Casserole: an ideal dish for weight loss. Diet casseroles: a really tasty way to lose weight

Modern people choose balanced diet and this is correct, since it allows not only to save good figure, but also health. A dietary dish like cottage cheese casserole included in the menu of various diets. It is very useful for any age, especially children, it is used for people with various diseases, it is indicated for athletes, as well as for those who want to lose weight. We present to your attention ten recipes for a delicate dietary cottage cheese casserole.

The benefits of cottage cheese casserole

This dietary dish is one of the healthiest. Suitable for children as it promotes the proper development of the child’s body. Cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium and protein, this is one of the best products in terms of nutritional value. Adding raisins to it further enhances the value of the product, enriching it with mineral salts, vitamins and organic acids. All this makes a cottage cheese casserole ideal dish for small children.

It must be in the diet of a person who suffers from diseases. digestive system. Since cottage cheese casserole is easily digestible and is a fermented milk dish, it has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. So, we offer you a variety of recipes for this dish.

Dietary cottage cheese casserole recipes

Cottage cheese casserole can be served as a main dish or as a dessert. There are only 90 calories per 100 grams. The recipes presented are simple and do not require a lot of time and money, suitable for novice cooks. Low-calorie cottage cheese casserole prepared without adding flour. The main ingredients of all recipes are cottage cheese and eggs. During cooking, you can add not only traditional fruits, but also vegetables to this dietary dish. So, here is a recipe with pumpkin and vegetables.

Recipe No. 1 with kefir

To prepare cottage cheese casserole you should take the following products:

  • Cottage cheese in the amount of 250 g,
  • Two eggs,
  • Low-fat kefir - 2 large spoons,
  • Sugar is added to taste
  • Raisins in any quantity.
  • If desired, you can add an apple, dried apricots or prunes.


Recipe No. 2 for a multicooker

Prepare the products:

  • 600 g low-fat cottage cheese,
  • Eggs - 1 piece,
  • Yogurt or sour cream 15% fat - 4 large spoons,
  • Semolina - 5 large spoons,
  • Fructose or sweetener to taste.
  • Fruits or berries of your choice.


  1. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork or using a blender.
  2. Add all the ingredients except fruit to it and mix well. Depending on the consistency, add fruit. It should be noted that with them the casserole may turn out a little liquid, since the gifts of nature give off a lot of juice.
  3. We put the homogeneous mass into a greased form and set it to the “baking” mode, in which the cottage cheese casserole turns out perfectly. Cover with a lid and turn on the program for 50 minutes.

Recipe No. 3 with pumpkin

The following products will be required:

  • Cottage cheese - 200 g,
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • 400 g pumpkin pulp,
  • 1 apple,
  • You can do without sugar or to taste,
  • Vanilla - optional
  • Raisins to taste
  • Salt to taste.


Recipe No. 4 with dried apricots and raisins

You need to take the following ingredients:

  • 500 g low-fat cottage cheese,
  • Depending on the size of the egg you need to take 4-5 pieces,
  • Sugar or substitute - 1 large spoon,
  • Fruits or dried fruits in any quantity,
  • A pinch of soda.


  1. Beat the whites with sugar.
  2. In another container, combine the yolks with cottage cheese, add soda, fruit, and mix.
  3. Pour the whites and sugar into the curd mass and mix well.
  4. Into the lubricated sunflower oil Transfer the prepared mixture into the mold and bake in the oven at 190 or 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Recipe No. 5 with cheese and herbs

To prepare cottage cheese casserole you will need the following ingredients:

How to prepare cottage cheese casserole:

  1. Beat the eggs and combine them with the grated cottage cheese, mix well.
  2. The soda should be quenched in kefir and added to the curd mass.
  3. Place bran, cheese and herbs into a container with dietary mixture. Stir again.
  4. Place the curd mixture in a silicone mold and bake for about 40 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.
  5. If you wish, you can make a cheese crust. To do this, 5 minutes before cooking, spread the grated cheese on the surface of the casserole.

Recipe No. 6 with yogurt, pear and banana

This recipe calls for sweet fruits, so no sugar is added.

To prepare cottage cheese casserole you need to take:

  • 250 g low-fat cottage cheese,
  • Egg,
  • 30 ml yogurt,
  • Banana puree,
  • Pear, cut into cubes.

How to cook cottage cheese casserole?

Recipe No. 7 with apples and oatmeal

To prepare this cottage cheese casserole you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 500 g low-fat cottage cheese,
  • 3 eggs,
  • Oat flakes ground into flour - 3 large spoons,
  • Low-calorie sour cream or yogurt - 2 large spoons,
  • Sugar - 2 large spoons,
  • An apple, preferably green, medium size, cut into slices or strips.

The cottage cheese casserole is prepared as follows:

Recipe No. 8 with vegetables

For unsweetened cottage cheese casserole you will need the following ingredients:


  1. Sauté the onion in olive oil until golden brown.
  2. Combine it with pieces of tomatoes, chopped cabbage, pepper cubes, crushed garlic cloves, bran, grated cottage cheese and whipped egg white, add spices and mix well.
  3. Place in a silicone mold and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.​

Recipe No. 9 with honey

Ingredients required:


  1. The protein is whipped until foamy, semolina and honey are added to it. The mass is mixed well.
  2. The protein mass is mixed with mashed cottage cheese.
  3. Grease the mold with oil and add the curd mixture.
  4. The casserole is cooked in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Recipe No. 10 with milk

Ingredients required:

  • Cottage cheese - 500 g,
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Fructose to taste,
  • Milk - 120 ml,
  • Butter - 1 large spoon for greasing the pan.


Diet cottage cheese casserole will appeal to busy housewives for its speed and ease of preparation. You will need a minimum of products and a little time. In addition, this low-calorie, tender and tasty dish is suitable as a late dinner, as it perfectly satisfies hunger without harming your figure.

Today, many of us strive to eat rationally and properly - this allows us to maintain health and beautiful figure. Curd dishes are used in dietary and sports nutrition.

Cottage cheese saturates our body with useful vitamins and microelements.

It is especially important for children to consume cottage cheese dishes, since a growing body especially needs calcium for the formation of the skeletal system.

The benefits of cottage cheese casserole

Dietary cottage cheese casserole without flour is one of the most healthy and delicious dishes made from cottage cheese, it is definitely recommended to include it in your diet. It is perfect for children and adults, and people with digestive problems.

Curd dishes play very well important role for the growth and development of children, since cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium, protein and is one of the best nutritious foods. And adding raisins rich in vitamins and minerals, makes this dish simply ideal for small children. This light dietary the dish will become simply indispensable in the menu of people who suffer from hepatitis.

Low-calorie cottage cheese casserole is perfect for those who are on a diet and watching their figure.

Recipes for dietary cottage cheese casserole

I present to your attention recipes for dietary cottage cheese casserole. Preparing the casserole is simple and easy; even a novice cook can handle the preparation of this cottage cheese dish.

The ingredients for cooking are also quite simple: fresh cottage cheese, kefir, eggs and raisins and that’s all! You can diversify the dish by adding fruits, dried apricots or prunes. By the way, in addition to traditional fruits, you can also add vegetables to the cottage cheese casserole, primarily pumpkin, which is good for health.

The calorie content of cottage cheese casserole is very small - 90 Kcal per 100 grams.

The hostess can serve cottage cheese casserole to the table as an independent dish, or as a light and tasty dessert.

Cottage cheese casserole with raisins and dried apricots

A casserole prepared according to this recipe will not overload your body with excess calories. Instead of dried apricots and raisins, you can use canned pineapple or pieces of your favorite hard fruit in the recipe. If the fruit is sweet, then you can cook it without sugar.

  • Fresh and low-fat cottage cheese - 500 grams. The cottage cheese should not be too wet;
  • Medium-sized eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon, use in the recipe as desired;
  • Raisins, dried apricots or fruits - according to your taste;
  • Soda - a small pinch.

Preparing the casserole:

  1. We wipe the cottage cheese, separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Beat the whites with sugar, and combine the yolks with the pureed curd.
  3. Carefully combine the curd mass with the whipped egg whites, add a pinch of soda and mix. Add steamed dried fruits or pieces of fresh fruit.
  4. Place the prepared curd mixture into a greased form.
  5. We preheat the oven, and put our casserole in it - bake at a temperature of 190 - 200 degrees, 30 minutes. Cool the finished curd dessert and cut it into portions; when serving, you can decorate it with fruit or jam.

Cottage cheese casserole with apples

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 500 grams;
  • Oatmeal, ground into flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • Medium-sized apple, preferably green varieties - 1 piece;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • Low-fat sour cream or yogurt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.

Preparing the casserole:

  1. We wipe the cottage cheese and add oatmeal, yolks and sour cream or yogurt to it.
  2. Beat the egg whites with sugar until fluffy white foam.
  3. Wash the apple, peel and core it, cut the apple into small strips or small slices.
  4. Combine the protein mass with the curd, add apples and mix gently.
  5. Grease the mold, put the curd mass into it and place it in a preheated oven for baking.
  6. You need to bake for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. When the finished casserole has cooled, cut into portions, pour over honey and serve.

Curd casserole with banana and yogurt

  • Fresh and low-fat cottage cheese - 250 grams;
  • One egg, one banana, one pear or apple;
  • Yogurt - 30 milliliters.


  1. Let's make banana puree and combine banana puree with grated cottage cheese, yogurt and one egg - beat everything with a blender.
  2. Wash the pear, peel it and cut the pulp into small cubes. Add the pear to the curd mixture.
  3. Lightly grease the silicone mold with oil (if the mold is metal, it should be greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs). Place the curd mass into the greased mold and place in the oven for baking.
  4. Bake the casserole for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. If baking in the microwave, covered, then 5 - 7 minutes, at 100% power, when cooking in microwave oven, then you need to leave the dish in it for another 10 minutes.

When the curd dessert has cooled, cut into pieces and serve.

  • Cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • Apple - 1 piece, pumpkin pulp - 400 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Raisins - half a glass, a whisper of salt;
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet (add vanillin to the dish if desired);
  • Sugar - half a glass (can be prepared without sugar).


  1. Grate the apple and pumpkin on a coarse grater.
  2. We wipe the cottage cheese and add grated apple and pumpkin, steamed raisins, eggs, sugar, vanillin and a pinch of salt to it - mix everything until smooth. You should pay attention to the sweetness of the pumpkin and add sugar to taste so that the casserole does not turn out too sweet.
  3. Grease the mold with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and place the pumpkin mixture in it. Place the pan with the dough in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

When the casserole is ready, let it cool in the oven and then put it on a plate.

Curd casserole with cheese and herbs

Tasty and healthy!

You can prepare a snack version of the casserole without sugar. This dish is especially suitable for people who play sports and lead active image life, since this dietary casserole contains a powerful dose of protein.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Cottage cheese - 250 grams;
  • Low-calorie hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • Kefir - 2 tablespoons;
  • Bran - 2 tablespoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Finely chopped greens - to taste.


  1. Beat the eggs in a bowl and add the well-mashed cottage cheese - mix everything well.
  2. Let's extinguish the soda in kefir and add it to the curd mass.
  3. Grate the cheese and add it to the cottage cheese, along with finely chopped herbs and bran.
  4. Place the resulting mass in a silicone mold and place in the oven - bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. If desired, 5 minutes before the end of baking, you can sprinkle the dish with grated cheese to give the casserole a beautiful cheese crust.
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    I love and study herbal medicine, and also use medicinal plants In my life. I cook tasty, healthy, beautiful and fast food, which I write about on my website.

    All my life I've been learning something. Completed courses: Alternative medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets modern kitchen. Fitness and health.

    Meanwhile, there are dishes that allow you to get rid of extra pounds and centimeters, and at the same time feel completely full, and the body receives nutrients in full.

    Of course, we are talking about casseroles. They are suitable for diets and baby food, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For those who fast, there are lean casseroles.

    Secrets of dietary casseroles

    This dish was simply created to dispel prejudices that dietary dishes– tasteless. They are very tasty! There are simply certain tricks and subtleties that those who decide to introduce casseroles into their diet need to know.

    The very first thing - calorie content often depends not on the food, but on the type of it culinary processing . Fried foods are much higher in calories than baked foods.

    The second is meat. Of course, to lose weight you need to give up all smoked meats, fatty ham, and fatty meats in general. But lean meat can be safely added to casseroles. The best dietary meat is chicken.

    Herbs and spices will add pungency and piquancy to dietary casseroles. In addition to traditional ground black pepper, you can add:

    • turmeric;
    • saffron;
    • cardamom;
    • ginger;
    • coriander and others.

    A few words about sugar. Find a replacement for him. But if you decide to entrust this mission to dried fruits, remember how many calories they contain: for example, 100 grams of raisins contain 264 kilocalories. For comparison: in the same quantity minced pork kilocalories 263.

    If you want something sweet, it’s better to prepare a cottage cheese casserole with apples and a little honey. Although it is slightly higher in calories than dried fruits, it will take very little for the cottage cheese to become sweetish.

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    Cottage cheese as a base: preparing a casserole with cottage cheese in the oven

    For dietary casseroles, low-fat cottage cheese is needed.

    For our dish you will need:

    • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;
    • 2 eggs;
    • half a glass of oatmeal (made from oats using a coffee grinder);
    • one large sweet and sour apple;
    • 2 tablespoons of the lowest-fat sour cream;
    • the same amount of honey.

    Regarding honey: it comes in different forms, and counterfeit honey is also not uncommon. There are many ways to check honey for authenticity, from simple traditional methods to high precision laboratory tests. To check whether sugar has been added to our product, just put a little honey in a glass of weak tea. If there is no sugar in honey, the tea will darken but remain clear. The presence of sugar will be indicated by cloudiness of the tea while its color remains unchanged.

    So, let's prepare the casserole:

    1. We need homogeneous cottage cheese without lumps, so we rub it through a sieve twice. Then it turns out lush and saturated with oxygen. Passing it through a meat grinder, on the contrary, makes it look like a plasticine mass.
    2. Grind flakes in a coffee grinder (not from cereal bags) instant cooking), add them to the cottage cheese. Yolks and sour cream go there, well mixed with honey. Beat the whites separately until foamy and also add them to the cottage cheese.
    3. The apple needs to be washed, peeled, cut out the middle and cut into thin slices. By the way, you don’t have to throw away the apple peel; you can eat it, it contains a lot of useful substances, in particular, pectin. And we cut it off only because it will become tough in the casserole.
    4. Grease a casserole dish with butter, lightly sprinkle with breadcrumbs and spread cottage cheese. Sliced ​​apple on top. Preheat the oven to 200°C and place the casserole there for 30 minutes.

    Recipes for making grandma's pancakes with milk

    Vegetable to help: casserole with cauliflower, sweet peppers and tomatoes

    Cottage cheese casseroles can also be made with vegetables - for example, a low-calorie casserole with cauliflower, sweet peppers and tomatoes.

    For this dish you need to take:

    • 250 g low-fat cottage cheese;
    • medium bulb;
    • 2 medium tomatoes;
    • 4 small cauliflower florets;
    • one Bell pepper;
    • large clove of garlic;

    1. Wipe the cottage cheese thoroughly and add diced onions, peppers and tomatoes, lightly boiled and chopped cabbage (it should crunch slightly in your teeth). You can add spices.
    2. You need to bake at 180°C for about half an hour. This casserole has a unique delicate taste, very few calories and a lot of useful substances.

    Casserole with zucchini, cabbage and tomatoes

    You can make dietary vegetable casseroles without cottage cheese.

    Let's take:

    • 2 young zucchini or zucchini;
    • a small head of cauliflower;
    • one sweet pepper;
    • 2 tomatoes;
    • young carrots;
    • 2 eggs;
    • half a glass of low-fat milk.

    1. We clean the vegetables, cut the carrots into thin slices, the zucchini into slices lengthwise, and the rest into cubes. Lightly blanch the cabbage and chop it too. Mix all vegetables except zucchini.
    2. In a greased form, lay out layers of vegetable mixture and zucchini, which should cover the casserole with the last layer. Beat the eggs with milk until smooth and pour the mixture over the vegetables in the mold. Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake for half an hour.

    Lean and very tasty casserole

    During Lent, the diet of believers is very limited, but monastery kitchens are rich in excellent recipes for Lenten casseroles, which are not only tasty, but also satiate a person and give him enough strength for everyday work.

    Beer pancakes: unusual, but very tasty!

    The simplest Lenten casserole recipe for strict fasting– potato with mushrooms. For it you need:

    • 6 potatoes;
    • 300 g mushrooms.

    If you take dry mushrooms, keep in mind that after soaking their weight will increase at least 10 times, that is, you only need to take 30 g of such mushrooms.

    1. Potatoes need to be peeled, boiled in salted water and crushed without adding milk or butter.
    2. Mushrooms are cut finely.
    3. Layers of crushed potatoes and mushrooms are placed in a clay dish, ending with potatoes.
    4. Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes. This is such minimalism, only two products and a little salt.

    Such a strict casserole may also be suitable for people with food allergies, whose list of foods allowed for consumption is very small.

    Curd dessert can be very different - with or without eggs, with sugar or not sweet with dried fruits, smooth or flaky.

    Cottage cheese casserole is great for breakfast or dessert for tea.

    IN children's menu This is generally an irreplaceable dish, especially if the baby refuses to eat cottage cheese in its pure form. Preparation does not require much time or additional skills. The composition of the products is quite minimal.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole - general principles of preparation

    The main ingredient is cottage cheese. If you are on a diet, it is better to use a low-fat curd product.

    Before preparing the dough for casserole, it is first rubbed through a sieve or crushed with a blender/mixer.

    Eggs will give the curd mass stickiness and, when baked, a golden crust. But you can do without chicken yolk.

    Thanks to vanilla, the casserole will turn out to be aromatic at home.

    You can add sugar or its substitute for taste.

    Depending on the chosen recipe, semolina or rice cereal, raisins, berries, fruits, carrots, sour cream, and even pasta are added to the casserole.

    When serving, the dish can be topped with honey, syrup, yogurt, jam or hot chocolate.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole “Classic”

    By classic recipe Add a little semolina, eggs and sugar to the cottage cheese casserole. You can bake it either in the oven or in a slow cooker.

    Two packs of cottage cheese, 250 grams each;

    Two table eggs;

    Two tables. spoons of semolina;

    Two tables. spoons of sugar;

    One table. spoon of vegetable oil.

    The cottage cheese is poured into a deep bowl, two raw eggs and semolina are added. All ingredients are mixed in a food processor, mixer or fork. Vanillin and sugar are gradually added. Pour a little oil into a heat-resistant dish or baking tray and spread the curd mass in an even layer. Bake in the oven. Approximate cooking time is half an hour. You can use parchment.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole with rice

    Rice cereal will make the curd mass more viscous and add calories to the prepared dish. For variety, add raisins to the dough.

    Two hundred grams of rice;

    Three hundred grams of cottage cheese;

    One or two chicken eggs (highest grade);

    50 grams of sour cream (medium fat content);

    Butter for greasing;

    Granulated sugar - 70 grams.

    Raisins are washed and soaked in cold water for fifteen minutes. The water is drained and the raisins are allowed to dry. Boiled rice is cooled and mixed with eggs and cottage cheese, sugar is added, and vanillin is added if desired. Dishes for oven grease with butter and spread the rice-curd mass, level it. Bake for about forty minutes. Serve the rice casserole hot, first sprinkle with sour cream or liquid jam.

    Dietary cottage cheese and vanilla casserole “Pudding”

    Serve the cottage cheese-vanilla casserole prepared according to this recipe with a scoop of ice cream and raspberry jam.

    600-700 grams of cottage cheese;

    Four table eggs;

    Three table. spoons of granulated sugar;

    One packet of vanilla pudding mix;

    One tea a spoonful of baking powder;

    One pack of vanilla sugar;

    In a deep bowl, beat the eggs well and add cottage cheese. Add granulated sugar. Add vanilla sugar. Pour in pudding mixture and baking powder. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Then beat the mass thoroughly using a mixer or food processor. Add soaked raisins and stir. Grease the baking dish with butter. Spread the curd mass. Bake until done.

    Dietary curd casserole “Vermicelli”

    Boiled pasta is added to the casserole according to this recipe. Depending on your preferences, you can add fruits or nuts.

    500 grams of cottage cheese;

    150-200 grams of boiled pasta or vermicelli;

    Butter or fat for baking;

    Three table. spoons of sugar.

    The cottage cheese is passed through a meat grinder or rubbed through a sieve. Beat the eggs well with granulated sugar. Add vermicelli, salt, vanilla sugar. After thorough mixing, place in a frying pan, greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Drizzle with liquid sour cream and bake in the oven. Instead of vanilla sugar, you can add raisins, nuts, apples, orange.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots

    If you add dried apricots to the casserole, it will turn out to be a bright, rich color. Especially for children, this dish will work up an unprecedented appetite.

    Half a kilogram of low-fat cottage cheese;

    One glass of dried apricots;

    50 grams of sour cream of medium consistency;

    Salt on the tip of the knife;

    Grease for lubrication.

    The dried apricots are washed and poured with boiling water. After 10 minutes, mix dried apricots with egg, semolina and salt. Add cottage cheese to the rest of the products and mix until the mixture is homogeneous. If you wish, you can add a little sugar, but thanks to dried apricots, the dish is already quite sweet. Grease a baking tray or heat-resistant dish with confectionery fat and spread the mixture in an even layer. Top with sour cream. Bake for about half an hour at normal oven temperature.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole “Puff”

    This unusual recipe curd dessert. Cottage cheese and fruits are laid out on a baking sheet in layers. And thanks to stewed carrots in milk, the dish turns out tender and juicy.

    One pack of cottage cheese;

    Two tables. spoons of granulated sugar;

    400 grams of apples;

    100 grams of raisins;

    100 grams of figs;

    Two tables. spoons of butter;

    One table. spoon of semolina;

    The carrots are peeled and finely chopped. Steam in a small amount of water or milk, add butter. Place sliced ​​apples into the prepared carrots; if available, chopped dry figs and two raw eggs. The cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve and mixed with semolina, granulated sugar, eggs and raisins. Place it in a frying pan in layers: a layer of cottage cheese, a layer of fruit - and bake.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole with apples

    Cut pieces of the finished dietary casserole with apples into portions and pour with liquid honey.

    500 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;

    Three table. spoons of ground oatmeal;

    One green apple;

    Low-fat sour cream or low-calorie yogurt;

    Two tables. spoons of granulated sugar.

    The cottage cheese is rubbed, oatmeal is added, the yolks are broken, and mixed with sour cream or yogurt. Using a blender, beat egg whites with granulated sugar until white air mass. The apple is peeled, the center is cut out and cut into small strips or passed through a coarse grater. Add curd mass and chopped apple to the whipped protein foam and mix thoroughly. The baking dish is greased with confectionery fat and the curd mass is evenly spread on it. Place in a preheated oven and bake in the oven for about forty minutes.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits

    To prepare cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits, dry raisins, cherries, prunes, and strawberries are suitable.

    One kilogram of cottage cheese;

    Seven chicken eggs(C1);

    Baking fat.

    Beat eggs with sugar, add pureed low-fat cottage cheese. Dried fruits are poured with boiling water for ten minutes, then large berries finely chop and combine with cottage cheese. Sugar and vanillin are added to the mixture. Mix everything well. Heat-resistant dishes are greased with oil or fat and the curd mass is spread on it in an even layer. Bake in the oven for about half an hour. After cooling, the casserole is cut into portions and served chilled.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole with banana and yogurt

    For variety, prepare a curd dessert with banana and yogurt. The pear will add juiciness and flavor to the dish.

    300-400 grams of cottage cheese;

    One table egg;

    One piece at a time - banana, pear or apple;

    The banana is peeled and passed through a blender. Add to it grated low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of yogurt and a raw egg. Beat all ingredients well with a blender. The pear is cleaned, the seeds are removed and cut into small strips. Add to the dough and mix. Lightly grease the mold with oil and spread the curd mixture over it in a thin layer. Bake for about half an hour. Bon appetit!

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole with kefir

    When preparing a cottage cheese dessert according to this recipe, kefir is added to the dough. Raisins are suitable as an additional ingredient.

    One pack of low-fat cottage cheese;

    Two chicken eggs;

    Beat the eggs with a mixer or blender. In another bowl, mix the pureed cottage cheese with kefir and add it to the beaten egg foam. Sugar and add a little raisins. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about thirty minutes. When the crust appears golden brown, the casserole is ready. The edges of the dessert should easily come away from the sides of the pan.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole with oat flakes

    Oatmeal will diversify your arsenal of cottage cheese casserole recipes. Dried apricots will enhance the taste and color of the dish.

    250-300 grams of cottage cheese (low-fat);

    8 pcs. dried fruits - dried apricots;

    Half a glass of rolled oats;

    Beat the egg with a blender, add low-fat pureed cottage cheese, mix everything thoroughly. The curd mass is combined with oatmeal. The dried apricots are finely chopped and added to the dough. The baking dish is greased with confectionery fat and the mixture is evenly distributed over its area. Bake in the oven. Optimal temperature cooking 180 degrees, time - thirty minutes.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole without eggs

    The casserole according to this recipe is prepared without eggs. Ready dish top with maple syrup or no-calorie hot chocolate.

    Fine-grained or mashed cottage cheese;

    20 grams of corn starch or dry pudding;

    One tea spoon of lemon juice;

    Cottage cheese is mixed with starch or pudding, lime or lemon juice is added. Stir until no lumps remain. Add a sweetener. The curd mass is transferred to a silicone high shape. Place in the microwave for six to seven minutes at maximum power. After this, the dessert is put into the freezer for 10 minutes. After easy hardening, cut into portions and pour over syrup.

    Dietary cottage cheese casserole - tricks and useful tips

    Cottage cheese with large grains should be rubbed through a sieve, put in a blender or whipped with a mixer. Then the casserole will turn out tender and without lumps.

    To check the casserole for readiness, do not use a wooden stick, but pay attention to the appearance of a golden brown crust and the dough pulling away from the walls of the baking dish.

    If the casserole is baked in a metal dish, then first it should not only be greased, but also sprinkled with breadcrumbs crushed into flour.

    If the casserole is cooked in the microwave, cover the dish with a lid. Baking time - five minutes, power - maximum. After cooking is completed, the dessert is left in the oven for another eight to ten minutes.

    The optimal cooking time for the casserole is 30-40 minutes. But remember that this depends on the consistency of the dough. If the curd mass was liquid, then it will take more time to prepare.

    After baking, do not immediately remove the dish from the oven/multi-cooker. The casserole must cool slightly, otherwise it may fall apart during removal.
