What prayers to read to a newborn baby for health. Prayer for health for children

They are divided by social privacy (public and private), by verbal expression (internal and external) and by content (praise, gratitude, petition and many others). Traditions and rules for offering prayers gradually developed in Christianity and adopted a lot from the Jews. In any prayer, what is important is not where, how and what the prayer is offered, but with what feeling and faith the person praying applies; everything else is equal.

Having endured many repressions in Russia, Christians, unfortunately, have practically forgotten how to praise and give thanks, but, alas, we always have enough reasons for requests. And we ask for many things: about the worldly and the spiritual, about the lofty and the everyday, about the physical and the spiritual. But most of all we care for our children and ask for their well-being, bright minds, strong faith, happy life, and most importantly, health. And the strongest prayer for the health of children flies to heaven.

Prayer for health for children

They most often pray for the health or recovery of a child to the Mother of God, the Holy Martyr Paraskeva, Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, the Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow, the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, the Seven Youths of Ephesus, and finally the Guardian Angel. You can offer a prayer over a child, at an icon, or order a prayer service for health in a church. Or you can do everything at once.

Mother of God - intercessor

The prayer to the Mother of God for the health of the child exists in two versions.

In the first, the prayer asks the Mother of God to turn to her son and ask him for strength for the child’s recovery. This is the Miracle of the Sick Child to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In the second, the request for healing is raised directly to the Mother of God herself. This is Strong church prayer about the health of sick children to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Any prayer for the health of children addressed to the Mother of God is considered very strong and brings healing.

Mother's Prayer

At all times, the mother’s prayer for the health of the child will be indestructible, the most ardent and sincere. Both on the brightest day and in the most sorrowful hour, our mother worries about us and prays for our health.

Any prayer offered in a cry, whisper or silently, addressed to a saint, martyr, blessed or guardian angel, from the lips of a mother will be heard.

It is possible that a prayer for health to children, said in your own words, without memorized phrases, even if coming from the heart, will be accepted with more love and attention.

Life goes on, everything changes, nothing stands still. Likewise, religion, which is a part of our lives, is undergoing changes. New prayers appear. Nowadays they are written more often in poetic form, because it’s more harmonious and easier to remember. Such prayers are passed on from mouth to mouth and rewritten.

If you find it difficult to cope with church prayers for the health of your child and it is also difficult to find your words to address the Mother of God, use the modern option.

Prayer "For health for children"

I bow my knees before the old icon.

Hear, Mother of God, my request.

You are the mother and intercessor of all mothers.

I ask for health and life for the children.

With your mercy, do not abandon them.

May they be healthy. Forever. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God "For the recovery of the child"

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Lord,

I can only rely on you.

I repent of my sins, I will accept all vows,

Give healing to my child.

Let the pain recede, let the illness pass,

I will serve the Lord faithfully,

Just let the child recover and live.

Mother's prayer "For the health of the child"

There is no peace for a mother's heart,

When the child became sick.

And from that with a sad prayer

Please let the pain disappear like smoke.

Don't turn away now, Guardian Angel.

Don't leave your child in the dark.

Cover with your wing, take to your abode

And heal in heavenly purity.

The most powerful prayer for the health of children is the prayer that comes from the very depths of a mother’s heart. Why specifically maternal? Because only the mother knows her child 9 months longer than other people. Because there is a close, inextricable connection between mother and child. When a baby is sick, his mother is sick along with him, but her pain is stronger, since she is sick in spirit. In moments when a child suffers from illness, Orthodox prayers for the health of the children can come to the mother’s aid.

Of course, if a child is ill, you should not neglect traditional drug treatment - medicine has now made enormous progress and is able to cope with many, even serious, diseases.

We should not forget about faith, about the holy heavenly helpers - their support and assistance can alleviate the patient’s condition and speed up his healing. The best way appealing to higher powers has always been, is and will be sincere prayer.

Orthodox prayers simply must be read during illness. The Lord is the main helper to the mother of a sick child, for His possibilities are limitless. God also has his own companions - these are saints who know how to heal body and soul. Therefore, you can turn to the Almighty with a request for health through His saints - the Creator listens to their opinion and through them provides His help.

In addition to the Lord himself, most often with prayer for the health of children they appeal to:

  • Holy Mother of God;
  • Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Blessed Matrona of Moscow;
  • Saint Panteleimon the Healer.

A mother’s prayer for health (whether for her son or daughter), directed to the listed saints, has truly miraculous powers and can sometimes become the only salvation in a critical situation.

5 most powerful and rare prayers for children

Below is a selection of powerful mother's prayers for children - they include both the most popular prayer texts and quite rare ones, known to a narrow circle of believers. However, all of them have repeatedly confirmed their effectiveness in practice and have helped many children suffering from one or another disease.

Prayer for the health of children to the Lord

Prayers for the health of children addressed to the Lord have amazing power. If her child is ill, the mother can ask for him get well soon, using the following prayer text:

Important: if the child is not yet 7 years old, the words “servant of God” should be replaced with a phrase “child of God”. This condition is necessary, since it is believed that all children under 7 years of age (inclusive) are the Lord's babies, His angels.

Prayer to the Most Holy Mother of God (Theotokos)

No one will understand the thoughts, feelings, hopes, despair and suffering of a mother better than the same mother. That is why many mothers during illness turn to the Mother of God with prayer for the health of their child. The healing text addressed to her sounds like this:

Besides this miracle prayer, with a request for the health of your child, you can use another church text. Despite its brevity, it has great power. His words are:

Prayer for the health of the child to Matrona of Moscow

Among Orthodox believers, one of the especially revered saints is the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow. You can ask Matronushka for health for your child using this prayer:

This prayer would be most preferable for the youngest children. If the child has already reached adolescence or young age, one must pray to the Blessed Elder for his (her) health using a different text. His words:

The energy and effectiveness of the prayer to the Matrona of Moscow will increase significantly if you place a small icon of the old woman in the room or next to the bed of a sick child.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for recovery

The Holy Saint also helps the mother of a sick child. They ask him for healing like this:

Prayer for the health of children to Panteleimon the Healer

The patron saint of all the sick is the holy great martyr Panteleimon the Healer. During his lifetime, he was a talented healer and became famous for his examples of miraculous healing. To contact a saint, it is better to purchase his image in a church shop and read the following prayer before him 3 times:

The greatest effect for the healing and health of the child will be achieved if the prayer appeal is carried out within the walls of the temple. The most powerful prayer is the one that is read sincerely, from the bottom of your heart. Every word of hers must be passed through the soul and find a response in it. And then the disease will quickly recede, especially if both the mother and the sick child are baptized.

It is advisable to reinforce the prayer ritual with a magpie for the health of a sick person - it is ordered in the church. It’s good if the mother goes to church, puts candles in front of the icons of the Lord and saints, and draws holy water - you can add it to the sick child’s food and drink, just give it to your face and hands. If the mother is unable to leave the bedside of the sick person, relatives or friends can go to church.

Orthodox prayers for health can be said even if the child is not baptized. Praying is allowed at home, but for these purposes it is recommended to buy icons of those saints to whom a petition for health has been sent. Higher powers are merciful to the sincere prayer of a mother, for whom there is nothing and no one more valuable than her child.

Prayers for health should be wisely combined with traditional medical assistance. When the symptoms of the disease worsen, you should definitely contact a doctor, and when the child’s condition improves, say prayers.

Priests recommend reading prayers for health as often as possible, and doing this not only during illness, but also when the child is healthy - in this case, prayer will serve a preventive function. The words of the petition should be memorized, and during the reading process, do not be distracted by extraneous factors, and fully concentrate on the main goal. Visualization will also help speed up the recovery of a sick child. The mother should concentrate on the image of happy and joyful children, and most importantly, completely healed of their illness.

This article contains prayers for the health and healing of children for all occasions.

Not everything depends on people. Moreover, the occurrence of colds in children and other diseases does not depend on us. When a child is sick, every parent has a feeling of fear and fright. Mother and father are lost, looking for all sorts of treatments.

  • There is an invisible and inextricable connection between mother and baby. But she must concentrate as much as possible to find ways to solve the problem.
  • A mother's prayer for the child's recovery helps to attract attention Higher powers to the child. Thanks to the sincere faith of the parents, the baby will be able to recover from the illness faster.
  • The mother's prayer is considered the most powerful prayer for any person. This article contains prayers calling on certain Saints who help newborn babies or older children.

A mother should always pray for the health of her child, and not just during his illness. The prayer is said standing, every word resonates in the soul. This is the only way to achieve results in the baby’s recovery.

Before starting to read any prayer, you need to read “Our Father” 3 times, 1 time – Psalm 90 and 1 time – Prayer Life-giving Cross. Only then start reading other healing words.

Prayer "Our Father"- see the picture below

Our Father Prayer

Prayer “Psalm 90”

Psalm 90

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross

Which Saint should a mother pray to when her child has a fever? Powerful Prayer about the health and healing of children Matrona:

Which Saint should a mother pray to when her child has a fever: a strong prayer for the health and healing of children Matrona

While reading this prayer, when turning to God, say your name, and constantly think about the sick child.

Another powerful prayer Matrona, which you can read every day:

Strong prayer for the health and healing of children to Matrona

Saint Panteleimon, during his lifetime, possessed unique ability heal any disease. Prayers to this Saint are among the most powerful. They ask him for healing for the sick before operations, and mothers pray for their children in order to cope not only with bodily illnesses, but also with mental illnesses.

The mother should pray to this Saint for fear of the child, so that the baby is not exposed to negative influence and God gave him his protection. Text of a strong prayer Panteleimon below:

Which Saint should a mother pray to for fear of a child: the text of a strong prayer to Panteleimon

Anyone can inadvertently cast the evil eye. Moreover, the kids are very cute and beautiful, everyone admires them. When a baby has the evil eye, he becomes capricious, constantly cries, and eats poorly. Therefore, the mother must first show the child to the doctor, and if the doctor says that his health is fine, then it is an evil eye.

Which Saint should a mother pray to against the evil eye of her child? Must read first Our Father, Psalm 90, Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross, and then the prayer below Lord God:

Which Saint should a mother pray to against the evil eye of her child?

A child’s stuttering may appear after fright, the evil eye or damage. Therefore, the mother begins to pray by reading the following prayers: Our Father, Psalm 90, Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross. Only then start reading other prayers.

For stuttering in a child, you can pray, as if you were frightened, to Saint Panteleimon. Matrona of Moscow helps the mother in her prayers for the baby. All these prayers are above.

There is another powerful and small prayer Matronushka from stuttering in children. Read these words below above your baby's head while he sleeps:

Which Saint should a mother pray to for her child’s stuttering?

Sleep is important for a baby. After all, during sleep the child regains strength and grows. If the baby is anxious and capricious, or has been jinxed, then he may not have adequate rest both at night and during the day.

Which Saint should a mother pray to so that her child sleeps well? In addition to daily prayers, Our Father, Psalm 90 and the Life-Giving Cross, read this Prayer to Jesus Christ:

Which Saint should a mother pray to so that her child sleeps well?

Also, do not forget that Panteleimon and Matrona of Moscow help with all physical and mental ailments. At least once a day, call upon these Saints for help.

If your baby is diagnosed with delayed speech development and speech disorders,” then it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations. In addition, you can read prayers, take your baby to communion in church on Sundays and holidays, and also give him Holy water (give a small portion in the morning on an empty stomach).

Which Saint should a mother pray to so that her child begins to speak? Worth reading a prayer Venerable John of Rila. People also turn to his icon with their own words about healing.

Text of the prayer:

Which Saint should a mother pray to so that her child begins to speak?

Video: Prayer for a child to speak. Prayer to John of Rylsky.

Enuresis is an unpleasant disease for both the child and the parents. For many children it occurs in adolescence, but the mother should still pray for the health of the child from birth. Read a prayer so that the child does not pee at night to Matrona of Moscow or Panteleimon (texts above). When your baby grows up, teach him to be baptized. Then you will read a prayer, and he will apply the Sign of the Cross to himself - this is very good.

Strong prayer for the health of children Mother of God:

Maternal prayer so that the child does not pee at night: a strong prayer for the health of the children of the Mother of God

Nicholas the Wonderworker performed miracles during his lifetime. Therefore, every mother asks him for her child for any reason. Especially, before the operation you need to call on Nikola Ugodnik for help.

A strong prayer for the health and healing of children to Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Which Saint should a mother pray to before an operation on a child: a strong prayer for the health and healing of children to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

What other Saints should a mother pray to before surgery on her child? There are many of them, but mostly they read prayers to Panteleimon and Luka Crimean.

To the healer Saint Panteleimon:

Which Saint should a mother pray to before surgery on her child?

You can add your own words to the prayer or change some parts of it, but the main idea must remain. Even if you don’t have the text of the prayer at hand, you can say the prayer in your own words.

In the offices of many surgeons you can see the icon Luke Krymsky. Therefore, they pray to him on the day of the operation, both adults for themselves and parents for their children.

Which Saint should a mother pray to before surgery on her child - Luke Krymsky

A mother should always pray for the health of her children, because her prayers are the most powerful. If the son is sick, then the mother reads a prayer to Panteleimon:

The strongest Orthodox mother's prayer the son’s health is discussed with an appeal to the Lord God. It can be read both about the health of your son and the health of your daughter. If you have two or more children, name them all. Such a prayer can be read both for the health of sick babies and for the health of adult sons and daughters.

The Most Holy Theotokos is our Helper. They call on her for help more often than other Saints. Mother's prayer request is a strong talisman for a child. Read the prayers you know or say them in your own words, they will be heard by God. Strong Orthodox mother's prayer for the health of her daughter To the Blessed Virgin Mary:

Strong Orthodox maternal prayer for the health of her daughter to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Another prayer for children. Say it slowly so that the words come from the heart. Don’t think about extraneous matters, otherwise you will become accustomed to and memorize the prayer, and such words will not be heard by the Lord. Pronounce each word, thinking about its meaning.

When appears new person into the world, everyone around him wants to protect him from evil. Relatives give advice, neighbors talk about their experiences. Don't listen to anyone. Do not read conspiracies for a baby on your own and refuse all pseudo-Orthodox actions that you are offered to perform. Consult with the priest in the church about what you can and cannot do. While praying, keep your thoughts and soul pure.

A strong Orthodox maternal prayer for the health of a newborn baby to the Guardian Angel:

Strong Orthodox maternal prayer for the health of a newborn baby to the Guardian Angel

Another prayer to the Guardian Angel for all occasions. It can be read if the baby is capricious or cannot fall asleep for a long time.

Video: Strong prayer for children in front of the icon of the Mother of God (female voice)

It’s hard for any mother to see her children sick. A prayer for the child’s health will help alleviate the baby’s condition and save him from illness. In these cases, mothers pray for their children.

You can ask any saint for health - maybe you fell in love with a certain saint of God more than others, or in your family it is traditional to resort to the help of a specific saint in all sorrows.

People usually ask for the sick from the holy great martyr Panteleimon - during his earthly life he was a doctor, and was awarded by God many miracles of healing due to his boundless faith. They ask Panteleimon for healing from all sorts of illnesses, especially from the evil eye and other magic.

We should always remember that only God is capable of allowing human illness - and He is also capable of healing it.

The saints themselves, to whose help we resort, are intercessors and mediators between Almighty God and us, sinful people. It is important to warn all parents who pray for the health of their children about this - so that they do not accidentally show disrespect for God.

How to pray correctly?

If you pray (it doesn’t matter whether it is a mother’s prayer for the granting of health to a child, or a request for the success of a business begun) - keep your soul pure, do not believe in fortune-telling, spells, do not cast spells or cast spells, refuse all pseudo-Orthodox actions that you are offered to perform . Don’t be afraid to seem naive or look stupid - ask and ask the priest about the actions offered to you on the side - he will tell you exactly what is right and useful, and what is an act displeasing to God.

Types of prayers

A prayer for good health to the Most Holy Mother of God is said in church or in private (at home). It is usually customary to ask for help from the saint in front of whose icon petitions are offered, but if this is not possible, ask for help from any place and position - strong maternal prayer protects children in a moment of danger, even if you are far from the icons.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary “For good health”

“Now we are diligent to the Mother of God, sinners and humility, and let us fall, in repentance calling from the depths of our souls: Lady, help us, having had mercy on us, struggling, we are perishing from many sins, do not turn away your slaves, for you are the only hope of the imams. Offering to my queen, my hope Mother of God, friend of the orphaned and strange, the intercessor of the sorrowing, the joyful, the offended patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it as if by will: for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O Mother of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen."

In this case, one should distinguish between the impossibility of reading prayers in front of the icon and simple laziness. If you pray at home on the sofa, are not sick and can stand in front of icons, you are committing a sin, such prayer will be of no use.

Saint Nicholas, the Wonderworker of the World of Lycia, became famous for many miracles during his earthly life, and relentlessly helps everyone who comes to him for help - especially a mother asking for her children. The Saint loved children very much and always protected and protected them. You can also pray to him for the health and salvation of children.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker “For the health of children”

“O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling on your quick intercession for help: see us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened in mind from cowardice: strive, servant of God, not leave us in the sinful captivity of being, so that we will not joyfully be our enemy and not die in our evil deeds. Pray for us, unworthy of our Creator and Master, to whom you stand with disembodied faces: make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that He will not reward us according to our deeds and the impurity of our hearts, but according to His goodness He will reward us. We trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call upon your intercession for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, saint of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not be desecrated in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

The holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, a great saint of God, lived in pagan Rome and suffered for his faith in Christ. At the same time, he was a respected man, a famous doctor who healed children and adults with the power of medicine and faith. Panteleimon debunked the myths about the power of idols, exposed the demons that acted through them.

Prayer to Panteleimon “For the health of children”

“O holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, merciful imitator of God! Look with mercy and hear us sinners who pray fervently before your holy icon. Ask us from the Lord God, Who stands with the angels in heaven, for the forgiveness of our sins and transgressions. Heal diseases the spiritual and physical servants of God who are now remembered, those who stand here and all Orthodox Christians who flow to your intercession. Behold, for our sin, we are fiercely possessed by many ailments and are not imams of help and consolation: we resort to you, as you have given the grace to pray for us and heal every ailment and every disease. Grant therefore to all of us, through your holy prayers, health and well-being of souls and bodies, advancement of faith and piety, and everything necessary for temporary life and salvation, for having been granted great and rich mercies by you, let us glorify you and the giver of all blessings, wondrous in the saints of our God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

Therefore, the healer Panteleimon has special power for healing various kinds of evil eyes, conspiracies and the like. terrible consequences witchcraft.

Read the life of St. Panteleimon aloud - it is written in an easy, entertaining way; learning about it is useful for both you and your child.

Mother Matrona of Moscow was crippled (she was blind), but at the same time she always helped those who resorted to her help to heal illnesses. Mothers are accustomed to asking for their children from the blessed Mother, who always helps to recover from even the most serious illness.

Prayer to Matrona “For Children”

“O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope, those who resort to your intercession and help, quick help and miraculous healing to all serving; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

Not only Christianity has its own mother’s prayers for the health of children: Muslim mothers pray in their own way. The main thing that Muslim prayers for children require is sincerity towards Allah and humiliation before Him. A prayer must be answered - this is what Islamic theologians say.

Maternal orthodox prayer works wonders for the health of a sick child. We offer strong and very rare prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos for the healing of children. Mothers should pray these prayers for the healing of any illnesses in their children.

Miracle prayer for the health of a sick child to the Blessed Virgin Mary

“O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless and carried in their mother’s womb. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy Motherly supervision, for Thou art the Divine protection of Thy servants.”

Strong church prayer for the health of sick children to the Blessed Virgin Mary

“Mother of God, lead me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names) caused by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen".

Does Christian prayer for a patient before surgery help?

Yes, it helps, but only if you sincerely believe in the Lord God and repent of your sins. Before the operation, you need to go to church to confess, take communion and take a blessing for the operation. Order a magpie for health, a prayer service. Read “Canon of Repentance to Our Lord Jesus Christ”, Canons to the Most Holy Theotokos, to the Guardian Angel. Forgive everyone, ask for forgiveness, make peace with everyone, order a prayer service for health in church, akathists.

A miraculous prayer read for a patient before surgery

“Lord Almighty, holy king, punish and do not kill, confirm the one who has fallen, and raise the undestroyed, bodily sorrows of man, and correct the sorrows we pray to you, our God, visit your servant (name), who is weak, with your mercy. Forgive him for every sin, voluntary or involuntary.

By God, your healing power has been sent down from heaven to control the mind and hand of your slave doctor (name) and perform the necessary surgery safely, as if the bodily ailment of your servant (name) was completely healed, and every hostile invasion was driven far away from him. Raise him from the horde of sickness and grant him health in soul and body, pleasing and doing your will. For you are the hedgehog of mercy to save us, our God, and to you we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

The purpose of religion is salvation human soul, however, Neil Smelser argues that another goal is no less important: a person’s acquisition of meaning in life.

Does this mean that the life of an atheist is meaningless, or does religion provide meaning for those who cannot find it on their own? Believers in many countries large quantities eating beef steaks and steaks, how much do they offend the religious feelings of Hindus who revere the cow as a sacred animal, and how does this relate to the religious tolerance that is now proclaimed by every church in the world? It is curious how the movement for a unified church intends to eliminate such contradictions: to ban the consumption of beef or to deprive the cow of the status of a sacred animal.
