The best friend of the prima donna Alina Redel: biography, career, personal life. The secret of Pugacheva's sister Alina Redel's son

General producer of the film company "Rodalin S Production", artist, producer, candidate philosophical sciences, a close friend of Alla Pugacheva and artistic director of Sovremennik Galina Volchek.

Alina Ivanovna Redel born in Moscow. Her father is the famous Soviet journalist, poet and writer Ivan Mukhin.

In 1968 she graduated from the Moscow Printing Institute. She worked as the head of the information and publishing department of the Soyuzkurortproekt Institute. Alina Redel actively participated in the “Soviet underground” movement (nonconformist art). Since 1977 paintings Alina Redel, were exhibited at the exhibitions of the Moscow City Committee of Graphic Artists on Malaya Gruzinskaya, and were purchased for famous museums and galleries.

In the early 80s Alina Redel moved to Germany, where she headed a corporation specializing in the production of a wide range of medical equipment, the Rodalin Group. The corporation had branches in the USA, England, Switzerland, and Cyprus. In the USSR, Rodalin Group was engaged in the construction of turnkey hospitals and clinics, and opened the first diagnostic centers with computed tomography.

Belonging Aline Redel The Soviet-German-American joint venture "Romos" in the late 80s - early 90s organized representative exhibitions of domestic artists abroad, organized and held the very first competition in our country in Moscow ballroom dancing. The Alina Redel Scholarship was established, which was awarded to young doctors at the Bakulev Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery.

Since 1997 Alina Redel has been a full member Russian Academy social sciences. Deals with issues of culture, art, spirituality, writes books and articles.

She currently works as Deputy Director of the Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN). Has a PhD in Philosophy. Since 2000, he has been participating in the revival of domestic feature and documentary cinema.

In 2001, the Moscow Patriarchate awarded Alina Redel with the Order of St. Olga, 3rd degree.

Alina Redel- author of the idea and general producer series of feature films " Lotus Strike" and non-fiction film " My choice" She is widely known private collection works of leading masters of the “second Russian avant-garde” (over two hundred paintings and sculptures). In 2001, she donated the collection to the Moscow Museum of Modern Art.

With funds Alina Redel Unique churches in Russia are being revived: the Church of Peter and Paul in Sergiev Posad, churches in Peredelkino and Aksinino have been restored.

Alina Redel says the following about her friendship with Diva: “In the late 70s, I was friends with Sergei Mikhalkov’s assistant and volunteered to go with her to Alla’s Moscow apartment to convey something. And almost from the doorway she invited her to visit. Probably, after all, it was some kind of defensive reaction, I was expecting to see a star-star, because Alla’s songs had already thundered throughout the country. But I was stunned by the fact that in front of me was a pretty, calm, hospitable young woman with sad gray eyes, without a shadow of acting and arrogance. I immediately wanted to protect her, to bestow some kind of goodness, joy, which I had in abundance in those years. She unexpectedly agreed, we went somewhere and talked for a long time. An hour was enough for us to feel the kinship of souls...”

Alla Pugacheva, with whom Redel has been friends for more than 35 years, admitted that she decided to have children with the help of a surrogate mother precisely because of Alina.

Diva Russian stage, everyone knows about her, fans love to watch her life. Alla Borisovna Pugacheva is an amazing phenomenon, she is a person of unique hard work and determination. And she is, of course, infinitely talented.

Who helps the great singer in life, what is it like for her close environment? Alina Redel – one of my closest associates.

How Alla Pugacheva and Alina Redel met

Alla Borisovna then was only 30 years old and Alina is already 42 years old. However, this age difference did not interfere at all; the women became very good friends and still carried their friendship through 4 decades. And this friendship began with little women's secrets.

Alla Pugacheva had a difficult period in her life, a personal tragedy caused a terrible wound, Alla felt very bad. Alina Redel turned out to be that important support who literally saved me from depression. Since then they have been best friends, real and faithful. Alla Borisovna trusts Alina, knowing her reliability. The friend will not reveal any secret, but on the contrary, she will support her with wise advice.

So, few people know that in the story of the birth of Alla’s charming twins, main role It was Alina’s insight and intelligence that played a role. Only under the urgent advice of Alina Ivanovna famous singer I decided to donate my eggs for storage at a medical clinic.

As they say, for an important fateful occasion. And this incident came into the life of Alla Borisovna, when she suddenly wanted to have children again, and was no longer young. Alina seemed to be looking into the water!

Alina Redel, life milestones

Now this is a middle-aged woman, Alina was born in 1937. Native Muscovite. The family is intelligent, the father is a famous journalist.

Alina received an excellent education, and immediately after graduating from Moscow University she enthusiastically joined the creative life capital Cities. The “Soviet Underground” youth movement, popular in those years, attracted the talented Alina into its ranks.

She painted wonderful paintings. The young artist’s works did not languish in storage; they were quickly snapped up by famous art halls, museums and private amateurs.

Primary activity

In her prime, Alina Redel, like any creative person, suddenly changes her life dramatically and leaves for Germany. With emigration, her occupation also changed; Alina Ivanovna took up medical research. She became the head of a large medical company “Rodalin Group”.

At the same time, Alina Redel sponsors serious construction projects in Russia medical centers. Redel's merits were noted, and an award was established in her honor for the best students of the Bakulev Medical Institute. Alina Ivanovna also contributed her personal financial assistance to support this award fund.

Alina is also passionate about creativity, she is still faithful to art. At the same time, Alina Redel organizes exhibitions and competitions through her own company “Romos”.

The tireless Alina made a huge contribution to the business Russian documentary cinematography, she helped restore old churches. For this asceticism Moscow Patriarchate presented to Alina Ivanovna in 2001 Order of St. Olga, 3rd degree.

Personal life of Alina Redel

For many, youth becomes a period of mistakes and arrogance. The desire to create and develop pushes aside important life components such as husband, family, children.

Alina is no exception. She dreamed of major achievements, to be financially independent, to create and thrive in business. However, life moves quickly, the moment was missed, and the happiness of getting married and having children did not happen.

As Alina admits, at first she suffered greatly from this, and then I humbled myself and accepted the peculiarities of my life path.

Friendship with Alla

Alina Redel I am very friendly with Alla Borisovna and her entire family. The friendship is over thirty years old, and the women still value each other very much. Alina, in one of their interviews, said that she imagined Alla Borisovna as an arrogant star person.

However, upon closer acquaintance, she saw a different Alla, unknown to the general public. The kind and hospitable Diva suddenly surprised me with her sad eyes. Alina immediately wanted to drive away this sadness and do something joyful for this person.

She invited Alla Borisovna to visit her, and the women somehow immediately became friends and turned out to be interesting to each other.

Since then, the friendship has only grown stronger and continues to please both. Friends celebrate various holidays together and organize celebrations. Alla Borisovna noted in an interview that she was very grateful to Alina for that fateful advice, thanks to which she became a mother again.

After all, in their happy married life charming heirs appeared with Maxim Galkin, babies Lisa and Harry. Alina enjoys spending time with Alla’s children. The friendship continues.

Alina Redel – famous person in show business, so fans have heard a lot about her work, but still do not know about her personal life and children. Redel was born in Moscow in 1937, and today she holds the post of general producer of the Rodalin S Production company. We can say about Alina Redel that she is a very successful woman who, during her career, was able to achieve tremendous success and fulfill all her dreams.

Now Alina Redel occupies an honorable place in the film industry market; she is also a famous producer and artist. In addition to all her achievements, Alina Redel is still friends with Alla Pugacheva; their friendship has lasted for decades.

The beginning of Alina Redel's career

Since her youth, Alina Redel put her career first, which is why her personal life and children were not part of her plans. In 1968, she managed to graduate from the Moscow Printing Institute. It was from this year that Redel began her active career, which she continues to develop today. Initially, Alina worked as an artist, painted paintings and, since 1977, successfully sold them at expensive exhibitions. It is worth noting that some unique paintings by Alina Redel, until this time, are in famous galleries in the country.

In the early 80s, Alina managed to move to Germany to head a corporation that was creating medical equipment.

It was called "Rodalin Group". These years were truly bright and memorable for Alina, because they set the right rhythm for achieving all her goals. The Rodalin Group organization grew at great speed, its branches were observed in all countries, it was a fairly recognizable organization, which Redel managed to get into.

Under the strict leadership and sponsorship of Alina Redel, several hospitals were built that had a modern computerized system. They were equipped with all the equipment necessary for the correct and innovative treatment of any disease.

A. Redel in his youth with Alla Pugacheva

Alina Redel also managed the Romos enterprise, which organized various competitions, exhibitions and other events. In the field of medicine, the “Alina Redel Scholarship” was approved; it was awarded only to the most responsible and talented students at the Institute. Bakuleva.

To be more comprehensive and give goodness to people, Alina Redel is involved in charity work, she sponsors church revivals, and also dreams of reviving documentary cinematography.

Today, Alina Redel holds the post of Deputy Director of the Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN). Alina Redel, in addition to all her great achievements, is also a candidate of philosophical sciences.

It is impossible not to note the fact that in 2001 Alina Redel received the Order of St. Olga, 3rd degree, which was awarded to her by the Moscow Patriarchate.

A. Redel, A. Pugacheva and M. Galkin at the show, 2017

Alina Redel is the general producer of the film “My Choice”. Thanks to Alina’s sponsorship, Russia can boast of the following temples:

  1. Church in Aksinino.
  2. Church of Peter and Paul.
  3. Church in Peredelkino.

All these temples were restored with Alina Redel’s money; she has been involved in this type of sponsorship for many years. Alina Redel is a woman who always wanted to stand out, be the best, give kindness to people, develop her career, and not think only about her personal life, husband and children. She probably achieved all her goals in her life, because this woman has a lot of achievements to her name.

That's why many famous people respect and love Alina Redel for her talent, desire and kind heart. It is worth noting that Redel’s closest friend is the prima donna Alla Pugacheva.

Alina Redel met her in her youth and continues to support her friendly relations up to this day.

Alina Redel with her friend Alla Pugacheva

Meeting Alla Pugacheva

The meeting of diva Alla Pugacheva and Alina Redel took place decades ago. At that time, Pugacheva was only 30 years old, and Redel was 42 years old. Despite the age difference, they found mutual language and immediately became friends. For almost 40 years now, these two amazing and famous women They maintain communication and are incredibly happy about their next meetings, which are always warm, beautiful and relaxed.

The beginning of their communication and friendship has interesting story. Alina began to maintain a relationship with Alla at a very opportune moment. Alla Pugacheva lived in constant depression due to the fact that her personal life could not improve. She was worried and looked for support from the people around her. At this time, Alina Redel was nearby, who supported her in every possible way, gave good advice, because she was older, wiser and more experienced.

Redel with close friends

The unsuccessful personal life of Alla Pugacheva became the beginning of their communication. Redel invited Alla to her home to discuss all the problems and questions that interested her over a cup of tea.

Since then, Alina Redel has become the sole keeper of the diva's most hidden secrets.

Alla Borisovna is a woman with a hidden character; she never spoke publicly about her problems on the personal front, and was able to entrust them only to Alina Redel. She was sure that Redel was a reliable woman; the information she said would not go beyond her ears. That is why Alla and Alina quickly found a common language and became true friends.

Everyone knows that Pugacheva became the mother of beautiful twins, but no one even thinks that it was Alina Redel who strongly recommended that she donate eggs, which would allow her to have children at any age, even at a time when natural pregnancy would be impossible.

Alina Redel and Alla Pugacheva then and now

Alla did just that, because in her youth, like many stars, she simply did not have time to give birth to many children.

Redel is a kind of matchmaker between Pugacheva and Kirkorov, because it was she who advised Alla to pay attention to such young man. Alina Redel immediately realized that Kirkorov was created for Alla Pugacheva, and that in this marriage her personal life would be happy and filled with children's laughter. Redel also shared information that, in fact, Alla Pugacheva is not such an unapproachable and peculiar woman as she wants to seem.

In certain situations and alone with close people, she is quite shy and vulnerable. Alina said that only she can give a true description of the diva, because with her Alla is truly sincere and open.

Now best friends communicate much more often than in their youth, because they live not far from each other. To make Alla and Alina even closer and able to spend more time together, Galkin chose a place in the village of Gryaz to build their mansion.

Next to their mansion is the mansion of Alina Redel, so now the friends can see each other every day, inviting each other to visit.

Personal life of Alina Redel

Wikipedia shows that Alina Redel’s personal life is not built, she does not have children who could take care of her in old age. Redel admits that she devoted a lot of time to her career, business trips, and travel.

The only thing she was able to do was create a personal life for her friend Alla Pugacheva. Perhaps Alina simply did not want to become a mother, did not dream of a husband, and considered only her career and work to be her whole life. Of course, Redel had relationships with men, but they did not develop into family life.

Alina Redel on the program “Let Them Talk” on Channel One

Alina Redel wanted to be an independent woman, which is why she did not agree to any serious relationship in the form of marriage.

Alina Redel (see photo) is an independent and self-sufficient person, she built her personal life only on her career, now she has no children. We can say that Redel is raising the children of her friend Alla Pugacheva, because she spends a lot of time with them and considers them her grandchildren. Despite her age, Alina Redel continues active life, makes plans for the future and often goes to various performances in the theater and concerts.

Alina Redel believes that her life is very successful and eventful, despite the fact that she was never able to build personal relationships and start a family. Her career became a second home for her and replaced serious relationships with men, and Redel does not regret this at all. This successful woman was able to realize all her plans, build an impeccable career, success in which she achieved only on her own.

05 October 2017

The daughter of Soviet journalist and writer Ivan Mukhin, Alina Redel, celebrated her birthday yesterday. She threw a party, which was attended by many stars, including her best friend Alla Pugacheva. The diva again chose a provocative outfit for her appearance.

Alla Pugacheva and Alina Redel / photo:

Alina Redel celebrated her birthday on October 4th. The businesswoman turned 80 years old. In honor of her anniversary, she organized a celebration in one of the capital's restaurants. The birthday girl was attended not only by her close friend Alla Pugacheva, but also by many other stars: Philip Kirkorov, Marina Yudashkina, Ida Dostman and other celebrities. The diva again amazed fans with her provocative outfit. That evening she wore a bright red jacket and a leather miniskirt.

Designer Dmitry Demin published a photo of Alla Borisovna on his page on the social network. In the shot, the singer tries on an elegant hat with a veil. Fans were delighted with the image of the artist. “Magnificent Alla Pugacheva!!! She liked my gift (hat)! Thank you for your rating!! And we talked about Creativity!” — the fashion designer said in the comments to the photo. In addition to beautiful bouquets of flowers, Redel received a mini-concert from Philip Kirkorov as a gift that day. He delighted the birthday girl and her guests by performing several of his hits. Hearing his songs, no one could resist, and everyone started dancing.

Towards the end of the holiday, a multi-tiered white cake, decorated with hearts. Pastry chef Alexander Seleznev baked a beautiful dessert especially for Alina. Internet users called the cake a masterpiece and noted the skill of the pastry chef who created it. The birthday girl happily took the first piece of the incredible dessert. Guests of the holiday later wrote many warm words to Redel, and also shared their emotions from the past holiday: “Luxurious”, “Thank you for a wonderful holiday! Friends are always there,” “Because it’s good.” Also today, Alla Borisovna shared an archival photo in which she poses with her friend Alina. “And the years fly, our years, like birds fly.....and yours too, by the way. Enjoy every day,” the artist captioned the frame.

Alina Redel is a Soviet and Russian philanthropist, scientist, and at the same time a woman who became best friend Pugacheva and made her a little happier.

Carier start

Alina Redel was born in the capital Soviet Union in October 1937. At the age of about thirty, she completed her studies at the Moscow Printing Institute. From this period began golden times for Alina, which continue to this day.

The beginning of a long path to fame

After graduating from educational institution actively joined the “underground Soviet movement”, went to fashionable concerts, museums and galleries, and painted paintings herself.

Her works sold out well at that time and have since graced the exhibitions of a large number of museums and large galleries. At that time, Alina met another woman with a capital letter. Somehow in a cunning way Having asked to visit the future prima donna, she later became the singer’s best friend.

What can you achieve if you want to help everyone?

It seemed that for Redel there was no limit in which she could not express herself. In the eighties, the woman moved to Germany and headed the well-known company Rodalin Group, which specializes in the construction of medical institutions. And under Alina’s leadership, branches of this company appeared in large quantities countries Alina did not ignore her homeland, where, with the participation of her company, several hospitals with high-quality equipment, including the ability to diagnose through tomography, appeared.

Alina helped people not only by building clinics. Another company, Romos, operated under the leadership of Alina Redel in post-Soviet territory. The profile of this organization has become the holding of various exhibitions and various concerts and competitions. Alina created a “Scholarship” named after herself, which is awarded to the most outstanding students of the Bakulev Institute who managed to stand out with their abilities.

That's it for the achievements successful businessman are not limited to, because Mrs. Redel managed to occupy a niche in the field of the film industry, where, despite the competition, her company was able to hold on, but this woman could not have it any other way. IN Lately in addition to the extensive art and music collections, Alina has also collected a rich collection of original documentary films, the revival of which Russian market is one of her priority areas activities.

And the list of good deeds and achievements does not end there. In parallel with all her successes in business, art and medicine, Rödel has a Ph.D. philosophical direction, thanks to which she held many positions in the scientific field, and now oversees the socio-political direction in the most important scientific division - the Russian Academy of Sciences.

You should not miss the fact that Alina Redel sponsored the construction and restoration of Russian churches; the Aksininskaya Church, the Cathedral of Peter and Paul, and the church in Peredelkino have already received their rebirth with her money. A woman who is successful in all respects is quite involved in sponsorship and patronage activities. long time and has no intention of stopping. For her, this is one of the ways to prove herself, to help as much as possible more people to become even better through their actions.

Career and Pugacheva instead of her own family

Since the end of her student life, the main priority in Alina Redel’s life has been a multifaceted career. And as you can see, her career was successful in all directions. The woman constantly strived to do even more, to do something else, leaving absolutely no time for herself and starting a family. Of course, there were men in the biography of the active and successful Redel, but they were never given too much time and space in life; all this was replaced by career matters. In her eighty years, the wealthy, successful, comprehensively developed personality has not even been married.

However, family affairs were not completely abandoned, although Alina was not involved in creating her own personal life, but she took an active part in the development of Alla Pugacheva as a mother and wife. It was on Alina’s advice that Alla Borisovna made a decision, thanks to which, even at an advanced age, she had beautiful children; Redel practically forced her to donate an egg.

Another help in the life of the pop prima was the advice of a more mature and experienced friend to marry an inimitable man who was gaining popularity at that time. Alina is still a frequent guest at the Galkins’ house, especially since recently they have been living almost next door. , largely for the sake of the women’s friendship, he decided that the construction of their house should be in Gryazi, where Redel’s house already was. At the beginning of the young singer’s career, Alina Redel was literally Alla Borisovna’s “vest” because the path to the top is always incredibly difficult, and the advice of a wiser woman repeatedly helped the singer.

In addition to the “woman who sings,” Alina is in the most good relations with theatrical artistic director.

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