Video: Timur Eremeev proved that he is the son of Spartak Mishulin. Mishulin's legacy: son or not son? Result of DNA examination Facts from the biography of the young artist

On the air of the TV show “Let Them Talk” the other day there was loud scandal around a very confusing story of one young man who declared himself illegitimate son Spartak Mishulina.

Daughter famous actor Karina Mishulina believes that the young man is an impostor who brazenly slandered her family and discredited the artist’s blessed memory.

Timur Eremeev son of Spartak Mishulin DNA test: Timur’s intentions are still unknown

It is worth noting that actor Timur Eremeev has considered the artist his father all his life, but he decided to officially announce this information only twelve years later. A young man recently gave an interview to one of the media mass media, where he talked about his relationship with Spartak Mishulin. The actor's family this information refutes and calls him an impostor.

Timur Eremeev met his so-called sister at the show, so that after such a large number of years to reveal the secret and tell that Mishulin is also his father. Karina doesn’t even want to hear about it and considers him an impostor. She decided at any cost to hold him accountable for the article in which he talked about his life and memories of his father.

In response to accusations of blatant deception, Eremeev agreed to take a DNA test to prove the correctness of his words, the site reports. Karina demands a refutation of Timur’s words, as well as compensation for moral damage. She is completely sure that her father did not have any more children.

Karina noted that she and her mother felt bad after they read the article about Timur. She sincerely believes that no one has the right to even admit that Spartacus had an illegitimate son. Publicly on the air of a popular show, Timur apologized to Mishulin’s relatives and explained that the article was written incorrectly by journalists. He also stated that he knew Spartak from the age of six.

Timur Eremeev son of Spartak Mishulin DNA test: examination and its results

Recently a second program was aired, in which they discussed whether Moscow actor Timur Eremeev is an illegitimate son famous artist Spartak Mishulina.

In the second part of the program, passions became even more intense. Spartak Mishulina's daughter Karina behaved very emotionally and flatly refused to even admit the possibility that Timur could turn out to be her relative and half-brother.

The program announced the results of a DNA examination, which turned out to be controversial, since a hat worn by a famous actor many years ago was taken as a biological sample from the Mishulin family. Karina and her mother refused to participate in the DNA examination of the “Let Them Talk” program, stating that they would only take tests in one specific clinic during the trial, which is currently taking place.

At the end of the show, Spartacus' daughter confidently stated that she was not going to have anything to do with this impostor.

Karina Mishulina is trying to figure out how Timur Eremeev proved his relationship with her famous father. In the studio of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live”, the actress said that a repeat DNA test should be carried out in Sweden.

Timur Eremeev and his mother found Carlson’s suit that belonged to Spartak Mishulin. According to them, biomaterial from the movie star remained on the items. It was he who was taken to the laboratory for research. Many guests of the program who are familiar with Mishulin’s family claim that the young actor is lying.

Special correspondent for the Vesti program Alexander Karpov decided to conduct his own investigation. “No one understands what exactly happened there. We came to the Mishulin family and looked at photographs of them all together. And then we looked at the costume. Essentially, these are old rags that have been lying in the basement for 12 years,” the journalist said.

According to Karpov, DNA research is not as simple a process as it seems. He turned to a forensic expert for clarification.

“DNA is destroyed in 12 years. If we're talking about about biological secretions, they have a very short identification period,” said Victor Kolkutin.

In addition, an error was found in the laboratory report. Timur Eremeev’s mother took part in the study. For unknown reasons, she was found to have a chromosome that is found only in men.

The situation with Timur Eremeev seriously affected the widow of Spartak Mishulin. She complained about her health. The woman said that she felt bad after one of the court hearings.

“This is the first time I have found myself in such a situation, a judicial one. I was terrified. When their lawyer started saying such terrible things, not a single word of truth, I just jumped out of there as if scalded,” shares Mishulin’s widow.

She claims that she would definitely know if her husband had a mistress. Family friends supported Valentina Konstantinovna.

Alexander Karpov decided to meet with expert Pavel Leonidovich Ivanov, who was involved in the case with DNA testing. The professor signed this document. He demanded money for an interview. The head of the molecular testing center refused to explain the fact that he signed the false data.

Timur accuses Karina of PR on this story. According to Mishulina, she did not need it at all. “Why are you attracting attention if you don’t need it. Go do a forensic examination and live in peace,” noted Karina, commenting on one of Eremeev’s latest posts on the social network.

Victoria Sdasyuk, the widow of Spartak Mishulin’s brother, stood up for the actor. “After the DNA results were published. Neither I nor my son Alexander had any doubt that there was a mistake,” the woman said.

Before filming began, the editors of the program contacted Timur Eremeev.

“My sister and I have no conflict. Basically, I don’t want to talk about this topic, because I’m a little tired,” the actor commented on what was happening.

A repeat analysis was carried out in Stockholm. Zarina, who is in Sweden, reported that Spartak Mishulin’s costume was sent for examination to Florida.

“There is no viable DNA on the fabrics or stockings. “I’ve already sent you the official paper, Karinochka,” the woman announced the results.

According to her, in Sweden, laboratory technicians are more careful when working because they know that if they make a mistake they will face a fine or imprisonment.

As the specialist said, if Timur and Karina both pass DNA tests, then the laboratory will not be able to obtain enough information from it regarding their relationship.

Spartak Mishulin is one of the legendary actors of Soviet and Russian cinema. He became famous thanks to his roles in such cult films as “White Sun of the Desert”, “Carnival”, and also appeared in entertainment program“Zucchini “13 chairs”. Famous artist passed away at the age of 78, in 2005. The cause of death was heart failure. The actor, beloved by millions of viewers, is survived by his daughter, 38-year-old Karina, and his widow Valentina Konstantinovna.

This spring, in an interview, 34-year-old artist Timur Eremeev revealed a secret that he had kept all his life - he called himself the illegitimate son of Spartak Vasilyevich. This publication caused outrage among Karina. She filed a lawsuit to teach the impostor a lesson and to protect her father’s good name. It was only in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program that the alleged relatives met face to face for the first time. Timur understood his sister’s indignation and hastened to apologize for the fact that his statements hurt her family. She did not understand why the man made this public, and did not contact her personally in order to avoid fuss and unnecessary attention.

“I do not retract a single word, I am ready to answer for all my words. How can the story of my life offend and offend anyone at all,” the aspiring artist wondered.

Timur was ready to go to the end and defend his case. The Let Them Talk program contacted the laboratory to conduct a DNA test. The experts obtained the biomaterial from a hat that belonged to Spartak Vasilievich. However, the laboratory concluded that the results were controversial.

Karina Mishulina flatly refused to donate her biomaterial in order to conduct an analysis and compare her DNA with her alleged brother.

“Are we suckers or something? We need to take blood from a vein, don’t make suckers out of us, I’ll get up and leave now,” Mishulina said.

Many Internet users were outraged by their daughter’s behavior famous actor. They shared their impressions and condemned her for such statements and negative reactions towards Timur, who wants to achieve the truth. Many found obvious similarities in the appearance of the alleged son and father, and also admired the restraint that Eremeev demonstrated. However, Karina herself believed that she was a victim of bullying. In her opinion, the comments appear from fake accounts, and therefore she suspects that the “brother” himself is involved in this.

A little later, Mishulina announced the amount she plans to sue from the offenders. She insisted that her father had been slandered.

“This is a classic lawsuit for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. The plaintiff asks for a refutation of the disseminated information, as well as to stop the dissemination in the media, for example, on the Internet, where there are still articles that say that Eremeev is an illegitimate son. Karina also demands compensation for moral damage. Currently, she is claiming an amount of one million rubles from the defendants,” the plaintiff’s lawyer told StarHit.

In one of the episodes, Karina talked about how some time ago she was offered to start a similar “canard” with a story about her alleged brother in order to increase her popularity as an actress. However, Karina insisted that she flatly refused to exploit the name of her late father for the sake of PR. Many assumed that Timur wanted to receive a share of the inheritance. The young actor denied such speculation and insisted: he wants his daughter to know about her grandfather, because she did not have a chance to see him in person.

A little later, Karina made a statement and revealed family secret- the fact is that after her birth, Spartak Vasilyevich could not have children.

After some time, Mishulina finally decided to do a DNA test to put an end to unfounded statements and assumptions. She found Carlson's suit, which her father wore in the theater. Laboratory technicians were able to find samples suitable for examination.

“Moreover, my father’s Y chromosome (the sex chromosome that contains the gene that determines male gender) was found on the suit. The Y chromosome is passed on through the male line. Father and son must have the same chromosome,” explained Karina.

For a long time, Timur’s mother Tatyana Eremeeva refused to show her face and come to the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program. However, her photograph was shown to the widow and daughter of Spartak Vasilyevich - they recognized her as the concierge who had worked in their house for two years. Karina expressed the opinion that her father would definitely have given the woman he loved a more prestigious job.

Also, the widow and daughter came to the conclusion that Timur and his mother did not know Mishulin at all. They noticed that the supposed relatives were confused about the details when talking about famous father. As it turned out, Spartak Vasilyevich had other illegitimate children. Karina knows some of them personally and does not dislike them.

Tatyana Anatolyevna said that Spartak Vasilyevich always communicated with his son and helped them financially. According to the woman, the famous actor did not skimp on gifts for the child.

Almost a month later, the results of the DNA test were announced in the “Let Them Talk” program.

“The answer to the question whether Timur Sergeevich Eremeev can be the son of a male person, based on the props belonging to Spartak Vasilievich Mishulin. The probability that he is a biological son is 99.9999%,” said TV presenter Dmitry Borisov.

Many were confident that Timur was actually the son of Spartak Vasilyevich. However, Karina doubts the reliability of the result and intends to further defend her position.

“The announced results of the DNA test, from which it follows that Spartak Mishulin is my dad, did not come as a big surprise to me. Of course, there was excitement simply because the cost of someone's mistake was extremely high. But unconditional trust in the laboratory, which, by the way, was chosen by my sister, and world-class specialists under the leadership of Pavel Leonidovich Ivanov allowed me to be sure that the examination would confirm my words about my relationship with Mishulin,” Eremeev told StarHit.

A few days after the results of the DNA test were announced, the newly-minted son of the famous actor called on social network users to stop harassing the actress, his sister. Answering questions from viewers of the “Let Them Talk” broadcast, Timur Eremeev expressed hope for establishing friendly relations with Karina Mishulina.

On December 11, late in the evening, Karina Mishulina and Timur Eremeev posted a joint photo. It shows them smiling and looking happy. "It was difficult path for me. A path full of pain, misunderstanding, resentment and tears. But good must win! And, I think, a start has been made. P.S. To everyone who worried about us - thank you! Those who criticized me – thank you too. You all helped a lot,” Karina wrote on the microblog, commenting on the situation.

Two months later, Valentina Konstantinovna did not give up the idea of ​​proving that Timru cannot be the son of Spartak Vasilyevich. She is even ready to take a desperate step and disturb the grave of her loved one.

Timur Eremeev - the son of Spartak Mishulin - the result of the DNA test was made public. “Let them talk” from December 4, 2017. VIDEO

Timur’s statement that he kept an authentic copy turned out to be contradictory, last scenario Spartacus, which he supposedly got just before the actor’s death. Karina’s husband brought to the show the same document with notes and phone numbers of the artists who were involved in the production.

To put an end to this dispute, Timur passed a DNA test, results which were announced in the finale of the broadcast..

Scandal around the name people's artist Spartak Mishulin is flaring up more and more: actor Timur Eremeev, who said that he considers himself the illegitimate son of Mishulin, is not going to give up his words.
In the “Let Them Talk” studio, all the participants in this complicated story met to finally find out if it was true. says Timur Eremeev. What will a DNA test show? Did his relatives know Spartak Mishulin so well?

The alleged son of actor Spartak Mishulin, Timur Eremeev, received the results of a DNA test, which shocked viewers of the TV show “Let Them Talk,” who had been waiting for the outcome of the story for the third month.

The series of programs “Let Them Talk” about Spartak Mishulin ended with a denouement in which the presenter announced. They were not news to anyone. Karina Mishulina is 99.999% the daughter of her father Spartak Mishulina.

Show host Dmitry Borisov opened the envelope in which the examination results were stored. The guests in the studio were very excited. The lawyer said that there were two appeals - from Timur and Karina. Dmitry read that the study took more than a month.

Spartak Mishulin is an illegitimate son. All the latest information.

The most misterious story this year has finally come to an end. The time has come to find out whether the young actor Timur Eremeev is the illegitimate son of People's Artist Spartak Mishulin. We are waiting for the result of a DNA test for kinship with the unforgettable actor.

For several months, interviews with Timur Eremeev have been published in all media, where he talks about how Spartak Mishulin called him son from childhood. According to the guy, he often went backstage at the theater, and his father gave him gifts. Timur’s mother says that Mishulin was the only man in her life. She literally idolized him, and also appeared right hand in theatrical matters. As a result, Eremeev was sued by Karina Mishulina, a People's Artist. She accused the guy of slandering and denigrating the memory of her father. The time has come in Dmitry Borisov's program Let They Say Put an End to this Matter.
So, according to the DNA test, Timur Eremeev is the son of Spartak Mishulin with a probability of ninety-nine point nine percent!!!
We congratulate Timur from the bottom of our hearts for proving that he is the son of a great artist!
Friends, Write your comments, what you think about it and don’t forget to like and subscribe to our channel.
Bye bye!

Mishulin's daughter doubts the transparency of the examination. According to her, the coincidence in the study of the y-chromosome corresponds to only 95%. Dmitry Borisov said that viewers will receive an answer to this question in the next program. Timur Eremeev stood up for his sister Karina Mishulina

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After much persuasion, Mishulina agreed to undergo a DNA test. For this purpose, a hat was taken - a theatrical prop from Spartak and Eremeev’s saliva. The result of the DNA study showed inaccurate information; the coincidence of the biological material was 50%. For Timur, this answer was encouraging, but Karina was furious.

We took Carlson’s dad’s suit to the laboratory so that the specialists could find out whether the biomaterial necessary for genetic examination was still there. Despite the fact that we have the necessary evidence that Timur Eremeev is not the son of Spartak Mishulin, we wanted there to be even more of it - so that this person could never make such statements. During a forensic medical examination, biological material necessary for analysis was found on the suit. Moreover, they found my father's Y chromosome (the sex chromosome that contains the gene that determines male sex). The Y chromosome is passed on through the male line. Father and son must have the same chromosome. In addition, I donated blood, and geneticists confirmed the relationship between me and Spartak Mishulin,” Karina Mishulina told

Another sensation shook up the Russian media space, after the program “Let Them Talk” with a new presenter - Dmitry Borisov. The topic of the special issue was the statement young actor Timur Eremeev that his biological father is the legend of Soviet cinema Spartak Mishulin.

However, today everything fell into place. Timur agreed to carrying out DNA analysis, its results were announced today on Dmitry Borisov’s show “Let Them Talk” on Channel One. By the way, this was not a normal procedure. Karina and Timur donated blood, and the analysis was carried out by world-renowned expert Pavel Ivanov. In addition, biological traces preserved on the costume of Spartak Mishulin were taken. Previously, an analysis was made that the person who wore this suit is definitely the biological father of Karina Mishulina.

Spartak Mishulin's father. Latest events.

DNA examination established that Spartak Mishulin is the biological father of Timur Eremeev.

In the “Let Them Talk” program, the months-long intrigue was finally put to rest - whether the son of the famous actor is .

After much debate, Timur Eremeev decided to do a DNA test to finally establish the truth. The artist's daughter found her father's old suit, where experts discovered biomaterial for research.

First of all, Timur justified himself for the accusations that he simply wants to attract attention and become popular as an actor. "Some kind of special task I don’t have it,” Eremeev said.

An expert appeared in the program studio to conduct a study of the costume. He once again spoke in more detail about how the research took place. Laboratory technicians were able to establish that this was indeed the biomaterial of Spartak Mishulin.

“We were able to extract all the chromosomes, and not just those traits that are inherited through the male line. The result is full-fledged from the expert’s point of view. The suit is exactly right,” the expert said.

For the first time, Timur Eremeev’s mother, Tatyana Anatolyevna, came out in public. For two months, she refused to show her face and made comments with her back to the camera.

“For almost 35 years he was in my life. If he didn’t feel anything for me, we probably wouldn’t be together. Valentina Konstantinovna probably knew. He said that whoever needs it knows it. I think they know,” Eremeeva said.

Tatyana Eremeeva - mother of Timur Eremeev

Tatyana Anatolyevna said that she refused to give her son his father’s middle name. According to Timur, he does not intend to change his last name if the DNA test gives a positive answer.

The host of the show, Dmitry Borisov, opened the envelope in which the results of the examination were stored. The guests in the studio were very excited. The lawyer said that there were two appeals - from Timur and Karina. Dmitry read that the study took more than a month.

“The answer to the question whether Timur Sergeevich Eremeev can be the son of a male person, based on the props belonging to Spartak Vasilievich Mishulin. The probability that he is a biological son is 99.9999%,” Borisov said.

Mishulin's legacy: son or not son? DNA test result. Let them talk

Karina Mishulina and her husband were behind the scenes the entire time. She was upset that the whole story had taken such a turn. According to the actress, Timur could have come to her personally, and not made a show out of it.

“I just don’t want to interfere with the holiday, we are superfluous here. I have my own position. Dad was great artist, if this happened, then no one has the right to make it public. What’s wrong with my mother - a woman who lived with her father for 35 years, has now lost her teeth, the whole country is laughing at her, she has turned gray,” said Karina, barely holding back tears.

Mishulin's daughter doubts the transparency of the examination. According to her, the coincidence in the study of the y-chromosome corresponds to only 95%. Dmitry Borisov said that viewers will receive an answer to this question in the next program.
