Scientific and practical effectiveness of control systems research. Effectiveness of control systems research

The enterprise management system must have production flexibility, take into account serious competition in the goods (services) market, take into account the requirements for the level of quality of customer service, take into account the need to take into account the uncertainty of the external environment, etc. To implement these conditions, there is an objective need for research and analysis of the current situation . Various types of innovations manifest themselves in enterprises in the form of organizational improvement of the management system, which requires clarification of individual connections, system parameters, the use of more effective methods for their implementation, increasing the level of reliability, etc.

The development and improvement of an organization is based on a thorough and deep knowledge of its activities, which requires a study of management systems.

The need for a modern organization to meet the requirements of a market economy necessitates its constant improvement, organizational development. The basis for organizational innovation is the study of the activities of organizations.

Control systems research- this is a type of activity aimed at developing and improving management in accordance with constantly changing external and internal conditions. In the conditions of the dynamism of modern production and social structure, management must continuously develop, which today cannot be achieved without exploring the ways and possibilities of this development, without choosing alternative directions. Management research is carried out in the everyday activities of managers and personnel and in the work of specialized analytical groups, laboratories, and departments. The need for research into management systems is dictated by a fairly large range of problems that many organizations have to face. From the right decision The success of these organizations depends on these problems. Research of management systems can be different both in terms of goals and methodology of their implementation.

By purpose distinguish practical and scientific-practical research. Case studies designed to obtain effective solutions and achieve desired results. Scientific and practical research focused on the future, a deeper understanding of trends and patterns of development of organizations, increasing the educational level of employees.

By methodology studies are of an empirical nature and based on a system of scientific knowledge.

Various studies and on resource use(own or attracted), labor intensity, duration, information support, organization of their implementation. In each specific case, based on the goals set, it is necessary to choose the appropriate type of research. Research as a type of activity in the process of managing an organization includes the following work:

· recognition of problems and problematic situations;

· determination of the reasons for their origin, properties, content, patterns of development;

· establishing the place of these problems and situations both in the system of scientific knowledge and in the system practical management;

· finding ways, means and opportunities to use new knowledge about this problem;

· development of solutions to problems;

· selection of the optimal solution to the problem according to the criteria of effectiveness, optimality, efficiency.

Conducting research and analysis of any specific management system as an object is necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market for goods (services), to improve the efficiency of the functioning of departments and the organization as a whole.

Research must be carried out in the following cases:

· when organizations are facing bankruptcy or a serious crisis;

· when organizations function successfully and consistently achieve certain results (timely research will help maintain this stable level of work of organizations, find out what hinders or stimulates work to a greater extent, so that the desired results are even better);

· when the external environment of the organization changes significantly;

· when the goals of the functioning of organizations change (this is inevitable in conditions of market competition and constantly changing consumer demand).

Research is necessary from both a scientific and practical point of view. From a scientific point of view, research involves developing and clearly articulating a research methodology in order to develop fundamental theoretical principles. From a practical point of view, research should be carried out by specific people (analysts, designers). Practice shows that specialists with ordinary work experience in research or business organizations do not have special knowledge for such research. From a practical point of view, conducting research places certain demands on the composition and qualifications of a team of analysts and developers.

Researchers should:

· have experience in the management of specific production facilities;

·have knowledge of modern management methods and techniques;

·have knowledge of operations research methods and systems analysis;

·have the ability to communicate with specialists of various levels and profiles.

Control systems research includes:

·clarification of the goals of development and functioning of the enterprise and its divisions;

· identifying trends in enterprise development in a competitive market environment;

· identification of factors that ensure the achievement of the formulated goal and that impede it;

·collection of necessary data for the development of measures to improve the current management system;

· obtaining the necessary data to link modern models, methods and tools to the conditions of a particular enterprise.

In the process of research and analysis of the organization’s work, its role and place in the relevant market sector are established, the state of production economic activity organizations; its production structure; management system and its organizational structure; features of the organization’s interaction with consumers, suppliers and other market participants; innovative activities of the organization; her psychological climate and etc.

Research is an integral part of an organization's management and is aimed at improving the basic characteristics of the management process. When conducting such studies, the object of study is the control system itself, which is characterized by certain characteristics and is subject to a number of requirements.

It is advisable to conduct a systematic study on the basis of the chosen methodology, which is a set of goals, methods and means necessary for a comprehensive study. The general concept, built on the basis of a system of scientific knowledge in the field of management, as well as the theory and practice of organizational design, becomes important when conducting research.

The system concept involves the comprehensive design of management systems, including the selection of operational goals, the formation of a set of solutions that implement the selected goals, the design of technology for preparing management decisions, the formation of a management structure, and the development of regulatory documentation.

The effectiveness of research into control systems is determined by the chosen research methods. The entire set of research methods can be structured into methods based on the use of knowledge and intuition of specialists, methods of formalized representation of systems, integrated methods and methods for studying information flows.

Methods based on the use of knowledge and intuition of specialists include: methods such as “brainstorming”, methods such as “scenarios”, methods of expert assessments, methods such as “Delphi”, structuring methods such as the “goal tree”, the “business game” method, morphological an approach.

Methods for formalized representation of systems include: analytical, statistical, set-theoretic, logical, linguistic, semiotic, graphical, structural-linguistic methods, dynamic simulation modeling.

Any management system is, first of all, a system that has a hierarchical structure and specific goals. The activities of any management system are aimed at achieving the set goals. When building an organization, it is necessary to distinguish between a global goal and operational goals. When designing a management system, determining the composition of qualitative and quantitative goals becomes important. To achieve the set goals, it is necessary to carry out management functions.

Control systems design- the final stage in system research, since the entire complex of work on the study of control systems is ultimately aimed at improving an existing one or creating new system management.

Important in modern conditions acquires the issue of designing management structures. It is carried out on the basis of selected standard management schemes, the priority among which is occupied by the matrix-staff scheme. When designing an organizational structure, the composition and relationship of management levels, the number of structural divisions at each level, the number of management staff are determined, and management technology is designed. At the final stage of design, documentation regulating the activities of a specific control system should be developed.

Knowledge of the basic methods and techniques of researching organizations, their further application in practice is modern stage great importance. For a comprehensive understanding of intra-organizational processes and phenomena, it is necessary to develop a systematic understanding of the object of study, to see the possibilities of eliminating emerging shortcomings in the management system. It is necessary to know and be able to use various methods of studying management systems, gain experience in carrying out various procedures when studying the management systems of organizations.

Rental block

Determination of effectiveness.

Efficiency is the determination or finding of research options that lead the shortest route to success, i.e. characterizes the feasibility of performing the work.

In the study of management systems, efficiency is understood as the ratio of indicators of the results of research work (or the degree of achievement of research goals) and the cost of resources (financial, human, time) for its implementation.

Characteristics of groups of MIS effectiveness factors: research potential (methodological readiness, availability and structure of resources, organizational capabilities), principles of use potential.

All factors characterizing the research potential of management can be structured into three groups: factors of methodological readiness, factors of the availability and structure of resources, and factors of organizational capabilities.

Methodological readiness is manifested in the presence of a goal and mission of the study. Here, the integration properties of the goal, its validity, the scientific approach to formulation and setting, understanding and acceptance of the goal by the research group or the entire team of the company are of great importance. The mission of the research is considered as the dominant element of its implementation, ensuring consistent movement towards the goal. It helps to choose restrictions in moving towards a goal and priorities at each stage of this movement. The mission should answer the question: why conduct research, is it realistic to achieve the goal?

Methodological readiness is also determined by the company’s development concept, developed taking into account the goal and mission. This is a set of provisions that reflect the development trends of the company. The concept is closely related to the goal and mission, because it includes both, in addition, it specifies them and defines the key provisions of the research program.

The effectiveness of many types of research depends on the information base for its implementation. To see the dynamics of development processes, conduct comparative analysis, identify trends, and choose the most successful solutions, you must have required amount accumulated information. This need motivates systematic research.

It is impossible to conduct research without using one or another technique for modeling and assessing processes or phenomena. But the methods are different. What exactly do researchers or managers use, how do they develop their own methods? All this also characterizes the methodological potential of the research.

Finally, the possibilities of using the necessary research methods should be pointed out. These opportunities are determined by their availability, the availability of appropriate technical means, qualifications of researchers.

Factors of methodological readiness operate not only in a certain set and totality, but also in their correlation and systematicity.

The next group of research potential factors is the availability, structure and use of resources.

Any research needs resources. Personnel resources, economic, material and technical, information, and time resources are required. We can also talk about factual resources that reflect the availability of the necessary facts and the possibilities of their systematization.

Below we will consider in more detail the factual support of the study and its difference from informational support. Here it is only enough to say that information and factual resources are complementary.

Research requires various resources and in a certain ratio. Resources can and should be interchangeable, but up to certain limits.

The research potential of management includes the organizational capabilities of its implementation. They are manifested in the presence of the necessary organizational culture and type of organization. Positive and negative organizational experience also plays an important role, allowing one to successfully choose the type of organization and organize research.

Every organization has a certain infrastructure, which also affects the conduct of research.

One should also mention here such a factor as the intellectual potential of a manager or researcher. It can be attributed to both resources and methodological readiness, but it also plays an important role in the realization of organizational capabilities. Organization of research is an organization of intellectual activity, and its success is largely determined by the intellectual potential of the researcher.

Principles for determining effectiveness: target orientation; A complex approach; comparability of results; accounting and analysis of research costs.

Determining the effectiveness of a management system study must be carried out according to the appropriate rules (principles):

principle of target orientation;

the principle of mandatory accounting and analysis of research costs;

the principle of an integrated approach;

principle of comparability of results.

Main types of effects: economic; social; environmental; scientific and technical. The effect can be both practical and scientific.

The scientific effect of the research is the result research work, defined in the form of new surplus knowledge.

The practical effect of research is the result of research work, assessed as the difference between the achieved result and

costs to achieve it.

Types of practical effects:

economic (profit from the introduction of inventions; improved use of resources - for example, increased labor productivity; reduced losses from defective products, etc.);

social (increasing the degree of satisfaction of employee needs; increasing the qualification level of personnel; increasing the safety of products and services, etc.);

environmental (reducing pollution environment- for example, reducing emissions of harmful components into the atmosphere; reduction of fines for violation of environmental requirements, etc.);

Scientific and technical (increasing the share of new progressive technologies; increasing the number of registered copyright certificates, scientific publications, etc.).

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The economic stability of an organization, its survival and operational efficiency in market conditions are inextricably linked with its continuous improvement and development. At the same time, improvement of the organization should be carried out according to the principle of adaptation to the external environment.

Today, the factors that determine the need for continuous improvement and adaptation of the organization are clearly visible. This:

  • the sales market for manufactured or sold products and types of services;
  • supplier market or consumer market for raw materials, energy, goods and services;
  • financial market;
  • labor market;
  • natural environment.

Without taking these factors into account, it is impossible to plan a development strategy. Therefore, the success of any enterprise or organization and the possibility of its survival depend on the ability to quickly adapt to external changes. The principle of adaptive management lies in the constant desire to maintain the organization's compliance with environmental conditions. It manifests itself in the dynamic development of new products, modern equipment and technology; the use of progressive forms of labor organization, production and management, continuous improvement of human resources.

In the context of the dynamism of modern production and society, management must be in a state of continuous development, which today cannot be achieved without researching trends and opportunities, without choosing alternatives and directions for development.

The enterprise management system must meet modern market conditions:

  • have high production flexibility, allowing you to quickly change the range of products (services). This is due to the fact that the life cycle of products (services) has become shorter, and the variety of products and the volume of production of one-time batches have become greater;
  • be adequate complex technology production requiring completely new forms of control, organization and division of labor;
  • take into account serious competition in the goods (services) market, which has radically changed the attitude towards product quality, requiring the organization of after-sales service and additional branded services;
  • take into account the requirements for the level of quality of customer service and time for fulfilling contracts, which have become too high for traditional production systems and management decision-making mechanisms;
  • take into account changes in the structure of production costs;
  • take into account the need to take into account the uncertainty of the external environment.

This is not a complete list of problems that many organizations have to face. To implement them, there is an objective need for research and analysis of the current situation.

Various types of innovations manifest themselves at enterprises in the form of organizational improvement of the management system, which requires clarification of individual connections, system parameters, the use of more effective methods for their implementation, increasing the level of reliability, etc. Organizational improvement of the system (its subsystems or elements) affects not only individual connections, but also the management structure as a whole. And this, in turn, requires the establishment and provision of new connections, the elimination of unnecessary connections, significant changes in management functions and methods of making management decisions.

The development and improvement of an enterprise is based on a thorough and deep knowledge of the organization’s activities, which requires a study of management systems.

The discipline "Research of control systems" occupies an important place in State standard majoring in Management. The importance of its study is dictated by the urgent need to build such organizations (enterprises, production associations, corporations, individual firms) that will ensure the production of high-quality products (or services) in the required volume and range. It is impossible to create such an organization without conducting research. Special role This is where control systems research comes into play. This problem has always been relevant, but until recently it was largely solved within the framework of mathematical disciplines, such as probability theory, mathematical statistics, logic, set theory, etc.

The purpose of this tutorial is to show how research can be carried out on a management system based on the study of all its characteristics: goals, functions, management decisions and management structure. The study of such characteristics allows us to understand and evaluate the essence and development trends of the management system of any organization, anticipate its capabilities and prospects, and improve it in a timely and efficient manner.

The textbook is intended for students studying in the specialty “Management”, “Public and municipal government", as well as specialists involved in the research and design of control systems.

Chapter 1. The role of research in organizational development

1.1. Control system as an object, research

Modern management considers many different organizations, which represent a “totality” of people, groups united to achieve a goal, solve a problem based on the principles of division of labor and distribution of responsibilities. These can be government agencies, public associations, scientific and production associations, private enterprises.

Organizations are created to satisfy the diverse needs of people for products or services and therefore have very different purposes, sizes, structures and other parameters.

Such diversity is of great importance when considering an organization as an object of management. The multitude of goals and objectives facing organizations of different complexity classes and different industry affiliations leads to the fact that their management requires special knowledge and art, methods and techniques that ensure effective joint activities of employees of all structural divisions.

Any organization, regardless of its specific purpose, can be described using a number of parameters, among which the main ones are: the goals of the organization, its organizational structure, external and internal environment, the totality of resources, the regulatory and legal framework, the specifics of the functioning process, the system of social and economic relations and, finally, organizational culture.

Each organization has a specific management system, which is also the object of study. The control system can only be studied on the basis of the chosen scientific concept.

First of all, it should be noted that the concept of “system” is used as a means to study the characteristics of the control object. The value of this concept lies in the fact that it contributes to a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the system being studied and the process of functioning of the organization as a system.

Any type of management activity is associated with the management of people united within an enterprise into departments, divisions, services, etc. Hence, management activities - This is, first of all, the management of social groups of people, which should be considered as socially managed systems. An organization at any level can be considered as a socially managed system: a ministry, a research and production association, an enterprise, workshops, holdings and individual companies. Each of these systems is an independent object of study and has its own characteristics.

The management system of any organization is a complex system created to collect, analyze and process information in order to obtain the maximum final result under certain restrictions (availability of resources, for example).

When talking about managing an organization, in particular an enterprise, we use the term system. For example, a production system, a logistics system, a sales system, various support and service systems. Why? First of all, because we consider any object from the point of view of cybernetics and thereby try to understand its goals, what elements it consists of, how it functions, and in this sense we consider any specific object, including an enterprise as a system.

As a rule, representing an object as a system is always associated with some difficulties due to the presence of many definitions of the system and the difficulty of choosing a single definition that is entirely used when constructing a real control system.

At present it is possible to distinguish at least five types of system views: microscopic, functional, macroscopic, hierarchical and procedural.

Each of these representations of the system reflects a certain group of its characteristics.

The microscopic representation of the system is based on understanding it as a set of observable and indivisible quantities (elements). In principle, there are no absolutely indivisible elements, however, in each specific case of system design, the element is assumed to be indivisible. The structure of the system fixes the location of the selected elements and their connections.

Under functional representation of the system is understood as a set of actions (functions) that must be performed to achieve the goals of the system.

Macroscopic view characterizes the system as a single whole located in the “system environment” (environment). This means that a real system cannot exist outside the system environment (environment), and the environment is the system within which the objects of interest to us are selected. Consequently, the system can be represented by many external connections with the environment.

Hierarchical view is based on the concept of “subsystem” and considers the entire system as a set of subsystems connected hierarchically.

And finally procedural presentation characterizes the state of the system over time.

Consequently, the control system as an object of study has the following characteristics: it consists of many (at least two) elements arranged hierarchically; elements of systems (subsystems) are interconnected through direct and feedback connections; the system is a single and inextricable whole, which is an integral system for lower hierarchical levels; there are fixed connections between the system and the external environment.

When studying a control system as an object of research, it is necessary to highlight the requirements for control systems, by which one can judge the degree of organization of the systems. These requirements include:

  • determinism of system elements;
  • system dynamism;
  • presence of a control parameter in the system;
  • presence of a control parameter in the system;
  • the presence of (at least one) feedback channels in the system.

Compliance with these requirements should ensure the conditions for an effective level of functioning of governing bodies. Let us consider these requirements in detail.

In control systems determinism (first a sign of the organization of a system) manifests itself in the organization of interaction between divisions of management bodies, in which the activity of one element (management, department) affects other elements of the system. If in the organizational management structure, for example, there is a department whose actions do not affect other divisions, then such a department does not realize any of the goals of the organization and is superfluous in the management system.

Second control system requirement is dynamism, those. the ability, under the influence of external and internal disturbances, to remain for some time in a certain unchanged qualitative state.

Any environmental influences have a disturbing effect on the system, tending to disrupt it. Disturbances may also appear in the system itself, which tend to destroy it “from within.” For example, the organization does not have a sufficient number of qualified personnel, a number of responsible employees are absent for various reasons, poor working conditions, etc. External disturbances include decrees of higher organizations, changes in market situations, economic and political factors.

Under the influence of such external and internal disturbances, a governing body at any level is forced to rebuild and adapt to changed conditions.

In order to ensure rapid restructuring of the system in conditions of environmental changes, the control system must have an element that records the fact of the occurrence of a disturbance; the system must have a minimum acceptable inertia, In order to make management decisions in a timely manner, the management system must have an element that records the fact streamlining state of the system in accordance with changed conditions. In accordance with these requirements, the enterprise management structure must have a department for improving the management structure.

Under control parameter in a control system, one should understand such a parameter (element) through which the activities of the entire system and its individual elements can be controlled. Such a parameter (element) in a socially managed system is the head of a department at a given level. He is responsible for the activities of the unit subordinate to him, perceives control signals from the organization’s management, organizes their implementation, and is responsible for the implementation of all management decisions.

At the same time, the manager must have the necessary competence, and the working conditions must allow the fulfillment of this assignment. Consequently, the condition for the presence of a control parameter can be considered fulfilled if external information is perceived by the head of the organization, who organizes the work to carry out the assignment, distributes tasks in accordance with job descriptions, subject to the presence of the conditions necessary to carry out the assignments.

Failure to comply with this requirement, i.e. the presence of a control parameter leads to the adoption of subjective management decisions and the so-called strong-willed leadership style. This requires a clear organizational structure and distribution of responsibilities between department heads, the presence of job descriptions and other documents regulating their activities.

The next, fourth requirement for control systems should be the presence in it controlling parameter, those. such an element that would constantly monitor the state of the subject of management without exerting a control influence on it (or on any element of the system).

Control of the subject of management involves supervising the processing of any control signal applied to the input of this system. The function of a monitoring parameter in a control system is, as a rule, implemented by one of the management staff. For example, the preparation of a plan for the most important work is supervised by the chief economics specialist. At the ministry level, such functions are carried out by supervisors for certain problems in departments. Any management decisions in the control system must pass only through an element that performs the functions of a controlling parameter.

The presence of direct and feedback connections (the fifth requirement) in the system is ensured by clear regulation of the activities of the management apparatus in receiving and transmitting information when preparing management decisions.

So, we have examined the requirements for the control system as an object of study. What does this consideration give us?

  1. When considering a specific organization as an object of study, we must always record and compare its system characteristics. This allows us to better understand this organization and determine which complexity class it belongs to.
  2. To improve the control system using computer technology, organizational design it is necessary to bring it to a level that ensures a clear distribution of responsibilities between managers and performers.
  3. Personal responsibility of managers and performers is necessary. When designing a control system, it is necessary to clearly record who is doing what in the control system, and who is responsible for what.
  4. Information elaboration of the system at the level of management decisions is necessary.
  5. Research and design should be a continuous process. The management system must include a department or group of employees who must constantly develop technology for preparing new solutions driven by new goals.
  6. 6. There must be clear documentation regulating the activities of the organization. Often the Regulations on departments, job descriptions are not specific and do not provide personal responsibility when making management decisions.

How can these requirements be met? As noted above, this is only possible on the basis of the general concept of studying management systems as decision-making systems, since the final product management system is a management decision. The concept will be discussed in Chap. 3.

1.2. Research as an integral part of organizational management

The research process is carried out within the framework of the managed system and control subsystems, therefore, it concerns all aspects of the organization's activities. The strengths and weaknesses of the organization, the production and sales process (at the enterprise), financial condition, marketing services, personnel, as well as organizational culture are subject to research.

To analyze an organization's strengths and weaknesses, management must evaluate whether the firm has the strength to take advantage of opportunities and what internal weaknesses may complicate future problems. The method used to diagnose internal problems is called management survey. This method based on a comprehensive study of various functional areas of the organization. For purposes strategic planning It is recommended to include in the survey five functional zones:

  • marketing;
  • finance (accounting);
  • production;
  • staff;
  • organizational culture;
  • image of the organization.

The methodology for analyzing the production area of ​​an organization differs significantly from the well-known methodology for assessing the organizational and technical level of production. This difference is explained by the focus of the analysis on strategic management and developing market relations. During the analysis of production functions, the emphasis is on the following questions: can the enterprise produce goods at lower costs compared to competitors; does the organization have access to new material resources; what is the technical level of the enterprise; does the enterprise have an optimal product quality control system; How well the production process is organized and planned.

The financial position of the organization largely determines what strategy the management will choose for the future. A detailed analysis of the financial condition helps to identify existing and potential weaknesses of the organization.

When analyzing marketing activities highlight a number of the most important elements of the study: market share and competitiveness of the enterprise; variety and quality of product range; market demographics; market research and development; pre-sales and consistent customer service; sales, advertising, product promotion.

The solution to many problems of a modern enterprise depends on the provision of both production and management of qualified personnel. When studying human resources potential, the personnel composition of the organization at the current moment and the need for personnel in the future are analyzed; competence and training of the enterprise's top management; employee motivation system; compliance of personnel with current and strategic goals and objectives.

Research in the field of organizational culture and company image makes it possible to assess the informal structure of the organization; system of communication and behavior of employees; consistency of the enterprise in its activities and achievement of goals; the position of the enterprise in comparison with other organizations; ability to attract highly qualified specialists.

The above applies to factors of the internal environment of the organization. However, ongoing research as an integral part of management also analyzes factors in the organization’s external environment.

External environment analysis serves as a tool by which strategy developers monitor factors external to the organization in order to anticipate potential threats and new opportunities. Analysis of the external environment allows you to timely predict the emergence of threats and opportunities, develop situational plans in case of unforeseen circumstances, develop a strategy that will allow the organization to achieve goals and turn potential threats into profitable opportunities.

Threats and opportunities can manifest themselves in areas of the external environment, and the factors subject to analysis are grouped accordingly.

When analyzing economic factors inflation (deflation) rates, tax rates, international balance of payments, employment levels, and the solvency of enterprises are considered.

Analysis political factors makes it possible to observe current situation, taking into account: agreements on tariffs and trade between countries; protectionist customs policies directed against other countries; Federal and local government regulations, levels of development legal regulation economy, the attitude of the state and leading politicians to antimonopoly legislation, the credit policy of the authorities, etc.

Market factors include numerous characteristics that have a direct impact on the effectiveness of the organization. Their analysis allows managers to develop an optimal strategy for the organization and strengthen its position in the market. At the same time, the demographic conditions of the enterprise’s activity, the level of income of the population and their distribution, the life cycles of various goods and services, the level of competition, the market share occupied by the organization and its capacity are examined.

When analyzing social factors take into account heightened national feelings, the attitude of the bulk of the population towards entrepreneurship, the development of the movement to protect consumer rights, changes in social values, changes in the role of managers in production and their social attitudes.

Control for technological external environment allows you not to miss the moments when changes occur in it that pose a threat to the very existence of the organization. Analysis of the technological external environment must take into account changes in production technology, construction materials, in the use of computer technology for the design of new goods and services, in management, changes in the technology of collecting, processing and transmitting information, in communications.

Factor analysis competition, involves constant monitoring by management over the actions of competitors. The competitor analysis identifies four diagnostic zones:

  • analysis of competitors' future goals;
  • assessing their current strategy;
  • assessment of preconditions regarding competitors and industry development prospects;
  • studying the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.

Monitoring the activities of competitors allows the organization's management to constantly be prepared for potential threats.

Analysis international factors has become important for domestic organizations after the abolition of the state monopoly on foreign trade. At the same time, the policies of the governments of other countries, the direction of development of joint entrepreneurship and international relations, the level of economic development of foreign partner firms.

An analysis of the external environment, carried out through a study of the considered groups of factors, makes it easier for the organization's management to obtain answers to questions of interest: what changes in the external environment affect the current strategy of the organization; what factors pose a threat to the organization's current strategy; what factors represent great opportunities for achieving company-wide goals.

Thus, research as an integral part of the management of an organization is a set of methods for organizational and technical and economic research of all the above factors and system characteristics of a particular organization. Finding ways and methods to improve system characteristics is the main goal of research as an integral part of management.

Such characteristics from the perspective of general management include:

  • management system goals;
  • management functions;
  • management decisions;
  • managment structure.

The basis research as an integral part of organization management The following principles are laid down.

  • systems approach, meaning the study of a specific object as a system that includes all the constituent elements or characteristics of an organization as a system, i.e. characteristics of “input”, “process” and “output”.

This also includes management methods, management technology, organizational structure, management personnel, technical management tools, and information. The connections of an object between elements are considered, as well as the external connections of the object, allowing it to be considered as a subsystem for a higher level:

  • functional approach, which means the study of management functions that ensure the adoption of management decisions of a given level of quality with minimal costs for management or production;
  • whole-of-government approach to assessing the results of management activities and the costs of maintaining the management apparatus;
  • creative team approach to find the most economical and effective option system improvement management;

The research is carried out in the following cases:

  • at improving the system management of the operating organization;
  • at system development management of a newly created organization;
  • at improving the system management of production associations or enterprises during the period of reconstruction or technical re-equipment;
  • when improving the management system due to a change in the form of ownership.

Research as an integral part of management puts forward the following tasks:

  1. Achieving an optimal balance between the managed and control subsystems (this includes indicators of controllability standards, indicators of the efficiency of the management apparatus, reducing management costs);
  2. Increasing the labor productivity of management employees and workers in production departments;
  3. Improving the use of material, labor, financial resources in the control and managed subsystems;
  4. Reducing costs for products or services and increasing their quality.

As a result of the research, specific proposals for improving the organization's management system should be formulated.

1.3. Characteristics of control systems research

The need for a modern organization to comply with the requirements of a market economy raises the need for its constant improvement and organizational development. The basis for organizational innovation is the study of the activities of organizations.

Control systems research - This is a type of activity aimed at developing and improving management in accordance with constantly changing external and internal conditions. In the conditions of the dynamism of modern production and social structure, management must be in a state of continuous development, which today cannot be ensured without exploring the ways and possibilities of this development, without choosing alternative directions. Management research is carried out in the everyday activities of managers and personnel and in the work of specialized analytical groups, laboratories, and departments. Sometimes consulting firms are invited to conduct research. The need for research into management systems is dictated by a fairly large range of problems that many organizations have to face. The success of these organizations depends on the correct solution to these problems. Research of management systems can be different both in terms of goals and methodology of their implementation.

By purpose research can be highlighted practical And scientific and practical. Case studies designed for quick, effective decisions and achieving the desired results. Scientific and practical research focused on the future, a deeper understanding of trends and patterns of development of organizations, increasing the educational level of employees.

According to the methodology First of all, research should be highlighted empirical nature And based on a system of scientific knowledge.

Various studies and on resource use own or attracted, in terms of labor intensity, duration, information support, organization of their implementation. In each specific case, based on the goals set, it is necessary to choose the necessary type of research. Research as a type of activity in the management process of organizations includes the following work:

  • recognition of problems and problematic situations;
  • determination of the reasons for their origin, properties, content, patterns of conduct and development;
  • establishing the place of these problems and situations (both in the system of scientific knowledge and in the system of practical management);
  • finding ways, means and opportunities to use new knowledge about this problem;
  • developing options for solving problems;
  • selection of the optimal solution to the problem according to the criteria of effectiveness, optimality, efficiency.

In real practice, all these works are closely interconnected, characterizing the degree of professionalism of researchers, the specific goals and objectives of their activities.

Conducting research and analysis of any specific management system as an object is necessary, first of all, to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market for goods (services), to improve the efficiency of the functioning of departments and the organization as a whole. It is possible to understand how the set goals are successfully and timely achieved only by studying the work of these departments and specific performers and managers.

Research must be carried out not only when organizations are facing bankruptcy or a serious crisis, but also when organizations operate successfully and consistently achieve certain results. In this case, timely research will help maintain this stable level of the organization’s work, find out what is hindering or stimulating its work to a greater extent, so that the desired results are even better.

The need for research is also dictated by the constantly changing goals of the functioning of organizations, which is inevitable in conditions of market competition and constantly changing consumer demand.

Research is necessary from both scientific and practical points of view. From a scientific point of view, research involves developing and clearly articulating a research methodology in order to develop fundamental theoretical principles. From a practical point of view, specific people (analysts, designers, employees in departments) must be able to conduct research; therefore, they need to be equipped with specific knowledge, trained in various methods of conducting research, explained why it is needed and what goals are achieved. It is necessary to explain the main thing: research is carried out with the aim of building a specific (reference) model of the management system to which the organization should strive.

Practice shows that specialists with ordinary work experience in research or business organizations do not have special knowledge for such research.

Thus, from a practical point of view, conducting research places certain requirements on the composition and qualifications of a team of analysts and developers.

Researchers should:

  • have experience in the management of specific production facilities;
  • have knowledge of modern management methods and techniques;
  • have knowledge of operations research methods and systems analysis;
  • have the ability to communicate with specialists of various levels and profiles;

In addition, researchers must be able to systematize the information received and initiate innovations in the organization.

Fulfillment of these requirements determines the need for special selection and training of researchers, since the efficiency of the enterprise largely depends on the results of their activities. The training of such specialists is carried out in advance and is accompanied by internships for researchers in the process of developing a new model of the management system.

Control systems research includes:

  • clarification of the goals of development and functioning of the enterprise and its divisions;
  • identifying trends in enterprise development in a specific market environment;
  • identification of factors that ensure the achievement of the formulated goal and that impede it;
  • collecting the necessary data to develop measures to improve the current management system;
  • obtaining the necessary data to link modern models, methods and tools to the conditions of a particular enterprise.

In the process of research and analysis of the organization’s work, the role and place of this enterprise in the relevant market sector is established; the state of production and economic activity of the enterprise; production structure of the enterprise; management system and its organizational structure; features of the enterprise’s interaction with consumers, suppliers and other market participants; innovative activity of the enterprise; psychological climate of the enterprise, etc.

Brief conclusions

  1. For successful operation of organizations in modern conditions, it is necessary to periodically conduct research in order to improve existing management systems.
  2. Research is carried out in accordance with the chosen purpose and in a certain sequence.
  3. Research is an integral part of an organization's management and is aimed at improving the basic characteristics of the management process.
  4. When conducting research on control systems, the object of study is the control system itself, which is characterized by certain characteristics and is subject to a number of requirements.

Control questions

  1. What is meant by control systems research? What types of research do you know?
  2. Describe the sequence of stages of research.
  3. Why is the study of management systems an integral part of organizational management?
  4. List the requirements for the control system as an object of study.
  5. Name the characteristics of the management process that are subject to research.

Chapter 2. Systems analysis in management research

2.1. System analysis is a constructive direction in the study of management processes

System analysis - This is a set of studies aimed at identifying general trends and factors in the development of an organization and developing measures to improve the management system and all production and economic activities of the organization.

System analysis allows us to identify the feasibility of creating or improving an organization, determine what complexity class it belongs to, and identify the most effective methods scientific organization labor that were previously used.

A system analysis of the activities of an enterprise or organization is carried out in the early stages of work to create a specific management system. This is due to the following reasons:

  • the duration and complexity of the work associated with the pre-design survey;
  • selection of materials for research;
  • choice of research method;
  • justification of economic, technical and organizational feasibility;
  • development of computer programs.

The ultimate goal of systems analysis is the development and implementation of the selected reference model of the control system.

In accordance with the main goal, the following must be accomplished: systemic research:

  1. identify general trends in the development of a given enterprise and its place and role in modern market economy;
  2. establish the features of the functioning of the enterprise and its individual divisions;
  3. identify the conditions that ensure the achievement of the goals;
  4. identify conditions that hinder the achievement of goals;
  5. collect the necessary data for analysis and development of measures to improve the current management system;
  6. use the best practices of other enterprises;
  7. study the necessary information to adapt the selected (synthesized) reference model to the conditions of the enterprise in question.

In the process of system analysis, the following characteristics are found:

  1. the role and place of this enterprise in the industry;
  2. the state of production and economic activity of the enterprise;
  3. production structure of the enterprise;
  4. management system and its organizational structure;
  5. features of the enterprise’s interaction with suppliers, consumers and higher organizations;
  6. innovative needs (possible connections of this enterprise with research and development organizations);
  7. forms and methods of stimulating and remunerating employees

Thus, system analysis begins with clarifying or formulating the goals of a specific management system(enterprises or companies) and searching for efficiency criteria, which must be expressed as a specific indicator. As a rule, most organizations are multi-purpose. Many goals arise from the peculiarities of the development of the enterprise (company) and its actual state in the period of time under consideration, as well as the state of the environment (geopolitical, economic, social factors).

Clearly and competently formulated development goals of an enterprise (company) are the basis for system analysis and development of a research program.

The system analysis program, in turn, includes a list of issues to be studied and their priority. For example, a systems analysis program may include the following sections:

  • analysis of the enterprise as a whole;
  • analysis of the type of production and its technical and economic characteristics;
  • analysis of enterprise divisions that produce products (services) - main divisions;
  • analysis of auxiliary and service units;
  • analysis of the enterprise management system;
  • analysis of forms of connections between documents operating at the enterprise, routes of their movement and processing technology.

Each section of the program is an independent study and begins with setting goals and objectives of the analysis. This stage of work is the most important, since the entire course of research, the selection of priority tasks and, ultimately, the reform of a specific management system depends on it.

In table 2.1 shows how specific goals and objectives of the analysis can be linked.

As noted above, the primary task of system analysis is to determine the global goal of the organization’s development and operational goals. Having specific, clearly formulated goals, it is possible to identify and analyze factors that contribute to or hinder the speedy achievement of these goals. Let's look at this with specific examples.

Table 2.1.
Main goals and objectives of enterprise analysis

Figure 2.1 shows an example of structuring the selected goals of the enterprise.

Figure 2.1. Fragment of the organization's goals tree

As can be seen from Fig. 2.1, for implementation goals 1 “Improving the efficiency of the enterprise” requires achieving at least three goals:

  • 1.1. “Introduction of new technology”;
  • 1.2. “Improving the organization of production”;
  • 1.3. "Improving the management system."

Having identified these subgoals, it is necessary to research and analyze the factors contributing to their achievement. Let's look at them in the table. 2.2 and 2.3.

It should be borne in mind that in order to analyze an organization based on a system of goals, it is necessary to identify and formulate a set of all operating goals at each level of the management system. In this case, the goal tree will be the most complete. The main task of such structuring is to bring the goal to each specific unit and performer. This is collateral successful implementation functional strategy of the organization.

Table 2.2.
Factors contributing to achieving goals

Table 2.3.
Study of factors hindering the improvement of production and management efficiency

As a result of the system analysis, it is necessary to make proposals to justify the feasibility of rationalizing the management system. Based on these proposals, the following work is carried out:

  1. A decision is made to implement the selected management system model;
  2. Regulatory documentation is being developed;
  3. The final scheme of the management process is developed;
  4. Specific organizational and technical measures are being developed to improve enterprise management;
  5. Specific scientifically based management methods are selected;
  6. A new corporate culture is being formed.

2.2. Basic approaches in systems research

Systems approach - This is a direction in the methodology of scientific knowledge and practical activity, which is based on the study of any object as a complex integral cybernetic socio-economic system.

In its most general form, a system is understood as a set of interconnected elements that form a certain integrity, a certain unity.

Let's look at the basic principles systematic approach(system analysis).

  1. Integrity, allowing us to simultaneously consider the system as a single whole and at the same time as a subsystem for higher levels.
  2. Hierarchical structure, those. the presence of a plurality (at least two) of elements arranged on the basis of subordination of elements lower level- elements of the highest level. The implementation of this principle is clearly visible in the example of any specific organization. As you know, any organization is an interaction of two subsystems: the managing and the managed. One is subordinate to the other.
  3. Structuring, allowing you to analyze the elements of the system and their relationships within a specific organizational structure. As a rule, the process of functioning of a system is determined not so much by the properties of its individual elements as by the properties of the structure itself.
  4. Plurality, allowing the use of many cybernetic, economic and mathematical models to describe individual elements and the system as a whole.

As noted above, with a systems approach, the study of the characteristics of an organization as a system becomes important, i.e. characteristics of “input”, “process” and characteristics of “output”.

With a systematic approach based on marketing research first, the “output” parameters are examined, those. goods or services, namely what to produce, with what quality indicators, at what costs, for whom, in what time frame to sell and at what price. Answers to these questions must be clear and timely. The “output” should ultimately be competitive products or services.

Then define the login parameters, those. the need for resources (material, financial, labor and information) is examined, which is determined after a detailed study of the organizational and technical level of the system under consideration (level of equipment, technology, features of the organization of production, labor and management) and parameters of the external environment (economic, geopolitical, social, environmental and etc.). Last but not least, research is important process parameters, transforming resources into finished products. At this stage, depending on the object of study, production technology or management technology, as well as factors and ways of improving it, are considered.

Thus, the systems approach allows us to comprehensively assess any production and economic activity and the activity of the management system at the level of specific characteristics. This will help analyze any situation within a single system, identifying the nature of the input, process and output problems. The use of a systems approach allows us to best organize the decision-making process at all levels in the management system.

A complex approach involves taking into account both the internal and external environment of the organization when analyzing. This means that it is necessary to take into account not only internal, but also external factors - economic, geopolitical, social, demographic, environmental, etc. Factors are important aspects when analyzing organizations and, unfortunately, are not always taken into account. For example, social issues are often not taken into account or postponed when designing new organizations. When introducing new technology, ergonomic indicators are not always taken into account, which leads to increased fatigue of workers and, ultimately, to a decrease in labor productivity. When forming new work teams, socio-psychological aspects, in particular, problems of labor motivation, are not properly taken into account. Summarizing what has been said, it can be argued that A complex approach is a necessary condition when solving the problem of analyzing an organization.

To study the functional connections of information support for control systems, it is used integration approach, the essence of which is that research is carried out both vertically (between individual elements of the management system) and horizontally (at all stages of the product life cycle).

Integration is understood as the unification of management subjects to strengthen the interaction of all elements of the management system of a particular organization. With this approach, stronger connections appear between individual subsystems of the organization and more specific tasks. For example, the management system sets specific indicators for the services and divisions of the organization in terms of quality, quantity, resource costs, deadlines, etc. Based on the implementation of these indicators, the set goals are achieved.

Integration across product life cycle stages by horizontal requires the formation of a unified and clear information management system, which should include, first of all, indicators of the quality and quantity of costs at the stages of research, design and technological preparation of production, as well as indicators of the actual production, implementation, operation and removal of the product from production.

Such consistency of indicators across the stages of the product life cycle allows you to create a management structure that ensures efficiency and flexibility of management.

Integration vertically is an association of legally independent organizations to best achieve their goals. This is ensured, firstly, by combining the efforts of people, i.e. synergistic effect, secondly, by the creation of new scientific and experimental bases, the introduction of new technologies and new equipment. This, in turn, creates conditions for improving vertical connections between federal and municipal authorities and individual organizations, especially in the production and social spheres of activity. Such integration provides the best control and regulation in the process of implementing new decrees, regulations and other regulatory documentation. Integration provides organizations with additional opportunities to improve their competitiveness through increased collaboration. There is greater scope for the development and implementation of new ideas, the production of higher quality products, and efficiency in the implementation of decisions made.

The use of an integration approach creates conditions for the best implementation of strategic objectives at all levels in the management system: at the level of the holding, individual companies and specific divisions.

Essence situational approach lies in the fact that the incentive to conduct analysis is specific situations, a wide range of which significantly affects the effectiveness of management. With this approach, the control system, depending on the nature of the situation, can change any of its characteristics.

The objects of analysis in this case can be:

  • management structure: depending on the situation and based on the volumetric calculations carried out, a management structure with a predominance of either vertical or horizontal connections is selected;
  • management methods;
  • leadership style: depending on the professionalism, number and personal qualities of employees, a leadership style is selected that is either task-oriented or human relations-oriented;
  • external and internal environment of the organization;
  • organization development strategy;
  • technological features of the production process.

Marketing approach involves conducting an analysis of organizations based on the results of marketing research. The main goal With this approach, the management system is oriented towards the consumer. The implementation of this goal requires, first of all, the improvement of the business strategy of organizations, the goal of which is to provide its organization with a sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing analysis is designed to identify these competitive advantages and the factors that determine them.

As research practice has shown, these factors include the following:

  • quality of products or services;
  • the quality of management of the organization itself;
  • marketing quality, i.e. the property of a product to meet the real needs of the population.

It is important to take into account the competitive position, i.e. position of the organization under study in the industry on this period time, since competition is an expensive undertaking, and the market is characterized by high entry barriers.

Thus, the importance of the marketing approach is to provide the organization with all the necessary information, the knowledge of which will allow it to maintain its competitive position in the industry for a long time.

Innovative approach based on the organization’s ability to quickly respond to changes dictated by the external environment. This concerns the introduction of innovations, new technical solutions, and the steady resumption of production of new goods and services to best meet the needs of the sales market. The key to the successful functioning of any organization is that it must not only keep up with technological progress, but also be ahead of it.

The introduction of innovation also requires a system analysis, namely the organization’s capabilities to implement a particular innovation. The analysis process in an innovative approach is very complex and covers all stages of the product life cycle.

Let's look at these stages:

  1. Analysis of the possibility of carrying out research and development work. Here it is necessary to determine whether the organization has the necessary financial resources, since the costs of developing innovative ideas and their implementation are increasingly increasing. Typically, funding is provided by investment companies, private and public foundations, and finances a specific project or new scientific idea. Funding is carried out in several stages: first, applied research, then experimental development, and at the final stage - financing of mass production. Finding reliable financial investors is of no small importance, since knowledge-intensive production is fraught with great uncertainty. Many innovations do not reach mass production because they are rejected by the market, and the financial risk here is quite high.
    At this stage, it is also necessary to find out whether the execution team has a special group of people who will be involved in the development and implementation of innovative projects and what their professional training is.
  2. Analysis of the possibility of introducing into production the results of research and development work. Here it is necessary to determine the technical, organizational and economic feasibility of introducing new equipment or technology.
  3. Analysis of the possibility of introducing a new product to the market. The marketing approach should play a special role here. It is necessary to study the market requirements, the nature of products of this type that are in demand, determine where they are produced and in what quantities.

An important role is also played by one’s own competitive position. It is at this stage of analysis that the business (competitive) strategy of the organization should manifest itself to the greatest extent, on which the life expectancy of the product depends - from the first sales to saturation of demand and exit from the market

With an innovative approach, it is necessary to remember: in order to successfully compete in the market, it is necessary to give inventors the opportunity to create new things, create freely and bring their inventions to successful implementation. To do this, the team of inventors needs a certain freedom of creativity: the right to make decisions and be responsible for the final results. The management of the organization should be aimed at encouraging initiative and entrepreneurship in invention.

Essence normative approach is as follows. The analysis of any management system with the aim of improving it is associated with taking into account the totality of the most important standards that guide the company’s apparatus in its activities. These include standards established for each industry, for example controllability standards and standards developed by the designers themselves. (Regulations on the organization, job descriptions, staffing tables, etc.) Standards can have a target, functional and social orientation. Target standards include everything that ensures the implementation of the goals set for the organization. These are, first of all, indicators of product quality, resource intensity of products, ergonomic indicators, reliability indicators, as well as the technical level of production.

Functional standards include the quality and timeliness of plans, clear organization of departments, operational accounting and control, strict distribution of functional responsibilities in each structural unit of the organization.

Regulations in the social sphere should provide optimal conditions for special development team. This includes indicators of incentives and labor protection, indicators of the provision of all employees with the necessary technical means for successful work. This also includes the need for systematic professional development, good motivation, legal and environmental standards. Thus, the normative approach when conducting analysis requires taking into account the entire set of standards when managing resources, process and product. The more scientifically based standards there are for all aspects of the organization’s activities, the sooner success will come in achieving its goals.

Purpose behavioral approach is to create all the necessary conditions for the implementation creativity each employee to realize their own importance in managing the organization. It is important for managers to study the various behavioral approaches recommended by general management and explore the possibility of their application in the process of analyzing the organization. It must be remembered that a person is the most important element in a management system. A successfully selected team of like-minded people and partners who are able to understand and implement the ideas of their leader is the most important condition for economic success.

Brief conclusions

  1. To identify the specifics of the work of organizations and develop measures to improve production and economic activities, system analysis is used.
  2. The main goal of system analysis is the development and implementation of a control system that is selected as a reference system that best meets all the requirements for optimality.
  3. System analysis is complex in nature and is based on a set of approaches, the use of which will allow the analysis to be carried out in the best way and obtain the desired results
  4. To successfully carry out the analysis, it is necessary to select a team of specialists who are well acquainted with the methods of economic analysis and production organization

Control questions

  1. Define systems analysis.
  2. What work should be performed when conducting an analysis of an organization?
  3. Who should be on the review team?
  4. List the main approaches in system analysis and give a brief description of them.
  5. Name and characterize the basic principles of system analysis.

Chapter 3. Methodological provisions for the study of control systems

3.1. Methodology and organization of control systems research

The methodology for studying management systems is based on the reasonable organization of the activities of managers and managers of an enterprise to rationalize the management system. It involves determining the goals, the subject of research, the boundaries of research, the choice of means and methods of research, means (resources) and stages of research work.

The methodology and organization of research into control systems requires taking into account a number of system characteristics, which include: need for research; object and subject of research; research resources; research effectiveness; research results.

Let's reveal these characteristics.

1. Need for research predetermines the scale and depth of the study of system characteristics, the implementation of which has the greatest impact on achieving the set goals.

2. Object of research is the management system of a specific organization. To study it, you need to know the approved management schemes and job descriptions. Regulations on divisions. Subject of research are the relationships between employees of the management apparatus, as well as between divisions located at different levels of the management system. In this case, the subject of research is a specific problem (or set of problems), the solution of which requires research. These problems may include the following:

  • development of management structure;
  • staff motivation;
  • motivation of technology and information management systems;
  • development of management decisions;
  • personnel training, etc.

The choice of the main problem of the organization that hinders its development, its comprehensive research and analysis is intuition and skill, the professionalism of the manager and head of the organization.

3. Resources - This is a set of tools that ensure successful research. These are, first of all, material resources, labor resources, financial resources, information resources, technical means necessary for processing the results, as well as legal documents characterizing the object of research.

4. Research efficiency requires a comparison of the costs of research and the results obtained.

5. Research results can be presented in various forms. This could be a new model of the management system, new regulatory documents, adjusted calculation formulas, a new corporate culture.

From a practical point of view, research methodology, as a rule, includes three main sections: theoretical, methodological, and organizational.

IN theoretical section the main goals, objectives, subject and object of research are determined.

Methodical section contains the rationale for choosing a method for conducting research, collecting and processing data, analyzing the results obtained, and methods for their presentation.

Organizational section represents, first of all, the research plan, the formation of a team of performers, the distribution of labor and financial resources. The organizational form of conducting research is also determined here, i.e. individual or collective research, research conducted by internal or external specialists. Special departments, change management services, and targeted project units are identified that will be involved in conducting the study of management systems.

When conducting system analysis, the team of performers becomes important. The systems analysis team should include:

  • specialists in the field of systems analysis - group leaders and future project managers;
  • production engineers;
  • economists specializing in economic analysis, as well as researchers of organizational structures and document flow;
  • specialists in the use of technical means and computer equipment;
  • psychologists and sociologists.

In general, the organization of the study can be represented as follows:

  • preparation of the study, i.e. developing a program, determining observation units, determining methods for collecting information, conducting a pilot study;
  • collecting the necessary information, taking into account its syntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects;
  • preparing information for processing;
  • information processing and analysis;
  • preparation of research results.

Data collection is the main stage of the study.

For these purposes, a number of methods are used, among which the most effective are:

  • conversations with management staff specialists;
  • study of technical, economic and statistical information on the development of production of the enterprise in question;
  • studying the experience of development of related enterprises.

Of particular importance in the study are conversations with management personnel, which in a short time make it possible to obtain information about positive and negative factors in the development of an object, analyze and summarize this data, and also outline specific areas of work. In many cases, information on a certain group of factors is easier and faster to obtain during a conversation with enterprise employees.

The results of the analysis are presented for consideration by the management of the enterprise or a special expert commission. It is advisable to organize a discussion of the results with the participation of representatives of all divisions of the management system. The results of the discussion are recorded in a special document and used when developing current and long-term development plans for the enterprise or organization in question.

From the point of view of organizing the research, the following forms can be distinguished:

  • individual and collective research;
  • research conducted by internal or external specialists;
  • centralized and decentralized organization;
  • special departments, change management services, targeted project units.
  • attraction of specialized consulting organizations.

3.2. Development of a control systems research concept

Program-targeted research of management systems requires the creation of specific organizational management mechanisms. A clear organizational mechanism is necessary in the context of the emergence of market relations in order to improve management efficiency. Any reduction in the management apparatus or change in its functions must ultimately be regulated to such an extent that personal responsibility for making management decisions is ensured. The economic mechanism is determined by economic laws and the practical activities of people. This means that it is difficult to talk about the same mechanisms in different organizations realizing the same goals. How to get out of this situation, what to use as the basis for designing an organizational mechanism?

Under organizational mechanism is understood as a socially managed system, determined by economic laws, endowed with appropriate powers, resources, having a certain structure and allowing to manage groups of people through decision-making. This definition directs analysts and designers of management systems to study the “statics” and “dynamics” of the management mechanism, which respectively mean the organizational structure of management and the processes of developing management decisions within the framework of the existing management structure.

In practice, management organization is a decision-making system, which is the foundation on which it is possible to fairly fully analyze the entire management system and provide optimal conditions for making management decisions, from collecting initial data, studying existing organizational procedures and decision-making schemes, and to finding ways to improve the management system - the result of the decision.

It is always advisable to carry out an analysis of this kind at the beginning of work aimed at restructuring the management system. Experience has shown that analysis is most effective if it contains six stages. Let's take a closer look at them.

On first stage an inspection of the management organization is carried out. All documentation regulating the management process, job descriptions, which generally present information about the work performed in each department, are studied, the existing department management system is studied, and these departments are compared with the functions set out in the job descriptions and Regulations. As a result, the degree of compliance of management practice with its model is revealed (the problem is identified) and, if necessary, appropriate adjustments are made. At this stage, it is also necessary to find out and document the information flows circulating in each department.

Second phase - development of organizational procedures for making management decisions. At this stage, a diagram of each organizational procedure is drawn up, its description is given, and a list of documents used in this procedure is formed. When constructing a diagram of an organizational procedure, you should record the documents operating in the procedure, indicate where these documents come from, what documents it ends with; To perform such a procedure, the output documents of this procedure are required.

Third stage - clarifying the relationships between decision-making procedures and constructing a decision-making flowchart.

On fourth stage a decision-making diagram for specific divisions of the organization is drawn up, which records the levels of management and diagrams of current decision-making procedures.

Of course, the real decision-making scheme must be checked - subjected to logical analysis. This is what fifth stage work, which, based on logic and common sense, provides for all management procedures performed in the department, the documentation necessary to perform each organizational operation and stored at each level of management. Logical analysis of the decision-making scheme allows us to judge the effectiveness of the management organization,

And finally sixth stage - direct development of all documentation that regulates the activities of the management apparatus of a separate division of the organization.

Let us dwell briefly on the task of designing an organization's management system.

The primary task is the formation of its functioning goals. The problem of forming operating goals is of fundamental importance when designing organizational systems for many reasons. Firstly, because by their nature all real organizations are multi-purpose. Secondly, the validity period of the operating goals is different, and therefore, it is necessary to design an organization only on the basis of goals whose validity period is comparable to the period of design of the organization. Thirdly, designing a management organization for all operating goals is too labor-intensive, and therefore, the number of operating goals should be as limited as possible.

Selecting targets using expert methods requires the use of a special technique. First of all, global operating goals are assessed and selected. The most acceptable method of assessment from a practical point of view is an anonymous survey, since it ensures the greatest independence of judgment. The structuring of operating goals should be carried out by studying management functions that implement specific goals at each level of management. The task of designing a management system also involves modeling management decisions, the structures of which we identified at the survey stage.

Modeling of the composition of management decisions is carried out to substantiate the decisions that should be made in a specific department. The composition of the decision group is determined by the number of structural divisions. The optimality of the process of preparing management decisions is achieved by identifying and eliminating deviations in the existing process when comparing it with the normative process, determined in a sense by the ideal model chosen by the authors at the preliminary stage. As such a model, it is possible, with partial modification, to use the standard information model, known as the Deitch model.

Modeling the work rules of performers and managers in procedures using computer technology is part of the general process of forming an organizational management mechanism and distributing management decisions across management levels; determining the optimal number of executors and managers required to prepare and approve these decisions; determining the list of documents necessary for making management decisions, developing documentation regulating the activities of the unit.

Modeling the rules of work for performers consists of analyzing the process of preparing a management decision consistently at all levels of management, up to the adoption of the final decision, and is carried out on the basis of an information model.

The methodology for modeling the rules of work of performers in the procedure is recommended for the practical implementation of the “regulation” stage in the process of forming a general management structure. When modeling the management structure, it is necessary to solve the problems of modeling functional groups of management decisions and modeling the distribution of decisions across management levels to ensure the development of management schemes.

Formal statement of the problem modeling of functional groups of management decisions that's how it is. A complete list of management decisions necessary to implement operational goals is known, as well as their information support (documents used for making management decisions). Some documents are common when preparing various management decisions. The number of functional groups of management decisions that must be formed is also known. It is necessary to form groups of management decisions in such a way that each group consumes the minimum number of documents necessary for preparing decisions. The problem is solved on a computer using methods of analysis and logic.

Distribution of decisions by management levels carried out with the aim of forming groups of decisions, the preparation of which is the responsibility of the head of the appropriate management level. The problem of optimal distribution of management decisions is formed as follows: for each selected management level, taking into account its load and capacity, it is necessary to determine a list of management decisions, the approval of which is the competence of this management level. At the same time, each employee must make decisions that correspond to his competence, and he must be provided with a work regime in which all decisions are made within the optimal time frame. The problem is solved consistently for all levels of management.

Formation of an organization's management scheme always based on standard control schemes. A matrix-staff management scheme is proposed as a standard scheme within the framework of the proposed concept. The formation of a management scheme involves the distribution of management decisions across management levels, calculation of the management level load for the coordination, problem or functional level, which will ultimately provide justification for the choice of the type of management structure. The final choice of the structure scheme option and all further calculations are carried out within the framework of the selected management structure. At the final stage, documents are developed that regulate the activities of the management system: regulations on the unit, job descriptions, work rules for performers.

So, the system concept of improving the organizational management mechanism involves solving the problems of analyzing the management system as a decision-making system and its comprehensive design based on selected qualitative operational goals.

Solving the problem of analyzing a management system involves studying the management process and management structure at the level of management decisions. When solving an analysis problem, a number of issues are not considered. The purpose of the operation is not justified, the composition of decisions is determined with the help of experts, the management structure is not assessed, i.e. Comprehensive control system design is not achieved.

Integrated control system design involves the selection of operational goals, the formation of a set of decisions that implement the operational goals, the decision-making process (modeling of the organizational technology for preparing a decision), the formation of a management structure, and the development of documentation regulating management activities.

The advantage of the proposed concept is that a number of stages are solved using computer technology, which simplifies system design. Solving these problems contributes to a better organization of management and, as a result, an increase in the organization of management and the quality of decisions made.

3.3. Characteristics of research stages

Any research is carried out in several stages, the sequence of which can be expressed by the diagram presented in Fig. 3.1.

Let's look at these stages.

At the first stage, it is necessary to identify the needs for research, analyze the problems facing a specific management system, and select the main one that determines the importance and priority of the research. To do this, the problem must be clearly formulated.

Under a problem is understood as a discrepancy between the actual state of a managed object (for example, production) and the desired or specified (planned) state. It is precisely in connection with deviations from planned (or normative) states, which are noted at a certain point in time or predicted for the future, that problems most often arise in organizations. But their source can also be a change in the goals or standards themselves. For example, if, as a result of analyzing information about sales of a product, the management of an enterprise decides to discontinue it and switch to another type of product, this can radically change the targets of all departments associated with these types of products. Managers must re-create plans, find and reallocate resources, organize staff training, etc.

Rice. 3.1. Stages of research of a control object

It is quite obvious that the introduction of changes that require resources and time for implementation must be justified by an analysis of the factors that influence the state and position of the organization.

A set of factors and conditions, causing the appearance of a particular problem is called situation, and considering the problem taking into account the situational factors influencing it allows us to describe the problem situation. Description of the problem situation, usually contains two parts: characterization itselfProblems(place and time of its occurrence, essence and content, boundaries of distribution of its impact on the work of the organization or its divisions and situational factors leading to the emergence of a problem (they can be external and internal to the organization).

Internal factors depend to the greatest extent on the enterprise itself. These include: goals and development strategy, state of the order portfolio, production and management structure, financial and labor resources, volume and quality of work, including R&D, etc. Internal factors influence the management system and significantly contribute to the achievement of its goals. Therefore, a change in one or more factors simultaneously necessitates the urgent adoption of measures aimed at maintaining the equilibrium state of the system.

For example, if there has been a change in the strategic direction in the development of the organization, it is necessary to determine how this will affect the activities of such subsystems as production and release of new products, personnel management, etc. In other words, the system manager must develop a plan of organizational activities aimed at achieving the goals of the new development strategies.

External factors are less susceptible to influence by the organization's managers, since they are formed by the external environment in which the organization operates. In modern conditions, this environment is characterized by great complexity, dynamism and uncertainty, which significantly complicates accounting external factors when making management decisions. External factors have different impacts on the performance of organizations. For example, suppliers, consumers, competitors, regulatory authorities, creditors, other organizations and public institutions directly related to the area of ​​​​activity in which this organization is engaged provide direct influence on its work, the nature of the problems encountered and their solution. As an example, we can point to the problems of domestic enterprises that arose during the period of destruction of the previous system of economic relations; The relationship between suppliers and consumers of products has changed. In a number of cases, this led to production stops, a radical change in the range of products, and the search for new suppliers. Changing consumer tastes and priorities also causes many problems in an organization that previously focused its production on satisfying one type of need. It is necessary to answer the questions: should we look for new markets; whether to introduce new types of products and services, etc.

Another large group of external factors that are practically beyond the control of the organization’s managers, but have an indirect (mediated) impact on the organization’s activities that must be taken into account. This group of factors includes the state of the economy of the country (or region), the level of scientific, technical and social development, the sociocultural and political situation, events in other countries that are significant for this organization, etc. For example, the economic state of a country (region) affects the work of an organization through such environmental parameters as the availability of capital and labor, price and inflation levels, labor productivity, customer income, government, financial and tax policies, etc. Thus, inflation leads to a reduction purchasing power and reduces the demand for products produced by the organization. An increase in the price level for products of related industries causes a corresponding increase in production costs in the organization, which results in an increase in prices for its products, which can cause an “outflow” of a certain group of consumers. As their incomes decrease, buyers change the composition and structure of consumption, which also affects demand. The level of scientific and technological development in the country affects the structure of the economy, the processes of automation of production and management, the technology with which products are manufactured, the composition and structure of the organization’s personnel and, most importantly, the competitiveness of products and technologies. Taking into account numerous and varied environmental factors, choosing the main ones among them and anticipating possible changes is the most difficult task facing managers.

Analysis of situational factors allows you to consider the problem in connection with the events that caused it and changes in the internal and external environment and begin to search for a solution.

Thus, to define a problem means to establish the boundaries of the system within which it is considered, the level at which it should be solved. The subject analyzing the situation identifies the problem within the boundaries of the system he controls. However, it is also important for him to understand how the system manifests itself in systems and adjacent systems and, most importantly, what significance it has for the supersystem into which the given (controlled) system is included as an element. This ensures that the decision being made is linked to the general tasks and decisions of higher management, and the organization of an integrated process for solving this problem.

When defining a problem, a purely logical difficulty arises in identifying causes and consequences. A manager may face several problems in a particular situation. It is very important to establish their hierarchy, i.e. determine which of them is the main one, and which are subordinate or derivative from it. Determining the main problem will allow you to correctly formulate purpose of the decision tasks.

Defining a goal is associated with limiting the directions and means of achieving it. These restrictions play a determining role in the choice of solution options. In relation to a particular system, restrictions can be divided into are common And private. The general restrictions imposed on the functioning of a given system represent objective conditions of the external environment or are the goals and compelling connections of some big system, for which the system under consideration serves as an element (subsystem). Sometimes limitations for a given system are a manifestation of unresolved problems in more general systems.

So on first stage conducting research, problems and the totality of all factors that need to be identified and taken into account when solving problems are analyzed.

On third stage it is necessary to choose a research methodology, by which we mean a set of goals, methods, management techniques when conducting research, as well as the approach of managers to decision making and taking into account the traditions of the organization.

On fourth stage an analysis of the resources required to conduct the research is carried out. Such resources include material, labor, financial resources, equipment, and information. Resource analysis is essential to successfully conduct research and achieve its results.

Fifth stage involves choosing research methods taking into account available resources and research goals. Research methods will be discussed in detail in Chapter. 4.

Sixth stage is to organize research. Here it is necessary to determine the procedure for conducting research, distribute powers and responsibilities and reflect this in regulatory documents, for example, in job descriptions. Here it is also necessary to clarify or determine the technology for preparing and approving management decisions when conducting research.

On seventh At the (final) stage, the results obtained should be recorded and analyzed. Such results may be individual recommendations, a new model of the management system, improved controllability standards, more advanced techniques that contribute to the prompt and successful resolution of the problem. At this stage, it is necessary to first calculate the effectiveness of the research, i.e. balance the costs of research and the results obtained.

Sometimes the process of studying a specific object is carried out in accordance with the selected (recommended) model of the control system, often called the standard. The stages of the study in accordance with the reference model are presented in Fig. 3.2.

Figure 3.2. Study of the control object in accordance with the reference model

3.4. Sources of obtaining information about the activities of the organization

The main sources of information about the activities of the organization are:

  • various kinds of documents - the charter of the organization and other regulatory documents; regulations on the functions and responsibilities of departments; job descriptions; other descriptions of the system (in reports, publications);
  • employees of the organization describing its activities during conversations and surveys;
  • direct observations of systems specialists over the process of the organization’s activities.

However, none of these sources separately can provide the necessary completeness and reliability of information about the operation of the system. Documents become outdated relatively quickly and do not always reflect the actual state of affairs; employees may unintentionally (or intentionally) distort the status quo; observation may be distorted by random circumstances. Therefore, at all stages of the study, it is necessary to integrate methods for obtaining information about the operation of the system, checking them, comparing information obtained from different sources, returning to the already studied process in order to correct, correct previously obtained information, and detail previously unspecified important aspects. Comparing information and identifying the true state of affairs is greatly facilitated by systematizing and grouping the information received and formalizing its presentation.

You can finally verify the completeness and correctness of the information obtained after a system model has been built and its adequacy has been verified by comparison with the existing system.

It is usually useful to start studying with documents, first looking at the organizational chart. If there is no such scheme, it must be drawn up, for which it is convenient to use the staffing table. In many cases, it is useful to indicate on this diagram the superior and subordinate organizations and connections with them.

Study, as a rule, must begin with the highest levels of the apparatus, sequentially moving to the lower ones.

Documents related to the system can be divided into the following groups:

  1. official regulations and instructions regulating the functions of an organization or division and defining the timing and procedures for processing information and making decisions;
  2. input documents arising outside the system;
  3. systematically updated records (arrays) in the form of filing cabinets or books, used in the process of work;
  4. intermediate documents received and (or) used in the process of data processing;
  5. output documents.

After the analyst has obtained a general idea of ​​the organization or division being studied based on the documents, he proceeds to the stage of surveys and conversations with employees.

The first contact with employees is carried out with the participation of the head of the department being studied, who informs the employees of the purpose of the work being carried out, interest in its implementation, the presence of orders or other official documents on the basis of which the work is carried out, and indicates the necessary assistance and cooperation with the developers.

Collection of information through surveys must be selective and targeted. When solving some problems and in the first stages of work, generalized data is needed; for other tasks and at later stages - detailed ones. Therefore, it is necessary to first outline the range of issues of interest, and after each conversation, evaluate the information received and adjust the plan for further conversations.

Collecting information “blindly”, simply collecting it, leads to the accumulation of detailed information, which in the future is practically impossible to analyze and use.

It should be noted that obtaining and subsequent processing of information is very important, but at the same time very labor-intensive work. We must always remember that studying an existing system is not an end in itself, but a means of knowledge and requires balancing the degree of detail of the data and the corresponding costs with possible efficiency.

Survey and study, detailed information about the system can continue indefinitely, especially if you consider that the system lives and develops simultaneously with the survey and at the end of the survey differs from the original version. Therefore, it is very important to complete the study of the organization on time. In the process of studying, it is necessary to find out not only how the system works, but also why it works this way and not otherwise. The ability to select the necessary information develops as experience is gained.

Brief conclusions

  1. It is advisable to conduct a systematic study on the basis of the chosen methodology, which is a set of goals, methods and means necessary for a comprehensive study.
  2. The general concept, built on the basis of a system of scientific knowledge in the field of management, as well as the theory and practice of organizational design, becomes important when conducting research.
  3. The system concept involves the comprehensive design of management systems, including the selection of operational goals, the formation of a set of solutions that implement the selected goals, the design of technology for preparing management decisions, the formation of a management structure, and the development of regulatory documentation.

Control questions

  1. What is the essence of management systems research methodology?
  2. What is the essence of the general concept of control systems research?
  3. What is the significance of the general concept for the analysis and design of an organization?
  4. Name and explain the main stages of the general concept.
  5. What is the significance for research of such characteristics of the management process as the goals of the organization, management functions, management decisions, organizational structure.


General concepts………………………………………………………………………………4

Systematic approach………………………………………………………..5

Methods for studying control systems………………………………………………………7

System modeling……………………………………………………….13



To conduct scientific research in management, mastery of methodology, research techniques and methods is important. When conducting research at enterprises, researchers are set goals that require not only analysis and identification of problems, but also justification of recommendations proposed to resolve them. Assessing the condition, diagnosing, preventing negative trends, searching for “bottlenecks” in the management system, identifying new areas of activity require the manager to have a systemic vision and mastery of the scientific and categorical apparatus of research. To achieve the goal of the research, it is necessary to clearly define the basic concepts: object, subject, novelty, practical significance, research methods; know control technologies, be able to identify a problem in the study of processes and control systems, carry out a systematic analysis of direct and indirect impact factors, understand the effectiveness, limitations and conditions for using various methods.

Scientific research is one of the types of cognitive activity, the process of developing new scientific knowledge, characterized by completeness, reliability, objectivity, reproducibility, evidence, accuracy and a certain degree of novelty. Scientific research is usually carried out within the substantive framework of a specific scientific approach using a group of scientific methods. Theory and practice in scientific research are inseparable. Practice provides information, a “key to thinking,” a problem that requires a solution, and theory has an established set of concepts, categories and methods. The theory, acquired knowledge, and scientific achievements are tested in practice again and again.


Control system- a set of interrelated elements, a method of implementing control technology that involves influencing an object in order to change its state and process characteristics.

The implementation of the management mechanism is manifested in the performance of a number of functions: planning, organization, motivation, accounting and control. A complex system is divided into functional subsystems according to the following components: personnel, finance, sales, production, innovation, quality, logistics, strategy. Each functional management subsystem uses its own qualifications, methods, techniques, infrastructure, materials, equipment, knowledge, and requires a certain set of research techniques and procedures to study emerging problems. In its most general form, a system is understood as a set of interconnected elements that form a certain integrity, a certain unity.

Control systems research- this is a type of activity aimed at developing and improving management in accordance with constantly changing external and internal conditions.

Object research in management is: enterprise, organization, management system, processes, i.e. a real physical object directly measured by qualitative and quantitative indicators.

Item research is a system of knowledge, skills, methods, methods, factors of the external and internal environment and processes occurring in the organization. Actually, the view of the researcher is aimed at the subject of research, setting himself the task of solving a problem or studying a particular object in order to obtain true knowledge about it.

The main types of research of management systems: marketing, sociological, economic, as well as socio-economic experiments, audit as research, forecasting and planning studies, reporting, control studies, design of test objects, product quality research; research conducted in different functional subsystems of management.


Systems approach- this is a direction of scientific knowledge and practical activity, which is based on the study of any object as a complex integral socio-economic system. The main principles of the system approach are: integrity, structuring, hierarchical structure, multiplicity. In a systematic approach based on marketing research, the “output” parameters, goods or services, are first examined. Then the “input” parameters are determined, i.e. the need for resources (material, financial, labor and information) is examined; the organizational and technical level of the system, environmental parameters, and process parameters are studied. The advantage of the systems approach is the possibility of a comprehensive assessment of production and economic activities, effective organization of the decision-making process at all levels of management.

System analysis allows us to identify the feasibility of creating or improving an organization, determine which complexity class it belongs to, and identify the most effective methods of scientific organization of labor that were used previously. Systematic analysis of the activities of an enterprise or organization is carried out mainly in the early stages of work on creating a specific management system. This is due to the labor-intensive design work for the development and implementation of the selected management system model, justification of its economic, technical and organizational feasibility. Systems analysis may include a number of important research activities:

1) identification of general trends in the development of the enterprise and its place in the modern market economy;

2) establishing the peculiarities of the functioning of the enterprise and its individual divisions;

3) identification of conditions that ensure the achievement of set goals;

4) collection of data for analysis and development of measures to improve the current management system;

5) use of best practices of other enterprises;

6) study of the conditions for adapting the selected (synthesized) reference model to the conditions of the enterprise in question.

In the process of system analysis, the following characteristics are found:

1) the role and place of this enterprise in the industry;

2) the state of production and economic activity of the enterprise;

3) production structure of the enterprise;

4) management system and its organizational structure;

5) features of the enterprise’s interaction with suppliers, consumers and higher organizations;

6) innovative needs (possible connections of this enterprise with research and development organizations);

7) forms and methods of stimulating and remunerating employees

System analysis begins with clarifying or formulating the goals of a specific management system (enterprise or company) and searching for an efficiency criterion that should be expressed in the form of a specific indicator. As a rule, most organizations are multi-purpose. Many goals arise from the peculiarities of the development of the enterprise (company) and its actual state in the period of time under consideration, as well as the state of the environment (geopolitical, economic, social factors).

The primary task of system analysis is to determine the global goal of the organization's development and operating goals. Having specific, clearly formulated goals, it is possible to identify and analyze factors that contribute to or hinder the speedy achievement of these goals.


Methodological approach- a system of knowledge, methods, conceptual and methodological basis for research, characterized by a certain aspect of the consideration of problems. Within the framework of one methodological approach, there may be a number of different theories, views, positions that have the same conceptual basis for research.

General methodological approaches used to analyze management subsystems can be considered:








Research method is a way of obtaining new knowledge, a direct toolkit with which research is carried out. The research method in management is aimed at the practice of an organization, a socio-economic system, and includes both a categorical research apparatus and an empirical method of obtaining knowledge based on a large array of data - quantitative and qualitative indicators of the functioning of the system.

When conducting MIS, an exceptionally wide range of different methods can be used. Accordingly, they can all be classified in different ways. For example, research methods can be divided into:

  • theoretical;
  • empirical;
  • theoretical-empirical.

In this case, the theoretical research methods include the following:

  • a formalization method based on the study of the content and structure of the control system in a symbolic form using artificial languages ​​and symbols, which can ensure brevity and unambiguity of the research result. This method is interconnected with other methods (modeling, abstraction, idealization, etc.);
  • axiomatization method, based on obtaining research results based on logical axioms;
  • an idealization method that involves studying an element or component of a system endowed with certain hypothetical ideal properties. This allows you to simplify research and obtain results based on mathematical calculations with any predetermined accuracy;
  • a method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, based on obtaining research results based on the transition from the logical study of an abstractly dissected object under study to a holistic, concrete knowledge of it.

Empirical methods include:

  • observation method based on fixing and recording parameters and indicators of the properties of the studied object of study;
  • a measurement method that allows you to give a numerical assessment of the property of an object under study using certain units of measurement;
  • a comparison method that allows you to determine the differences or similarities between the object under study and an analogue (standard, sample, etc. - depending on the purpose of the study);
  • an experimental method based on the study of the object under study in artificially created conditions for it. Conditions can be natural or simulated. This method usually involves the use of a number of other research methods, including methods of observation, measurement and comparison.

Theoretical and empirical research methods may include:

  • abstraction method, based on mental abstraction from the unimportant properties of the object under study and further study of its most important aspects on a model (replacing the real object of study);
  • a method of analysis and synthesis, based on the use in the study of various methods of dividing the object under study into elements, relationships (analysis) and combining its individual elements into a single whole (synthesis). For example, in relation to the study of processes in a control system, analysis makes it possible to divide it into operations, identify connections and relationships in it, and synthesis makes it possible to connect all operations, connections and relationships and compose technological scheme;
  • the method of induction and deduction, based on obtaining research results based on the process of cognition from the particular to the general (induction) and from the general to the particular (deduction);
  • a modeling method that uses models of an object to study its structure, connections, relationships, etc. The results of the study of models are interpreted for a real object.

Other examples of classification of methods include grouping them by stages and stages of research, by belonging to fields of science and scientific directions, by research goals, by types of analysis, etc.

Among the types of analysis, it should be noted prognostic, diagnostic, detailed and global, which use a certain set of specific methods.

Predictive Analysis is carried out with a clear setting of goals for the development of the management system. This determines the need to identify trends and develop a forecast for the development of the object under study, which requires the formation of its conceptual (ideal, desired) model. Such a model is usually described using a system of interconnected parameters and indicators.

Diagnostic analysis. The results of the study of the control system should not only be justified directions for the development of the system for the long-term period, but also cause-and-effect relationships, priorities and measures to improve systems for specific operating conditions should be determined. This can be achieved by conducting a diagnostic analysis - diagnostics of the SU. Here, diagnostics should be understood as a complex of interconnected research works of an analytical nature, which makes it possible to establish the influence of some factors on others and their connections, in order to identify deficiencies in the control system and their subsequent elimination.

Detailed analysis. Diagnostic analysis serves as the basis for performing detailed (thematic) analysis. It is aimed at searching for quantitatively defined reserves in the SU. Detailing can be carried out, for example, by the method of decomposing systems into subsystems, subsubsystems and elements. Moreover, the more detailed this division into simple parts turns out to be, the more deeply it will be possible to study the phenomena under study and obtain more effective results.

Global analysis. When studying control systems, it can also be important to conduct a global analysis, covering various hierarchical levels of management and, accordingly, various levels of the system. When conducting such an analysis, the relationships and interactions of various systems of organizations carrying out a single production process are studied.

Regardless of the classification of CS studies, the types of analysis performed in them and all other research works, those specific methods that are often used in practice deserve mention (except for those mentioned earlier).

These methods include:

  • self-examination;
  • interviewing, conversation;
  • active observation, momentary observation, photograph of the working day;
  • survey;
  • studying documentation and information materials;
  • functional-cost analysis;
  • decomposition;
  • sequential substitution;
  • comparison;
  • dynamic;
  • structuring goals;
  • expert;
  • sociological;
  • organoleptic;
  • normative;
  • parametric;
  • main components;
  • balance;
  • correlation;
  • matrix;
  • analytical-calculation;
  • analogies;
  • network;
  • block;
  • creative meetings;
  • morphological analysis;
  • differential, complex and mixed;
  • index;
  • graphic and nomographic.


Classifications of types of system modeling.

Modeling is based on the theory of similarity, which states that absolute similarity can only occur when an object is replaced by another exactly the same. When modeling, absolute similarity does not exist and they strive to ensure that it sufficiently reflects the studied aspect of the object’s functioning.

According to the degree of completeness of the model, they are divided into complete, incomplete and approximate. Complete models are identical to the object in time and space. For incomplete simulations, this identity is not preserved. Approximate modeling is based on similarity, in which some aspects of the functioning of a real object are not modeled at all.

Depending on the nature of the processes being studied in the system, types of modeling are divided into deterministic and stochastic, static and dynamic, discrete, continuous and discrete-continuous. Deterministic modeling depicts processes in which the absence of random influences is assumed. Stochastic modeling takes into account probabilistic processes and events. Static modeling is used to describe the behavior of an object at a fixed point in time, and dynamic modeling is used to study an object over time. Discrete, continuous and discrete-continuous simulations are used to describe processes that vary over time. At the same time, they operate with analog, digital and analog-digital models.

Depending on the form of object representation, modeling is classified into mental And real.

Mental simulation is used when models are not realizable in a given time interval or there are no conditions for their physical creation (for example, microworld situations). Mental modeling is implemented in the form of visual, symbolic and mathematical.

1) When visual modeling Based on human ideas about real objects, visual models are created that display the phenomena and processes occurring in the object.

The basis of hypothetical modeling is a hypothesis about the patterns of the process in a real object, which reflects the researcher’s level of knowledge about the object and is based on cause-and-effect relationships between the input and output of the object being studied. This type of modeling is used when knowledge about an object is not enough to build formal models.

Analog modeling is based on the use of analogies at various levels. For fairly simple objects, the highest level is complete analogy. As the system becomes more complex, analogies of subsequent levels are used, when the analog model displays several or only one aspect of the functioning of the object.

Prototyping is used when the processes occurring in a real object are not amenable to physical modeling or may precede other types of modeling. The construction of mental models is also based on analogies, usually based on cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena and processes in an object.

2) Symbolic modeling is an artificial process of creating a logical object that replaces the real one and expresses the basic properties of its relationships using a certain system of signs and symbols.

Language modeling is based on a certain thesaurus, which is formed from a set of incoming concepts, and this set must be fixed. There are fundamental differences between a thesaurus and a regular dictionary. A thesaurus is a dictionary that is cleared of ambiguity, i.e. in it, each word can correspond to only a single concept, although in a regular dictionary one word can correspond to several concepts.

If you introduce a conventional designation for individual concepts, i.e., signs, as well as certain operations between these signs, then you can implement sign modeling and, using signs, display a set of concepts - create separate chains of words and sentences. Using the operations of union, intersection and addition of set theory, it is possible to give a description of some real object in separate symbols.

3) Math modeling is the process of establishing a correspondence between a given real object and a certain mathematical object called a mathematical model. In principle, in order to study the characteristics of the functioning process of any system using mathematical methods, including machine methods, it is necessary to formalize this process, i.e., construct a mathematical model. The study of a mathematical model allows one to obtain the characteristics of the real object under consideration. The type of mathematical model depends both on the nature of the real object and on the tasks of studying the object, the required reliability and accuracy of solving the problem. Any mathematical model, like any other, describes a real object with a certain degree of approximation.

Analytical modeling is characterized by the fact that the processes of functioning of system elements are written in the form of certain functional relationships (algebraic, integro-differential, finite-difference, etc.) or logical conditions. The analytical model is studied using the following methods: analytical, when one strives to obtain, in a general form, explicit dependencies connecting the desired characteristics with initial conditions, parameters and system variables; numerical, when, not being able to solve equations in general form, they strive to obtain numerical results with specific initial data; qualitative, when, without having an explicit solution, one can find some properties of the solution (for example, assess the stability of the solution).

In simulation modeling, the algorithm that implements the model reproduces the process of functioning of the system in time, and the elementary phenomena that make up the process are simulated, preserving their logical structure and sequence of occurrence in time, which allows, from the source data, to obtain information about the states of the process at certain points in time, making it possible to evaluate system characteristics. The main advantage of simulation modeling compared to analytical modeling is the ability to solve more complex problems. Simulation models make it possible to quite simply take into account factors such as the presence of discrete and continuous elements, nonlinear characteristics of system elements, numerous random influences, etc., which often create difficulties in analytical studies. In simulation modeling, a distinction is made between the statistical modeling method and the statistical testing method (Monte Carlo). If the results obtained when reproducing on a simulation model are implementations random variables and functions, then to find the characteristics of the process requires its repeated reproduction with subsequent processing of information. Therefore, it is advisable to use the statistical modeling method as a method for machine implementation of a simulation model. Initially, a statistical testing method was developed, which is a numerical method that was used to model random variables and functions whose probabilistic characteristics coincided with solutions to analytical problems (this procedure was called the Monte Carlo method). Then this technique began to be used for machine simulation in order to study the characteristics of the functioning processes of systems subject to random influences, i.e., the method of statistical modeling appeared. The simulation method is used to evaluate options for the system structure, the effectiveness of various system control algorithms, and the impact of changing various system parameters. Simulation modeling can be used as the basis for structural, algorithmic and parametric synthesis when it is necessary to create a system with specified characteristics under certain restrictions. The system must be optimal according to some efficiency criteria.

Combined (analytical-simulation) modeling allows you to combine the advantages of analytical and simulation modeling. When building combined models, a preliminary decomposition of the object’s functioning process into its constituent subprocesses is carried out, and for those of them, where possible, analytical models are used, and for the remaining subprocesses, simulation models. This approach allows us to cover qualitatively new classes of systems that cannot be studied using only analytical or simulation modeling separately.

At real simulation the opportunity to study characteristics either on a real object as a whole or on part of it is used. Such studies are carried out both on objects operating in normal modes and when special modes are organized to assess the characteristics of interest to the researcher (with other values ​​of variables and parameters, on a different time scale, etc.). Real modeling is implemented in the form of natural and physical ones.

1) Full-scale modeling called conducting research on a real object with subsequent processing of experimental results based on the theory of similarity. A full-scale experiment is divided into a scientific experiment, complex testing and a production experiment.

A scientific experiment is characterized by the widespread use of automation tools, the use of very diverse information processing tools, and the possibility of human intervention in the process of conducting an experiment. In accordance with this, a new scientific direction has emerged - automation of scientific experiments and a new specialization within the framework of the specialty ACS - ASNI (automated systems scientific research and complex tests).

One of the types of experiments is complex testing, when, as a result of repeating tests of objects as a whole (or large parts of the system), general patterns about the quality characteristics and reliability of these objects are revealed. In this case, modeling is carried out by processing and summarizing information about a group of homogeneous phenomena.

Along with specially organized tests, it is possible to implement full-scale modeling by summarizing the experience accumulated during the production process, i.e. we can talk about a production experiment. Here, on the basis of similarity theory, statistical material on the production process is processed and its generalized characteristics are obtained. It is necessary to remember the difference between an experiment and a real process. It lies in the fact that individual critical situations may appear in the experiment and the boundaries of process stability may be determined. During the experiment, new factors and disturbing influences are introduced into the process of functioning of the object.

2) Another type of real modeling is physical, which differs from full-scale in that the research is carried out on installations that preserve the nature of the phenomena and have a physical similarity. In the process of physical modeling, certain characteristics of the external environment are specified and the behavior of either a real object or its model is studied under given or artificially created environmental influences. Physical modeling can take place on real and unreal (pseudo-real) time scales or be considered without taking into account time. In the latter case, the so-called “frozen” processes recorded at a certain point in time are subject to study. The greatest complexity and interest from the point of view of the correctness of the results obtained is physical modeling in real time.


In conclusion of this course work, I would like to draw several conclusions from the above material about modeling in the study of control systems. So let’s define the epistemological nature of modeling.

Defining the epistemological role of modeling theory, i.e. its significance in the process of cognition, it is necessary, first of all, to abstract from the variety of models available in science and technology and to highlight what is common to models of objects that are different in nature real world. This commonality lies in the presence of some structure (static or dynamic, material or mental), which is similar to the structure of a given object. In the process of studying, the model acts as a relative independent quasi-object, which allows one to obtain some knowledge about the object itself during the study.

In modern Russia, management and its research are moving along the path of complexity. By using modeling methods such as analogy, you can achieve impressive results in the economic activities of an enterprise. An analogy is a judgment about any particular similarity between two objects, and such similarity can be significant or insignificant. It should be noted that the concepts of significance and insignificance of the similarity or difference of objects are conditional and relative. The significance of the similarities (differences) depends on the level of abstraction and general case determined by the ultimate goal of the research. A modern scientific hypothesis is created, as a rule, by analogy with those tested in practice. scientific principles.

In conclusion, we can summarize the above that modeling is the main path in the research system of control systems and is of extreme importance for a manager at any level.


1. Ignatieva A.V., Maksimtsov M.M. Research of control systems. - M.: PRIOR, 2002.

2. Arkhipov N.I. Research of control systems. - M.: PRIOR, 2002.

3. Troyanovsky V.M. Mathematical modeling in management. - M.: RDL, 2002.

4. Goberman V.A., Goberman L.A. Fundamentals of production management: modeling of operations and management decisions. - M.: Lawyer, 2002.

5. Anfilatov V.S. System analysis in management. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003.

6. Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. Development of a management solution. Forecasting - planning. Experiment design theory. G. Zheleznodorozhny M.O., SPC “Wings” LLP, 1997.

Topic 16. Scientific and practical effectiveness of research

16.1. The concept of research effectiveness. Research potential of management.

16.2. Scientific and practical effectiveness of the research.

16.3. Parameters of research effectiveness.

16.4. The role of evaluation in management systems research.

16.5. Principles for evaluating control systems research.

16.6. Types of assessment of control parameters.

16.1. The concept of research effectiveness. Research potential of management.

Research effectiveness- This is the definition or finding of a research option that leads to success the shortest way. But this definition can be supplemented with a more precise one.

Research effectiveness - this is one of its characteristics, which shows how the costs of effort (or resources) for its implementation and the result (or the degree of achievement of the goal) correlate.

All factors that determine the effectiveness of research can be considered in two groups: factors of management research potential and principles of its use.

Research potential of management.

The concept of management research potential reflects the ability to use resources and achieve set goals. After all, having the necessary resources does not automatically lead to efficiency. The use of resources also depends on their structure, availability, the purpose for which the resources are used, the motivation for their rational use, etc. All this together characterizes the concept of research potential. Its size and quality, its implementation also determine the achievement of efficiency.
All factors characterizing the research potential of management can be presented in three groups: factors of methodological readiness, factors of the availability and structure of resources, and factors of organizational capabilities.

Methodological readiness is manifested in the presence of a goal and mission of the study. Here, the validity of the goal, the scientific approach to its formulation and setting, the understanding and acceptance of the goal by the research group or, in general, by the entire team of the company, and the integration properties of the goal are of great importance.

The mission of the research is considered as the dominant element of its implementation, ensuring consistent movement towards the goal. It helps to choose restrictions in moving towards a goal and priorities at each stage of this movement. The mission should answer the question: why is research carried out, does reality allow us to achieve the goal?

Methodological readiness is also determined by the concept of development of the company, developed according to the goal and mission. This is a set of provisions reflecting development trends. The concept is closely related to the goal and mission, because it includes both, in addition, it characterizes their specification and determines the key provisions of the research program.

Research experience is also of great importance. Systematic conduct of research work contributes to the accumulation of such experience and increases the potential for the effectiveness of research activities. Experience saves time, protects against mistakes and facilitates many operations.

Many types of research depend on the information base for its implementation. To see the dynamics of development processes, conduct comparative analysis, identify trends, and choose the most successful solutions, you need to have the necessary amount of accumulated information. This need stimulates systematic research.
It is impossible to conduct research without using one or another technique for modeling and assessing processes or phenomena. But the methods are different. Which of them the researchers or manager possess and use, how their own methods are developed, this also characterizes the methodological potential of the research.

Finally, we should also point out the possibilities of using the necessary research methods. These opportunities are determined by their accessibility, the availability of appropriate technical means, and the qualifications of researchers.

Factors of methodological readiness operate not only in a certain set and totality, but also in their correlation and systematicity.
The next group of research potential factors is the availability and use of resources.

Any research needs resources. Personnel resources, economic, material and technical, information, and time resources are required. We can also talk about factual resources. They reflect the presence of the necessary facts and the possibilities of their systematization.
Next, the factual support of the study and its difference from information will be considered in more detail. Here it is only enough to say that information and factual resources are complementary.

Research requires various resources and in a certain ratio. Resources can and should be interchangeable, but up to certain limits.

The research potential of management also includes the organizational capabilities of its implementation. They are manifested in the presence of the necessary organizational culture and type of organization. Positive and negative organizational experiences also play an important role, allowing one to successfully select the type of organization and organize the research.

Every organization has a certain infrastructure, which also affects the conduct of research.

One should also mention here such a factor as the intellectual potential of a manager or researcher. It can be attributed to both resources and methodological readiness, but it also plays an important role in the realization of organizational capabilities. The organization of research is the organization of intellectual activity, and it is determined to a large extent by the intellectual potential of the researcher.
In the future, the factors of assessment, factual support of the study, the thinking of the manager-researcher, and the creative education of the manager, which determines his intellectual potential, will be considered in more detail.

16.2. Scientific and practical effectiveness of the research.

Scientific effectiveness of the study determined by the increase in knowledge in a particular area that has occurred as a result of research. It can be expressed in the number of patents, copyright certificates, publications, citation ratings, etc. obtained as a result of research.

To characterize applied research, the concept is more often used practical effectiveness of research .

The scientific effectiveness of research turns into practical effectiveness in the process of implementing scientific knowledge obtained through research. The implementation of research results is an important element in the development of society and the organizational and production system.

In a market economy, the main driver of applied research (namely, most problems in the study of control systems belong to these) is a practical problem and the need to solve it at a level that ensures competitiveness.

Effective Research- this is a study that achieves its goals within a certain time, while the consumption of resources and risks do not exceed the planned volumes.

In a broader sense, the effectiveness of research is one of its characteristics, which shows how the costs of effort (or resources) to conduct it and the result (or the degree of achievement of the goal) correlate.
The effectiveness of research depends on the factors of management research potential. Research potential reflects the ability to use resources and the degree to which a goal has been achieved.

Research potential factors are presented in three groups:

1) methodology;

2) resources;

3) organizational capabilities.

The methodological readiness of research potential is manifested in the presence of the purpose and mission of the research, the presence of concepts for the development of the company, research experience and the ability to use the necessary research methods and appropriate technical means.

The resource factor consists in the availability of the necessary personnel resources, economic, material and technical, information, and time resources.

The research potential of management includes the organizational capabilities of its implementation. They are manifested in the presence of organizational culture and type of organization, and the intellectual potential of management systems researchers.

The effectiveness of research depends on the principles of its design and implementation.

Among the principles we should mention, first of all, principle of objectivity. According to this principle, in any study it is necessary to look for objective factors, connections, dependencies. This determines the success of the study. But using this principle does not mean that everything subjective must be excluded. Much in research is determined by intuition, its inexplicable influence on human behavior and the search for truth. The principle of objectivity is the principle of commensurate, comparison of factors with objective reality, this is a return to the objective, as the final result of reflection, analysis of ideas, thoughts, positions.

Systematic principle- this is the principle of searching and determining connections, integrity, comparing properties, finding the boundaries of the internal and external environment. This principle makes it possible to concentrate research on the main thing, evaluate connections, differentiate them into external and internal, and understand a property as a manifestation of the whole in one case and as a manifestation of a separate one in another.

The principle of consistency requires research using a specific, pre-developed technology. In using this principle, the answer to the question is of great importance: where to start and how to move towards the result?

The principle of determination means that any research must have a very specific goal. Research is not only the resolution of the problem that has arisen, but also the determination of what goal this resolution can lead to, and to what extent it contributes to the achievement of the goal. The goal determines the choice of solutions and the sequence of their development; the goal integrates activities in its most complex variants: multidimensionality, joint research, ramifications of research, complexity of the problem, etc.

The principle of freedom of thought determines the need to remove restrictions on the flight of thought, fantasy, imagination, ideas.
The principle of thinking control suggests that thinking, like any process, should not be sporadic. It leads to research efficiency. This can be the management of the process of individual thinking or the process of group mental activity.
Like any activity, research is based on the use of certain resources, the size and structure of which largely determine its effectiveness. Resources cannot be used thoughtlessly, but in an effort to obtain the desired result, one cannot thoughtlessly limit research in the necessary resources, hence the important principle of flexible saving of resources arises. In some studies, it is very difficult to foresee and calculate quite accurately in advance how many resources will be needed to achieve the required result. Therefore, the calculation of resources must be done with a reserve, understanding that the result of the study is not always quite predictable, sometimes it can be more significant than expected. Then, even if resources are overspent, the effectiveness of the research will still be high.

The principle of qualitative and quantitative certainty of research lies in the fact that, if possible, research should be carried out based on quantitative measures of parameters, indicators, but at the same time not losing the quality of the phenomena being studied, i.e., the totality of those properties that determine their essence and features.

The principle of factual support for research is that research must be based on facts and select facts accordingly. This is the basis for the objectivity of the study, its success, and ultimately its effectiveness.

The principle of implementation of creative education manager involves its design through educational processes, which is consolidated and manifested in practical activities and developed in research processes.

The principle of relying on research thinking manager presupposes his development in management practice and in conducting research. The research aims not only to find a successful solution to the problem, but also to teach the manager to think effectively, exploratively, and innovatively.

And one more principle should be added to this list - principle of labor intensity. Its essence lies in the fact that any research must be calculated according to the labor intensity of its implementation. Both its organization and rational use of all resources, and, consequently, efficiency.

When assessing the effectiveness of a study performance criterion defined as a quantitative reflection of the degree to which the system achieves its goals.

In research management, it is more convenient to consider a criterion as a rule for selecting a preferred solution from a number of alternative ones.

In accordance with the predicted efficiency, the following options for solutions for the study of control systems can be distinguished:

1) ineffective, not allowing to solve the problem;

2) rational, i.e., allowing to solve the problem;

3) optimal solution option - an option that allows you to solve the research problem in the best way, in the sense defined by the criterion, to build the best research system in the sense defined by the criterion. While there can be many ineffective and rational solutions, there is only one optimal solution.

When studying a complex control system, due to its versatility, the criterion, as a rule, is a vector. At the same time, the problem of optimizing a complex system is multicriteria.

The criterion includes efficiency (effect) parameters as components.

16.3. Parameters of research effectiveness.

Research efficiency parameter - the relative values ​​of the most important parameters of the system and (or) research, as well as the relationships of such parameters that allow us to assess the quality of the solution to the problem and the achievement of the goals set for the system. For example, the efficiency parameter will be an assessment of the ratio of the same parameter (let it be fuel consumption) before and after the implementation of the research results. They reflect the degree of progress as a result of research and (or) the efficiency of resource expenditure, in particular money, in the research process. They allow you to choose the preferred options for changes in the object or the research process itself.

As parameters of the research effect, we will call the absolute values ​​of changes in the most important parameters, for example, the volume of fuel saved in liters, tons, rubles, etc.

When forming efficiency (or effect) parameters in the study of management systems, organizational-production systems are most often used; cost and (or) creation time; income, profit (loss) for a fixed period, etc.

When choosing the composition of effect parameters, both the purpose for which the system is created and the goals of the study are taken into account. Often, of two research processes related to the same objects and solving the same problem with equal resources, the one that, other things being equal, leads to achieving the goal in a shorter time interval is considered more effective.

16.4. The role of evaluation in management systems research.

One of the complex and important problems of management research is the assessment of situations, conditions, changes, trends, etc.

Grade- This is the establishment of the presence and degree of manifestation of one or another characteristic of the control system. The means of assessment is the indicator. Analysis, normative regulation of functioning and development, search and determination of trends, study of the characteristics and essential features of a particular phenomenon are based on assessments. Without assessments, it is impossible to develop and make management decisions, including decisions to improve management. The more accurate an assessment a manager or researcher can make, the greater the likelihood of a successful, rational decision.

Estimates may vary. We can distinguish between software test and expert assessments. The former are very widely used nowadays, when there is computer technology, which opens up very great opportunities in this regard. But many characteristics can only be assessed based on the work of a group of experts. A combination of the first and second is very effective.

Assessments are also divided into collective and individual. In research practice, both exact and approximate estimates are used. According to process characteristics, there are episodic and periodic assessments; according to the scale of the phenomena being assessed, general and local assessments are distinguished; There are simple and complex assessments based on the organization and methods of implementation. The latter are always based on special calculations, aggregation of information, and construction of synthetic indicators.

The choice of type of assessment is of great importance in achieving the success of the study.

For assessment you need:

· identification of the object and subject of assessment;

· establishing evaluation criteria and measurement scales;

· construction of a procedure and assessment system;

· selection of assessment tools and methods;

· use of assessment results.

16.5. Principles for evaluating control systems research.

There are certain principles of assessment, thanks to which an adequate assessment of reality, a deep understanding of situations, problems, results or trends are possible.

1. The principle of science. The assessment is always based on the methods of its conduct or implementation. And they can be different: you can evaluate on the basis of common sense, rich experience, but you can base your assessment on the use of scientific methods, mathematical modeling, where possible. In this case, the assessment should be made by someone who knows the subject of assessment, knows its methodology, and is able to approach it from an objective position.

2. An important addition to this principle is also principle of purpose. The assessment can be carried out in general or be focused on some expected results, but it can also have a clear, specific purpose. You can evaluate, say, in order to stimulate activity, group workers, standardize work, distribute financial resources, etc. The purpose of evaluation can also be to find ways of development, establish patterns, and monitor trends.

3. The principle of diversity, completeness and consistency. Very often, only those characteristics that are known, accessible, understandable, and measurable can be assessed. The result of this approach is a deformed assessment that does not provide a complete picture of an event or situation, phenomenon or problem. When conducting an assessment, it is very important to take into account the relationship of characteristics, strive for their completeness, see diversity and sufficiency.

4. The principle of criterion certainty. You can evaluate roughly, approximately, tentatively, but there is no evaluation without a criterion. An evaluation criterion is a starting point, a measurement scale, it is a statement of the specifics of the characteristic to be assessed. The more accurately the criterion is established, the more objective and significant the assessment. When conducting an assessment, arbitrary changes to the criterion are unacceptable.

5. The principle of quantitative certainty of assessment. It can be assessed in terms of ascertaining quality and describing features, but assessment can be carried out in quantitative indicators that provide accurate information and allow you to more effectively operate with assessments: compare, synthesize, capture changes. In control systems research, it is necessary, whenever possible, to strive for quantitative estimates. But it cannot be denied that in certain circumstances heuristic assessments can be richer and more useful. Quantitative measurements often impoverish the situation.

6. The principle of combining state assessment and change. Most often, an assessment is a recording of the state of a particular characteristic, a photograph of a frozen moment, a statement of the degree of manifestation of the characteristic. But in the study, the richest information is provided by assessments of dynamics that can show trends of change, allowing one to foresee consequences. Ultimately, a combination of both is needed.

7. But assessment is not just the establishment and measurement of certain characteristics; it is, among other things, the activity of a researcher or group of researchers, the work of experts, mathematicians, and programmers. And this circumstance cannot but be reflected in principles of assessment.

8. The principle of independence is that assessment should be separated, as far as possible, from personal relationships, work dependence, ambitions and pride. It must be protected from the influence of interested parties, well-wishers or ill-wishers.
This is achieved both through the assessment methodology and the appropriate organization of its implementation.

16.6. Types of assessment of control parameters.

Estimates may vary. In each specific case, the researcher has to choose the type that may be the most acceptable and effective. This choice is determined both by the nature of the problems being studied and by the possibilities of assessment. The specificity of assessing management problems is that they are all ultimately related to human activity and his human qualities. Many control parameters cannot be measured accurately enough, and some cannot even be isolated or delimited in any way. Therefore, many assessments must be based on statistical analysis, or use sociometric methods, tests and expert assessments.

1. Based on the area and scale of assessment of certain situations, general and local assessments can be distinguished. This is how management problems manifest themselves. Some of them are of a general nature, others are limited to a particular area of ​​activity. The research methodology should provide for the distinction between these types.

2. Estimates can be simple or complex, depending on whether they involve many calculations or are based on measuring primary information. In complex assessments, there is often a violation of the validity of indicators, a shift in the emphasis of relevance and importance, and loss of information. Such cases should be avoided when constructing indicators.

3. In assessments, the moment and duration of their conduct play an important role. Based on this criterion, we can distinguish between episodic and periodic assessments. The former are caused by the need of a specific situation, the emergence and aggravation of new problems, the latter by a systematic study of management and quality monitoring.

4. Any assessment reflects the need to search and solve problems and requires the expenditure of certain resources. Therefore, it is possible to differentiate estimates based on the criterion of accuracy of parameter measurement. There are exact and approximate estimates (rough, preliminary, approximate, ordinal). The second group helps to save resources when. searching for leading problems. But in-depth analysis and responsible research must be based on extremely rigorous and accurate assessments.

5. Based on the organization of assessment, collective and individual assessments can be distinguished. Their comparative analysis is often used. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of both the team and the individual - experience, education, qualifications, motives, sociality, etc.

6. The assessment methodology is of key importance in its correctness. In management research, two types of assessment are often used - test and expert. Their various combinations are not excluded. Test assessment can be very effective, but it depends on the quality of the tests, and the success of expert assessment is largely determined by the principles of forming expert groups and organizing their work.

7. According to the receipt of information and the methodology for processing it, one can also distinguish between statistical and non-statistical assessment. The art of research, among other things, is manifested in the choice of the type of assessment in specific circumstances.
