Where did the concept of “leap year” come from? What does a leap year mean, why is it considered bad and why is it dangerous?

How many days are there in a leap year?

Once every four years we observe an interesting calendar phenomenon. It is customary for us to count 365 days every year, but once every four years we count 366 days. This has happened historically, since 45 BC, when a Roman dictator named Gaius Julius Caesar created the calendar. Later, such a calendar began to be called the Julian.

The history of the leap year.

The new calendar of Gaius Julius Caesar began on January 1, 45 BC. Astronomers of that time calculated the exact number of days during which the Earth completely goes through a cycle called a year. The exact number of days was 365.25. In other words, there were 365 full days and 6 hours in a year. Since it was inconvenient to count less than a full day, we decided to introduce a special one to even out the balance.

Three years in a row are counted as 365 days, and in each subsequent fourth year 24 hours are added (6 hours in 4 years) in February. Thus, a new day of February appeared, only one, appearing every four years. This month was not chosen by chance. It was considered the last Roman month of the year. The year 45 BC became the first leap year.

The current year 2016 is a leap year. The next one will be in 2020, then in 2024, etc.

Signs of a leap year.

Since ancient times, a year in which there are one day more than in other years was considered significant and even difficult. Some events were associated with it; it was believed that if in this particular year winter is a day longer, it means that this year affects the human body in a special way.

Leap year, signs which many people are scared of, is actually not that scary. The human body is not designed for changes in the calendar and numbers. Rather, a person risks being influenced by the location of the planets, the moon and other external factors affecting the person as a whole.

Among the signs that many people have this year long year, the main ones are bans on various buildings.

Leap year: what not to do?

Many of us are interested in what cannot be done on a leap year. Among these activities are:

  • caroling,
  • make real estate transactions,
  • divorce.

It is not recommended to travel far, and if this happens, it is advised to say certain prayers. All this, of course, has nothing to do with religion, so if the soul asks for prayer, it is better to pray without any signs.

Leap year is not a big deal.

A year like this can bring a person many wonderful moments. In leap years, such great figures of art and culture were born as: M. Glinka, I. Strauss, L. Tolstoy, I. Goncharov, as well as modern actors: K. Diaz, K. Khabensky, T. Hanks.

Undoubtedly, almost everyone knows that a year usually has 365 days, but a leap year is longer by a whole day. People believe that a leap year brings great sorrows, tragedies, illnesses, big and small troubles. Some call such thinking superstition, while others firmly believe in an “unlucky” year.

Currently, our lives are already filled with horrors and fears that seem to lurk around every corner, so people are asking the question in advance - Is 2017 a leap year or not?? We will be happy to answer your burning question and tell you a little about leap year itself.

Is 2017 a leap year?

No, not a leap year, since it only has 365 days. But 2016, which is already beginning to come to an end, is just that. The Year of the Monkey turned out to be difficult, there were all sorts of things - floods, and various disasters, both local and general.

It is not without reason that people say that a leap year brings with it misfortunes. For years, centuries, people have been observing the events taking place, thanks to which the leap year earned the title of a bad year.

How to determine whether it is a leap year or not

In fact, everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Someone simply remembers which year is a leap year and counts down four years, because it is with this frequency that a “leap year” occurs - every fourth year.

But what if you completely forgot when the leap year was and you urgently need to determine the number of days of the next year - 365 or 366?

For this case there are three simple rules, thanks to which you can easily calculate what year it is now or will ever be later.

  1. A certain year with zeros at the end is a leap year, when it is divisible by “4”, “100”, and “400” without a remainder. For example, 2000/4=500; 2000/100=20; 2000/400=5. But the years 1800 and 1900 are not leap years, and they are not divisible by “400”, but divisible by “4” and “100”.
  2. If a certain year is divisible by “4” without a remainder, then it is a leap year. For example, 2016/4=504; 2020/4=505 etc.
  3. If a certain year is divisible by both “4” and “100” and “1000” without a remainder, then it is a leap year. For example, 2000/1000=2.

These rules were formulated by none other than the creator of the Gregorian calendar, the Pope. Gregory XIII back in 1582.

The history of the phenomenon of leap year

Back in 45 BC. Alexandrian astrologers, on the orders of Julius Caesar, developed the Julian year, according to which the astronomical year contained 365 days and 6 hours. It was precisely in order to somehow even out the shift in time that they introduced the concept leap year. For three years the usual calculation of 365 days continued, and in the fourth year February added one more day to its 28 days. Why February? The answer is simple - in the Roman Empire, February was considered the final month of the year.

So, February 29 began to appear in calendars every 4 years. Two years after the introduction of the leap year, Julius Caesar died in an unequal battle with traitors. The priests, apparently, misunderstood the calendar created by the Roman dictator, and for 36 years after the death of Caesar, a leap year occurred not every four, but every three years. Emperor Augustus managed to restore order.

Popular beliefs in leap year

In Latin, leap year is translated as “second sixth.” The duration of bis sextus is 366 days. The “added” day scares people, which creates entire superstitions around every fourth year.

They say that February 29 is the most difficult and difficult day in terms of health. This extra day is called Kasyan's day and is considered demonic. If you work on this day, nothing will come of it. They also try not to go outside again, otherwise the risk increases sudden death. Even newborn babies who are “unlucky” to be born on this day are expected to have superstitions that “kind” people will put into the child’s head from infancy. According to ancient beliefs, those born on February 29 will be seriously ill and will leave our world early.

The most common superstition associated with leap year is weddings. Mothers strictly forbid their children from getting married in this “terrible” year. A marriage entered into during a leap year is doomed to be unhappy. This is the opinion mainly in villages and villages.

You also can’t radically change something in your life. Moving, changing jobs, and even having a pet are prohibited. In a word, it is better to postpone any changes until better times.

If you believe the observations of our ancestors, a leap year will only bring great declines, small and grandiose problems. You need to be as careful and prudent as possible this year. Pregnant women should not cut their hair, young people should not sing carols, they should not tell anyone about plans for the future and much, much more. Even getting divorced during a leap year is undesirable.

Some people follow all the beliefs and are actually afraid of leap years. Others are more optimistic about the future. They are sure that once they have lived to see a leap year, this is already good, and they wish everyone many more leap years.

In the Julian and Gregorian calendars, a leap year is a year that consists of 366 days. Thus, it differs from the usual one by the presence of an “extra” day. In the Julian calendar, every fourth year is a leap year. As for the Gregorian, its approach to determining a leap year is similar, but with a few exceptions.

What are leap years in the Gregorian calendar?

To be considered a leap year, the year number must first be divisible by four. Regarding zero years, from which centuries begin, they are considered leap years only if their number is a multiple of 400. So, for example, the year 2000 is a leap year, while the year 1900 is not.

Regarding the question of how many days are there in a leap year, the most widely used Gregorian calendar in the world contains 366 days. The “extra” day is February 29th. Thus, people born on this day officially celebrate their birthday once every four years. This interesting feature leap years.

Where does the extra day come from?

Our planet constantly revolves around its celestial body - the Sun. The Earth completes a full rotation in 365 days and several hours. This period of time is called a “year”. For ease of calculation, the “extra” few hours are not taken into account for three years. In the fourth year, the additional hours are added up and, as a result, you get an “extra” day, which is usually added to every fourth February.

Leap years: list for the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries

Taking into account the above-mentioned rules for determining leap years, it is possible to form a list of them over the past centuries. So, in the 19th century these were: 1804, 1808, 1812, 1816, 1820, 1824, 1828, 1832, 1836, 1840, 1844, 1848, 1852, 1856, 1860, 1864, 1868, 1872, 1876, 1880, 1884, 1888, 1892, 1896.

In the 20th century leap years, respectively, were 1904, 1908, 1912, 1916, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980 , 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996.

As for the 21st century, in which we are all lucky to live, the leap years were 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012. The next leap year will be 2016.

The mysticism of leap year

Despite the fact that the origin and features of leap years have long been studied and are absolutely clear, many people are wary of their arrival. It just so happens that a leap year is considered something strange and in some places even dangerous. However, if we analyze history, in normal years no less happened various kinds cataclysms and negative events than on leap days. Therefore, you should not attach any special significance to leap years.

First a note. Not every 4th year is a leap year. We'll explain why later.

A normal year has 365 days. A leap year has 366 days - one day more due to the addition extra day under the number 29 for the month of February, as a result of which those born on this day experience certain difficulties in celebrating their birthday.

A year is the time it takes for planet Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun in relation to the stars (apparently measured as the interval between two successive passages of the Sun through the vernal equinox).

A day (or often in everyday speech - a day) is the time during which the Earth makes one revolution around its axis. As you know, there are 24 hours in a day.

It turns out that a year does not fit exactly the number of days. There are 365 days, 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes and 45.252 seconds in a year. If a year is taken to be equal to 365 days, then it turns out that the Earth in its orbital movement will not “reach” the point at which the circle “closes”, i.e. to get to it you need to fly in orbit for another 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes and 45.252 seconds. These extra approximately 6 hours over 4 years will just be collected into one additional day, which was introduced into the calendar to eliminate the backlog, receiving every 4th year leap year- a day longer. He did this on January 1, 45 BC. e. Roman dictator Gaius Julius Caesar, and the calendar has since become known as Julian. In fairness, it must be said that Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar only by authority, and, of course, astronomers calculated and proposed it.

The Russian word "leap year" comes from the Latin expression "bis sextus" - "second sixth". The ancient Romans counted the days of the month remaining until the beginning of the next month. So February 24th was the sixth day until the beginning of March. In a leap year, an additional, second (bis sextus) sixth day was inserted between February 24 and February 25. Later this day began to be added to the end of the month, February 29.

So, according to the Julian calendar, every 4th year is a leap year.

But it is easy to notice that 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes and 45.252 seconds are not exactly 6 hours (11 minutes 14 seconds are missing). Of these 11 minutes and 14 seconds, over 128 years, another extra day will “run up.” This was noticed from astronomical observations by the shift of the day of the vernal equinox, relative to which they are calculated church holidays, in particular Easter. By the 16th century the lag was 10 days (today it is 13 days). To eliminate it, Pope Gregory XIII carried out a calendar reform ( Gregorian calendar), according to which not every 4th year was a leap year. Years divisible by one hundred, i.e. ending with two zeros, were not leap years. The only exceptions were years divisible by 400.

So, leap years are years: 1) divisible by 4, but not by 100 (for example, 2016, 2020, 2024),

Note that the Russian Orthodox Church refused to switch to the Gregorian calendar and lives according to the old Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the Gregorian. If the church continues to refuse to switch to the generally accepted Gregorian calendar, then in a few hundred years the shift will become such that, for example, Christmas will be celebrated in the summer.

“Oh leap year, damned year! And we thoughtlessly forget about him...

In this unfortunate year, a close lens is studying us.

Of hundreds of faces - not this one, not that one, not that one.

Shooting individual faces!”

Leonid Filatov

Slavic culture has a special attitude towards leap years. Every fourth year that comes (having an extra February day left) has long been considered a time of disaster, terrible events. They are afraid of a leap year and are preparing for it. Exist various signs, rules of behavior and numerous prohibitions. Why is a leap year considered bad? Why did dislike and fear appear by this time?

How dangerous

Our planet takes 365.242187 days to circle the Sun. The extra time results in 6 hours, which in four years turns into an extra day. If we do not pay attention to this, we will begin to “float” through the seasons, eventually summer will turn into winter, and autumn into spring. The “extended” year saves the situation.

Historical journey

Why is a leap year called a leap year? The word "leap year" comes from the Latin "Bic sextus", which means "second sixth". The first calendar with an additional February day appeared in 46 BC. V ancient Rome under Julius Caesar. By order of the dictator, another 24th date was introduced in February. This calendar was called “Julian” (we know it as “ old style"). Caesar chose February, since this month was the last of the Roman year.

A couple of years later, the great commander was killed. The Roman priests, either intentionally or out of ignorance, designated every third year as a leap year. With their help, from 44 to 9 AD, instead of the required 9, people lived 12 leap years. Octavian Augustus brought order to the “temporary disgrace.” By decree of the Emperor of Rome, the next 16 years passed without leap time and the chronology was equalized.

For 16 centuries, Europe existed according to the Julian calendar. Haven't gotten around to it yet Orthodox Church. Christian believers sought to celebrate church festivals at the same time. 1582 was the next time of change. The head of the Catholic Church, Pope Gregory XIII, proposed a different calendar calculation. The innovation was adopted at the Ecumenical Council during the discussion of the date of Easter. The new chronology introduced an additional February day (29th) for the leap year.

As you can see, nothing mystical. So why did leap year become unlucky and turn into a frightening monster? Maybe this was influenced by the death of Caesar, the founder of the additional day? Or the reason is mysterious birth Great Martyr Cassian?

St. Kasyan's Day

Cassian lived in the 5th century. During his lifetime, he was a completely respectable person: he founded Gallic monasteries and preached monasticism. With his help, the literary world was replenished with 12 books about the life of monks in Egypt and Palestine. The writer created 24 “Conversations” essays about the fundamentals of morality of the Christian faith. But a law-abiding person happened to be born on the 29th of February.

The face of the peace-loving Kasyan acquired negative features due to the influence of ancient Russian postulates about good/bad times. Ancestors considered a prosperous period when the world around was predictable and organized. The definition of “bad” was given during the transition-change of one existence into another (the arrival of a new year, the change of seasons).

Cassian's date of birth fell on the most terrible date according to Slavic beliefs - the last day harsh winter and the end of the year (among the Slavs the year began on March 1). Harmless Kasyan gained notoriety. People called him: “Ill-wisher, Skewed, Stingy, Unmerciful, Crooked, Envious, Cross-eyed, Grudge-bearing.”

Slavic fears. 29th day of February Slavic people considered severe. This is the time of Kashchei-Chernobog, the ruler of dark, unclean forces. The ruler of the Pekel kingdom, the god Navi (the world of the dead) brings evil, madness, corruption and death. After the adoption of Christian canons in Rus', the image of the dark entity was transferred to the Holy Martyr, whose day is celebrated on February 29. The sameness of names (Kasyan - Kashchei) added to the negativity.

The ancient Russians did not add the martyr Cassian to the ranks of Saints. His name was covered with shame, his appearance was depicted as devilish, demonic. Cross-eyed, crooked-armed, empty-eyed, hunched over, with an evil look and a bad temper - this was, according to the Slavs, Kasyan.

Christian legends. Many legends were associated with the name of Cassian, where he acted as a traitor, a negative, gloomy person, evil spirits:

  1. Initially, Kasyan belonged to the brightest cherubs. But he betrayed the Lord by warning Satan about the divine plans to expel the devilish horde from Heaven. Soon the disobedient repented, God took pity on the apostate and appointed a light punishment. The traitor was handed over to the seraphim, who whipped the disobedient for three years, and then the apostate was given a break.
  2. Cassian served as a guard at the gates of Hell. He rested once in four years. In his absence, 12 apostles guarded the underworld. But they did not have enough strength and experience. During their service, some evil spirits escaped from the underworld and went to do mischief on Earth, spoiling the whole year with their presence.
  3. Baby Kasyan was kidnapped by demons and raised according to demonic canons. Cassian grew up and began to harm humanity, relying on his satanic upbringing.
  4. Kasyan, in response to the farmer’s request to help him free the stuck cart, rudely refused him. Nikolai Ugodnik helped the poor man. The Lord was angry at Cassian’s arrogance and ordered people to serve him prayers once in four years, and endowed Nicholas the Pleasant with divine favor.

What does the “demonic” time bring? Poor fellow Kasyan whipped up negativity throughout “his” year. In dark times, many people die, livestock die, and poultry suffers from pestilence. Equipment broke down, food spoiled. The crops withered in the fields, famine came, and mortality increased. According to legends, prayers near the image of Cassian helped protect against misfortunes on February 29th. On this date, it was recommended not to leave the house again, not to allow animals or birds into the yard, and to postpone work or service.

If a person left home on February 29, a dangerous illness and death awaited him. The “lucky ones” who saw the light on the 29th were destined for a difficult fate, serious illnesses since childhood and a thankless job.

Signs and beliefs. They said that Kasyan, having broken free during leap time, loved to wander the Earth and look around. Where his gaze fell, there was misfortune; he looked at a person - he would be overcome by illness; his gaze would catch a village - he would send a human pestilence; What attitude the people had towards leap years can be traced by numerous sayings:

  • “Kasyan to the people - it’s hard for people, for cattle - an animal dies, for a tree - the trunk breaks.”
  • “The mower Cassian mows down with a crooked scythe until he mows down lives.”
  • “Kasyan went lame, he ruined the whole time in a crooked way.”
  • “The Leap Year is coming, bringing pestilence and death.”
  • “No matter what Cassian looks at, everything fades.”
  • “Hood offspring in the year of Kasyanov.”

What not to do

People are waiting with fear and apprehension for the onset of leap time. It has been noticed that every four years there is an intensification of natural disasters on earth. Destructions, disasters, natural disasters– Deadly Harvest keeps a list of leap years:

  • 1204. The Crusaders took possession of Constantinople. The great Byzantine Empire collapsed, taking with it numerous victims of Orthodox Christians.
  • 1232. Beginning of the outrages of the Spanish Inquisition.
  • 1268. Sicily shakes from natural disaster. 60,000 people die.
  • 1400. Medieval Europe plague takes over. The Black Death took with it more than a third of the European population.
  • 1556. An earthquake struck the Chinese provinces of Henan, Shaanxi and Shanxi. The bony harvest increased by 830,000 people.
  • 1572. The terrible “Night of Bartholomew” takes 10,000 people into the world of the dead.
  • 1896. Destructive Japanese tsunami. 27,000 people died.
  • 1908. The fall of the mysterious Tunguska meteorite.
  • 1912. The End the legendary Titanic. Deaths number 1,500 people.
  • 1948. The strongest Ashgabat earthquake. world of the dead took 37,000 people.
  • 1960. The seismic Chilean cataclysm killed 6,000 people.
  • 1976. East China Earthquake (Tien Shan). The death toll was 655,000.
  • 1988. Earthquake in Armenia (Spitak). 25,000 people died.
  • 1996. Collision between a Boeing 747 Airbus and a Kazakhstan Airlines Il-76 aircraft. 349 people died.
  • 2000. Fire at the Ostankino TV tower, the death of the Kursk submarine, the plane crash of the supersonic Concorde airliner near Paris. 246 people died.

Statistics inexorably confirm Kasyanov’s fierce temper. It is not for nothing that people have created many superstitions, signs and prohibitions that cannot be done during a leap year.

You can't get married

According to popular belief, in the year of Cassian it is not allowed to change anything or start new things. This also applies marital status. Marriages concluded at this time promised troubles in personal life. Bad sign- wedding to Cassian. As people used to say: “The newlyweds, having gotten married during Kasyanov’s year, look for love on the side, quarrel and swear, and don’t let things get along.”

One of the beliefs says that a person whose wedding takes place in the year of Kasyanov will become a widow.

Mystics find their own reasons for banning marriages in the year of Kasyan. Changing the position of the Earth relative to other planets disrupts the geomagnetic situation and the homeostatic field. Change negatively affects sensitive, receptive people, disrupting normal brain activity. The result is a manifestation of aggression, constant overexcitement.

Interesting fact. Couples who dared to get married in Cassian's year, and their personal lives did not work out, had to wait for another time for divorce. Divorcing during a leap year is not recommended. Otherwise, the person will be personally unhappy for the rest of his life. Divorce was postponed for next year.

You can't give birth

Although couples are not advised to have children during Kasyanovo, children do not ask adults whether they can be born or not. The people's attitude towards the baby, who saw the light of day during a leap year, was ambiguous. The ancestors believed that such a person would face an unhappy, difficult fate. Illness and failure will become his companions. And others considered such kids to be the chosen ones.

Children born in the year of Cassian will have a special fate. These are God's messengers, as people said. Fate has prepared a special path for them. Children of “Kasyan time” are endowed with the mystical gift of seeing the future. They are called upon to point out mistakes and guide others to the right path.

Those born in a leap year on February 29 (a mysterious, “elusive” day) have been considered since ancient times to be born witchers, sorcerers, and sorceresses. The village people were afraid of such people and avoided them. But they always listened to the opinion of those in charge - after all, they considered such people as messengers of the other world.

Pregnant women expecting a baby for a year Kasyan were not recommended to cut their hair until the very birth - this protected the future baby from diseases and misfortunes. This year they did not celebrate the appearance of the child’s first tooth - according to legend, the remaining teeth would grow crooked and unhealthy. They tried to quickly baptize children born in a “bad” year.

Interesting fact. Statistically, talented people are born in leap years. William Shakespeare, John Byron, Galileo Galilei, Pope Paul III, Leonardo da Vinci. These legendary personalities saw life in the year of Kasyan!

Can't plan or create

Cassian, a minion of evil spirits, has been persistently harming people all year. During this time, do not start any new business:

  1. You cannot start construction (a bathhouse, a farm, a house) - the buildings will burn down. This also applies to renovation work.
  2. Do not plant new garden plants. Concerns related to the earth attract major troubles to the owner.
  3. You can't talk about your plans. The sidelong, envious Kasyan will definitely jinx all undertakings.
  4. It is dangerous to go on long journeys during the deadly Kasyanov time.
  5. You cannot give/sell animals from home - the animals will take wealth and good luck with them.
  6. Postpone setting up a new business and investing financial resources for the next year, which is favorable and safe in your plans.
  7. It was not recommended to change jobs. You won’t stay long in your new place, and your colleagues will begin to substitute the “fresh” employee.
  8. Even changing the hairstyle or hair color was not recommended in Kasyan’s time, who “cut down at the root” all his undertakings.

The ancestors said that undertakings in Cassian's time were useless. A person will not see any successes, but debts, enemies and failures in everything will come. Even carols, my beloved winter fun, were postponed until next year so as not to attract the attention of evil spirits.

You can't pick mushrooms

Bad times are everywhere in Kasyanovo. Cities, villages and forests are suffering. Mushrooms get saturated negative energy, are filled with damage, the evil eye, and poison. Mushrooms collected in a leap year are poisonous! This is what the people think, and not without reason.

The mycelium degenerates every four years. This feature of biology affects taste qualities mushrooms Degenerating, mushrooms absorb toxic substances and become unsafe for health.

You can collect mushrooms, but from artificially created myceliums. They are not dangerous and obey different laws. But superstitious people should still take care of their nerves, especially in Kasyanovo time.

Prayers and charms

If you read ancient testaments. If you trust the experience of time, take advantage special prayers and slander that will protect life during Kasyan’s reign. Protective words will ward off troubles and misfortunes.

Prayer on the eve of a leap year. Say protective words on December 31 (10 minutes before Kasyan’s time arrives):

“The horseman gallops, the man walks. The times bring me success. I will put on holy clothes and be baptized with the good cross. I will turn away from the previous year and see the leap year. I meet Kasyan - he doesn’t dig a hole for me.”

Read the following prayer incantation at the end of the year (at night from December 30 to 31). Prayer will protect against the transfer of disasters from the leap year to the coming year:

“Holy cherubim, annual seraphim, do not give God’s word, protect with a bright deed. From Kasyan leaving in a new year coming. Do not allow the servants of the Lord (names of family members) neither black evil spirits, nor envious people, nor bitter tears, nor painful ailments. Twelve angels protect the servants of God (names). The word is persistent, light for the year.”

For money. So that Cassian doesn't touch financial well-being, take 29 coins, on the last day of December, wrap the coins in red satin material and put them where you keep the money. On February 29, say: “Grow, multiply, Kasyana, do not worry.” With this money, buy bread or a roll and eat it with your family.

For good luck February 29th. On the demonic day of a long year, stand next to the window and say: “As the sun shone, so luck came to me. The other day was a separate, magical, unfamiliar day. The attack does not know about this day, only the mighty one answers. The day will come and it will only bring joy.” After reading the plot, open the window. If everything is done correctly, your luck will not run out during a leap year.

From death. To deadly danger passed your family by in a “terrible” time, do the following. At the sound of a thunderstorm, cross your finger over your finger and say: “My family is with me. They are all nearby, we will always be together. Kasyan, go away, don’t call anyone.” Say these words during a thunderstorm, during thunderclaps.

On the road. If you are leaving somewhere in Cassian time, before leaving home, read the protective words: “I’m going and riding along the leap trail. I bow to Kasyan, I left/left home, and I will return here.” The conspiracy is pronounced in the house without crossing the threshold. You should always say it as soon as you leave (to work, to the store, on a visit, for a walk).

From illness. If during an “unlucky” time you or your loved ones get sick, read the following hex over them every day until complete recovery: “Unclean spirits, commotion! Forget the servant of God (name), go into the impassable thicket, bury yourself under a rotten stump. Otherwise I’ll unleash the terrible Cassian on you, so that he crushes you, burns you with flames, and doesn’t allow you to rest.”

How to protect yourself from troubles

According to ordinary people, a leap year is no different from a regular year, only with an additional day. This time does not affect a person. But given that most people believe folk beliefs, in Kasyanovo time it is better to protect yourself just in case.

Esotericists say that it is imperative to take care for the year of Cassian. This is the time when the dark essence manifests itself and increases its strength. During a leap year, there is a high probability of suffering from a surge of negative energy. To protect yourself from problems, use the following rules:

  1. Go to church/temple more often. When you come to a sacred place, pray for yourself, light candles for the health of your loved ones, not forgetting to remember the departed.
  2. Do not pick up round objects (coins, rings) for a leap year.
  3. Protect yourself from the evil eye. The best helpers in this are protective talismans, pectoral crosses. Don't forget to wear protective items at all times!
  4. Wash away the accumulated negative energy from yourself every month. To do this, dilute vinegar and boiled water in equal proportions. Douse yourself with vinegar liquid before going to bed. After the procedure, wash your body with running water and wait for it to dry naturally.
  5. On February 29, perform a ritual to protect the energy field. Tear out the February page from the calendar and burn the leaf, saying the following words: “Go away evil, disappear dashingly, help good, illuminate a clear path and a bright path for me.”

Interesting fact. In villages, it was customary to give neighbors the third slaughtered goose (or other bird). In this way, during the Kasyan hard times, villagers bought themselves off from lack of money and bad luck.

Psychologists' opinion

“Your problems are your own head,” psychologists say. How you set yourself up is how you will live the leap year. Understand that “unlucky” times are scary in their own way. A positive attitude and optimistic life position have always yielded positive results.

If you are afraid of trouble, illness for the year of Kasyan, this will definitely happen to you. A personal attitude will work on a subconscious level.

What to recommend during a leap year? Live like the rest of the time. Without getting hung up on ancient superstitions and ancient signs. You create your own life. Only you are its owner. Don’t let negative thoughts come to you, get carried away with something so that you don’t have free time. You won’t even notice how a time will flash by - no less successful and positive than the rest.

Astrologers' forecasts

Star experts support the views of psychologists. Fears, worries associated with the Year of Kasya - prejudices, signs and superstitions. Remember Olympic Games which were created by the Greeks. Competitions are held during leap times. Prosperous America also elects presidents in a “long” year.

According to the location of the stars, leap years are, from an astrological point of view, the most favorable for improving human destiny.

At this time, the planets fold in such a way that they create temporary corridors for humans. In Cassian's time, every person is capable of changing and improving the future. There are all the prerequisites for this. Know how to catch the signs that the providence of Kasyanov’s time sends you.

Which statement and whose advice to remember is up to you to decide. The only thing universal action To tame the luck of a “terrible” year is to maintain a personal optimistic mood. How you live Kasyan's time: good or bad, depends on you. And you can make this year positive with the help of boundless faith in your own strength.
