Secrets of money magic. Talisman of wealth - secrets of money magic

What do we mean by lack of mind? This is a low intellectual level, and a lack of intelligence, a lack of one’s own ideas, and contamination of the mind with various crazy ideas, religious, mystical, political, philosophical tinsel. Example: a man comes with a complaint about the lack of money and immediately declares that he is a great sorcerer, which a certain clairvoyant told him about, and he is now on a mission to fight evil, that he must bypass ten magicians, receive power from each, and then he will succeed decisive battle with the forces of darkness. What kind of money can a person with such “holes in his head” have? You can imagine him as a serious businessman or at least responsible employee? Yes, and he doesn’t represent himself either. In his mind, he is already a great magician, so money should fall to him from the sky. But for some reason they don’t pour out. This is what he came to find out: why aren’t they pouring in? There must be some kind of problem in the sky.

Even the lack of the necessary education is not so scary. If you have intelligence, a person will very quickly begin to navigate the business, and it is never too late to fill gaps in education. So many big businessmen generally have several classes of education. But they have a flair for money and worldly experience. To succeed in business, you need not so much theoretical education as the ability to navigate real life. You can be a philosophy professor and not understand anything about trading.

So, by intelligence we mean intelligence and the presence of our own ideas. If you don’t have such a mind, you won’t have to count on a prosperous life. Only a person with “brains” is able to navigate the world of business, open his own business or have the prospect of growth in an already existing business, because useful. People who have initiative and come up with ideas are valued, but dull performers - unskilled laborers - never get much. Because there are a lot of them. You can always find a replacement. But it’s more difficult for a good, unique specialist. Do you think the killer is a stupid performer, but gets paid a lot? What other considerations are required here! Both precise calculation and creative approach. Otherwise, the wrong person will be “slammed”, then he himself will be “slammed”, and that’s where his career will end ingloriously.

Here is the fourth reason:

Reluctance to take risks.

The desire to have, albeit pennies, but guaranteed. These are partly echoes of Soviet upbringing, when, regardless of the quality of work, they received their pennies for the hours worked, and it depends on the person’s personality. But there is no serious business without risk and initial capital investment!

The man is minding his own business.

Also a common reason. For example, a military father forced his son to continue family tradition, but he has neither the data nor the desire for this. Naturally, on career and you can’t expect high earnings. It's the same in any field. But here everything can still be corrected if the person is reoriented to an activity that is more suitable for him.

It is very important for a person to do something that is his calling, for which he has the ability and desire. As a rule, certain preferences arise in childhood. And life itself will guide a person along the right path, the main thing is not to resist, not to miss the chance, to listen to your intuition and follow your desires, and not those imposed from the outside.

Lack of necessary connections and inability to make them.

Often a person with higher education can’t find a job, and a former “convict” with three classes gets a great job in business - his “sidekicks” helped him. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends! Good, money-making places don’t need advertising; they prefer to recruit their people there. A serious business is unthinkable without the ability to establish the necessary connections and find the right partners.

And finally, the seventh reason is psychological.

The person is not confident in himself or his abilities.

The result is that he, a competent specialist, is valued less than a self-confident, arrogant upstart. But here everything can be corrected if you change a person’s self-esteem. He must realize that he does not need to make excessive demands on himself; it is better to let him learn to present his demands to the employer. Remember: an employer will not miss an opportunity to take advantage of an employee’s insecurity to pay him less than he should!

Beggars and false beggars.

So, now you know the objective reasons for poverty and can already explain everything about the poor yourself.

When a person has reached the brink of poverty, become homeless and a beggar, this means that over the course of several lives he stubbornly refused to change, and increasingly aggravated his karma. His energy channels are polluted, and he can only cleanse himself through suffering and deprivation, living his life in dirt, harsh conditions and hoping only for the crumbs of bread that will be given to him. If you take such a person, wash him, feed him and place him in luxurious conditions, very soon he will turn these conditions into a garbage dump, he will behave like a homeless person in the palace. Because everything depends on the person. He could, with some effort, keep even a beggar's closet clean, create comfort there, and go look for any job, even the hardest, just to earn his own bread. But the majority of beggars are degenerate people who themselves do not want to make efforts to change their lives, do not want to work, and do not want to keep their homes clean. This is how they aggravate their karma. The truth is that if a person cannot take care of a small room, then he cannot take care of a larger apartment, which is why the External Universe does not allow him to improve his living conditions. If his energy level is not enough for even a modest home and the most simple work, then he won’t get any more.

Money is energy, the higher a person’s energy level, the more money and he can attract and hold material wealth to himself. Beggars and homeless people are people with low energy levels. They could increase it through self-discipline, work, an optimistic attitude towards life, the desire to change their life and taking concrete steps to do this. And to begin with, accept the conditions that they have, thank the Universe, God, the Higher Powers for these conditions, but do not resign yourself to them and do not wait for someone or something to help change them, but begin to improve these yourself conditions. But they only complain about life, plunge into illusions through drunkenness, believe that someone owes them, and do not lift a finger. They are given the opportunity to work off karma, but they do not use it. And it happens that others do not allow them to use it. By giving to the poor, you do not good for them, but evil, depriving them of the opportunity to change. If they stopped applying, they would have an incentive to look for work.

Beggars, as people of low energy levels, use the same psychological technique of vampires: they act on pity. And many people get caught and give it to them, not knowing that 99% of the beggars on the streets are not beggars at all. This is a well-run business on human pity. And then this “beggar” or “cripple” will calmly get up in the evening and go to his luxurious country house. Well, even if not he himself, then his “roof”, the bosses, who are in charge of this whole business and such “beggars” different points seats them, and then calmly collects the “fat” from them.

From the same opera, when they go on public transport and ask for help, various donations. But most importantly, look who usually gives to the poor - people who themselves are at the poverty line. And these beggars are a hundred times richer than those who give to them, and they earn as much per day as those who give to them would not earn in a month. Therefore, wealthy people will not serve such things, because they know very well the whole essence of what is happening. A people who are not rich themselves give to the poor, who are not rich because they live in an illusory world and don’t understand what’s going on around them, don’t know the laws that exist in the world around them, fall for pity and all sorts of other psychological traps of swindlers and swindlers.

Position, emotional and sensual emancipation, open attitude to peace and an all-conquering love of pleasure. These qualities are the main ones in monetary spending. It is thanks to these qualities that people, living beyond their means, wanting everything at once, “unexpectedly” find themselves... thinking about where to get money. True, they are often, for the most part, intermediaries in monetary streams. To summarize the above, we can say that only people with leading manipura are one hundred percent process oriented...

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...: collect garbage in bags, collect old branches in one pile. If the work is carried out at home, you need to clean the house: wipe off the dust, sweep the floor. Monetary magic will not work if the house is dirty and untidy. The money simply won't come at such a stop. If money needs to be stored for some time, it needs...

Money; - create a magical mandala of wealth; - place interior items in accordance with the provisions of Feng Shui; - perform an individually designed stimulation ritual monetary flow. How to individually determine the effectiveness of methods of magic money Everyone knows that one ritual is beneficial for some, but without results for others. Some people initially feel attuned to their...

All fabrics made from natural fibers have their own magical properties. Let's look at examples; Magic clothes to attract love and romance into your life. Silk; secret, psychic abilities, seduction, transformation, beauty. You will need a silk scarf (you can... peace of mind while protecting your family, and chamomile not only calms any quarrels, but brings a little good luck to monetary affairs. A black candle clears any blockages to family unity and protects it. You will need; one pair at a time...

Witch Bible

Secrets of money magic

Introduction. A few words before the start of the Sabbath.

What is money?

Cash flow and money egregor.

Portrait of a moneybag.

Portrait of a poor person... sorry, a decent person.

A horror story about a decaying capitalist, or who and why created the myth about the dangers of money.

Study of the portrait of a moneybag. Commandments for those who want to achieve success in money magic.

Principles of the second and third chakras.

Preparing to raise money. Rules for working with cash flow.

About grandmothers in stockings and a dissatisfied egregor.

Shallow reservoir.

They love money.

About eggs in one basket.

Money zero.

Money with a minus sign. Rules for borrowing money. The magical method of getting rid of debts.

Debt tail.

About a generous benefactor and wolves in sheep's clothing.

Money Magic. Rules for increasing cash flow. Snowball method.

Unchangeable ruble.

Agreement on the return of money to the egregor.

Chasing two hares.

I’ll die, but I won’t touch my stash!

About the importance of maintaining trust.

About those who want to cheat.

About how a beggar saved up for a Mercedes, and what came of it.

Start a “snowball” - there will be a house full of money!

About those who like to set conditions.

What came first: income or expenses?

Don't wish for others what you don't wish for yourself.

Size matters.

Tradition of donations.

“They give - take, they hit - run.” The Yin Path.

“To eat a fish, you have to get into the water.” Path of Yang.

In the service of Bes.

The myth about the benefits of low prices.

Magic algorithm for attracting money.

Keeping records of extra money.

Causes of material losses. How to maintain and increase energy levels.

Chernukha in money magic. The evil eye, taking away good luck, damage to lack of money.

Is karma to blame for everything? Reasons for failure and low earnings.

Beggars and false beggars.

Lottery winnings, treasures, inheritances and other gifts of Fortune.

Conclusion. Congratulations on joining the ranks of future millionaires.

The role of some zodiac signs in achieving wealth.

Test for the lower chakras.

Meditations on chakras and kingdoms.

Diagnosing the cause of money problems using the Major Arcana Tarot deck

“Tarot of the Dwarves.”

What to invest in? Lunar Maps will tell you.

Glossary of some terms found in this book.


A few words before the start of the Sabbath.

So, so... tired of working for pennies and being in debt? Or are you already living well, but want more? Do you dream of living in abundance, eating sandwiches with black and red caviar every day, relaxing at foreign resorts, driving expensive foreign cars?... Okay, okay, don’t be embarrassed and don’t make excuses, like, I just want to earn some bread. Wanting to live in wealth has been a natural human desire since ancient times! The very word “RICH” comes from the word “God”, it means “gifted by God, living in harmony with God”! Those who are unbearably offended by such a decoding are not on the same path with us, and they may not read this book any further. They will be able to receive pennies for horse labor even without our “Bible”.

Looking for ways to get rich? Do you want any of your material desires to be satisfied by the Universe? Well, you've come to the right place!

Simply curious and “advanced” esotericists can also be present. Perhaps someday they will stop pretending that they are not interested in money, hiding behind “highly spiritual” interests.

Well, for those who no longer deny their love for money, and want it to become mutual, our “Bible” will tell the secrets of wealth and success. I will tell you about the secrets of money magic. Just don’t look for money spells and conspiracies in this book. There are now quite a lot of books on money magic with conspiracies on sale. So, did everyone suddenly become rich and famous? That's it... And all because these books don't tell us about the most important thing. About the conditions under which conspiracies will work for you.

Why didn't you expect this? Did you think anyone could successfully use money magic? No, dear ones, not only with magic, but even with ordinary ones, not magical ways Not everyone can successfully use money raising. For this quality you need to have special ones! And those who don’t know this, but want money, fall into the trap of tempting promises, and instead of increasing their income, they give away their last pennies...

“Simple” ways to attract money.

Let's look at a few “simple” ways to raise money as an example.

Method 1. “Catch a thousand mosquitoes, brew them at midnight into a potion with the appropriate spell, and soon untold wealth will fall on you”…. Well, admit it, have you already tried to do this, or other similar recipes from books on “black magic”? Did not work? That's right, because you don't have the necessary qualities for success in money magic, and no one told you about them!

Method 2. “Invest money in our JSC “Mozgopudr and Company”, and you are guaranteed 1000% profit per month!” ... You say, they invested, but “Mozgopudr” unexpectedly went bankrupt, and not only the interest, but also the invested money disappeared?... Well, it’s quite natural.

Method 3. “At our seminar on transcendental philosophy of the twenty-fifth level, by expanding your consciousness into the quasi-unoastral spheres, you will learn to attract money using the alpha-beta-gamma method of cleansing the vessel of karma... However, when your consciousness expands, you won’t even care about money... Only orderlies you will be asked what level you are at parallel worlds...Oh, sorry, I got distracted. Come everyone to our school for 25 levels for $1000 each!”... You say, you went to such a school and expanded your consciousness? Well, now your expanded consciousness will help you easily notice a strange pattern: the more “advanced in spiritual development” you become, the thinner your wallet becomes. Are you saying that they voluntarily gave up all the Guru’s property because he promised to cleanse your terribly heavy karma for this (its severity, of course, was established by him himself)? Well - congratulations! The title “honorary sucker” is now yours!

Method 4. For just 100 rubles, the hereditary clairvoyant Stepanida will connect you to an inexhaustible source of wealth... To the inexhaustible... For a hundred rubles... Hmm...

And finally, the best way: take coins and bury them in the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools, and wait for a tree with money to grow, wait, wait...

If you tried to increase your wealth in similar ways, and did not get results, but only lost time and money, then there is nothing surprising in this. “Yes, all this is not true, just a scam,” many will sigh sadly, “so let’s eat our crackers without butter and red caviar, miracles don’t happen.”

Well, admit it, did you think so too? But in vain! Because miracles happen. More precisely, these are not miracles, but a pattern. After all, as St. Augustine said, “miracles do not contradict the laws of nature. They only contradict our ideas about these laws.”

What kind of laws are these? These, my dears, are the laws of equilibrium energy exchange in the Universe. Well, is it already interesting? Then stop boiling mosquitoes and bulging your eyes, trying to reach the twenty-fifth level of transcendental meditation, cleansing the vessel of karma, and join our witch's Sabbath! The word witch comes from the word to know, that is, to know came from. Witches know all the laws of nature. Including the laws of wealth and success. And now you will know them too.

I warn you right away: the information received may be slightly shocking to some particularly impressionable citizens. Therefore, we ask the faint of heart to leave the Sabbath. Well, whoever reads the book “The Witches Bible.” “Secrets of Love Magic” read, they already know approximately what to expect. And if the alluring crunch of bills and the clink of coins outweighs the fear of parting with false ideals, then welcome to the Sabbath dedicated to money! Just like in the regular Bible, our “Witch's Bible” contains commandments that you must follow in order to achieve wealth.

Witch Bible
Secrets of money magic

Angelika Dolgopolova.

Contact me for professional advice and magical help you can at: "maito: [email protected]" [email protected]

My sites:
"" - main site.
"" - Moon Cards.

Introduction. A few words before the start of the Sabbath.
What is money?
Portrait of a moneybag.

A horror story about a decaying capitalist, or who and why created the myth about the dangers of money.
Study of the portrait of a moneybag. Commandments for those who want to achieve success in money magic.
Principles of the second and third chakras.
Preparing to raise money. Rules for working with cash flow.
About grandmothers in stockings and a dissatisfied egregor.
Shallow reservoir.
They love money.
About eggs in one basket.
Money zero.
Money with a minus sign. Rules for borrowing money. The magical method of getting rid of debts.
Debt tail.
About a generous benefactor and wolves in sheep's clothing.
Money Magic. Rules for increasing cash flow. Snowball method.
Unchangeable ruble.
Agreement on the return of money to the egregor.
Chasing two hares.
I’ll die, but I won’t touch my stash!
About the importance of maintaining trust.
About those who want to cheat.
About how a beggar saved up for a Mercedes, and what came of it.
Start a “snowball” - there will be a house full of money!
About those who like to set conditions.
What came first: income or expenses?
Don't wish for others what you don't wish for yourself.
Size matters.
Tradition of donations.
“They give - take, they hit - run.” The Yin Path.
“To eat a fish, you have to get into the water.” Path of Yang.
In the service of Bes.
The myth about the benefits of low prices.
Magic algorithm for attracting money.
Keeping records of extra money.
Causes of material losses. How to maintain and increase energy levels.
Chernukha in money magic. The evil eye, taking away good luck, damage to lack of money.
Is karma to blame for everything? Reasons for failure and low earnings.
Beggars and false beggars.
Lottery winnings, treasures, inheritances and other gifts of Fortune.
Conclusion. Congratulations on joining the ranks of future millionaires.
The role of some zodiac signs in achieving wealth.
Test for the lower chakras.
Meditations on chakras and kingdoms.
Diagnosing the cause of money problems using the Major Arcana Tarot deck
“Tarot of the Dwarves.”
What to invest in? Lunar Maps will tell you.
Glossary of some terms found in this book.

A few words before the start of the Sabbath.
So, so... tired of working for pennies and being in debt? Or are you already living well, but want more? Do you dream of living in abundance, eating sandwiches with black and red caviar every day, relaxing at foreign resorts, driving expensive foreign cars?... Okay, okay, don’t be embarrassed and don’t make excuses, like, I just want to earn some bread. Wanting to live in wealth has been a natural human desire since ancient times! The very word “RICH” comes from the word “God”, it means “gifted by God, living in harmony with God”! Those who are unbearably offended by such a decoding are not on the same path with us, and they may not read this book any further. They will be able to receive pennies for horse labor even without our “Bible”.
Looking for ways to get rich? Do you want any of your material desires to be satisfied by the Universe? Well, you've come to the right place!
Simply curious and “advanced” esotericists can also be present. Perhaps someday they will stop pretending that they are not interested in money, hiding behind “highly spiritual” interests.
Well, for those who no longer deny their love for money, and want it to become mutual, our “Bible” will tell the secrets of wealth and success. I will tell you about the secrets of money magic. Just don’t look for money spells and conspiracies in this book. There are now quite a lot of books on money magic with conspiracies on sale. So, did everyone suddenly become rich and famous? That's it... And all because these books don't tell us about the most important thing. About the conditions under which conspiracies will work for you.
Why didn't you expect this? Did you think anyone could successfully use money magic? No, dears, not everyone can successfully use not only magic, but even ordinary, non-magical methods of attracting money. For this quality you need to have special ones! And those who don’t know this, but want money, fall into the trap of tempting promises, and instead of increasing their income, they give away their last pennies...

“Simple” ways to attract money.

Let's look at a few “simple” ways to raise money as an example.

Method 1. “Catch a thousand mosquitoes, brew them at midnight into a potion with the appropriate spell, and soon untold wealth will fall on you”…. Well, admit it, have you already tried to do this, or other similar recipes from books on “black magic”? Did not work? That's right, because you don't have the necessary qualities for success in money magic, and no one told you about them!

Method 2. “Invest money in our JSC “Mozgopudr and Company”, and you are guaranteed 1000% profit per month!” ... You say, they invested, but “Mozgopudr” unexpectedly went bankrupt, and not only the interest, but also the invested money disappeared?... Well, it’s quite natural.

Method 3. “At our seminar on transcendental philosophy of the twenty-fifth level, by expanding your consciousness into the quasi-unoastral spheres, you will learn to attract money using the alpha-beta-gamma method of cleansing the vessel of karma... However, when your consciousness expands, you won’t even care about money... Only orderlies you will ask what level of parallel worlds you are at... Oh, sorry, I digress. Come everyone to our school for 25 levels for $1000 each!”... You say, you went to such a school and expanded your consciousness? Well, now your expanded consciousness will help you easily notice a strange pattern: the more “advanced in spiritual development” you become, the thinner your wallet. Are you saying that they voluntarily gave up all the Guru’s property because he promised to cleanse your terribly heavy karma for this (its severity, of course, was established by him himself)? Well - congratulations! The title “honorary sucker” is now yours!

Method 4. For just 100 rubles, the hereditary clairvoyant Stepanida will connect you to an inexhaustible source of wealth... To the inexhaustible... For a hundred rubles... Hmm...

And finally, the best way: take coins and bury them in the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools, and wait for a tree with money to grow, wait, wait...

If you tried to increase your wealth in similar ways, and did not get results, but only lost time and money, then there is nothing surprising in this. “Yes, all this is not true, just a scam,” many will sigh sadly, “so let’s eat our crackers without butter and red caviar, miracles don’t happen.”
Well, admit it, did you think so too? But in vain! Because miracles happen. More precisely, these are not miracles, but a pattern. After all, as St. Augustine said, “miracles do not contradict the laws of nature. They only contradict our ideas about these laws.”
What kind of laws are these? These, my dears, are the laws of equilibrium energy exchange in the Universe. Well, is it already interesting? Then stop boiling mosquitoes and bulging your eyes, trying to reach the twenty-fifth level of transcendental meditation, cleansing the vessel of karma, and join our witch's Sabbath! The word witch comes from the word to know, that is, to know came from. Witches know all the laws of nature. Including the laws of wealth and success. And now you will know them too.
I warn you right away: the information received may be slightly shocking to some particularly impressionable citizens. Therefore, we ask the faint of heart to leave the Sabbath. Well, whoever reads the book “The Witches Bible.” “Secrets of Love Magic” read, they already know approximately what to expect. And if the alluring crunch of bills and the clink of coins outweighs the fear of parting with false ideals, then welcome to the Sabbath dedicated to money! Just like in the regular Bible, our “Witch's Bible” contains commandments that you must follow in order to achieve wealth.
So, let's begin…

What is money?
Before rushing to acquire untold riches, it would be nice to have a correct idea of ​​what, in fact, you are going to acquire. Are you sure you know what money is? Papers? Coins? But no!
What do we usually imagine when we say “money”? Paper bills, coins. But in themselves, these pieces of paper and coins are of no use if, by giving them away, we did not acquire the things we need, food, services, etc.
Money appeared with development human civilization to facilitate the exchange of goods and services, because the natural exchange “you for me - I for you” was no longer suitable for people.
Let's say a certain peasant decides to buy clothes for himself and offers the tailor meat or vegetables in return. And he says that he already has this, but he needs something completely different, which the peasant does not have. It turns out that you need to look for a third participant in the exchange, who has the thing the tailor needs, and who needs what the peasant has. This turned out to be too complicated, which is why money arose as a universal equivalent that can be exchanged for anything.
To produce goods for exchange, a person expends his energy. And when goods were exchanged between people, nothing was lost in terms of energy, because a person, in exchange for his product, acquired another, into which energy was also invested.
The same thing happens with money exchange. When we work, we expend our energy and get paid for it. Money contains our wasted energy. Therefore, money is not pieces of paper or coins, and not time, as they say.

Money is energy!

This was known to the ancient magicians and was reflected in fortune-telling systems. For example, the Feihu rune of the classical futarch means money on the everyday plane, and on a more high level means powerful uncontrollable fiery energy.
Knowing that money is energy, you take the first step towards attracting money. You understand that you don’t want to have a lot of pieces of paper or coins, you want to have a lot of energy that can be exchanged for anything, any material benefit, product, service. From here, quite naturally, we come to the conclusion:

To have money, you need to have energy!

How to have it, and which one exactly? You will find out the answer to this question a little later...

Cash flow and money egregor.
In the meantime, we will get acquainted with such important concepts in money magic as cash flow and the egregor of money.
Cash flow is an individual level concept that relates to an individual. While the egregor of money is a concept of a general scale, relating to the human community as a whole.
So, egregor is the fruit of collective human thoughts and desires. There are egregors of gods. People pray to some god, giving him part of their energy with prayers and thoughts about him. On the subtle plane, a kind of container with energy is created, and, turning to God for help, a person connects to the egregor and receives energy from it. To fill the egregor with energy, offering gifts to the gods is also practiced.
But not only gods have egregors; all the feelings and states in which people have been for thousands of years, they have. There is an egregor of good and an egregor of evil, war and peace, love and hatred, poverty and wealth. When you are angry, you fill the egregor of evil. At the same time, being in this state, you are connected to this egregor and can receive its power. When you love, you fill the egregor of love, and you can get help from this egregor in your amorous affairs. Every country has its own egregor, every city, every company. Each Political Party has its own egregor. Everyone who shares her views can connect to her egregor. And drunkenness has an egregor, alcoholics are ministers of its cult, celebrating Mass by drinking alcohol...
The egregor of money is the fruit of all human thoughts about money, desires for money, conscious efforts aimed at obtaining money. And as for money, people have been focusing their energy on it for several thousand years. Therefore, the egregor of wealth is very strong. And if you are connected to it, on the subtle plane energy is directed towards you from this egregor, then on the physical plane sources of income will appear from which money will flow to you.
Cash flow is an individual channel for connecting to a money egregor.
Every person has their own cash flow, and it's different for everyone. For some it is a powerful, wide river, and for others it is a narrow stream.
How is a person’s cash flow seen on a subtle level? Some clairvoyants see it as a ball hanging over a person from which energy pours out. Others see a river of fire flowing across the sky and pouring out onto a person above his head. Further, we will imagine a person’s cash flow as a fiery (energy) river flowing on the subtle planes and pouring out onto a person.
So, cash flow is an energy channel through which energy flows, the source of which is the egregor of money. If on the subtle plane, in the astral plane, this flow is directed towards a person, then on the physical plane it materializes in the form of an influx of money. Moreover, the wider and deeper the flow, the more money.
Hence, in order to have more money, you need to expand your cash flow, create a stable and full-flowing channel for connecting to the money egregor.
For this purpose, there are two radically different directions in money magic.
The first direction is working with your own flow to expand it. Moreover, you can expand the flow locally, temporarily, creating one-time bursts of profit. And you can steadily expand the flow more and more, creating a stable channel. But, of course, the second option requires more effort. And it does not give immediate effect.
The second direction is connecting to someone else's cash flow. If nothing is given in return, then in essence it is energy vampirism. Therefore, such methods belong to black magic, and they are karmically punishable. Nevertheless, this direction of money magic flourishes all the time! And not only in the form of conscious actions on the part of sorcerers. But also in the form of unconscious actions on the part of ordinary citizens. Many people use black magic without knowing it. What makes people do this? What forces them is that they do not have their own cash flow, or it is very weak. The reason for this lies in karmic violations in handling money in past lives. And so these people, instead of working through their karma, are looking for easier ways to get money, choosing the wrong path, following which will only worsen their karma.
Next, we will talk about how to protect yourself from money vampirism and how to avoid becoming a vampire yourself. You will learn about money laws, the observance of which will guarantee the protection of your cash flow and will allow you to increase your cash flow in karmically correct ways.
Let's start with how to connect to the money egregor. You already know: in order to get something from an egregor, you must first invest energy in the egregor, and then try to get something in return. If you emit hatred, then you connect to the egregor of hatred, if you emit love, then you connect to the egregor of love. Thus, to connect to the egregor of wealth, you must... radiate a state of wealth! And to do this, you need to start feeling like a rich person now.
Yes, that’s right: not “when I have money, then I will feel rich.” And first you will learn to feel rich without money, and then it will come to you.
You may ask: “isn’t the feeling of wealth created by having a lot of money in your wallet, safe or account in a Swiss bank?!” No, dears, it is created by certain human QUALITIES, the result of which is MONEY. Yes, money is just a consequence. Let's see what these qualities are that attract money.

Portrait of a moneybag.
“Here,” the poor pensioners grumble, “these rich people have millions for nothing, for all sorts of frauds, spinning money, the traders make money at our expense, the prices are outrageous. And we worked honestly all our lives for the good of the country, and we didn’t earn anything. Here the child has nothing to buy candy with, but they throw so much money down the drain, lose in casinos, spend it on girls, on all sorts of delicacies and expensive wines, and travel to foreign resorts. And everyone grabs, everything is not enough for them, and their conscience does not torment them that others have been sitting without wages for years. What injustice!”
Well, a familiar description of the life of a wealthy person in the mouths of less wealthy fellow citizens? Do you often hear this?
Let's see what kind of portrait emerges from what pensioner grannies say about the “new Russians” and other moneybags. So here it is:

Portrait of a moneybag.

The moneybag loves money - obviously, since it accompanies him everywhere. After all, if we love someone, we always want to see him nearby. We also devote time and effort to this person. So the moneybag first devoted time and effort to earning money, creating a business, and now he devotes it to spending money - going to casinos, traveling to resorts, etc.

The moneybags hang on to his money - he moves millions and manages large companies, and so far he has not lost it all, no one has robbed him and has not survived.

The moneybags are mired in pleasure and relaxation - they spend money on delicacies, expensive wines, girls and foreign resorts.

The moneybags are always itching, inventing everything and pulling off frauds - after all, you still have to figure out how to “make money at the expense of others”, and “make crazy prices”, and in such a way that they would take the goods for these prices, not everyone will immediately figure it out. And then you still need to implement these ideas, and this requires an investment of time, effort and the same money.

You're a greedy moneybag - you don't have enough money to buy candy for your child? – he will say, “whose fault is it that you didn’t find a way to earn money for this candy?” Besides, candy is not bread - no one will die without it.

The moneybags evade compliance with the laws - he carries out frauds and finds ways to circumvent formalities, and “his conscience does not torment him” that he does not work “honestly for the good of the country.”

A moneybag has exorbitant demands - “he grabs everything, everything is not enough for him.”

Let's now see how these same pensioner grannies describe an honest, conscientious worker - the way every decent person should be. To whom, in their opinion, would it be fair to have money.

Portrait of a poor person... sorry, a decent person.
“In our time,” say the grannies, “even though we ate only potatoes and wore altered great-grandmother’s dresses (in great-grandfather’s underpants), but people were more decent, not like now - parasites corrupted by money, selfish, debauched! And we worked honestly, always helped another person, how friendly everyone was, the families were strong! And now, as soon as I got some money, the man went for a walk! And we followed the laws and did not strive for bourgeois luxury. But why do we need all this, these delicacies, well, what difference does it make what to eat and what to wear? We must be content with little! And our dear state provided us with all the necessary needs, both jobs and salaries! ”

What kind of portrait will you get if you take into account everything that the grannies describe? In contrast to the portrait of a moneybag, a completely different picture emerges.

Portrait of an honest worker.

An honest worker knows that money is evil - he sees real examples that hard workers like him don’t have a lot of money. This means that wealth is acquired only by dishonest means! He sees how an exemplary family man Vasya, having started earning big money, immediately takes a bunch of mistresses and leaves his wife - which means money corrupts!

An honest worker trusts other people and his country - obviously, since he allows his loved ones and other people to manage his money, and is confident that the country will provide him with a living wage.

An honest worker does not waste time on idle pleasures - everyone sees that he only works all the time, rests at a minimum, and does not strive for luxury. He needs only things truly necessary for life.

An honest worker does not chase pie in the sky - obviously, since he is not looking for other job options, even if in some ways he is not satisfied with the conditions and salary at his current job.

An honest worker always helps other people - he is ready to give his last to his children, and will never refuse to help his relatives when they say they need money. He is ready to help even a stranger and always gives to the poor.

An honest worker complies with all laws - pays all taxes, alimony, etc.

An honest worker has a limit to his demands - he is not in a constant race for money, at some level he is satisfied with the achieved level of material wealth and does not want more. His requests are only what is necessary; he does not need excesses.

Yes, from the point of view of retired grandmothers, this is the right way of life. That’s why they are perplexed: WHY can’t their friend save money for her modest, well, really modest needs and really necessary things, medicine, food, payment? utilities, while others easily receive millions for expensive “trifles”? WELL, WHY is a conscientiously working worker delayed in salary, but some minister gets away with stealing millions from the state budget? WELL, WHY does an honest person who abides by the laws become a victim of bureaucratic red tape, while any doors are opened for a cunning bribe-taker? WELL, WHY does a woman who wants only one thing - to help her children and relatives not have such an opportunity, but their greedy neighbor, who doesn’t even lend money to anyone, not only just keeps getting richer and richer?
In reality, if we observe what is happening around us, we will see that this is how it ALWAYS happens.
And why? Why does money go to those who fit the profile of a moneybag, and not to those who fit the description of an honest worker? Now we will talk about this.
So, let's start exploring the portrait of a moneybag.

A horror story about a decaying capitalist,
or who and why created the myth about the dangers of money.

So, the first sign of a moneybag is that he loves money!
You say: who doesn’t love them? And there are some. More recently, we were taught that happiness does not lie in money, but in honest horse work, not in a riotous lifestyle, but in a strong, semi-poor family, where a husband and wife with faces like a hammer and sickle teach a bunch of children morality. IN Soviet times From childhood, people were taught by their parents and school that being rich is bad; if you love money, you will rot like the damned capitalists. Wow, how scary! And there are still people who share similar views. And not only here, in the post-Soviet space, but also in other countries of the world, these ideas exist.
Meanwhile, those who scold money may not count on their favorable attitude. Money is not one of those who will tolerate negative statements addressed to him! Now times have changed, but how many people are still left who were brought up in the spirit of treating money as a snake, and these people continue to raise their children and grandchildren in the same spirit, blocking their path to success and material well-being from childhood. A person with a subconscious attitude that money is bad, upon becoming an adult, even if he does not share such views and consciously strives for success, will face big problems. Because the attitude in his subconscious will contradict reality and, like a tempting serpent, whisper to a person the wrong line of behavior and force him to make mistakes. Of course, not every child can be zombified by all kinds of heresy. It went in one ear and out the other. But still, the child’s psyche is Blank sheet Whatever is written on it will be, it does not pass without a trace when the same thing is constantly repeated. Therefore, it is very important to instill the right attitude towards money from childhood.
The wrong attitude towards money stems from a misunderstanding of its role. Money is not an end in itself, but only a means. Therefore, money in itself cannot be evil. They can be spent on completely different things.
So, another question is what the money will be spent on. They say money corrupts. Can a person be considered decent and morally stable if only the lack of necessary funds can keep him from debauchery, drunkenness and other vices? It turns out that we admit that in his soul this person is completely morally decomposed, but if he has no money and cannot make his “vicious” fantasies come true, he is “good.” Very interesting approach! Lack of money as the only means to keep a person in decent condition - doesn’t that sound sad?
It turns out that those wise guys who claim that money is harmful consider all people to be inherently corrupt. Or maybe a person will build a theater with this money? Or Scientific research will it be held? This kind of use of money does not occur to bigots. They think too poorly of others to allow such thoughts. An interesting conclusion arises: do they really judge by themselves? But aren’t there a lot of alcoholics, idiots and completely degraded individuals among people with low level income? It's worth thinking about this. Money is not to blame for anything.
There is no need to say that the rich drink from fat, and the poor drink from poverty. Both of them drink because they lack an inner core, a lack of true interests and goals in life. Money, indeed, “spoils”, but only those who were already “spoiled” inside. More precisely, they do not spoil, they create conditions for testing a person, revealing his true face. And it turns out that someone previously only dreamed of plunging headlong into feasts, orgies and an idle life, but the funds did not allow it. I had to play the role of an honest worker and an exemplary family man. But now the funds have appeared - and let him make up for lost time. And this becomes the meaning of his life, the person no longer controls himself.
Because he had no other meaning, and all his interests lie in the area of ​​rude physical reality. He does not think about spiritual development, about studying science, art, creativity. If he had similar interests, money would not be a hindrance, and would even turn out to be very useful. For example, you are engaged in esotericism. If you have money, you can attend interesting seminars, buy different books, visit different countries, study there, visit special places, you can organize your own magical order... In general, it all depends on the person.
People begin to “go crazy” when there is no desire to expand knowledge, create, create something, but everything material is there. It turns out that for such people, life is devoid of purpose and meaning. The only thing that interested them was the satisfaction of purely physical needs. They got it, and there were no more unsatisfied interests, but the question arose: why all this? It turned out that they had nothing to occupy their minds and nothing to strive for.
This happens, as a rule, only to those who got money “for free” - by inheritance, children of rich parents, lottery winnings, etc. Because a person who has earned money himself, setting a goal for himself, creating his own business, knows the value of money and will never throw it away. He has his favorite thing, interests, so he does not suffer from boredom, what to do with himself. He has a goal - to expand his business, so he does not suffer from a lack of meaning in life. As you can see, the true portrait of a rich person is much different from the myth about the rich that sits in the minds of many people. This leads to a natural conclusion:

You can have money. But so that you have them, and not they have you.

But who then, and why, came up with the myth about the terrible corrupting influence of money on the human soul? - you ask. No, this is by no means a communist idea, history began much earlier...

An excursion into history.
“A person must be a decent and highly moral citizen, love his homeland, work honestly for the good of the country, have only the most necessary things, but not strive for excesses and bourgeois luxury, which only spoils his personality,” Soviet morality inspired. Don’t you think that this reminds me of something from another opera: “Do not accumulate earthly riches, but think about your soul.” The rich are disgusting to God, and it is easier for a camel to crawl through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” Yes, there is obvious plagiarism here! Both religion and communist ideology called for the renunciation of material things. Question: why did the communists suddenly begin to use the commandments of a religion so hated by them to build a new society? They so wanted to “destroy this world of violence to the ground, and then...”
Yes, the same world where damned capitalists and well-fed priests profited from surplus value, obtained as a result of the cheap labor of poor workers and peasants. Grandfather Karl Marx wrote about this same surplus value. He wrote that the capitalist gets rich due to the fact that he pays little to the workers, therefore the goods produced by them not only pay for all his costs of production and wages, but also create additional profit, part of which he uses to expand production, and part of which he uses for himself. pocket.
Why did the workers and peasants “plow” for the landowner and capitalist? Because he provided them with land, a place to work, and means of production. The peasants and workers did not have their own lands, factories, factories. In addition, they had to pay taxes to the kings and other nobility.
Everything here is very interesting: the church did not condemn the luxury of kings, but, on the contrary, inspired the people that the king was appointed by God himself to be at the head of the state, and all the nobility are also under the “roof” of God. They can. They have wealth and power, and everyone must obey them. And this is from the time Ancient Egypt, and even started earlier. Egyptian priests also called on the people to work selflessly for the benefit of the pharaoh - the viceroy and direct descendant of god on earth. How was it really?
And it was like this: when a certain tribe conquered new lands, those warriors who were stronger, smarter, more energetic, more savvy captured more booty, lands and proclaimed themselves kings, kings, princes, etc. That is, everything was decided by a person’s personal qualities and abilities! Why then did the priests sing to others a song about the God-chosen origin of the nobility, and that others cannot become nobility? The conclusion is obvious: they were simply “compassionate”! They divided the money.
The king came to the priest and said: “Listen, in kind, dude in a cassock, let me not stop you from fooling these suckers, reading sermons about the dangers of wealth for the soul, so that out of fear for their souls they will bring you this wealth. That is, sorry, it’s me, not for you, of course, but as a sacrifice to God, for the benefit of the church. Moreover, I will pass a law on the inseparability of the church and the state, I will give you land, everyone will be obliged to pay taxes in favor of the church. We will definitely introduce religious education in schools, so that from childhood citizens will be zombied with your commandments, and they will grow up ready and obedient. So that they love to work, and there are no special requests. And I will save you from competitors: if anyone else here starts broadcasting his sermons, my warriors will quickly show him the light of true faith at the end of the tunnel. And the disobedient will believe in your Lord. Posthumously. The same thing applies if one of the people does not want to believe. Let's come to our senses quickly. We will declare the state religion, and all non-believers - heretics and servants of the Devil, and we will burn them at the stake. Well, is it a cool prospect? And you, bro, support me for this, sing to them in your sermons that without the king they are nowhere, the king was appointed by God himself to command them, you cannot go against the will of God. And they should work for me and pay me taxes...
Yes, here’s another thing: you’re there with the commandments - don’t overdo it. In the sense, let him “do not commit adultery”, etc. - this will be for suckers. But we have no use for this circus. Well, if necessary, I’ll portray you as a righteous man for appearance’s sake. And if I really can’t restrain myself from sin, I can pay myself off, scold me a little to calm down the suckers, and that’s where we’ll end the moral lesson.”
“Oh, an idea! – the priest exclaims in response. “We will forgive the sins of suckers if they pay for it.” Let's print papers - indulgences, and sell tickets to heaven for money! “
So, the king and the priest agreed on this. This is how it has been done since ancient times. The people worked, paid taxes to both the king and the church. In fear of God's wrath and for the posthumous fate of the soul, people did not even think about another life, about wanting something for themselves. Many became monks, donating all their property to the church. And the priests, the priests - the same ones who screamed about the corrupting influence of money, had lands, wealth, they were paid tribute, they lived for their own pleasure at all times. Just like kings. And those commandments and moral teachings that the poor suckers carefully observed under fear of God’s wrath were spat on by kings and priests from a high bell tower. Gluttony, luxury, debauchery, greed, pride, lies, cruelty - all this flourished both in royal palaces and behind the walls of churches. Yes, yes, there were other orgies held in monasteries!
Like this. On the one hand, the myth about the dangers of money for the soul made it possible to have cheap labor and concentrate all wealth in one’s own hands, on the other hand, the myth that sex is allowed only for procreation made it possible to direct all the sexual energy of people to work and the production of their own kind. , i.e. cheap work force. In addition, sex was permitted only after a wedding in a church (or registration of marriage by the state), that is, it became inseparable from the religious (state) egregor. And all this is for what – money, all for the sake of it!
The clever people who came up with the myth about the dangers of money and sex knew what they were doing from an occult point of view. By controlling sex, they brought under control the energy of a person’s second chakra, and by subordinating him to religious and secular authorities, they privatized the energy of his third chakra. And these are the chakras responsible for material well-being.
Here is the answer to the question that was asked at the very beginning of our Bible: money is energy, then what kind of energy must you have in the first place in order to have money? The answer to this question was known to the ancient sages. This is the energy of the second and third chakras of a person, the energy of the etheric and astral body.
The second chakra - Svadhisthana is responsible for sex, receiving pleasure, including receiving material benefits. Of the planets, it corresponds to the Moon and Venus. Zodiac signs reflecting the principle of the second chakra are Taurus and Cancer.
The third chakra - Manipura is responsible for the manifestation of will, the ability to defend one’s interest, vital activity, leadership abilities, and the ability to manage other people. Of the planets, it corresponds to the Sun and Mars. Zodiac signs reflecting the principle of the third chakra are Aries and Leo.
The third chakra is responsible for the ability to achieve what you want through your own active actions (Solar principle, Yang principle), the second is responsible for the ability to accept what comes from the external environment (Moon principle, Yin principle).
Remember when we said that cash flow is a river of fire? This is very interesting when you consider that the energy of the third chakra is fiery energy. And the energy of the second chakra is water. Fire + water = river of fire. It turns out that the cash flow is created mutually by the second and third chakras.
Let us now return to our wise men who came up with the myth about the dangers of money and sex. So, since the energies of the second and third chakras of many people were privatized by a bunch of smart guys, money flowed like a river into the pockets of the latter.
For many centuries, the church banned science, burned scientists at the stake, and prohibited any thoughts about the structure of the world that did not correspond to biblical canons. After all, studying science and thinking activate a person’s upper chakras, he becomes conscious, understands what is happening, and sees the true laws of the Universe. But it was not beneficial for the church and secular authorities for people to show their own will and see the true laws. Therefore, for many centuries, education was the lot of the elite, especially esoteric knowledge. The king and the church needed illiterate, and therefore easily controlled, subjects. After all, it is easier to mystify the illiterate with all sorts of religious tinsel.
So, from all of the above, the conclusion is: for many centuries, one, smaller part of humanity calmly “shoeed” and “had” another, larger part of humanity, clouding its brains with religious nonsense.
But let's return to our days. Now everything becomes clear with the communists who started the revolution. Maybe initially the organizers of this process had noble intentions to destroy “the whole world of violence” and give the land to the peasants and the factories to the workers. Or maybe it wasn’t. The temptation was too great to take advantage of the fruits of popular stupidity that the clergy and the mighty of the world this. In the end, nothing was destroyed, the government simply changed. Previously, peasants and workers worked hard for the capitalist, the tsar, the priest, and now - for the party elite.
Why were the party leaders of that time against the church? It’s very simple – it’s a competitor. A competitor in hanging noodles on the ears of gullible suckers. And competitors are destroyed. Instead of the church egregor, the people were connected to the communist egregor. And the churchmen’s commandments were shamelessly torn up and rewritten in a new way, that is, the people received the same shit that they had been eating for centuries, but they served it with a different sauce.
However, the communists turned out to be even more inventive in terms of stimulating gullible citizens to selfless horse labor for the benefit of someone else's pot-bellied uncle. Well, the priests didn’t think of coming up with socialist competitions. For reference: social. competition is when they compete with each other to see who can produce more milk (poor cows!) or who can produce more coal in a shift, and stuff like that. Yes, the priests missed a great opportunity! Overwhelmed by the desire to distinguish themselves in the face of their beloved party and adored government, to whom they now prayed instead of an icon, by the desire not to fall in the eyes of the same crazy zombified workaholic comrades, people, forgetting about sleep, food and rest, pounded with jackhammers with all their might and pulled their tits poor cows, developed virgin lands, laid roads in the taiga wilderness. They exceeded the standards tenfold and took on even bolder obligations. News of new Stakhanovites and new records spread throughout the country, further stimulating the suckers to lay down their bones on the labor battlefield. And they went to bed. Dedicating all their strength and health to the construction of socialism, within a few years they became old and sick.
Of course, such work created large profits. And this profit flowed into the pockets of the ruling elite, party and Komsomol bosses, the people didn’t need money - an order in their teeth, a certificate of honor, a face on the honor board, and they were already in seventh heaven, and couldn’t think of anything more. Because they inspired him that it was right.
No, the churchmen didn’t think of that - to organize a Christian competition and issue orders for the hero of godly labor named after the Archangel Gabriel. After all, competition is the awakening in a person of the sin of pride, the desire to prove to others that he is better. But the communists calculated correctly. On the one hand, other pleasures were not encouraged and condemned, and on the other, the legitimate pride of a distinguished worker was stimulated. Thus, having closed all other paths to self-satisfaction, the people were determined to have the only necessary direction for applying their efforts, the only thing they could strive for.
And while overworked, squeezed-out workers shook their diplomas in front of each other and boasted of their usefulness to their homeland, smart guys used the money they earned to carouse at their luxurious dachas. The religious and power elite at all times lived for their own pleasure, inspiring others that thinking about themselves and their pleasure is bad, a sin, they must go out of their way, but be useful for others, society. And who are these “others”, “society”? These are abstract concepts that seem to suspect millions of similar citizens, for whom you must somehow prove immediately useful to all of them. But in reality, the concept of “society” disguised very specific smart people who already know how to properly use a person as a work horse.
And finally, our days. What do we have now? Politicians somehow suddenly became all religious. They go to church, hit their foreheads on the floor, light three-meter candles to God, and most importantly, this is all in front of the people, with detailed coverage in the media. It has become fashionable to shout on all corners about one’s deep commitment to faith and religion. And faith itself, which had recently been denied by the authorities, suddenly began to be intensively revived. And this happened no sooner or later than after the collapse of the USSR and the abolition of the one-party communist regime. Meanwhile, most of today's politicians were at one time Komsomol and party bosses. What happened, they realized their mistake regarding religion, the revelation of God descended on them and they repented of their sins?
You probably already guessed it. It's the same old song about the main thing. Remember: the king came to the priest... The communist regime fell, there was no longer a single egregor to which the entire people would be connected. A replacement was urgently needed. Invent a new egregor until it gets stronger, until they get used to it. And here - already ready, proven, not forgotten - only 70 years have passed, and many people secretly believed even under the communists. And most importantly, surrounded by the martyr’s halo of a victim of Soviet power. Our people love such things. The topics of repression, victims of the regime, political persecution, etc. are still relished on television in howling voices. So it started again: they propose to introduce mandatory religious studies in schools, give the lands back to the church, unite the church and the state... And let the church support the government in the eyes of the people. In the former southern republics The USSR is now generally an Islamic state. And presidents rule like kings based on religion. Elections and other democratic procedures there are held only for appearances; there, without the people, everyone decides for whom to vote. In general, the Middle Ages have returned.
Another interesting trend: Have you noticed how the education system has been deteriorating in recent years? Teachers have been put in such conditions by the state that it’s simply amazing how everyone hasn’t fled yet. Well, that’s it, the state is doing everything, bending over backwards to completely ruin the educational system. And only a select few will study for money, or rather, not study, but simply buy diplomas. The same song begins as in the Middle Ages: the state does not need educated citizens, it is more difficult to govern them.
The matter with esoteric knowledge was also cleverly handled: now there seems to be democracy, you can talk openly about everything. And such streams of “enlightenment” of the population on occult issues poured out from television screens and from newspaper pages that medieval mystifiers-pi...balls never even dreamed of. How can a simple person who knows nothing about esotericism distinguish true knowledge from false information? Here it can be difficult for a specialist to distinguish, because all this is so skillfully framed as truth, but there is nothing to say about an ordinary person. And all this is done on behalf of certain bodies and under their strict guidance. Again, in printed materials and on television, techniques for zombifying and introducing the necessary information into the subconscious of the population are actively used. The goal is still the same - to turn the population into a herd of sheep.
Officially, we now have freedom of religion in our country. And then another source of “shoeing” of suckers appeared: numerous religious sects. Each sect foams at the mouth to prove that their faith is the most correct, and only they know the path to complete and final enlightenment. And the gurus in these sects, every single one of them, at least, are aliens from other constellations, Christs and Buddhas in a past life, the immaculate Marys, direct descendants of the sunken Atlanteans, Egyptian priests resurrected from mummies, magicians of level 1398, enlightened “up to the tomatoes.” No, no less. And so, all of them, so different, offer surprisingly similar paths to enlightenment: donate your property to a sect, give up everything worldly and go to work in underground factories and communes for a piece of bread a day.
In all such sects, there is a very rigid hierarchical structure, when the leaders of the sect are prayed to as gods, and “mere mortals” who have not yet reached such a level of enlightenment recognize themselves as the last cattle and are ready to unquestioningly carry out any orders of the sect leader. And they are ready because these sects make full use of a wide variety of zombie techniques, neuro-linguistic programming, hypnosis, suggestion and other equally serious scientific methods of psychological processing. One of the common techniques is to put people in very harsh conditions, force them to do things that are unusual for them, as a result of which their old value system and inner core are destroyed, the guideline is lost, and people are in a very vulnerable state at this moment.
And then the leaders of the sect offer them a new guiding star in their person, that is, they close the energy of people to themselves. And they instill new “correct” guidelines: money is only possible for us, the enlightened. First, work hard in the commune, educate yourself properly, and then we will decide when to give you money. And they force you to work hard 24 hours a day - also a good technique, so that there is no free time to think. Work, meditation, prayer - the main thing is a dynamic pace, so that the adept does not have any free time to think about the correctness of the chosen path.
Another technique is to put control over the personal life of a believer, telling him with whom to live. And whoever controls a person’s sexual energy controls him. Very often, sect leaders do even better: they themselves “initiate” converts of the opposite sex in an understandable way. And then they continue to cohabit with them all, setting up harems. Well, we have already talked about this: they draw on the energy of people, the energy of their second (causing sexual interest) and third (submission) chakras, providing themselves with a constant flow of energy, and, consequently, money. He who has energy has money! What happens to cash flows cult members? All of them are redirected to the adored guru.
Now you know where the myth about the dangers of money came from. And you know how to distinguish between true greed and obsession with money: whoever shouts loudest about the uselessness and harm of money wants this money the most.

Study of the portrait of a moneybag.
Commandments for those who want to achieve success in money magic.
Let's continue to explore the portrait of a moneybag. And gradually from this portrait the commandments of our Witch Bible will emerge - commandments for those who want to achieve success in money magic.

First commandment.
So, we found out that money goes to those who love it.
He loves - not in the sense that he only thinks about them, but in the fact that he understands their true role and does not allow himself to be confused by various myths and attitudes about the dangers of money for the soul. After all, this is how it is in love: true love is not determined by what you constantly think about some person. Maybe you are not thinking about the real him at all, but about your fantasy about him. True love begins with the perception of a person as he is. So the love of money begins with the perception of money for what it is, and not for what you were told about it.
Rich and successful people differ from the masses of poor people in that they feel the real laws of the Universe and act according to them, and not according to the illusory attitudes of society, invented at one time by specific wise men to direct money only into their pockets.
Money is energy. It has no color - it is a person’s intention that makes it “pure” or “unclean”. If money is energy, then loving money means loving a life filled with more energy. This is the first commandment:

Loving money, i.e. love more rich life,
a life filled with more energy.

In fact, look at the life of a person who goes to resorts, attends various events, for example, buys paintings at auction, collects antique vases, creates his own magical order, flies to fashion exhibitions in Paris...
What is different about such a life? At first glance (from the side of retired grannies) the fact is that such a life requires a lot of money. Yes it is. But why? Because it is filled with all kinds of interests, it is more intense, it has a higher rhythm. And life at this level requires large energy, and therefore monetary costs. But a person is ready to invest more energy, he NEEDS such a life, but at the same time it does not enslave him. That's why money comes to him.

Now, in connection with the fact that we have learned about the true state of affairs, let's rewrite the corresponding paragraph of portraits.

“Moneybags love money” - a rich person loves money as energy, loves a richer, more energetic life. And money is a means to maintain life at the proper energy level, to feel the flow of energies.

“An honest worker knows that money is evil” - the beggar doesn’t really know anything about life, but is under the illusions instilled in him that money is the source of evil. At the same time, nothing is said about the personal qualities and goals of the person using money, as if this is not important. But in fact, this is precisely what is important, it’s just that the beggars were not told about it (and will never be told!) by smart people who are powder

Dolgopolova Angelika Anatolyevna has been working in the field of esotericism and practical magic since 1998. Since 2002 - in absentia via the Internet.

Education Higher (Chelyabinsk State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics). Practices the Northern magical tradition, interests - pagan pantheons of gods, ritual magic, mantic systems (Runes, Tarot, etc.), astrology. Author of the mantic system Lunar Cards - 36 cards based on the symbols of the lunar calendar, as well as a number of books on the psychology and magic of personal relationships and financial success, written based on an analysis of client situations. Lives and works in Chelyabinsk.

Energy-informational relationship between the runes of the Elder Futarch and the Major Arcana of the Tarot. - magazine “Astrology”, 2002, No. 3; Psychological aspects of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. - “Astrology”, 2002, No. 4; Black Moon. Demons inside us (co-authored with S. Kuzmin) - “Astrology”, 2003.

Books (5)

Witch's Bible. Secrets of money magic

Witch - from the word to know, i.e. know. There are many books on sale now magical spells and rituals of money magic. Many people use them in the hope of getting rich quickly, but do not get results. Because these books don’t tell you ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT thing: what personal qualities you need to have in order to successfully use money magic.

This book will tell you ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT: THE SECRETS OF ATTRACTING MONEY, known to witches, and simply sensible, and therefore financially secure people since ancient times. Knowing these secrets, you can attract and keep money even without conspiracies and rituals. Well, if you really want to resort to magic, you will also master the techniques of attracting money with the help of this book.

Witch's Bible. Secrets of love magic

Witch - from the word to know, i.e. know. Nowadays there are many books on sale with magical spells and rituals of love magic. Women read these conspiracies, perform rituals, but do not get results. Because these books don’t tell you ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT: what personal qualities you need to have in order to successfully apply love magic.

The Witches' Bible contains this most important thing: THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS IN LOVE, known to witches, sorcerers, and simply experienced women since ancient times. Knowing these secrets, even without conspiracies and love spells, you will be able to attract and keep the man you want. Well, if you really want to resort to magic, you will also learn the whole truth about love spells, love spell techniques, which methods of love magic are harmonious and acceptable, and which are dangerous and punishable, with the help of this book.

Witch's Bible. Secrets of success

All people are different, and everyone has a different destiny. Some people become presidents, ministers, oligarchs, financial tycoons, directors of large concerns, reach the heights of power and accumulate enormous wealth.

But there are also people who work all their lives in ordinary positions for a pittance salary, eke out a semi-beggarly existence, and often cannot find work at all.

It turns out to be a pyramid, tapering towards the top, the base of which is made up of the lower, poorest strata of society, and then, as they approach the top, the social status of people, their level of income increases, but these people become less and less.

Is this all a coincidence or a pattern? Is a person’s level in the pyramid predetermined from birth, and can this level change?

Moon cards

Unique system“Moon Maps” are the key to understanding the laws of the world order. Its symbols are capable of describing any phenomenon, both physical reality and the Higher Planes of existence.

This book illustrates the wide possibilities of Lunar Maps and can be an excellent teaching aid for self-study of this system.

For practicing esotericists, Lunar Maps will help determine the presence magical influence per person, they will tell you which method to use in your occult work for any specific situation. They will help you trace your relationship with the higher and lower astral plane, see what is happening around you on the subtle plane, and suggest the direction for self-improvement and further spiritual development.

Lunar Maps will be of interest to psychologists as a tool for characterizing personality and working with the subconscious, but primarily to professional predictors, for whom they will help make predictions, analyze specific situations and the astral plane. And not only a professional, any person, having mastered the system, will be able to make forecasts for the future, analyze interpersonal relationships, check partners for compatibility, choose the optimal type of activity for themselves that will bring success, and much more. With the help of Moon Maps, you will learn a lot about yourself and the people around you that you didn’t know before, you will make discoveries that are not visible using other predictive systems.

Black Moon in Signs: demons within us

Black Moon in Signs: demons within us. Astropsychological thriller.

Demons inside us... Are you interested? Scary? You peer into the mirror with your mouth open: where are they? You don’t have to search for long: they are in each of us, because everyone has a Black Moon (Lilith) in their horoscope - their own personal demon.

“Demon” is a state of a person when he loses control over himself, falls into rage, hysterics, screams, screeches, insults, and uses violence. And all just to get the energy he lacks from those around him. Quite mentally healthy people fall into the “demon” state.

Our research has shown that it is the zodiac sign in which Lilith is located that plays the dominant role in this process. Find out what triggers your demon, what problems it creates for you, and what benefits it can give if you make friends with it.

Reader comments

Nadezhda 9102018/ 10.9.2018 I really like working with lunar maps. I use it myself and teach others. Thank you for your knowledge!

Tatiana/ 10/4/2016 Dear dear Angelica, thank you very much for the book about the Black Moon, I am an astrologer with experience and the conjunction of the Black Moon with Saturn in Scorpio and my clients are entirely black moons, I read it, laughed, got angry when I recognized myself, good luck to you, health

Larisa Remenyak/ 06.29.2015 Very interesting books. Tested it on myself and on my clients

Aksiniya/ 10/22/2014 Hello, Anzhelika Anatolyevna! Your books are kind and smart. Your advice is as old as time. But they are also amazingly new, that you discover a new planet for yourself. Thank you.

Dinar/ 05/13/2014 Everything is in books magical rituals deciphered, it turns out that the person himself influences everything. For example, if a person is not happy with something, then life in general is the same. Conclusion - always be positive, no matter what happens.

Guest/ 02/3/2014 Beautifully written, thank you very much for such an interesting and useful work, while I was reading about money magic.

Margarita/ 06/29/2013 Books are useless. This may be news to esotericists, but for the Witch... it’s sheer stupidity. These books will not bring you either love or money. She still needs to grow and grow before becoming a Witch.

Dildora/ 12/8/2012 I read all the books in one sitting. Everything is so clear and clear. I learned so many interesting things. Great respect to the author :)

Dmitriy/ 01/10/2012 The Secrets of Money Magic is a very simple and very informative book. I recommend it to everyone to read and understand elementary laws. Thanks for this book.

Guest/ 01/07/2012 I’m reading about love magic. The stories are simply from my life. The book came at the right time and place. Everything is true.

Benjamin/ 12/2/2011 Of all the books about money, the book “Secrets of Money Magic” by A. Dolgopolova is distinguished by its directness and specific presentation of the essence (just like the Bible!). In addition, I had a significant positive impact (I don’t believe in coincidences) after reading the book within a week, I found new job, which I was looking for for more than 4 months, very soon money appeared, and even more money. Overall the book works! I advise everyone to read it! She changes lives.

Yuri/ 06/27/2011 The knowledge that is in A. Dolgopolova’s books is truly unique; there is important information that in 12 years of studying esotericism I have never seen from any author.
