Fortune telling about a guy. Fortune telling by full name

Girls will always be concerned about issues related to their personal lives. Fortune telling with cards for a guy will help you find out how your chosen one treats you and what the future holds for your relationship. Therefore, it’s worth arming yourself with a deck of cards and trying to tell fortunes. Let's look at the most popular layouts.

For the cards to tell the truth, follow these tips:

  • The deck of cards you will use must be yours and used only for fortune telling - do not play with fortune cards
  • You must trust that the cards will tell the truth. Skepticism or fortune telling for fun is not The best way find out the future
  • Guess better evening, alone. Nothing and no one should bother you
  • During fortune telling, you can light candles - the energy of fire has a beneficial effect on the course of the magical ritual.

The best time for fortune telling is the night when the Moon is in full phase or waxing. It is better not to guess about the waning Moon - there is a high probability that the cards will tell a lie.

Method No. 1

First you must choose a card that will represent your chosen one. It could be:

  • King of Hearts - a young man who is already in a relationship
  • The King of Diamonds is a young guy who is free from obligations
  • The king of clubs is your chosen one already in mature age and holds a respectable position
  • The King of Spades is an unfamiliar but attractive man to you

The deck needs to be shuffled well. Then, one at a time, remove the seven cards and arrange them in the following order:

While you place the cards on the fortune telling table, say the following words:

  • The first card is “(Suit, for example, hearts) king”
  • Second: - “Tell me, dear”
  • 3 - “Do you love me?”
  • 4 - “I love you”
  • 5 - “With all my heart”
  • 6 - “With all my soul”
  • 7 - “But there is someone better than you”

You should arrange the cards in piles until the king you have chosen falls out. Then look at what number the chosen one’s card came up. The values ​​will be as follows:

  • 1 - your chosen one has romantic feelings towards you
  • 2 or 3 - the young man has not yet decided on his sympathies
  • 4, 5 or 6 - your chosen one likes you, but he is less interested in your relationship than you
  • 7 - the gentleman is not worthy of you, you should take a closer look at other suitors

This is a very simple fortune telling playing cards on a guy, which helps determine how mutual your sympathy is.

Method number 2

For this fortune telling you will need a new deck of 36 cards. By analogy with the previous method - choose a king who will symbolize your chosen one. In addition, you need to make a wish for yourself under one of the ladies.

Fortune telling is performed as follows:

  1. Shuffle the cards thoroughly
  2. With your left hand towards you, begin to place cards on the table, nine in a row.
  3. If there are cards of the same suit next to each other, they must be removed from the layout. The exception is if there are queen or king cards on the table, under which you or the chosen one are hidden. You leave them
  4. In the same way, cards of the same suit that are located next to each other are removed from the layout
  5. After all the cards have been laid out and after you have removed the extra cards, start moving the cards, filling the empty cells, from right to left

As a result, you will end up with something like this:

Then you need to look at what places the lady and the king are, symbolizing you and your chosen one. Fortune telling meanings can be as follows:

  • Next to each other - you and your chosen one will be connected by a strong friendship, love relationship unlikely
  • Nearby in the upper left or right corners - you are destined for each other. A long-term relationship will develop that may lead to marriage.
  • If there are different cards between the queen and the king, there is some interference in your relationship. This could be a rival, parental disagreement, distance or other reasons.

Depending on which cards are between you and your chosen one, the meanings of fortune telling can be as follows:

  • 6 - you will be separated (or already separated) by distance
  • 7 - a serious conversation will happen that will help put everything in its place
  • 8 - coming unexpected meeting with unpredictable consequences
  • 9 - strong love will bind you
  • 10 - there is mutual interest, further development of relations depends on both
  • Jack - the alignment is favorable, but some serious troubles await you
  • Queen or King - indicate the presence of a rival or rival
  • Ace - some important event will happen

Fortune telling helps indicate what is worth paying attention to Special attention so that your relationship is long, happy and harmonious.

Method number 3

This method is good for girls who have several gentlemen, from whom it is not possible to choose the one who is most suitable. You need to choose four jacks from the deck - each will symbolize one of the suitors.

Place the jacks in a row on the table, shuffle the remaining deck and arrange it in four rows as follows:

Watch a video that tells you how to tell fortunes on cards for a loved one:

The meaning of the cards will be as follows:

  1. If there are many cards of the heart suit under one of the jacks, this young man has strong feelings for you - you should pay attention to him
  2. If there are a lot of diamond cards - with this man, if you decide to connect your life with him, the marriage will be prosperous and financially secure
  3. Mostly club cards indicate that there will be a lot of pain and tears in your relationship - this man will bring only disappointments
  4. Spades cards indicate that there will be a lot of children in marriage with this man
Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Fortune telling on cards is in a simple way look into the mysterious future. It is especially popular among female representatives. Girls often lay out cards for their familiar guys and men to find out how they treat them, what they think and dream about. The layouts can also tell about the experiences of the beloved, his true desires and a possible future together with the fortuneteller. There are many ways to tell fortunes with playing cards. Each of them depends on the question of interest.

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Preparing for fortune telling

The result of fortune telling with playing cards for a guy largely depends on proper preparation. Basic Rules:

  • Do not take cards that have previously been used for games and solitaire.
  • Don't lie in front of the cards. Any lie on the part of the fortuneteller will give rise to a lie on the part of the cards.
  • State your question clearly. Vague wording on the card will be answered inaccurately.
  • During fortune telling, you need to keep the image of your lover in your head.
  • Before laying out the cards, you need to turn off all electronics in the house (or at least in the room): phones, TV, radio, computer.
  • You need to start guessing at midnight or after sunset.
  • Use candles as the main light source.
  • Do not guess on church holidays.
  • A woman needs to tell fortunes on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. For men - Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays. On Sunday you should give up fortune telling.
  • Do not tell anyone about the results of fortune telling.

There are two ways to find out whether the predictions will be true or not:

  1. 1. Thoroughly shuffle the deck and start laying out a column of three cards. When the queen of diamonds (fortune card) appears in the top three, stop. There will be two more cards next to it; you need to look at their meaning. If they are talking about events that took place during the past week, then today the cards are set to the truth.
  2. 2. Shuffle the deck and lay it out in stacks (not necessarily equal) in the form of a square (that is, two stacks at the top and two at the bottom). Reveal the top cards. If they have the same rank horizontally, vertically or diagonally, then today they will tell the truth. For example, the cards from left to right look like this: king, six, king, ace. The kings match vertically.

If they are guessing young man, then they wish for him as the king of diamonds, if the man is married, then he is the king of hearts, if he is much older than the fortuneteller or holds an important position, he will be the king of clubs, an unfamiliar man will be the king of spades.

Fortune telling "Black Rose"

This ordinary fortune telling and is considered the simplest, suitable for questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no”. It can also be used as an answer to the question of wish fulfillment. For example, “Is it possible to have a relationship with a specific (name) person? »

Before fortune telling, you need to ask a specific question, and then carefully shuffle 36 cards and pull out one.

Peak value:

Meaning of cards for clubs:

Meaning of cards for worms:

Meaning of cards for tambourines:

Options for fortune telling for a lover

Various variations of card layouts depend on what exactly a person wants to know.

For more successful fortune-telling, it is good if you have personal belongings or a photograph of your lover at hand, which you need to put on the table before starting the process. But if this is not the case, then in the process of action it is necessary not to stop thinking about the chosen one and try, if possible, to keep his image in your head.

Fortune telling by name

You can find out exactly what the person you like thinks with the help of simple cards.

To do this, you need to count the number of letters in his full name, shuffle the cards and lay out as many equal piles as there are letters. For example, the name Ivan has 4 letters, which means there will be 4 stacks, 9 cards each. If the stacks turn out to be unequal, that’s okay.

Fortune telling process:

  1. 1. B right hand any stack is taken. Cards from it are laid out one at a time into other piles, starting from the left.
  2. 2. When finished, the next stack is taken and the previous action is repeated.
  3. 3. As a result, the fortuneteller will have only one stack of cards.
  4. 4. Two cards are taken from the last one from the bottom. If they leave a pair, they are put aside (for example, king-king, ten-ten). It is from them that the interpretation will be built.


Paired cards Interpretation
SixesThe guy treats the fortune teller warmly, he thinks she is cute and funny. Together they will never be bored
SevensAs a result of the actions of one of the couple, the relationship will reach a new level
EightsThe fortuneteller looks sexy in the eyes of a man. But her inner nature does not interest him
NinesThe man really misses the fortune teller, because she has deeply sank into his soul. If a girl takes a few steps towards him, their relationship will strengthen
DozensA man is not a match for a fortuneteller. If things work out for them, there will be much more disappointment than joy
JacksThe development of relationships depends only on the fortuneteller, since the man is madly in love with her
LadiesThe fortuneteller needs to behave more femininely so that her lover notices her
KingsA fortune teller means a lot to a man. However, he is afraid to admit this not only to her, but also to himself.
AcesA man loves a fortune teller and tries in every possible way to attract her attention and win her

Such fortune-telling on cards for a guy can be done both for the lover’s last name, and for the first and last names together, if possible.

"Cross" layout

This alignment helps to learn about the feelings of the chosen man and the events that await him in the near future.

For fortune telling, you will need the entire deck, from which you need to pull out the man’s card in advance.

  1. 1. The king is placed in the center of the table.
  2. 2. The remaining cards are shuffled.
  3. 3. Clockwise, one at a time, they are laid out around the king. You need to start from the “head”. There should be a total of 5 cards on the table - the King and 4 cards around it. They will talk about his relationships and thoughts.

If it so happens that 3 or 4 cards of the same value fall out next to the king, which happens quite rarely, then the layout continues. The layout is the same, only the cards lie diagonally towards the king. After this, the king will already be surrounded by 8 cards.

For the interpretation of cards, their suit is unimportant:

Rank Interpretation
SixLong separation due to a long journey or an important trip
SevenA quick romantic meeting that will bring only positive emotions
EightA quick unpleasant conversation, a strong quarrel and resentment. It can even lead to separation
NineSuccessful development romantic relationships. Perhaps a marriage proposal or taking the relationship to a new level
TenThe fortuneteller is not indifferent to the man. However, it’s too early to talk about strong feelings
JackEmpty troubles and worries
LadyPossible rival or woman who wants to interfere with the development of the relationship
KingSupport good friend or an influential person in a difficult situation
AceThe feelings that a fortuneteller experiences for a man are mutual

Fortune telling on jacks

The advantage of such fortune telling is the opportunity to find out about the attitude of four men at once.

Before the process itself, you need to pull out all the jacks and wish for each one by name. It's best to write down the designations on a piece of paper so you don't forget or get confused.

Fortune telling process:

  1. 1. Jacks are laid out in a row.
  2. 2. Under each of them, a card from the main deck is laid out face down, one at a time.
  3. 3. The action is repeated until the entire deck is laid out. As a result, there should be 8 cards under each jack.
  4. 4. Each stack is considered separately. In it you need to remove two adjacent cards of the same value. Taking identical ones through one is not allowed. All pairs found in this pile are removed under the jack.
  5. 5. The action is repeated with other piles.
  6. 6. At the end of the process, under each jack there will be pairs that need to be analyzed.


On an incomplete deck

Fortune telling on an incomplete deck can tell whether a joint future between the fortuneteller and the man in the dream is possible.

For the layout you need a deck of 36 cards that need to be shuffled. Then the fortuneteller lays them out one by one in a row, saying: “King of my heart! You sank into my soul and started a terrible fire. I am suffering, answer me: how do you feel about me? "


  • If the hidden king appears during the first reading, then the chance of building a future together is slim. All results depend only on the correct actions of the fortuneteller herself.
  • If the king falls out during the second reading, then the future together is destined to come true.
  • Further, the further the king falls, the lower the likelihood of building a relationship with him.

Layout "H"

The layout received this name because the cards in it are laid out in the shape of the letter “n”. In total, 7 cards are involved in the first fortune telling. Cards must be laid out from left to right. At the beginning you need to say the following: “King, my king! Does Ali have feelings for me? Do you need me? Give me a sign, let me know. As for me, you are wasting away, I will dispel all your torment, all your boredom. If you don’t need me, then I’ll be someone else’s wife! “During the entire process, it is important to keep the image of your lover in your head.

If the king does not appear when the words are first read, the next cards are placed on top of the old ones. This is repeated until a king is dropped. If it does not appear, it means that the time for an answer has not yet come.

An important point for interpretation will be its position in the layout:

  • Position 1, 4 or 7 indicates that serious feelings The guy can't be counted on. He is not yet looking for a lady of his heart, and is neutral towards the fortuneteller.
  • Positions 2 and 3 tell about strong love guy to the fortuneteller. His feelings are sincere, and he expects reciprocity from the fortuneteller.
  • Positions 5 and 6 warn the fortuneteller that her lover does not like her, and it is useless to waste her time on him.

For four kings

Before the fortune telling begins, a king is wished for. Then the cards are laid out in a row, and the fortuneteller says the following:

  1. 1. First card: "Diamonds (or other chosen) King."
  2. 2. Second: “Tell me, dear.”
  3. 3. Third: “Do you love me? "
  4. 4. Fourth: “I love you.”
  5. 5. Fifth: “With all my heart.”
  6. 6. Sixth: “With all my soul.”
  7. 7. Seventh: “But there is someone better than you.”

Further interpretation will depend on what words the king appeared on:

  • If the king came out with the words “tell me, dear” or “do you love me,” then the man has not yet decided on his feelings. It will still take some time for an answer.
  • When the king appears on the words “king of diamonds (go another, depending on the chosen one),” this speaks of the man’s strong feelings for the fortuneteller. It's about about love.
  • If the king lands on “I love you,” “with all my heart,” or “with all my soul,” then the fortuneteller’s feelings are much stronger than the feelings of the chosen one.
  • In the case when the king came out with the words “but there is someone better than you,” the girl should take a closer look at other options and leave this man alone.

For three kings

The layout of three kings will help you find out about the true feelings of a man. To do this, you need to take a deck of cards and shuffle it thoroughly. After this, place the hidden king in the center, and lay out the rest horizontally under it. After this, you can start fortune telling:

  1. 1. Under each king (except for the hidden one), cards are laid out one at a time, the last one from the deck is placed on the hidden king.
  2. 2. The cards under the kings are collected and laid out again as in the previous step. The last one is placed on the king.
  3. 3. The action is repeated exactly three times. That is, the hidden king should have three cards on it, which will tell about his feelings.


Rank Interpretation
SixTrouble because of the chosen man
SevenAn important date where something joyful will happen
EightUnpleasant serious conversation, at the end of which a joint future will be decided
NineStrong feelings towards the fortuneteller, but will face serious difficulties during the relationship
TenThe guy views the fortuneteller more as a friend and treats her very warmly
JackThe man is a complete egoist and is in love only with himself
LadyPossible rival or woman who is against this union
AceThe man is overwhelmed with strong feelings, but recognition is still far away

Layout "Circle"

Fortune telling is so called because the cards are laid out around the king. Before performing a fortune teller, you need to make a wish for a man for a specific king:

  1. 1. The selected card is placed in the center.
  2. 2. The remaining cards are laid out around as follows: the first - above the head, the second - under the feet, the third - on the left, the fourth - on the right, the fifth - in the upper right corner, the sixth - in the upper left corner, the seventh - in the lower left corner and the eighth - in the lower right corner.

The cards are revealed and their interpretation occurs:

Fortune telling “Loves or does not love”

This layout will help you find out about the intentions of the guy you like and his hidden desires.

Before the process of divination itself, the name of the beloved is given. After which the fortune telling itself begins, where the first row indicates the current state of affairs, the second - emotional experiences, the third - past events, the top cards of the left and right columns - the state of affairs in the near future, the bottom - events of the past.

Principle of fortune telling:

  1. 1. Cards are laid out in stacks of three each. Three stacks horizontally and the same vertically.
  2. 2. To the left of the resulting peculiar square, two stacks of cards, two each, are laid out vertically.
  3. 3. Same on the right.

The meaning of the cards is the same as in the “Circle” layout. However:

  • Only cards of the highest rank are subject to interpretation: ten, jack, queen, king and ace.
  • If aces of all stripes fall out, which happens very rarely, you can talk about real strong feelings, about love for life.
  • If a jack and nine of hearts are added to the top combination, you can safely prepare for the wedding.
  • Cards spades suit, falling next to the hidden king, indicate that he is in trouble.
  • The Queen of Spades personifies a cunning, sophisticated rival.

Gypsy fortune telling

Gypsy fortune telling will help you find out the near future and clarify some aspects of love and friendship relationships.

For fortune telling, you need a full deck of ordinary cards, which you need to shuffle, and then with your left hand move some part towards you, it is placed underneath, and fortune telling begins.

The cards are laid out in three columns of nine. The first three rows indicate the past, from the 4th to the 6th row - the present, from the 7th to the 9th, respectively, the future.


  • Six - evening long journey.
  • Seven - frustration, sadness, bitter tears.
  • Eight - feast, invitation to visit.
  • Nine is a serious illness.
  • Ten - grandiose plans that are not destined to come true.
  • Jack is a waste of time and effort.
  • The lady is a strong rival, jealous and angry.
  • The king is a noble man.
  • Ace - feast, drinking with friends.


  • Six - business trip, business trip.
  • Seven - negotiations, meetings with influential people.
  • Eight is an important conversation.
  • Nine - profit, easy money.
  • Ten - strong attachment to someone.
  • Jack - minor problems, the need for outside help;
  • A lady is a woman who wants to interfere somehow.
  • The king is an adult man of higher status.
  • Ace - anticipation of an important matter.


  • Six - a romantic trip.
  • Seven - anticipation of a date, an important conversation.
  • Eight is a serious debate.
  • Nine - development of love relationships.
  • Ten - plans, dreams.
  • Jack - troubles, pressing problems.
  • A lady is a mother, a beloved woman.
  • The king is a married man.
  • Ace is a family hearth.


  • Six is ​​the closest road.
  • Seven - discussion of pressing problems, romantic meeting.
  • Eight - conversation, important conversation.
  • Nine - rapid development of romantic relationships.
  • Ten is the beginning of a love affair.
  • Jack - anxiety and troubles.
  • The lady is a friend, a nice girl.
  • The king is an unmarried man, a young man without a relationship, someone's son.
  • Ace - large-scale important news.

What could be more exciting, unpredictable and incomprehensible than a love relationship with the opposite sex? No matter how you study a person, no matter how much you think through your actions and words, you can never know for sure whether the young man you like will reciprocate, whether today’s date will go well, or whether the guy you’re dating will ever propose. Fortune telling on cards for a guy helps answer many important questions your personal life, tells you what to expect and how to act.

Ritual of fortune telling for a young man

You can do card fortune telling for a guy as follows. First, choose a king who will symbolize your chosen one. If you are not yet familiar with him, then it is better to choose the king of spades, if he is young and handsome, then would be better suited king of diamonds, if he is a respectable man, then choose the king of clubs, if he is married or seriously dating another, then he is king of hearts. Place the chosen king in the deck and lay out cards one at a time, face up, until your chosen king appears.

At the same time the following slander is read:

King of Diamonds (or another chosen suit, with these words the first card is removed)
Reveal the truth (the second card is removed and laid out)
Do you love me (third card)
How I love you (fourth card)
You love with all your soul (fifth card)
You wish with your whole body (sixth card)
Otherwise there will be another one (seventh card).

If you laid out seven cards and the hidden king did not appear, continue to lay out cards, saying the same words over and over again, until he finally appears. If you pulled out the desired king with the words “reveal the truth” or "do you love me", which means that he himself has not yet figured out his feelings. If in words “you love me with all my heart”, it means that he is really in love with you, but something is preventing you from being together. If the king came out in words “you want with your whole body”, which means you can succeed passionate romance, but without any obligations and prospects. If you pulled the king out with words “there will be another”, it means that the man in your life is not at all the one you are wondering about, and you should not waste time on him. If this happened in the words “... king,” then fortune telling on the cards for the guy predicts your happiness together!

Fortune telling with cards for a loved one is very popular among girls. It allows you to find out not only the future together, but also how a man relates to his beloved.

Among fair half of humanity, fortune telling for a beloved man is becoming increasingly popular

Fortune telling with playing cards has helped many people find out their future and build strong relationships. Often the girl she loves lives in dreams of a guy who is absolutely indifferent to her. So, if you have a similar situation, then such fortune telling will quickly solve this problem.

Which card symbolizes a man in fortune telling?

In order to tell fortunes about your loved one using 36 cards, you need to decide which one symbolizes your man. Its suit and color are selected depending on the color of the skin and hair young man. Fair-haired people are symbolized by red, and dark-haired ones by black.

The card that describes your man is not included in the layout. Fortune telling on cards is carried out in order to find out what he is doing now and how he treats you. Such fortune telling will reveal spiritual secrets.

After one of the 36 cards is selected, it is removed from the deck and placed on the table. Next, you need to mentally repeat the name of the hidden person and the question that interests you. To tell fortunes correctly, you need to pay special attention to the name of the person you wished for; it must be repeated seven times. This makes it possible to restore the connection between the card and the person for whom fortune telling is being done.

The most common type of fortune telling

Fortune telling about a loved one can be either simple or very complex. If you have never worked with cards before, then this option is perfect. First you need to choose main map. After one of the 4 kings is selected, it must be placed in the center.

Next you need to mix the deck well and remove half of it with your left hand. Now you need to lay out four cards around the king, you need to do this clockwise. This will show the lover’s attitude, how he feels and how he treats the girl. But in order to correctly understand the meaning of fortune telling, you need to know the interpretation of the main cards:

6 means that a long separation awaits the couple in love

  1. 6 – a long separation awaits you from this person.
  2. 7 – in the near future you will have a pleasant evening, which you will spend with your lover.
  3. 8 - soon you will have an unpleasant conversation with this person, it may be that he will initiate the separation.
  4. 9 - everything will be fine, maybe soon he will propose marriage to you.
  5. 10 – the mysterious person cannot decide on his feelings for you.
  6. B – experiences and hopes for the best.
  7. D - a girl will appear on the horizon who will become the reason for your separation.
  8. K – yours close person will support you in this situation.
  9. T - the hidden person loves you and these feelings are mutual.

If an ace comes up in fortune telling, it means the girl’s feelings are mutual

In order to get an accurate picture of the prediction, it is necessary to combine the meanings of all four cards. The interpretations of each of them give only a general picture, but to really understand what awaits you, you need to try to combine them in a layout.

Fortune telling with cards on a guy's attitude

Fortune telling on cards interests every girl who has not yet started a family. Exist different ways do this, but the most popular is to answer the question. How to guess?

To do this, you need to immediately decide on the king, who will symbolize the mysterious guy. At this moment, it is advisable to formulate a clear question and speak it out. The question should sound so that the answer is yes or no.

Next, you need to take the deck and mix it thoroughly, at this moment the selected card should be on the table. Next to it we lay out three more, which will answer the question. If you get a spade and hearts, then your answer is positive, and a club and diamond is negative.

If you were lucky and everyone got a positive answer, then the answer to this question cannot be different. But if you only get two “yes”, then you will have to try a little to bring your plans to life. If there are two “nos,” then you don’t have to dream that what you want will come true.

Fortune telling with playing cards on relationships allows you to get a 100% answer. Its big advantage is that everyone can make such a layout on their own. This method of fortune telling can be done as many times as you like.

Fortune telling for a loved one using six cards

Fortune telling using six cards for feelings allows you to find out your attitude towards me. All you need to do is ask a question. Six cards will reveal true attitude the guy you're interested in comes to you.

In order to carry out the ritual, you need to mix the cards well, only without the one that symbolizes your beloved. Take out one card from the whole mass and place it next to the king. Continue shuffling the deck and laying out the card again and do this until there are 6 of them on the table.

How to understand what each of them means? There is a clear interpretation for this:

  1. The first card reveals the thoughts of the hidden person.
  2. The second is what is in the heart of a loved one.
  3. The third talks about events that will happen in the near future.
  4. The fourth says what the guy wants.
  5. Fifth, what he does not want to happen in his life.
  6. The sixth card speaks about the events that are happening at the moment.

Each suit has its own clear interpretation, but it is worth knowing that the entire layout is combined into one chain. Therefore, to understand which one, you need to study the meaning of each card. Interpretation:

Worms symbolize feelings

  • 6 – the road awaits you in the morning;
  • 7 are those desires that will never come true;
  • 8 – you and your loved one will be separated;
  • 9 – mutual relationships in which passions will seethe;
  • 10 – your loved one will invite you on a romantic date;
  • B – troubles for the person symbolized by the king;
  • D - an unmarried woman will meet on your way;
  • K – a man who has never been married;
  • T – a pleasant pastime.

The Ace of Hearts predicts a pleasant pastime

The peaks symbolize the time when this or that event occurs

  • 6 - you will be going somewhere late in the evening;
  • 7 – problems await you;
  • 8 - maybe you will get sick soon;
  • 9 – you will be left alone;
  • 10 – your circle of interests will change;
  • B – your enemy is trying to harm;
  • D – a whirlwind romance awaits you with the king;
  • K - maybe you will get married soon;
  • T – you will be very interested in someone.

Bubs symbolize time

  • 6 – an important work trip awaits you;
  • 7 – in the near future you will conclude a profitable contract;
  • 8 – sadness and sadness walk next to you;
  • 9 – you will achieve what you have long dreamed of;
  • 10 – you will receive a good profit from the work done;
  • B - the king will have to solve important financial problems;
  • D – there is a married girl near your man;
  • K - symbolizes a married man;
  • T - you will be invited on a date that you have dreamed of all your life.

Ace of Diamonds - the girl asking will be invited to a long-awaited date

Clubs speak of creative moments in life

  • 6 – travel at a late time;
  • 7 – in the near future you will have to attend an important interview;
  • 8 - a sad event will befall your fate;
  • 9 – you will be overwhelmed with feelings;
  • 10 – worries;
  • B - you will part with your boyfriend very hard;
  • D - located next to you elderly woman with a lot of money;
  • K - symbolizes a man in good condition;
  • T is a serious establishment.

Simple fortune telling using paired cards

Fortune telling for a loved one using paired cards allows you to get to know people better, their attitude towards you and feelings. This method can be used by both girls and boys. For this fortune telling, you do not need to use special cards; an ordinary deck, which is sold in any store, is enough.

To tell fortunes this way, you need to take the cards and mix them well. Next you need to lay out 6 rows, which will contain 6 cards. If there are those on the diagonal that have the same dignity, they must be removed, and others should be put in their place. This is done until there are no matches.

The next layout is made of 5 rows and 5 cards. You need to do this until you reach a layout with 2 cards and 2 rows. In this scenario, you need to count the number of remaining pairs. This will be the meaning of the prediction, and it is interpreted as follows:

  1. If there is only one couple left, then you will soon get married.
  2. If two, then your feelings are mutual.
  3. Three couples indicate that the guy is interested in you.
  4. Four is about him missing you.
  5. Five means that you are constantly on his mind.
  6. Six indicates betrayal in the near future.
  7. Seven cards indicate that the guy is absolutely indifferent to you.

If seven cards fall out, it means that the guy is absolutely indifferent to you.

On special fortune telling cards you can find out a little more, and more often than not, cards like the Tarot decide destinies. The main thing is to feel the cards in any fortune telling and it doesn’t matter what kind of layout you make.

Fortune telling on cards for treason

Treason for any person is a great betrayal, which is not so easy to forgive, but it is also not easy to find out about it. Therefore, you can conduct fortune telling for treason. It allows you to find out whether your significant other had physical intimacy with someone else during your relationship or not.

The cards will tell you the whole truth, which will help you decide what to do next. A similar layout is most often done on Tarot cards, but if you wish, you can also use a regular deck of 36 cards. But this is only if you can correctly understand the meaning of the prediction. Such fortune telling can even show a love spell.

The scenario for betrayal is quite complicated and in order to do it you need to be in the mood.

Throw everything away negative thoughts and think only about your soulmate. Try to get rid of everything unnecessary that may distract you during fortune telling. You can even meditate or play soft music.

Shuffle the deck well and start laying out the cards. Place the first, and under it the second and third, the fourth and fifth under the previous ones, and the sixth will be located at the very bottom. The seventh and eighth should lie under the sixth. After the cards are laid out, you can interpret them:

  1. The first card talks about how you feel about your soulmate; these are sensations and feelings that even you yourself may not know about. It happens that this card shows hidden desires.
  2. The second indicates the reasons why you began to suspect your loved one of infidelity.
  3. The third one describes the overall picture of your relationship.
  4. The fourth card speaks specifically about the fact of betrayal, whether it happened or not. You need to pay special attention to it.
  5. The fifth should be interpreted only if the fourth showed the fact of treason. This card tells how events will develop further after the betrayal.
  6. The sixth card will tell you what to do to prevent this from happening in the future. But if the betrayal continues, then she will tell you how to get your loved one back.
  7. The seventh shows how you will treat your significant other in the future.
  8. And the eighth card talks about how your loved one will treat you after this incident.

There is another way to tell fortunes about treason; it allows you to find out not only about physical intimacy, but also about the emotional.

Fortune telling will help to identify even emotional betrayal

You need to mix the deck well and lay out 3 rows, each of which will have 3 cards. And their meaning is:

  1. The first card speaks about what is happening in your soul at the present time.
  2. The second characterizes your loved one.
  3. The third talks about how your boyfriend feels about cheating.
  4. The fourth indicates that there was physical betrayal.
  5. The fifth card indicates that your soulmate loves another.
  6. The sixth is a card that says that your significant other is uncomfortable with you, but he loves you.
  7. The seventh tells why he or she cheated.
  8. The eighth talks about what will happen to your relationship after cheating.
  9. The ninth will show what conclusions your significant other will draw after this incident.

This method of fortune telling helps many people to get rid of love addiction, because it often happens that a person falls in love so much that he doesn’t even notice the betrayal.

Fortune telling with playing cards for a loved one is the best way to arrange your personal life. Both teenagers and older women love to tell fortunes and find out their fate with the person they like. Maybe after this you will decide that you don’t need him, or maybe, on the contrary, you will start a family with this person.

I will lay out my fate on the cards,

I’ll tell myself a lot about everything.
Every evening the tablecloth is red - and again
I wonder and wonder about love...

Where does love go? Disappears, dissolves in the darkness, leaving behind non-healing scars. How to stop her, hold her and never let her go? If people knew the answer to this question, they would be happy. It is very difficult to keep her, but finding out whether the person you have feelings for loves you is possible and even very simple!

Fortune telling with playing cards for a guy

The fastest and easiest way to find out if the object of your love has any feelings for you is to spread the Three Kings cards. The king corresponding to the type of guy is laid out in the center of the table. At the top we lay out the three remaining cards face up in any order. Then we take the cards remaining in the deck of 36 pieces and begin to lay them out one on top of the other in a fan, in turn on each of the three cards. Lay out the cards face down. We place the last card on the central one.
Then we collect the cards laid out on the top three kings, mix them and lay them out again. We repeat this only three times. Don't forget to place the last card in the center. As a result, we have three cards laid out on the king, which lies in the center of the table. Let's turn them over and look:

  1. Ace - your boyfriend has strong feelings towards you, you just need to wait a little.
  2. Queen - be careful: the lady is a 100% rival, if she is first in the count, it means that everything is serious there.
  3. Jack - your chosen one is simply a Moor: jealous and very selfish, selfish and ambitious. Whether you need it - decide for yourself.
  4. Ten - the young man has only brotherly feelings for you.
  5. Nine - the guy loves you, but in order for you to be together, you need to make every effort, don’t sit idly by!
  6. Eight - expect a very serious conversation with your loved one.
  7. Seven - a meeting that takes place on Thursday or Sunday will not lead to anything good.
  8. Six is ​​a dummy, you, alas, cannot have anything.

At all, fortune telling for men's love is very common among girls and women. A very interesting fact is that most women, having laid out the cards and learned how a man treats them, continue active actions aimed at attracting him, even if the cards showed that nothing will work out there.
Other women and girls, on the contrary, seeing a clue to their destiny in the arrangement of the cards, abruptly change their plan of action, often switching their attention to someone else - and receive a lucky bonus!

Fortune telling with cards for a guy's love - see tips

What clues can there be when you spread the cards?
If you get a queen, jack and ten together, then turn one hundred and eighty degrees and run away from him!

  • Ace and nine - you have a ninety-nine chance out of a hundred that you will be together with your loved one.
  • Cards with numbers eight and seven - you can only have friendly relations.
  • It is very interesting if two or three jacks appear: the first of them is your betrothed. Two or three ladies - your friend is involved in bad intrigues against you. Two or three aces - this year or within three months you will get married!

When I have a baby- fortune telling about the possibility of becoming a mother is also very common among the fair sex.
All cards are shuffled. A question is asked. We begin to lay out one card at a time, picture up, from left to right. We lay out every seventh card face up, the rest - face down. There were five cards in total face up. Let's look at them. If among these cards there is a queen and a six, you will soon become a mother! It is undesirable to see a nine and an ace in a five of cards: there may be a miscarriage.

When we pick up a deck of cards and ask a question, we involuntarily attract our destiny to the cards. The main thing is to correctly read what the cards tell you.
