve relations with the mother-in-law, simply kick her out of the house with the help of magic, if all else fails. Before resorting to magic, you need to try to reconcile with this person, or ask your husband to talk to her. If all else fails, turn to the help of heavenly forces, most importantly, maintain a firm intention.

When are these conspiracies pronounced?

There are many examples when a mother-in-law is capable of creating some problems in the family, interfering with life, creating conditions that sometimes lead to disruption of the idyll and even divorce. The most difficult case is when the mother-in-law lives with her family and constantly incites her son to attack his daughter-in-law. They say that a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth, and this lie is especially effective against loved ones.

And if a young family does not have the opportunity to move to a separate apartment, or, for example, the mother-in-law needs constant care from loved ones for health reasons, the likelihood of marriage destruction increases. Water wears away stone, but the husband’s mother is not a stranger to him, and he will listen to her opinion.

Therefore, if you do not want to lose your loved one, you need to take the initiative into your own hands and try to resolve the issue.

If the husband's mother refuses to compromise, you need to resort to the help of heavenly powers from her machinations. One of the most effective means to solve this problem is a conspiracy to love the mother-in-law. If you just want to improve your relationship with your mother-in-law, then this will suit you white conspiracy. And in order to drive your mother-in-law away forever, if you need to drive a woman out of your house, you will most likely need to use black magic. In this case, a husband’s lapel from his mother-in-law, taken in a photograph of them together, or a ritual with wax dolls would be suitable.

How to deal with a difficult situation

The life of a young family often depends on many factors, among which relationships with parents occupy a fairly significant place. Therefore, if you are tired of the constant presence of your mother-in-law in your home, it is you, the daughter-in-law, who needs to solve the problem.

To carry out the next plot from an evil mother-in-law, you need to prepare an onion, three candles and a glass of water. The ceremony is carried out on the waning month. At this time, the words of the conspiracy to get rid of your mother-in-law can have a maximum effect on the woman who is annoying you, and the goal will be achieved in as soon as possible, life will become easier. Late at night, light candles, place them on the table, cut an onion, put it in a glass of water and read the words of the conspiracy for your mother-in-law.

The words of the ritual are repeated seven times, after which the glass is left on the window for seven days.

After a week, add water and the bulb to the soil in a deserted place.

In a few weeks, the conspiracy aimed at getting rid of the mother-in-law should work, because no protection will help against it.

What to do if your mother-in-law doesn't like you

Even if the mother-in-law lives separately, she can create a number of problems simply because she does not like her daughter-in-law. She may play dirty tricks occasionally, casually noticing something unpleasant about you when we meet. Fortunately, even for such a case there are rituals, spells, conspiracies from an evil mother-in-law.

The following ritual will allow you not only to improve relations with your husband’s mother, but will also make it so that your mother-in-law can see your positive sides and fell in love with you. In order to implement it you will need seven candles and very tasty pie.

It is recommended to perform the ritual on the full moon, and if that doesn’t work, then at least for the growing month. At midnight, candles are lit, a closed circle is made of them on the floor, and a pie is placed in the center. The following plot to make your mother-in-law love you is written on a piece of paper and read seven times over the pie.

Spend the next 15 minutes visualizing a positive relationship with your mother-in-law. The candles must burn out to the end, after which the wax is wrapped in a sheet with a spell and buried in a deserted place. Naturally, you need to treat your mother-in-law to the pie, for example, by inviting her to tea.

If you want to use " heavy artillery", make the husband's lapel away from his mother. Choose any one: with a photo of the waning moon, with volts and a knife - whichever one you like best. But remember what to use black magic higher powers will demand a high price. The husband may start drinking and may have health problems. You are breaking not a simple connection, but a blood connection, and this is dangerous for all participants in the ritual, voluntary and involuntary.

What does it take for the ritual to work?

To achieve success in your goal, you need to follow some rules. The most important thing is to choose an achievable goal, strive for it, without paying the slightest attention to imaginary obstacles. Visualize the situation you want to achieve, preferably in as much detail as possible.

Remember heavenly powers They help only believers, those who try to create their own destiny. It is impossible to imagine a situation when, after a huge quarrel, a daughter-in-law and mother-in-law make up, becoming best friends. A good relationship is the result of long-term, productive work between two individuals who work every day to make positive changes in existence.

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Conspiracies for mother-in-law: comments

Comments - 6,

For many girls, this article is very relevant. You need to understand that it is with the help of a conspiracy that you can attract positive energy into your home and positive attitude. My mother-in-law really didn’t like me, but Lately she became completely unbearable. I used a spell on an onion, three candles and a glass of water. Repeated it seven times. And no matter how skeptic I was before, I can’t help but admit that after reading the plot, the atmosphere in the family began to improve, my mother-in-law began to behave more calmly, she doesn’t scream, doesn’t find fault, and doesn’t interfere in our relationship. Higher powers help only those who believe - don’t forget this!

Where should I put the candles?

What should we do to keep my mother-in-law out of our family?

Where to put candles

And if you can’t feed your mother-in-law a pie, what should you do or eat another one? effective conspiracy for mother-in-law's love

I have a slightly different problem. My husband listens strongly not only to his mother, he completely obeys his father, my husband is 40 years old. Without touching the execution of orders. In his opinion. Mother does everything right. Father will wake you up as he says. I feel sorry for our son that all the time he sees the scandals they create through my husband and he doesn’t see that he is a means for revenge.. HOW TO REMOVE THEIR INFLUENCE ON MY HUSBAND. HELP

Conspiracies for mother-in-law

Relationships between women are not always ideal, especially if there is someone to share. A man’s wife and mother often do not find understanding, which negatively affects the general atmosphere in the family. Is there an effective conspiracy for mother-in-law that can get rid of constant conflicts and make life easier? Let's look at the most proven methods.

Conspiracies for mother-in-law

Features of Witchcraft

The reasons for the misunderstanding between the daughter-in-law and the husband's mother most often become banal jealousy. The woman does not want to realize that her child has already grown up, so she is trying to get rid of her competitor. In a desperate struggle, she does not listen to the voice of reason; she is not stopped either by the presence of common children or by the feelings of her own son. If hatred crosses all boundaries and threatens to destroy a marriage, it is worth turning to ancient rituals.

There have always been problems with relationships between women in the family. Despite the official patriarchal structure, the women in the house often clashed. The daughter-in-law, who was blood relative and came from another family. Conspiracies against mother-in-law that have come down to us can be divided into three large categories.

  1. For reconciliation. The funds are aimed at building relationships, understanding and friendship.
  2. Limiting interference in the family. They help get rid of regular advice and instructions.
  3. From the husband's addiction. A psychological connection is established between the child and the mother, which some sons cannot overcome. Methods break this thread, force the man to listen to his wife.

Witchcraft is chosen depending on the characteristics of the relationship. All of them belong to the elements of white magic, which acts softly and imperceptibly. If a daughter-in-law tries to use the black craft method, the results will leave a dark mark on her life, children and relationship with her husband.

Orthodox way

It is better to start a conspiracy for mother-in-law's love with christian prayers. Intercession higher powers will not be able to keep a woman away from your home, but the relationship will become less strained. By the way, such a technique will allow you to bring peace to the family and gradually make the second mother fall in love.

Before the ceremony, it is necessary to cleanse yourself of all negative thoughts and hatred. Already in the temple they buy three candles, and also leave a note about the health of the husband’s mother. Lights are lit at the images:

Approaching each icon, one must mentally ask the mother-in-law to soften and not allow the marriage to be destroyed. You are allowed to stand before the holy faces for as long as your heart desires. Then you need to thank and cross yourself three times.

Prayer will help in relationships

Leaving the church, they fill up with water, buy twelve candles and miniature images with which they prayed. Any request from higher powers always ends with a “sacred sacrifice”, manifested in the form of alms. Upon leaving the temple, alms are distributed to everyone who extends their hand for help.

At home, the ritual is performed alone, so that no one interferes. The icons are fixed on the table, all the lights are lit, and the consecrated liquid is poured into a transparent bowl. They mentally turn to each saint, asking for help and intercession.

It is necessary to imagine that the mother-in-law is a good and kind woman, and that there is peace and tranquility in the family. At the end of the ceremony, the words of the prayer “I Believe” are read three times. The sign of the cross is made on the forehead, and a sip of water is taken. The liquid is added by the spoonful to the dishes and drinks of the husband's mother.

For peace of mind in the family

If women cannot find mutual language, then all loved ones suffer. Permanent " fighting» exhaust all participants in the conflict, especially children and men. To drive away swearing and hysterics, we recommend using the ancient method.

A conspiracy from an evil mother-in-law is carried out during the full moon phase. Seven expensive candles are first purchased from the temple. On the day of the ceremony, you need to make a delicious pie yourself, which is decorated with love. It is important to monitor your thoughts and avoid hatred.

Closer to midnight, they retire and fix the lights on the floor in the form of a closed circle. You need to stand in the middle and place the baked goods next to it. Exactly at 12 o'clock, all the candles are lit with a match, and then the words of the spell are read 7 times.

“You love your son like more life, love me too. Taste the sweet pie, get rid of anger and hostility. From now on and forever you will be my legal mother. Amen."

While the flame is burning, you need to visualize future good relationships. The cinders are wrapped in a piece of paper on which the words of witchcraft are written, and buried in a deserted place. The delicacy is eaten with the mother-in-law and then offered to the rest of the family. Remember that you cannot tell anyone about the ritual.

From an overbearing mother

If the spouse is under the daily tutelage of his parent, then it is difficult to try to build normal relationships in such conditions. Strong woman She is used to ruling everyone, so she will not tolerate competitors and will stop any intrigues against herself. Magic will help remove control, and will also allow young people to live in their own heads.

Magic will remove mother-in-law's control

To prevent the mother-in-law from interfering with the family, the following ritual must be performed on the waning moon. Three church candles are fixed on the table, which are set on fire from a torch. Pour a pinch into a glass of water Thursday salt. The onion is cut into two halves, dipped into a container with liquid with the words of the conspiracy.

“The onion and water are united, so the servants of God (the names of the spouses) will always be together. You (name of mother-in-law) do not have the strength to quarrel us, drive a stake between us and separate us. I forgot my fear of my mother, but was present in the arguments for me. Let it be so!"

Without taking your eyes off the glass, the spell is repeated seven times in a row. The dishes with the ingredients are left on the windowsill for a week, after which the contents are poured out in a deserted place. The first results will become noticeable within a couple of days, and after a month you don’t have to worry about the family tyrant.

To improve relations

So that the husband’s mother does not interfere with the young people’s lives, we must try to find a common language. The only dividing and uniting “link” is the husband and son, so it’s worth pacifying the mother-in-law and earning her respect. In magic there is effective remedy for such purposes.

To improve relationships, it is better to move the ritual to the full moon. On this day you need to prepare some kind of food with your own hands. tasty dish. Let it be a relative’s favorite cake or the most best salad. We recommend spending several hours emotionally charging the product.

Then you need to take any item from your mother-in-law and tie it tightly with your wardrobe item. Place both hands on the fastened objects so as to touch all materials. The words of the conspiracy are read seven times.

“Now you are my dear mother, love me like your son. Deliver from anger and hatred, bring goodness into the house. There is love and understanding between us. Let it be so!"

Clothes must be hidden as far as possible - this is an amulet that protects relationships from breakup. We recommend putting it away and not showing it to anyone. Place the prepared food on the table at which the husband’s mother is sitting. It is important that the woman eats at least one piece.

From interference

What to do if a relative constantly interferes in your affairs? Getting your spouse away from home and not turning your spouse against you is a real skill that is better left to magic. In order for the parent to come less often and respect your opinion, you need to use a proven ritual.

During the waning moon, you need to wake up before sunrise. With your right hand you take salt, which is held in your open palm. They blow lightly over the surface of the crystals, pronouncing the words of the spell.

“Salt, loose salt, drive God’s servant (name) away from my house. So that she could live her life, not touch us, not meddle in our affairs, not be interested in us. Save me from anger and complaints. Let him forget the way to our house. Amen."

The spell is repeated 9 times, after which the substance is poured into a linen bag. It is necessary to leave the item “charging” on the windowsill for three days, and on the fourth it is scattered under the threshold of a relative. The effect of the ritual will become noticeable after a week, but to strengthen the result, we recommend performing magical actions twice more.

Relationships with mother-in-law can be improved

If your relationship with your mother-in-law is not going well, then it is worth improving it with the help of witchcraft. The Slavic white ritual does not suppress the personality, but makes it more understanding and sensitive. The woman will gradually stop being jealous of her son and see positive features daughters-in-law.

In order for witchcraft to reveal itself in full force, you need to choose the right period for magic. Professionals recommend performing all actions during the full moon or in the first three days, otherwise with each new day the effectiveness decreases significantly.

Before the ceremony, you need to prepare a delicious lunch with your mother-in-law’s favorite dishes. As a salt, it is better to use a substance charged in Maundy Thursday. The words of the conspiracy are pronounced over the prepared food three times.

“Just as the month in the sky is full of strength and the sky lights up, so let my mother-in-law’s heart fill me with love. I will close the words with a moon lock, and hide the key under the threshold. Let it be so!"

After the ritual you need to cover festive table with all the enchanted foods. The husband's mother is seated first, and the rest of the family then. As soon as the woman begins to eat, a cookie is discreetly shown to her under the table. Ancient magic will soften even the most evil mother-in-law.

From nitpicking

What should you do to rid your home of the machinations of a harmful relative? If you can’t get your parent to love you, then we advise you to relieve the tension in the family. For witchcraft you will need a photograph of the quarrelsome woman, in which she is depicted without her father-in-law.

In the morning at any major Orthodox holiday you need to go to church for a service, and then immediately buy new bible. An expensive candle is lit for a woman’s health, and lights are also lit next to the relative’s named saint. After leaving the church, they distribute alms to all the poor.

Already at home, a candle is lit, a photo and a consecrated book are placed next to it. They put it on the image left hand, trying to transfer the heat of your body. Slowly read the words of the spell for your mother-in-law.

“In the name of our Lord and His Mother! I take away all the anger towards your daughter-in-law from you (name) and lock it in the Holy Scriptures. There is no hatred or resentment between us. So that you can be affectionate and caring with us. Amen."

The photograph is placed between the pages of the Bible, which is securely hidden from prying eyes. The longer the picture is inside the book, the stronger defense from her bad character. Remember that whoever looks into the letters will destroy the witchcraft and everything will return to normal.

Precautionary measures

To remove an evil relative from your life, you need to use magic correctly. Remember that any spell is destroyed when revealed, so you should not tell your friends about witchcraft. It is better to keep all actions secret.

To prevent your husband's mother from becoming an ex, there is no need to provoke scandals. Even the most strong rituals will not act in case of inappropriate behavior of the daughter-in-law. True love will not be an obstacle for a man who is disappointed in his wife. A whole “combat” strategy has been built against the daughter-in-law, so you shouldn’t make her way easier.

There is no need to try to make the woman leave forever and never come again. Remember that she believes she is protecting her child from bad couple, and her husband will always have tender feelings for her. Rude attempts at separation can lead to the destruction of a marriage.

During the ritual, it is forbidden to visualize concepts such as “hate” or “punish.” Even the most innocent whisper will work accurately and firmly. To make a woman fall behind, you cannot use evil against her. Dark force will use negative emotions to turn the ceremony in a bad direction.

Spells for a quarrelsome mother-in-law are ancient magic that helps couples get rid of unnecessary guardianship that interferes with the lives of young people. A calm atmosphere will allow you to maintain love and understanding in the family, and also get to know your relative better. In our recommendations you will find the ideal option even for the most difficult cases.

Conspiracies to make your mother-in-law love your daughter-in-law

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law

“As your son is dear to you, dear to your blood and flesh, so I will be to you blood, flesh, soul, heart. Love me like your child and more than your heart. Amen".
Talk about candy, gingerbread, tea - anything you can treat your mother-in-law with.

Reads for tea:

“Nicholas the Wonderworker, help me, servant of God (his full name). Water is water, dear sister. You are pure as crystal! So let our life be pure (our full names and mother-in-law). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen!”

Treat your mother-in-law to tea and sweets. Make sure she starts drinking tea first.
Buy any wearable item on Friday before noon, don’t haggle and don’t take change. When you get home, read the plot three times:

“Just as your mother is the servant of God (mother-in-law’s name) in you, so I am the servant of God (my full name) in you. Become my own mother. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Conspiracies for a grumpy mother-in-law

“As a young month is born and goes through the Lord’s heaven in its own way and on its own path - it is its own master, the dachshund of God’s servant (name), a young housewife, the garden of power over the mother-in-law was born. And she would know the roads of all her household and would keep them in her right hand, in his right fist. Tsits, mother-in-law, I am your head. Amen".

Bake pancakes, talk to them and feed your mother-in-law

For a bad month

“As the month wanes and comes to an end, so the quarrels in our house would come to an end and melt away. If only my mother-in-law would be silent, just as the dead do not scream, just as fish in the ocean-sea are silent. Amen.”

To the full moon

“As the full moon shines in the sky, illuminating the entire Lord’s sky, so would my mother-in-law’s heart be full for me. So she would lavish affection on me, like full moon lit up the sky. I lock my whole tale with a lunar lock, a monthly key, and a monthly light. Amen".

Prepare a good dinner, talk over it three times and make sure that your mother-in-law sits down at the table first, and when she starts eating, show her the fig under the table. While people will be surprised and ask why you have such peace in your home, don’t tell anyone how you achieved it.
Have a tea party at home. Sit opposite your mother-in-law to drink tea and at this time mentally recite the plot:

“Tea, tea, sweetened me, the servant of God (my full name), saved the life of my mother-in-law (full name of my mother-in-law)! Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

For tea, serve cheesecakes, pies or buns that you baked yourself. Leave some of the baked goods so that the mother-in-law can see and hear with the words:

“(Husband’s name) will come, we’ll drink tea together!”

Conspiracies from an evil mother-in-law

Go to church, light a candle for the health of your mother-in-law, saying numerically:

Treat your mother-in-law to Cahors with a hex. You can attach a box to the Cahors chocolates or any other sweets, while walking, mentally say:

You need to brew the tea yourself and serve it to your mother-in-law herself. Collect it yourself, don’t let your mother-in-law do it. And wash her cup yourself, buying it three times with cold running water and wash it yourself.

Go to church, light a candle for your mother-in-law's health,
numerically saying:

“Lord, remember the anger of my mother-in-law (her full name). As a candle burns out, her anger towards me disappears. Amen! Amen! Amen?"

When leaving the temple, make a small donation for its needs.

Buy a bottle of Cahors and slander him three times:

“Like the wine in this bottle will disappear, fade away, go into the ground, and find a home there. So the anger of my mother-in-law (full name of mother-in-law) towards me, the servant of God (full name), fades away.” Cross the threshold of your mother-in-law’s home with your left foot, mentally saying: “I enter the house, I look at the icons. Tsits, mother-in-law, I’m a son-in-law, I can take all the power for myself. You should be silent, but I should shout. I'm the master here. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Treat your mother-in-law to Cahors with a hex. You can attach a box of chocolates or any other sweets to your Cahors, and when leaving, mentally say:

“My word is strong, as I said, it will be so, I can’t take it back. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Take live fish and cut off her head in one fell swoop, saying:

“Just as you, fish, did not scream, but were silent, so the servant of God (name of mother-in-law) would calm down and not jump! You should not howl, but God’s servant (mother-in-law’s name) should be calm! Just as you should not squeal, the servant of God (name of mother-in-law) should remain silent. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen!”

Feed the head of the fish to the cat, and fry the rest and treat it to your mother-in-law.

This plot is recited on grain for chickens. Feed the bird at dawn of the waning moon.

“Just as this grain does not squeal, does not scream until the chicken pecks it, so the servant of God (the name of the grumpy mother-in-law) would remain silent against me, the beautiful fellow (her full name). She also shouldn’t shout at me, the servant of God (her full name), or raise a temper, or say a swear word! Amen!"

Next Sunday, visit church and light a candle there for the health of your mother-in-law. When leaving the temple, make a small donation for its needs. No one should know about what you did.

Your husband also has a mother who experiences the same feelings. Previously, she was the only beloved mother, but now her son fell in love with another, brought her into the house, and even began to devote little time to his mother. She wants to get everything back under her control. This is a bad choice. She can plot against you, slander your son, tell you that you are a bad housewife, wife, mother. All this spoils the marriage. To prevent this from happening, you need to know ancient conspiracies.

In this article:

If your mother-in-law has always been against you and did not approve of your son’s choice, it will be hard for you. Her attacks, caustic remarks and behavior of the mistress of the house can ruin everything. It's hard if you all live together. But it’s even worse if the son has his own apartment, because the mother will try to restore order there too.

For a daughter-in-law, marriage can be a nightmare if the mother-in-law constantly interferes.

Various methods will help you, including a conspiracy to love your mother-in-law. And if it was not possible to find mutual understanding, then you will need to drive her away from your home and family forever. Let him live his life and not poke his nose into yours. Choose your own recipe family happiness, but it should be just your choice.

Mother, son and son's wife

You also have a mother. She loves, cares, tries to constantly give advice and instruct in life. It's nice, but annoying. Her concern is natural for you, although sometimes it is intrusive. Your husband also has a mother who experiences the same feelings. Previously, she was the only beloved mother, but now her son fell in love with another, brought her into the house, and even began to devote little time to his mother. She wants to get everything back under her control. This is a bad choice. She can plot against you, slander your son, tell you that you are a bad housewife, wife, mother. All this spoils the marriage. To prevent this from happening, you need to know ancient conspiracies. They will drive your mother-in-law away from your home, and she will calm down. Sometimes they talk to make your mother-in-law love you if you want it.

Only a very wise woman can understand: she is a mother, but that’s all. Now she no longer has the right with her law to come to your house.

The son is now married to his beloved and is building his own family. Mom can offer advice and help, ask for help for herself. But she certainly cannot dictate to you how to live, what to buy, where to go. Your home should be yours alone. Otherwise, there will never be order in such a household with two housewives. The correct conspiracy will bring order.

Don't let your mother-in-law ruin your marriage

Someone may give up - daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, this is an eternal confrontation for a man’s love. All this dangerous games. If she immediately dislikes you, she will slowly but surely break up your marriage bit by bit. Without even knowing it, most often. Talk about what your husband loves, force him to learn how to cook it. So you will hate any, even the most delicious dish. He can show you how to properly fold laundry in the closet, when to take your child for a walk, and what to treat guests with.

To avoid this, protect yourself once and for all.

All these conspiracies are very persistent. You won’t harm your mother-in-law, just put a simple thought in her head: you don’t need her advice, intrusive help, or sudden visits for tea.

Conspiracies will help keep your mother-in-law “in check”

If you want peace and love in your family, there is nothing easier. This plot will help your mother-in-law to see you with the best side, love and forgive. Such a family will be strong. Joint trips to the country, mushroom hunting, holidays all together. If you dream of such a family, then this method is for you.
You need to take any thing from your mother-in-law. One thing that your mother-in-law gave you. Tie or fasten them together. Say to the knot:

"Now I birth mother, she who gave birth to my beloved! So that there were no barriers between us, calm reigned and everything went smoothly! I attract the forces of goodness and love to the hearth; an envious enemy will not penetrate there! We must get rid of anger and hatred, and get rid of hostility! I have prepared a delicious pie, when you taste the sweet piece, you will love me and call me your beloved daughter-in-law! From now on and forever you will be like a legitimate mother to me! Candles will help me in the twilight, a love spell, sending it to you! Amen!"

Now keep this knot in a secluded place, don’t show it to anyone, don’t tell it. With this knot you have established peace in the family and the love of your mother-in-law. As long as he is with you, everything is fine. Don’t lose it, don’t throw it away, otherwise your conspiracy will pass.

So that your mother-in-law does not come to you

If your husband’s mother bothers you too much with visits and comes to visit without calling, then this method will keep her away from your doorstep.
Take a grain of coarse salt. On the waning moon at night, speak 9 times:

“Salt, white salt, free-flowing salt! Help the servant of God (name) get away from my house, so that she can live her life, do her business, and not be interested in mine and her husband’s and not interfere. Help her get rid of her advice and complaints, save her from anger and hostility. Make her forget the way to our house and stop coming to us! Amen!"

Bring salt to your mother-in-law's doorstep and pour as much salt as possible there. If you have a rug, put it under the rug. Repeat the ritual after a month to consolidate the effect. The salt will not let it come to you. It will only happen if you invite them to come.

If the husband is heavily dependent on his mother

Where the domineering mother is, there will be no peace for the daughter-in-law. If your husband is very dependent on his mother, then you need to break this connection. Done on the waning moon on Thursday.
You will need:

  • Small onion;
  • glass of water;
  • church candle;
  • new knife.

You should be alone at night; if your husband is home, make sure he is sleeping.
Light a candle, let it be the only source of light. Cut the onion in half with a new knife, say to it 12 times:

“Just as an onion and water are united, so are we, the servants of God (your names with your spouse), and no one or anything can quarrel us and separate us! So that my beloved husband listens to me and listens, so that he always supports me, so that he is a mountain for me! So that in disputes with his mother he would be on my side, Yes, he was not a mother’s boy, but he could get rid of all his mother-in-law! Amen!"

Don't forget that you need to leave gifts at the cemetery

Place it in a glass of water. Put the candle out on the water between the two halves. Place the glass with the onion on the window and hide the candle.
It should stay like this for 7 days. On the eighth day, put the candle, glass and onion in a paper bag, go to the cemetery. There you will need to bury it all deeper. Leave the cemetery, don't look back. It will work within a month. After such a conspiracy, your mother-in-law will no longer say an evil word against you; she will rarely come. So that she doesn’t plot against you, this is an excellent ritual. What is buried in the cemetery land will not harm anyone and will not come out. Strong conspiracy it will work out.

To save your marriage and not spoil your relationship with your husband’s mother, use simple rules. To do this, you do not need to be a magician, a healer, or a practitioner of the dark or light tradition. Regular worldly wisdom, which strengthens the effect of any conspiracies on the mother-in-law.

A detailed description from several sources: “prayer for a conspiracy to respect your daughter-in-law” - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

Conspiracy for the love of a daughter-in-law for her mother-in-law

Read for the new month.

The young month, the earth's intercessor,

Were you at Adam's house?

Have you seen the deceased in the coffin?

How the dead do not quarrel with the living,

One doesn't clash against the other.

So would we do with my sister-in-law (name):

All century - for centuries, all life - for life,

All hours and minutes.

Strong conspiracy of mother-in-law for daughter-in-law's love

If you feel that you are strongly disliked by your daughter-in-law, do not rush to plot. It’s better to read the mother-in-law’s special plot.

This is especially true for those who do not have the opportunity to live separately.

There are different morals and divergent views here.

And also everyone’s desire to become full mistress“kitchen territory.”

Scandals, quarrels and mutual dislike are prerequisites for the divorce of young people.

My dears, breaking is a simple matter.

Better try to strengthen your life.

Just for a moment, become a wise mother-in-law.

Go to Orthodox church and buy 13 candles.

Without venerating icons or crossing yourself, go back.

As you leave the walls of the Temple, turn around and say these charming words to yourself:

I leave all quarrels behind, I bless my daughter-in-law with love. Amen.

When you come home, wait until no one is home.

Lock yourself in a room. Light the candles.

Mentally imagine peace and friendship between you and your daughter-in-law. Build images in which you are the best mother-in-law on Earth.

Proceed to repeatedly whisper a magical spell for your daughter-in-law’s love.

I slander my daughter-in-law, even though I can’t stomach her. Let all our anger disappear and sadness leave the family. Whatever the mother-in-law tells her daughter-in-law, let her not refuse. As the daughter-in-law speaks her word, anger will not fill me. Let my daughter-in-law love me and not ruin her marriage with dirty tricks. He won’t lose his temper, he won’t scream, if he wants to, he’ll just wilt. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Put out the candles. Take cinders out of the house.

After 13 days, perform the occult ritual again.

After another “devil’s dozen” days, you consolidate the work.

The daughter-in-law's love will be expressed in magical restraint and a mutual desire to find a compromise.

Be the best mother-in-law!

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Conspiracies to make daughter-in-law respect mother-in-law

So that the daughter-in-law respects the mother-in-law without influencing her bad influence, feel free to read magical conspiracies. Don't be alarmed: they won't do any harm. No ransom required.

I myself know families in which there are constant disputes.

They seem to be adequate people, but not a single one dares to give in.

I am a mother-in-law, which means older and wiser.

And I’m your Sasha’s wife, and in general we won’t ask you for any advice. We don't need them.

Let's start solving the problem right now.

You are a third party ( close relative mother-in-law) go to the Orthodox Church and submit a registered note about the health of both.

Buy an arbitrary number of candles.

Place one of them next to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Whisper these charming lines to yourself.

So that the daughter-in-law respects her mother-in-law, just as she does not offend her own mother. Amen!

When your daughter-in-law and mother-in-law are not at home, light the remaining candles. Place the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant nearby.

(This is one of the few magical spells, performed with an appeal to Orthodox saints).

Read them repeatedly and confidently.

Wonderworker Nikolai, let the daughter-in-law not influence her mother-in-law and not sort out her relationship. Thy will be done. Amen.

Nikolai Ugodnik, Defender and Savior. Forbid us to sin and commit evil deeds. So that everyone could live in peace and pray for salvation. Amen.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, bring love and respect, joy and humble patience into our home. Thy will be done. Amen.

I don’t know why these conspiracies in manuscripts are marked as one of the most effective.

You don’t impose the sign of the cross on yourself.

Do not take candle stubs into an Orthodox Church.

Live in harmony!

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The ceremony you propose should be performed by a close relative, but I don’t have one. What to do?

Right now I am re-familiarizing myself with a simple ritual.

Why don’t you try to fulfill it yourself?

All the conspiracies are formulated in such a way that I am a little surprised why a third party is mentioned in the manuscripts.

You will certainly succeed.

I see that you have already read similar topics. They are also aimed at regulating the relationship between mother and son.

Be healthy and endlessly happy!

Yes! I've already found everything I need! Thank you!

I wish you prosperity in all areas of life!

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  • Lyudmila - Conspiracy to find lost item, 2 strong conspiracies
  • Inessa - Prayer for the child to pass the exam, 3 prayers for the mother
  • Svetlana - Plot for strong love in blood
  • Site Administrator - Plot for strong love in blood
  • Svetlana - Plot for strong love in blood

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So that the daughter-in-law loves and feels sorry for her son

So that the daughter-in-law loves and feels sorry for her son

The mother takes the photo of her son, places it on her right knee and strokes the image of her son with her left hand, saying:

This is how my hand strokes and strokes

My dear (name),

This is how the servant of God (name) would caress and stroke him.

Century by century, from now to eternity.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

So that friends can get away from their son

So that friends can unhook from their son. From the letter:

So that the daughter-in-law does not run away from home

So that the daughter-in-law does not run away from home. From the letter:

For your wife to love

So that your wife loves This plot is read on the grave in which a woman is buried who bore the same name as your wife and the same age as your wife. You should go to the cemetery alone, without friends, on any day except Saturday and Sunday. And of course, not to church

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law. From the letter: “Six months ago I got married. My husband is very good, kind and non-greedy, but I was unlucky with my mother-in-law. From the very first day she began to teach me how to live. If I cook cabbage soup, she immediately starts telling me how she cooks cabbage soup, in which

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law. This plot is read over food (preferably over gingerbread or sweets) or drink, which can then be treated to the mother-in-law. The conspiracy words are as follows: As your son is dear to you, dear to your blood, to your flesh, so I will be to you blood, flesh, to your soul, to your soul.

So that the mother-in-law loves

So that the mother-in-law loves her son-in-law. Every time you enter your mother-in-law’s house, cross the threshold with your left foot and say the following words: I enter the house, I don’t look at the icons. Tsits, mother-in-law, I’m a son-in-law, I can take all the power. You should be silent, but I should shout. I'm here, sir.

So that no one beats your son

So that no one beats your son. What mother does not worry about her child, especially in our turbulent times? Therefore, I think many of my readers and students will be interested in this wonderful protective spell. His words are as follows: Holy Passion-Bearer of Christ, George

For your wife to love

For your wife to love When you start taking a steam bath, wipe the sweat from your face with a handkerchief. Three days later, wipe your wife’s face with the same handkerchief, reading the following conspiracy to yourself: Like me, God’s servant (name), Sweat boils and burns, heart beats For God’s servant (name), So would God’s servant (name),

So that a mother does not get her son or daughter drunk

So that a mother does not get her son or daughter drunk. Judging by the letters, there are many cases when a mother-in-law or mother-in-law offers a drink to their daughter-in-law or son-in-law. They gradually get involved and become drunk. Here is just one of these letters: “...I have a very good husband, he is kind to me and to the children. He can do everything.

For your wife to love

So that your wife loves you, you evil devils, your beds are made of tar, your teeth are rotten. Whine to me, sing along, help me in my work. There is a closed hut in a field, the deceased is buried in that grave. I walk backwards towards her, knocking with my salary. Get up and wake up, bow to me, the servant of God (name). How are you

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law, talk about candy, gingerbread, tea, everything that can be treated to the mother-in-law: Just as a son is dear to you, dear to you, dear to your blood, to your flesh, so I will be to you, blood, flesh, to your soul, to your heart. Love me like your child and more than your heart. Amen.

So that the mother-in-law loves

If your daughter-in-law is walking away from your son

If your daughter-in-law is walking away from your son From a letter: “It’s hard for me to write about this, but I don’t see any other way out. I apologize in advance for wasting your time. I will try to write briefly and most importantly. I raised my son alone, because when I was pregnant, my

To marry a stupid son (a fool)

To get a stupid son married (mischief) This is a strong joke that has already helped many people. Those around you won’t even understand why they love your son so much, the girls won’t be able to take their eyes off him, and all you need is for the young man not to remain an asshole.

For your daughter-in-law to help with housework

For your daughter-in-law to help with the housework, make soup and serve it to your daughter-in-law first. Eat this soup yourself last. Then wash your dishes first and your daughter-in-law's plate last. When you wash the dishes, say: As I wash this off, I’ll cover you with work too. Amen. The ritual is not performed

Nauz to marry his son

Nauz to marry a son This nauz is suitable if a mother wants to marry her son. For this nauz you will need a candle, a scarf (preferably a new one), a new lace and a lace or strap that belonged to your son. Light the candle. Take that lace that belonged to your son and

Prayer for the daughter-in-law to respect the mother-in-law.

Any mother who becomes a mother-in-law after her son’s marriage wants to acquire another daughter in the person of her daughter-in-law. The young daughter-in-law does not always respect the wise mother-in-law, but on the contrary strives to cause discord and quarrels. Here the mother-in-law needs to show all her wits so as not to follow the lead of her arrogant daughter-in-law, but to force herself to be respected.

There is one prayer. She tries on differences between her daughter-in-law and mother-in-law and brings harmony into their relationship. Regular reading of it brings exactly the results you need. your daughter-in-law will respect and honor you.

So, a prayer for the daughter-in-law to respect the mother-in-law.

“Rivers, fast waters, thundering streams,

Of three rivers, oceans, three swamps,

From three buckets, from three streams, from three pipes,

From three glasses, from three spoons and on my doorstep.

Wash away, water, remove all anger,

Scandal, quarrel, unnecessary conversations

Between the servants of God (your own name and your daughter-in-law’s name).

Forbid quarreling, making noise, shouting.

Soften the heart of God's servant (name of daughter-in-law),

As the sun illuminates the earth, lavishes warmth and light on everyone,

So does the servant of God (name of daughter-in-law) love and affection

She gave to the servant of God (name of mother-in-law),

I was waiting for a kind word,

Respected and honored.

I lock it with a solar lock,

I throw the key into the water.

Whispers are small but effective conspiracies. They are pronounced in a whisper or mentally.

Water is the most powerful magical conductor. They talk about water love spells, .

  • Islam and Orthodoxy are two different religions. Therefore, remove the Muslim love spell.

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  • It is very important for every daughter-in-law to establish a relationship with her husband’s mother. It often happens that when a son brings a young wife into the family, his mother begins to be jealous. Now control over him has been lost, he devotes less time to his mother. As a result, intrigues appear against the daughter-in-law; she can slander her son against his wife. This negatively affects the relationships of a young family. To prevent such consequences, in magic there is a certain conspiracy against the mother-in-law, with the help of which you can restore the relationship with your spouse’s mother, make sure that she does not interfere in other people’s affairs, so that she does not control her son.

    Intrigues against the daughter-in-law can ruin the relationship within a couple

    Compliance with the rules is necessary for rituals

    Before performing any spells, you need to try to improve your relationship with your husband's mother. The young wife needs to make every effort to make friends with her new relative. If no methods work, the mother-in-law negatively affects the relationship of the young family, you can try different prayers and conspiracies. They are read in women's days– Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. You cannot perform magical actions over large church holidays and on Sunday. It is better to pray these days, ask for blessings and protection from higher powers.

    If nothing else is specified in the ritual, magic words must be read three times. When pronouncing the word Amen, sign yourself with the cross every time. Be sure to repeat the ritual a month later, regardless of whether it worked or not. If a particular version of the ritual did not work, do not despair, you just need to try another one, choose a more effective one. We must remember that any action helps only those who believe in the power of words and really need help.

    Depending on what problem is present, the type of ritual is selected. All magical effects can be divided into the following categories:

    1. A talisman against influence. Such rituals are the most popular.
    2. Restoring the world and good relations. If your husband's mother has a bad attitude, you can use magical rituals. But you need to remember that they will only help to establish peace, but making friends with a relative will not be easy.
    3. Rituals against mother-in-law. These are powerful rituals that will help you completely get rid of her influence and cut off the emotional attachment of your spouse to your mother. As a result, he will no longer indulge her in everything and unquestioningly fulfill all requests.

    Before choosing any type of influence, it is important to decide on the purpose and desired result, and only then use magical spells.

    Conspiracy for peace in the family

    A ritual of reconciliation will help you find a common language with your mother-in-law

    If no traditional methods of reconciliation help, she regularly plots, slanders her husband against her daughter-in-law, you can use magical rituals to reconcile with the mother-in-law, with the help of which peace will reign in the family. To perform the following ritual, you will need the following attributes: 7 church candles; any pastries baked with your own hands.

    It is best to choose a full moon for this ritual. At midnight, light all the candles and place them in a circle on the floor. Sit in the center of the circle, place fresh pastries near you. Then you can read the following text:

    “You are my dear mother, although not by blood. But you gave me a husband. I sincerely wish that we live this way, so that the walls don’t shake. May you taste my baked goods, may the walls crumble forever, and in the future there will be only good, not evil. Know that I sincerely wish to make friends with you and live in peace and harmony. You will accept me into your heart and love me, call me your beloved daughter. We will create a hearth, the enemy will not be able to enter it. From now on and forever, treat me like a dear, loving mother. Yes, candles will become my helpers. Amen".

    Repeat the text 5 times, pronouncing each word clearly. This ritual at home is very effective. But it will only work if you sincerely want peace in the family. Let the candles burn out until the end, collect the cinders and hide them. And treat your mother-in-law to the enchanted baked goods. It is very important to never tell anyone about the action you took, regardless of whether it helped or not, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable.

    How to keep your mother-in-law away from your home

    There is a conspiracy against the mother-in-law so that the young people live in harmony, so that people who interfere with them do not come into the house. How to keep your mother-in-law away from your home? To get your husband away from your mother-in-law, you need to dial clean water to any container on Thursday. Throw three handfuls of Thursday salt into the water. Next, take a large knife, cut the water in the form of a cross, while saying:

    “I’ll pray to the Lord and cross myself. May I protect myself from my fierce, unkind mother-in-law. Cover me, Lord, with your robe. She is angry, unkind, brings me only tears, gnaws at my little head. I ask you, Lord, to calm down Your servant (name of mother-in-law), let her heart be filled with love for me. Let my mouth be closed, my tongue hidden, and no curses coming from my lips; evil will pass me by. Let it be so from now on and forever. Amen".

    Repeat the spell three times, then dig a hole under the tree, pour water into it, saying:

    “Just as Mother Earth absorbs this water, so let my mother-in-law absorb only goodness and positive energy. Let what has been said come true.”

    How to stop your mother-in-law from interfering with your family? There is another version of the ritual. It is carried out with the first rays of sun in the morning. Take salt into your palm, hold it and read:

    “As this white salt oozes through your fingers, so let my nest be preserved. Let there be peace and goodness, prosperity. I sincerely wish that we live on our own, and that our mother-in-law does not interfere with us. Let me get rid of her influence. Amen".

    After this, sharply unclench your fingers and let the salt pour out onto the floor. Take a broom and dustpan and sweep out the trash thoroughly. Throw it away from home. After a while, repeat the ritual again.

    Ritual against conflicts

    There are many different rituals from the machinations of the spouse’s mother. If she lives at a distance or nearby, and systematically finds fault and interferes in the lives of the spouses, you can carry out certain magical actions so that she does not interfere with life. The conspiracy is carried out in private.

    An effective plot for the love of a mother-in-law is read on the wedding day. With its help you can prevent conflicts in the family. In this case, you need to read it in the house of the future relative, in a place where there is no icon:

    “You come from a dead man, you go from a dead man.” Do not torture the skin and body, do not touch the head. The dead have theirs, the living have theirs. Amen".

    The wedding day ritual is considered very effective.

    Another effective option a ritual that takes place during the waxing moon. To carry it out, you need sweets that the spouse’s mother loves. Whisper the following words over candy, cake or cookies:

    “As your son (name) is dear and loved to you, so may I be dear and loved to you (my name). May you not be offended by me and say nasty things to me, but will only forgive, pity, honor and respect me, teach, but not lecture, praise, but not scold or reproach. May it be so forever. In the name of the Father and the son and the holy spirit. Amen".

    At the end of the sweets, you need to cross yourself, treat your mother-in-law with them, reading the Lord’s Prayer to yourself.

    To get rid of constant interference in the lives of spouses, it is necessary to perform the following rituals. Perform the ritual three times: the first is performed during the waxing moon, so that there is strength, the second is performed during the waning moon, it helps to avoid scandals. And the third is carried out on the full moon, it will help you fall in love with your daughter-in-law. Read the text on Fridays.

    For the new month, bake pancakes, read the words over them, and then treat your mother-in-law:

    “As the young moon is born, it will walk its path across God’s sky. So for me, the servant of God (name), a young mistress, may strength and my influence be born, as the main one in the family, superiority will be felt by everyone. And I will know the paths of all mine. I'll be in charge. Amen (three times)."

    Pancakes should be baked for the new month

    "Like the moon on it's declining, so all the squabbles and quarrels are on the decline. May my mother-in-law be silent, like a dead man is silent, like a fish in the ocean. Amen (three times)."

    The final stage takes place on days when the moon is full. You should prepare food, speak it, and invite your spouse’s mother to visit. Make sure she sits down at the table first and tries the treat. Food is spoken:

    “How the clear, round and beautiful month shines in the sky. As it illuminates the heavens, so may my mother-in-law’s heart be filled with love for me. May her affection and kindness come to me like the full moon illuminates the skies. I will lock my words with lunar locks and keys. Amen (three times)."

    When magical actions bring the desired effect, it is not allowed to share the performed rituals and conspiracies with anyone, otherwise this is fraught with dangerous consequences.

    Keep your mother-in-law away from the family

    To make it better, if the relationship with your husband began to deteriorate because of your mother-in-law, in this case you can use old conspiracy. Go to church, light a candle for good health, then you need to buy a Bible in the church, then come home, take a photo of your husband’s mother in your left hand, and say the following speeches:

    “Merciful Lord, give me your help! Take away all the anger from my mother-in-law, let her become kind and affectionate towards me, let there be no slander or disputes. Let her only do good to me, and not come to my house of her own accord, only at my invitation. Amen, Amen, Amen."

    The Bible must be purchased from the church

    Repeat three times. Put a photo in the Bible.

    How to get rid of your mother-in-law forever

    How to get rid of an annoying relative forever? There is a special plot from an evil mother-in-law, with the help of which you can make her kinder, she will no longer interfere in the family. Take a handful of coarse salt. Speak to the waning moon 9 times:

    “The salt is white, free-flowing. May you become a barrier for my mother-in-law (name of my husband’s mother), so that she can walk past my house. Let her live her life, mind her own business. Let him not interfere in our affairs, let him not interfere in our lives. Deliver me from her advice, teachings, complaints, reproaches, moralizing, slander, malice. Let him forget the path to my house, let him no longer walk, don’t drag himself to us. Let what is said come true. Amen!"

    Bring the charmed salt to your relative’s house and sprinkle it under the rug. A month later, perform the ceremony again. This salt will become a barrier for her, she will not come to your house.

    Spelled salt is sprinkled under the mother-in-law's entrance mat

    There is another effective plot option. To carry it out you need onions, three candles and a glass of water. Magical manipulations are performed during the period when the moon is waning. Sit at the table, place an onion in front of you, cut it in half. Then lower both halves into a glass of water one by one, saying:

    “As an onion sprouts roots, I will pluck off all the ends. May his little blood, his mother, not separate me from my husband. Her paths do not go here, and she does not interfere in our lives. Let our life be happy, without its bad influence.”

    Repeat three times, then remove one half of the onion from the water, throw it outside, and bury the second near your mother-in-law’s house. Pour water into the dug hole.

    Husband's lapel from mother-in-law

    The ritual is performed during the waning moon

    There are also conspiracies against the mother-in-law to remove her influence on her loved one, so that the husband does not listen to his mother and does not indulge her in everything. In order to normalize the relationship between the couple, so that the loved one stops unquestioningly obeying the mother, the following ritual is performed. It is carried out during the waning moon. Light a candle, take an onion, cut it into two parts, say 12 times:

    “Like an onion and water go together, may my husband and I be together forever, and no one and nothing can come between us. So that my beloved listens to me and honors me, respects me, is on my side, supports me, protects me from my mother-in-law’s nagging! May he be an adult and reasonable man, and not his mother’s son! Amen!"

    Bury the bulb under a tree and go home silently, without looking back.

    Spell for mother-in-law's love for daughter-in-law

    A conspiracy for the love of a mother-in-law can be carried out using a plant called plantain. In order for the mother-in-law to love her daughter-in-law, you need to take plantain flowers, dry them, crush them into powder, whispering:

    “I’m not going to make a soup, but a decoction, a second infusion for my mother. Let him die in it unkind person, may she not step on the threshold with anger. May peace come to us all. Amen".

    Add crushed raw materials to tea for mother-in-law.

    Incredible horoscope for love from Kerro

    Find out when it finds you real love and happiness. Follow Marilyn Kerro's recommendations and within a few weeks you are GUARANTEED to find a life partner or return the spark and love to your relationship.
