Nino Salukvadze: I want to be happy in my homeland. Nino Salukvadze: I want to be happy in my homeland Participation in “The Voice”

The name Ninidze has long been known to everyone. The first association is “sky swallow” Ii. However, her daughter is in no way inferior, either in talent or beauty. Her name is Nino, she is a promising actress, and Nino Ninidze’s personal life worries every fan of hers. Kirill Pletnev and Nino Ninidze often appear on the covers of magazines, gossip and rumors about them appear in the media mass media almost every day. We will try to figure out at least a little which of them is true and which of them was just invented by evil tongues.

Nino's childhood

Nino Ninidze was born in 1991, she is now 25 years old. The girl’s homeland is Tbilisi. At the time of her birth, the war was in full swing, and with it, almost every family was haunted by fears and inconveniences in everyday matters. Lack of light and water, cold, financial difficulties. In a word - war. But the family did not lose heart, and the girl admits that she never felt deprived of anything. Parents created an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, trying to prevent their children from growing up in fear and worry. And they succeeded. When little Nino was 5 years old, the family moved to Moscow, as her mother received an invitation to perform in the capital’s theater called “ Bat" At first, the future actress was sent to a Georgian school, but on the initiative of the girl herself, she was transferred to a Russian school in order to master the Russian language perfectly.

Nino Ninidze learned easily, and due to frequent moves and changes in teams, she became more sociable and learned to easily find mutual language With different people. This undoubtedly benefited her, because it is very important for acting.
As a child, the girl's desires changed from escape velocity. To the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” the little girl answered in different ways: either as an artist (after all, she really does have talent, inherited from her father), then as a ballerina, then as an artist, then as a singer. Only towards the end of school did she definitely decide that acting was her true calling. Moreover, she immediately decided on an educational institution: it should be VGIK, and nothing more!
Despite her mother’s fame and extensive connections, Nino Ninidze asked her not to interfere with admission, because she herself wanted to experience this whole path. When preparing for the exams, I tried, of course, to help somehow, to suggest something, to give useful advice, but my daughter turned a deaf ear to most of them and brushed them off. And who's in adolescence listened to your parents and didn’t contradict them? Nino Ninidze was no exception. Now, of course, she has her mother main advisor and in professional activity, and in personal matters, but then everything was different. Despite this, the girl entered the university of her dreams and successfully graduated.

Carier start

At first, Nino Ninidze was unlucky: there were plenty of castings, but everywhere she was rejected: either too young, or too beautiful... When she was approved for the first role, she was incredibly happy, and at the same time not entirely confident in her abilities ( frequent failures made themselves known).
Now the actress has several good films, where she shines with her talent. The first two films were shot in 2010, these are the films “And There Was No better than brother" and "Quiet Outpost". In 2011, the film “Blizzard” was shot.

Kirill Pletnev in Nino's life

In 2014, an unexpected trip to Vladivostok with the cast burst into Nino Ninidze’s life. This was Nikita Mikhalkov's idea. The essence of the event is that the star passengers of the train delighted the residents of large cities on the way from Moscow, arranging bright holidays and parties for them. The event is timed to coincide with the anniversary of VGIK (that year it turned 95 years old). Both Ii and her daughter received an invitation. Star family I happily went to please the Russians.

Kirill Pletnev, an actor and director, was also traveling on the same train. He is known for a number of popular films and TV series, such as “Soldiers”, “Once Upon a Time in Rostov”, “Saboteur” and many others. His talent is also undeniable, because he has received many awards and prizes; in 2015, his short film won at Kinotavr. Kirill’s personal life has always been eventful, he was the favorite of women and even got married and has two children, boys.
Kirill Pletnev and Nino Ninidze returned from the trip as a couple, and all relationships began in front of Nino’s mother and other fellow travelers. Everyone whispered that Nino was just another “victory” of Pletnev, a passing hobby. However, to spite all the envious people, everything turned out to be serious.
The couple often appeared at events together, did not hide or hide, but on the contrary, showed tenderness and awe for each other. At the Sochi Kinotavr they walked on the red carpet together, and after winning this festival, Kirill dedicates all his achievements to his muse Nino. By the way, at this festival the girl was already pregnant. At the end of 2015, the young people became the parents of a wonderful boy, who was named Sasha.

Now Kirill Pletnev and Nino Ninidze are busy raising a child and romantic relationships which they still retain to this day. As we all see, Nino Ninidze was successful in her personal life just as in her profession.

Ninidze is a star name in Russian cinema. When it sounds, the first name that comes to mind is the fragile “sky swallow”, the talented pupil of the charismatic Monsieur Floridor, performed by.

But after the release of the drama “There Was No Better Brother” and the detective story “Ascent to Olympus,” viewers and film critics are increasingly calling the name Nino. Nino Ninidze is the daughter of a wonderful Russian-Georgian actress and wife nova Russian cinema. But the main thing in Nino’s biography is not family ties, but film roles by which one can judge the skill and talent of the young actress.

Childhood and youth

Nino was born in the summer of 1991 in the sunny capital of Georgia, in Iya Ninidze’s third marriage with artist Mikhail Buchenkov. Nino has a half-brother, Georgiy, who is 6 years older. Soon after Nino's birth, Georgia began Civil War, the consequences of which were famine and devastation. The girl always remembered how neighbors cut down trees under the windows of the house to warm their frozen homes.

Iya Ninidze in an interview Russian edition told how the children were starving and her heart was bleeding. The husband, Nino's father, fled from Georgia to the United States as soon as the clashes began. Iya Borisovna had to raise her two small children on their own feet. Perhaps the most painful memory is how little Nino, waking up next to her brother, said that she was hungry. 10-year-old Georgy answered her in an adult way that she needed to go to sleep, “hunger goes away in sleep.”

The dark streak in the family’s life ended after moving to Moscow. George’s father, Sergei Maksachev, took him in. And Ia and little Nino Maksachev got a room in a communal apartment. Nino, seeing hot water flowing from the tap, rushed to her mother asking her to turn off the tap immediately, otherwise “the water would run out.” The girl touched the hot radiators with admiration and was in seventh heaven.

Nino Ninidze calls his mother a great woman, an example to follow. The desire to become an artist is my mother’s genes that have awakened. But as a child, the girl’s dreams about the future changed at kaleidoscopic speed. Either she wanted to be an artist, like her father, or a ballerina and singer. In Moscow, Iya Borisovna got a job at the Bat Theater. Nino went to a Georgian school, but soon transferred to a Russian one to learn the language. In high school, she knew that she would become a theater student and follow in her mother’s footsteps.

For Nino Ninidze, an ambitious and proud girl, it was extremely important to enter the university on her own, without help famous mom. She prepared thoroughly and entered VGIK on the first try. Nino was accepted into the workshop. In 2012, Ninidze received her diploma and, in search of work in cinema, went to film studios and castings.


Nino Ninidze’s career did not turn out well right away: she turned out to be too young for some roles, too beautiful for others. The aspiring actress accepted approval for an episode in the comedy series “Once Upon a Time in the Police” as a welcome gift. The film was released in 2010, and directors and viewers learned about Nino’s existence.

Career breakthrough happened in next year: Nino Ninidze was offered main role in two projects: a modern interpretation of “Eugene Onegin” - the melodrama “Duel” by Jafar Akhundzade and the drama “And there was no better brother” by Murad Ibragimbekov. In the episode of the film, the actress’s mother, Iya Ninidze, appeared, and the main roles went to Nino, and. Work in the project brought Ninidze success and his first awards: awards from the Kinoshock and East and West film festivals. Classic and avant-garde."

The third film, which premiered in 2011, is the military drama “Quiet Outpost.” The film was first shown on the Russia 1 channel on May 9. While filming two projects at the same time, the actress first found herself in a tragicomic situation. For her role in the drama “There Was No Better Brother,” Nino Ninidze’s hair was made bright red, and in “Quiet Outpost” the heroine Yulenka was fair-haired and green-eyed. Seeing the “fiery” Nino, the director of “Quiet Outpost” was speechless. To rectify the situation, the hair was hidden under a scarf.

In Makhovikov’s film, Nino Ninidze for the first time demonstrated another talent - musical: she performed the vocal part. Ninidze has a velvety mezzo-soprano. The next notable works in Ninidze’s rapidly growing filmography are the melodramas “Blizzard,” “You’re Having a Child,” and “The Trickster.”

In mid-September 2016, Channel One released Sergei Shcherbin’s crime film “,” in which Nino Ninidze played the role of Manana. The actress appeared on screens in company with, and. The detective film was shown on the Rossiya 1 TV channel in August 2017.

Personal life

In mid-2014, on the initiative of the actor, a landing party went to Vladivostok. On the way to the final point of arrival, the artists arranged in each big city performances and skits. The trip was timed to coincide with the 95th anniversary of VGIK, where Nino Ninidze was recently a student. The young actress went on tour with her mother. On the train, the girl met the star of “Saboteur”. The meeting turned out to be fateful: the actors returned from the trip as a couple.

In 2015, Nino and Kirill arrived together at the Sochi Kinotavr festival. They appeared on the “red carpet” holding hands and not hiding their feelings. Attentive guests of the film festival noticed that Ninidze was pregnant. ABOUT " office romance“they started talking, because the favorite of the female audience, Kirill Pletnev, has a broken marriage behind him with a colleague, in which sons Georgy and Fedor were born. According to rumors, the marriage broke up due to the actor’s infidelity with a colleague 10 years older.

At the end of 2015, 24-year-old Nino Ninidze made 35-year-old Kirill Pletnev a dad for the third time: the couple had a son, Sasha. The wife did not report the height and weight of the boy, believing that this was information for relatives.

The couple lives in civil marriage, but in show business there is talk about the imminent wedding of the actors. Kirill Pletnev calls Nino a muse and guardian angel. After their meeting, the artist received another wave of fame: the film “Nastya”, in which he played the main role, reaped a generous harvest of awards. Nino Ninidze's height is 1.75 meters. For reference: husband Kirill Pletnev is 1 cm taller than his wife.

Nino Ninidze now

The career of the Russian-Georgian actress is on “pause”: Nino Ninidze’s strength and attention are focused on little Sasha. In December 2016, the parents celebrated their son's first birthday. Kirill Pletnev responded to requests from fans and published a photo of one-year-old Sandrik on Instagram - that’s what the parents call the baby. A week before his birthday, the boy began to walk. Because of his calm disposition, his family calls him “little Buddha.”

2015 – “Climbing Olympus”

For the first time I decided to write a review about a TV show. The fact is that I am not a fan of sitting for hours in front of the TV and listening to all sorts of nonsense. of course, not without the fact that I can watch some good film or a cartoon, but this does not happen so often.

But I had a day off, oddly enough, in the middle of the week, and I realized that I just wanted to sit in front of the TV and watch, to take a break from all the fuss. And when I was scrolling in search of something to watch (I don’t know what), I ended up on the “it’s simple” program. in fact, I stopped on this program because its host, Maria Fedulkina, became familiar to me. I often saw her in comedy shows, I even saw her video in a duet, I saw several stories with her in the movies, but I began to wonder what kind of program she was hosting.

I like Maria Fedulkina because she seems to be simple, not a PR thing. And it was in the “Everything is Simple” program that she was so simple that outwardly she looked the same as I sat in front of the TV screen - in a plaid shirt, with a ponytail on her head. And, as it turned out later, the TV program “It’s Simple” is quite interesting. There's a lot going on there interesting tips, why it all seems so simple, but you didn’t even think about it and didn’t do it, but it can be simpler.

The advice given in the program is not always clear to me. For example, they showed how to make an aroma candle, but it smelled like fish. Well, who likes the smell of fish so much that he would want such an aroma candle? I'm not like that! But not all the advice and ideas that are spoken in the program are crazy. there are also a lot of useful things.

The presenter's script is also written in an interesting way. It is clear that all the cards are not immediately revealed about what will happen now, but in order for the viewer to guess, all sorts of hints and hints are given. By the way, not only is the presenter in front of you in a shirt, wide jeans and a ponytail on her head, but also her manner of conversation, if anyone watched “Real Boys”, will understand what I mean, has not changed since those times. And, perhaps, this is what makes it so captivating, because it is simple and speaks the same language to us.

The first time I saw such a program on channel 360, I didn’t even know that foil and a simple Coca-Cola could remove rust (by the way, after that I don’t drink Coca-Cola at all). Also, what is not only interesting, but also appropriate during the holidays, they told us how to fold a suitcase, so that everything would fit and be neatly folded, and everything could be found. I was just getting ready to go on vacation, and therefore, to be honest, I used the advice.

I just can’t find what time this program is on on TV channel 360. There is only information on the Internet that the TV show where advice is given “It’s simple” is on every day, but the exact time is not indicated. This is strange, because the program should find its viewer, but the viewer cannot catch this program.

By the way, I saw a similar program on a Ukrainian TV channel. But not only do they give advice, there are also entire sections: hand make-up, cooking, fitness and others. I also saw this program by accident. But the fact is that all the ideas that bloggers post on their channels are reviewed and the best of them are discussed and experimented right in the channel’s studio.

I like these types of shows. I don’t like to sit on YouTube and watch various often idiotic videos that make no sense at all. But in the “Everything is Simple” program, they select and show only useful things (of course, not everyone will like everything as advice, for example, like with fish, but in general there is a lot good advice, the way the presenter presents all this is simply mesmerizing and makes you want to watch)

Incredibly beautiful. There were many difficulties in her childhood, but despite everything she was able to become a very worthy person, a wonderful mother and wonderful actress. Her creative path It’s just beginning, but she’s already loved by millions. It's time to take a closer look at the biography of Nino Ninidze, a talented actress originally from Georgia.

Daughter of the Sky Swallow

Nino Ninidze is the daughter of the famous Iya Ninidze.

Iya Borisovna began her acting career at 9 years old. The girl grew and became prettier literally before our eyes. She was one of the most beautiful stars of Soviet cinema. Men could not take their eyes off her, and women really wanted to be like the burning brunette.

The real love of the audience came to Iya Borisovna after her role in the comedy “Sky Swallows”, where she played Denise de Florigny. After the release of the musical comedy, Ninidze was dubbed the Soviet Audrey Hepburn.

Iya Borisovna was a very popular actress, but happiness was in no hurry to knock on the door of her personal life.

  • She first got married at the age of 16. Her husband was Nikolai Shengelaya, the son of actress Sofiko Chiaureli and the famous director Georgy Shengelaya. The marriage ended in a difficult divorce.
  • At 22, Iya married again - to actor Sergei Maksachev. In this marriage a son, George, was born. Despite the fact that the family broke up, Sergei continues to communicate with ex-wife and son.
  • The third husband of the actress was the artist Mikhail Buchenkov. Iya gave birth to him beautiful daughter, Nino, but this did not stop Mikhail from leaving his family and leaving for America in the midst of the war.

Iya Borisovna endures any difficulties with a smile on her face, she never loses heart and sets an excellent example for her son and beautiful daughter.

Nino's childhood

Nino Ninidze was born in 1991 in Tbilisi. There was a war going on, and the family had a hard time. About light and hot water I didn’t even have to dream; occasionally I only turned on the cold one.

On cold winter nights, Nino slept with her brother and mother on the same bed, hugging each other tightly. The girl admits that despite the difficulties, her mother was always in in a great mood. She continued to work in the theater even during the siege. The stage was lit by candles, it was very cold, but the hall was always full.

When in 1997 Iya Borisovna was invited to join the troupe of the Bat Theater in Moscow, she agreed without hesitation and left with her children for the capital of Russia.

New life

The move to Moscow became a turning point in the biography of Nino Ninidze and her entire family.

Nino first went to a Georgian school, and then asked her mother to transfer her to Russian in order to master the language perfectly.

The girl changed 5 schools during the entire period of study. The family often had to move from apartment to apartment, so educational establishments I had to find one closer to home. The difficulties of parting with old friends and getting used to new teachers and staff not only strengthened the girl’s character, but also allowed her to become very sociable, which now helps her a lot.

Nino's dreams of future profession changed almost daily. She either wanted to be an artist, like her father, or a singer, or a ballerina. But in the end, after 11th grade, I decided to follow in my mother’s footsteps and become an actress.

Admission to VGIK

Nino Ninidze decided to master the art of acting at VGIK.

Many people believe that if you have a famous mother, you don’t have to worry about entering a theater university. But Nino wanted to achieve everything herself, so she only accepted help from her mother in the form of advice.

Nino entered the institute along with all applicants. Alexander Mikhailov, the course the girl wanted to take, knew her when she was very young. But he didn’t do her any favors.

In the evening, he called Iya Borisovna and asked her about the seriousness of her daughter’s intentions to become an actress. He also reported that on budget place won't be able to take it. The actress studied on a commercial basis.

She began acting in films from her first year, investing almost all her earnings into her studies.

Carier start

At the very beginning of her studies at VGIK, Nino was invited to various castings, but over and over again she was refused approval for roles, because she was still so young.

Finally the girl was approved. And although it was just a small episode in the series “Once Upon a Time in the Police,” she perceived it as a gift of fate.

After the film was released in 2010, many directors became interested in the young actress.

A meteoric rise

In 2011, Nino was cast in the lead role in two projects at once: in the melodrama “Duel” by Jafar Akhundzade and the drama film “There Was No Better Brother” by Murad Ibragimbekov.

At the same time, Nino is also confirmed for the role of Yulenka in Sergei Makhovikov’s film “Quiet Outpost”. Filming in several films at the same time led to a curious situation: for the film “There Was No Better Brother,” Nino’s hair was dyed dark color, and the heroine of "Quiet Outpost" was supposed to be fair-haired. As a result, Yulenka’s hair had to be covered with a scarf.

In addition to these films, Ninidze Jr. adorned a number of other films:

  • "Blizzard".
  • "Trickster."
  • "You're having a baby."
  • "Ascent to Olympus"

In 2011, the actress was awarded the prize for best actress at the 4th international film festival"East & West" for his role in the film "There Was No Better Brother." The same role brought Nino a special diploma for her debut at the open film festival of the CIS and Baltic countries "Kinoshock".

Relationship with brother

Her brother Georgiy plays an important role in the life and biography of Nino Ninidze.

He is 6 years older than the actress. Since childhood, Nino wanted to imitate him in everything. The relationship between them is warm, Nino rightfully considered Georgy the head of the family, because he was the main and only man in the lives of both Nino and Iya Borisovna. Communication with his brother is built on trust, but Nino prefers to share news with him very delicately and respectfully, as it should be in a real Georgian family.

Personal life

Nino inherited beauty and talent from her famous mother, but, fortunately, not failures in love. The personal life and biography of Nino Ninidze have never been put on public display; the girl has never been seen in a dizzying love relationship.

The first and only relationship that became known to the public was her affair with

Young people should be grateful to Nikita Mikhalkov for their acquaintance. It was he who organized the “VGIK-95 Film Train”, where he invited both Kirill Pletnev and Nino Ninidze and his mother.

The project was dedicated to the anniversary of the institute. A train with stars “on board” set off from Moscow to Vladivostok. Along the way, celebrities staged colorful concerts for residents of large cities.

Kirill really liked the Georgian beauty and he did not miss the opportunity to start a relationship with her right in front of her mother. The young people returned from the trip as a couple. The relationship developed very quickly. Kirill and Nino almost immediately began to live together.

Many feared that for the famous conqueror women's hearts the girl will become another star lover, because in his biography before Nino Ninidze there were short relationships with such actresses as Tatyana Arntgolts, Ksenia Katalymova.

But the fears were not justified: Kirill was very serious. And his young lover was never embarrassed by his biography. Photos of Nino Ninidze together with Kirill only confirm this.

A few months after they met, Nino became pregnant. The first-born for Ninidze and the third child of Kirill were born. The boy was named Sasha.

The official wedding of Nino Ninidze and Kirill Pletnev has not yet taken place. But friends of the couple report that the wait for a grand event will not be long.

Meanwhile, the lovers have been living in a happy civil marriage for two years now and raising their little son.

Participation in "The Voice"

In addition to her excellent acting talent, Nino inherited from her mother and amazing beauty voice.

For the first time, Nino demonstrated her musical talent in Makhovikova’s film, performing the vocal part superbly. The girl has a very pleasant and alluring velvety mezzo-soprano.

Kirill Pletnev decided that everyone should know about this talent of his common-law wife, and submitted an application for her to the show “The Voice”.

The actress was invited to blind auditions, but her performance of the group's song "The Same Thing" did not impress the jury, and no one turned around.

According to Ninidze, she does not regret taking part in the competition. This was a new experience for her, because before that she had only sung in musicals, on behalf of her heroines, but here she had the opportunity to show herself as an individual.

Despite the failure, Nino does not give up dreams of development in the musical field. She would like to create a group and perform her songs.

Participation in “The Voice” is an important, albeit very short stage in the biography of Nino Ninidze. Personal photos and videos from her and Kirill’s pages on networks are filled with positivity, and the girl is very grateful to the jury members for their valuable and pleasant comments.

Nino Ninidze is amazing. And it’s not just the dazzling beauty of the fair-haired girl with deep green eyes. She exudes kindness and care, this can be seen even from the photo. Nino Ninidze has already won the hearts of millions. We wish her success and boundless happiness! And let the biography of Nino Ninidze repeat life path the famous “sky swallow” only in part of his brilliant career.

The content of the article:

I’m not a fan of sitting in front of the TV in the evening and watching it, because during the day I have time to “rest” on the couch. And then, during an advertisement, I started switching the channel and came across the program “It’s Simple” on the 360 ​​degrees channel. The presenter Marina Fedunkiv caught my attention. She has already appeared in both the series and humorous program about women. So I decided to stop and listen to what she was saying. It turns out she hosts a very useful show for many people. I just taught you how to take up empty spaces in your suitcase wisely. It turns out that you can hide socks or fragile items in your shoes when transporting luggage or fold them compactly.

Now I’m sitting and thinking, why can they get wrinkled? So I just laughed at this advice. I'll still be there last minute departure to rummage through the entire suitcase and look for the charger. I also doubted the new method for smoothing out wrinkles in wrinkled clothes. All decent hotels have ironing boards and irons, so why should I repeatedly shake a crumpled item to get rid of wrinkles? This is not why I came on vacation. As a last resort, you can purchase a miniature steamer. Now they showed a very interesting method of making scented candles. The guy pierced a whole tin can with sprat and stuck the wick in there, tried to light it, but it didn’t work because the wick was soggy. The question is, why? Which of us likes to smell fish?

I think yes. People go to great lengths to gain popularity for their videos. At the same time, the methods seem very useful when viewing, but the program ends and I begin to think soberly and reflect. Why collect unnecessary garbage in your apartment in the form of cans, boxes, matches, pieces of fabric, and then think about reusing them, wouldn’t it be better to start working at this time and you can buy ready-made things that are really useful in everyday life. For example, the same scented candles that smell like flowers and are made by professionals.

It turns out to be some kind of cycle. People use the method of making something unusual with their own hands and post it on video. The television channel watches them and shows viewers their staging, so that then people again begin to experiment and upload videos to Internet users.

The presenter's script is very interesting. She doesn’t directly say that, like, now there will be a plot on how to clean the bathtub. They will definitely bring it to her dirty bath on the air and she will hint around the bush that she needs to be cleaned. And she is dressed at home. No pretentiousness or glamor. Just hair in a ponytail, a plaid shirt, wide jeans and sneakers. The conversation is also surprising. It remains from the time of the TV series "Real Boys". But all these factors make the audience admire her and she is recognized as “one of the best.”
