Speech development on the topic of profession. Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group on the topic “Professions”

Complete lesson notes on speech development in preparatory group kindergarten will help the teacher organize a lesson on the topic “Professions”.


  1. Consolidate knowledge of the names of professions and add new ones.
  2. To increase children’s active vocabulary with new concepts on the topic “Professions”.
  3. Develop coherent storytelling skills based on plot pictures.
  4. Improve cognitive processes and communication skills.
  5. Train fine motor skills.

This summary is suitable for an open lesson on speech development in the preparatory group of a kindergarten.

Methodical techniques

During the lesson the following methodological techniques are used:

  • use of game moments;
  • use of visual materials, handouts and plot images;
  • consistent development of skills in composing a story using unfinished sentences;
  • substantive encouragement for active independent work children (tokens).

These techniques are no less important in the preparatory group of a kindergarten than when working with younger children.


The following materials are used:

  1. Game "Professions"
  2. A series of narrative paintings “Excursion to an ice cream factory”
  3. Pin doll (from the Smeshariki series)
  4. Handout cards for articulation gymnastics
  5. Record a funny melody
  6. Tokens

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part

The teacher greets the children and they take their seats. At this time, cheerful music sounds, and a toy airplane appears in front of the teacher. The music stops playing. The teacher says:

“Children, it seems that someone is coming to visit us. Let's try to guess his name. Listen to the riddle:

I'm a bird, even though I don't fly,
And I sunbathe on the ice floe.
I catch and eat fish myself,
I'm not afraid of the cold at all.

Children guess the name of the bird, the adult continues:
“You guessed correctly that this riddle is about a penguin, but how can we guess his name? Need a hint."

At this time, a small backpack is lowered from the airplane onto the table. From it the teacher takes out adjustable wrench, hammer, screwdriver. Children are asked to name everything in one word and remember other instruments.

Game "Who is bigger?"

The ball is passed around the circle and everyone who picks it up names an instrument.

Educator: “Guys, you named so many instruments, well done!” Tell me, who needs them every day? Who is the one who is constantly fixing something and coming up with new mechanisms? What are people of this profession called? Children answer (engineer, mechanic, inventor).

Educator: “Now have you guessed which one flew to us today? A cheerful inventor who looks like a ball. This is a Smesharik penguin, and his name is Pin.” Pin greets the children and asks them to name today's day of the week and remember the name of the activity that is held on that day.

Articulation gymnastics

The children answer, and the teacher reminds them that during Speech Development they learn to speak beautifully and correctly, special tools help a lot with this. speech exercises and articulatory gymnastics.

Teacher: “Guys! You already know a lot very well different exercises for the tongue. Today I suggest you make your usual gymnastics even more interesting for him. Now I will lay out the cards on the table. Each of you can take one of them, look at the picture, but not show it to others. A drawn object or action can be depicted using a tongue, we have already done this. Everyone must remember the exercise and then show it to others. Everyone repeats after the leader. If someone guessed that we are showing everything, then he can raise his hand. If the answer is correct, then he and the presenter each receive a reward token.”

Children take turns coming to the table, turning over one picture at a time from standard sets for classes on speech development in kindergarten and completing one of the elements (“needle”, “spatula”, “jam”, “cup”).

The teacher praises the children, prize tokens are placed in a lapbook on speech development, collected by the children on this topic.

Game “Professions”

Each child (or two or three, in a subgroup) receives an image of a worker in a certain specialty, everyone takes turns calling them. An adult takes one object picture from the pile and names it. Children must choose the right ones for a particular profession. The teacher asks the children “Why does a doctor need a syringe? Painter's brush? Seamstress threads?

A moment of poetry

The teacher reads to the children a poem by J. Rodari “What crafts smell like.” The teacher discusses with the children professions that “smell delicious” and asks for examples. Children name the cook, pastry chef, and sweets seller.

Compiling a story based on plot pictures

The teacher asks: “What do we call the one who makes sweets? (confectioner). Let's look at the pictures and tell you about the people who make this delicacy. There are many different workers working at the factory.”

The teacher calls the children one by one and asks them to tell what they like most in the pictures. What would every child want to be in a factory, why? Then the pictures are hung in order.

Say the word (joint composing of a story)

The teacher offers to tell Pin about how the delicious cold delicacy is made, which he also loves very much. The teacher begins the story, the children add:

“Today we found ourselves at (an ice cream factory). This is a large back room, inside of which there are special machines that make ice cream. There are also huge refrigerators that are needed (for storing finished goods). Ice cream happens different types, we know (ice cream, popsicle, chocolate, berry). All these varieties are made from (milk and sugar). They are brought to the factory in large trucks (by drivers). Cars help unload (loaders). The preparation of ice cream is closely monitored (technologists). The finished briquettes and cups need to be carefully wrapped; for this, packers work at the factory. We can buy fresh delicious ice cream in (shop, cafe, kiosk).”

Phys minute

The finished ice cream travels around the city and around the country, let's travel a little too.

The teacher reads I. Tokmakova’s poem “Let’s Play” and shows the movements corresponding various types transport.

We rode on a horse and reached the corner. (galloping, “reins” in hands)
We got into the car and poured gasoline. (turn the steering wheel, honk)
We drove by car and reached the river. (we depict waves with our palms)
Trrr! Stop! U-turn. There is a steamer on the river. (turn 360 degrees)
We traveled by steamboat and reached the mountain. (we draw circles with our hands, then fold them over our heads)
The ship is unlucky, I need to board the plane (arms parallel to the floor)
The plane is flying, the engine is humming: (we move in a circle, arms are wings)

All classes in the preparatory group must certainly include dynamic pause, but she may be a little further from the beginning of the lesson than in the older group.

Game “Say it backwards!”

The teacher takes out a toy ice cream, treats Ping and invites the children to play. She says: “I will say the word, and you must say it backwards. This is a game of flip-flops or “black and white”. For example: Ice cream is cold, but you say (hot), white - black, large - small."

If everyone understands the rules, then the teacher reads out a list of words: (bright, new, clean, smooth, cheap, warm, brave, cheerful, young, long). Complete lists other words with antonyms can be found in the GCD notes in the preparatory group, corresponding to a particular topic.

Game "Graphic dictation"

The teacher says: “Now we’ll play another game. interesting game- graphic dictation. You need to be very careful to repeat my instructions exactly.”
Children perform a dictation, which produces an image of an airplane.


Guys, it turns out it’s time for Pin to fly away. He really enjoyed playing with you and learned a lot of new things. Everyone says goodbye and the lesson ends. If the notes are used for an open lesson, then at the end it is worth inviting the children to say goodbye to all the guests. The plane with Pin flies away from the group, the children follow it in pairs.

Use a set of “Professions” flashcards for your classes.

Lesson summary on speech development (senior speech therapy group)

Topic: “Introduction to professions.”

Goals: 1. Expand and activate the vocabulary of lexical topic: "Professions".

2. Motivate children to introduce speech activities.

3. Develop children’s coherent speech, teach them to write a short story.

4. Promote the development of memory, attention, logical thinking, interest in the activity.

5. Create a desire to help each other.

Progress of educational activities:

1. Self-massage of the face “The sun has woken up.”

The sun woke up, (Stroking movements on massage lines faces).

The forehead was touched

spent with rays

And it stroked, and stroked.

The finger walks along the path: up and down, up and down. (Zigzag movements.)

There will be pink cheeks, up and down, up and down.

Rain, rain, have fun! (Tapping movements.)

Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

Just don't kill us!

Don't knock on the window in vain!

The sun woke up, (Stroking movements along the massage lines of the face.)

The forehead was touched

Spent rays of light

And it stroked, and stroked.

2. Playing with the ball. “What would happen if?”

What would happen if there were no doctors?

What would happen if there were no teachers?

What would happen if there were no builders (firemen, artists, performers, etc.)

3. Physical education minute. Attention game “Profession or tool?”

The teacher names professions and tools one by one. If a profession is named, children clap their hands, if an instrument is named, they stomp their feet.

4. Gymnastics for the eyes “Airplane”.

A plane flies by, and I’m about to take off with it. (Children look up, running their fingers through the air.)

Right wing moved away, (They take their hands away alternately and follow with their gaze.)

Left wing took away.

I start the engine and look carefully. (They make a rotational movement in front of the chest, follow with their eyes.) We flew on airplanes. (Children make an imaginary flight in a circle.) The teacher shows the plot picture “Construction of a house.” What are we flying over? (above the construction site). Let's help the builders and build a house.

5. Finger gymnastics.

A mason is building a wall from bricks. Nobody's house. (We put right hand to the left, left to the right. Etc. higher and higher.)

I am a painter, I paint walls, (Move a relaxed brush up and down.)

The ceiling (“we’re painting the ceiling”) and your kitchen. (Move your hand left and right.)

I'm electric. I’ll turn on the light, (“Turn on the light by pressing the switch.”)

I'll just screw in the light bulb. (“Screw in the light bulb” - rotational movements with the right hand.)

Come to new house(Palms like a house.)

And live long in it! (Spread your arms to the sides.)

6.Children sit at the tables. The teacher shows the children multi-storey building. There are pictures of people on the children's tables. different professions. Let's populate our new house with new settlers.Game "Continue the sentence." The teacher says the beginning of a sentence, the child names a profession and inserts a picture into the window of the house.

Drives the train (driver); Drives the tractor (tractor driver); At school (teacher) teaches us; Builds a building (builder); Painted the walls (painter); Planed the board (carpenter); He works in the mine (Miner); The light was installed in the house (by a fitter); In a hot forge (blacksmith); Who knows everything - (well done).

7. Let’s continue the journey - “Steam Locomotive” back massage.

Children perform a back massage by standing one after another and placing their palms on each other's shoulders.

Chug-chug, puffing, puffing, grumbling, (Patting on the back with palms.)

I don't want to stand still!

Chug-chug, puffing, puffing, grumbling, (Turning, fist-pumping.)

I don't want to stand still!

I knock the wheels, I knock, (Turning, tapping with fingers.)

I'm knocking my wheels, I'm knocking,

I knock the wheels, I knock, (Turn 180, stroking with palms.)

Sit down, quickly, I’ll give you a ride! Chu-Chu-Chu! (Light stroking with fingers.)

We found ourselves in a magical clearing. Here, instead of ordinary flowers, magical flowers grow. Flowers are laid out on the floor, with pictures pasted in the middle.8. Game “Guess the profession.” Steering wheel, cabin, ship - sailor; Gangway, airfield, plane - pilot; Stepladder, roller, paint - painter; Easel, paints, brushes - artist; Saw, drill, ax - carpenter; Blackboard, chalk, textbooks - teacher; Script, costumes, backstage - actor; Counter, cash register, product - seller; Helmet, water, fire extinguisher - fireman.

9. Game “Drawing Riddles” " Children are asked to imagine and draw tools for 10 professions. Then they are asked to choose from the objects they have drawn those whose names consist of 2 syllables. 3 syllables, 1 syllable.

10. Game “Write a story.” Once upon a time there was a master who was very angry with his tools. The scissors tore and made holes, the iron burned through the fabric, and the needles broke. The tools also did not like the angry master. Since the tools deteriorate without use, they began to look for work... The children come up with a continuation of the story.

11. Summary of the lesson. Ball game. What do you call a person who likes to talk a lot (talkative); loves life and does not lose heart (cheerful); relies only on himself (arrogant); welcomes guests well (hospitable); works willingly and hard (Hardworking). Do you want to be these people? What needs to be done to make your wish come true?

Subject: “All jobs are good...” (People’s professions)


Clarify and expand children's understanding of people's professions.

To develop respect for people of different professions: builder, doctor, cook, hairdresser, ...

Enrich your vocabulary.

Materials for the lesson:

pictures with images of people of different professions, multi-story and one-story buildings;

toy instruments of doctors, hairdressers.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Children gather around the teacher.
– Today we are going on a trip around our city. This is not just a city - it is a city of craftsmen. Every day, everywhere we meet people who do necessary and useful work for others.
– Who built the houses in our city? (Builders.)
– What materials can houses be built from? (Made of brick, wood, panels.)
The teacher shows the children an image of a multi-story brick or panel house and a one-story house made of wood.
– Listen to the poems:

Woodworkers-carpenters –

Essential workers.

Without nails, just an ax

They can fix the house.

-Who are carpenters? (Carpenters build wooden houses.)
– What tools do carpenters need to work? (Axe, saw, hammer, ...)
-What house do you live in? Single-story or multi-story? (In a multi-story building.)

2.– We will have guests. We want to be beautiful, neatly combed.
-Who will help us? (Hairdresser.)
- Let's go to the hairdresser.
-What will we go on? (By bus.)
- Who will take us? Who drives the bus? (Driver.)
The teacher and children go in a chain to the play hairdresser and sit on the chairs around it.
– Who was at the hairdresser? (I.)
– Tell us what you saw there? (Answers.)
– What tools are needed in a hairdresser? (Scissors, mirror, comb, hair dryer, curlers, curling iron, ...)
- We put ourselves in order at the hairdresser, but who cleans up our city? (Windshield wipers.)

3.– Let's play janitors.

Physical education minute:
– We stand wider and sweep the street.
– In autumn we collect leaves with a rake.
“In winter, we clean the snow-covered paths with a shovel. We made a high snowdrift. Show how tall he is.
“Now let’s take the hoses and fill the skating rink for the guys.” Let's try ice skating!

4. The teacher places the children on chairs.
– In winter, if you walk for a long time, you can catch a cold.
-Who is treating us? (Doctor.)
– What tools does a doctor need? (Thermometer, stethoscope, tweezers, syringe, scissors, bandage, ...)
Children examine and name toy doctors' instruments.

5. – Now, guys, guess the riddles!

Who in days of illness

The most useful of all

And heals us

From all diseases?

(Doctor, doctor)

Master, master, help -

The boots are worn out.

Drive the nails in harder -

We'll go visit today!


B. Zakhoder

You will answer me, children,

Who is the best in the world?

He can treat you to:

Give me something to drink and feed?

I've been sewing all day today,

I dressed the whole family.

Wait a little, cat, -

There will be clothes for you too!

(Seamstress, dressmaker)

B. Zakhoder

I need these things:

Hammer, vice and pliers,

Key, file and hacksaw,

And all you need is skill!


B. Zakhoder

Who, tell me, is this

Protects our peace

He keeps order

Doesn't he tell you to bully?

(Police officer)

Who is this, squinting his eyes,

Repairs the watch for us?


We get up early, because our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning.


6.– What people know how to do, their work, is called a profession. There are many different professions in the world.
– Look at the pictures on the board. What professions are depicted? Where do they work? What items do they need for work?
We listen to the children's answers.
– What professions do people work in dressing gowns? (Doctor, nurse, cook, hairdresser, salesman, ...)

7.Physical education minute:

And now we all stand in a circle,

Let's play a game

What will I tell you to do,

Repeat together!

Our pens can do everything:

Build us a hundred benches,

Sew and wash clothes

Sweep the floor, of course,

We have to plan and saw logs,

Chop wood for the winter.

Our legs can do everything:

Jump briskly along the path,

And walk, standing still,

Squat, stand up in groups of three,

Stomp loudly and run,

And stand still.

We made a little noise

And they sat down quietly.

8. Game “Who can you say that about…”

Kind (doctor, teacher, ...)

Smart (teacher, scientist, professor, ...)

Famous (artist, scientist, singer, musician, designer...)

Cheerful (clown, artist, ...)

Brave (policeman, rescuer, animal trainer, firefighter, soldier, ...)

- So many professions. All professions are needed, all professions are important. The main thing is to do any job well. After all, good, useful work has always been held in high esteem. It is not for nothing that they say: “Honor and labor live side by side”, “Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.”


– What did we talk about today? (About professions)
– What professions have you already met? (with a doctor, with a hairdresser, with a salesperson, with a teacher, ...)
– Where did you meet them?
– What professions do people work in kindergarten? (teachers, nurse, cook, nanny, security guard, music director, choreographer, janitor, ...)
– What profession do you like best?

Dyatko Margarita Terentyevna


kindergarten No. 171 “Krepysh”

ANO DO "Planet of Childhood "Lada"

Target: expanding children's knowledge about people of different professions.


Educational area : "Speech development"

Enrichment of the active vocabulary;

Development of coherent, grammatically correct speech;

Development of speech creativity.

Integration educational areas :

"Social and communicative development"

Fostering children's interest and respect for people of different professions.

Consolidating children's knowledge that different tools help people in their work.

Development of curiosity, cognitive motivation, imagination and creative activity.

Formation of skills of cooperation and mutual understanding.

Interactive technologies : “Round dance”, “Chain”, “Tree of knowledge”, “Work in pairs”, “Small groups”, “Interview”.

Equipment and materials : a laptop, a letter on a computer screen from residents of the city of Masters, working tools of people of different professions, diagrams for writing creative stories, a ball, a “tree of knowledge”, pictures depicting people of different professions, a mailbox.

Preliminary work:

Conversations “Professions of our mothers”, “Professions of our fathers”, “What I dream of becoming”;

Looking at pictures depicting professions;

Writing descriptive stories on a topic;

Conducting didactic games “Who wants what?”, “What’s extra?” "Guess by the description";

Plot-wise role-playing games: “Ministry of Emergency Situations”, “DPS”, “Construction”, “Polyclinic”, “Factory”, “Bank”, “Beauty Salon”, “Post Office”.

Board printed games; learning proverbs and sayings about work;

Reading D. Rodarri “What do crafts smell like?”, V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?” (offer to parents).

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, come to us email kindergarten received a message.

Dear Guys!Residents of the city of Masters welcome you. We recently had strong hurricane and all the instruments were blown away by the wind. Now people of different professions have nothing to work with. If you can, please help. We are sending you a map of the city of Masters. She will help you complete tasks and find tools. Find them and send them to us by mail. Good luck.

Residents of the city of Masters.

Educator: Guys, tell me, masters - who is this?

Children: These are people of different professions.

Educator. What is a profession? How do you understand?

Children. This is work for which people get paid.

Educator: A profession is a specialty that a person has; he receives it during training and practice.

Educator b: the letter says that they sent us a map to help. Let's take a look at it and hit the road.

(At each stop there are tasks and items necessary for a given profession. Children collect and put them in a mailbox).

1. Game “Name the profession” » (interactive technology “Carousel”)

Educator: Children in the inner circle hold a picture with a profession, and children in the outer circle name the profession. At the signal, all children in the outer circle move to the right and name their profession.

Educator: Well done guys, you completed one task.

We continue to search for tools. (Draw children's attention to the map)

2. Game “Find the mistake and fix it” "(children stand in a circle, teacher

throws the ball to the child, says a sentence, and the child corrects).

(interactive technology “Round Dance”)

The builder controls the plane - (the pilot controls the plane).

A fireman treats people...

The seamstress is painting the house -...

The janitor is cooking lunch.

The driver controls the train -…

The machinist builds houses -...

The cook teaches children to write correctly -...

The postman sweeps the yard -...

3. Game “Complex words”

(interactive technology “Tree of Knowledge” and “Work in Pairs”)

Cards with the names of professions hang on the tree. Children are divided into pairs, agree who takes off the card and reads the name of the profession, and who explains the meaning of the word.


4. “What will happen if …» (interactive technology “Chain”)

Will chefs stop preparing food? - (all people will be hungry)

Will doctors stop treating people? -...

Will teachers stop teaching children? -...

Will builders stop building houses? -...

Will all drivers refuse to get behind the wheel? -...

Will the police stop going on duty? -..

The pilot won't take off? -...

5. Compilation descriptive story about people's professions according to the scheme.

Educator: The city residents have prepared the next task. They invite you to make up riddles - descriptions about people of different professions. And to complete this task, you need to divide into groups of three people, on the tables you have pictures depicting people of different professions. You need to talk about them without naming their profession, and we have to guess what profession you told us about. And to make the story accurate and complete, you can use a plan diagram. Let's remember what the pictures in the diagram mean:

1. “Hand” - what a person of this profession does.

2. “Geometric figures” - what objects he needs for work.

3. “Heart” - what qualities a person in this profession should have.

Sample story: This man cuts people's hair and gives them beautiful, fashionable hairstyles. For work he needs: a mirror, scissors, combs, a hair dryer, curlers, perfume. He must be attentive, polite, neat, and when doing a haircut or hairstyle, he must take into account the shape of the face.

Children's independent stories. (interactive technology “Small groups”)

Educator: Well done, you did a good job. I really liked your stories.

6. Interview “Who to be?"(interactive technology "Interview")

Educator. Well done guys. We helped the residents of the city of Masters and collected all the tools. When a person helps another person in difficult times - how can you say?

Children. Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. Friend is known in trouble.

Educator. Let's put the tools in a parcel and send them to the residents of the city of Masters. I think they will be pleased.

Educator: Any job or profession is very important and honorable. To become someone, you must first grow and learn. In the meantime, you and I can only play different games and watch adults work.


Prepared by: Simakina Olga Alekseevna

Teacher of the mini-center “Pchelka”

"Zhambyl Basic School"

Kostanay region; Karasu district; Zhambyl village.

Educational activities teacher

cchildren middle group

On speech development

“All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Bilikti Educational regionb: “Communication”.

Tarau Section: “Speech development”.

Takyryby Theme: “All professions are important.”

MaksatyTarget: Writing a creative story.


1.Understand the importance of professions in people’s lives.

2. Foster respect for the results of the work of people of different professions.

3. Development of children's speech (speech-reasoning).

4.Development of elements of logical thinking.

5. Strengthen the ability to perform sound-letter analysis of words.

6.Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment and materials: paper flowers, pictures with professions, puzzles. Objects of labor: ladle, comb, scissors, steering wheel, bandage, pills.

Preliminary work:

1. Looking at illustrations about professions and talking about the work of people in different professions.

2.Learning poetry and reading fiction about professions.

3.Excursion to school library, in first aid station, to the school canteen.

Bilingual component:dariger - doctor; mugalim - teacher; shashtaraz - hairdresser; aspashy - cook.

Progress of the lesson:

Circle of Joy:

Goal: ability to communicate with each other and speak to each other good words.

Hello children. Today is an unusual day, guests came to our group. Let's say hello to the guests. And we will greet each other with kind words in a circle of joy like this.

"Bouquet of wishes." Children greet each other in a circle. Everyone has a flower in their hands. The teacher smiles and says kind words: “Today you are beautiful, attentive, kind and cheerful. He gives a flower with wishes to the child standing next to him, addressing him by name, the bouquet gradually increases and not only his flower, but also a whole bouquet of wishes is returned to the teacher. Then the bouquet is handed over to the guests.

The teacher must interest the children in their activities.

Today we have guests, and we must tell you what we know about the profession and what professions there are. Now I will read you a poem by S. Maulenov “Everyone is at work”

Sunny, where are you in a hurry?

Yes, into the lake, into the reeds.

There I will sleep in the pleasant darkness,

And then I'll come back.

Where are you going, Luna?

I'm drawn to the depths

And heavenly coolness

I don't need the heat of the day.

Wind, where are you in a hurry?

I'm used to always being in a hurry.

I’ll arrange the grass differently,

I’ll hide the cloud in the gorge,

I'll spin a storm into the sea,

I'll fly overseas myself.

Well, where are you in a hurry?

You can't sit still,

Round-eyed cuckoo?

I will lift the children from the pillow,

I’ll tell them my “peek-a-boo” story.

I will reward you with a long life.

They all do their work,

Everyone lives meaningfully -

An ant carries grain

And the bee sucks the flower.

So what is a profession? (children's answers)

What professions do you know?

And the profession of children is an occupation and work that adults do.

But also the world insects, nature also work, and each person does his job.

Guys, let's play together. I will show you pictures and ask riddles, and you try to guess and name what profession the person is depicted on, and say what actions he performs and what tools he uses.

Bilingual component: dariger-doctor; mugalim-teacher; shashtaraz-hairdresser; aspashy-cook.

Game "Blizzard"

Goal: development of breathing.

(the sound of a blizzard is heard)

Guys, what is this? Yes, this is the sound of a blizzard. What is a blizzard? It is a natural phenomenon. Let's create a blizzard in the cups. I show the mechanism of action: take a deep breath, without raising your shoulders, and blow into the straw.

For example: This is a hairdresser. He cuts hair and does various hairstyles.

Children are offered images of pictures: cook, salesman, driver, doctor, teacher, fireman, seamstress. We make up a story based on the pictures.

We must often address children kindly and thank them for their help.

Well done, you know a lot of professions. But your mothers and fathers also have professions. They not only do housework, but also work in various institutions. our guests really liked that you know so many professions. The board contains illustrations of people from different professions. Now let’s put together puzzles on our topic.

And now you and I will rest a little, warm up a little.

Physical exercise “Clock”

Tick-tock, tick-tock

All clocks go like this.

Left - once, right - once.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

Feet together, hands like this

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

Well, try this again.

Now let's continue our lesson.

Didactic game"Look what's in the chest"

I will call you one by one. You must take one item from the chest, which contains a lot of interesting things. Name the item and say who uses it and why people need it.

For example: this is a syringe. The doctor needs him. The doctor gives people injections so they don't get sick. The rest of the items are played out in the same way: a ladle, a comb, scales, a steering wheel, a skein of thread.

Well done kids, you named everything correctly.

Finger gymnastics “My fingers...”

My fingers will tell

They can do everything, they will show you everything (turn the handles alternately with your palms up and down).

There are five of them on my hand (we clench and unclench our fists).

They can do everything

They will always help (we alternately hit fist against fist, and palm against palm).

They play the pipe

The ball is thrown

The laundry is washed

The floor is being swept

They think

They pinch and caress (we imitate the described movements)

They manage to do everything (open their hands with their palms up).

We talked about different professions, which profession did you like best and why? What would you like to become when you grow up? Take the emoticons that you like best. What we talked about in class. I’ll tell you riddles.

Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts and lunches? (cook)

Paint brushes and easel:

I'm painting a portrait of my mother

For an art gallery,

Guess me quickly! (Artist)

All roads are familiar to me

I feel like I'm at home in the cabin.

The traffic light is bothering me

He knows that I….. (driver)

Well done, you all completed the task.
