What not to do during Easter week. What not to do for Easter - signs

Orthodox Christians celebrated Happy Easter, which this year fell on April 8. Since the beginning of Easter comes a very important time - Easter week, which is also called Bright Week. This is a seven-day period that includes Easter Sunday and the six days following Fomina week(second Sunday after Easter, which is called Antipascha, among the people - Red hill).

When is Bright Week in 2018?

Bright Week begins in 2018 on Sunday, April 8, and ends on Saturday, April 14.

Rules of behavior and fasting on Bright Week, what not to do

Easter is the most main holiday for Christians and basis Christian faith in the resurrection of the son of God, who became the savior of mankind. Therefore, Bright Week is one of the most joyful periods in both church and popular life.

There is no fasting at this time, even in traditional times. fast days- Wednesday and Friday. You can eat meat, dairy products, eggs, etc. Wine is also allowed.

But, despite the fact that the restrictions of Lent cease to apply, the church warns these days against gluttony and especially against alcohol abuse. From alcoholic drinks It is allowed to drink red wine (of course, only for adults), but the church does not bless the use of vodka and other strong drinks.

It is also believed that during Easter week one should not be stingy, one should be generous, share treats and generally actively participate in charity. It is especially noted that generosity should come from the heart.

On Bright Week, despondency and quarrels are extremely undesirable - those who violate this prohibition on the most joyful week for Christians can expect trouble.

For Orthodox Christians (with the exception of emergency services employees), work is strictly prohibited only on the first day Holy Week- on Easter. But you can work until the next weekend if it is required by production needs or in accordance with the work schedule. The principle of reasonableness is important here. The ban applies mainly to work around the house and in the yard.

Bright Week and visiting cemeteries

One of the most delicate moments is visiting cemeteries on Bright Week. The fact is that during Easter week the church does not hold weddings or funeral services, so that believers do not renounce the celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. Therefore, the church does not bless trips to cemeteries these days, as they are incompatible with the joy of the resurrection from the dead. Jesus Christ. The next day when the church recommends visiting cemeteries is Radonitsa- first Tuesday after Antipascha. In 2018, Radonitsa falls on April 17.

However, the church prohibition of commemorating the dead on Bright Week conflicts with both the Soviet tradition of visiting cemeteries on Easter, and with more ancient folk beliefs that on Easter week the dead visit the living, so they must definitely repay the debt.

Folk traditions on Bright Week

Bright week in folk calendar goes from Easter to Krasnaya Gorka (Antipascha, the first Sunday after Easter). Among the Slavs, this time was considered the beginning of spring revival and renewal of life.

A characteristic feature of the people's celebration Happy week, which differs from church tradition, is the remembrance of deceased ancestors. According to popular beliefs, during Easter week the souls of the dead return to earth for a short time to rejoice in the resurrection together with the living. Jesus Christ.

The memorial days of Easter week are considered to be the first (Easter) and “Nava Thursday” (the so-called Easter of the Dead). On these days, it was customary for the Slavs to visit deceased relatives in the cemetery, “confess Christ” with them and “invite” them to a festive feast. It was believed that, having received an “invitation,” the dead came to the houses, ate and drank with the living, attended church, etc.

Signs, prohibitions and rituals of Bright Week among the Slavs

During Easter week, villagers tried not to lock their doors so that deceased relatives could enter their homes. People also hung towels from windows so that the souls of the dead could climb onto them into the house.

It was impossible to sew, so as not to sew up the eyes of the dead; they tried not to wash, so as not to muddy the waters for the dead; Crying and lamentations were prohibited in cemeteries, so as not to interfere with the dead’s joy in Easter and not to destroy their hope for their own resurrection.

It was believed that the dead left their houses on Radonitsa, and the land on Ascension.

Also, starting from Easter, girls performed various ritual actions to bring matchmaking and marriage closer. For example, in order to get married quickly, a girl had to be the first to get to the bell tower on Easter and the first to ring the bell (everyone is allowed to ring the bells during Easter week).

During Bright Week, they began to prepare for the wedding period, which started from Krasnaya Gorka - viewings of the newlyweds were organized, as well as viewings of future brides and grooms.

Each day of the week after Easter has its own name and meaning, and there are certain prohibitions for these days. The week after Easter is called Bright Week or Easter Week, according to folk traditions All these days it is customary to have fun, visit each other, and relax. Find out the dos and don'ts of these days.

In 2018, Easter is celebrated on April 8, and the entire next week after the Bright Resurrection of Christ - from April 9 to 15 - has long been called Easter, Bright Week, Christovochka, Gromovitsa, Red Christmastide, Joyful, Great Week. On this week, people have long adhered to

The people spent the entire week from Easter to Krasnaya Gorka (the next Sunday after Easter) cheerfully and joyfully, visiting each other, giving Easter gifts and rejoicing at the arrival of spring and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

These days also began the viewing of newlyweds.

All Easter week It was not customary to feel sad and cry for the dead; it was believed that the spirits of ancestors come to life these days and are close to the living.

It is customary to go to the cemetery and clean up the graves.

The joy of the resurrection of Christ continues for 40 days, until Trinity, and for all forty days it is customary to greet each other with the words “Christ is Risen,” “Truly He is Risen!”

During Bright Week, children were already allowed to be baptized, but wedding ceremonies were not held.

The whole week after Easter you can’t be angry, angry, or swear, you need to try to be kinder to your neighbors and help those in need.

Festive celebrations are being prepared throughout Bright Week Easter dishes, baking Easter eggs,

Watering Monday

The first Monday after Easter is popularly called “watering” - for a long time, boys poured water on girls for happiness and health, and the girls gave them Easter eggs for this.

On this day, it is customary to go to visit your family and friends: godchildren - to godparents, grandchildren - to their grandparents. Bring : dyes and paskas.

People believed that a man should be the first to enter a house; this would bring wealth and happiness to the family.

The first Monday is also called the Day of the Virgin Mary; it is customary to give alms to the needy and do good deeds.


Tuesday of Easter week is called Baths; it was customary for people to pour water on this day cold water those who overslept morning prayers.

Round Dancer or Thunder Wednesday

From Wednesday of the week after Easter, youth festivities begin, girls and boys gathered to dance in circles, grooms looked after brides, older people also gathered “for music”, danced, had fun with their families, gathered in taverns to continue celebrating Easter.

Navsky Thursday

In many places, on the first Thursday after Easter people go to the cemetery, lay red eggs and remember the dead, and clean up the graves of their ancestors.

Folk festivities continue, people continue to visit, organize gatherings, “drive the mare”: they put a “tail” and “head” on a stick, imitating a horse, the man dresses up as a gypsy and “rides the mare” for everyone.

Forgiveness Friday

On this day, father-in-law and mother-in-law invited their son-in-law's parents to visit.
Women and girls had to wash themselves with cold water before dawn on this day - it is believed that this ritual bestows beauty and youth.

Hail Saturday

On Saturday after Easter, it was customary to call out to the newlyweds; their parents would come to visit them.
On Saturday, young people continued to dance in circles, have fun, and performed a cheerful ritual of “seeing off the mermaids.”


Under open air in the evenings, young people gathered and held parties, which were fun and lively, with songs, music, dancing, guys flirting with girls.

Be sure to find out

Many people perceive the first Monday after Easter as a weekday. The holiday passed, the bells rang, we stood through the solemn service, greeted friends and acquaintances with a triple kiss and a joyful exclamation: “Christ is risen!”, exchanged colored eggs... Is it time to return to normal work rhythm? But no! The joy of the bright holiday is so great that it lasts for 40 days, the most significant of which are the first 8 - Easter Sunday itself and the entire week following it.

Orthodox traditions

Monday, which comes after the bright spring holiday, has many names. He is both Polivalny, and Volochyny, and Easter... But first of all, Light, that is, sanctified by God; filled with rejoicing on the occasion of the resurrection of Christ and the victory of life over death.

On this day - as well as throughout the week - services are held according to a special Easter rite:

  • instead of the usual prayers, the chanting recitation of the topar sounds;
  • no weddings or funeral services are performed;
  • the royal doors in temples and churches remain wide open day and night, symbolizing Heaven open to believers;
  • on the lectern, artos, sacred bread, is waiting in the wings - on Sunday it will be broken into pieces with prayer and distributed to everyone present;
  • After the Liturgy, a procession of the cross takes place, during which parishioners carry lighted candles in their hands, and the ringing of bells is heard in the air.

The ringing, by the way, is not simple. According to custom, during Bright Week anyone can climb the belfry and ring the bell, simply asking for the priest’s blessing.

Easter week is a time of joy, not work and worries

Is it possible to work on Monday after Easter? Let's put it this way: it is advisable to free this day from routine worries and devote it to God. For example, before the revolution, when Orthodoxy was the state religion, the entire Easter week remained festive. People managed to go to church, pray at home, and communicate from the heart, recharged good mood. There was enough time for everything!

But now we have a secular state, and the opportunity to take time off is not always given. What should I do? Do your duty with a clear conscience, because work is not a sin as long as you treat it wisely. No one will blame employee for diligence, since, having got a job, he assumed certain obligations to the employer.

You won’t even dare to condemn a housewife who devoted an hour or two of Bright Monday to household chores. Life, alas, is an integral part of our lives. If after yesterday's feast there is a mountain left in the kitchen dirty dishes, rivaling Everest, and sloppy guests brought dirt into the rooms, but at the same time you doubt whether it is possible to clean on Monday after Easter? - Pray and get down to business. You can’t live in chaos all week!

But try to avoid acute attacks of workaholism: do things today, put off non-urgent ones “for later.” And be sure to set aside time in your schedule to attend church, then there will definitely be no sin on you.

Our ancestors could rarely afford a day off

Monday after Easter: what you should never do:

  • become despondent and indulge in gloomy thoughts;
  • scold;
  • devote the day to extraneous things, leaving prayer aside;
  • get drunk;
  • overeating, rewarding yourself for fasting, is harmful from both a church and medical point of view.

Some people are wondering whether they can get their hair cut on the Monday after Easter. There is no direct prohibition on this action in church canons. Rather, the same rule applies here as with household chores, calling believers during Bright Week to indulge less in vain earthly concerns and think more about the soul. Can you postpone your visit to the hairdresser? Do it. No? Go boldly.

Folk rituals

Returning from the service, our ancestors hastily collected the remaining colorful eggs and blessed Easter cakes into a bundle and set off from home: godchildren brought gifts to godparents, grandchildren to grandparents, and husbands simply made the rounds to friends and acquaintances, congratulating each one on their birthday. holiday.

Only housewives were supposed to stay within four walls in order to properly greet relatives, friends, or participants in the merry Volochyny rite, reminiscent of Carols, who came to see the light. It was performed mainly by young guys who walked from house to house with songs and jokes, praising the housewives for their beauty and hard work, and receiving treats from the festive table in return.

Often the Volochyny rite was performed by wandering buffoons

But unmarried girls had to be on their guard on this day. The enraged guys tried to throw water on their fellow villagers, and the prettier the young lady was, the more splashed jugs she got. But no one was offended: our ancestors believed that the water of Watering Monday would give the girl beauty and health, and at the same time predict successful marriage. So don’t be alarmed if someone quick-witted predicts a happy family life for you this spring!

However, given that in the 2018 Lent Calendar, Easter Monday falls on April 9, in retribution for the good prediction, the beauty will have to click her teeth from the cold in soaking wet clothes. But is it worth it?

Thrifty housewives did not miss the opportunity to pour Monday water on poultry and cattle - they will be healthier.

Weather signs

Thoughts about the harvest never left the peasant. So on Monday after Easter, omens advised plowmen not to yawn, looking around. The sky, the birds, the rain - everything could tell you whether to wait this year hunger or abundance.

  • If the sky is clear and the weather is calm, it will soon begin to rain.
  • As is Watering Monday, so will be the summer.
  • If the birds behave quietly and do not sing, the frosts will still make themselves felt.

Video: Bright Monday in Vyborg

Signs and beliefs are the wisdom and collective observations of many generations of our ancestors, so you should not treat them condescendingly and superficially. The signs of what not to do on Easter are not known to everyone, although this holiday is revered even by those people who are not true church-going Christians.

What can't you do on Easter and why?

Easter signs concern not only the holiday. They must be observed for at least three days, including Easter itself and two days after it. Traditionally, Christian church holidays are celebrated for 3-7 days. Therefore, when understanding the survey of what you should not do during Easter, you must take into account that the signs must be observed for three days.

You can often hear from our grandmothers and representatives of the older generation that nothing can be done on Easter, but in most cases this applies to various types homework– washing, sewing, knitting, cleaning, farming. Orthodox clergy advise postponing any business that is possible until the days after the end of the holiday week.

If a person has working days on holidays or there is an urgent need for some kind of work, then this ban is lifted. For example, with regard to caring for the sick, elderly people or small children, the church is loyal in this matter. The prohibition applies to work that is unnecessary on a holiday.

The second important prohibition regarding what you cannot do on Easter concerns visiting a cemetery. It is believed that in Svetloye Christ's Sunday the souls of all the dead meet with God, so they should not be disturbed on this day. For this purpose, Orthodox Christians have a special day of remembrance of the dead -. Traditionally, this holiday falls on the 9th day after Easter. For convenience in relation to working week visiting the graves of loved ones is postponed to the first Sunday after Easter.

The remaining prohibitions concern the moral behavior of people during the festive Easter week:

It is not difficult to answer the question why nothing can be done on, both from an Orthodox and a secular point of view. It is believed that Jesus, after his death, passed into another world and first there announced the joy of his resurrection. Having resurrected, he granted forgiveness to all repentant sinners in the name of his Father. That is why bright joy cannot be spoiled by hard work, carnal pleasures and sinful thoughts. Many even non-believers or adherents of other religions refuse work and sadness these days out of respect for the torment of Christ and the sincere faith of millions of Christians.

Easter is a church holiday during which the Lord and the Son of God are glorified. The history of the holiday is amazing: in ancient times there lived a pharaoh who hated Jews. God's people wanted to leave the state, but Pharaoh was categorically against it because he was using them as slaves.

With the advent of Moses, the prophet of God, the fate of the Jews changed. He helped bring out the Jewish people, punished the slave owner and gave the Jewish people their homeland called Jerusalem.

That is why this city is called a holy place. Many years later, the son of God, called Jesus Christ, was born on this holy Land. At the age of 33, Jesus was crucified on Mount Golgotha. This happened on Friday. The day before, the son of God organized last supper, where he gathered parishioners.

After the crucifixion, Jesus' body was placed in a cave. Several days later the body was not found. Jesus appeared before the people alive. It is on this day that the resurrection of the son of God, in other words, Jesus, is celebrated. Easter symbolizes liberation from death, deliverance from sins and grace.

There are many signs and customs associated with the holiday. There are rituals that can and must be performed, and there are those that are strictly prohibited.

What is prohibited to do

On the day of Easter you cannot:

  • Think about bad things.
  • Wishing evil to people.
  • Arguing with relatives.
  • Use obscene language in your vocabulary.
  • Lie.
  • Embroider.
  • Sew.
  • To knit.
  • Clean up the house.
  • Vacuuming.
  • Sweep.
  • Chop.
  • Throw away consecrated food.
  • Get rid of sacred things.
  • Mock people.
  • Work in the garden, field.
  • Dig.
  • Sow.
  • Lead an intimate life. Sexual activity is prohibited for the entire week. Deny intimate life two spouses owe. This happens by mutual consent.
  • Watch TV.
  • Visit entertainment venues.
  • Hold noisy feasts.
  • Sit at the computer.
  • To take revenge.
  • Cheating on your spouse.

During Easter week it is prohibited:

  • Get married. Traditionally, marriages on this day are not blessed by the Almighty. You can't get married. These families may not have children.
  • Order memorial services.
  • Mourn.
  • Cry.

It is not advisable to wash dishes, but if it is necessary, it’s okay. All people are exposed to household chores. There is no escape from them and no one will fulfill them for us.

During the existence of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, it was believed that visiting the cemetery on this day was prohibited. But the church says otherwise. No one forbids visiting deceased relatives, praying for them and remembering them. But Easter is a holiday of goodness, light and rebirth. Therefore, you can visit the departed on the ninth day after Easter.


On the bright holiday of Easter, food in the church is blessed. People visit the sacred house, bring gifts to it, take communion and pray.

Food is definitely holy. Eating consecrated food after Lent means cleansing and forgiveness of sins. Blessing of food is ancient sign and tradition.

All food is put into an Easter basket. It is customary to illuminate:

  1. Red wine.
  2. Eggs.
  3. Easter cakes.

People come to church, listen to the liturgy, praise God and go home to break their fast. Breaking the fast means eating.

Before Easter, people fast. These days you cannot eat meat, fish, eggs, or dairy products. Most strict fast falls on Good Friday.

On holiday it is allowed:

  • Laugh.
  • Have fun.
  • Pray.
  • Visit guests.
  • Invite friends and family to your home.
  • Do charity work.
  • Carry out work caring for small children and sick people.
  • Forgive offenses.

On a church holiday, it is allowed to drink alcoholic beverages in moderation. Do not drink to the point of intoxication, preferably red wine - Cahors.

You can work if the situation requires it. But this does not mean work in the garden or field, but at the place of employment. Whether to work or not is up to the individual to decide.

On this day people greet each other in a special way: they kiss three times and exclaim “Christ is risen.” The answer must be “truly risen.”
It is not customary to give gifts on Easter. But this is not prohibited. They give their relatives the necessary gifts, household items, sweets, Easter eggs and decorations.

The symbol of Easter is an egg decorated with pictures. It symbolizes new life. During breaking the fast, people beat and eat eggs.

The holiday is dedicated to rest, prayer, family reunion and spiritual solitude.

In the old days, people believed that when a person dies on Easter, God forgives him all his sins. The deceased is given a place in heaven and immortal life. The soul is cleansed of evil and unkind thoughts, and God accepts the deceased in heaven. Death is a terrible moment, but no one is safe from it.
Don't throw away Easter egg shells.

Ways to get rid of shells:

  • It is burned and buried in a place inaccessible to people. They don’t step on this place later.
  • The shells are ground to powder in a coffee grinder and placed in a container. Added to food during meals.
  • It is ground and lowered into running water.
  • Refers to the temple. Present in church special place, where you can put the shell.

Leftover food is given to animals and birds. Babes with Easter cakes cannot be thrown away.

What not to do before Easter

Before church holiday it is forbidden:

  • Eat meat.
  • Drink alcohol.
  • There are sweets.
  • Consume fats and spices.
  • In a day Good Friday You cannot swim or do housework.
  • Perform the wedding ceremony.

Only people who follow a diet are allowed to consume prohibited foods. This applies to diabetics and people requiring special nutrition.

How to celebrate the holiday

Easter is celebrated:

  • With good intentions and joy.
  • In the circle of family and friends. Reunion with family brings people closer and gives positive emotions.
  • Clean. The house is cleaned not on the holiday, but before it.
  • Receiving guests. The celebration should not be noisy.
