The name Inna is Tatar. Name Inna: meaning and mystery

DOB: 1926-07-28

Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist USSR

Version 1. What does the name Inna mean?

Inna is a person
with a complex character; too stubborn and overly principled. Can't put up
with the optionality and unpunctuality of friends, the negligence of colleagues.

No explanation
Inna doesn’t take her into account; it’s easy to lose her goodwill. Achieve
authority in her eyes is very difficult. Inna does not forgive the insults inflicted on her,
although he will not take revenge, considering it beneath his dignity.

Marriage to Inna
complicated, besides everything, she is also very jealous. Only a person is absolutely honest and
A completely sincere person can achieve her complete trust and make her happy. IN
There is no doubt about the devotion of Inna herself.

Inna loves in the morning
sleep longer, but is so self-disciplined that she is able to overcome
this sweet habit. Very hardworking, demanding of herself. Inna is trying
does not miss anything in life, strives to be in time everywhere. Knows what he wants, seriously
approaches the choice of profession, already from school, prepares himself for the chosen specialty.
Inna is purposeful and will definitely achieve her plans in everyday life. Will be able to save up
money for a car, for a dacha, and for the education of children. Inna is interested in unconventional
medicine, always looks through specialized literature, makes clippings from periodicals
publications, knows many healthy recipes plant food, sticks to a diet.
Her special passion is the car. Can drive a car better than many men, Inna
understands the intricacies of its structure and is able to identify breakdowns. She repaired it
she would do it herself, if she could do it. However, as a child, Inna more than once received from her father
scold me for disassembling the bike, since I couldn’t assemble it myself.

DOB: 1943-10-05

Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR

Version 2. What does the name Inna mean?

Sonya: shoot from a cannon in the morning - you won’t wake him up. Active in the afternoon, not
love physical labor.

Girls don’t get married for a long time, but they are “closed” to sex. Interest in this issue
elevated since childhood.

They are good housewives, they love to create coziness, cook deliciously and beautifully. The natures are very contradictory.

DOB: 1934-06-30

Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR

3 version of the meaning of the name Inna

(INESSA) - stormy (lat.).

Name day: February 2 - Holy Martyr Inna, Slav, disciple of the Saint
Apostle Andrew; died as a martyr in the 1st century.

Zodiac sign
- Calf.

Planet - Moon.

Color - lemon.

Auspicious tree
- lemon.

Treasured plant
- Lemon tree flower.

Patron name
- dingo dog.

Talisman stone
- opal.


very stubborn, self-confident; if he makes concessions, then only after overcoming a strong inner
resistance. Inna does not put up with even the small weaknesses of her friends,
vindictive, although not vindictive. Inna is smart, she amazes those around her with her courage
and original statements. She is very independent and has her own opinion on every issue.

4th version of the interpretation of the name Inna

Inna translated from Greek means “stormy stream”, and from Latin it means “floating”.
Since childhood, Inna spends a lot of time with her mother in the kitchen, with interest
learning to cook and housekeeping. She is very strict with herself and those around her.

However, those around her cannot help but recognize her as an interesting person, capable of boldly
and think original. Thrifty and hardworking, smart. Independent, has her own opinion
and never goes along with it. He approaches everything creatively. If Inna has
amenities and money.

The color of the name is lemon.

Auspicious tree
- lemon.

The treasured plant is the lemon tree flower.

The patron of the name is dingo.

The talisman stone is opal.

5 version of the meaning of the name Inna


- “floating”

Innusya, Nyusya - this is how little Inna’s parents address her. Maybe
Perhaps the predominance of the sounds “nu”, “nu” or double “nn” makes this girl so stubborn?
Many times we paid attention to the fact that Inna, both in childhood and when she became
adults have a difficult character.

Little Inna, for example, has excellent orientation
in the home world around her. She will never give up something that belongs to her, she will arrange
scandal if she sees that her mother gave her friend a beautiful plastic bag.
Little Inna is unable to overcome her stubbornness. Collision
on this basis almost always ends in tears - her own, and often
mom's Having matured, Inna, if necessary, can give in to pleasant things.
Give the person something of her own, but remember, this will cause her severe stress.

Since childhood my mother's
favorite, Inna spends a lot of time with her in the kitchen, with interest
learns to cook and run a house. She likes to try out all kinds of culinary recipes
or invent something delicious. She has no inclination for needlework. Likes to sleep.
She is very strict with herself and those around her. Lies and inventions are not her role. She is thrifty and

Inna is smart and amazes those around her with her bold and original decisions and statements.
She is independent, has her own opinion and never follows a lead. Treats everything creatively
her imagination is inexhaustible - both in spending money, and in jealousy, and in work. If she has
talent, then, most likely, he will devote his life to it, abandoning his family, everyday life,
amenities and money. If talent has to be combined with family life then husband and children
will be in the background. The husband will have to unconditionally listen to Inna
and praise her, in addition, do almost all the housework. You may not like this
mother-in-law, so Inna is better off living with her parents or having a separate

She gives birth to daughters whom she loves. Their upbringing includes
inspired. Her children usually study in prestigious schools, she strives to give them musical
education, teach languages.

Particularly difficult
Inn's characters with patronymics are Dmitrievna, Borisovna, Vladimirovna,
Nikolaevna, Vyacheslavovna.

Often suffers
allergies, has mild nervous system.

“Winter” Inna is self-confident, quick-tempered, and harsh.

- inquisitive, serious,
long-thinking Can work as a store or cafe director, accountant, engineer, operator,
programmer. They suit her leadership positions. The name goes well with middle names:
Valerievna, Grigorievna, Mikhailovna, Lazarevna, Egorovna, Bogdanovna.

- intriguing, conflicted,

- crazy, unpredictable.
Can work as a journalist, photo reporter, translator, tour guide, hairdresser.
The name matches patronymics: Vyacheslavovna, Olegovna, Ivanovna, Ruslanovna,
Romanovna, Filippovna.

6th version of the meaning of the name Inna

- from lat. a crying or stormy stream; the European version of the name is Inessa.

Innushka, Ina, Inusya, Inulya, Inyuta, Inyusha, Ineska, Inura.

The name was once masculine, which is why it is mentioned in the Saints
St. Martyr Inna.

Folk signs.

The second day of February predicts spring: if it’s sunny
- towards red spring, cloudy - expect late snowstorms.


Inna is straightforward, stubborn, orthodox.
Almost incapable of compromise. And if in rare cases someone is honored
to give in, it costs her enormous mental effort. But nevertheless, those around
may not recognize her as an interesting person, capable of bold and original thinking.

9 version of the meaning of the name Inna

Starorusskoe male name, currently used as feminine1,
as well as the name Rimma.

Innusya, Nyusya
- this is how little Inna’s parents address her. Maybe the predominance of sounds
“Well”, “nu” or double “nn” make this girl so stubborn?

Inna both in childhood and when she became
adults have a difficult character. Little Inna's stubbornness is almost
always turns into tears - her own or, which is also not uncommon, her mother’s.
Having matured, Inna, out of necessity, will give in to a person she likes.
his thing, but will do it, overcoming internal resistance. She doesn't put up
even with the small weaknesses of her friends, and the harm done to her she remembers all her life,
although she herself is not vindictive. She is smart, amazes others with her courage and originality
statements. She is independent, has her own opinion and does not follow the lead of her friends. Loves
try all kinds of recipes, and since childhood - my mother’s favorite and a lot of time
spends time in the kitchen with his mother and masters the culinary arts quite well.

Can be good
journalists, photo reporters, often work as store directors, hairdressers,
engineers. Many Innas try themselves in poetry.

Inna loves
sleep in the morning, but she successfully fights this sweet habit because she is hardworking
and does not allow himself idle pastime.

Marriage to Inna
complex - she is also jealous. Only a person who is absolutely honest and completely frank
can make her happy. There is no doubt about the devotion of Inna herself.

Married to Inna
More often girls are born. She loves children and is enthusiastic about their upbringing, except
school, will try to train his children in prestigious sections, to provide a musical education.
If she has talent, she will most likely devote her life to it, refusing
from family, everyday life, amenities and money. If talent has to be combined with family life,
then Inna’s husband and children will be in the background. The husband will have to listen unconditionally
Inna and praise her, in addition, she does almost all the housework. Is not
The mother-in-law may like it, so Inna is better off living separately from her.

Particularly difficult
Inn's characters with patronymics are Dmitrievna, Borisovna, Vladimirovna, Nikolaevna,

Inna rather
you will be lucky with Alexander, Vladimir, Konstantin, Felix, Yakov.
A marriage with Nikolai, Ivan, Vasily, Vadim may be less successful.

1According to L. Uspensky - in ancient sources: a stormy stream, without
indications of origin.

Many girls are interested in what the name Inna means. In fact, the meaning of the name Inna in Latin means “strong water.” There is another interpretation - “stormy stream”. In ancient times, the name Inna was common only among males. This was the name of one of the Christian martyrs who were killed in the first century AD. Women began to be called this because of an error that occurred when rewriting historical texts. The fact is that the Romans had these endings for women’s names.

There is another version, according to which this word comes from the name of the divine being Inanna. Inanna was considered the goddess of fertility and carnal pleasures.

The name Inna has a certain influence on the character of a growing girl and woman. As a rule, such a child grows up stubborn and overly self-confident. Sometimes a girl can compromise, but she succeeds only after an internal mental struggle. If Inna’s middle name is Nikolaevna or Vladimirovna, her character will be very difficult.

Learning girls may have problems. A young student can get good grades, but she does not feel the desire to learn new things and complete boring tasks from the teacher. She perceives studying as a not very pleasant duty. The origin of the name Inna is completely justified.

These girls have a stormy and cheerful character, the ability to quickly forget unpleasant moments and take insults with ease.

Depressive states are simply not familiar to owners of the name Inna. Such women demand increased attention, have an impatient disposition.

Possible fate

Those who have the name Inna are distinguished by their complex, but extremely interesting fate. The type of activity chosen by a young woman is based solely on personal preferences. The characteristic of the name Inna is such that its owners can quickly change the scope of their professional interests.

Inna Aleksandrovna Gomez (Russian actress, fashion model and philanthropist)

  • Those named after Inna can go from a photo reporter to a school principal.
  • An easy-going character makes it possible to engage in both creative and completely pragmatic activities.
  • It is believed that such representatives of the fairer sex can become excellent journalists, hairdressers and engineers.
  • This must be taken into account when choosing a higher education institution.
  • Quite often girls try to find themselves in creative activity(for example, writing poetry can become not only their hobby, but also their professional occupation).


As a rule, people named Inna have good health. Minor difficulties may arise due to a complex character and psychological disharmony. Girls are advised to be more patient and balanced.

The weak point of girls named Inna is their tendency to allergic reactions. In addition, women may catch colds frequently. The girl's parents should pay close attention to her diet and promptly contact specialists.

Intergender relations and everyday life

The name Inna is characterized by affection, tenderness and sentimentality in relationships with the opposite sex. However, the girl’s marriage will not be simple and carefree. Women named Inna are extremely important constant attention and praise from a loved one. If this does not happen, quarrels and showdowns begin. A woman named Inna, who divorces her husband, rarely marries again. Happy marriage possible with Alexander and Vladimir.

  • IN sex life such women prefer long love foreplay. At the same time, they experience excitement not only from direct actions, but also from tender and passionate love words. With the right approach, Innochka can become an experienced and passionate lover.
  • Innochka loves to sleep in the morning, but she is trying to fight this habit, which is quite successful, thanks to her hard work.
  • Idle time is unacceptable for such women.
  • People named Inna love to cook a variety of dishes and spend time with children.
  • The name Inna means love for children, attentive attitude towards them, therefore the descendants of this woman are distinguished by their comprehensive development and extraordinary mind.


Representatives of the fair sex with the name Inna are recommended to wear jewelry with opals. These black and fiery stones symbolize good luck for girls in love affairs, as well as career success.

Women should be given preference in clothing blue and bright yellow color. These colors are perfect for Innochka’s stormy temperament, so they will be in harmony with her character and high spirits.

Thus, Innochka is a very strong and strong-willed creature with an unyielding and extremely lively character.

Of course, the above interpretation and detailed analysis does not give a complete picture of a particular person, since each girl has her own unique characteristics that are unique to her. However, friends, relatives and acquaintances can receive general characteristics about this person, focus on her when communicating and having closer relationships with these women.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Inna.

What does the name Inna mean?

The name Inna means stormy stream (lat.)

The meaning of the name Inna is character and destiny

Meaning of the name Inna for sex

Inna is sensitive, affectionate, sexy and very jealous. She deeply and strongly experiences love's voluptuousness, but outwardly it hardly manifests itself. Due to her natural shyness, Inna is somewhat constrained in sexual behavior, therefore, she prefers experienced men who master sexual techniques. Women named Inna love long love caresses, kisses; strong irritants for Inna are not so much a man’s hands as the hot words that he whispers to her during erotic games.

The character and fate of the name Inna, taking into account the patronymic

First name Inna and patronymic....

Inna Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna prudent, all her actions are carefully thought out. Has a feeling self-esteem. She is somewhat slow, but only because she is afraid of making a mistake. When a woman named Inna is confident in something, she has a lot of energy. Full of good intentions, but the inconsistency of her character does not always allow her to act as her heart dictates. First love for her often turns into drama and is remembered for the rest of her life. She is capable of falling in love more than once, but she constantly compares her new lovers with her first man, and this prevents her from being happy. Often her first marriage is fragile. She must be ripe for family relations. The second time, the marriage goes well, because Inna is no longer waiting only for joyful days, she is ready for difficulties. She is a very good mother and loves children. She is attentive to her husband. Doesn't forgive betrayal. She is strict with her son and spoils her daughter.

First name Inna and patronymic....

Inna Alexandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna simple-minded, selfless and caring. She is tactful, proud, and never imposes herself on men, even those she really likes. This woman is not a timid woman, but is very independent and freedom-loving. It takes a long time to choose a life partner. She is sexy, changes partners often, but tries not to get attached to them. Disgusting, sensitive to odors. Inna is an actress by nature. She is not so much looking for romance in love as she is playing out a love drama. Dreams of a benevolent, attentive and sensitive prince. A woman named Inna has children of different sexes, whom she raises strictly, but loves very much.

First name Inna and patronymic....

Inna Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna has a complex character. She is a persistent, principled, conflicted woman. Wasteful, spends money recklessly, without thinking about the future. Dressed according to latest fashion, is not afraid to look overly extravagant. In company she is cheerful and carefree, which attracts the attention of men. A woman named Inna is sexy, but not too affectionate. She is capable of strong feelings, but she needs to be captivated and made to believe in the sincerity of the relationship. Inna rarely gives vent to her emotions and does not notice men who do not meet her ideal. She gets married late. If she meets the man of her dreams, she tries not to miss him. Married to a caring wife, a sincere and reliable friend, a wonderful, loving mother. Has children of different sexes.

First name Inna and patronymic....

Inna Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna has a difficult, contradictory character. Very stubborn, independent, self-reliant. Sociable, easy to find mutual language with everyone, but loves the company of men more. She doesn’t trust anyone completely; she doesn’t even tell her closest friend everything. Does not forgive betrayal or betrayal. A woman named Inna is possessive and will never share what belongs to her. In marriage, she is jealous and constantly demands increased attention from her spouse. The hostess is good, the house is always tidy and comfortable. Most often, Inna gives birth to daughters, whose upbringing she takes very seriously.

First name Inna and patronymic....

Inna Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna She creates difficulties for herself and courageously overcomes them. She is principled, suspicious, suspicious. He easily finds a common language with men, but only perceives emancipated, independent women. Falling in love, a woman named Inna becomes sentimental, jealous, and tries to dominate both her husband and children. She gives birth more often to girls.

Inna is a well-known but not very widespread modern female name. Translated from Latin “inno” means “stormy stream”. There are interpretations of “energetic” and “floating”. It has interesting story origin. The name Inna was previously masculine. This was the name of one of the three Scythian Christians executed by fans of the pagan faith. The names of these men (Inna, Rima, Pina) were included in the calendar. But during the subsequent transcription of the historical document, an error occurred due to the unusual endings. Scribes listed these names as female, and they remain so today. There is another version, according to which this name has very ancient roots. In Sumerian mythology, there was the heavenly mistress Inanna and the goddess Innin, who was considered the patroness of fertility and carnal pleasures. Some historians suggest that Inna is an interpretation of one of these names.

Name Inna in other languages

Astrology named after Inna

Favorable day: Friday

Years later

As a child, Inna is a stubborn, proud child with a complex disposition. She is capricious and impatient. She is prone to direct, bold and extraordinary actions. The girl is very inquisitive and restless. Her energy is directed towards pranks.

The baby is jealous of personal belongings. It is difficult to teach her the need to share with peers. The child is attached to his mother and has difficulty withstanding separation from his parent. When communicating with adults, he prefers representatives of the stronger half.

Inna has exceptional relationships with her brothers, uncles and grandfathers. The girl, named Inna, has a kind character. This makes her a good and reliable friend. She is also generous and ready to help everyone in difficult times.

As Inna grows up, she has a huge number of friends. She studies well, but does not have a strong desire for school knowledge. She is more interested in various circles - drawing, acting, vocals, sports disciplines.

The girl is easy and pleasant to talk to, modest and a little shy. He has no tendency towards depression and sadness, which he rightly considers absolutely meaningless. Inna is not touchy, but requires attention to herself.

She is energetic, which allows her to do everything and go everywhere. This person cannot stand loneliness, preferring noisy companies and constant communication. The young lady is demanding of herself, hardworking, and purposeful. Tries to achieve his goals without giving up in case of failure.

Adult Inna is extremely excitable and emotional. It is impossible to argue or convince her. A woman reacts violently to both sad and joyful events. She knows how to adequately assess her own strengths. She cannot be manipulated.

Noticing such actions towards himself, he expresses an obvious or hidden protest. A person with this name easily adapts to any conditions, but misses ordinary things, which I have already gotten used to.

A woman has strong will. He treats weak and less accomplished individuals condescendingly, but limits contacts with them. Inna has a sharp mind. Willingly listens to original opinions, but never succumbs to pressure from others.

Inna's character

This name is a symbol of passion, honesty, and fortitude. It gives its owner big amount positive traits. This includes the ability to confront problems, the desire to help those who are unable to stand up for themselves, as well as tact and loyalty.

She does not accept lies and prefers to speak only the truth or remain silent. Often analyzes his own words and actions in order to avoid unpleasant situations in the future. Does not like obvious flattery and accepts compliments with caution.

Inna is too proud and stubborn to listen to other people. A woman is accustomed to proving that she is right everywhere and always. However, at times she also needs support, and if she does not receive it, she begins to accumulate grievances.

She can be extremely talkative, which often displeases her interlocutors. It is difficult to keep other people's secrets, so they rarely trust her with secrets. Tends to constantly condemn someone or something. Vulnerable, sometimes even vindictive.

Inna's fate

Throughout her life, Inna remains a woman with strong character. A flammable temperament can both positively and negatively affect her destiny. The people around him are of no small importance in the success of this person. Inna is a hot debater. This person does not like to admit his own mistakes. She finds it difficult to express true feelings In other words, it’s easier to act.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

When choosing a profession, Inna prefers simple and interesting specialties related to creativity and communication. She enjoys supporting the family business. He tries to avoid responsible and managerial positions.

In relation to money, Inna is a spender and a shopaholic. Often makes thoughtless purchases. Likes to buy various trinkets that have no practical use.

Marriage and family

To a man who has become a husband, Inna is faithful and devoted. But building a harmonious relationship with her is difficult. A woman needs compliments and praise. She is suspicious and jealous, which gives rise to quarrels and conflicts. Owners of this name often get divorced. They rarely get married a second time.

Inna has strong conflicts with children. She places too high hopes on her descendants, and as a result she is disappointed. This woman approaches education thoroughly, trying to provide her children with everything they need (things, food, education). Inna knows how to cook well and is clean. Prefers to maintain friendly relations with relatives.

Sex and love

In her interactions with men, Inna is affectionate and sensitive. But in a sexual-erotic context she is very jealous. It is difficult for her to show open emotions due to her natural shyness. When choosing a soul mate, a girl gives preference to older men who have extensive experience and are fluent in the techniques of sexual games.

A woman loves long-lasting caresses and sizzling kisses. Serious stimulants for her are hot words whispered in her ear. WITH early years Inna is very amorous, but having captured the attention of her gentleman, she quickly cools down. She is intolerant and loves to dominate everything, which often leads to the collapse of relationships.

Inna is a female name that comes from several languages: Greek, Latin, German. It is translated into our language as “stormy stream” or “swift”. Initially, this name was given exclusively to men, but after some time it also became female.

for a child

As a child, Inna is capricious and stubborn, which is why not only herself, but also her family suffers. The girl needs a lot of attention from others. Over the years, she becomes independent and calmer, although it is still impossible to change her decision.

Name Inna: meaning for an adult girl

Inna's character still remains complex. Because of this, she has few close friends, although she has many acquaintances. She categorically does not want to put up with even minor shortcomings of those around her. The girl will not take revenge for the insult, but she will remember it forever. This one always has her own opinion and will never obey another person. Her character has a tendency towards self-criticism and improving her internal qualities. A girl needs praise and a warm attitude.

Name Inna: meaning for work activity

This nature is very independent and does not like to be commanded. Therefore, he prefers to choose one in which success will largely depend on his own decisions. Inna can become a good businesswoman, hairdresser, engineer, director shopping center, a photo reporter, a journalist or even a poet.

Inna. What does a name mean for a family?

Since the girl strives for perfection, when she discovers new talents, she will direct all her efforts to their development. In this case, marriage, family and creation financial well-being will become less important to her in life. If she got married, her complex nature will cause a lot of trouble for your spouse.

Inna is a very jealous person. Therefore, she can only be happy with an honest, devoted man to whom she will be faithful. The woman greatly needs his boundless praise and help in all household chores that she does not like to do. The mother-in-law is unlikely to be happy with this arrangement if the spouses do not live separately. Nevertheless, Inna is interested in cooking, and preparing new dishes is a joy for her.

Inna is usually inclined to sleep longer in the morning, but since she - hardworking man, over time, tries to get rid of this habit. The girl loves her children with all her heart and devotes a lot of time to developing their abilities.

Name Inna. Meaning in astrology

The planet protecting the owner of this warlike name is the Sun.

  1. Mascot colors are green and orange.
  2. Amulet plant - iris and forget-me-not.
  3. Guardian animal - seal, pigeon, fallow deer.
  4. Favorable day - Friday.

Inna can create more strong family with a man by Alexander, Peter, Stepan, Svyatoslav, Valentin, Jan. The marriage will be unfavorable with Dmitry, Valery, Roman.

The listed features of the name are present in a person to a greater or lesser extent. This will depend on the environment in which he grew up and lived his life.
