Hand skin softener. Delicate hands - hand care at home: making the skin of your hands soft even in winter

Well-groomed hands are business card many women. Today we will talk about how to properly care for your hands so that they remain soft even in winter time.

Our hands are exposed to various irritants every day: sun and cold, household chemicals, damage such as cuts and other injuries. At the same time, cold has the most negative impact on the hands: the skin turns red, becomes rough, and cracks.

How to care for your hands in winter at home?

Hands need regular care. Just a few simple rules, and your hands will always remain beautiful.

  • Wear warm gloves in winter
  • Nourish your hand skin by applying cream morning and evening.
  • When cleaning your home with detergents, wear latex gloves. Apply nourishing cream to your hands, put rubber gloves on top, and plastic bag– and here’s a wonderful mask for cleaning time
  • When getting ready for bed, apply a rich cream to your hands and put on cotton gloves, leaving the mask on overnight.
  • Use oils. Any one you have or like will do. The purpose of the oil is to nourish, moisturize and protect the skin.
  • In winter, use oil with a thick consistency. Shea, cocoa, coconut oil, wheat germ oil are suitable.
  • Sesame and grape oils are light and suitable for spring and summer.
  • Pay attention to the cuticle - rub into it in a circular motion cream, from the base of the nail to the tip of the finger. Such a massage will not harm the nail plate.

Selecting a manicure for velvet hands

It is also necessary to choose the appropriate type of manicure.

Hot manicure

You can “warm” your hands with a hot manicure. The first stage of such care is taking a special hot bath for your hands with lotion. When the hands are steamed, the master proceeds to the second stage - moisturizing the hands with cream and massage. If you use aromatic oils, your skin will become velvety.

European manicure

European manicure goes well with hot. You can also try a SPA manicure, which is based on products with ceramides that protect the skin of your hands. This procedure will help cleanse the skin of dead cells, massage will have a beneficial effect on the skin, and aromatic oils will improve your mood. You will be able to notice a positive result after your first trip to the SPA.

Thermal gloves – making the skin of your hands soft!

The procedure using thermal gloves designed to care for the skin will also be beneficial for your hands. New technology will be a real discovery for you. Thermal gloves work as follows: the master applies nourishing creams to your hands and puts on gloves that enhance the effect of the mask. Under the influence of heat, the mask will make your hands well-groomed and beautiful. As a result, you will be able to enjoy your tender and soft hands. This procedure will lift your spirits, because you will get real pleasure!

Applying a paraffin mask

Also especially relevant in winter period time becomes paraffin wrap or mask, which today is one of the favorite procedures for women. The mask is especially popular because you get real pleasure while applying it, and the result lives up to your expectations.

Paraffin mask is excellent suitable for women mature age, since it rejuvenates the skin of the hands, paraffin therapy also becomes indispensable in winter for the skin of the hands, and even in the treatment of diseases of the joints of the hands. Thus, a paraffin mask is an excellent preventive remedy that can be used regularly.

The procedures we describe in this article are a fairly small part of the options for masks and other services that you can use in a beauty salon. You can take care of your hand skin in winter at home, and you can also make an appointment with a specialist who will do all the work for you. All you have to do is enjoy the incredibly pleasant and uplifting procedures!

How to make the skin of your hands soft, especially if during the day you constantly have to deal with factors that do not contribute to this? It's no secret that the skin on the hands often ages faster than the skin on the face, because it is the hands that are constantly in contact with water, detergents, soil and other substances that make it rough, dry and tight. And I really want the skin on my hands to be soft and silky, and every touch of my hands to amaze with its tenderness.

In order to make the skin of your hands soft, you need a set of measures, including a variety of procedures. This includes the use of protective gloves when working at home and in the garden, and the use of hand scrubs that will exfoliate rough skin, and the use of moisturizing creams, as well as hand masks. You need to constantly take care of the skin of your hands, and only in this case can you count on it being truly soft and tender.

Hand scrubs

Using a hand scrub is very important stage obtaining truly soft and delicate skin, because it is old, rough skin that makes hands dry and gives a feeling of tightness. Previously, a whole article with recipes for homemade hand scrubs was published on our website:

And today we offer you absolutely new recipe, which should definitely be adopted by all girls and women who dream of beautiful hands.

Scrub with sugar, salt and coconut oil

  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • ? large glass sea ​​salt
  • ? cups brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

This scrub can be prepared for future use and stored in a cool place in a well-closed container. It is recommended to use it 1-2 times a week, but if the skin on your hands is quite rough and tough at first, it can be used more often. It is recommended to massage the skin of your hands with this scrub for 1-2 minutes, then rinse your hands with water, dry and moisturize with cream.

Homemade hand cream

After using the scrub, the skin should be moisturized and this is prerequisite maintaining its softness and tenderness. It is absolutely necessary to use hand cream every day before bed, and sometimes during the day when the need arises. We have previously talked about how to make homemade hand cream:

And today we offer another new recipe.

Homemade moisturizer for soft hands

  • 4 tablespoons almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon beeswax
  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon calendula oil
  • 5 drops chamomile essential oil
  • 5 drops geranium essential oil

Melt the wax and coconut oil in a water bath, combine with the remaining ingredients, and mix. Initially, the mass will be quite liquid and in this state it must be poured into a clean container, which must be tightly closed. You can store this cream in a cool place, but it is best in the refrigerator.

If desired, you can package the cream in beautiful jars, tie them with ribbons or decorate them in some other way and use them as gifts.

Masks for soft hand skin

If you need to use hand cream daily, you need to make masks at least 1-2 times a week. Hand masks differ from creams in that they act on the skin for a longer period of time, penetrating deeper and improving the condition of the skin in several directions at once. Previously, we have already presented many recipes for making masks for the skin of the hands:

And today we bring to your attention another one.

Hand moisturizing mask with oatmeal

  • 6 tablespoons oatmeal, ground into flour
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 5 tablespoons milk
  • 2 teaspoons honey

Combine all ingredients together and place in a water bath for 10-15 minutes until the oatmeal becomes a little sticky. Distribute the resulting mass, while warm, over your hands and leave for 20-30 minutes. After this, wash your hands with warm water and apply cream if necessary.

To ensure that your hands always radiate beauty and splendor, you can contact specialists once a week. But to enhance this effect, let’s remember “grandmother’s” recipes that are easy to prepare at home. And their use will not burden you with anything.


The following mixture perfectly gives softness to the skin of your hands: honey (1/2 tablespoon), glycerin (3 tablespoons), ammonia (half a teaspoon), 10 g of water and a pinch of borax (can be bought at the pharmacy). Rub the resulting mass into your hands, massaging them lightly. Rinse with warm water and then apply baby cream.

Soda + Vinegar

This remedy works well: mix 2 grams of soda and 100 g of ordinary table vinegar. As soon as the mixture stops fizzing, add a solution of 2 cups of water, about 25 g of glycerin and 4 g of borax. Apply to the skin for 30 minutes, then lubricate your hands with baby cream again.

Mini bathhouse

Another secret for soft hands. At night, apply any hand cream in a thick layer and put on cotton gloves. You can use other masks, for example, a solution of ammonia, water and glycerin in equal quantities, sometimes bitter almonds or quince grains are added. A mixture of vegetable oil And table salt is not only a good moisturizer, but also an effective scrub.

Healing rough skin

To treat rough, cracked and rough skin, wipe your hands with potato broth and juice a couple of times a week. sauerkraut or whey. You can simply soak your hands in mashed potatoes for about 10 minutes, and then rinse everything off with water and vinegar.

Here are a few more recipes against roughness of hands: 2 tbsp. spoons of glycerin and egg yolk; egg white, juice of one lemon, 10 ml of cologne, 100 g of H 2 O (water) and a pinch of table salt; 20 g warm water, 5 g of alcohol, preferably ammonia, 30 g of floral cologne plus 50 g of glycerin. These mixtures can be rubbed into wet hands immediately after washing.

Sweaty palms

Many suffer from such a nuisance as excessive sweating of the palms. But it can be applied here too folk remedies! A bath with ammonia (1 teaspoon of alcohol per liter of water) copes well with this problem. It is recommended to make such lotions 2-3 times a day, the duration is about 10 minutes. A decoction obtained from oak bark, an infusion of nettle with sage (1 tbsp. nettle, 1 tbsp. sage and 1 l H 2 O) also helps. or baths with vinegar (3 teaspoons of diluted essence mixed with 1 liter of water).


To disinfect cracks, use hydrogen peroxide (3% solution). But it is better to treat deep abrasions as follows: immerse your hands for a few minutes in a heated starch solution (1 liter of water per 2 tablespoons of starch), then lubricate with any cream, preferably a cream with calendula extract.

Tender elbows

Elbows also require attention. To never make them blush, massage them with a washcloth or brush every time you shower, and then apply moisturizer. And to lighten the skin on your elbows, you can use a lemon cut into two parts.

How to whiten the skin of your hands

Sometimes from homework, washing without gloves, from working on garden plot hands may darken. Ultraviolet rays also have a negative effect, they are especially dangerous for mature women. Therefore, it is necessary to whiten the skin of your hands from time to time.

The ideal remedy is bread crumb soaked in milk. Just rub your hands with it and rinse with cool water.

After working around the house, it is useful to pamper our hands by alternating baths with hot and cold water. The procedure is repeated 10-15 times, stopping when cool. By the way, it is good for getting rid of redness on your hands.

Irritated skin quickly calms down with a decoction of flaxseed. 15-20 minutes in this decoction - and your hands are beautiful again!

During the cold season, we also shouldn’t forget about our favorite hands. From frost or cooling, blue spots may appear on them, which are “afraid” of a decoction of bird cherry bark (10 ml of infusion and 1 liter of water).

A few words about nails

No product will improve the appearance of your hands if you have unkempt nails. To strengthen a brittle and thin nail plate, the following solution helps: 10 drops of 9% vinegar plus 50 g of good olive oil, lemon juice and a little boric acid. Soak your nails in this mixture for 20 minutes, then wipe with a cotton pad moistened with warm water.

A good option for strong nails is olive oil or iodine, which is applied with a brush before bed. Don't be afraid, in the morning there will be no trace of it left!

How to make your hands soft? - Have you thought about this question more than once?

The beauty of gentle female hands has been sung by poets more than once. But how sad we are when our hands become wrinkled, dry and flaky. There are many reasons for this: and cold weather, and use chemicals for cleaning the house, and lack of nutrition, and simply a lack of proper care for the skin of our hands on our part. But the skin of our hands also shows our age!

Men, do not rush to close the page and not read this article. Don’t try to pretend that the problem of the delicate skin of your hands doesn’t bother you at all. After all, it is with these hands that you touch your beloved women, which means the question of how to make your hands gentle concerns you too. At the end of the article, for the most persistent, there will be some tips for men personally!

So, to be honest, sometimes hand care, in our understanding, ends with wearing gloves when washing dishes and applying expensive (or not so expensive) cream to your hands at night. What to do?

There are many ways at home to eliminate flaking and dryness, including in the elbow area. But first, let’s define the problem, because there is no universal solution to solve all problems at once. So,

  • if you have hypersensitivity:

Forget about hand washing and hot baths - this will only thin the skin of your hands even more. Prepare warm rice or potato water, soak your hands in it for 5 minutes, and then do not wipe it off, but let it dry directly on the skin.

  • if the skin appears red and itchy:

Poor blood circulation may be the cause. Contrast baths will help cope with the problem. Place two containers in front of you with hot and cold water. Hold your hands in each container alternately for 10-15 seconds. In total, you will need to do at least 15 alternations. To make the procedure more effective, you can add herbal decoctions to the water: hot water- a decoction of dry nettle, and when cold - a decoction of oak bark. After such a contrast bathing of your hands, apply any nourishing cream to them.

  • if you have a noticeable network of wrinkles on your hands:

A softening hand mask can help solve this problem: Whisk a teaspoon of honey and an egg yolk, add crushed ones so that the mask does not spread. Apply this mixture to your hands and begin massaging your hands for 10 minutes. Then wash the mask off your hands, alternating cold and hot water. Having completed the softening procedure, apply a softening cream to your hands.

A homemade nourishing cream will help you cope with this problem. it is much more effective than any store-bought one. For the cream, mix a teaspoon of ground almonds, a teaspoon and a teaspoon of honey, add 1 yolk and rub into the skin of your hands with gentle massage movements. We put soft cotton gloves on our hands and leave them like that until the morning. In the morning, wash off the cream with cool water. You'll be surprised how much it is effective remedy! And this is only a small step towards!

And now a little attention to the men, as promised! If all the above methods to return softness to your hands are not for your serious masculine nature, then you can find a way out:

  1. Place it in the glove compartment of your car. wet wipes with chamomile or aloe, or buy antiseptic gel. In addition to cleansing your hands, these products also perfectly soften the skin.
  2. Apply glycerin cream to your hands at night at least 2 times a week.
  3. Use baby soap to wash your hands. It perfectly softens the skin.
  4. Take a soft cosmetic hand brush and wash your hands with it at least once a week. This is an excellent peeling for the skin of your hands!
  5. If none of the above methods for caring for the skin of your hands suits you, then there is another secret for men: buy yourself an aftershave in the form of a creamy lotion and after applying it to your cheekbones after shaving, rub its remains between your palms and do not forget to do a few massages movements on the back of the hands.
