Outdated vocabulary in historical prose by D. Balashov

U old words, as well as dialectal, can be divided into two different groups: archaisms And historicisms .

Archaisms- these are words that, due to the emergence of new words, have fallen out of use. But their synonyms exist in modern Russian.


right hand- right hand, cheeks- cheeks, ramen- shoulders, loins- lower back and so on.

But it is worth noting that archaisms may still differ from modern synonymous words. These differences may be in the morphemic composition ( fisherman- fisherman, friendship - friendship), in their lexical meaning (stomach- life, guest- merchant,), in grammatical form ( at the ball- at the ball, fulfill- perform) and phonetic features ( mirror- mirror, Spanish- Spanish). Many words are completely outdated, but they still have modern synonyms. For example: destruction- death or harm, hope- hope and firmly believe, so that- to. And in order to avoid possible mistakes in the interpretation of these words, when working with works of art It is strongly recommended to use a dictionary of outdated words and dialect phrases, or an explanatory dictionary.

Historicisms- these are words that denote such phenomena or objects that have completely disappeared or ceased to exist as a result of the further development of society.

Many words that meant various items the life of our ancestors, phenomena and things that were in one way or another connected with the economy of the past, the old culture, the socio-political system that once existed. Many historicisms are found among words that are one way or another connected with military themes.


Redoubt, chain mail, visor, arquebus and so on.

Most obsolete words refer to items of clothing and household items: prosak, svetets, endova, camisole, armyak.

Also, historicisms include words that denote titles, professions, positions, classes that once existed in Rus': tsar, footman, boyar, steward, stable boy, barge hauler,tinker and so on. Kinds production activities, such as horse tram and manufactory. Phenomena of patriarchal life: purchase, quitrent, corvée and others. Disappeared technologies such as mead making and tinning.

Words that arose in the Soviet era. These include words such as: food detachment, NEP, Makhnovist, educational program, Budenovo and many others.

Sometimes it can be very difficult to distinguish between archaisms and historicisms. It has something to do with rebirth cultural traditions Rus', and with the frequent use of these words in proverbs and sayings, as well as other works of folk art. Such words include words denoting measures of length or measurements of weight, calling Christian and Religious holidays and others and others.

Dictionary of obsolete words by letter of the alphabet:

You can't stop time, no matter how hard you try. All that remains is to once again unwind, like an old film, your own memories and sob every now and then from the overwhelming feelings. Time flies, it runs away. You won't catch up...

Yes, a person cannot catch up with time. But human language is quite competitive in this race. Words and ways of constructing sentences change with the times. Sometimes this happens so quickly that parents do not immediately understand that their own children are telling them this. And having overheard them, the children, talking with their peers, they leave completely puzzled. And they shake their heads: no, we weren’t like that.

Whether they were or not is a reason for a separate conversation. Now let us turn to the changes in language that occur as time passes.

The tongue chases life

Language reflects life, and therefore it changes when reality changes, for which language is needed to describe. Many objects and concepts disappear, and the words that these concepts or objects denoted go out of active use. Similar words that have lost their relevance are called historicisms. They are needed only in historical stories about times long past.

During my childhood, filmstrips were a popular and favorite form of entertainment. I still remember a filmstrip made based on a poem by Yuri Yakovlev, which was called “Old Words.” This is about them, about historicisms, “which have lost their meaning in forty years,” since the concepts described by these old words (for example, “horse tram”, “lamplighter”) were abolished by the October Revolution. It was supposed to be forever.

We have no capitalists
And we say again:
The day will come when the whole world
Will forget this word.

As it turned out, the optimism was premature. A word that seems to have sunk into oblivion and turned into historicism is today alive and well and very much held in high esteem. Same as the word "unemployed"

We meet often now
We are the word "unemployed"
What does it mean: kicked out the door,
And you are now free.

Yes, it's twisty historical path! You can’t always guess which word will become historicism. Nowadays, this is the Soviet word “collective farm”. Ask the children what a collective farm is? Who needs a collective farm? Why a collective farm? Mr. Twister’s daughter dreamed of “running to the collective farm through the raspberries” - something like that.

Language itself changes

Historicisms are the result of changes in language in keeping with changing life. And there is more archaisms. If translated from ancient Greek, this is exactly what it means: “old words.” Or rather, outdated.

The laws of language are already at work here. Some words that were previously used often, for some reason, began to fade into the background. They were replaced by other words, synonyms. New words have become more familiar and modern, and the old ones seem to have gone into the chest. For a long and good memory.

When did they appear aircrafts heavier than air (and this happened at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century), they were called by the foreign scientific word “airplanes”. But in 1914, when the First War began World War, patriotism surged in many Russians. Down with foreignness!

Here, from the pages of Russian fairy tales, the Russian word “airplane” flew like a carpet. It arrived and quite successfully replaced the “airplane”. Now for us “airplane” is an ordinary word, but “airplane” is necessarily an old flying whatnot, an archaism in one word.

By the way, one of the patriotic renamings of 1914 was the renaming of the capital Russian Empire from St. Petersburg to Petrograd. By the way, the Petersburg side of the city, the one opposite the Winter Palace, became the Petrograd side. And, say, if in 1917 some resident of the city on the Neva said “Petersburg,” you could be sure that he was thereby sadly recalling pre-war times. And in Soviet time many Leningraders quite consciously used this anachronism. I don’t want to live in your “cradle of three revolutions”! Let me into my beloved capital of the empire! Many proudly called themselves native Petersburgers. Although, to be honest, how many of those native St. Petersburg residents remained after the revolution, the “Kirov” plantings and Leningrad blockade?! But all the same, archaism did not go far into the past; that same taste, that same Petersburg, was too sweet to the Leningrad heart.

In 1991, Leningrad was returned to its former imperial name. And “Leningrad”, where Mr. Twister’s daughter once wanted to go, has already become an anachronism.

gray waters,
Many columns
Smoke filled factories
The sky is darkening.

However, the struggle is going on with varying degrees of success. Many St. Petersburg residents sometimes call themselves Leningraders, paying tribute to the tragic and hard times. But most importantly, the times in which they were young. And in general, remember the famous vocal group “Leningrad”, whose name is now a typical archaism.

In highly stratified developed languages, such as English, archaisms can serve as professional jargon, which is especially true for jurisprudence.

Archaism is a lexical unit that has fallen out of use, although the corresponding object (phenomenon) remains in use. real life and gets other names ( outdated words, supplanted or replaced by modern synonyms). The reason for the appearance of archaisms is in the development of the language, in the updating of its vocabulary: one words are replaced by others.

Words that are forced out of use do not disappear without a trace: they are preserved in the literature of the past and as part of some established expressions used in a certain context; they are necessary in historical novels and essays - to recreate the life and linguistic flavor of the era. IN modern language derivatives of words that have fallen out of active use may be preserved (for example, « this hour" And « this of the day" from archaic "this" And "this").

Examples of archaisms in Russian

az - I (" You're lying, dog, I am the king!», « Vengeance is mine, and I will repay») know - know (derivatives: Not Vedas tion, Not Vedas washed, Vedas darkness) velmi - very, very neck - neck (" Israel did not bow before the proud satrap») voice - voice (" voice in the wilderness», « the voice of the people is the voice of God"; derived words: with voice no, with voice ny, full voice no, united voice ny, transportation glash transport/carriage voice it, glash atay) right hand - right hand (" punishing right hand») hand - palm daughter - daughter ( “You are my unlucky daughter”- humorous) if - If ( "if you are polite") stomach - in the meaning of “life” (“ not sparing your belly», « not to the stomach, but to death») very good - Very gold - gold (" There King Kashchei is wasting away over gold») others like it - which, which (eg. "like them") cheeks - cheeks babble - beauty, splendor keep your mouth shut - speak (" They didn’t order execution, they ordered him to say the word"); derivatives: "By word of mouth to happen", "By word of mouth ka" night - night (for example, in the expression "day and night", that is, “both day and night”) eye, eyes - eye, eyes (“ in the blink of an eye», « Black eyes», « Days and nights at the open-hearth furnaces our Motherland did not close its eyes"(see Victory Day (song), " an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth», « eye of Sauron"; derived words: oh prominent, oh visionary, in very good Iyu, very good ny/for very good ny, very good ki) one - they (about females) eight (gen. pad. " eight") - eight (derived word: eight legs) eighteen - eighteen finger - finger (" pointing finger"; derivatives: finger day, on finger OK, twelve finger nay gut, on finger Yankee(digitalis), lane chats) therefore - That's why because - since, since, because this, this, this - this, this, this (“ this very second!», « this moment!», « what does this mean?») adversary - villain, scoundrel essence - form 3 l. pl. part of the verb “to be” just - only trust - hope (“ I trust in God's mercy») mouth - lips, mouth (“ a smile frozen on the lips"; derivatives: mouth ny, mouth ye) red - red, scarlet person - forehead (" hit with one's forehead", that is, to express respect, respect; derivative word: " brow bit») shell - helmet (" drink the Don with a helmet"; derived words: O with a helmet it, O with a helmet linen) like or like - as if, exactly (to attach a comparative phrase - "wise as a serpent", “And still you are in labor, great sovereign, like a bee")

see also

  • Neologism - on the contrary (on the contrary), a newly introduced word; New word.


  • R. P. Rogozhnikova, T. S. Karskaya. School dictionary of obsolete words of the Russian language: Based on the works of Russian writers of the 18th-20th centuries. - M., 1997, 2005. - ISBN 5710795305
  • V. P. Somov. Dictionary of rare and forgotten words. - M.: Vlados, Astrel, AST, 1996, 2009. - ISBN 5-17-004597-2, ISBN 5-271-01320-0
  • O. P. Ermakova. The life of a Russian city in the vocabulary of the 30s - 40s of the twentieth century: Brief dictionary gone and passing words and expressions. - Kaluga, Moscow: Eidos, Flinta, Science, 2008, 2011. - ISBN 978-5-9765-0967-2, ISBN 978-5-02-037282-5


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional ones). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.



See what “Archaism” is in other dictionaries:

    - (Greek archaismos, from archaios old, ancient). An expression, a word that has fallen out of use, in general everything is outdated and ancient. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ARCHAISM 1) outdated turn of phrase;… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    An obsolete and obsolete word. IN artistic speech A. is one of the stylistic means studied in a special department of stylistics. In our country, A. most often are Slavicisms, drawn from Church Slavonic, which were used until the 18th century. was … Literary encyclopedia

    Belching, relic, atavism, anachronism Dictionary of Russian synonyms. archaism see relic Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Synonym dictionary

    archaism- a, m. archaïsme m. 1. An obsolete word or figure of speech that has fallen out of use. Our language no longer has OGE or ACHE, or many other Archaisms, that is, deep antiquity. 1751. Thread. 1 p. LXII. // Uspensky 1985 190. 2. Relic of antiquity. Oh... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    ARCHAISM, archaism, man. 1. An archaic, obsolete word or figure of speech (ling.). 2. An outdated phenomenon, a relic of antiquity (book). Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    ARCHAISM, huh, husband. 1. An obsolete word, figure of speech or grammatical form. 2. Relic of antiquity. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Male, Greek ancient, ancient, dilapidated figure of speech. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (from the Greek archaios ancient) 1) outdated, relic of antiquity; 2) an obsolete word or figure of speech that has fallen out of use; 3) the revival of the old, archaic style as a result of conscious or unconscious dissatisfaction with the fact that... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    The use of outdated words and ancient figures of speech; also imitation of the ancient style in art... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Archaism- ARCHAISM old word or an outdated figure of speech. We find archaisms alive in documents and monuments of the word, compiled at any time remote from us. IN poetic speech archaisms are often introduced for a dual purpose. In... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    Archaism- (gr. archaios – eski, kone, ezhelgi) – 1) koldanystan shykkan eski soz nemes soz ainalymy; 2) eskinin kaldygy... Philosophy terminerdin sozdigi


  • Modernism as archaism. Nationalism and the search for modernist aesthetics in Russia, Shevelenko Irina Danielevna. The book is devoted to the interpretation of the interaction between the aesthetic searches of Russian modernism and nation-building ideas and interests emerging in the educated community in the late imperial...

Kulakov V.S. 1

Konstantinova M.V. 1 Boeva ​​E.A. 1

1 Municipal budget educational institution secondary school 5 Odintsovo

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“The greatest wealth of a people is its language! Over thousands of years, countless treasures of human thought and experience accumulate and live forever in the word.”

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov

All “living” languages ​​are constantly developing, improving and changing. They have their past, present and future. At the same time, the language invariably fulfills its vital importance- serves as a means of communication. Since language is constantly changing, many words disappear from use, and new words appear. In my work I would like to study these changes in detail.

The role of language in society as a means of communication is incredibly great. That's why this topic always relevant.

This research work examines such phenomena of the Russian language as archaisms, historicisms and neologisms.

Purpose of the study: study of concepts - archaisms, historicisms and neologisms, as well as the reasons for the disappearance and appearance of words.

To achieve the goal, the following were set tasks:

Analyze the development of words in the Russian language;

Study the concept - archaisms;

Study the concept - historicisms;

Study the concept - neologisms.

Research methods: reading, processing and analysis of relevant literature.

Practical significance: in-depth study of this issue, beyond the scope of the school curriculum.

When performing this work, I studied the material quite deeply.

With this work I would like to draw attention to the degree of importance of outdated words as the cultural and historical heritage of our people, as well as the problem of perception and the need for new words.


“There are two kinds of nonsense: one comes from a lack of feelings and thoughts, replaced by words; the other - from the fullness of feelings and thoughts and the lack of words to express them"

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Despite the presence of certain norms and traditions, any language gradually changes. These changes occur constantly, but they are not very noticeable during the life of one generation.

Let's consider two main systems of the Russian language: syntax and vocabulary.

« Syntax of the Russian language- part of the grammar of the Russian language, indicating the rules for combining words in phrases and sentences” 1.

« Vocabulary- the vocabulary of the language or works of a writer” 2.

The syntactic structure of the language is more stable and is not subject to any significant changes. And here lexical composition, on the contrary, reacts very quickly to everything new that appears in public life, science, technology, art and everyday life. Therefore, it is the most changeable.

Today, the Russian language as a developing phenomenon is considered quite rarely. We are accustomed to it and use words automatically, sometimes without even thinking about the meaning and historical significance of these words. And this is an absolutely normal phenomenon, since we are native speakers of the Russian language. We also calmly react to the appearance of completely new words in colloquial speech. But it is precisely for this reason that we need to be interested in the history of our language and its specifics.

Over the centuries, our language has changed. Old words disappeared or changed, new ones appeared.

Therefore, our developing Russian language represents a completely unique cultural heritage.

1.2 - Wikipedia - free encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. - http://wikipedia.org- (date of access: 04/20/2018).


« Archaisms- these are outdated words that, in the process of language development, were replaced by more modern synonyms” 3.

Despite this, some archaisms are still used. For example, they are used in poetry.

The reason for replacing outdated words with more modern ones is the continuous development of the language.

Nowadays no one says “know”. This word has been replaced by "know". But such derivative words as “ignorance”, “unknown”, “slave”, “witch” have been preserved.

The word “velmi” was replaced by “very”, “very”.

Nobody anymore says such words as “just now”, “hand”, “right hand”, “lanes”, “blindness”, “finger”, “hope”, “brow”, etc. And someone may not even know the meaning of these words.

I would like to focus on one word “canopy”. Everything seems very simple, everyone knows its meaning. “Seni” is the entrance part of the house, hallway, terrace. And what is so interesting about this word?

Let us remember the well-known lines from the work of A. S. Pushkin:

“The grass is green, the sun is shining,

A swallow flies towards us with spring in the canopy..." 4

I wonder if anyone has ever wondered why the swallow flies into our hallway. What, exactly, should she do there? You might think that this is a figurative expression, since we are talking about poetry. In other words, spring is coming to our home. But let’s take other lines from A. S. Pushkin:

“...and the canopy expanded thick

Huge, neglected garden,

Shelter of brooding dryads..." 5

3 - Sudanov G. G. Russian language on the fingers. - Moscow: AST Publishing House, 2017. - 288 p.

4.5 - Pushkin A.S. Poems. Fairy tales. Poems. - Moscow: Eskimo Publishing House, 2017. 544 p.

Or, for example, these lines:

“In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,

And the skies are covered with a wavy haze..." 6

Can a garden have a hallway where the wind blows? Of course not.

From this we can conclude: in the old days, “canopy” was the name given to the crowns of trees, which seemed to be able to shelter a person.

Lines from another work by A. S. Pushkin confirm this.

“For the last time, in the shadow of solitude,

Our foam listens to my poems" 7

Very important to know true meaning archaisms and pass this knowledge on to other generations!

6.7 - Pushkin A.S. Poems. Fairy tales. Poems. - Moscow: Eskimo Publishing House, 2017. - 544 p.


« Historicisms- words and expressions that have fallen out of active use due to the fact that the concepts they denote have disappeared or become irrelevant” 8.

These words differ from archaisms in that they have completely fallen out of use and have no synonyms.

Historicisms are divided into various groups.

Table 1. Groups of historicisms.

Groups of historicisms


Names of ancient clothing

Zipun, shushun, camisole, caftan, zhupan, kokoshnik;

Names of monetary units

Grosh, altyn, polushka, etc.;

Title names

Boyar, nobleman, duke, prince, etc.;

Names of officials

Policeman, governor, clerk, inspector, etc.;

Weapon names

Pishchal, sixfin, unicorn (cannon), etc.;

Administrative names

Volost, district, district, etc.

I would like to say a little about such a group of words as necrotism.

Necroticisms- words that are currently completely unknown to native speakers.

Examples of necrotism:

- “straighty” - paternal uncle;

- “rug” - ridicule, scold;

- “zga” - road;

- “to erase” - to erase;

- “bed” - bed, pastel.

Now these are words unknown to us. But once they were completely natural and actively used in everyday speech. Perhaps historicisms will eventually move from one category to another and become necroticisms.

8 - Encyclopedia of the Russian language - [Electronic resource]. - http://russkiyyazik.ru - (access date 04/20/2018).


"Neologisms- these are words, word meanings or phrases that have recently appeared in the language. This is all newly formed, previously absent” 9.

Neologisms have always arisen throughout the history of language development. Everyone has it historical period had their own neologisms.

Once upon a time, such familiar words as “thermometer”, “horizon”, “atmosphere”, “acid”, “industry” and others were neologisms. They arose thanks to the development of science. Words such as “disgusting”, “touching”, “entertaining”, “stupidity” and others appeared in literature.

In Saltykov-Shchedrin’s story “The History of a City,” the writer comes up with many different new words. Here are lines from his work:

“There was,” he says, in ancient times a people called blockheads, and they lived far in the north, where Greek and Roman historians and geographers assumed the existence of the Hyperborean Sea. These people were called bunglers because they had the habit of “banging” their heads on everything they encountered along the way. If they come across a wall, they will hit the wall. In the neighborhood of the bunglers lived many independent tribes, but only the most remarkable of them were named by the chronicler, namely: walrus eaters, bow eaters, thick eaters, cranberries, kurales, spinning beans, frogs, lapotniks, black palates, slotters, broken heads, blind-borns, lip-slappers, lop-eared, kosobryhie, vendace, anglers, kroshevnik and rukosu.” 10

Many of these "new" words are derived from two other words and represent Difficult words with two roots.

Neologisms are divided according to their source and purpose.

Based on the source of their appearance, neologisms are of two types:

General linguistic (newly formed or newly borrowed);

9 - Sudanov G. G. Russian language on the fingers. - Moscow: AST Publishing House, 2017. - 288 p.

10 - Saltykov-Shchedrin M. E. History of one city. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka Publishing House, 2017. - 352 p.

Neologisms are used for their intended purpose:

To designate previously non-existent objects or phenomena. Concepts;

For a more concise or expressive designation;

To achieve an artistic and poetic effect;

As names for newly created items.

There is such a thing as derivation. Derivation in Russian it is the formation of new words using words already existing in the language. This is one of the ways to create neologisms. Another way is to borrow words from other languages. For example, the word “marmalade” is borrowed from French marmalade. In turn, this word was borrowed by the French from the Italian word marmelada or marmelo - quince.

There are thousands of borrowed words in the Russian language.

Once upon a time, words such as “minus”, “refraction”, “equilibrium”, “diameter”, “square”, “department” and others were neologisms, but now they are ordinary everyday words.

I would like to say a few words about neologisms of the present tense. These are words such as “google”, “fake”, “freak”, “freelancer”, “coach”, “outsourcing”, “copywriter” and others.

Let us briefly analyze the meaning of these words, although I think they are widely known to our people, especially young people.

“Google” - search for information on the Internet using the appropriate search engine. Now the expression “okay Google” is known to almost everyone, even to the generation that does not particularly use the Internet.

"Fake" is a fake.

“Freak” is a person whose appearance and behavior does not correspond to social norms. Also used as a curse word.

“Freelancer” is a free worker. A person who does not depend on a schedule and can devote a lot of time to his personal interests. This is such an interesting job that has appeared in the modern world.

“Coach” - trainer, business coach, trainer-psychologist.

“Outsorting” is the transfer of part of its work by one company to another company.

“Copywriter” is a specialist who writes advertising texts.

In fact, there are a lot of such words. This is just a small part.

Moreover, there are some features of the appearance of neologisms. The greatest number of them occurs during special periods. For example, with technological progress or changes in the life of society. When revolutions, wars, and so on arise.

In the Russian language, as in other languages, thousands of neologisms appear every year. After all, life is constantly changing and so are human needs. Most of the neologisms do not take root in the language and disappear. But some are fixed and become an integral part of the language. Over time, they cease to be neologisms and become words of the main stock of the Russian language.

For example, in my youth, my grandparents, mothers and fathers lexicon was replenished with such words as “video recorder”, “player”, “satellite”, “jeans”, “sneakers”, “hippies”, “flares”, “communal apartment” and the like. And it seems like it was quite recently. But these words have ceased to be neologisms.

Now there are words in the language that my grandparents no longer understand. But for me they are completely natural. These are words such as “hipster”, “clave”, “headliner”, “flash mob”, “device” and others.

Moreover, I noticed that for the older generation these innovations cause a certain mistrust and are not pleasant to the ear. I think this is due to the fact that our grandparents, mothers and fathers simply do not find practical application these words in his Everyday life. And for future generations they will cease to be neologisms. And other new words will appear that will alarm me.


In this work, I studied in detail such concepts as archaisms, historicisms and neologisms of the Russian language.

Particular attention was paid to the development of the Russian language, its changes and the factors causing it.

I made the following conclusions:

Language is constantly changing;

Changes in language directly depend on changes in society;

Many words completely disappear from Russian speech;

New words sometimes cause disapproval among older generations;

Language is a huge storehouse of human thought. It connects times and generations.

Our Russian language “lives”, constantly changes and develops with us. It is necessary to carefully study these changes and monitor developments in order to preserve this most valuable cultural heritage.


Wikipedia - free encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. - http://wikipedia.org - (accessed 04/20/2018).

Pushkin A.S. Poems. Fairy tales. Poems. - Moscow: Eskimo Publishing House, 2017. - 544

Saltykov-Shchedrin M. E. History of a city. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka Publishing House, 2017. - 352 p.

Sudanov G. G. Russian language on the fingers. - Moscow: AST Publishing House, 2017. - 288 p.

Every person who wants to learn and develop always strives to learn something new and useful for themselves. Vocabulary is considered especially important, which has not only long ago become an indicator of erudition, but can also help in the most unexpected life situation. In this article you can learn about that and historicisms. and the context may also be useful for those who are especially curious to familiarize themselves with.


Historicisms include the names of objects that were used by our ancestors, and today are found only in museums. For example, the word “pishchal”, which means ancient look weapons used in Rus' several centuries ago. The word “axe,” which denoted one of the types of military equipment, also belongs to historicism. It was something similar to a modern ax, but with two blades.

How did historicisms appear?

The main reason that historicisms appeared in the language over time was the change in the habitual life of our ancestors, customs, and the development of science and culture. So, for example, disappeared types of clothing - armyak, caftan, camisole - were no longer used, and this led to the disappearance of their names from the language. Now such concepts can only be found in historical descriptions. There are many words that have fallen out of use and are now categorized as “historicisms.” An example of this is the concepts that in one way or another related to serfdom in Russia. Among them are quitrent, corvee, and taxes.


This category includes words that denote things and concepts that still exist, but with changed names. For example, our ancestors said “this” instead of the modern “this”, and “very” sounded like “zelo”. Historicisms and which are found in many literary works, are not always completely replaced by other words; they can only partially change. For example, phonetically or morphologically.

How did archaisms appear?

This type of obsolete words appeared due to the fact that over time, any vocabulary undergoes changes, evolves and assimilates with other languages. Thus, some words are replaced by others, but with the same meaning. This is that part of the vocabulary that has outlived its usefulness, but does not completely disappear from the language. These words are preserved in literature, documents, and so on. To create them, they are absolutely necessary so that you can recreate the flavor of the era being described.

Phonetic archaisms

This type includes modern words and concepts that differ from obsolete ones by just a few sounds, sometimes just one. For example, phonetic archaisms include a word such as “piit”, which over time evolved into “poet”, and “fire” turned into “fire”.

Morphological archaisms

This category includes words that are outdated in their structure. These include the noun "ferocity" which evolved into "fierceness", the adjective "nervous" which evolved into "nervous", the verb "collapse" which now sounds like "collapse", and many others.

Semantic archaisms

Archaisms and historicisms, examples of words found everywhere, often lose their true meaning over time. For example, the modern "shame" used to mean nothing more than a "spectacle", and the ancient "common" meant something that was done in one day (for example, " the ordinary way"), and not at all "ordinary".

Modern usage

Sometimes these words, which have fallen out of use, change so much that they begin to be used in a new meaning. This can be said about both archaisms and historicisms. An example of this is the word "dynasty". They stopped using it some time ago, but now it is back in use. If previously it could only be combined with words such as “royal” and “monarchical,” now the scope of its use has expanded significantly. Nowadays you can also hear about a dynasty of lumberjacks or miners, which imply that this profession is inherited from father to son. Sometimes outdated words can be found in an ironic context.

Set expressions

Obsolete words continue to fully function in the language as a part of Thus, some historicisms have been preserved. Example: the word “baklushi” is still used in the language as part of the phrase “beat baklushi,” which means “to mess around.” The same can be said about the stable expression “to sharpen your lasses,” that is, “to chat incessantly.”

Degeneration VS Renaissance

It also happens that words that linguists had already boldly classified as historicisms began to be used again due to the fact that the concepts that they denoted began to be used again. This can also happen if something new has been created that is in some way similar to or related to an outdated concept. Now such words hardly resemble historicisms. Example: charity evening, midshipman.


It should be noted that although all the above-mentioned obsolete words are, rather, a passive layer of vocabulary, they do not stop playing in it important role. When reading the works of such eminent writers as Tolstoy, Dostoevsky or Mayakovsky, you can very often come across historicisms and archaisms, and in order to accurately understand the idea that the author wanted to convey, you must be aware of their meaning. Therefore, if you come across an unfamiliar word, it is best to consult a reputable dictionary.
