Ex-wife of Alexander Demyanenko: He forced me to have abortions. Affairs of the heart of Alexander Demyanenko Alexander Demyanenko and his wife

Died on August 22, 1999 famous actor, star of the films "Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik", " Caucasian captive", "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession" Alexander Demyanenko. Journalists contacted the artist’s first wife Marina Sklyarova, who now lives in St. Petersburg.


Before visiting the woman, journalists contacted her and found out that the life of the playwright and screenwriter Sklyarova was not easy. Moreover, she can barely make ends meet. “Please buy Grisha the crow and me some milk, otherwise we don’t go outside. And we don’t have much money,” Sklyarova is quoted as saying by Sobesednik.

The ex-wife, despite the breakup, is still very kind to her ex-husband Alexander Demyanenko. " Sasha was a sensitive person, very kind. An unintentionally thrown word could hurt him. Even though he was said to be withdrawn and gloomy, he was gentle and open. Closedness is just his mask, his protection. You understand, after his resounding success with Shurik, they did not give him a pass, they recognized him everywhere, almost patted him on the shoulder, constantly spoke to him on a first-name basis, although he was sometimes even on a first-name basis with his family. He was very neat and intelligent. I wanted him not to be noticed,” Sklyarova said.

The role of the unlucky student was firmly attached to Demyanenko; the directors were afraid to invite him, fearing that the audience would perceive their creations as a comedy.

However, the artistmanaged to play serious roles in the films “Incoming Peace”, “My Good Dad” and “Gloomy River”, but they could not repeat the success of Gaidaev’s comedies. After this, the directors did not invite Demyanenko to the movies. Alexander tried to overcome his lack of demand as best he could. He even resorted to alcohol sometimes.

Sklyarova explained the tragedy of her ex-husband this way:

“Actors are children who live in some kind of their own world. Being a child is innate. They constantly want to try on the clothes of their character. And if they cannot step into his “skin,” then they suffer.”

Sklyarova and Demyanenko separated after 16 years of marriage. Artistwent to Lenfilm director's assistant Lyudmila (she passed away in 2005). He is survived by his stepdaughter, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Anzhelika Nevolina.

It’s interesting that Demyanenko’s friend Mikhail Svetin spoke about the breakup between Alexander and Marina: “I think that Sklyarova had greater demands than what she managed to achieve. Getting close to her was not easy. She was frank only with selected people." Note that Sklyarova never married again.

" He had diseased heart, and an operation was needed. But he was afraid of everything, and didn’t particularly take care of his health. I do not know why. Somehow he felt bad, but for some reason the doctors discovered an ulcer, but it turned out that it was a heart attack, and a second one at that..." Sklyarova noted.

Shortly before Demyanenko's deathprepared for coronary angiography (diagnostic method coronary disease hearts), which was scheduled for September 1. But the actor did not live to see her for only six days.

Alexander Demyanenko is a famous Soviet theater and film actor, everyone who watches Soviet comedies loves and recognizes him, because Alexander played in “The Adventures of Shurik”, “Operation Y”, and many other films that are today classics of humorous cinema.

Many cartoon characters and foreign films speak in his voice, and the bespectacled intellectual himself is incredibly charismatic and charming. Few people know that before his star roles, he had been acting in films for many years, but director Gaidai made him truly popular.

The man became a popular film actor during the USSR, when one could only learn about the favorites of cinema from newspapers or television programs. The actors did not give interviews, so long years remained gods for the audience on the other side of the screen, but today you can find out on the Internet what talented artists of a bygone era loved, how they lived, and how they achieved success.

You can find any information on the Internet, including height, weight, age, years of life of Alexander Demyanenko. Fans notice that the actor looked almost the same throughout his life; when he died, the actor was 62 years old.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Demyanenko

The actor was born in 1937 in Sverdlovsk (present-day Yekaterinburg). His childhood passed during the war, but even then, in a difficult and joyless time, young Alexander knew exactly what he wanted to become - an actor. After school, he went to study in Moscow, because he understood that only in the capital could one truly realize his potential. Despite the fact that Demyanenko had an undeniable talent, the guy was so embarrassed that he failed his first exams at the Moscow Art Theater and was forced to enter the legal academy in his city. He prepared all year, and when entrance time began, he again headed to the capital to submit documents. In order not to make a mistake, Demyanenko goes to take exams at two o'clock at the same time. educational institutions: school at the Moscow Art Theater and university theatrical arts, and in both scores a passing grade. Demyanenko chooses GITIS and studies at the theater school for the next five years.

Already in his second year, the young actor began acting in films. His first character in the film “The Wind,” as well as several other passable roles, did not bring fame to the actor, and he continued to go to castings. After college, the actor leaves for Leningrad, where he plays in the theater, and here he meets Gaidai. Their acquaintance became fateful for Alexander, so she ended up in the film “The Adventures of Shurik.” After the release of the film, the actor wakes up famous. The biography and personal life of Sergei Demyanenko are getting better, but he continues to act.

Family and children of Alexander Demyanenko

Alexander Demyanenko did not come to art by accident. He always had a craving for beauty, because he lived in creativity since childhood. His father, Sergei Petrovich, worked as director of the opera department at the conservatory. As a schoolboy, Sasha often spent time here, heard the sounds of music coming from one or another office, somewhere artists were rehearsing, and somewhere they were singing an opera aria. Even then he decided that he wanted to connect his life with the world of creativity. The actor’s mother was an accountant, but she also supported her son’s passion for the theater.

Alexander grew up in big family, where they had four children, so he always dreamed that someday he himself would have big family, and the children of Alexander Demyanenko will, just like himself, engage in art. However, this particular dream was never destined to come true. The actor was married twice, but the first marriage was concluded due to his youth and the couple divorced, and Demyanenko’s second wife was never able to get pregnant from him; the man adopted his wife’s daughter from his first marriage.

Adopted daughter of Alexander Demyanenko - Anzhelika Nevolina

Stepdaughter Alexandra Demyanenko - Angelika Nevolina was like family to the actor. When he met her mother, Angela was 14, it was a rather difficult age, and the relationship did not go well at first, but very quickly Alexander found an approach to the girl and she began to call him dad.

Her biological father, Sergei Nevolin, was a long-distance sailor, so Angela practically did not see him, and when her parents divorced, her daughter really missed her father. Following Demyanenko, Angelica also became an actress, she played in many films, as well as on the stage of the drama theater. The actor's adopted daughter is married, but there are no children in their family.

Ex-wife of Alexander Demyanenko - Marina Sklyarova

Sasha and Marina met in a drama club when they were both very young, fell in love and decided to start a family. Sklyarova studied acting in Leningrad, and then wrote scripts for TV. They lived together for more than 15 years, but without children this marriage did not work out, and Demyanenko left for another woman.

After Marina was left alone, she tried to fill her life with at least some meaning, wrote books and poems, became a parishioner of the church, and did a lot of charitable work for the parish - translated Orthodox books, and even received an award from the Russian Orthodox Church. After the divorce, Alexander Demyanenko’s ex-wife, Marina Sklyarova, had no more marriages, the woman is single and lives in St. Petersburg.

Wife of Alexander Demyanenko - Lyudmila Demyanenko

Being married to Marina, Alexander fell in love like a boy when he was 36 years old. His new darling became Lyudmila, assistant director at Lenfilm. He acted in films, she supervised the process, and so outside the cinema cameras arose new love Alexandra.

The man was sorry to leave his wife, but he could not do otherwise, so the unpleasant betrayal was followed by an even more unpleasant divorce. Lyudmila was also married at that time, so this new relationship was not easy for both of them. Alexander Demyanenko's wife, Lyudmila Demyanenko, really wanted to give her husband a son, but the pregnancy still did not occur.

Causes of death of Alexander Demyanenko

The great actor was ill for several years at the end of his life, but in order not to disturb his wife, he hid his diagnosis: heart failure. In 1996, he suffered a detached retina, and the artist became half blind. He survived the first cardiac operation, and then he had a heart attack, and Demyanenko began to be prepared for the second operation. True, he never waited for her; he died a few days later in the hospital. The causes of death of Alexander Demyanenko are ischemia and massive heart attack.

His death occurred on August 22, 1999, and a few days later the funeral took place, which was attended by a lot of people who loved and respected the man’s acting talent. His grave is located at the Serafimovsky cemetery.

Wikipedia Alexander Demyanenko

The most famous works actor: “Prisoner of the Caucasus” and “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession” still remain the favorite films of Soviet cinema among many viewers. He became one of the most beloved comedy film actors of the USSR, and at the same time he was never sick." star fever", lived modestly and was always very quiet man. Director Gaidai, after his first acquaintance with Shurik, wrote roles specifically for him, since he knew that Demyanenko was very loved by the audience.

Wikipedia of Alexander Demyanenko contains a long list of his film works and about the same in terms of voice acting for films.

Alexander Demyanenko won the hearts of millions of television viewers with the role of Shurik in Gaidaev’s comedies. The whole country laughed heartily at the adventures of the cheerful, mischievous student, and he suffered terribly from his popularity... The actor’s first wife, playwright Marina Sklyarova, almost hanged herself after a divorce. She still keeps the memory of her beloved Sasha. We found her in St. Petersburg, and for the first time in 40 years she spoke about Demyanenko’s difficult character, drunkenness and loneliness.

– We met Sasha in Yekaterinburg, in the drama club at the Palace of Pioneers. I was in the 7th grade, and he was in the 9th. They bumped into each other at the door, met their eyes... It was love at first sight. We dated for a long time, then it came to marriage.

After graduating from school, Demyanenko tried to enter the Moscow Art Theater, but failed the exams from excitement. He was taken to Sverdlovsk law school. Alexander Sergeevich understood that his creative nature was not suitable for studying the dry letter of the law, and soon left there and went to conquer the capital. He was accepted into GITIS. In that turning point was nearby loving woman Marina. She gave strength and inspired faith in success. Already in his second year, student Demyanenko was invited to star in the film “Wind”. In this optimistic drama he created new type a hero - a modest, intelligent young man capable of heroic deeds. It was this film that opened the way for the actor to the world of cinema. But all-Union fame came to him after the release of the comedies “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik”, “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”, “Prisoner of the Caucasus”.

“Only on screen he was so cheerful, but in life he was so gloomy.” “I hated the role of Shurik,” says Marina Sklyarova. “Sasha couldn’t even go to the store in peace; he wasn’t given access. It was some kind of disaster. Fame always bothered him.

Marina Sklyarova /

A creative union with comedy maestro Leonid Gaidai brought Alexander Demyanenko wild popularity. In 1993, Leonid Iovich died, and the famous Shurik did not even come to the director’s funeral.

“Sasha was Lenya’s favorite actor,” says Gaidai’s widow, actress Nina Grebeshkova. “Demyanenko listened to him in everything and learned quickly. It seems to me that Sasha played Lenya in his youth. With glasses, so awkward... I know that he was dissatisfied with his popularity. Once we met with him at some reception in the Kremlin. Demyanenko said: “Nina, you know, I’m already 60, and I’m Shurik to everyone. But I have many other roles.” I didn’t understand why he was so upset - it’s wonderful, what amazing pictures they turned out! Until now, the whole country watches these comedies and laughs heartily. After filming, Lenya and Sasha practically did not communicate; Shurik avoided contact, worried that Gaidai would again invite him to act in some comedy. He didn’t attend Lenya’s funeral, but, however, that’s his business...

Alexander Demyanenko with his second wife /

Few people knew what experiences the famous actor had to experience and what was going on in his personal life. During the next crisis, Demyanenko decided to leave the family, leaving his wife after 20 years life together.

“He once called and said: “I won’t come home anymore, don’t wait.” “I only returned to get my things,” recalls Marina Danilovna. – We had a cat, his name was Kotobas, he loved his husband madly, and after his departure he literally cried at the door and kept waiting for Sasha to return. He didn’t wait and died. And I survived.

A year ago we published: “One day Sklyarova’s friend calls me: “Oleg, come urgently. I came to Marinka, and she hanged herself.” As I rush, the living Marina opens the door. They have a bottle of vodka on the table... She later repented: “Olezhek, forgive me, you fool. I was hoping that you would call Sashka and you would come together. I can’t live without him.”

The brilliant actor was absolutely unsuited to life. Marina worked hard for both the woman and the man in their family.

– In our apartment, at the dacha, I did everything with my own hands. He couldn't even hammer a nail. At the same time, the husband demanded that everything in the house be beautiful. I remember I really wanted antique furniture - our friends gave us a wonderful oval table. He was standing in the living room. Bulat Okudzhava, Vladimir Vysotsky, Alexander Galich were sitting behind him. They communicated with me more; Sasha was generally reserved and spoke to few people. Everything in the apartment reminds me of him. I keep his gifts, they are now my only friends... I have Andryushka, this is a man in pants and a shirt. Sasha gave it to me when I was at school. Also Karkusha is a donkey that Sasha brought from Germany. You know, despite everything, I was happy in my marriage and dedicated poems to my husband. Lately he began to drink a lot, literally filling himself with alcohol. I tried to talk, but it was no use.

In 1957 famous actor married for the second time to dubbing director Lyudmila. He was with her before last days.

“I don’t know if they managed to build happiness, but I can say one thing for sure: last years No one needed him in his life. He came to me, sat in a chair and sobbed. He loved to visit here, he knew that this was his home, everything was done for him with love. Sasha died in 1999; they say he suffered two heart attacks. I didn’t go to the funeral; there were strangers there. But the memory of Sasha is still alive, as if everything happened yesterday.

Now Marina Sklyarova is a believer, she worked in an Orthodox magazine. In church she begs for her most terrible sin– abortion.

– Sasha never wanted children, for some reason he didn’t like them. When I became pregnant for the first time, I asked: “Are we going to give birth?” - he replied: “As you wish.” He didn’t need it, and I did something stupid... There was more than one abortion. I took upon myself a great sin, and now I beg the Lord for forgiveness.

The ex-wife of Shurik, beloved by millions, has been living alone in the center of St. Petersburg for 40 years. After breaking up with Demyanenko, she never got married and has no children.

- The owner of my house is the little crow Grisha. Friends gave it to me. Grishka and I have been together for ten years. And I will never forget Sasha, he is my life.

"Shurik's" first wife lives in terrible poverty among spiders, cockroaches and rats

Alexander Demyanenko was 62 when his heart stopped. This happened unexpectedly even for his beloved wife Lyudmila. She survived her husband by six years. Shortly before her death, Lyudmila gave frank interview to our columnist Boris Kudryavov. Before, she had hesitated to talk about intimate things. Too many people didn’t like her - Shurik left the one with whom he lived for 20 years and for whom he was everything.

The first wife should not complain about life. Demyanenko, when he moved in with me, left everything to her. He still had his registration in the Lenfilm dormitory, and when the dormitory was liquidated, he was given a room. We exchanged her and my three-room cooperative for one large apartment in the center.

- Did you know the first wife of Alexander Sergeevich?

I've never seen it. Sasha said that Marina, like him, is from Sverdlovsk.

Marina Danilovna. Image: Denis Zinchenko/“Interlocutor”

- Where did you meet him?

In the tone studio at Lenfilm in 1975. I worked as an assistant director. At first we looked closely at each other, not realizing that a great mutual feeling was maturing. And suddenly he suggested: “Can I take you home?” “What are you talking about,” I say, “I live in the middle of nowhere!” And off we go... I myself provoked Sasha to be sincere. We were sitting in a cafe one day. I see he’s kind of sad. “We would fall in love, or something,” I say. “And I’m in love!” - "In whom?" - "To you!" We did not return to this topic again.

- And he got divorced right away?

We met in mature age. Demyanenko is 37, I am 35. And they lived for 12 years before Sasha broke up with Marina. It was very difficult for him to cross the threshold of court. And there was no particular need to register our marriage, except for incidents in hotels. But when Sasha got divorced, he exhaled joyfully: “I never thought that it would become so easy!” And we signed immediately. Believe it or not, we have never quarreled in our entire lives. He believed that if one person in the family began to irritate another, it meant that love was over. We trusted each other so much that jealousy could not have any basis. When he left or returned from somewhere, I never asked about anything. Of course, I understood that girls were hanging around the actors... And if someone likes Sasha, is that reprehensible? He is Gemini, I am Capricorn. There seems to be no coincidence. But you see how many years we got along!

Marina Danilovna carefully preserves everything connected with her ex-husband. Image: Denis Zinchenko/“Interlocutor”

To performances with a band-aid

- You had a dacha. Did Demyanenko like to dig in the garden?

In the mid-90s, Sasha was offered a role in the series “Strawberry”. He doubted for a long time. But when the question arose about buying land next to our country house in the wonderful place of Sosnovo, Sasha said: “Well, it’s decided.” We bought ten acres with the fee. In this area grew a large number of mushrooms Sasha loved collecting them. But we weren’t interested in garden beds. Cutting the grass or raking the leaves into a pile is a nice thing to do. Sasha loved to clean up the area. He loved cleanliness and neatness. He was the only one who vacuumed the house. Was washing dishes. Sometimes I cooked something delicious for dinner. I could cook about three large dumplings. He didn't have enough patience for little ones.

- Do you remember well that summer of 1999, when your husband died?

It turned out to be very hot. Sasha began to “creak.” Doctors advised me to buy a heart patch. When leaving for a performance, he would stick it on his chest. He was a very patient person and never whined. I made him go to the doctor. “We won’t let you go home with a heart attack,” they told him at the clinic. I run to the intensive care ward. “They say I’m having a heart attack,” Sasha says calmly and lies down reading. They persuaded him to have a coronary angiography. He didn’t even want to hear about bypass surgery... Analyzing our stupid behavior at that time, I now understand: what illiterate people we turned out to be! We had never consulted a doctor before. Except for one case: during the filming of “Strawberry,” Sasha’s retina in her right eye detached. The operation was performed in Moscow. Everything went fine. But my husband had a hard time surviving the first anesthesia in his life...

By nature he was a healthy person. I don’t remember him having a sore throat or runny nose. I wasn't particularly interested in sports. But his muscles were like cast iron. He loved swimming outdoors.

On Sunday, August 22, I wanted to come to see him at the hospital early. Suddenly, at the beginning of the tenth hour, a call came: “Alexander Sergeevich has pulmonary edema.” At first I didn’t understand that something irreparable had happened. The doctors were never able to pump him out. The pathologist later admitted: “I’ve never seen such a waste heart.” Sasha might not have undergone the bypass operation. "I'll die like Evstigneev, out of fear,” he joked bitterly shortly before his death.

Raven and donkey

And the first wife of the famous Shurik still lives in St. Petersburg. In the very apartment where they began their adult lives.

They got married right after school. Marina Sklyarova always refused interviews, but in 2014 she gave in when a nice guy from Moscow came to see her Denis Zinchenko. Luck smiled on the young man on the third day of the business trip: Marina Danilovna took pity and let him into the apartment where they drank tea Galich, Dahl, Vysotsky

Upon entering, Denis was horrified: the floor was covered in feathers, droppings, and food remains. In the kitchen, cockroaches swarm in the mountains of unwashed dishes, the walls are covered in cobwebs. It seemed that a fat rat was scurrying around in the half-open closet.

The hostess noticed my expression and became embarrassed: “Sorry, Grisha and I haven’t cleaned up,” Zinchenko recalled. Who still keeps in touch with Marina Danilovna. - Grisha turned out to be a little crow, which Sklyarova’s friends gave a long time ago. So that life would not be so sad. After Alexander’s betrayal, she never married again and didn’t have children. Her only friends were the toys that the actor once gave her. “Meet, this is Andryushka. This little man in pants and a shirt was presented to me by Sasha when we were still in school and went to the drama club at the Palace of Pioneers. My husband brought the donkey Karkusha from the GDR,” this sweet but very unhappy woman showed me her rarities.

Marina Danilovna told Denis that she did not have children because the artist did not need it. That's why I had abortions. When Demyanenko left for someone else, she didn’t hold back or create scandals.

Or maybe he should have... Then he probably wouldn’t have left,” she admitted later in a talk show Boris Korchevnikov. Sklyarova agreed to filming only because of the money - she had nothing not only to pay the rent (a huge debt had accumulated, utility workers threatened to turn off the electricity and water), but even to buy bread. Marina Danilovna was paid 200 thousand for the revelations. She lived on them for almost two years. - I don’t care what Lyudmila said there, but no one needed Sasha in recent years. He came to me, sat in a chair and sobbed. Demyanenko knew that this was his native nest, the doors of which were always open for him. It's sad that he lived his life so poorly. I could have done much more...


On the set of the highest-grossing comedy of 1967, “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” the actors earned this way per day:

  • Shurik(Alexander Demyanenko) and Dunce (Yuri Nikulin) - 50 rub.,
  • Coward(Georgy Vitsin) - 40 rub.,
  • Experienced(Evgeny Morgunov) - 25 rub.,
  • Nina(Natalia Varley) - 13 rub. 50 kopecks

Experienced did not survive the death of his son

IN family life Evgeniy Morgunov was calm until he became Experienced in Gaidai’s comedies. Before that, he lived quietly and peacefully with a ballerina Bolshoi Theater Varvara Ryabtseva, who was 13 years older than him. And then... Even illegitimate daughter worked up.

In the late 50s, Evgeniy became close to the editor Tanya Burmistrova. In 1962 she gave birth to Morgunova daughter Arina.

My mother hated my father all her life because he gave her village wine to drink on the set and took possession of her,” Arina admitted to Komsomolskaya Pravda. - My father was ready to marry my mother, but she didn’t want to. And she forbade him to see me. When I was one and a half years old, my dad made his last attempt. The mother said again: no. The father shouted in his hearts: “Watch me - I will get married soon. And my wife will give me a son!”

Evgeniy with his wife Natalia and sons Kolya and Anton. Image from personal archive

Soon he took a girl 13 years younger than him to the registry office. And she gave birth to him first Anton, and six years later Nikolai. Younger son died at the age of 26, falling asleep at the wheel. A year later, after a second stroke, Morgunov also died. Father and son lie in the same grave. The eldest son began to abuse and did not work anywhere.

By the way

  • Do you remember the witty professor-examiner from “Operation Y”? This role was the first and last for Vladimir Rautbart. Four years later, he died of a ruptured aorta, having only managed to voice the old woman Shapoklyak in the cartoon “Crocodile Gena.”

In youth, it often seems that the first feelings will last forever, and that a marriage, once entered into, will last a lifetime. But sometimes a happy family life is replaced by divorce. And we need to rebuild our lives, learn to trust people again. Parting is especially painful for those who are accustomed to a wealthy life next to a celebrity. After all, they not only have to get used to a different life, but also try not to pay attention to the endless discussion of the painful topic of breaking up.

Ilya Drevnov - the first husband of Larisa Guzeeva

The actress met Ilya on the set of the film “Rivals” and instantly fell in love with handsome boy, who worked as an assistant cameraman. The romance was so swift that they signed immediately after returning to Leningrad from filming. Ilya surrounded his young wife with love and care, he was ready to get a star from the sky for her. But this marriage did not become happy.

As it turned out after the marriage, the young man was a drug addict. The actress struggled with his addiction for 8 long years, trying to return her lover to normal life. But he returned to drug use again and again. As a result, he died from an overdose.

Marina Sklyarova - ex-wife of Alexander Demyanenko

They met back in school years in the drama club. Marina Sklyarova was 2 years younger than the actor. When she turned 20, they became husband and wife. They lived together for two decades, and after the divorce she was never able to recover from parting with her beloved man.

Until her last days, Marina Sklyarova lived in St. Petersburg, completely alone. Her only companion was the raven Grisha, a gift from one of her friends. The woman eked out a miserable existence, barely making ends meet. And kept it carefully Stuffed Toys, which her beloved Sasha once gave her.

Elena Safonova - ex-wife of Kirill Safonov

She was only 16 years old when she walked down the aisle with 19-year-old Kirill Safonov. No matter how difficult it is for them financially In the first years of her life, Elena was invariably happy next to the man of her dreams. Three years after the wedding, their daughter Anastasia was born. A little later, they moved to Israel together, where Kirill was offered a job at the Gesher Theater. And after 10 years, the time of joint happiness ended for them.

They parted calmly, without scandals or washing dirty linen in public, maintaining normal relationships. And at the end of July 2018, Elena died at the age of 42. As it turned out, the woman suffered from alcoholism for many years, categorically not recognizing her addiction and refusing treatment. IN recent months The mother’s refusal to seek help from specialists became the cause of the conflict between her and Anastasia. Mother and daughter did not communicate for several months, and Elena’s attempts to reach her daughter encountered a wall of silence.

Lyubov Vdovina - ex-wife of Alexander Buinov

A young conscript soldier, Alexander Buinov, fell in love with the charming green-eyed, brown-haired Lyubochka at first sight. Before Alexander’s demobilization, the lovers got married and went to Moscow, to Buinov’s home. However, the lack of registration prevented Lyubov from getting a job, and then getting medical care during pregnancy. She went to see her mother in her native village, and the future star promised to settle down and take Love back.

She believed and waited, but only waited for the news that Alexander had a new girl. The divorce was finalized by exchanging documents by mail, and Lyuba terminated her pregnancy. The singer soon got married, but Lyubov could not forget her ex-husband. She no longer wanted to get married; she raised her son alone. And in 2006 she burned down during a fire that happened in her friends’ house. She alone could not get out of the house engulfed in flames.

Ksenia Kachalina - ex-wife of Mikhail Efremov

She was the fourth wife of Mikhail Efremov, but their marriage did not last long. Soon after the birth of his daughter Anna-Maria, the actor left for another. Ksenia Kachalina did not find anything better than to get rid of her problems by trying to drown her sorrows in alcohol. After a while, alcohol was replaced by drugs.

Since 2001 in creative biography The once promising actress did not appear in a single film. The daughter chose to live with her father.

Vladimir Ermakov - ex-husband Masha Rasputina

He taught her to sing and helped Masha Rasputina create her stage image. The creative community quickly grew into romantic relationship. Alla Ageeva (real name of Masha Rasputina) quickly conquered the stage, and her husband always stood in her shadow. He announced himself only after the divorce, when participation in various television shows began to bring in very significant income.

Only then did he begin to talk about how he allegedly created a star singer. But after separating from his wife, he was never able to repeat his feat by opening new star stage. He died in October 2017 from epilepsy after forgetting to take his medication.

Alexander Borovikov - ex-husband of Olga Drozdova

They were both actors, but Olga's desire to become famous actress did not meet with understanding from the young husband. He was desperately jealous of his wife's increasing fame and popularity. And she still can’t forgive her for the divorce.

It's no secret that Alexander Borovikov abuses alcohol. He is constantly in need, to the point where he borrows money even from ex-wife. At the same time, she does not hesitate to tell unpleasant things about her in an interview.
