Army dog ​​tags. Personal army dog ​​tags to order Personal number of the USSR Armed Forces order

The personal number of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the personal number of the Armed Forces) consists of one or two capital letters the Russian alphabet denoting the series, and a six-digit number (for example, E‑100100, AB-200200). On front side The tokens are engraved: a horizontal line above which is the inscription “RUSSIA AF” or “USSR AF”, and below the line is the series and number of the token.

For military personnel of all levels, badges with personal numbers of the Armed Forces are provided Russian Federation single sample.

Currently, in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation there are 3 types of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces:

When preparing accounting documents, you must pay Special attention to fulfill the requirements of clause 89 and clause 94 of the Manual.

The personal number of the Armed Forces is assigned to a serviceman once and remains with him for all periods of military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and stay in the reserve.

If the personal number of the Armed Forces is assigned to a serviceman by another federal body executive power, which provides for military service, then the serviceman is registered according to this personal number of the Armed Forces (clauses 89, 94 of the Manual). In this case, a number registration card is drawn up (Form No. 12 of the Manual) and sent to the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Badges with personal numbers of the Armed Forces, previously issued to military personnel, cannot be replaced, except for the case specified in the first paragraph of clause 93 of the Manual.

The assignment of personal numbers of the Armed Forces to military personnel is carried out only from the range of badges available.

Personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the new model (containing two letters of the Russian alphabet) are assigned only after the supply of personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the old model (with one letter) has been used up. At the same time, for military personnel of all compositions, registration of numbered registration cards (form No. 12) of the old sample or new sample is allowed (Appendix No. 13).

Number registration cards (Form No. 12), the execution of which does not comply with the general requirements for the preparation and maintenance of accounting documents of the Manual, are subject to return, re-registration and re-submission to the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The headquarters of the military unit submits to the formation personnel authority information about the required number of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces:

for assigning personal numbers of the Armed Forces to military personnel undergoing military service under conscription and contract;

to form and maintain a supply of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces in the amount necessary for the mobilization deployment of a military unit.

The formation's personnel authority summarizes information about the required number of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces and presents them in the established manner.

When providing information on the required number of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces, the required number of metal plates necessary for the manufacture of duplicate tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces to replace the lost ones is taken into account.

Citizens who are not in the reserves and are called up for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces are issued at assembly points of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The assignment of personal numbers of the Armed Forces is carried out when registering materials for citizens for military service under conscription in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - by military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for military service under a contract - by military units.

The assignment of personal numbers of the Armed Forces in the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the military commissariat) to citizens is carried out in the Book of assignment of personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Book) (Appendix No. 14).

The surname, first name and patronymic of the conscript are entered in the third column opposite the assigned personal number of the Armed Forces.

When compiling named lists of conscripts sent as part of a military team to a collection point for dispatch to the place of military service (hereinafter referred to as the named lists), the assigned personal number of the Armed Forces is indicated after the surname, first name, and patronymic of the conscript.

If a conscript with an assigned personal number of the Armed Forces serves in other federal executive bodies that provide for military service, and also if the conscript is returned to the military commissariat at the place of registration without conscription, then the assigned personal number of the Armed Forces will not be given to him. assigned and subject to return to the military commissariat where it was assigned to the conscript.

IN fourth column it is indicated who issued the order to assign a military rank and personal number of the Armed Forces, the number of the order and the date of its issue.

IN fifth column The number and date of the registered list are entered in the book after its return from the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with the registration.

The assignment of personal numbers of the Armed Forces to citizens conscripted for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is carried out by orders of military commissars simultaneously with the assignment of the military rank of “private”. The personal number of the serviceman in the order is indicated after the last name, first name and patronymic. The personal numbers of military personnel are included in their military ID cards. The numbers of orders for the assignment of personal numbers of the Armed Forces are entered into numerical registration cards, which, together with extracts from the relevant orders, are sent to the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

At assembly points of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a statement is issued for the issuance of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces (Appendix No. 15). The issuance of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces to military personnel is carried out against signature in the statement for the issuance of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces and in the column "Special Notes" military ID indicating the date of issue. For example: “Token with personal numberAA-300300 received20 June 2010 _________».


Information about the issuance of a badge with a personal number of the Armed Forces is entered into the service record card (form No. 6 of the Manual) and into the conscript record card (form No. 14 to the Instruction, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of September 6, 1999 No. 400).

The basis for the monthly write-off of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces at the military commissariat are personal lists.

An act on the write-off of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces is drawn up within a month after the end of the conscription period, in accordance with the orders of the military commissar on the assignment of military ranks and personal numbers of the Armed Forces and is stored in the established manner in the affairs of the military commissariat.

After the military commissar approves the statement for the issuance of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces, it is filed in a separate folder and stored for 10 years.

A military tag is a metal plate with information engraved on it, including data on the personal identification number of a military serviceman or intelligence officer, and sometimes his name, surname, blood type, unit, etc.

How to decrypt a token?

Information on the standard one is located in two lines. The top line informs about the department to which the serviceman belongs; the bottom line indicates the personal number assigned to the soldier at the military commissariats upon conscription, signing a contract, or upon arrival for service after graduating from a military educational institution. The same number is indicated on the identity card.

The number is preceded by a letter designation - the accounting code. What exactly do the letters on an army dog ​​tag mean? The combination of letters and numbers on each product is unique. The badge is issued once and at the end of the service is handed over along with the certificate to the military unit.

Decoding the badge of a Russian military serviceman is extremely simple - on modern medallions the RUSSIAN AF or “Russian Armed Forces” are indicated in the top line. The font is special and is standard for all branches of the military.

Previously, tokens were made of aluminum or duralumin; today, blanks are made of stainless steel.

Precursor token

The “RUSSIA AF” medallion replaced the “USSR AF” medallion, completely retaining its design and dimensions. The USSR Armed Forces badge, which means “Armed Forces of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics”, was issued only to officers in peacetime. It was received by military graduates educational institutions and military departments of ordinary universities, if they entered service in the ranks of the Armed Forces.

Upon transfer to the reserve, officers handed over their badge, and information about this was entered into the military ID. The medallions were transferred to military commissariats at the place of registration, filed with personal files, and later issued to new conscripts.

Some servicemen made a duplicate of the badge, wanting to preserve the memory of the years spent in the army, so even today you can see the souvenir badge “USSR Armed Forces”.

If you wish, you can always order such a token in a specialized store. The product will practically not differ from the original, since the craftsmen use standard blanks and are able to create inscriptions that repeat the custom Soviet Union standard.

Tokens for other services

The most common is the RUSSIAN AF token, the decoding of which is familiar to most residents of the country, since many men serve in the army. But besides the army medallion, today you can find other personal signs.

As many years of international practice have shown, a token in the form of a metal plate with a personal number - the best remedy identification of a person. The token holds up various kinds loads, it is easy to carry, it the best way stores personal information. Therefore, many departments whose work is related to hazardous conditions labor, came to the decision to issue personal badges to their employees.

Sometimes the question arises of how to decipher a token of a non-military organization. It's easy enough. The top line contains the abbreviation (short name of the service) and the name of the country - Russia or the Russian Federation. For example, “FSB RUSSIA” stands for “ federal Service security of Russia". The bottom line contains the employee's personal number. The shape of the metal plate for such services is different from the military blank.

Guessing what the token number means is not so difficult. It is a combination of letters and numbers belonging to a specific employee. If necessary, it is enough to find a number in a database or file cabinet to find information about a particular person. All data is stored in the department that issued the personal badge. As in the case of an army medallion, the badge allows you to identify a special services employee who was killed or injured in the line of duty.

Now it is possible to order statutory tokens of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Russian Armed Forces, the USSR Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and any other tokens with delivery to any region of the Russian Federation.

All tokens are made using diamond engraving and pass all inspections.

The cost of delivery of tokens, which are carried out by Russian Post, is 600 rubles, and shipping is carried out with full prepayment of the order.

To order a token, you must write to the mail -, be sure to indicate in the letter the type of authorized token, photograph, personal number of the token, your full address, zip code, and telephone number. Tokens are produced and sent within 24 hours after payment.

Delivery times vary from 3 to 10 working days, depending on the distance settlement. Number mail id also sent within 24 hours after payment.

Making duplicate tokens to order

A token is a metal badge indicating that its owner belongs to any society, or is issued in memory of some event. Any image can be applied to the surface of the token, on both sides. The result is a rather original souvenir. There is also a variety of army tokens, tokens of various services, such as the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the FSB. People who prefer a military style will especially appreciate such a gift. In our engraving workshop you can order a token with any image, the logo of your company, or perhaps you would like to imprint on the token an inscription about some important date.

If you don't know what to give to your loved one, but want to give him something worthwhile and memorable, then an engraved token is a great gift! Engraving a picture, date, or address on a token would be an excellent solution. We can offer to make an engraved tag for your pet, with the specified address and phone number, so that if it suddenly gets lost, it will be found immediately.

Production of tokens of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Making tokens of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a rather labor-intensive job, and few people are engaged in the production of these tokens, since it is quite difficult. Ministry of Emergency Situations tokens are made from special ellipsoidal stainless steel blanks 1.5 mm thick, and then the necessary engraving is applied to them. In our engraving workshop you can order a token of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, which will be produced in your presence.

Production of FPS tokens of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

We are engaged in the production of tokens of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of a new type - tokens of the FPS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. These duplicate tokens are made of high-quality stainless steel, 1.5 mm thick. All work on making a stainless steel token will be completed in front of you, within 15 minutes.

Production of tokens of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

You can order the production of Ministry of Internal Affairs tokens from us. We make these tokens only from high-quality ellipsoidal stainless steel blanks. If you are a police officer who has lost your badge, we will be happy to offer you to order a duplicate name badge from us.

Production of Russian FSB tokens

Also, in our engraving workshop you can order FSB tokens for yourself. Our craftsmen will make a duplicate in your presence and put all the necessary information on the token. When ordering the production of an FSB badge from us, you can be confident in the timing of the work and the quality of the resulting product.

Army dog ​​tags, making army dog ​​tags

In our engraving workshop you can order army dog ​​tags of any type - be it the Russian Armed Forces or the USSR Armed Forces, and you can also order an army badge from any other country. The military badge will be a great gift a person who dresses in military style. By ordering this product from us, you can be sure of the quality of the product, and we are also ready to fulfill an order for the production of an army badge in Moscow in 15-20 minutes. In the bustle of life in the capital, a person does not have a lot of extra time to spend traveling and waiting while his order is being fulfilled, so we do our work quickly, professionally and efficiently, so that in case of a rush, all the work will be done in front of you. Custom army dog ​​tags are usually made in two cases: either in the event that a service member loses his personal military dog ​​tag with a personal number, or as a gift and souvenir.

If you have a question about where to buy an army badge in Moscow, then you can feel free to contact us. We use only blanks made using original technology and meeting all requirements. An engraved army badge ordered from our workshop will pass any inspection before the authorities. Our engraved army badge is made according to the regulations, and is indistinguishable from the badge that was lost. So, if you lose your military tag, we are waiting for you.

If you have a desire to buy engraved tokens as a gift, then we will fulfill any ideas. We have a large number of metal excellent quality, as well as everything necessary equipment for the production of workpieces of various sizes. Gift token made by individual order, will become a wonderful souvenir. Gift dog tags (made to look like army dog ​​tags, or even a completely different shape and size, different from existing, standard dog tags) You can order from us either a single product or a wholesale order.

We are engaged in the production of army dog ​​tags of the Russian Armed Forces with personal engraving, as well as old-style aluminum dog tags of the USSR Armed Forces and the Russian Armed Forces. Such a token is necessary for a military or reservist leaving for the reserve, which may have been lost, in in this case We suggest ordering a duplicate. Also, such a neck tag with personal engraving can be used as a gift or souvenir. The price of this service depends on the urgency.

Tokens for the Russian Armed Forces of the new model, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB are made of ellipsoidal stainless steel.

Army dog ​​tags are engraved on blank blanks, similar to the blanks of the original dog tags.

We also have badge inserts for police badges made of brass. Their cost is 1900 rubles.

In order to facilitate the identification of the killed and seriously wounded, the army commands of many countries introduced the obligation for soldiers to wear special metal tags. A product in the form of a plate with information about the owner and his place of service engraved on it is today known as an army badge. People call these identification plates “death medallions,” “dog tags,” or “suicide tags.”

The introduction of army tags makes it possible to forget about such a concept as the “unknown soldier” only in the armies of those states that strictly monitor the wearing of these medallions.

Meet the "suicide bomber"

An army badge is a metal product on which the personal identification number, blood type of the owner, and the unit and unit in which the soldier served are indicated. Some “suicide bombers” also indicate the name and surname of the serviceman.

An army badge (a photo of the identification medallion is presented in the article) is equipped with a special hole with which a metal plate can be attached to a chain. These tags are worn around the neck.

About the first identification products

According to some scientists, the birthplace of army dog ​​tags is considered Ancient Greece. As “death medallions,” the Spartans used small tablets - wanderers, on which warriors wrote their names. Before the start of the battle, the hulks were tied to the hand.

About German “dog tags”

There is a legend that the army dog ​​tag was invented by a Berlin shoemaker in the 60s of the 19th century. He gave his two sons, who went off to war with them, two homemade tags made of tin. The father indicated his children’s personal information on them. The shoemaker hoped that if his sons died, they would not remain unidentified. Pleased with his invention, he proposed to the Prussian War Ministry to introduce such tags for all military personnel. However, the shoemaker unsuccessfully argued his proposal, citing the example of the experience with dog tags. The Prussian king did not like this comparison. However, after some time they returned to this idea. As an experiment, they decided to use tin “dog tags” for certain units of the Prussian army.

After the Austro-Prussian War

In 1868, the Prussian physician general F. Loeffler wrote the book “The Prussian Military Medical Service and Its Reform.” In it, the author described in detail all the advantages of wearing individual identification medallions by soldiers and officers. As an argument, he cited the sad experience of the Austro-Prussian War of 1866: out of 8893 human bodies only 429 were identified. After such argumentation, the Prussian military command approved the mandatory wearing of “death medallions” by all military personnel and officers.

These products were made from tin. They were characterized by a rectangular shape and rounded corners. The upper edge was equipped with two holes through which the cord was threaded. Necessary information it was stuffed onto the medallion by the owner himself or by local craftsmen. Engraved personalized army dog ​​tags were intended for officers. The surface of the officer's "suicide bomb" was subjected to chrome plating and silver plating. At the top of the tin plate the name and surname were indicated, below - military unit. The officers bought medallions, but for the soldiers the “suicide bombers” were free. The fighter's number and unit name were indicated on the token.

Identification badges during the First World War

In 1914, in Germany, the military command refused to include only the name of the unit and the personal number of the serviceman on medallions. Now the soldier had the right to indicate his first and last name. In addition, the “suicide bomb” indicated the date of birth and home address. The medallion also indicated the translation into new part. The old part number was crossed out. The standard size of an army badge was approved: 7 x 5 cm. These dimensions remained until the end of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. The 1915 model tokens were made of zinc alloy. Later, duralumin began to be used in the production of identification medallions.

How were the tokens worn?

Medallions were worn on special laces 800 mm long. However, as practice has shown, the ideal places for tokens were the left inner pocket of the jacket and a special leather chest wallet. Checking whether military personnel had identification medallions was carried out by sergeant majors, and less often by officers. If a soldier did not have his personal tag, then after disciplinary action he was given a new one.

About German tokens during the Second World War

Wehrmacht soldiers used identification tags made of zinc or brass. Since 1935, tokens have been predominantly made from aluminum alloy. Since 1941, the production of “suicide bombs” from ordinary steel was established. The dimensions of the tokens varied between 5 x 3 cm and 5 x 7 cm. The thickness was 1 mm. The badges of the fascist Navy personnel indicated the name of the ship, the name, surname and number of the owner in the crew list. The parameters provided were: 5 x 3 cm. For ground forces, SS and Wehrmacht police were intended for zinc medallions of the 1915 model. The lower edge of the token was equipped with an additional hole, with which it was possible to connect broken identification badges into one bundle.

Wehrmacht military experts considered that it was undesirable to enter the owner’s first name, last name, date of birth and home address, since the enemy could use this information. In 1939, the standard German badge of 1915 underwent some changes: the badge now indicated only the military unit and serial number. Later, in order to classify information about military units, a corresponding 5- or 6-digit number was created for each of them. digital code. In 1940, the letters O, A, B or AB first appeared on fascist suicide bombers. They designated the soldier's blood type.

About American "dog tags"

The standard size of the token was 5 x 3 cm. The thickness of the American medallion was 0.5 mm. White metal was used in the manufacture of the identification item. The medallion had rounded edges and smooth edges. Only 18 letters were printed on it using machine embossing.

They were located on five lines. The first one indicated the soldier's name. On the second is the army serial number, availability of tetanus vaccination and blood type. On the third line is the name of himself close relative. On the fourth and fifth - home address. Since 1944, it was decided to remove the last two lines by decision of the US command. The American suicide bomb also indicated the religion of its owner.

About medallions in the Red Army

During the Great Patriotic War, Soviet soldiers did not use metal tokens, but special, twisting plastic pencil cases. The fighter wrote all his personal information on paper and then put it in his pencil case. For this purpose, the Red Army soldier could use either a special form or an ordinary paper sheet.

The fighter had to issue two copies. After his death, one remained in the death penalty, and relatives could receive it. The second was intended for the office. The Red Army soldiers also used ammunition casings as tokens. Having poured gunpowder from the cartridge, Soviet soldiers inserted notes with personal data inside the cartridge case, and plugged the hole with a bullet. However this method storage is considered not the best. Water often got into the sleeve, as well as into the pencil case, as a result of which the paper was destroyed and the text was impossible to read. Most Red Army soldiers believed that the “death medallion” was Bad sign, and therefore they mostly wore it without a note.

Our days

Today, army medallions made of duralumin are intended for military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces, military formations and agencies. The plate bears the soldier's unique personal number. The place where the suicide bomber was handed over was the military commissariat. You can also get it at your place of service.

About medallions from the Proff Grever workshop

Manufacturing custom army dog ​​tags is the main activity of this engraving workshop. Medallions here are made from brass, stainless steel and aluminum. Judging by consumer reviews, you can order a product of any complexity from Proff Grever. Craftsmen use diamond mechanical engraving in their work. To apply inscriptions, a specially approved font is used that meets all the requirements of the Military Charter of the Russian Federation. The workshop is located in Moscow.

Souvenirs that are very popular today are also stylized as army tags. A medallion in the style of an army tag will become a good gift by February 23.

Throughout life, we are all in search of our individuality, we want to be different from other people. Each of us wants to be unique and different from others. Women want to be spectacular and outshine all other representatives of the fair sex in the horizon of life. Men like to be strong, brutal and unique. This can be expressed in personal qualities, clothing or unusual hobbies, as well as in unusual, original external accessories. The team at our store site knows about these needs of its consumers and is doing its best to satisfy them. We present to your attention individual custom army dog ​​tags.

The history of army dog ​​tags dates back to around the time Civil War in USA. Initially, its main function was the ability to quickly identify the body of a soldier if he died on the battlefield. At that time they were made from paper or a piece of fabric. And richer people ordered tokens round shape made of metals such as bronze or lead, they were often made from flattened bullets. IN Russian Army they appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. Numbers were stamped on them military units, year of birth and class, as well as religion. Later, the blood type and Rh factor of the owner began to be included in this information. Thus, with the help of this information, it became possible not only to identify the dead, but also to provide assistance to the seriously wounded.

Nowadays, army dog ​​tags serve not only their direct function. Now everyone, be it a tourist, climber, fisherman, hunter or just a city fashionista, can order an individual token with the information they like. This could be vital information to help you on an extreme trek, your favorite saying, quote, or funny slogan that will amuse your friends. You can order a token for your child so that he can be helped if he suddenly gets lost in a place unfamiliar to him. You can also make it for your animal or pet.

Our store website offers a very wide selection of tokens various types forms so that you can fully express your individuality in it. We will put any information on it to your taste and send it to the specified address. And finally, after receiving it, you will be able to flaunt with the original device around your neck, delighting and surprising those around you.

If you need urgent production of personal army dog ​​tags with a number printed to order for the military, place an order in the Tylovik online store at best price. You can come and order dog tags in person at our military stores in Moscow, and for residents of the regions we offer prompt delivery throughout Russia.
