Mafia 30 years. American Mafia

Ordering a MAFIA-style party means throwing an evening where MAFIA laws, racketeering and gambling, weapons and entertainment reign.

Organizing a MAFIA party is an opportunity to plunge into the world of mafiosi on the one hand and revealing commissioners on the other.

At the MAFIA party you will have your own “CLAN”, where you can prove yourself in the role of the “Godfather”.
And now a little history:
- the name of one of the independent criminal organizations of the Italian criminal world. This is a specifically Italian phenomenon, which has no exact analogues in the world.

The mafia is a family crime with special historical roots.

The most famous Italian mafiosi, who became the prototypes of the heroes of novels and films about the mafia, such as “ Godfather", "Octopus" and many others - these are Lucky Luciano, Vito Genovese, Paul Castellano, Salvatore Maranzano, Giuseppe Masseria, Joe Bonanno, Frank Aiello, Al Capone, Meyer Lansky, Carlo Gambino, Paul Castellano, Vincent Gigante and others.

In the mafia structure there is a clan "family", has its own leaders and gangs, as well as performers. Each of them has its own names and ranks. For example, Godfather- this is a general designation, a synonym for the word “BOSS”, and not a nickname for one of the famous mafiosi. As a rule, all members of the group are connected by Omerta. Omerta is the law of silence. None of the clan members has the right to disclose secret information of their group. None of them has the right to seek help from the police or generally accept any authority other than that of their clan.
Order a children's party in the MYTHIA style, and it will be enchanting. A MAFIA-style holiday is also suitable for teenagers. Call us to organize an enchanting mafia holiday.

Cosa Nostra- one of the most famous mafia groups
Godfather- boss, chief, gang leader
- rules strictly observed by gang members
- member of an organized criminal group in America
Mafiosi- Member of an organized crime group in Italy.

We offer a party scenario "Party in the style of the Mafia or Chicago of the 30s":

The hall is decorated in the style of the 30s, background music plays in the style of the unique spirit of gangster parties, jazz compositions and retro hits of the 30s-40s (swing, blues and jazz) are played, so that guests can dance light and fiery dances of the 30s-40s s, immortal hits of Louis Armstrong and Benny Goodman).

At the entrance to the hall, Face-control is carried out and our wonderful hosts of the MAFIA evenings invite guests to the hall for an aperitif.
Our presenters, meet Mr. Black Jack and Samantha Black.

CASINO and MAFIA are the atmosphere of true mafiosi!

Improvisation on a casino theme, where you can earn chips and prizes thanks to your intelligence and knowledge of the world of music. Participants of the Musical-Intellectual Casino will enjoy interesting competitions, a music quiz and dance breaks.
The atmosphere of the casino will be complemented by traditional attributes: gaming tables and roulette.

Party participants will be able to bet the winning chips on their lucky numbers.

This is a great pastime and entertainment, where there is excitement, an opportunity to show erudition, earn a prize and just dance.

MAFIA GAME “Who said the mafia is immortal?”
Do you know your friends and can you trust them? Are you able to control your emotions? How much are you good actor and speaker? Do you know how to mislead those who know you well?

The game will answer all questions...

She hasn't gone anywhere, she still exists and feels pretty good. As one article put it, "The American mafia is wounded, but not mortally; it continues to live happily ever after."

In New York, for more than 80 years, there have been five criminal “families” that control different parts of the city. The main difference between the Italian-American Mafia of the mid-20th century and the Italian-American Mafia today is that it is now small in number. It has fewer "initiated" members, but more associates who do not have the privileges and rights of initiated members. The American mafia today still maintains close ties to groups in Italy.

Fighting the mafia in the United States has become much easier since the 70s due to changes in legislation. The RICO Act of 1970 dealt a major blow to the very top of US criminal structures. The death of the omerta (code of silence), which members of the groups began to violate en masse by pawning their accomplices, also played into the hands of the authorities. US legislation now provides for huge sentences for participation in organized crime groups. Few people want to rot behind bars until the end of their days, so they make a deal with the investigation and begin to turn in their accomplices, which allows them to count on a significant reduction in their prison term, and sometimes even on release.

We can conclude that the American mafia is now doing almost the same thing as it did before. Nothing much has changed. If it is squeezed out of one fishing place, then it will certainly crawl to another. So it makes no sense to say that the Italian-American mafia has gone somewhere. If she went somewhere, it was into a deeper underground.

Cosa Nostra has noticeably lost ground over the past 20-30 years. As already noted, RICO was adopted, with the help of which they began to imprison important big shots and hit the organization as a whole, and not its individual members. After Hoover's death, the FBI began to pay a lot of attention to the mafia (Hoover, for certain reasons, did not allow such a distribution of resources). Many of the most fishing spots the mafia - trade unions or the construction business, for example, were noticeably purged of its influence, and huge money was made there, millions of dollars. Tighter border controls have hit hard the mafia's other cash cow, the drug trade. In the 70s and 80s, many representatives of the golden period of the mafia’s existence ended their lives (most of them from natural causes), and the mafiosi of the new generation who replaced them mostly either sit or are already dead. Accordingly, a certain vacuum was formed in the cultural and ideological aspects; family membership itself ceased to be as important as it was in first three quarters of the twentieth century. And I haven’t yet mentioned the increased competition from other organized crime groups.

However, Cosa Nostra as such has not been defeated. During the time of the iron prefect Cesare Mori in Sicily, there was also a feeling that the mafia was all over, but by the beginning of the 50s it had completely restored its position and became even stronger. In the USA, on this moment, the mafia is not the main priority of US law enforcement agencies (goal number 1 is terrorism), although investigations have not been completely abandoned, arrests are still being carried out. But the pressure was still relieved. The mafia is developing new ways of making money, while trying to preserve the old ones. The influence of Sicilians in American families has increased (Dominic Cefalu, for example, a native of Palermo, was the boss of the Gambino family from 2011 to 2015. A native of Sicily is the boss of a New York family, this would have been almost impossible in the 60s or 70s). The practice of the mafia in Sicily, which lay at the bottom and tried to shine as little as possible in Hard times, was adopted by the mafia in the USA. There was talk that the American rule “do not touch civilians (relatives of informants and informers)” could be completely abolished and the Sicilian practice would again be adopted, when the target becomes not only the defector himself, but also any of his family members.

This is a separate world

Chicago is still considered the cultural and economic capital of the Midwest of the United States of America. It is lovingly called the “City of the Winds”, and sometimes also the “Second City”, without specifying, however, which one is meant by the first. This is a special world that attracts attention across time and space.

The thirties in America were romantic times, when, on the one hand, alcohol and entertainment establishments were prohibited, and on the other, life was in full swing, but everything happened under the cover of secrecy, which only added extravagance and attractiveness. The Great Depression openly coexisted with chic and glitz.

The war between the mafia and the police, love and blood, rhymed by life itself, and not by a bad poet, sophistication, devotion, deception and retribution, the sweetness of forbidden fruits - this is the atmosphere of that time, separated from us - just think! - for three quarters of a century.

The past years hide everything negative, and today, having forgotten about the tragic side, we enjoy the romance of those years and the blood-stirring images of anti-heroes, which we ourselves sometimes don’t mind trying on at a themed party.

Chicago... What are your associations?

If you are hosting or invited to a 1930s Chicago themed party, what are the first association words that come to mind? Mafia, gangsters, prohibition, casino.

If you think a little, you will add:

  • shootouts;
  • bank robberies;
  • cancan;
  • jazz;
  • movie stars;
  • money and jewelry;
  • weapon;
  • global crisis...

We will build on these ideas when preparing our special holiday, so that the expectations of the majority of guests are fully justified.

So, ladies and gentlemen, we invite you to plunge into the exciting world of the “Windy City”, experiencing the eternal appeal of retro!

Invitations “to the circle of the chosen ones”

Invitations need to be taken care of first, because they must be given to guests in advance. It takes time to choose a suitable suit, so it is advisable to deliver the invitations at least a couple of weeks before the gangster party.

Invitations should match the chosen style and help guests get into the holiday atmosphere. In addition to information about the time and location of the event, be sure to indicate the dress code requirements, and you can also add short information about the features of the “golden age” of the mafiosi.

It will be much more interesting if the text itself is not trivial and standard, compose it based on the characteristics of the party, for example:

“Dear Don Vittorio (your guest’s name in a gangster style)!

Mr. Johnny and Mrs. Katie Ivanoff (changed names of the owners) have the honor of inviting you to a gathering of the most influential gangsters of our city under the guise of a holiday party. We are waiting for you at the appointed place as soon as the clock strikes 18 times. Don't forget your hat and don't bring your tail. Password: “Is this where they pour strong tea?”

We offer you to download a couple of ready-made invitation forms. And .

Designing invitations opens up space for creativity:

How to pass the dress code. Choosing a costume for a gangster party

To successfully transform into a resident of the Second City during the Great Depression, you must first choose for yourself the image of a person from those distant years.

Old films are good for inspiration: “Once Upon a Time in America”, “Some Like It Hot”, as well as the musical “Chicago” are nice to re-watch for the hundredth time.

Image options for men

1. Charming gangster. The most common image of a party in the style of “Chicago 30s”. Gangsters at that time dictated fashion, or rather, they were its brightest representatives; they were described as “polished”, “sleek”, “brilliant”, “brand new”. It was this style of clothing that gave rise to the term “tired elegance.” If you want to become a charming villain for an evening, pay attention to the costume and hairstyle.

Worth wearing:

  • classic suit: two or three noble, restrained colors: brown, black, milky, beige, dark blue;
  • a hat with a not very large brim;
  • patent leather pointed shoes;
  • not required, but a tie of a calm, non-flashy color is possible (preferably narrow or “butterfly”);
  • Gaiters combined with snow-white socks will add a special chic.


  • White gloves;
  • cane;
  • folded umbrella-cane;
  • pocket watch;
  • a rose in the buttonhole of a jacket;
  • cigarette case;
  • cigar;
  • model of any weapon: revolver or Thomson machine gun.

If your hair is not cut very short, comb it back using styling gel.

In no case don't wear:

  • no things of variegated, flashy colors;
  • neckerchief;
  • sweatshirt, sweater, jeans;
  • sports style clothes.

2. Trump ace. Rich representatives of the Chicago elite are business people, bank tycoons, stockbrokers, handling millions. They simply radiate respectability, good quality, elegance, making an indelible impression at first glance.

They will not hesitate to demonstrate their ability to pay with an expensive suit, a silk tie, or an accidentally sparkling diamond on their finger. Gangsters sought to merge with this class, and in many ways they succeeded, so many elements of their appearance will be common.

Worth wearing:

  • the same elements as for the gangster costume;
  • you can replace the suit with a black tuxedo with shiny satin lapels;
  • except dark colors, a narrow vertical black and white stripe is acceptable.


  • the same as gangsters, except for the obvious display of weapons;
  • stacks of dollars in a wallet or just in a pocket;
  • a corner of a snow-white scarf sticking out of a breast pocket or notebook with gold edge;
  • ring with a diamond, real or fake.
  • everything that is not recommended for gangsters (above);
  • shirts in pink, yellow, orange and other “non-protocol” colors;
  • no avant-garde style things;
  • a gold chain around the neck (a pocket watch is possible), earrings in the ear.

3. Reporter, newspaperman. Night life Chicago always provided rich profits for people connected with the press who were not afraid to stick their noses in everywhere. As a rule, they could not boast of great wealth, but they were crafty, cunning, and knew how to always get away with it and at the same time get hold of “fried” facts from the life of gangsters and the nouveau riche.

Worth wearing:

  • trousers and shirt in calm colors;
  • pants should be held with suspenders, not hidden under a jacket;
  • instead of suspenders, a vest is possible;
  • tweed jacket a couple of sizes too large;
  • cap a little askew.


  • notepad and pen (can be interviewed);
  • camera on a tripod.

Do not under any circumstances wear:

  • everything that is contrary to the era and is not recommended for other images;
  • sneakers, shorts, T-shirts;
  • narrow hats, bandanas.

If there are teenage boys at the party, the image of a reckless newsboy will suit them perfectly. The attribute is a stack of newspapers that can be distributed or sold to those present. Duty lines: “A terrible murder in Chicago” A terrible showdown on Bond Street! Horrible profits for liquor suppliers!”

4. Police officer. Of course, a policeman has nothing to do at a secret gathering of gangsters, but what if it ends in a raid? If you can find a costume that resembles a Chicago cop's uniform, then why not? You definitely won't go unnoticed!

5. cabaret artist. If you want brightness, choose the image of a dancer: but remember that professional skills are required. For an example, look again at popular musicals like “Chicago” or “Cabaret.”

6. Black jazzman. This image is suitable if you want to shock others or even remain unrecognized and are not afraid of makeup. Try on Louis Armstrong's laurels along with a snow-white suit and pointed boots, and pick up a guitar or a good old saxophone.

Look options for women

In contrast to the diversity of men's images, girls of the 30s, no matter who they were, preferred to look in approximately the same style. In the history of fashion it is called “Chicago style”. Decide for yourself which one fair half You will personify the Windy Cities:

  • gangster's girlfriend;
  • jazz singer;
  • cabaret dancer;
  • the owner of a popular establishment;
  • movie star;
  • banker's wife.

All of them are distinguished by true glamor, which appeared even before this term came into use by fashionable couturiers.

The outfits of women of these times reflect the first fruits of emancipation, which did not have time to cancel and devalue the eternal mystery of femininity.

Icons of this style from which the image can be copied are Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe, Greta Garbo, Emma Fitzgerald.

Worth wearing:

  • a rectangular dress with a low waist, knee-length or floor-length;
  • tight-fitting silhouette, neckline, bare back;
  • a loose or tight skirt, not necessarily the same color as the top;
  • materials that look expensive and presentable: satin, velvet, silk;
  • dark colors: black, burgundy, night sky color, purple; white or cream possible;
  • abundant decor: rhinestones, sequins, fringe, beads, sparkles, mesh, lace, etc.;
  • stockings with an imitation seam at the back or in a large mesh;
  • shoes with medium heels and a rounded toe.


  • long strands of pearls or other beads;
  • long mouthpiece (even if you don't smoke);
  • clutch bag;
  • fan;
  • long gloves covering the elbows (with short sleeves);
  • a feather boa, a boa or a stole made of fur.

Headdress, hairstyle, makeup

At that time, a lady could not appear in public without a hat: a small “tablet”, perhaps with a veil, or a wide-brimmed one. She could also decorate her lovely head with an exquisite turban, flowers, a ribbon with sparkles, and a large feather.

The hairstyle should be elegant and well-groomed. Negligence is unacceptable: you will have to devote time and attention to it. Hair needs to be styled “hair to hair” using gel or hairspray, and large “cold” waves or curls should be formed. If there is a parting, it should be oblique. Cardinally short haircut- not a hindrance to matching the style, the main thing is to do high-quality styling.

Makeup included an emphasis on both the eyes and the lips: dark shadows with clear arrows on the eyelids, black mascara on the eyelashes, scarlet or wine-colored lipstick on the lips. No pastel or pearl shades. The face is not rouged, an interesting pallor is preferred.

Do not under any circumstances wear:

  • revealing mini;
  • trousers, shorts, jeans;
  • sportswear;
  • clothes with several color combinations;
  • sandals, sneakers, artsy shoes;
  • fitted dresses with a modern cut.

Decorating a hall for a gangster party

The room should also be brought closer to the chosen style. If you are renting a room, choose one where the furniture is massive, representative, dark shades, preferably with round tables.

If you are transforming your home, you do not need to strive to literally follow the fashion of that era: you will not replace your furniture with retro pieces.

You can create the spirit of Chicago with a few significant touches:


Everyone should have not only amazing impressions of the “Chicago 30s” party, but also unique photographs. If you have decorated the room in accordance with the tips above, then you already have a background for photos!

But there are a few more classic ideas for a photo shoot at a gangster party, and we present them to your attention:

  • “Shooting with a linear scale” is what professionals call photography against the backdrop of a prison stadiometer. Print rulers with height marks on a light background, prepare a number written on cardboard (you can hold it in your hands or hang it around your neck). According to the requirements of the prison photographer, such photos must be taken in profile and full face.
  • Traditional “Wanted” looks interesting not only as posters on the walls, but also as a photo background if the middle is cut out so that a face can be placed there.
  • A panorama of Chicago at night in the form of a printed poster or photo wallpaper, with the skill of the photographer, will become a magnificent background for a photo.
  • Gangster car can be cut from large sheet packaging cardboard (cover with film ordered from a printing house). Anyone can “get behind the wheel” of a retro car and capture this moment.
  • Photo with weapons. If you rent a rifle or a model of a Thompson machine gun, then the photographer will definitely have a lot of male clients!
  • It will also be very interesting to take a photo next to a gangster or movie star in the form of flat cardboard figures.

Such photo zone design can be rented from specialized companies.

Musical surroundings

For constant sound, choose your favorite compositions from the films “The Godfather”, “Pulp Fiction”, “Gangster City”, “Once Upon a Time in America”, etc. or any foreign jazz.

For the dance part, melodies of Charleston, rock and roll, foxtrot and, of course, fiery Argentine tango are suitable.


The feast should not be too plentiful: after all, those were the times of the Great Depression, when brilliance and external chic coexisted with severity and simplicity. In addition, the gangsters were not going to eat, but mainly to treat themselves to illegal alcohol and solve their pressing issues.

Let there be canapés and tartlets on the table; pizza could be an excellent option.

The highlight of the table will be the camouflaged alcoholic drinks: in those days they were served under the guise of tea, coffee, juices. Since Prohibition is one of the main features of Chicago in the 1930s, do not place glasses or glasses on the table.

The following options for serving whiskey, vermouth, various balms and other strong drinks are possible:

  • in a teapot or coffee pot, and pour into cups, respectively;
  • bottles are disguised in loaves of bread, poured “under the counter”;
  • alcohol is poured into juice and lemonade bottles, the labels only hint at the contents “Tincture godfather", "Very strong lemonade", "Grandfather Corleone juice", etc.;
  • do not hide bottles of alcohol, but re-label them, replacing them with lemonade and milk bottles;
  • You can use bottles of potions and other medicines (even ink bottles were used in those days!).

How to have fun at a gangster party

And let us quote again: “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,” that is, gambling and shootouts, as well as music and light cigar smoke (it is not recommended to smoke in the halls, but you can disguise electronic cigarettes with corrugated brown paper)…

Modern parties dictate a different set of entertainment, so let the style and atmosphere of those exciting times be preserved! Here are several entertainment options for a wide range of tastes that can be adapted to any company.

It will be more interesting if, for winning competitions, you give guests special “money” or chips from your personal casino, with which they can “purchase” memorable prizes and souvenirs at the end of the evening. Among them may be small bottles of alcohol (with the labels re-taped), a cigarette case, a deck of cards, a flask disguised in a book or loaf, cinema tickets for a film about gangsters, etc.

Casino for rent.

Now this service can be ordered from various companies specializing in outdoor entertainment. Table for roulette or others gambling, a charming croupier who easily explains the rules to guests, will be at your disposal throughout the evening.

Gangster nicknames. As we know from films and books, gangsters and their girlfriends called themselves fictitious names. Invite your guests to come up with a name for themselves! It will be even more interesting if the guest writes an invented nickname on paper and puts it in one of the hats (separately for men and women), and then a nickname is pulled out at random for each guest.

Let your friends call each other Old Doc, Little Johnny, Big Carlito or Black Thomson for one evening, and let the girls call you Julie the Beast, Red Sophie, Little Mary or Jane the Golden Fingers. The entertainment part of the scenario should begin with this game.

War of clans.

First, you need to divide your guests into two or three “families”: to do this, everyone must pull a note, a ball of a certain color or marked bills out of a hat. Then you can hold any team competitions. For example, “intellectual shootout”: take turns remembering the names of films of the gangster era or simply films about gangsters, criminals and mafiosi. It will be even more effective if the presenter accompanies each answer with the sound of a gunshot.

Those who cannot remember are eliminated, the clan that fired its last “shot” wins. “Shootout” can last a long time, because there are many such films: “Some Like It Hot”, “Chicago”, “Once Upon a Time in America”, “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels”, “The Godfather”, “Octopus”...


A deck of cards is distributed to guests, they must hide the received cards on themselves. The presenter, the “dealer,” names a card that needs to be found and placed on the table as quickly as possible. Of course, you need accompanying music.

“Hide the cash register.”

On the table is a suitcase with stolen dollars. You need to hide as many bills as possible on yourself, because in 1 minute a raid is coming! The one who can hide the most money will win.


If you provide your guests with a weapon that shoots plastic bullets or suction cups, you can place plastic cups as a target and put a bill in each. The one who shoots down the target takes the winnings. You can also shoot at targets depicting police officers.

“Only girls in jazz.”

Using the provided accessories, the girls need to disguise two young men. There will be a lot of laughter, and the photos will be stunning! Don't forget the saxophone and double bass (cardboard models work great).

Let's ruin the bootlegger.

Bootleggers - smugglers who secretly deliver alcohol - hid some of the goods in this very room! And then we organize a quest to find the treasured bottles (using a pre-drawn map, riddles or notes with directions).

Catch the offender.

One person plays a policeman, the rest each receive a plastic cup and straw. All the glasses contain water, and one of them contains prohibited alcohol! Everyone drinks, and the policeman must identify the offender by appearance.

A gift for Don.

A prisoner escaped from prison to attend his "godfather's" celebration. He didn’t even have time to take off the handcuffs, but he still had time to wrap the gift. Put fake handcuffs on the participant or tie their hands, and they must tie a ribbon bow on the gift box. It's very difficult! Or you can make a speed game if there are several prisoners, and everyone tries to give Don a gift first.

“I heard, I understood, I did.”

The presenter, accompanied by music, speaks words in different orders, to which the participants must react accordingly with gestures or actions: “Lady” - raise your hat, “Pharaoh” - grab a weapon, “Roundup” - turn away with the look of “I have nothing to do with it.” The words are spoken at different tempos to confuse the players.


One or two trained participants stage a “robbery” of the guests (or a “police search”). The selected items are put into a suitcase. Then they will be played for forfeits.

Don ordered!

This is a type of forfeit game. The Godfather (mafia Don) is chosen by voting (pieces of paper are thrown into a hat). Then the newly minted Don assigns forfeits to be performed by the guests.

Passionate cigar.

The loving gangsters must roll a "cigar" out of a hundred dollar bill on their lady's thigh, then the lady inserts it into her cigarette holder and lights it. The winner was the one whose lady started “smoking” first.

Find the master key.

Players are given a lock and a set of keys. The task is to find the key as quickly as possible. If possible, lock the boxes with these locks - “safes” in which the prize will lie.

Tango with a rose.

An idea played out in many gangster films: a fiery Argentine tango with a rose in the mouth, passed on to the partner during the dance. Cut the rose's thorns in advance and have your camera ready!

And, of course, the most appropriate game at a mafia-style party would be the popularly loved game of “Mafia” itself. Its rules have long been known: roles are assigned, and you need to guess who is who. At night, the “mafia” kills “civilians”, and the “commissar” hunts the mafiosi themselves. In the morning, the presenter reveals the results of the “night murders”, and the clarification of secret relationships begins.

Cards for the game can be made independently, and are often used simply playing cards: the ace of spades denotes the Don, the jack of hearts the commissar, the black suit the mafia, the red suit civilians.

The simplest thing is to buy a game in advance, where there will be a set of cards and detailed rules for neophytes.

The finale is a relaxing one, with drinks, toasts, jazz and a group photo, Al Capone and His Crew style.

Our tips will help you organize a holiday that will leave your guests with the best impressions and will be remembered for a long time as extraordinary, exciting, stunning. After all, experiences are treasures that cannot be taken away by any robbery!

What better way to immerse yourself in the right atmosphere than a video of a party in the style of Chicago 20-30? Watch the video below, you will probably like it. And think about whether you should make a similar video about your holiday... Fortunately, finding a cameraman is not a problem these days.

The shady underground world of the Mafia has captured the imagination of people for many years. The luxurious but criminal lifestyle of thieves' groups has become an ideal for many. But why are we so fascinated by these men and women who are, in essence, just bandits living at the expense of those who are unable to defend themselves?

The fact is that the mafia is not just some organized criminal group. Gangsters are seen as heroes rather than the villains they truly are. The criminal lifestyle looks like something out of a Hollywood movie. Sometimes that's what it is hollywood movie: many of them are based on real events from the life of the mafia. In the cinema, crime is ennobled, and the viewer already thinks that these bandits are in vain fallen heroes. As America gradually forgets about the days of Prohibition, it is also forgotten that bandits were looked upon as saviors who fought against an evil government. They were the Robin Hoods of the working class, pitted against impossible and strict laws. In addition, people tend to admire the powerful, rich and beautiful people and idealize them.

However, not everyone is blessed with such charisma, and many major politicians are hated rather than admired by everyone. Gangsters know how to use their charm to appear more attractive to society. It is based on heritage, on family history associated with emigration, poverty and unemployment. The classic rags to riches storyline has captivated attention for centuries. There are at least fifteen such heroes in the history of the mafia.

Frank Costello

Frank Costello was from Italy, like many other famous mafiosi. He headed the feared and famous Luciano family in the criminal world. Frank moved to New York at the age of four and, as soon as he grew up, immediately found his place in the world of crime, leading gangs. When it's sad famous Charles Luciano, nicknamed Lucky, went to prison in 1936, Costello quickly rose through the “career” ladder, leading the Luciano clan, later known as the Genovese clan.

He was called the Prime Minister because he ruled the criminal world and really wanted to get into politics, connecting the Mafia and Tammany Hall, political society US Democratic Party in New York. The ubiquitous Costello ran casinos and gaming clubs throughout the country, as well as in Cuba and other islands Caribbean Sea. He was extremely popular and respected among his people. Vito Corleone, the hero of the 1972 film The Godfather, is believed to be based on Costello. Of course, he also had enemies: in 1957, an attempt was made on his life, during which the mafioso was wounded in the head, but miraculously survived. He died only in 1973 from a heart attack.

Jack Diamond

Jack "Legs" Diamond was born in Philadelphia in 1897. He was a significant figure during Prohibition and a leader of organized crime in the United States. Earning the nickname Legs for his ability to quickly evade pursuit and his extravagant style of dancing, Diamond was also known for unprecedented cruelty and murder. His criminal escapades in New York went down in history, as did his liquor smuggling organizations in and around the city.

Realizing that this was very profitable, Diamond moved on to larger prey, organizing truck robberies and opening underground liquor stores. But it was the order to kill the famous gangster Nathan Kaplan that helped him strengthen his status in the world of crime, putting him on a par with such serious guys as Lucky Luciano and Dutch Schultz, who later stood in his way. Although Diamond was feared, he became a target himself on several occasions, earning the nicknames Skeet and the Unkillable Man due to his ability to get away with it every time. But one day his luck ran out and he was shot dead in 1931. Diamond's killer was never found.

John Gotti

Known for leading New York's notorious and virtually invulnerable Gambino mob family during the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, John Joseph Gotti Jr. became one of the most powerful men in the Mafia. He grew up in poverty, one of thirteen children. He quickly joined the criminal atmosphere, becoming the six of the local gangster and his mentor Aniello Dellacroce. In 1980, Gotti's 12-year-old son Frank was crushed to death by neighbor and family friend John Favara. Although the incident was ruled an accident, Favara received numerous threats and was later attacked with a baseball bat. A few months later, Favara disappeared in strange circumstances, and his body has still not been found.

With his impeccable good looks and stereotypical gangster style, Gotti quickly became a tabloid darling, earning the nickname The Teflon Don. He was in and out of prison, it was difficult to catch him red-handed, and each time he ended up behind bars for short term. However, in 1990, thanks to wiretapping and insider information The FBI finally caught Gotti and charged him with murder and extortion. Gotti died in prison in 2002 from laryngeal cancer and at the end of his life he faintly resembled the Teflon Don who never left the pages of the tabloids.

Frank Sinatra

That's right, Sinatra himself was once an alleged associate of gangster Sam Giancana and even the ubiquitous Lucky Luciano. He once stated: “If it weren’t for my interest in music, I probably would have ended up in underworld" Sinatra was exposed as having ties to the mafia when his participation in the so-called Havana Conference, a mafia meeting in 1946, became known. Newspaper headlines then shouted: “Shame on Sinatra!” Sinatra’s double life became known not only to newspaper reporters, but also to the FBI, which had been monitoring the singer since the beginning of his career. His personal file contained 2,403 pages of interactions with the mafia.

What stirred the public the most was his relationship with John F. Kennedy before he became president. Sinatra allegedly used his contacts in the criminal world to help the future leader in the presidential election campaign. The mafia lost faith in Sinatra because of his friendship with Robert Kennedy, who was involved in the fight against organized crime, and Giancana turned his back on the singer. Then the FBI calmed down a little. Despite obvious evidence and information linking Sinatra to such major mafia figures, the singer himself often denied any relationship with gangsters, calling such statements a lie.

Mickey Cohen

Myer "Mickey" Harris Cohen has been a pain in the LAPD's ass for years. He had a stake in every branch of organized crime in Los Angeles and several other states. Cohen was born in New York but moved to Los Angeles with his family when he was six years old. After starting a promising career in boxing, Cohen abandoned the sport to follow the path of crime and ended up in Chicago, where he worked for the famous Al Capone.

After several successful years during the Prohibition era, Cohen was sent to Los Angeles under the patronage of the famous Las Vegas gangster Bugsy Siegel. Siegel's murder struck a nerve with the sensitive Cohen, and the police began to take notice of the violent and hot-tempered bandit. After several assassination attempts, Cohen turned his home into a fortress, installing alarm systems, floodlights and bulletproof gates, and hiring Johnny Stompanato, who was then dating Hollywood actress Lana Turner, as a bodyguard.

In 1961, when Cohen was still influential, he was convicted of tax evasion and sent to the famous Alcatraz prison. He became the only prisoner who was released from this prison on bail. Despite numerous assassination attempts and constant manhunt, Cohen died in his sleep at the age of 62.

Henry Hill

Henry Hill inspired the creators of one of the best films about the mafia - “Goodfellas”. It was he who said the phrase: “For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to become a gangster.” Hill was born in New York in 1943 into an honest, working family with no connections to the mafia. However, in his youth he joined the Lucchese clan due to large quantity bandits in his area. He began to quickly advance in his career, but due to the fact that he was of both Irish and Italian descent, he could not occupy a high position.

Once Hill was arrested for beating a gambler who refused to pay the money he lost and was sentenced to ten years in prison. It was then that he realized that the lifestyle he led in freedom was essentially similar to that behind bars, and he constantly received some kind of preferences. After his release, Hill became seriously involved in selling drugs, which is why he was arrested. He surrendered his entire gang and overthrew several very influential gangsters. He entered the federal witness protection program in 1980, but blew his cover two years later and the program ended. Despite this, he managed to live to the age of 69. Hill died in 2012 from heart problems.

James Bulger

Another Alcatraz veteran is James Bulger, nicknamed Whitey. He received this nickname because of his silky blond hair. Bulger grew up in Boston and from the very beginning caused a lot of problems for his parents, running away from home several times and once even joining a traveling circus. Bulger was first arrested at the age of 14, but this did not stop him, and by the end of the 1970s he found himself in the criminal underground.

Bulger worked for the mafia clan, but at the same time he was an FBI informant and told the police about the affairs of the once famous Patriarca clan. As Bulger expanded his own criminal network, police began to pay more attention to him rather than the information he provided. As a result, Bulger had to escape from Boston, and he ended up on the list of the most wanted criminals for fifteen years.

Bulger was caught in 2011 and charged with several crimes, including 19 murders, money laundering, extortion and drug trafficking. After a trial that lasted two months, the famous gang leader was found guilty and sentenced to two life sentences. prison terms and five more years of imprisonment, and Boston was finally able to sleep peacefully.

Bugsy Siegel

Known for his Las Vegas casino and criminal empire, Benjamin Siegelbaum, known in the criminal world as Bugsy Siegel, is one of the most notorious gangsters in the world. modern history. Starting with a mediocre Brooklyn gang, young Bugsy met another aspiring bandit, Meer Lansky, and created the Murder Inc. group, specializing in contract killings. It included gangsters of Jewish origin.

Becoming increasingly famous in the world of crime, Siegel sought to kill old New York gangsters and even had a hand in eliminating Joe “The Boss” Masseria. After years of smuggling and gunfights on the West Coast, Siegel began making money large sums and gained connections in Hollywood. A real star he became thanks to his Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas. The $1.5 million project was financed from the bandit common fund, but during construction the estimate was significantly exceeded. old friend and Siegel's partner Lansky decided that Siegel was stealing funds and partially investing in legal businesses. He was brutally killed in own home, riddled with bullets, and Lansky quickly took control of the Flamingo Hotel, denying any involvement in the murder.

Vito Genovese

Vito Genovese, known as Don Vito, was an Italian-American gangster who rose to fame during Prohibition and beyond. He was also called the Boss of Bosses and led the famous Genovese clan. He is famous for making heroin a popular drug.

Genovese was born in Italy and moved to New York in 1913. Quickly joining criminal circles, Genovese soon met Lucky Luciano, and together they destroyed their rival, gangster Salvatore Maranzano. Escaping from the police, Genovese returned to his native Italy, where he remained until the end of World War II, making friends with Benito Mussolini himself. Upon his return, he immediately returned to his old lifestyle, seizing power in the world of crime and once again becoming the man everyone feared. In 1959, he was accused of drug trafficking and sent to prison for 15 years. In 1969, Genovese died of a heart attack at the age of 71.

Lucky Luciano

Charles Luciano, nicknamed Lucky, was seen many times in criminal adventures with other gangsters. Luciano received his nickname due to the fact that he survived a dangerous stab wound. He is called the founder of the modern mafia. Over the years of his mafia career, he managed to organize the murders of two major bosses and create an absolutely new principle functioning of organized crime. He had a hand in creating the famous "Five Families" of New York and the national crime syndicate.

Having lived quite a long time social life, Lucky became a popular character among the population and the police. Maintaining the image and stylish look, Lucky began to attract attention, as a result of which he was charged with organizing prostitution. When he was behind bars, he continued to conduct business both outside and inside. It is believed that he even had his own cook there. After his release he was sent to Italy, but settled in Havana. Under pressure from the US authorities, the Cuban government was forced to get rid of him, and Lucky went to Italy forever. He died of a heart attack in 1962 at the age of 64.

Maria Licciardi

Although the world of the mafia is mainly a world of men, it cannot be said that there were no women among the mafiosi. Maria Licciardi was born in Italy in 1951 and led the Licciardi clan, a notorious Camorra, Neapolitan criminal group. Licciardi, nicknamed the Godmother, is still very famous in Italy, and much of her family has ties to the Neapolitan mafia. Licciardi specialized in drug trafficking and racketeering. She took over the clan when her two brothers and husband were arrested. Although many were unhappy since she became the first female head of a mafia clan, she managed to quell the unrest and successfully unite several city clans, expanding the drug trade market.

In addition to her activities in the field of drug trafficking, Licciardi is also known for human trafficking. She used underage girls from neighboring countries, such as Albania, forcing them to work as prostitutes, thus violating the long-standing Neapolitan Mafia code of honor that one should not make money from prostitution. After a heroin deal went wrong, Licciardi was placed on the most wanted list and arrested in 2001. Now she is behind bars, but, according to rumors, Maria Licciardi continues to lead the clan, which has no intention of stopping.

Frank Nitti

Known as the face of Al Capone's Chicago crime syndicate, Frank "Bouncer" Nitti became the top man in the Italian-American Mafia once Al Capone was behind bars. Nitti was born in Italy and came to the United States when he was only seven years old. It didn't take long before he started getting into trouble, which attracted the attention of Al Capone. In his criminal empire, Nitti quickly succeeded.

As a reward for his impressive successes during Prohibition, Nitti became one of Al Capone's closest associates and strengthened his position in the Chicago crime syndicate, also called the Chicago Outfit. Although he was nicknamed the Bouncer, Nitti delegated tasks rather than breaking bones himself, and often orchestrated multiple approaches during raids and attacks. In 1931, Nitti and Capone were sent to prison for tax evasion, where Nitti suffered terrible bouts of claustrophobia that plagued him for the rest of his life.

Upon his release, Nitti became the new leader of the Chicago Outfit, having survived assassination attempts by rival mafia groups and even the police. When things got really bad and Nitti realized that arrest could not be avoided, he shot himself in the head so that he would never suffer from claustrophobia again.

Sam Giancana

Another respected gangster in the underworld is Sam "Mooney" Giancana, who was once the most powerful gangster in Chicago. Having started out as a driver in Al Capone's inner circle, Giancana quickly made his way to the top, making acquaintances with several politicians, including the Kennedy clan. Giancana was even called to testify in a case in which the CIA organized an assassination attempt on Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Giancana was believed to have key information.

Not only was Giancana's name involved in the case, but there were also rumors that the mafia had made huge contributions to John F. Kennedy's presidential campaign, including ballot stuffing in Chicago. The connection between Giancana and Kennedy was increasingly discussed, and many believed that Frank Sinatra was an intermediary to deflect the Feds' suspicions.

Things soon went downhill due to speculation that the Mafia had a hand in the assassination of JFK. After spending the rest of his life wanted by the CIA and rival clans, Giancana was shot in the back of the head while cooking in his basement. There were many versions of the murder, but the perpetrator was never found.

Meer Lansky

Just as influential as Lucky Luciano, if not more, Meer Lansky, whose real name is Meer Sukhomlyansky, was born in the city of Grodno, which then belonged to Russian Empire. Having moved to America at a young age, Lansky learned the taste of the street by fighting for money. Not only could Lansky take care of himself, but he was also exceptionally smart. Becoming an integral part of the emerging world of American organized crime, Lansky was at one point one of the most powerful men in the United States, if not the world, with operations in Cuba and several other countries.

Lansky, who was friends with such high-ranking mobsters as Bugsy Siegel and Lucky Luciano, was both a feared and respected man. He was a major player in the alcohol smuggling market during Prohibition, operating very profitable business. When things went better than expected, Lansky became nervous and decided to retire by emigrating to Israel. However, he was deported back to the US two years later, but still managed to avoid prison as he died of lung cancer at the age of 80.

Al Capone

Alfonso Gabriel Capone, nicknamed the Great Al, needs no introduction. Perhaps this is the most famous gangster throughout history and he is known all over the world. Capone came from a respected and prosperous family. At the age of 14, he was kicked out of school for hitting a teacher, and he decided to take a different path, plunging into the world of organized crime.

Under the influence of gangster Johnny Torrio, Capone began his path to fame. He earned a scar that earned him the nickname Scarface. Doing everything from alcohol smuggling to murder, Capone was immune to the police, free to move around and do as he pleased.

The games ended when Al Capone's name became involved in a brutal mass murder, which was called the Valentine's Day Massacre. Several gangsters from rival gangs died in this massacre. The police could not attribute the crime to Capone himself, but they had other ideas: he was arrested for tax evasion and sentenced to eleven years in prison. Later, when the gangster's health deteriorated greatly due to illness, he was released on bail. He died of a heart attack in 1947, but the world of crime was changed forever.
