Test drive: wool coat with wrap. A fashionable coat without buttons will conquer any fashionista.

The coat can easily be called one of the most popular types of outerwear. Most models look very feminine and elegant, but this does not stop stylists from combining them with different clothes and shoes. A perfect image can only be achieved if every detail is carefully thought through.

It is not surprising that with the onset of cold weather, many representatives of the fair sex ask the question: “what can and cannot be worn with a coat?” This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

First of all, you need to know some rules for choosing, and only then think about what and how you can wear a coat. When purchasing, it is extremely important to pay attention not only to fashion trends, but they also play a much larger role on the characteristics of their figure. Also, do not forget about your personal preferences. Below are several win-win models:

Fitted coat with belt – classic version, which never goes out of style. They always look stylish and feminine. Plus, girls with curvy figures can afford a coat with a belt.

A straight coat with a strict silhouette perfectly hides figure flaws.

A high-waisted coat will help create a romantic look. In addition, with the help of the cut you can hide excess volume in the abdomen and hips.

Representatives of the fair sex slim figure can afford such an ultra-fashionable item as a cape coat.

A pea coat or a military style option looks very interesting.

A trapeze coat is perfect for both thin girls and ladies with appetizing shapes.

Wrap coat – stylish model, which only slender ladies can afford.

A short coat is perfect for those fashionistas who want to show off their beautiful legs.

A coat with short sleeves or ¾ sleeves goes perfectly with long gloves. This model looks very feminine and sexy.

When choosing, please note Special attention on color, it plays an important role.

For going to work, it is better to choose classic color options. It can be grey, black, brown or dark blue. What to wear with black coat It’s not difficult to come up with, because it’s an absolutely universal and laconic thing. If you want to dilute the dark palette, give preference to a beige coat.

This option is also considered classic. In addition, beige color perfectly sanctifies and adds femininity.

A white coat will emphasize tenderness and romance.

But it is very difficult to call this model universal. For fans of unusual things, stylists recommend choosing a light green, blue or pink coat.

A coat is an expensive and high-quality item that is worn for many years. It is for this reason that the purchase must be taken seriously. What to wear with a coat to look attractive at any moment in life? Find out further.

Fashion designers and stylists today provide a huge number of versatile options for outerwear.

Classic model

All leading designers always have a classic line of coats, which is always popular. It can be slightly fitted or straight, dark or light, with decorative inserts, single-breasted or double-breasted.

It is noteworthy that winter coat white or beige shades always look very beautiful and stylish.

Pea coat

A modern pea coat with a laconic cut looks very fashionable and stylish. It is ideal for everyday wear. The only thing is that you should not choose options that are too wide and loose.

At the peak of popularity today is a conservative coat model with small elements of a military suit. It can be all kinds of buttons, khaki color and strict cut.


Designers advise paying attention to wide capes. They look great with tapered trousers.

Focus on the gate

In new collections, fashion designers have focused on beautiful collars. They add interesting and unusual features.

Choosing stylish coat with a smell, you should definitely make sure that the product has clear lines.

Laconic and simple models go perfectly with jeans and shoes. In the coming season, this look is one of the most relevant. How to wear a coat with jeans, see the photo:

Straight-cut trousers would look great with this model. A short coat of rich and bright colors will become the center of the composition. All other things should be neutral. Massive earrings will beautifully complement the look. If the coat is very short, then do not allow the blouse to peek out from under it.

A long maxi coat can be paired with almost any outfit. The model itself looks very stylish, beautiful and feminine. You should not wear flared trousers or jeans under a long coat.

A white coat always looks very expensive, beautiful, elegant and sophisticated. Besides, this option Can be combined with clothes of almost any color. A white coat looks most advantageous:

  • with a simple, laconic top and jeans;
  • with black or white outfits;
  • with monochrome sets.

What to wear with a white coat, look at the selected photos:

In order for your coat to highlight your beauty, it is important to choose the right shoes. First of all, any shoes should be feminine. Boots, chunky flat boots or ankle boots are more suitable for jackets than coats.

The knee-length coat goes perfectly with shoes high heels or wedge.

WITH short coat Suitable for shoes of any height. These can be short ankle boots or high boots. Remember that they must be in high heels. This way the silhouette will look much more feminine.

For a long coat, you can choose exclusively short shoes, but with platforms or heels. Flat heels will make you look short. Moreover, in combination with long coat they look rustic.

Shoes of both bright and neutral colors will go well with a black coat. It is very important that they combine well in texture. Patent leather models with shine do not always look good with a black coat; it is better to give preference to suede, which never goes out of fashion.

Which hat to wear with a coat?

It is difficult to find a definite answer to the question of what hat to wear with a coat. This accessory is selected individually, according to the appearance and style of the outerwear itself. There are several general directions:

  • Choose a hat according to your hair type and color;
  • By height;
  • According to the type and shape of the face;
  • By style.

For a simple, classic coat, a hat is best.

A hat under a women's coat with a large collar is more of a smooth, plain beret or bonnet.

A trumpet hat is ideal for a coat with a crew neck fastener.

To models in modern style You can choose a beret or bowler hat in the men's version.

A winter coat will be decorated beautifully fur hat. Remember that it must be made in the same style as outerwear.

If you are wondering how to wear a scarf with a coat, then the following information will help you a lot. There are several common options. Stoles and scarves of different sizes have different styles, but are beautiful in their own way.

Using long scarves you can make complex, interesting knots.

Or you can opt for simple techniques.

Do not combine a leather coat with a voluminous scarf large knit. This accessory would be better suited textile options. When choosing a scarf, it is important to take into account your own body shape. It is better to give preference to ladies with curvy figures dark colors, and for girls with an ideal figure, light-colored products are also perfect.

The scarf goes well with the coat when it is tied around the neck several times. Among the many configuration options are the following:

Double knot

To tie a knot using this technique, you need to throw the accessory over your neck and wrap the long end around it.

Parisian knot

So the product is folded in half in length, and then thrown around the neck. In turn, the ends are threaded into the loop formed on the fold. The scarf is pulled up to the neck.

Single knot

The long end of the scarf is thrown over the neck and wrapped twice. The remaining end is straightened on the chest.

At first glance, it may seem that a coat is a universal item of clothing, but to create winning combinations you need to remember some tips from stylists. It is very important to know and understand what you can wear a coat with and what you shouldn’t wear it with.

To make a coat look really beautiful, it is important to take into account many factors, from your figure to your companion items.

You cannot wear a long coat with a long one, or a short one with a short one, no matter how strange it may sound.

A short coat looks great with long boots, but long outerwear looks very elegant with short high-heeled boots.

A short skirt with a short coat also looks very bad. Such a set will not decorate its owner.

The content of the article

Fashion designers have come up with a variety of coat models, but most of them fit perfectly only on practically ideal figure. However, a wrap coat can safely be called universal, as it can flatter almost any silhouette.

This style can be found on fashion shows Damir Doma, Hugo Boss, Sportmax and Tome, as well as other brands. Today “Modnaya” will tell you about the features of this style and what it should be worn with.


A distinctive feature of this style is the belt, V-shaped neckline and complete absence of buttons. This style is very similar in its cut to Japanese traditional clothing - kimono. This model is often called a coat-robe.

A wrap coat is very practical because you don’t have to fasten a lot of buttons. Another advantage is the V-shaped neckline, which will make your look more sophisticated and elongated.

How to choose?

Wrap coat suitable for women with any type of figure. In such models, the belt will always be at the waist, making the silhouette more sophisticated. For young ladies with a protruding tummy, such a coat will help hide it.

This coat is also suitable short girls, especially if it is decorated with an interesting print. For busty young ladies, this style will help emphasize this main advantage with the help of a neckline.

Wrap coats can be different, so girls with different types figures should take this into account when choosing a suitable model.

For girls with wide hips, flared styles and knee-length models are more suitable.

For those with small breasts, models with large belts are suitable, which will divert attention from this problem.

However, such a coat is not suitable for broad-shouldered, thin girls, since its neckline will only draw attention to the problem area.

Popular styles

Coats with fur trim will be especially popular this season, which is why fashion designers also complement wrap coats with such trim.

Also at the peak of popularity is a coat with ¾ sleeves, as it can be worn with long sleeves in the warm season or with long gloves in winter.

Double-breasted models look great with a belt. In this case, the belt can be either the same color as the coat or a contrasting color.

The most popular models this season will be the following:

No buttons. Often, a wrap coat has a button in the collar area that will keep it wrapped, but the classic wrap coat model does not have buttons. Often this model is complemented with a wide belt, but this coat can be worn without a belt at all.

To add variety to your look, you can easily tie a belt around your waist for a more relaxed look.
You can also use a metal belt or a belt with an interesting buckle, which can give you an original look.

No lining. A wrap coat may have a lining or may not have one at all. The unlined model is lighter and suitable for the off-season period. Often such models are complemented with a thin belt, but they can be worn even unbuttoned. These coats are most often plain, but you can also find printed models.

With a belt. A belt is necessarily present in every model of a wrap coat, so fashion designers, with the help of this detail, can add a zest to each model of such a coat. For example, a milky coat can be complemented with a brown belt and trim of the same color or complemented with brown fur.

With a hood. A coat with a hood is the most practical, because in it you will feel confident even in changeable weather. The hood can protect your head from the rain and your ears from the wind. The lined hood will also keep you warm in the cold.

No collar. This model of wrap coat is the most original, because its cut is larger than a cardigan or an elongated cape. This model is ideal for girls who want to draw attention to their silhouette or those who don’t have much long neck. For the cold season, such a coat is not very suitable, since it will not be able to protect the neck and chin from the wind.


Nowadays, coat manufacturers use a variety of materials to make them. The most popular are cashmere, tweed, drape, viscose and wool. Looks exclusive knitted models wrap coat. Even leather is sometimes used to make coats, however, only for finishing.

19846 November 7, 2012, 5:45 pm

When starting to depict the “portrait” of a coat, we traditionally begin with the history of the word itself. It is known that Spanish peasants wore palletoque (compound from: pallium - cloak and toque - hood). In Holland, this clothing of the common people unexpectedly turned into the palace outfit “paltrok”, and in France - into the military uniform “coat”.

Of course, the history of this wardrobe item could not have happened without the contribution of the British. The local aristocracy went in for sports, ran a household, and devoted a lot of time to hunting and horse riding. Active image life and dictated the notorious rationalism of the English suit, its practicality.

Still from the serial film "Pride and Prejudice"

Anglomania took over all spheres of life, including fashion: the riding coat, intended for horseback riding, began to be worn everywhere - from Paris to Tsarist Petersburg. By the way, in Russia, back in the middle of the 19th century, a coat was a novelty: our compatriots wore raincoats and overcoats.

By the way, the word “redingote” (like “coat”) did not come into the Russian language directly, but through French(French: redingote).

It is interesting that the coat has always been surrounded by an aura of romance: the names of generals and politicians often appeared in its “biography”. The name of the English field marshal Lord Raglan is immortalized not so much in battles as... in the cut of the coat sleeve, “fused” with the shoulder.

Raglan sleeve coat (1960s)

The Minister of the Navy (and later the Minister of the Interior) of Great Britain in the government of Pitt the Younger, Earl Spencer the Second (1758-1834), is credited with the authorship of the short narrow spenzer coat - later clothing for men and women (for hunting, the Earl cut off the tails of his frock coat). The appearance of a long single-breasted coat is associated with the name of Lord Chesterfield.

Even though the word “coat” is overseas, the “ancestors” of the coat were in our homeland. Let us first mention the caftan, borrowed from the eastern peoples. Wide kaftans without a collar, with only two fasteners, were called “Tursky”, and fitted ones, with an interception, with a collar and decorated with buttons on the chest, slits and along the hem - “stanovoy”.

In pre-Petrine times, caftans were worn by everyone - both kings and serfs. At the same time, winter caftans were sewn from sheepskin, and covered with cloth on top, and light ones were made from almost all available fabrics - from silk to velvet. Another native Russian coat is the armyak. Its cut is similar to that of a robe, which had a special purpose - it was worn on the road or for warmth. Belted with a sash, wide, reaching to his heels, he was not at all suitable for work.

The driver (on the left) is wearing an overcoat with an embroidered sash

But enough history. Let's talk about the classic coat models that we use today.

For example, duffle coat, so beloved, is a single-breasted coat with a straight silhouette made of thick wool and certainly with a hood, originally from the Belgian town of Duffel. It was first mentioned in the chronicles of the First World War: employees navy wore duffle coats as part of their winter uniform. Distinctive feature A duffle coat consists of wooden or bone “walrus tusk” buttons, which are threaded into loops made of leather or textile cord.

Pea coat- another coat of army origin. Its beauty is in its simple cut and functionality: a true peacoat that has remained virtually unchanged since it appeared in men's wardrobes in the 1720s, truly warm and very wearable. Traditional shades: dark blue, olive, black.

Wrap coat(no buttons, tied with a thick sash like a robe). This model does not suit everyone, sometimes it really resembles a robe.

Single breasted coat with buttons- an enduring classic.

Emma Watson and her coat collection

However, not everyone loves a simple cut. It’s good that now you can find “a hat for any Senka.” The main thing is, in the pursuit of fashion or self-expression, do not lose sight of whether this complex style or print with a claim to originality suits you.

Photo: GettyImages/Fotobank

Photo: AllOverPress/Fotobank

Woman in fashionable and elegant coat it simply cannot go unnoticed. In no other outerwear you will not be so feminine, respectable and attractive - neither in a jacket nor in a down jacket. Designers, understanding the importance of this wardrobe detail, try every year to come up with something to please ladies of all ages and with different preferences.

Women's wrap coat

The triangular neckline, present on every wrap coat, visually lengthens the neck and overall elongates the silhouette, making it slim and sexy. An integral attribute of such a coat is a belt.

A wrap coat with a belt perfectly emphasizes the waist and adds some charm to the whole look. Usually the belt is made of the same material and the same color as the coat, but sometimes fashion designers allow themselves to “play” with this detail and make it contrasting.

Suitable color for a wrap coat

Designers recommend choosing wrap coats in discreet shades - gray, beige, brown. But if you like bright colors, you can easily afford them, especially since by spring everyone is already tired of the grayness and gloom of the endless winter. Well, a white coat is a classic that is out of fashion and does not lose its popularity from season to season.

Types of wrap coats

Since a spring coat is a mid-season garment, it should be warm enough to keep you warm while the weather is still full of unexpected surprises. If you want to ensure your comfort in any, sometimes force majeure, spring weather, then choose a coat with a wrap and a hood. It will be more appropriate than ever if you are caught by cold winds and precipitation.

If classic is not your choice and you prefer an extravagant look, expand your spring-autumn wardrobe with an oversized item. The increased size, relevant this season, will give an original, relaxed appearance.

Straight-cut products will fit well on ladies with different body types.

The coat goes well with many items of clothing:

  • formal and youthful trousers;
  • skirts different lengths and dresses;
  • jeans and capris.

In a number of options, the waist is highlighted with a belt.

Classic and extravagance

For those who prefer to buy a women's wrap coat in an extravagant design, rough samples reminiscent of an overcoat have been created. Despite the departure from traditional trends, they look feminine and suit slender young ladies.

Attractive models are decorated with discreet decor: fringe, drapery, shiny clasps. You can also choose a great accessory and create a luxurious look on the online resource Shopsy.

Lovers of classic solutions will appreciate the extensive color scheme subdued tones, while young ladies will like bright colors and fashionable prints.

From us you can buy women's wrap coats with delivery to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Omsk, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Volgograd, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh and throughout Russia.
