Basic norms and rules of business etiquette for office workers and civil servants. Basic norms and rules of office etiquette

Sometimes situations happen in which we do not know at all how to behave at work and in the office. We want to look like a well-mannered person in the eyes of others, but instead we make ridiculous mistakes. And to do this you just need to know the rules of office etiquette.

Office etiquette - behavior in the office and at work

We are working more and more. Our place of work has already become our second home, and our colleagues are almost like family. And this is not surprising; this course of things is supported by our superiors. After all, this ties us to the company where we work. But at the same time Don't forget the rules of office etiquette.

Don't be fooled by the appearance of comfort. A job is a job, and knowing job etiquette is just as important as your qualifications. Therefore, it is worth knowing how not to get lost in the often unwritten office rules of good manners.

Work etiquette: what is appropriate and what is inappropriate in the workplace

Like at school appearance diary speaks about the student, and now - yours workplace can tell a lot about you. And no matter how much everyone around you insists that you are free to feel at home, you should not go to extremes.

You can put a photo of your family or your favorite cat on your table. But your favorite actor with a naked torso as a background on the office computer monitor is already too much. Also, do not hang decorations on the lamp or place your favorite talisman on the table. What would you think of a person whose workspace looked like a desk in a teenage girl's room? And one more thing: do not forget about order.

Office etiquette and appearance

Your appearance also shows your professionalism. Each company or institution has its own rules. What is customary to wear in a private office is often not appropriate for a teacher to wear at school.

There are, however, a few basic rules of good manners. Do not wear miniskirts, tight dresses or low-cut items to work, and do not expose your navel.

All clothing must be clean and ironed, and its owner - to look neat and smell nice. Of course, extremes should be avoided here too. Heavy evening perfume in a small, enclosed space can make your colleagues feel nauseous.

Office etiquette: birthdays and other holidays

Not every company has a tradition of throwing noisy parties. If you notice that no one at your work does this, then you shouldn’t stand out with your “three-course menu” for your birthday. If you wish, you can simply treat your employees to chocolate or homemade cookies.

On big holidays, the most correct solution would be to chip in for a common table. Agree on a small amount that everyone will put into a common piggy bank, and appoint a person who will handle the purchases. If you don't have cash on you at this point, ask a colleague to pay for you. However, do not delay in repaying the debt.

If, on the contrary, you paid for someone who is in no hurry to return the money, you can subtly hint to him about this, for example, remembering a past celebration. Office etiquette does not allow you to borrow money from your colleagues.

Office etiquette: greet the boss

As you know, the most important person in any company is the boss. Even if your company practices democratic communication and everyone calls each other “you,” address your boss with respect.

If you have always been with him on your terms, but during business trip he offered to drink for brotherhood, don’t tell this in the office. Continue to contact your boss formally unless he or she suggests otherwise.

And don’t be familiar, don’t pretend that you are his best friend. Even if you communicate outside the office, and your children go to kindergarten together, at work he is your boss.

It is you who should be the first to say “Good afternoon” to him, despite the fact that you are a woman.

The art of official etiquette is dominated by simple rules. Whenever you are in doubt about how to behave, follow your intuition. And ask yourself what behavior you would expect from employees if you were a manager.

IN modern society office etiquette plays an increasingly important role. Knowing certain rules is a good business card. Sometimes, however, ironic comments are heard on the topic of exaggerated politeness, but it is better to overdo it with politeness than to make a blunder.

Office etiquette training

It is important to know who should be the first to extend a hand to shake or be the first to introduce themselves, whether or not to knock on the boss's private office, and how to dress appropriately for a meeting. corporate party. Therefore, I recommend turning to various manuals on the topic or going to training. This will increase your professional level, help you make new contacts more easily and improve your position in the team.

Office Etiquette: Never Do This in the Office

How to behave at work, in the office? Etiquette. Rules. Correct behavior for a career.

How to behave correctly at work so that you are loved, respected and promoted up the career ladder. Behavioral strategies in the office for a career. (10+)

How to behave at work, in the office? Etiquette. Rules. The right behavior for your career

How to behave correctly depends on your goals

The choice of behavior strategy in the office depends on your goals. What tasks do you set for yourself at work? Do you want no one to touch you, to leave you alone? Do you want to have an affair in the office? Do you need to be fired with severance pay? Do you want professional, career growth? This article is for those who make a career in the office.

Modesty and politeness

Most people don't enjoy work at all. People work to feed themselves, their families, and provide themselves with some of the joys of life outside the office. If you find yourself in a company where everyone works with pleasure, then you are very lucky. In any case, no one likes to be disturbed. So the first rule: Try not to disturb others. Don't annoy or irritate them.

Show modesty and courtesy. Treat your colleagues with respect. This best start to establish business relationships.

Be tolerant of others

If something (or someone) annoys or bothers you, think about whether it really bothers you or whether you just made it up. If the interference is very serious, try to talk as politely as possible with its source.

If some minor conflict arises, you should not react to it at all within yourself. Accustom yourself to this. Otherwise, you will not be able to make a career, as you will undermine your health. External behavior can be very different. From benevolent ignoring to hysteria. A specific line of behavior must be chosen based on the stereotypes accepted in the team. But everything inside you should be calm, your pulse is stable, your blood pressure is normal. They are just your colleagues; you should not attach too much importance to conflicts with them.

Sometimes in a team there are one or more irrepressible comrades who love to pester everyone. Usually they interfere with work. It makes sense to maintain smooth relations with them, not to aggravate them. But sometimes they themselves escalate things. How to behave here? Do not under any circumstances play their game. You should not try to sharpen the wit or outshine the boor. You need to communicate with a boor with icy politeness and courtesy; with a wit, an emphatically official style of behavior also helps (by name, patronymic, by name, very polite).

Knowing your first name, patronymic and birthday is a sign of respect

Since we are talking about respect, I will say that knowing a person’s name, patronymic, and important dates is a sign of respect. Write down and learn the names and patronymics of colleagues and people with whom you interact at work. Address the person personally, call him by name.

On You or on You

IN Lately We have a tradition of quickly switching to You. How justified is this? I always try to communicate on You only with those people with whom I have already formed informal relationships, and then only in a personal setting. And at work I just communicate with everyone in the same way. But a lot depends on corporate culture. It's not worth being a black sheep.

Seek help at the right time

Almost all people simply love to teach, mentor and help someone. Feel free to ask for help if you need it. Only two "buts". Do this in a timely manner. You should not distract your colleagues when they are really busy with urgent work or are simply in a bad mood. Prepare thoroughly before asking questions. Think about the problem, clarify it, try to figure it out yourself, formulate the most specific and precise questions possible. Everyone likes to answer questions, but few people like to repeat answers three times and listen to remarks like “I didn’t understand anything, please repeat in more detail.”

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Etiquette onworkerplace


All areas of our existence are subject to certain rules. In the workplace, there are also rules of etiquette that you simply must adhere to. At work, as in any other micro-society, relationships are regulated by office instructions, internal rules, instructions taking into account the specifics of the company's work, rules of etiquette, and the peculiarities of the company's interaction with clients and partners.

The concept of “etiquette” penetrated into Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. Of course, even before this time there was a generally accepted order of behavior at court and outside it. From history we know that the patriarchal requirements spelled out in the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible in a kind of code of conduct “Domostroy” were of great importance in the life of Russian society. People were to be guided by these rules in their attitude towards authority, towards church, towards family, towards work.

It is known that every employer creates an image of a professional whom he would like to see in his own office. This largely depends on the corporate culture adopted in a given organization. There are simple rules of conduct during an interview, the main thing being confident behavior during a conversation. So, you should never, under any circumstances, look at the floor, and even more so pleadingly and pityingly at your employer, hold your back like a wheel, fidget with your clothes with your hands, etc., speak in an inexpressive, quiet voice. Nobody says you shouldn’t be nervous, it’s a natural reaction, but you should control yourself.

Modern traditions are radically different from those of that time. At work, relationships are regulated by official rules and instructions that take into account corporate specifics.

The basic rule of modern etiquette is to always respect other people. The British, for example, believe that a gentleman can be called a person who never does anything bad on purpose. Many psychological research show that a person with a gloomy mood spreads this mood to others. By the way, teachers should also remember this, since sometimes a student’s grade depends on their mood. A good tradition exists in the East: a person has no right to go out to people in a bad mood. In any situation, he is obliged to maintain a friendly expression on his face, without burdening others with his worries. But vigorous cheerfulness often causes irritation in people, as it tires them.

What should a person who enters an office do? That's right - greet everyone. You need to greet everyone - from security guards and watchmen to the director. In this lies the main idea respectable relationships.

An important part of workplace etiquette is the attitude towards the people around you who work in a team with you. For example, you need to address your boss by first name and patronymic. You can use only the last name, but use the word "Mr" or "Mrs". When it comes to the workplace, employees should not be addressed simply by their first names. Addressing by first name and patronymic is a cultural and historical heritage of the country.

1 . OSnew rules of etiquette

Handshake- most important point greetings. Expressed unpleasant sensations from the handshake gesture are evidence of the negative characteristics of the partner.

In business etiquette, a handshake is not a mandatory procedure. Typically, male employees shake hands with other (male, of course) employees. While shaking hands with your boss can be considered an indicator of unnecessary and sometimes even indecent familiarity. It all depends on your relationship with your manager. While a handshake during business negotiations is considered a rule of good manners.

It is worth noting that if a woman extends her hand to a man (and according to the rules of office etiquette, she does this first), then the man should answer with a short handshake. If you need to introduce partners to each other, then in this case the senior employees in position and age represent the more junior employees. In addition, the latter can introduce themselves. However, if a man and a woman meet, the ladies never say their name first (with the exception of an older student and professor).

If you need to enter someone else's office, then you should only knock on the door if there are less than three people in the office. It is allowed to enter premises in which there are more than three workplaces without warning. These are more general rules, but there are other subtleties that office employees should know.

Workplace- this is the face of the owner. A tidy person keeps his desk in order, with all important papers neatly stacked and sorted. You should not eat or pick your teeth at work.

There are two main values ​​in human behavior - philanthropy and politeness. No wonder Voltaire noted: “Politeness is to the mind what beauty is to the face.” It is philanthropy and politeness that help you choose the right tone in communication, win over a person and ultimately achieve what you need. And etiquette at work is no exception.

Appearance- take care of yourself, maintain hygiene. Your hair and hands should always be well-groomed and clean. The same applies to clothes and shoes. Use one perfume line, but in moderation. Don't forget about handkerchiefs. Healthy well-groomed appearance- a mandatory requirement of official etiquette.

Punctuality- remember the time. Never be late. Be precise and consistent in your work, do everything on time. Carelessness and forgetfulness can harm the common cause and cause discontent and irritation among colleagues.

Attentiveness- know how to work in a team. Listen to the opinions of others - otherwise, you may miss out useful information or an interesting idea. Show attention to your business partners and colleagues, show participation, even if it distracts you or seems tiring. It may happen that you yourself will need sympathy and moral support. Don't forget to congratulate your colleagues and co-workers on holidays and birthdays. Be sincere, but not noisy in expressing your feelings.

Bad habits- Smoking should only be done in a specially designated place equipped for this purpose. Don't touch things or look at documents on your colleagues' desks. A well-mannered person should always be interested in the affairs of his colleagues, but at the same time not impose his company on anyone. Employees' successes should make them happy, and failures should be truly upsetting. Remember, or better yet, write down when they have important dates in your personal life, and don’t forget to congratulate you on another promotion from your superiors. Personal grievances and antipathies should remain outside the office walls so as not to influence business relationship. Keep secrets to justify the trust placed in you.

The rich experience of mankind includes a number of techniques that can slow down, naturally without harming the interests of the company, the adoption of this or that decision, especially if the initiative comes from “from below” and not “from above”.

What is important here, of course, is not people’s disgust with themselves, but their “introduction to themselves.” Try to promise only what you can actually deliver.

For the desired development of your career without a high level of professionalism, you should forget about conflicts, aggression and resentment, accept criticism, follow the rules of etiquette, be moderately sociable and your career will definitely go up!

Useful featuress character

First of all, communication etiquette in the workplace is politeness “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dalia comments on this concept: “Politeness is decency, good behavior and treatment or courtesy. Learn politeness: where there is a stump, there is a forehead; where people are, here by; where dogs fight, say: God help you!” And then the author explains: “Polite is a person who observes secular, everyday decency, is courteous, helpful, helpful.”

Being polite does not mean fawning and fawning. The expressions “cold politeness”, “icy politeness”, “disdainful politeness” are widely known, in which epithets standing next to a word that personifies a wonderful human quality emphasize it protective properties. Politeness not only makes you feel good, but also allows you to keep a person at a distance.

American philosopher R.W. Emerson defines politeness as “the sum of small sacrifices” we make to those around us with whom we enter into certain life relationships.

True politeness is one of the manifestations of sincere, selfless benevolence towards all other people with whom a person encounters. With work mates and with many everyday acquaintances, politeness can turn into friendship, but an organic, equal attitude towards people in general is an obligatory basis for politeness. A true culture of behavior is where a person’s actions in all situations flow from moral principles. Unlike an ignorant person who splashes out his negative emotions on others, a polite person knows how to restrain them.

Tactfulness and sensitivity towards others are an indispensable condition for fruitful cooperation between boss and subordinate, and work colleagues. The content of these two noble human qualities is attention, deep respect for inner world those with whom we communicate, the desire and ability to understand them, to feel what can give them pleasure, joy, or, conversely, irritate them.

Tactfulness and sensitivity are in fact inextricably linked with the normal work process in a team and directly affect the economic performance of any enterprise. An institution where well-mannered people work works like clockwork: professional problems are solved quickly, personal problems recede if team members take part in them. Show tactlessness and rudeness towards a subordinate, and his resentment will immediately result in the most unpredictable forms. Just as “Moscow burned down from a penny candle,” so an entire enterprise can go down in flames from someone’s hidden resentment.

Tactfulness is also a sense of proportion that should be observed in conversation, personal and professional relationships; This is the ability to feel the boundary that no one has the right to cross. A tactful person always takes into account specific circumstances: age difference, gender, social status, place of conversation, presence or absence of strangers.

However, a culture of behavior is equally obligatory on the part of the inferior in relation to the superior. It is expressed primarily in an honest attitude to one’s duties, in strict discipline, as well as respect for the leader and colleagues. Demanding respectful treatment of yourself, ask more often with a question: Do you respond in kind to those around you?

D. Carnegie writes: “You can make it clear to a person that he is wrong with a look, intonation or gesture no less eloquently than with words, but if you tell him that he is wrong, will you thereby force him to agree with you ? Never! For you have dealt a direct blow to his intellect, his common sense, his pride and self-esteem. This will only make him want to strike back, but not change his mind.”

Tactfulness and sensitivity also imply the ability to quickly and accurately determine the reaction of interlocutors to our statements, actions and, in necessary cases, self-critically, without a sense of false shame, apologize for the mistake made. This will not only not diminish your dignity, but, on the contrary, will strengthen thinking people in the opinion of your modesty - an extremely valuable human trait.

Ethics of communication

1. You should not allow caustic humor and frivolity, even if this is an integral part of your normal conversation, and you are a fan of making jokes and making fun of your colleagues. Be sure to watch your speech, eliminate slang and try to remember the names of colleagues and clients the first time.

2. You should play as a team and according to the rules of the team, because your success of your company depends on each employee and on whether he conscientiously approaches the implementation of assigned tasks. Therefore, you should not cover for other employees if they openly neglect their job responsibilities. It's better to stay away at this moment.

3. If you are a subordinate, you should not interfere in the discussion. important issues, if the leaders are talking to each other.

4. You should avoid sorting things out with colleagues via email if you suddenly have disagreements. So, not only will you achieve nothing, most likely, this correspondence will become available to everyone. It is better to clarify controversial issues in person and without raising your tone.

5. There is no need to talk at work about your household affairs, and even more so about love affairs and office romances, even if your office hosts get-togethers during which you can discuss everything.

6. When you dine, try not to eat foods that have a strong, repulsive odor (for example, smoked fish, onions, garlic, etc.)

7. Know how to control your emotions. It is necessary to exclude jumping around the office in case happy events and bitter sobs if something unpleasant happened. Remember that such emotions are only appropriate in the presence of your friends and family.

8. You should never tell your partners about the company’s problems, unscrupulous employees, unqualified management, etc., as this will cause them to lose trust. If a deal or something like that falls through, you can simply refer to a technical or partner reason. Otherwise, you will lose authority, both from your superiors and from your business partners.

9. Perhaps the most difficult thing. Never discuss other employees or management. Otherwise, you may come across as a gossip and a hypocrite, even if your boss is truly a bore and a nag.

9. You should treat the company’s property with care. Stationery supplies are intended for you to carry out work tasks, and not for you to use them for your own personal purposes (print out books for yourself, save pencils and felt-tip pens for children, etc.). If you take a similar step and decide to print out a diploma for your child, try to ensure that this goes unnoticed, both by colleagues and by superiors.

10. Do not take office supplies or other personal belongings of employees from other people’s tables without asking.

11. If you decide to pour yourself tea or coffee, offer it to your colleagues, and after drinking tea, be sure to wash your cup.

12. Don’t get involved in fleeting intimate relationships At work. In addition to various unpleasant rumors, you can easily lose your position.

13. You shouldn’t neglect the traditions of the office (this could include congratulations on holidays, a dress code, corporate parties, and Friday rituals). This can be regarded as disrespect for the company, and for colleagues in particular. But at the same time, keep everything under control. Remember that stains on your reputation cannot be washed away with anything!

About the leaders

The leader is obliged to introduce his new member to the team. Subordinates take over the rest. Experienced employees must bring the new one up to speed.

There are individuals who take pleasure in seeing the torment of a new employee who just can’t get used to it. Perhaps they would be more willing to help an inexperienced colleague if they realized that they themselves might someday find themselves in his place.

However, a new employee should not call on others for help in any difficulty. Everyone has their own responsibilities, so you shouldn’t constantly jerk someone around, preventing them from working.

You should not introduce a new employee into the intricacies of personal relationships between some team members.

The form of address of all employees of an organization or company depends on traditions and on the personal sympathies of each, but it is not customary to address someone by their last name.

Well-mannered people are always interested in the affairs of their colleagues. Their successes should sincerely please them, and their failures should upset them. Don’t forget to congratulate your colleague on a holiday, a date in your personal life, or with your next promotion.

Personal grievances, likes and dislikes should not affect business relationships with colleagues.

You should not bother your colleagues with stories about your worries and personal troubles. An office or other office space is not a place for intimate conversations.

Particular mention should be made of relationships between colleagues of the opposite sex. Men should not forget that even in the service a woman remains a woman. A well-mannered man will not only let a lady go first when entering a restaurant, he will allow her to enter the service dining room first and hold the door for her. In the presence of women, men should not use obscene language.

However, if your colleague leaves, you don't have to stop working to give her a coat. But if you entered the wardrobe together, then, as a well-mannered person, you should help the lady get dressed.

Women should not abuse this and demand constant attention from their male colleagues, because politeness is politeness, but you also need to think about work. You shouldn’t expect a busy colleague to stop what he’s doing to open the door to the corridor for you.

If you are in this moment If you need male help to, for example, move a computer to another place, ask for it directly, and don’t wait for your colleague to figure it out.

Men should also not forget to be considerate towards ladies. If one of them does not have enough space in the meeting room, offer your chair. Let the woman pass first as you head to the dining room.

Everyone probably knows that an employee’s workplace can tell a lot about the owner. A well-mannered person will never force others to admire the mess on his desk. The desktop cannot be “decorated” with hats, scarves, handbags, and cosmetic accessories.

You should not wear makeup at work, eat at your desk, chew gum, or pick your teeth with a toothpick. Smoking is allowed where prescribed by the organization.

Don't look at papers on someone else's desk, don't look for anything there.

About telephone conversations

We've already talked about this at work, but it's worth remembering some rules. If you pick up the phone, know that it is impolite to persistently ask the caller who they are. The secretary can find out who called, but the secretary must be extremely polite. Usually the request is: “Please introduce yourself” or “Let me know who is asking?” - everyone does it willingly.

Conducting long private conversations on a business phone is unacceptable. If you really need to make a personal call, try to do it quickly and not too noticeably to others. Don't eavesdrop on other people's phone conversations.

In most teams, it is customary to congratulate employees on their birthdays. Those who collect money for a birthday gift should not insist if one of their colleagues refuses to hand over the money. When congratulating the hero of the occasion and presenting a gift, you can name only those who give it.

In response to congratulations, a treat is usually offered, but it is not advisable to organize too lavish celebrations at the workplace. In addition, this obliges the next birthday person to do the same, and not everyone can afford this. Don't try to impress others with your generosity and culinary talents.

If you are given a box of chocolates as a gift, you need to open it and treat everyone. If the birthday person brought candy from home, he can pick up the gift box unpacked.

The birthday of the head of the company is celebrated according to established traditions, but none of the subordinates are obliged to give gifts to the manager. But if there is such a tradition, the team will not make a mistake if they put a bouquet of flowers on his table. If this seems not enough for you, opt for inexpensive things that do not raise doubts. These are sweets (if the manager likes them), Exotic fruits, original ashtray (if he smokes), organizer, writing instruments, watch, good alcoholic drinks. By the way, alcohol is permissible only in cases where the tastes of the person to whom it is presented are well known. In small groups where trusting relationships have developed, you can give a purse, briefcase, etc.

The secretary can give a gift to the boss, but it must be quite modest and be of a business rather than personal nature.

Relations between men and women in the service

If we proceed from the idea of ​​equality between men and women and are guided by the requirements of common politeness, the question of how representatives of the opposite sexes build relationships at work will disappear by itself.

The door is opened by the one closest to it.

The person closest to the door enters or exits the elevator first.

The one with the lighter at hand gives the other person a light.

Both men and women rise from their chairs to greet a client or visitor, regardless of gender.

Both men and women shake hands; There are no rules in the service that dictate who should shake hands first.

Regardless of who invites whom to lunch, the inviter pays.

If all employees in an office share a coffee maker, both men and women take turns brewing coffee and cleaning the coffee maker. The idea that the prerogative of making coffee is an exclusively female task is one of the most typical prejudices, and women are involved in “housekeeping” at work on an equal basis with men.

Personal services, such as asking a secretary to take clothes to the dry cleaner or buy a gift for the boss's wife, are not part of the job duties unless they are specifically agreed upon when hired. If someone really really needs such a service, then his request to fulfill this order should be of a personal nature.

Neither men nor women should call employees by pet names or nicknames at work. Joan is not a “sweetheart” and Stan is not a “sweetie”. If someone still persists in their delusion, you can simply say, “My name is Joan, not honey,” repeating this until your words have an effect.

Even when you would like to behave the same way at work as you do in a non-work environment, don't allow yourself to do so. Don't forget that a business lunch is not an invitation to a date. A woman should not wait for a man to gallantly pull out a chair for her to help her sit down, and a man should not feel obligated to do so. She will be able to take care of herself, just like her companion.


If the service allows eating in the workplace, normal cleanliness rules must be followed. Don't leave dirty cups and plates everywhere. After eating, wipe off crumbs and wet stains from spilled drinks from the table. The spectacle of people eating does not bring much pleasure to those present. If you are forced to have a snack at your desk and your office door is open, close it. If other people are working in your office space, try to start eating when those sitting next to you have left. Special attention Pay attention to your table manners, do not answer the phone with your mouth full. As soon as you finish eating, if possible, throw away any leftover food in a separate, closed trash can rather than in a trash can next to your or a co-worker's desk. The mere sight of leftover cantaloupe or tuna and onions, not to mention the smell, does not improve the appearance of the office.

Manner of speaking

Tongue-tiedness usually prevents people from advancing in their careers. There is an endless debate about whether or not to introduce elocution lessons into the school curriculum, with opponents of such a proposal putting forward the argument that the unification of spoken language could deprive students of their cultural traditions. Without going into details of the discussion of this important issue, we will only note that self-respecting company management will never appoint an employee to a position that requires communication with people if the candidate’s speaking skills are not smooth. I would like to advise employees of companies associated with market problems and communication with other people to correct shortcomings in oral speech and reprimand, if they suffer from them. If necessary, you can take public speaking lessons and work at home to improve your overall cultural level. The inability to clearly express one's thoughts is a significant disadvantage for a businessman.

Attitude to work

A favorable attitude will advance you in your career much faster than complaining and constantly expressing dissatisfaction. You have every right to disagree with your company's dress code or vacation policy, and even encourage your co-workers to stand up for their rights, but this attitude is unlikely to speed up your career advancement. Therefore, before you decide to take any action, think about what you want more: to enter into a fight with the company’s management for your rights or rather to get a higher position? After this, act in accordance with the decision made.

Come to work on time; Don’t be late for meetings; submit reports on time; Don’t constantly look at your watch waiting for the end of the working day. If you just can’t meet the deadlines, tell your boss about it when he gives you an assignment, convincingly arguing your position.

Responsible corporate employees often express concern that many of their subordinates are not literate enough - they make punctuation and spelling or grammatical errors, spell names incorrectly, and cannot correctly break text into sentences and paragraphs. It often seems that the preparation of students in schools does not meet the necessary requirements. However, a matriculation certificate cannot cover up shortcomings in your work. If you lack knowledge, take a refresher course or advanced training courses. If you are simply irresponsible in your approach to business, think about how much harm your every mistake can cause to your work, and try to be more conscientious in performing your duties.

Don't waste your time

No matter how diligent and diligent you are, it often happens that co-workers use communication with you as an excuse to justify wasting their time and yours. Sometimes they find thousands of ways to distract you from your work, but you don’t always need to pay attention to them. In most cases, you should politely get rid of their intrusiveness.

If someone who likes to chat calls you on the phone, having grasped the essence of his message, you can interrupt the flow of this person’s eloquence with, for example, the words: “I understand your request and will send you the appropriate forms. Thank you for calling, but now, unfortunately, I have to go.”

In the case when you have already agreed on everything with the visitor, and he does not even think about leaving, get up from your chair and tell him: “I am very sorry, but now I have to return to urgent matters.”

If someone asked you: “Do you have a free minute?”, and you have absolutely no time, or you know from experience that this “minute” will last for a whole hour, your position should be adamant. “I have a minute,” I should tell you, “but if you don’t make it, we’d better talk another time.”


Try to think about the employees around you. At work, as in family, constant communication brings people together. You can improve relationships in your work team by paying attention to the needs of those around you and avoiding behaviors that irritate them. A bouquet of flowers on your birthday, a friendly service, a calm demeanor that does not distract others from the task - all this can help create a favorable atmosphere around you, and people will talk about you as an employee who knows how to work with people.

Also, being proactive will help you avoid awkward situations that may arise from time to time in any department. So, for example, you are in someone's office when the phone rings - although you have no way of knowing whether the call is personal or not - you better get up from your chair and quietly ask: “Maybe I should wait in the waiting room.” , while you two talk?” If someone enters an office with the obvious intention of finding someone who is not there at the moment, you might ask the person entering, “Is there anything I can help you with?” In short, being considerate means following the unwritten rules of politeness and coming to people's aid at the right time when they themselves are hesitant to ask for it.


Both management and employees frown upon aggressive behavior at work. As for the initiative, it is welcomed by everyone. Where is the divide between them? Aggression unbiddenly invades life, reflecting a person’s attempt to establish himself by force; initiative moves people towards achievements and helps achieve jointly defined goals.

etiquette service worker negotiations

2 . Desexual encounters

A work meeting can be held by any employee whose work is related to the activities of others and depends on the exchange of views with colleagues. As a rule, production meetings are organized at the initiative of managers, but in some cases they can also be convened by ordinary employees by inviting one of the management representatives to the meeting.

General remarksregarding meetings

Almost all of us take part in several meetings throughout the year, and many of us lead them ourselves or sit on the podium from time to time. Although the circumstances in which meetings take place differ from each other, they still have some similarities regarding which I would like to offer some useful tips. There are a number general rules holding any meetings, regardless of the reasons for which they are convened; If these rules are followed, meetings run smoothly, benefit everyone present, and end on time.

Prepare an agenda in advance and try to strictly follow it.

Notify the meeting participants in advance about the reason for convening it and do not be distracted from the intended topic.

Set a start and end time for the meeting. Start and complete it on time.

You don't have to resort to draconian measures, but you do need to ensure that those who want to speak take turns speaking without being interrupted by others in the meeting.

Those invited should think about not being late for the meeting, and the organizers are not obligated to wait until all participants have arrived.

Waiting for latecomers does not bring pleasure to those who arrived at the appointed time, and “punishing” them for politeness and compliance with professional ethics would be highest degree discourteous.

Catering for meeting participants

If the meeting is long enough, it can be interrupted so that participants can have a cup of tea or coffee. During a break, those gathered can use the coffee machine or just do some exercise. When the meeting agenda does not include a lunch break, organizers should ensure that meeting participants are provided with snacks and drinks during the meeting. In this case, one of the employees who is not participating in the meeting must ensure the delivery of food and service to those sitting in the meeting room.

Depending on the job responsibilities of the person assigned to do so, he or she may either help deliver and serve snacks and drinks to the gathering, or inform the meeting organizer that everything is ready to call a break and invite those present to begin their meal. At the end of lunch, each meeting participant must remove their tray of disposable utensils and leftover food from the conference room and throw everything in the trash container.

Organizeation of working meetings in a restaurant

Often, two people working in the same or different companies decide that it is more convenient for them to discuss work problems in a restaurant, where there are no constant phone calls and no one interrupts their conversation with endless questions. On the one who invites lies in in this case the obligation to reserve a table, regardless of whether the inviter will pay for the visit, or whether the costs will be divided equally. In this case, you should first make sure that the restaurant where the meeting is scheduled is quiet enough, and nothing will interfere with having a business conversation in a relaxed atmosphere.

Since restaurants tend to be busy during lunch, many executives are increasingly choosing to meet with partners or clients during breakfast. In addition, meetings in a restaurant during lunchtime often disrupt the workday routine, and if they are held before or after work, such disruptions are eliminated. Instead of ending the workday with an invitation to a late lunch, some people prefer to meet colleagues in the evening at a restaurant over a cup of tea.

Such negotiations in restaurants allow ordinary employees or responsible employees to complete work at work a little earlier, calmly continue them in the restaurant and return home not as late as after a business conversation over dinner.

Video conferencing

Now that many companies have branches not only in different regions of the country, but throughout the world, video conferencing can be a useful tool for conducting business more efficiently. You can organize a video conference in such a way that each camera has two or three participants, or a more significant number of them, and the camera will be focused only on the face of the speaker at the moment.

The equipment that a company uses should be determined by its capabilities and the purpose of the video conferencing system. There are certain differences between video conferencing and face-to-face meetings, which form the basis for the following: general recommendations. First of all, during a video conference, you should refrain from conversations that are not directly related to the topic of discussion, since they can be broadcast to other participants in your meeting at a distance.

Try to glance at the screen from time to time - this will enhance the impression direct communication with those who, being in other rooms, participate in a video conference.

In order for an event to be effective, it is especially important to familiarize all participants with the agenda in advance. If in last minute Before the start of the videoconference, any adjustments will be made, be sure to immediately notify interested parties about this, or fax them a new meeting agenda. Before the event begins, each of them, in turn, must send you confirmation that your information has been received.

Before starting a video conference, you should check the image clarity and sound volume. If any problems are noticed, you need to report them to the rest of the meeting participants so that the on-site technicians can adjust the equipment accordingly. Adjust the sound level so that everyone can hear each speaker clearly, and his words are not distorted when feedback is turned on. It is possible that during the passage of the video conference signal, interference will occur at some moments, drowning out the sound and / or image.

Decide in advance what you will do in this case - continue the meeting until the signal is restored, and convey the essence of what was said to those with whom contact was temporarily interrupted by other means, or a break will be announced during the conference until communication is restored. There are no rules about this. Your decision is determined by many factors: timing, the ability of the partners to get back together soon, and the speed with which the interrupted connection can be restored.

Whether it will be possible to see everyone gathered for a video conference at the same time or not depends on the broadcast equipment available in the room, as well as on the number of participants in the meeting. This is especially important when the video camera is permanently mounted. Everyone present should remember to speak clearly and loudly enough, especially when you are not in front of the microphone and/or outside the range of a stationary video camera.

Since the microphones in the studio are arranged in the same way as in a telephone handset, only one person can speak at a time. Meeting participants trying to say something in one studio will not be able to be heard until the speaker in another studio finishes his speech. If you are invited not to the main studio, but to one of the additional studios, sometimes it happens that in order to get the floor, you need to attract attention with gestures.

Once the video conference agenda has been exhausted and all issues identified on it have been discussed, end the meeting on air in the same way as any other meeting.

3 . ThisBusiness clothes IKEA

Many of us don’t take much pleasure in the old adage that “we meet people by their clothes”; and yet it is fair, especially when we're talking about about the modern business world. Pay attention to people who are quickly promoted. It often happens that if there are two candidates for promotion, the one who takes care of himself gets the position, since he is more consistent with the image of the leader than a person who is careless about his appearance. No matter how unfair this formulation of the question may seem to you, do not forget that the employee in this case represents not so much himself, but the company for which he or she works. Agree that not a single manager of a company wants its image to dim in the eyes of other people because one of the senior employees is sloppily dressed. You have every right to believe that, regardless of your position, you can wear jeans to work, but such a belief is unlikely to speed up your career advancement. They love beautiful and well-groomed people. The second is even more important for your career.

General provisions for business etiquette in clothing

First of all, both men and women must take care of themselves - we are talking about impeccable cleanliness: clean nails, clean hair and clean clothes. In addition, the dress should always be ironed; even items made from natural fabrics that wrinkle easily must be ironed so that they do not look as if you had previously crumpled them and put them under your pillow at night.

Perfume, cologne and aftershave lotion are good when their smell does not overwhelm those around you. If your colleagues are forced to open the office windows so that after you leave, the smell of your eau de toilette weathered as quickly as possible, it makes a truly terrible impression.

About other personal hygiene products - such as toothpaste, mouthwash and deodorants - suffice it to say that when working in a team, it is simply impossible to do without them.

When one ofhis colleagues don't take care of themselves

Should you tell your co-worker that his breath smells bad, his body is noticeably sweating, there is a lot of dandruff in his hair, etc. The answer to this question is determined primarily by what kind of relationship you have with this employee. Making these kinds of comments is never easy, but if a person really has no idea that others might find it unpleasant to communicate with him, then, despite some initial awkwardness, he will later be grateful for your help.

You can say: “Mikhail, you probably don’t notice it yourself, but when talking to you, there is an unpleasant smell. I thought it would be better for me to tell you about this than to wait for someone else to pay attention to this,” or: “Natasha, it seems to me that you have the same problem with sweating as I do. I just didn’t know what to do until I bought one wonderful deodorant. It's over now. I think if you use this deodorant, you’ll be fine too.” Even if you have never sweated in your life, by expressing your opinion about a very delicate problem in this form, you, without offending Ann’s feelings, will help her make sure that all the employees who are in the same office with her do not experience unpleasant sensations from her sweating .

An employee's boss, who would do well to pay more attention to personal hygiene issues, especially if the latter is being considered for promotion, could do the same to help a subordinate. “Timofey, you are doing a great job, and I am going to recommend you for the position of vice president of the company, but you simply must do something about your sweating (bad breath, dandruff, manners at the table, clothes, etc.) before I bring your appointment to the board of directors for discussion.”

Regardless of whether it is a close friend or just a casual acquaintance, we should all, of course, help the man whose trousers are unzipped, or the woman whose blouse is unbuttoned, the one who has spinach stuck in his teeth, leftover borscht from dining room or an ugly stain has spread on the back of the skirt, or a label sewn with inside to the collar of the sweater. Not a single employee will come to work deliberately soiling his mouth with leftover food or unzipping his fly, and if everyone else “politely” remains silent, his embarrassment when he is annoyed to discover his mistake will be significantly stronger than in the case when someone quietly will take him aside and advise him to correct the situation.

You can just come up and quietly say: “Sergey, I’m sorry, but your zipper is unfastened,” or: “Katya, take my mirror - it seems like you have something stuck in your teeth.” Of course, it’s unpleasant to hear this from a colleague, but on the other hand, what would you prefer - to find out from someone that your suit is a mess, or to walk around the office all day with your fly unzipped without even realizing it? Others share the same opinion.

Appearance of a woman

How you should look depends largely on the nature of the institution in which you serve. An image that is quite acceptable for an employee of a fashion house may be completely inappropriate in a brokerage office. The term “inappropriate” has several meanings in this case. For women, this means wearing ostentatiously elegant dresses, overly voluminous hairstyles, excessive use of cosmetics and jewelry, being careless in clothing, wearing things with loud, bright colors and provocative designs.

Even if after work you are used to looking elegant and sexy, the latter is unnecessary at work. Your way of dressing reflects not only your own opinion about yourself, but also the attitude you expect from the people around you. If you want to show your co-workers, bosses, customers and clients that you consider yourself a high-class businessman, you should not wear too short skirts or low-cut blouses at work.

When going to conferences and business meetings held in resort hotels and clubs, women need to take with them toiletries suitable for different situations, as well as sportswear for playing tennis or golf, swimwear, etc. At meetings of this kind, dress can be treated more freely than in everyday work in a serious institution. Therefore, during the trip, a strict business suit can be replaced with more comfortable things. However, this does not mean that you can appear everywhere in jeans and short-sleeved shirts.

At such meetings, suits that correspond to your professional status are appropriate - trousers made of fleecy fabric with jackets, skirts with blouses, knitted items, etc., that is, outfits that occupy an intermediate place between a formal business suit and sportswear. Conferences held in cities tend to dress more formally, following business style. Before such a trip, a woman should find out what events should be held there - at some conferences evening receptions of an official nature are often planned, at other meetings - nature trips, picnics and other similar entertainment.

Man's appearance

When choosing clothes for yourself, a man should remember that individual details should be in harmony with each other. It is necessary to ensure that the fabric of the suit is not full of stripes of different widths; the shirts and ties did not look worn; the socks would be such a length that the bare leg, and the color of the socks must be matched to the tone of the suit; Shirt collars should be in accordance with modern fashion, as should the lapels of a jacket, as well as the width and cut of trousers.

A bad impression on others is made by flashy jewelry, chest hair visible through an unbuttoned or too thin shirt, overly sleek, perfumed or, conversely, greasy hair on the head. Mustaches or beards, if any, should always be neatly trimmed. It is better to wear shoes made of soft, matte rather than patent leather; In addition, you should not appear at the service in cowboy boots or rough boots that do not correspond to the style of the official suit.

Of course, people who work in organizations with a strict dress code should be most concerned about this topic, and those who find themselves in creative professions can even wear shorts if it helps their career or promotes self-expression.

Traveling to conferences and business meetings, as a rule, does not cause men to think about their choice of clothing. If events are held in cities, as a rule, their participants are dressed the same as at daily work, and if in a rural or resort area, you can take shirts, jackets and sports-cut trousers with you. If a reception is expected during the meeting, you need to take a dark suit or a weekend jacket with you. In any case, before packing your things, it is better to find out the program of the planned meeting in advance.

4 . UVseducing or leaving a slaveoty

When you fire

An employer forced to fire an employee is often more upset than the unlucky employee. Kicking a person out of work is not an easy matter, and many managers often spend hours pacing their office before making such a responsible decision. Will the employer be accused of injustice? Will the rest of the staff support him? Will he then have to get bogged down in the routine of the trial? Yes, firing an employee is not an easy matter.

Just as constructively as you approach your own dismissal, you should approach the dismissal of your employees.

Be specific. If your company has decided to close one of its divisions and reduce its entire staff, say so. If the merger of two companies results in an excess number of employees, tell us about the criteria you used to determine who should be fired and who should be retained: age parameters, special qualities, high adaptability, etc. Sometimes it is easier for a person to find out that he was fired not through his own fault, but due to circumstances that he could not influence.

If you have to fire one of your employees, then the situation is more complicated. There are many reasons that can make you take this step: ineffectiveness of his work, cheating, bothering other employees, inability to communicate with people, refusal to obey orders from management, lack of initiative, lack of problem solving ability, laziness, lack of dedication. , inability to finish what you start, etc. In general, the list of indicated reasons can be continued indefinitely. While any of these could be grounds for termination, you shouldn't mention them to the person you're about to fire—they're all too vague.

Instead, identify specific manifestations of one or more of the identified weaknesses, saying, for example:

- “The invoices you submitted for entertainment expenses turned out to be fake,” or:

- “You continue to take a two-hour lunch break every day,” or:

- “You refused to accompany sales representatives when they were supposed to go to a meeting with clients.”

It is difficult to object to specific arguments - facts are stubborn things. Prepare for the dismissal of an employee in advance, so that by the time he is fired,

In this knowledge, you could provide documents explaining the reasons for his dismissal, and remind him that he was repeatedly given warnings in the past. A justified dismissal case is based on excerpts from the employee’s file over a sufficiently long period of time, and all warnings issued should be stored there, as well as recommendations for reviewing his behavior. Copies of such documents must be filed in the employee’s personal file. They should be used in decisive conversations.

If you are convinced that an employee needs to be fired, take action without delay. Do not allow the fired person to remain at the company any longer, offer him or her severance pay and ask him to leave the service as soon as possible.

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Business etiquette occupies a special place in the art of behavior. If, by violating certain norms of behavior in everyday life and in society, you mainly risk your reputation as a well-mannered person, then in business such mistakes can cost big money and careers. The great master and teacher in the field of business relationships, Dale Carnegie, argued that a person’s success in financial affairs depends fifteen percent on his professional knowledge and eighty-five - from his ability to communicate with people. In fact, any business is the coordinated actions of many people, and the effectiveness of these actions directly depends on their ability to establish relationships with each other.

It is common knowledge that driving force economics are the needs of society and production and competition. These factors determine the continuous restructuring of national economies and the world economy as a whole, accompanied by the disappearance of individual firms and even industries and the emergence of others. At the same time, the fate of an individual employee in such difficult conditions depends not only on the fatality of fate and the will of his superiors, but also on the compliance of his qualities and potential with the tasks facing the company. It is not enough to be capable of fulfilling your mission - you must be able to play this role in front of others, so that they also believe in you. In short, you must be able to behave in such a way that the right people will have a favorable opinion of you.

Thus, the ability to behave properly, i.e. observance of etiquette has now become one of the most important conditions and ways to get ahead and maintain leadership in business. In other words, firmly understand that maintaining business etiquette is one of the elements of your professional strategy.

It is not enough just to be a polite and well-mannered person. We need specific knowledge of the intricacies of this area of ​​human relationships. And there are a great many of them: how and when to say the right word or remain silent, to give a gift appropriate to the event, how to create a social circle that is useful for business, the ability to organize a business meal and behave at it, etc. and so on. - and all with the aim that these contacts and actions have a favorable impact on the affairs of the company and your own.

Etiquette rules may vary among individual companies and industries. It is your responsibility to know these specifics in each specific case. In addition, the global nature of economic relations obliges people to know the rules of good manners of other countries. Violation of these rules leads to the severance of business ties and results in the loss of sales markets.


How to contact whom.

Each company has its own “table of ranks”. There are employees who are called by name, others are addressed only by their first name and patronymic. Newly hired employees should carefully observe the manner in which their colleagues communicate with each other and follow their example.

If you are one of the responsible employees who are addressed by their first name and patronymic, but when talking with the boss face to face you call him by his first name, in the presence of other employees you should call him by his first name and patronymic. When you are in a more modest position, you may want to wait until the colleague you are introducing asks to be identified by his first name.

Regardless of how official the nature of the relationship between employees of a particular institution is, each of them has a name. You should not call anyone, not even your secretary, “my girl” in a conversation with anyone.

Requests for help.

Regardless of whether you have many people under your control or no one, sometimes situations arise in which you cannot cope without the help of others. These “others” could be your subordinates or simply co-workers. No matter what position you hold, you should never make a request to anyone that sounds like an order or demand. They'll be more willing to help you if you season your request with a generous helping of "thank you" and "please."

Manager's instructions.

For part of the day, each responsible employee always works together with a secretary: with her help, he sorts out mail, dictates letters to her, discusses the procedure for scheduled meetings, etc. In the routine of everyday life, the most pleasant aspects of human communication are easily forgotten, which are designed to make such meetings more joyful, but despite this, it is completely unacceptable to shout: “Lena! Come here! or carry out duties without a hint of a smile, with a gloomy expression on your face. If you address the secretary, say, like this: “Lena, when you finish writing this letter, please come to my office, I have to dictate something to you,” - this address will not only acknowledge the fact, that Lena is busy at the moment, at the same time you will turn your order into a request.

When you say in a project management meeting, “Jim, Kraus's project needs some work. Could you work it into your work schedule in the next couple of days?” By doing so, you acknowledge the importance of Jim's work schedule and also - as in the previous example - make a request to him rather than give a rigid order.

By focusing attention on the word “you” and not on the word “I,” the leader thereby makes it clear to Lena, Jim, and the rest of his employees that each of them is involved in a common cause that they all serve. If you say: “I want you to come…” or: “I need you to finalize Kraus’s project,” the very tone of your request will be completely different.

Relationships with colleagues.

In some cases, asking co-workers for help can be difficult. Nobody likes lazy people and slackers who chat on every corner about what they say at work, but in fact cannot complete a single task and constantly bother others with their questions. At the same time, everyone will consider it their duty to lend a helping hand to someone who is always willing to share their experience and knowledge with others.

Relations between men and women in the service

If we proceed from the idea of ​​equality between men and women and are guided by the requirements of common politeness, the question of how representatives of opposite sexes should build relationships at work disappears by itself.

The door is opened by the one closest to it.

The person closest to the door enters or exits the elevator first.

The one who has the lighter at hand gives the light to someone else.

Both men and women rise from their chairs to greet a client or visitor, regardless of gender.

Both men and women shake hands; There are no rules in the service that dictate who should shake hands first.

Regardless of who invites whom to lunch, the inviter pays.

If all employees in an office share a coffee maker, both men and women take turns brewing coffee and cleaning the coffee maker. The idea that the prerogative of making coffee is exclusively a woman’s task is one of the most typical prejudices, and women are involved in “housekeeping” at work on an equal basis with men.

Personal services, such as asking a secretary to take clothes to the dry cleaner or buy a gift for the boss's wife, are not part of the job duties unless they are specifically agreed upon when hired. If someone really really needs such a service, then his request to fulfill this order should be of a personal nature.

Neither men nor women should call employees by pet names or nicknames at work.

Even when you would like to behave the same way at work as you do in a non-work environment, don't allow yourself to do so. Don't forget that a business lunch is not an invitation to a date. A woman should not wait for a man to gallantly pull out a chair for her to help her sit down, and a man should not feel obligated to do so. She will be able to take care of herself, just like her companion.


If the service allows eating in the workplace, normal cleanliness rules must be followed. Don't leave dirty cups and plates everywhere. After eating, wipe off crumbs and wet stains from spilled drinks from the table. The spectacle of people eating does not bring much pleasure to those present. As soon as you finish eating, if possible, throw away any leftover food in a separate, closed trash can rather than in a trash can next to your or a co-worker's desk.


Come to work on time; Don’t be late for meetings; submit reports on time; Don’t constantly look at your watch waiting for the end of the working day. If you just can’t meet the deadlines, tell your boss about it when he gives you an assignment, convincingly arguing your position.


Responsible corporate employees often express concern that many of their subordinates are not literate enough - they make punctuation and spelling errors, spell names incorrectly, and cannot correctly break text into sentences and paragraphs. If you lack knowledge, take a refresher course or advanced training courses. If you are simply irresponsible in your approach to business, think about how much harm your every mistake can cause to your work, and try to be more conscientious in performing your duties.

Don't waste your time.

No matter how diligent and diligent you are, it often happens that co-workers use communication with you as an excuse to justify the waste of time - both theirs and yours. Sometimes they find thousands of ways to distract you from your work, but you don’t always need to pay attention to them. In most cases, you should politely get rid of their intrusiveness.

If someone who likes to chat calls you on the phone, having grasped the essence of his message, you can interrupt the flow of this person’s eloquence with, for example, the words: “I understand your request and will send you the appropriate forms. Thank you for calling, but now, unfortunately, I have to go.”

In the case when you have already agreed on everything with the visitor, and he does not even think about leaving, get up from your chair and tell him: “I am very sorry, but now I have to return to urgent matters.”

If someone asked you: “Do you have a free minute?”, and you have absolutely no time, or you know from experience that this “minute” will last for a whole hour, your position should be adamant. “I have a minute,” I should tell you, “but if you don’t make it, we’d better talk another time.”


Try to think about the employees around you. At work, as in family, constant communication brings people together. You can improve relationships in your work team by paying attention to the needs of those around you and avoiding behaviors that irritate them. A bouquet of flowers on your birthday, a friendly service, a calm demeanor that does not distract others from the task - all this can help create a favorable atmosphere around you, and people will talk about you as an employee who knows how to work with people.

Also, being proactive will help you avoid awkward situations that may arise from time to time in any department. So, for example, you are in someone's office when the phone rings - although you have no way of knowing whether the call is personal or not - you better get up from your chair and ask: “Maybe I should wait in the waiting room, while you two talk?” If someone enters an office with the obvious intention of finding someone who is not there at the moment, you might ask the person entering, “Is there anything I can help you with?” In short, being considerate means following the unwritten rules of politeness and coming to people's aid at the right time when they themselves are hesitant to ask for it.

Showing initiative.

Both management and employees frown upon aggressive behavior at work. As for the initiative, it is welcomed by everyone. Where is the divide between them? Aggression invades unbidden into life, reflecting a person’s attempt to establish himself by force; initiative moves people towards achievements and helps achieve jointly defined goals.

What to avoid in general.

If following the above rules of behavior in the service can help you climb the career ladder, then the following actions can forever leave you at the very bottom.


Do not discuss other employees of your company with co-workers, either at work or in a friendly environment. The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

Absence and tardiness.

Try to be absent from work during working hours as little as possible. If you are entitled to three personal short-term leaves or ten days to spend at home due to illness, avoid taking them unnecessarily. You should not be at work in a bad mood: neither a runny nose nor a headache will relieve you from your official duties. And regular absences from work will be entered into your personal file and will become part of your reputation.

Arrive at work a few minutes before it starts, and let this time take you to prepare for the work day.


Always be smart and neat - your hair should be combed, your shirt tucked into your trousers, your shoes polished, your suit ironed. Your desk should be clean and tidy. Sloppiness only indicates that you take your work carelessly.

Discussion of personal problems.

Personal problems are best left at home. Even if your colleagues are also your friends, it is better to discuss issues that are not directly related to the service outside of work; so you will do well to give them attention in your own time. In addition, in this case, your personal life will not become the subject of gossip among all department employees. Promotion is promoted professional quality, and attempts to solve personal problems during working hours do not at all testify to your business qualities.

Disclosure of confidential information.

When you have access to information for proprietary purposes, you should ensure that it remains confidential. You may be aware of plans that have not yet been made public, secret information of a financial or personal nature; do not disclose what you know. If you do not know whether certain information is classified, ask management about it. Do not forget that the size of your salary also applies to information that is not subject to disclosure; treat it that way.

Visiting relatives.

Although your wife or children may be very interested in seeing where you work, satisfying their curiosity will not speed up your career advancement. If you do decide to show them your workspace, however, do it on the weekend when no one else is at work.

Personal calls.

Make sure that people calling you at work for personal matters only when absolutely necessary. Frequent telephone conversations, not related to the service, always attract the attention of other employees. This kind of conversation interferes with the work of those around you, and you will soon be treated as a frivolous person.

Waste of time.

Telephone conversations are not the only way to waste work time. You can just as easily kill it by wandering aimlessly around the room, reading magazines or chatting with other employees about matters that have nothing to do with work. Get better at fulfilling your immediate responsibilities, and if you have nothing to do at the moment, you can help one of your colleagues. Try to imagine the impression your boss will have of you when he notices that you are wasting time that actually belongs not to you, but to the company.

Is it worth borrowing?

Shakespeare also wrote: “Never borrow or lend.” It can be very difficult to refuse a co-worker who asks you to give him duct tape or postage stamp. It is much easier not to ask any of your employees for such favors. Constant “begging” not only takes up time from both you and those around you, but also depletes their supply of office supplies. Besides, in fact, you don’t need this: plan ahead your needs and, according to them, stock up on everything you might need at work.

Borrowing money is even more dangerous because it can upset an already good business relationship. Now that we have 24/7 ATMs at our disposal, you should first check how much money is in your own account, and only when it runs out can you turn to others for help. However, you should not forget that if you do not have an ATM card, you can pay expenses with a credit card if necessary. This is better than borrowing money or lending it to employees.

Crude language.

Avoid strong language at work. It doesn’t matter whether any of your colleagues use them in their vocabulary or not. They won't help you get ahead in your career.

Chewing gum.

Leave this pleasure for home. At work, it distracts from the task, sometimes people slurp unpleasantly, and often this habit causes hostility from the employer.


Try not to smoke in the workplace. If you are a heavy smoker, you can go to a specially designated smoking area and take a smoke break there.


A glass at lunch, if you and a client decide to talk about business in a restaurant, will not be brought to you great harm, but if you overdo it, the consequences can be simply disastrous for you. You should never drink at work.


Don't be intrusive. In an open space, greet everyone at once, without addressing anyone in particular. Shake the outstretched hands, but you don’t need to go around all the men for this purpose. If the woman from the next wing once asked you to help fix the coffee machine that you ended up breaking, and now nods at you with a smile, answer her. If your gaze wanders, don’t bother avoiding you.


Be generous and selfless. Share chargers, headphones, ideas. Give away unnecessary gifts and treat them to free alcohol. There is more sympathy for a person who always has something pleasant in store.


In the office, as in the army, the concept of “lost” and not “stolen” works. And yet, the loss of a stapler, flash drive or choker does not give the right to retrieve the “lost” on other tables. Even a sip of cognac from someone else's stock must be replenished with a whole bottle of the same drink.


There is no need to change your entire look every day. Especially if the dress code is spelled out in detail in employment contract. But the appearance needs to be constantly updated. A fresh shirt alone is not enough: the handkerchief in your jacket pocket also needs to be changed.


Spare the receptors of those around you, already exhausted by anti-freeze vapors, exhaust gases and passive vaping. There are much fewer connoisseurs of selective perfumery than it seems. Therefore, it is better not to overdo it than to overdo it. By the way, there is nothing wrong with making a comment to the source of an unusual aroma. This will not offend him, but will only make him better. The main thing in this conversation is to get straight to the point.


“An employee’s clothing must be clean and tidy” - this clause is in every employment contract. If there are no strict rules, then shorts, a sweatshirt and sandals formally meet the requirement of “clean and tidy”, but radically diverge from the concept of “appropriateness”. No matter how comfortable a tracksuit is, there is a time and place for everything.


More precisely, don’t get drunker than others. A corporate event is not Las Vegas - what was there will definitely be picked up by the worst tongues of your office.


Not everyone still understands how indecent it has become to disturb people with calls. These old believers often include important partners and clients to whom you would not casually say “write to WhatsApp.” It will take you longer to explain what it is. They call, of course, precisely at the moment when you walked away for a second, leaving the phone on the table. In this case, always keep your gadget not just on vibration, but in silent mode. The dejected moo of a vibrating device irritates colleagues no less than the epileptic play of a ringtone.


The temptation to get involved in a fascinating discussion of the weaknesses and shortcomings of one of your colleagues is unusually great. If you can’t resist, then at least rinse other people’s bones in a balanced and reasoned manner. Try to do this only with trusted colleagues. Know that somewhere around you they are also actively discussing whose son you are and who you are sleeping with.


An office romance is a meaningless and unproductive story. Sooner or later it will end, and you still have to share the elevator, meeting room and microwave. Another thing is light flirting with a deeply and happily married employee. In such a configuration, no one will ruin anyone’s life and no one will claim anything.


A sense of swearing, like a sense of humor, should be delicate. Mindless swearing is chaotic and destructive. It makes less sense than Power Point slides. Feel the moment and the audience. An awkwardly thrown swear word in the wrong direction can cost you your reputation as a decent person, turning you into a tram boor in the eyes of others. And this is not the most advantageous characteristic for a gentleman.


A disheveled person with red eyes and a sniffling nose, who generates not ideas, but bacilli, can cause nothing but irritation. No one will appreciate the feat of a feverish hard worker. And not so much because of the lack of an aesthetic component in your image, but because of the efficiency tending to zero.


Calmly and with understanding endure this orgy called “The client has returned with new edits” and do not interfere with your cry: “Colleagues, remove my address from your correspondence!” Everyone is already on edge without you, and your message, which is not directly related to the matter, will make few people happy. Mistakes happen, but don’t force all participants in the correspondence to erase your address from the address bar.


Need I say that food particles falling under the keyboard turn it from a working tool into a source of microbes, and the smell of cutlets and the sight of a chewing person have a bad effect on the office atmosphere? Yes, we should. Otherwise, thousands of lunch boxes would be uncorked every day right at their workplaces. Not only will the on-the-job lunch be digested worse, but also the attitude towards you will become as cold as your cutlet. It is necessary to change the situation. At a minimum, in order to take a break from work and become not only full, but also useful.


Everything important happens at the wrong moment. An emergency, like a bus, appears unexpectedly, you just need to light a cigarette. No one will die if you do not respond immediately, but after a cup of lavender raff, but disappearing from the radar is worse than not calling back.


Better yet, voice the real one. Talking about the fact that in the morning you and your child were finishing a birdhouse, and then ran in to donate blood, while simultaneously distributing things to the poor - while breathing to the side and sipping mineral water - is extremely unpromising. But honesty will be accepted and appreciated.


Never and nowhere at all.


Every office worker should crumple at a table with disposable cups at least once in their life. If you don’t feed your team pizza and pies on the occasion of your birthday (promotion, marriage, divorce), they will perceive it as disrespect.


People often mistake kindness and openness for weakness and spinelessness. The closer you communicate with your subordinates, the more often their pipe will break or their cat will die. At one point they will simply start presenting you with a fait accompli via SMS, which will say something like “Hello. I'm leaving home today." Keep your distance and don't discuss work between toasts and karaoke songs.


Fighting over the air conditioner remote control and arguing over the angle of the blinds are cases when it is better to give in. There will always be an allergy sufferer, a chronic sufferer, or just a cretin who will scream from the corner about his congenital intolerance to drafts and cold sinuses.

It’s stupid to cleverly prove that a Facebook profile is a personal space. Avoid deep penetration of colleagues into the depths of your account. You still have to build a career with them, go to business lunches and suffer through business training. Don't let them know about the details of your life.


It always seems that others get more and work less. People are too envious and unfair to sincerely rejoice with you in a new car, a beautiful watch or a model girl. Save all this luxury for parallel life, which starts after the office. At work, modesty or even asceticism is more adorned than a gold watch on your wrist and a four-wheel drive in the parking lot.


Slobs are not trustworthy. Piles of crap on and around your desk are not creative clutter. It's just a bunch of crap. Cashew bags, confetti, an empty bag and last year's newspaper will not help in creativity. No matter how talented an employee you are, cleanliness as an additional option will not hurt your image. Not like this flower pot, which takes up half the table.


You never feel sorry for someone else. Even if you are so imbued with corporate spirit that the company logo periodically appears on your ankle, you do not think about such a thing as CAPEX (capital expenditures of your company). A computer, a printer, a copier, a fax (are you kidding? You have a fax?! You really do!) - all this is taken for granted, and handling this equipment does not seem to require any extra delicacy. This is not true - because any breakdown can damage the work. Try not to press through the scanner glass when you sit down on it to print out and fax (you have one!) a response to your annoying partner’s complaints.
