What a manager should know about the sales funnel. New, your own reports

The so-called “sales funnel” is a marketing model that illustrates the movement of customers through the stages of the sales process, from initial contact to successful completion of the transaction.

In “1C: Trade Management 8” (rev. 11), the sales funnel is implemented in the form of a report. It displays information about won and lost transactions for a given period, with detail by transaction stages. The report is generated based on the information available in the program.

The Sales Funnel report allows you to track at what stages of transactions potential clients were eliminated, and, therefore, evaluate the effectiveness of sales specialists at each stage.

The report is available on the CRM and Marketing Reports page. Let's open it.

CRM and marketing / CRM and marketing reports / Transaction execution / Sales funnel

For clarity, it is more convenient to create a “Sales Funnel” separately for each type of transaction, since in different types transactions may have different stages.

The types of transactions used in 1C: Trade Management 8 are discussed in our articles: , . In non-process transactions, stages are not recorded.

Let’s set up the “Sales Funnel” report so that it is generated for transactions with the “Typical Sale” type. First, let's set the selection by transaction type.

  • Click the “Settings” button to open the settings form;
  • Let’s select the view – extended;
  • On the “Selections” tab, click “Add selection”;
  • In the report field selection window in the “tree”, expand “Transaction”, then “Transaction Type”; Double-click on “Transaction Type”.

After the selection appears in the settings form, you must specify the value by which the data will be selected. Select the type of transaction we need in the “Value” column. IN in this example This is a "Typical Sale". The selection condition (“Equal”) is set by default. Thus, the selection by typical sales is set: “Transaction type – Equals – Typical sale.”

Now click the “Close and Generate” button in the configuration form. The “Sales Funnel” report has been generated, with selection by transaction type “Typical sale”.

The report consists of a table and two charts. The table displays information about the stages of transactions, indicating the number of stages won and lost, as well as the potential won and lost.

Transaction potential is the potential sale amount in management accounting currency.

Below the table there is a chart “Number of transactions”. The stages of transactions are displayed vertically (sequentially, from top to bottom), and the number of transactions horizontally. Won stages are indicated in red, lost stages are indicated in yellow. If there are losses, the chart narrows downwards, forming a “funnel”.

Another chart illustrates potential sales amounts by won and lost deal stages.

To generate the “Sales Funnel” report for a different type of deal, you should open the report settings again and in the selection line by deal type, specify the desired type in the “Value” field.

Report settings in “1C: Trade Management 8” can be saved. To do this, use the “Report Options – Save Report Option” button.

In the attached processing I tried to comment quite fully on all the steps of the algorithm, so let’s look at a visual representation of how we will build our funnel using 1C.

So, let's start step by step:

1. First, let’s draw the ellipses that will make up our funnel:

2. Now we will draw upward lines from each ellipse (in our version, multi-colored, we used conversion algorithms to the HSV color model for more correct lightening of colors and creating gradients):

3. From the top of the lines from step 2, draw lines to the ellipses above them (the lines are located above the lower ellipse and stretch to the upper ellipse):

4. Draw funnel boundary lines on top of everything:

As a result we get:

That's it, the funnel is ready.

In principle, a funnel is a rather complex representation of information from the point of view of its programmatic creation; other graphs and diagrams are much easier to draw, so don’t be lazy and try it.

Note: paragraphs 2 and 3 are divided in order to decompose the image into layers that cover each other, i.e. First we draw a fill for the lower ellipse, then we draw the borders with an empty ellipse, just to emphasize the border. At the output we get a visible upper boundary of the lower ellipse, to get rid of this we need step 3.

Let's look at the advantages of our funnel:

1. Cross-platform

2. No need for third party apps and files

3. No need additional settings OS and security settings

4. The funnel will look the same in any client

5. The most important thing: because We work in 1C, we can add decryption or some other event handlers to the legend of our funnel, when selecting a block, for example, which cannot be done using third-party applications, or the development labor costs will be incredibly high, for example, decryption:

Those. With small additions we can provide any interactive actions with drawings of a spreadsheet document from 1C, which is important.

6. Open source, we can change sizes, colors, anything to make our funnel pleasing to the eye. This cannot be done everywhere with other methods of drawing a funnel using third-party applications.

7. Possibility of integrating our funnel with SKD and any other data sources in 1C, i.e. if desired, you can create an interface that, when composing the result, will transfer the necessary data to the input to the funnel and instead of the ACS diagram, our funnel will be generated, and in the same spreadsheet document as our report

8. The ability to work with a spreadsheet document using standard 1C tools, which means printing, saving, sending by mail (if possible)

Now let's look at the disadvantages:

1. When drawing information, the coordinates are slightly adjusted, this is due to some features of the drawings of the spreadsheet document, so small artifacts in the picture are possible

2. Unfortunately, in 1C there is still no programmatic work with drawings of the Group type, and this does not allow us to decipher directly for part of the funnel, or for some other element consisting of many others (here only the assignment option remains identical decoding for all components)

3. When using coloring with a gradient, it turns out to be quite resource-intensive, but you can play with the settings or create a tab. dock on the server.

IN commercial activities A sales funnel is usually called the principle of distributing potential customers/buyers according to the stages of the process - from initial contact to the concluded transaction.

The graphical representation of this algorithm is an inverted cone, the widest part of which reflects the so-called cold contacts: the number of people who came to the site, answered calls, etc. The lower part shows the number of completed contracts.

Between the starting and final stages of the sales funnel are the stages at which managers must interest and convince customers of the need to purchase.

This schedule allows you to:

  • analyze the activities of company specialists;
  • determine which employee’s methods produce the best results;
  • understand what percentage of clients drop out at intermediate stages of interaction;
  • predict the optimal number of orders;
  • develop business strategy and tactics.

Order a call 1C CRM

Sales funnel in CRM

Carefully and correctly building a schedule manually takes a lot of time and requires exceptional thoroughness and analytical skills. Optimization of this procedure is facilitated by electronic technologies for constructing sales funnels in CRM - programs that track statistics of interaction with the target audience. In this case, the schedule acquires the status of a universal tool for planning and adjusting business processes. Depending on the scale of commercial activity in a company, a single sales funnel in CRM or several graphs can be built for a certain period.

Implementation of a sales funnel in 1C CRM

The implementation of a sales funnel in 1C CRM provides visual reporting necessary for acceptance management decisions operational and strategic formats. This software builds two graphs:

  1. 1C CRM sales funnel for active transactions, with its help you can find out the potential result of future sales;
  2. sales funnel for failed and completed deals, reflecting the conversion of stages.

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Paskova Marina

The sales funnel is a classic tool for analyzing the situation and making management decisions in the field of sales. There's no point in describing theoretical basis its construction - this information can be easily found on the Internet. This article will talk about how to implement it in 1C without extra costs, in particular, how we did it in our company and what results we got.

Funnel funnel discord

One of the activities of our company is the sale of projects. In fact, all key employees are involved in one way or another - from management and managers to programmers and consultants. Naturally, with such an organization of work, obtaining an overall picture required significant time expenditure; in particular, it was impossible to do without weekly meetings, where everyone reported on the transactions that he supervised, as well as potential clients and projects. At the same time, the history of transactions (especially those that fell off at some stage) remained exclusively in the heads of our managers.

Not wanting to be shoemakers without boots, we decided to implement accounting for potential projects and a sales funnel in our 1C (we use the 1C: Trade Management program, rev. 10.3). It took us about an hour to discuss this functionality and another two hours to develop it.

How did we do it?

1. We identified the key points of the sales process. They are all presented in the figure below.

2. Created a directory of transactions (in our terminology these are “potential tasks”). Transaction attributes: Client, Task, Responsible.

3. We agreed to record key points on transactions using the “Event” document, which is already in the UT:

That's all, the database was ready for entering information, all that remained was the report itself. Here we have disagreements and, as a result, two sales funnels, in shape not at all similar to funnels, but nevertheless, in essence, they are funnels.

What is the result?

Funnel No. 1– a snapshot of the current situation. It is built on active transactions (i.e. those that have not yet reached the “sold”, “refused” or “frozen” statuses).

This funnel shows how we will live tomorrow and what we need to spend our efforts on today. It is also important from the point of view of resource planning and allows you to take care in advance that in case of winning right moment provide the project with qualified specialists.

Funnel No. 2– transaction history.
The funnel is built over a period and shows what stages our potential tasks have passed. Its most important function is to clearly show at what stages of sales the loss of customers occurs and ultimately answer the question “what are we doing wrong?”

A What about those companies that do not have 1C programmers on staff?

A sales funnel is also available in a number of standard 1C products, for example in “1C: CRM” and “1C: Trade Management, Rev. 11”.

« 1C: CRM". The sales process is presented in the form of a diagram:

The passage of sales stages is recorded by various documents - commercial proposal, invoice for payment, etc.

The sales funnel is designed based on the stages of business processes:

and looks like this:

"1C: Trade Management, ed. 11." We enable the mechanism for using transactions:

Sales business process map:

The result is a funnel:

To summarize, we can say the following:

1. A sales funnel is a simple and useful business management tool.

2. The sales funnel of each company is unique in its own way, there is no point in using some general templates, it needs to be developed for yourself

3. If you are the happy owners of 1c programs, then the functionality of your program either already allows you to build a sales funnel, or makes it possible to refine it with minimal time and money.

The “CRM and Marketing” subsystem implements the functionality of building a sales funnel. If there is a need to record primary demand, then in the settings “Master data and administration” / “CRM and marketing” / “CRM settings” the “Fix primary demand” checkbox must be checked.

Types of transactions

In “CRM and Marketing” / “Settings and Directories” there is a directory “Stages of sales processes”, filled with predefined elements, which can be expanded by the user if necessary.

The sale can be carried out either with automatic transition through stages, or with manual transition through stages (if there is a need to skip stages).

Transactions with automatic transition by stages

Let’s create a deal with the “Typical sale” type. For this type of transaction, the transition through stages will occur automatically. On the “Process Stages” tab, all stages will be filled in, the list of which cannot be edited. If the “Fix primary demand” checkbox is selected in the transaction type settings, then registration of primary demand will be required. To be able to work with this type of transaction, the “Use allowed” checkbox must be checked.

Type of transaction with automatic transition by stages

Sales Process Stages

It is recommended that you register a customer transaction based on an interaction, otherwise you will have to register interactions later. To create an interaction (meeting, phone call or email), go to “Main” / “Mail, tasks” / “Interactions” and click the “Create” button to select the type of interaction. Based on the created interaction, it will be possible to create a transaction with the client.

If there was no interaction at the initial stage, then the transaction is registered in “CRM and Marketing” / “CRM” / “Customer Transactions”. If the “Fix primary demand” checkbox is selected in the transaction type, then you need to fill in the data on the “Primary demand” tab.

To find out what condition the this moment If you are working on a trail, you should go to the business process route map and click on the corresponding hyperlink.

Business Process Route Map

At each stage of the business process, a task is generated for the user specified in the route map. To see it, you need to go to “My tasks”. When performing each step, you must fill out the system requirement. For example, when performing the customer classification step, you would specify the customer and agreement via the appropriate hyperlink. When performing the following steps, information is entered using a similar hyperlink.

Filling in the result of a business process stage

If at one of the stages it is necessary to record the loss of the transaction, then you should click on the button with the corresponding icon, as shown in one of the pictures above. After the loss is recorded, a task will be created for the user.

If you need to create a deal with manual transition by stages, then when creating a deal you should specify the type of deal with the type “Transactions with manual transition by stages”. Unlike transactions with the “Typical Sale” type, the stages of the process are defined manually by the user, as shown in the figure.

Type of transaction with manual transition by stages

In transactions with manual transition by stages, tasks are not created automatically, but based on the transaction with the client, as shown in the figure below.

Creating a task in transactions with manual transition by stages

If the transaction is lost, you must select the appropriate status manually.

Reflection of losing a deal

Reports on transactions with clients

A block of reports on transactions has been developed, with the help of which you can analyze the effectiveness of each stage of sales, the reasons for the loss of transactions, their effectiveness and much more.

The sales funnel is one of the main reports that can be used to understand which sales stage is the least effective and under what circumstances managers make the most mistakes. The report presents information in tabular and graphical form. The report is located in “CRM and Marketing” / “CRM and Marketing Reports” / “Transaction Processing” / “Sales Funnel”.

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