Rules of conduct during shelling and air threats. Rules of conduct during shelling - * Survival in unfavorable Situations

This guide is not for residents of Donbass - they have already learned to hide and survive under bombs. Not all, of course. Everyone cannot survive in such conditions. But, as you probably know, Slavyansk was abandoned yesterday, the war is at the very borders of Russia, almost all the checkpoints on the border have been broken, which means that the war is already coming to us. So, citizens of the Russian Federation, today this is for you - you must know what to do during shelling.

Fate sometimes throws us into unimaginable places, God forbid you end up in the center local conflict. But what to do if this does happen? How to behave during artillery shelling?

I'll share personal experience. If you come under artillery fire, you don’t see any explosions, but the ground dances under your feet, which means they’re hitting you nearby. What to do?

Do not panic! Lie down on the ground, look around and choose a shelter.
? If the shelling is in a square area, it is advisable not to stick your head out for 5-10 minutes. The destruction package is usually 60-100 shells per point. Listen! If the shelling does not subside, try to crawl further away from tall buildings, find a deep ditch, or an underground passage.
? If you hear the whistling of shells, you can calm down: a shell whistles if it has flown over you. BUT!!! Missiles of the “Grad” type and similar ones always whistle with a hissing, disgusting sound (this is probably a reaction developed to the opposite), you will hear the sound a second before flying or hitting. One more thing!!! Not all shells explode when they hit the target; some explode above the ground. Mortar mines fall vertically.
? A convenient shelter could be a pipe under the road or something similar. A sewer hatch can also be a good shelter, but will luck turn to you in front and not behind? and the hatch will be open? In addition, it must be taken into account that heavy gases can collect in hatches.
? If there are no military installations in your area, and shelling is underway in your area, then by all rights, motorized infantry will soon arrive. Which means it’s worth making a move or hiding better. Because you don’t have shotguns, hand grenade launchers, etc., remember, you are not Rambo. Your goal is to survive.
? The shells do not explode into huge fiery mushrooms, there is a small flash and the iron shell scatters to the sides, say, an ordinary shell has a total destruction range of 50 meters.
? If you see big mushrooms from explosions, then most likely it was aerial bombs, they are much more powerful than shells and you can hide from them in special bomb shelters.
? If you see white, blinding flashes at night that look like flowers or explosions with a lot of whitish smoke, then phosphorus incendiary shells may be being fired. From such people you need to not only scurry away, but fly away... in addition to the explosion itself, scattering granules of phosphorus filling that will burn through all the meat and bones, a cloud will form poisonous smoke. And it can affect the respiratory tract and mucous membranes.
? If you are driving and a shell falls in front of you, then consider that you are already at gunpoint, even if they are shooting at ballistic trajectory- aiming takes seconds. The only thing that can save your life is to jump out of the car.
? Cluster bombs and shells create minefields! You can tell that an area has been hit by this type of projectile by seeing multiple small craters. If you notice small checkers with a ribbon, do not approach them under any circumstances.
? Stay away from unexploded ordnance.

How to behave during shelling and bombing

If you hear the whistle of a shell (it looks more like a rustle), and after 2-3 seconds an explosion, immediately fall to the ground. Don't panic: just the fact that you hear the sound of the flight itself means that the projectile flew far enough from you, and those seconds before the explosion only confirmed a fairly safe distance. However, the next projectile will fly closer to you, so instead of complacency, quickly and carefully look around: where can you hide more reliably?

If shelling catches you in a minibus, trolleybus or tram, you should immediately stop the vehicle, run away from the road in the direction “away from buildings and structures” and lie down on the ground. Look around and look for more reliable shelter nearby. You should run across in short, quick bursts immediately after the next explosion.

If the first explosions caught you on the road in your own car, do not expect that in your car you will be able to quickly escape from the shelling: you will never know in which direction the fire will move, and whether shelling will begin further, say, from mortars. Additionally, your car's gas tank adds a dangerous risk of getting burned. Therefore, again: stop the car immediately and quickly look for shelter.

Not suitable for shelter:

Entrances of any buildings, even small attached structures. In general, you should run at least 30-50 meters away from multi-story/apartment buildings;
? Places under various equipment (say, under a truck or under a bus);
? Ordinary housing office basements of houses. They are completely unsuitable for shelter during air raids or rocket and artillery attacks ( we're talking about about weak ceilings, lack of emergency exits, ventilation, etc.). There is a high risk of ending up under massive rubble. Cluttering such basements entails the risk of instant fire or smoke.

You should never hide outside under walls modern buildings! The current concrete “boxes” do not have the slightest margin of safety and easily crumble (or “collapse”) not only from a direct hit, but even from a strong blast wave: there is a high risk of landslides and rubble. You also cannot hide under the walls of offices and shops: a lot of glass will fall from above from the blast wave; this is no less dangerous than metal shell fragments.

Sometimes people instinctively hide among any stacks, in places filled with containers, filled with boxes, building materials, etc. (a subconscious reflex comes into play: hide so as not to see anything). This mistake is dangerous because there may be flammable objects and substances around you: there is a risk of being caught in a sudden fire.

Sometimes people jumped into a river, pond, fountain, etc. out of fear. The explosion of a bomb or shell in water, even at a considerable distance, is very dangerous: strong water hammer and, as a result, severe concussion.

You can hide in the following places:

● in a specially equipped bomb shelter (if you're lucky). What distinguishes a real bomb shelter from an ordinary housing office basement is a thick, reliable ceiling overhead, a ventilation system and the presence of two (or more) exits to the surface; in an underground passage;
● in the subway (ideal); in any ditch, trench or hole; in a wide drainage pipe under the road (do not go too deep, a maximum of 3-4 meters);
● along a high border or the foundation of a fence; in a very deep basement under permanent buildings of old buildings (it is desirable that it have 2 exits);
● in an underground vegetable storehouse, silo, etc.; in an inspection pit of an open (in the air) garage or service station;
● in the sewer hatches near your house, this is a very good hiding place (but are you strong enough to quickly open a heavy piece of iron? It is also important that it is a sewer or water supply - in no case a gas main!)
● in “crater” holes left from previous shelling or air raids.
● In the worst case scenario - when there is no cover in sight where you can run across in one quick throw - just lie down on the ground and lie with your head in your hands! The vast majority of shells and bombs explode in the top layer of soil or asphalt, so fragments at the moment of explosion scatter at a height of at least 30-50 cm above the surface.

So, general rule: your shelter should be at least minimally deep and, at the same time, should be located away from structures that could collapse on you from above in a direct hit, or could catch fire. Ideal protection is provided by a trench or ditch (similar to a trench) 1-2 meters deep, in an open place.

Hiding in a shelter, lie down and clasp your head in your hands. Open your mouth slightly - this will protect you from concussion if a shell or bomb explodes nearby.

Do not panic. Keep your psyche busy with something. You can count the explosions: know that after a maximum of the 100th explosion, the shelling will definitely end. You can try to mentally count the minutes.

First of all, it's distracting. Secondly, this way you can navigate the situation: artillery shelling does not last forever, a maximum of twenty minutes; air raid - significantly less. Nowadays there are no long bombings; large groups of bombers are not used.

After the end of the shelling (bombing)

When leaving a place of refuge, do not let yourself relax. Now all your attention should be concentrated at your feet! Do not pick up any objects that are unfamiliar to you from the ground: an aerial bomb, missile or shell could be a cluster shell!

Combat elements often burst when dropped, but can explode later, in the hands - from the slightest movement or touch. All attention to children and teenagers: don’t let them lift anything from under their feet!

The greatest losses in the Yugoslav conflict were at the very beginning of the war among civilians, whom fighting caught at lightning speed: lack of preparation and compliance elementary rules- a huge danger that can be avoided.

P.S.: and if shelling starts, there is no need to be surprised, try to present something to someone, angrily appeal to the authorities, and so on. No one will care about you except yourself. Therefore, just try to survive and help others if possible. This is the best you can do.

Any modern war is primarily a ping-pong of artillery, from which civilians suffer to a greater extent. They are reluctant actors for news broadcasts, a human shield, and an argument for political debates. Civilians are not told when to hide in bomb shelters, their lives and housing are worth absolutely nothing, and their chances of surviving during shelling are much less than those of the military. Therefore, if you find yourself in a war zone, it is important to know how to behave.

Brief dictionary:

  • Minuses, flights, outgoing artillery salvos.
  • Pluses, arrivals, gifts - shell hits.
  • Ping-pong - mutual shelling.

What do the shots sound like?

Some of the most popular sounds of shelling in the news, especially when correspondents openly full height flaunting these sounds on camera are outgoing volleys of anti-aircraft guns, which are used mainly to destroy drones. And not the arrival of enemy shells, as journalists say.

The sounds of real arrivals are heavy, with a characteristic crack when they hit houses, and more dull if a shell hits the ground.

82-mm mines, the smallest of those used, emit a characteristic whistle when flying, 120-mm mines - a hiss, rocket-propelled tank shells - an incomparable howl.

"Grad" and other rockets are not audible at all during flight. The outgoing salvo of the Grad resembles the sound of peas spilling onto the table.

Many people, having lived in a combat zone for more than one year, still confuse salvos and arrivals, basing their assessment only on ideological preferences.

What to do at the first sounds of shells?

Fall where you are and wait out the shelling there. Change location only as a last resort. Listen and at the same time look for a place to hide. You need to catch the rhythm: the sound of the volley, the time of flight of the projectile and the fall. Count the seconds from the volley to the fall and start running immediately after landing. You need to fall a couple of seconds before the estimated time of the next hit. If two or more guns are working, count from the last one.

Open your mouth and cover your ears with your hands. This will avoid concussion and preserve hearing during particularly close explosions. If it happens that after the arrivals you stop hearing, do not be alarmed. Typically, if there is no physical damage, hearing is restored within 3-7 days. Close your eyes to protect them from dust and stone chips.

Where to hide?

The lower you are in relation to the surface of the earth, the better. Underground passages, basements, sewer hatches (provided there is no steam coming out of them), ditches, trenches and even just a high curb. Any terrain that can protect you from fragments is suitable. During an explosion, fragments fly up and to the sides tangentially, so the lower you lie relative to ground level, the higher the chances of remaining unharmed.

Never hide near the walls of buildings. If you hit a wall, you may be injured by fragments of bricks, concrete, or completely overwhelmed.

The same applies to windows and shop windows: one small window turns into a bucket after an explosion small fragments, some of which fly out into the street and can seriously injure you.

Avoid various piles of boxes, containers and other objects that can overwhelm you even from a shock wave. You should not crawl under cars either: they will not save you in any way and will not protect you from fragments.

What to do if there are military personnel nearby?

If your city is located on the contact line and in kindergarten, a school or a warehouse opposite your house has been moved in by the military - . Perhaps just a day after leaving, the first shells will arrive at your house.

Do the same if a checkpoint appears near your house or military equipment. The faster you leave, the faster you adapt to the new place and the higher the chances of staying alive. Say goodbye to your home: you won’t see it intact again.

What if I can’t leave now?

If you live in a private house and shelling of the area becomes regular, cover the window openings with sandbags. This, of course, will not save you from direct hits, but it will protect you from shrapnel and bullets.

In the apartment, you can rearrange the furniture and close the windows with cabinets, filling the shelves at window level with books or other things. The tighter the better.

Cover the glass windows with tape - this will prevent them from crumbling into many small fragments. The main thing is, do not forget to peel off the tape at least once a year and glue a new one, otherwise over time it will become tightly baked, and tearing it off will be a serious problem.

Where is it safer indoors?

The safest place during shelling (this is also where you will spend the night) should be an interior room, preferably with load-bearing walls, without windows or with windows facing the wall of another house. Take care of a rug or mat on the floor.

It is often written on the Internet that shelling does not last more than 20 minutes. This is the nonsense of people far from the war. Sometimes you will have to spend the whole night on the floor.

If possible, cover yourself with a thick blanket on top - this is additional protection both from flying fragments and from stone chips and glass.

Don't waste time going down to the basement if you live on the upper floors. It is better to lie down in the doorway or on the landing. A shell with equal probability can hit both the ninth and third floors at the moment when you run up the stairs. Don't take risks with useless moves.

What to do if you are caught on the road by shooting?

If you are driving a car along the contact line, do not close the windows. This will allow you to control the situation, if something happens, quickly stop and get out of the car.

Even if it is severely frosty outside, keep the car windows open until you leave the shelling zone.

Usually the drivers who drive through such places and live on the front-line territory are very understanding people and instantly react to everything. Do not cause panic and do not give advice to stop the car or press the pedal to the floor, especially if you are visiting. The driver himself will decide according to the situation what is best to do.

I'm really scared. How to deal with emotions?

No matter what happens around you, the main thing is not to panic. There is no need to run, especially if there are people around. Someone may follow your stupid example. Very often, women in such situations get lost and can freeze in place or run. Throw them to the ground (don't care about the dirt, puddles and debris underfoot) and don't let them move.

If you come under fire with a girl or child, hold them tightly by the hand and do not let them straighten up and run. Don't be afraid to give him a couple of slaps to bring him to his senses.

If you really can’t stand it, you can scream. Everyone is scared under fire, there are no exceptions.

A typical reaction of the body during shelling is an instant release of a crazy dose of adrenaline into the blood. An effect that cannot be obtained either during a parachute jump or while rafting down mountain rivers. Strong heartbeat, high pulse, pressure surges and numbness. At these moments, your body burns resources at an accelerated pace, living the years allotted to you in minutes.

What to do when the volleys stop?

Carefully examine yourself and your loved ones after the shelling in case there were flights nearby. Perhaps someone was injured, but due to an excess of adrenaline the person did not feel it immediately.

Make sure there are no fires in your home, apartment or neighbors. If there were direct hits, call the fire department and ambulance. Emergency services are prohibited from leaving until the shelling ends, but your signal will be recorded.

Try to help people nearby, even if you are very scared. If only because tomorrow you may find yourself in similar trouble.

Never touch unexploded ordnance. Despite the fact that it is a fairly common phenomenon to shoot blanks at residential areas (they say this is how the military shows their conscience towards civilians), a shell can turn out to be quite live, but not explode for some reason. If you see one, fence it off and report it to law enforcement agencies or the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Shelling is the quintessence of modern wars, the apogee negative emotions and the most difficult test for the human psyche. Even if you, your loved ones and your home do not suffer during the next game of ping-pong, your nervous system and the psyche every time, without exception, receive wounds that were invisible for the time being. It is impossible to avoid them. Then they will manifest themselves as exacerbation of chronic diseases, sleep disturbances, psychological trauma or serious problems with the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Hi all! The passions surrounding Syria gave me sad thoughts that our, as Putin calls them, “partners” will most likely bomb this country (I really want to be mistaken) and the tactics of our “probable allies” are the same, massive bombing from the air, if What if something similar happens here (God forbid, of course), how can we escape and try to survive an air raid or shelling?

statistics says that, exactly wrong actions and panic during a bombing are the main cause of numerous casualties in such situations...

The best way to be saved is to avoid the threat in advance. If military operations are rapidly unfolding around you, it is very important. is not located in places where the risk of being an accidental victim is greatest. In any modern war, first of all, strikes are made on key military installations, critical infrastructures, and at the same time on civilians located in the vicinity of these installations...

and so, at a time when the danger of airstrikes, bombings, artillery shelling is highest, you should not be near: military bases, places of passage of military transport convoys, any airfields, ports, bridges, large railway junctions and highways, large industrial and administrative facilities, any such locations that may be of strategic or tactical interest. Large and medium-sized cities and industrial centers are themselves high-risk areas. The optimal solution in such a situation would be to leave densely populated cities and move to the countryside, at least for a while until the situation becomes clearer...

if according to various reasons(not always in your control) you are left in a dangerous zone and come under an air raid, then you should know what an air raid is and how it is dangerous. Any missile and bomb attack by aircraft or UAVs is the impact of several damaging factors:

1. The explosion generates a whole cloud of fragments that move at great speed. In this case, the fragments can be both parts of the bomb or missile itself, and fragments of buildings, structures, equipment, glass fragments, stones. Any small object accelerates to high speed from an explosion and has incredible destructive power and damage radius.

2. Severe injuries, even fatal and concussion, are caused by an air blast wave, which is no less dangerous than shrapnel.

3. The explosion of a bomb, rocket, or shell causes the destruction of buildings, structures, the formation of rubble, and numerous fires and fires occur, even if you avoided a direct hit, the risk of burning alive or suffocating by combustion products is very high.

What rescue measures can we take if the bombing suddenly caught you? There is a list of rules and observations that will increase your chances of staying alive:

1. The worst idea is to run somewhere and generally be in vertical position, if explosions are heard very close, then a person is most susceptible to concussions and hits from shrapnel. It’s better to fall to the ground and cover your head with your hands, if there is no time to retreat at all, such protection is not much better, but it’s better than nothing. Don’t think that shelter can only be a stationary bomb shelter, a roadside ditch or just a depression in the ground, that will also do, in such a simple shelter, a person can only be killed by a direct hit, or by fragments flying in an arc, ricochets, the probability of such an outcome is not great. A projectile misses the same crater twice, this is true, it is a good idea to hide in a crater from an explosion. In any case, if you are in such a shelter, do not leave it until the bombardment has completely subsided. Airstrikes are usually short-lived but accurate and characterized by a high density of fire. In this situation, the main thing is to quickly understand what the purpose of the bombing is and act according to the situation; for cover, do not choose objects such as equipment, cars, fire and explosive objects, modern buildings extremely dangerous, their strength is low and the presence large quantity windows, shop windows and glass elements, when exploded, form a whole cloud of fragments. For shelter, it is better to choose a squat, not tall, old building, ideally the basement of a building, the main thing for you is to maintain your healthy eyesight and hearing, throughout the bombing, cover your ears with both hands and open your mouth slightly, this will help avoid concussion.

2. You cannot take cover in water, a river, a lake or any other body of water; if a bomb or shell hits the water, you can get a powerful water hammer. Modern air raids are often corrected in real time, by spotters using modern means surveillance, UAV operators very often mistake photographic equipment for weapons, and simple hand-held objects for MANPADS, and strike them, therefore it is very important to avoid even fleeting, threatening actions on the operator or observer

Next, let's consider the next type of attack, this is mortar or artillery shelling. It has its own nuances. The shelling can last quite a long time, the shells do not explode into huge fiery mushrooms, like in the movies, there is a small flash, black smoke and the shell of the shell scatters in different directions in the form of fragments. The radius of total destruction of a conventional projectile is 50 meters. Mortar shells, fall along a suspended trajectory, vertically to the ground. If the shelling is in a square, then it is advisable to stay low for 5 - 10 minutes, the destruction package is usually 60 - 100 shells per point. If the shelling does not subside, try to crawl away from tall buildings and find shelter, a deep ditch, an underground passage, a pipe under the road, a sewer hatch, but be careful, heavy gases may accumulate in the hatches.

if you are driving a car and a shell falls in front of you, consider that you are already at gunpoint, even if they are shooting along a ballistic trajectory, aiming takes seconds, the only thing that can save your life is to jump out of the car and take cover in a ditch. There are no explosions visible, but the ground trembles underfoot, which means they are hitting somewhere nearby. If you hear the whistling of shells, do not panic, a shell whistles if it flies over you, but not all shells explode when they hit the target, some types of shells explode above the ground.

jet systems type "Grad" and similar ones, fire at squares, the shelling lasts from several seconds to several minutes, they are not particularly accurate, the main thing is to sit out the shelling and then regroup in another place, the Grad rocket always flies with a hissing disgusting sound, you will hear the sound a second before it flies over you.

If you see white, dazzling flashes that look like flowers at night, or explosions with a lot of whitish smoke, then shelling may be carried out with phosphorus, incendiary shells. You need to not just run away from such projectiles, but run as fast as you can. Such a projectile is filled with phosphorus granules; during an explosion, these granules burn through clothing, meat and bones; in addition, the resulting cloud of toxic smoke affects the respiratory tract and the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Cluster bombs and shells are no less terrible; they are used primarily to create minefields. You can tell that the area has been shelled with such ammunition by the multiple, small craters. If you notice small checkers with a ribbon, do not approach them under any circumstances.

but the most terrible and dangerous of all the above can be considered the use of ammunition with chemical and bacteriological content. A chemical munition is considered to be a mixture of chemicals, the use of which affects people, animals and plants over large areas, affects and poisons the surrounding area and water bodies. Such chemicals are equipped with: missiles, aerial bombs, mines and shells, chemical landmines, as well as airborne airborne devices, when used they can be in a droplet-liquid state, in the form of gas, steam, aerosol, fog and smoke. It penetrates the human body through the respiratory system, digestion, skin and eyes, people feel irritation of the nasopharynx, eyes, suffocation and heaviness in the chest, constriction of the pupils. According to their effect on the human body, chemical substances are divided into: nerve paralytic, vesicant, asphyxiating, generally poisonous, irritant and psycho-chemical. Signs of enemy use chemical weapons are: Weak, dull, sound of ammunition explosions on the ground and in the air, the appearance of smoke at the explosion sites, which quickly dissipates, dark stripes that stretch behind the aircraft and quickly settle on the ground, oily stains on leaves, soil, buildings and near craters exploding bombs and shells, changes in the natural color of vegetation, tree leaves become brown.

The biological filling of shells is also a weapon mass destruction, people, farm animals and plants, its action is based on the use of the pathogenic properties of microorganisms (bacteria, rickettsia, fungi, as well as toxins produced by some bacteria). This type of weapon is capable of causing mass and dangerous diseases people and animals, affects long time and has a long, latent incubation period. Bacteria and viruses of various types can be used as pathogens. infectious diseases: plague, anthrax, brucellosis, glanders, tularemia, cholera, typhus and typhoid fever, etc. Infection of people and animals occurs through inhalation of contaminated air, contact of microbes with mucous membranes and damaged skin, consumption of contaminated food and water, insect bites and ticks. Signs of use bacteriological weapons are: the dull sound of shells and bombs exploding, which is not typical for conventional ammunition, the presence of large fragments and individual parts of ammunition in places of explosions, the appearance of drops of liquid or powdery substances on the ground, unusual accumulation of insects and mites in places of explosions of ammunition and falling containers, mass diseases of people and animals. At the first sign of the use of chemical or bacteriological weapons, it is necessary to use, special means protection gas mask, protective suit KZS or OZK, immediately notify the population around you and the nearest civil defense headquarters, in the shortest possible time leave the danger zone.

Sudden shelling.

If you hear the whistle of a shell (it looks more like a rustle), and after 2-3 seconds an explosion, immediately fall to the ground. Don't panic: just the fact that you hear the sound of the flight itself means that the projectile flew far enough from you, and those seconds before the explosion only confirmed a fairly safe distance. However, the next projectile will fly closer to you, so instead of complacency, quickly and carefully look around: where can you hide more reliably?

The following places are not suitable for shelter:
- entrances of any buildings, even small extensions. In general, you should run at least 30-50 meters away from multi-storey/apartment buildings;
- places under different equipment (say, under a truck or under a bus)
- ordinary housing office basements of houses. They are completely unsuited for shelter during air raids or rocket and artillery attacks (we are talking about weak overlap, lack of emergency exits, ventilation, etc.). There is a high risk of ending up under massive rubble. Cluttering such basements entails the risk of immediate fire or smoke.

You should never hide outside under the walls of modern buildings! The current concrete “boxes” do not have the slightest margin of safety and easily crumble (or “collapse”) not only from a direct hit, but even from a strong blast wave: there is a high risk of landslides and rubble. You also can’t hide under the walls of offices and shops! - A lot of glass will fall from above from the blast wave; this is no less dangerous than metal shell fragments.

Sometimes people instinctively hide among any stacks, in places filled with containers, filled with boxes, building materials, etc. (a subconscious reflex comes in: hide so as not to see anything). This mistake is dangerous because there may be flammable objects and substances around you: there is a risk of being caught in a sudden fire.

Sometimes, out of fear, people jumped into a river, a pond, a fountain, etc. The explosion of a bomb or shell in water, even at a considerable distance, is very dangerous: a strong water hammer and, as a result, a severe concussion.

You can hide in the following places:
- in a specially equipped bomb shelter (if you're lucky). What distinguishes a real bomb shelter from an ordinary housing office basement is a thick, reliable ceiling overhead, a ventilation system, and the presence of two (or more) exits to the surface;
- in an underground passage;
- in the subway (ideal!)
- in any ditch, trench or hole;
- in a wide drainage pipe under the road (do not go too deep, maximum 3-4 meters)
- along a high curb or fence foundation;
- in a very deep basement under capital houses of old buildings (it is desirable that it have 2 exits)
- in an underground vegetable storehouse, silo, etc.;
- in the inspection hole of an open (in the air) garage or service station;
- in sewer hatches near your home; this is a very good hiding place (but do you have the strength to quickly open a heavy piece of iron? It is also important that it is a sewerage or water supply - in no case a gas main!)
​​​ - in “crater” holes left from previous shelling or air raids.

In the worst case - when there is no cover in sight where you can run across with one quick throw - just lie down on the ground and cover your head with your hands! The vast majority of shells and bombs explode in top layer soil or asphalt, so fragments at the moment of explosion scatter at a height of less than 30-50 cm above the surface.

So, the general rule: your shelter should be at least minimally deep and, at the same time, should be located away from structures that could collapse on you from above in a direct hit, or could catch fire. Ideal protection is provided by a trench or ditch (similar to a trench) 1-2 meters deep, in an open place.

Hiding in a shelter, lie down and clasp your head in your hands. Open your mouth slightly - this will protect you from concussion if a shell or bomb explodes nearby.

Do not panic. Keep your psyche busy with something. You can count the explosions: know that after a maximum of the 100th explosion the shelling will definitely end. You can try to mentally count the minutes.

First of all, it's distracting. Secondly, this way you can navigate the situation: artillery shelling does not last forever, a maximum of twenty minutes; air raid - significantly less. Nowadays there are no long bombings; large groups of bombers are not used.

After the end of the shelling (bombing)
When leaving your place of refuge, do not let yourself relax. Now all your attention should be concentrated at your feet! Do not pick up any objects that are unfamiliar to you from the ground! An air bomb, rocket or shell could be a cluster bomb!

Combat elements often burst when dropped, but can explode later, in the hands - from the slightest movement or touch. All attention to children and teenagers: don’t let them lift anything from under their feet!

The greatest losses in the Yugoslav conflict occurred at the very beginning of the war. The war caught civilians suddenly and with lightning speed. They simply did not know the basic rules of behavior during shelling or bombing...

Andrey Kulish
veteran of the Armed Forces, colonel (Kyiv)

HOW TO BEHAVIOR DURING ARTIFICATION AND BOMBING. IN troubled times You should hope for the best, but it is important to be prepared for any development of events. You can click on any picture to view it in full size and keep it for yourself! Sudden shelling If you hear the whistle of a shell (it looks more like a rustle), and after 2-3 seconds an explosion, immediately fall to the ground. Don't panic: just the fact that you hear the sound of the flight itself means that the projectile flew far enough from you, and those seconds before the explosion only confirmed a fairly safe distance. However, the next projectile will fly closer to you, so instead of complacency, quickly and carefully look around: where can you hide more reliably? If shelling catches you in a minibus, trolleybus or tram, you should immediately stop the vehicle, run away from the road in the direction “away from buildings and structures” and lie down on the ground. Look around and look for more reliable shelter nearby. You should run across in short, quick bursts immediately after the next explosion. If the first explosions caught you on the road in your own car, do not expect that in your car you will be able to quickly escape from the shelling: you will never know in which direction the fire will move, and whether shelling will begin further, say, from mortars. Additionally, your car's gas tank adds a dangerous risk of getting burned. Therefore, again: stop the car immediately and quickly look for shelter.

NOT SUITABLE FOR COVERING: - Entrances of any buildings, even small attached structures. In general, you should run at least 30-50 meters away from multi-story/apartment buildings; - Places under different equipment (say, under a truck or under a bus); - Ordinary housing office basements of houses. They are completely unsuited for shelter during air raids or rocket and artillery attacks (we are talking about weak ceilings, lack of emergency exits, ventilation, etc.). There is a high risk of ending up under massive rubble. Cluttering such basements entails the risk of instant fire or smoke. You should never hide outside under the walls of modern buildings! The current concrete “boxes” do not have the slightest margin of safety and easily crumble (or “collapse”) not only from a direct hit, but even from a strong blast wave: there is a high risk of landslides and rubble. You also cannot hide under the walls of offices and shops: a lot of glass will fall from above from the blast wave; this is no less dangerous than metal shell fragments. Sometimes people instinctively hide among any stacks, in places filled with containers, filled with boxes, building materials, etc. (a subconscious reflex comes into play: hide so as not to see anything). This mistake is dangerous because there may be flammable objects and substances around you: there is a risk of being caught in a sudden fire. Sometimes people jumped into a river, pond, fountain, etc. out of fear. The explosion of a bomb or shell in water, even at a considerable distance, is very dangerous: strong water hammer and, as a result, severe concussion.

YOU CAN HIDE IN THE FOLLOWING PLACES: - In a specially equipped bomb shelter (if you're lucky). What distinguishes a real bomb shelter from an ordinary housing office basement is a thick, reliable ceiling overhead, a ventilation system, and the presence of two (or more) exits to the surface; - In the underground passage; - On the subway (ideal); - In any ditch, trench or hole; - In a wide drainage pipe under the road (do not go too deep, maximum 3-4 meters);

Along a high curb or fence foundation; - In a very deep basement under capital houses of old buildings (it is desirable that it have 2 exits); - In an underground vegetable storehouse, silo, etc.; - In the inspection hole of an open (in the air) garage or service station; - In the sewer hatches next to your house, this is a very good hiding place (but are you strong enough to quickly open a heavy piece of iron? It is also important that it is a sewer or water supply - in no case a gas main!) - In the pits - " craters” left from previous shelling or air raids.

In the worst case scenario - when there is no cover in sight where you can run across in one quick throw - just lie down on the ground and lie with your head in your hands! The vast majority of shells and bombs explode in the top layer of soil or asphalt, so fragments at the moment of explosion scatter at a height of at least 30-50 cm above the surface. So, the general rule: your shelter should be at least minimally deep and, at the same time, should be located away from structures that could collapse on you from above in a direct hit, or could catch fire. Ideal protection is provided by a trench or ditch (similar to a trench) 1-2 meters deep, in an open place.

Hiding in a shelter, lie down and clasp your head in your hands. Open your mouth slightly - this will protect you from concussion if a shell or bomb explodes nearby. Do not panic. Keep your psyche busy with something. You can count the explosions: know that after a maximum of the 100th explosion, the shelling will definitely end. You can try to mentally count the minutes. First of all, it's distracting. Secondly, this way you can navigate the situation: artillery shelling does not last forever, a maximum of twenty minutes; air raid - significantly less. Nowadays there are no long bombings; large groups of bombers are not used. After the end of the shelling (bombing), when leaving the place of refuge, do not let yourself relax. Now all your attention should be concentrated at your feet! Do not pick up any objects that are unfamiliar to you from the ground: an aerial bomb, missile or shell could be a cluster shell! Combat elements often burst when dropped, but can explode later, in the hands - from the slightest movement or touch. All attention to children and teenagers: don’t let them lift anything from under their feet! The greatest losses in the Yugoslav conflict were at the very beginning of the war among civilians, who were caught by the fighting at lightning speed: lack of preparation and compliance with basic rules is a huge danger that can be avoided. And may the above rules never be needed by anyone.
