Your skills and your work. Smooth rotation of the tower

Doing anything, even easy work requires skill and dexterity. They come with experience and improved skills required. The distinction between skills and abilities reflects the degree of mastery of specific actions necessary to cope with a given task.


Skill- realization of the ability to meaningfully perform any work that requires theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Skill is a combination of stereotypical physical actions and mental operations that are performed in the required sequence as part of certain type work.


Skills are developed as a result of repeated repetition of sequential operations, which are recorded in memory at the tactile and muscular level. Over time, their implementation becomes automatic and does not require additional attention.

For example, reading skills include the ability to recognize language symbols, reproduce words consisting of them aloud or silently, connect minimal fragments of text into sentences, phrases or statements, and understand the meaning of what is read. A person with such skills does not need to reproduce the entire alphabet in memory every time, remember the meaning of each word and think about the correct stress. In his direct experience, an algorithm of coordinated actions related to reading techniques has already developed.

Skill is a more complex concept. It combines the ability to perform physical, mental, creative work and unerringly find ways of action for this, rooted in personal or professional experience. A skill is made up of a number of acquired and mastered skills.

To be able to read means not only to master the reading technique, but also to perceive complex forms of expression of the author’s thoughts, understand metaphorical images and allegories, and interpret content in accordance with its idea.

If an action becomes a skill, it becomes not a goal, but a way of doing the job. Skill characterizes the quality of this performance.

Conclusions website

  1. A skill is an action fixed in the mind and performed automatically. A skill is a series of actions performed in a certain way that lead to a high-quality result of work.
  2. A skill is acquired by repeating certain operations many times. A skill is formed as a stable combination of a conscious goal of action and the application of the skills necessary to achieve it.
  3. Skill - the initial stage of mastery physical exercise, work actions and ways of thinking. Skill is a higher level of performance of actions aimed at implementing multi-level tasks of a professional, intellectual or creative nature.
  4. The acquired skill does not require concentration. The skill involves constantly switching attention from one type of action performed to another.
  5. Skills are integral part skills. Skill can be considered as a generalized concept in relation to skills.

Regardless of the job title, all companies expect an employee to possess this list of skills. Some might say that this is basic list- and this is so. Some may say that they already have all these qualities. But quite often, recruiters complain that there are quite a few suitable candidates.

Photo by Lisa F. Young (Essentials/iStock)

  1. Communication (oral and written) - staff are not required to write books or use professional terms. But employees should know the grammar and rules of sentence construction, and when in doubt, look at the rules.
  2. Computer proficiency - Companies expect applicants to be able to apply for positions online. In addition, the basic skills are the ability to make an introductory speech, draw up a table and make a presentation.
  1. Customer focus - most jobs today are created in the service sector. It is important to understand customer values. That means correct greeting, remembering their names and answering customer questions.
  1. Empathy - We now understand that empathy does not mean liking. Developing empathy can be difficult. It is a key component for customer service, effective communication and collaboration.
  1. Learning ability - being a lifelong learner is not an empty slogan, but a reality. Work requires us to constantly learn something new. Employees must be open to new forms of learning, know how and what they prefer to learn, and communicate this to management.
  1. Math - we're not talking about algebra or trigonometry. Employees must know basic arithmetic operations. And maybe even the basic rules of statistics. Common sense requires us to learn to count money. And not only to give correct change if the cash register breaks down.
  1. Organization - in this category, planning your working time. Every person has priorities, so you need to make lists, keep a calendar, etc. Forgetting everything in the world is not an option.
  1. Problem Solving - Other people can't solve your problems. Employees must think critically, reason and solve problems independently.
  1. Research and collection of information - in modern world we must learn new things on our own. Whether it's searching forums to fix your computer or collecting data to calm angry customers.
  1. Teamwork - No matter who we are or what we work for, it cannot be done alone. Employees must be able to work with others. This means communicating effectively, empathizing and learning. Virtual workers are no exception.

These are basic skills that every person should have. They are also important for advancement in career ladder. Test yourself by rating your proficiency in each skill on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = very little knowledge, 10 = consider yourself an expert). Each point that you rated less than 5 can become a point of growth.

Professional skills for a resume are an integral part of the document, most often a separate block. Using them, the employer determines the applicant’s capabilities as an employee of the company. You need to choose them carefully in order to attract the recruiter with whom the further conversation will take place.

What is - Professional skills for resume

Professional qualities are a set of personal qualities and skills that a specialist acquired during. They help to improve in the future and benefit the organization.

Quite often, a resume contains qualities that are only conditionally professional. For example, developed sense humor. If a recruiter is looking for a person to fill a lawyer position, he will not rate this quality highly. But for a corporate event host, he can be considered professional.

Before delving into the definition of professional skills, we recommend that all job seekers, or those who are just about to find a new promising job, familiarize themselves with the online course: « New job: strategy, preparation, search.” In three days you will be taught how to present yourself in the best way possible.

What professional skills should I include on my resume?

Basic 3 rules for writing a resume

For description professional knowledge and skills in a selling resume, just follow three principles:

  • Conciseness. If you write little information, doubts will appear. If there are an excessive number of points, it will be difficult to read the resume. It is better to choose an average number of skills – 6-9;
  • Compliance with the requirements specific vacancy. It is necessary to position yourself at the “executive-manager” level, so that when viewing a resume, the recruiter immediately understands who he is dealing with;
  • Presentability. The information in your resume should sound strong and beautiful. You should write specifically. For example, sales experience (5 years in the wholesale department). If you have experience in personnel management, you need to indicate in the document how many people were in the team.

General skills

The employer will definitely appreciate your ability to establish contact with counterparties in writing and orally, achievements in the field of service, organization of work processes, public speaking experience and other abilities. But in any field, employees with high motivation for results, initiative, energy in solving issues, competent speech, speed in decision making, and responsibility are valued. This is what will help

Directions to career growth You will be advised by a consultation with Career Vector specialists. Experts will guide and support your actions to achieve new levels.

Applicants often indicate that the candidate must have:

  • Technical skills;
  • Leadership qualities;
  • Marketing skills;
  • Experience in organizing and managing processes.

The modern labor market requires new knowledge modern technologies. To get a sought-after internet profession, additional training is often required.

Special Skills

There are special skills that professionals have. The list is general and not suitable for every specialty.

Professional skills in a resume are as follows:

  • (specific language and level);
  • Knowledge of programming languages;
  • Skills business communication(written and oral);
  • Efficiency in searching for information;
  • Planning;
  • Procurement experience;
  • Sales analysis;
  • Negotiation experience;
  • Experience in handling objections;
  • Care in preparing reports;
  • Willingness to work in a team;
  • Independence in decision making;
  • Ability to use methods of persuasion;
  • Experience with programs (1C, Word, Excel);
  • Ability to operate office equipment;
  • Experience in telephone sales (“cold”, “hot” calls);
  • Collection and preparation of statistical data;
  • Direct sales experience;
  • Working with commercial proposals;
  • Merchandising experience;
  • Motivation and training of employees.

Each profession requires certain abilities. It is imperative to indicate them in the appropriate section of the resume. Among the listed skills, you can find those suitable for a specific specialty.

To determine your professional abilities, take the “Career Guidance” test

The optimal number of skills in a resume is 6-9

Examples of skill descriptions

It is important to understand that the list of professional skills in a resume must be consistent with the requirements for a specific position. For example, accuracy can hardly be called mandatory professional quality top manager. But for the secretary it will be a tangible advantage. Therefore, when writing a resume, you should consider how relevant the skill is to your profession.

You can see standards and examples of the most successful resumes in the book by Vladimir Yakub. A certified specialist and MBA teacher, one of the best headhunters in Russia shares his experience and examples in his book “A winning resume. 1:0 in your favor!” Buy a book, sell yourself and have a successful career!

An example of a description of the professional skills of a sales consultant

The position of sales consultant attracts many. But not everyone stays in this role for long. The profession is not suitable for hot-tempered and conflict-ridden people. Sanguine and phlegmatic people usually achieve great results in it.

Key skills for a sales consultant resume:

  • Ability to interest buyers;
  • Ability to handle objections and prevent conflicts;
  • Knowledge about products in a particular store (clothing, equipment);
  • Individual approach to the buyer, determining his needs and assistance in making a choice.

An example of a description of an accountant's professional skills

Let's consider what qualities an accountant needs for a resume:

  • Punctuality;
  • Organization;
  • Performance;
  • Accuracy.

Skills that need to be indicated in the document:

  • Preparation of primary documents;
  • Working with large amounts of information;
  • Knowledge of the Civil Code, Labor Code and Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Knowledge of rules and experience in accounting and tax accounting.

An example of a description of a driver's professional skills

Key skills for a resume could be:

  • Driving experience (15 years);
  • Knowledge of Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • Careful driving style;
  • Polite communication with clients;
  • License category C, driving experience without accidents – 7 years.

An example of a lawyer's professional skills description

Professional skills and abilities in a lawyer’s resume:

  • Knowledge of the Consultant Plus and 1C programs;
  • Knowledge of contract, labor and commercial law;
  • Experience in using the services “My Arbitrator”, “Card Index of Arbitration Cases”;
  • Competent preparation of procedural and legal documentation.

An example of a description of the professional skills of a manager (director)

Skills for a resume for a management position:

  • Creation from “0” of effective activities of the commercial service (marketing, sales department)
  • Experience in personnel management of up to 1 thousand people (motivation, training, selection and dismissal);
  • Market research (analysis of the organization’s competitiveness and customer requests);
  • Forecast and implementation of sales plan.

An example of a description of the professional skills of a secretary

Basic skills for a secretary:

  • Possession English language(level);
  • Knowledge of the basics of office work;
  • Experience using MS Office programs;
  • Proficiency in office equipment.

Writing a resume online

There are dozens and hundreds of candidates vying for one position, so it’s important to stand out. At this stage, it is impossible to attract attention to yourself with personal charm. Therefore, in order to write your professional skills in a non-standard and correct way, you should use original services for writing a resume online:

  • Zerply. This social network received high praise among developers and designers, as it will be possible to publish a portfolio there;
  • CVmaker. The service is suitable for creating a standard, but stylish resume. It provides six free templates designed in a classic style.
  • Each has its own skills, which must be taken into account. After compiling your resume, you should imagine yourself as a manager who needs an employee for your position. Changes should be made until you are satisfied with the result. You don't need to make a very long list, otherwise your resume will be put aside.

The immediate goals of any educational subject are the assimilation by students of a system of knowledge and their mastery of certain skills. At the same time, the mastery of skills and abilities occurs on the basis of the assimilation of effective knowledge, which determines the corresponding abilities and skills, i.e., indicates how to perform this or that skill or skill.

In order to understand the issue of ways and mechanisms for developing skills and abilities in students, we must first understand what skills and abilities provide. The relationship between the concepts of “skills” and “skills” has not yet been clarified. Most psychologists and educators believe that skill is a higher psychological category than skills. Practical teachers adhere to the opposite point of view: skills represent a higher stage of mastery of physical exercises and work activities than skills.

Some authors understand skills as the ability to carry out any activity at a professional level, while skills are formed on the basis of several skills that characterize the degree of mastery of actions. Therefore, skills precede ability.

Ability and skill is the ability to perform one or another action. They differ in the degree (level) of mastery of this action.

A skill is the ability to perform an action that has not reached the highest level of formation, performed completely consciously.

A skill is the ability to perform an action that has reached the highest level of formation, performed automatically, without awareness of intermediate steps.

When a person reads a book, controlling its semantic and stylistic content, the reading of letters and words occurs automatically. When he reads the manuscript to identify typos in it, the control is directed at the perception of letters and words, and the semantic side of what is written fades into the background. But in both cases, a person knows how to read, and this ability has been brought to the level of skill.

A skill is an intermediate stage of mastering a new method of action based on some rule (knowledge) and the corresponding correct use knowledge in the process of solving a certain class of problems, but has not yet reached the level of skill. A skill is usually correlated with a level expressed at the initial stage in the form of acquired knowledge (rules, theorems, definitions, etc.), which is understood by students and can be arbitrarily reproduced. In the subsequent process practical use this knowledge, it acquires some operational characteristics, appearing in the form of a correctly performed action, regulated by this rule. In case of any difficulties that arise, the student turns to the rule in order to control the action being performed or when working on mistakes made.

Skills are automated components of a person’s conscious action that are developed in the process of its implementation. A skill emerges as a consciously automated action and then functions as an automated way of performing it. The fact that this action has become a skill means that the individual, as a result of the exercise, has acquired the ability to perform this operation without making its implementation your conscious goal.

This means that when we develop in the process of teaching a student the ability to perform some action, then first he performs this action in detail, recording in his consciousness every step of the action performed. That is, the ability to perform an action is formed first as a skill. As you train and perform this action, the skill improves, the process of performing the action is curtailed, the intermediate steps of this process are no longer conscious, the action is performed completely automatically - the student develops a skill in performing this action, i.e. the skill turns into a skill.

But in a number of cases, when the action is complex and its implementation consists of many steps, no matter how much the action is improved, it remains a skill without turning into a skill. Therefore, skills and abilities also differ depending on the nature of the relevant actions.

If the action is elementary, simple, widely used when performing more complex actions, then its implementation is usually formed as a skill, for example, the skill of writing, reading, oral arithmetic operations on small numbers, etc. If the action is complex, then performing this action, As a rule, it is formed as a skill, which includes one or more skills.

Thus, the term “skill” has two meanings:
the initial level of mastery of any simple action. In this case, the skill is considered as the highest level of mastery of this action, its automated execution: the skill turns into a skill.
the ability to consciously perform a complex action using a range of skills. In this case, a skill is the automated execution of elementary actions that make up a complex action performed using the skill. The process of developing educational skills (general and subject-specific) is long and, as a rule, takes more than one year, and many of these skills (especially general ones) are formed and improved throughout a person’s life.

You can set the following levels of student mastery of actions that correspond to both educational skills and abilities:
Level 0 - students do not master this action at all (no skill).
Level 1 - students are familiar with character of this action, are able to perform it only with sufficient help from a teacher (adult);
Level 2 - students are able to perform this action independently, but only according to a model, imitating the actions of a teacher or peers;
Level 3 - students are able to perform actions quite freely, being aware of each step;
Level 4 - students perform actions automatically, condensed and accurately (skill).
However, not all learning skills should reach the level of automation and become skills. Some learning skills are usually formed at school up to the 3rd level, others, mainly general ones, up to the 4th level, after which they are improved in subsequent training.

Application of knowledge, skills and abilities - the most important condition preparing students for life, the way to establish a connection between theory and practice in educational work. Their use stimulates learning activities and builds student confidence in their abilities. Knowledge becomes a means of influencing objects and phenomena of reality, and skills and abilities become an instrument of practical activity only in the process of their application. Essential Function application - obtaining new knowledge with its help, i.e. turning it into a tool of cognition. In this capacity, the application of knowledge can often mean only a mental transformation of some initial models of reality in order to obtain new ones that more fully and completely reflect real world. Typical example This application is called thought experimentation. The ability to use acquired knowledge to obtain new ones is called intellectual skills. In practical activities, in addition to intellectual ones, it is necessary to use specific skills and abilities, which together ensure the success of work.

The application of knowledge, skills and abilities - one of the stages of assimilation - is carried out in the most various types activity and largely depends on the nature of the academic subject and the specifics of the content being studied. It can be pedagogically organized by performing exercises, laboratory work, and practical activities. Particularly profound in its impact is the application of knowledge to solving educational and research problems. The application of knowledge enhances the motivation of learning, revealing the practical significance of what is being studied, makes knowledge more durable and truly meaningful.

The application of knowledge in each academic subject is unique. When studying physics, chemistry, natural science, physical geography knowledge, skills and abilities are used in such types of student activities as observation, measurement, recording received data in written and graphic forms, solving problems, etc. When studying humanitarian subjects, knowledge, skills and abilities are realized when students independently explain those or other phenomena, when applying spelling rules, etc.

The application of knowledge, skills and abilities is associated, first of all, with recognizing in a specific situation cases where such application is appropriate. Special training in appropriate recognition is associated with the establishment of fundamental similarity and, therefore, with the ability to distract (abstract) from factors and features that, under given circumstances, can be considered unimportant. The unity of generalization and specification makes it possible to avoid solving problems only relying on memory, and not on a comprehensive analysis of the proposed conditions, i.e., avoiding the formalism of knowledge. Another necessary condition is knowledge of the sequence of application operations. Usually more attention is paid to teaching this kind of actions, but mistakes are also encountered here - most often, attempts to reduce it to purely algorithmic procedures in a once and for all given sequence. The application of knowledge, skills and abilities is successful when it acquires a heuristic and creative character.

Learning is impossible without the use of available (even minimal, gleaned from everyday experience) knowledge, skills and abilities and is a purposefully organized system of consistent application of knowledge, skills and abilities. In some cases, application can only be mental, imaginary. Improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities also occurs only in the process of their application, therefore, repetition of what has been learned should, as a rule, not be a simple reproduction, but its application in more or less new conditions. To apply knowledge, skills and abilities, interdisciplinary connections are important, since actions with real objects require simultaneous consideration of knowledge on several academic subjects. The successful application of knowledge, skills and abilities is facilitated by self-control.

We often come across terms such as “knowledge”, “ability”, “skills”. But no one thought about what they had different meaning, although they have a close relationship with each other. Let's talk about them, about developing skills and much more.

This is the implementation in practice of any action in new conditions, based on acquired knowledge and acquired skills, usually with an effective result.

What is a skill? Usually considered initial stage skill. But this is a misconception, of course, skill is part of it, and it is on it and knowledge that skill is based.

It is impossible to do quality work without certain skills and knowledge. For example, take a ten-year-old boy who has never played professional hockey, but only played with boys on the lake, but if you put him out on the ice arena for a real match, will he be able to play in new conditions? Of course not. Lack of experience.

If he starts attending the section and gets the hang of it, the coach will be able to let him out on the ice during the game. The main thing to remember here is that without purposeful work, neither knowledge, nor, especially, skills will be formed.

The pinnacle of skill development is mastery. Continuing our example, a master is a person who performs his work efficiently at the highest level. To become such an outstanding hockey player as Alexander Ovechkin, you need to work hard and until exhaustion.

So now we know what skill is. It is formed only in the process of activity, purposeful and diligent. To develop the ability to swim, you need to go to the pool and learn it.

We smoothly move on to the tandem of skill and ability

A skill is an action that is performed automatically to achieve a goal. It should be noted here that skills and ability act in tandem.

The ability is characterized by the ability, with the help of knowledge, to think through a specific situation, to think through future plan actions to achieve the goal, coordinate and monitor the implementation process. Skill brings into play all the individual’s related skills.

Simple skills, through quality training, turn into automated actions and smoothly turn into skills. And the latter, in turn, are actions performed automatically without detailed control. In this regard, there is an opinion that a skill is an automatically repeatable skill. Let's talk about creating the latter.

Stages of development

Formation of skills and abilities is a lengthy procedure and takes a lot of time. It won’t take a year; you can improve yourself throughout your life.

The student’s level of proficiency in any action can be determined using the following classification:

· Zero stage. The student, in general, does not own the action. Skills are also missing.

· First. Has an understanding of the nature of the action, but will not perform it without the help of a teacher.

· Second. Able to perform independently, but only according to the model, imitating the teacher and colleagues.

· Third. Already without outside help performs the action consciously.

· The fourth is final. Successful formation of skills has occurred, the action is carried out at an automatic level.

So, we looked at the stages of development of skills and abilities.

What is knowledge?

Skills, knowledge and abilities are a closely interrelated trinity. Everything is logical; in order to carry out a game, work or educational process, you must have certain knowledge in the relevant field. This is information that a person possesses at a theoretical level. But having a certain mental baggage does not mean that it can be easily put into practice. For example, by the end of the school year, first-graders know how and can write, but do not have the skill of writing. As mentioned above, skills and abilities are closely interrelated. To form the latter, you need to know how to act and understand what is necessary for this.

Now we know what skill and knowledge are, and skills are actions that are performed on a subconscious level, that is, automatically. To do this, you need to repeat the same exercise many times in order to form the habit of performing this action.

Finally, let's talk about self-development

People learn throughout their lives. But as it turns out, the majority have knowledge without understanding. The level of skills, knowledge and abilities can only be assessed by the results of the action performed.

Let’s say that students’ knowledge is checked superficially through quizzes, essays and reports. In contrast to professional knowledge and skills, because in this case, their quality will affect the result of the work. For example, doctors, aircraft designers, welders, nuclear engineers and other specialists, in whose hands the destinies of living people find themselves, must master their skills flawlessly and be repeatedly tested by examiners before starting their professional activities.

So, let's talk again about the differences between the concepts. Knowledge is simply information that is received by a person without realizing where to apply it, without a deep understanding of the processes that occur with the use of this knowledge. We may know a lot, but not be able to do everything.

Knowledge must be learned to apply. And the more skills acquired, the better person will demonstrate its adaptability in any situation. And skills are another higher quality level of knowledge and skills. Mastery can only be achieved through hard work. And yet, it is important not how many skills you have, but which ones you are able to use.
