A letter and a parcel post - how are they different? Maximum weight of a Russian Post parcel.

It is quite difficult to immediately understand the tariffication of Russian Post items. Russian Post, like many companies, have many products with different conditions delivery and different prices for their services. Often the same order can be shipped with a significant difference in price. Many subtleties and tricks of tariffing are known only to experienced postal workers and experienced parcel senders. We want to share the simplest ones with you.

This article is dedicated to novice online sellers and ordinary senders of parcels and parcels, who ask themselves the question when sending: “Why is it so expensive?”

In this article, we will analyze only the most common types and types of shipments; we will leave the rarer ones for future articles.

How to determine the type of shipment by weight?:

· Shipping up to 100 grams can be sent by letter or parcel post

· Sending from 100 grams to 2000 grams by parcel post or parcel

· More than 2000 grams only by parcel

· More than 10000 grams by heavy parcel.

Sending a letter is cheaper than a parcel of the same weight. A letter can only be sent to , or . A valuable parcel up to 1 kg is usually cheaper to send than a similar parcel, and from 1 kg to 2 kg is more expensive than a parcel. The surcharge for a heavy parcel may (but not always) be greater than the cost of sending two parcels of equal weight and rating.

There are no clear criteria for dimensions for letters and parcels. Upon acceptance, the operator decides whether he can accept the cargo as a parcel or a parcel post. Parcels for transportation are packed in blue plastic containers, if the parcel does not fit into this container, then it will only be accepted as a parcel. Shipments in postal packages are smaller and, with a weight of less than 2 kg, are freely issued as a parcel post.

Registered, valuable or simple parcel?

A registered parcel post involves sending only printed materials. Accurate definition, what is printed matter no, it is assumed that it is: books, documents and other printing. Since the post office accepts parcels in a closed form, some senders imitate sending printing by sealing T-shirts or gadgets and accessories in Sending a registered parcel is cheaper than a valuable parcel. A simple parcel is a parcel without an estimated value, its delivery is slightly less than or equal to a similar registered parcel. Cash on delivery can only include a valuable parcel or package.

Regular or 1st Class Shipment?

More expensive and believed to arrive faster. Where is the sending speed achieved? Only with priority processing in correspondence sorting. Delivery is carried out by the same cars, trains, planes as regular shipments. Usually on mass routes loaded with correspondence from big cities There is a speedup in big cities, because the time for sorting is the same or longer than for delivery. There is no acceleration to long-distance, lightly loaded destinations due to 1st class dispatch, because... After expedited processing, the shipment will wait for its flight along with regular parcels.

With or without cash on delivery?

The delivery cost of all valuable parcels includes an insurance fee of 4% of the estimated value. For parcels without cash on delivery, you can specify any estimated value, for example, the cost price of an online store, and not the sales price. You can accept the risk of losing the parcel by indicating a zero value of the parcel.

When sending with cash on delivery there is no such choice. The estimated value of the parcel must not be lower than the cost of cash on delivery.

Example of cost reduction:

Valuable air parcel from Moscow to Yakutsk weighing 1 kg and valued at 100 rubles. - 732.29 rub., 5 days

Valuable 1st class parcel from Moscow to Yakutsk weighing 1 kg and valued at 100 rubles. - 513.79 rub., 4 days

A valuable parcel from Moscow to Yakutsk weighing 1 kg and valued at 100 rubles. - 287.50 rub., 22 days

A registered parcel from Moscow to Yakutsk weighing 1 kg and valued at 100 rubles. - 195.29 rub., 5 days

The choice is yours! Happy sales and fast delivery!

There are 3 main types of domestic mail: letter, parcel and parcel. In addition, there is 1st class expedited delivery and EMS express courier delivery.


A letter is a piece of mail containing a written message. Letters may be simple, registered or insured, and are intended only for the transmission of written communications. The maximum weight of a letter is 100 grams.


A parcel is a postal item containing low-value printed publications, manuscripts and photographs. Parcels can be simple, custom-made or with declared value. Minimum weight - 100 grams, maximum - 2 kilograms.


Parcel - a postal item containing items for cultural, household and other purposes. With a weight of 10 kg or more, the parcel is considered heavy. If the sum of the length, width and height is more than 120 cm or any of the sides exceeds 60 cm, then the parcel is considered oversized. The maximum size of an oversized parcel is 350×190×130 cm (the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 300 cm)

1st class departures

Items with accelerated delivery of letters (ordinary, registered, valuable), parcels (registered and valuable) and parcels.

Express Parcel EMS

Parcel with expedited courier delivery to your door, maximum shipment weight 31.5 kilograms.

Types of international shipments

International letter

An international letter is a postal item containing a written message. Letters may be simple, registered or insured, and are intended only for the transmission of written communications. They are divided into air and ground. The maximum weight of a letter is 2 kilograms.

International parcel post

An international parcel is a postal item containing low-value printed publications, manuscripts and photographs. International parcels can be simple or custom. They are divided into air and ground. Maximum weight - 5 kilograms.

International bag "M"

Bag “M” is an international shipment with a large volume of printed materials: papers, books, magazines. There are simple and custom ones, divided into air and ground. Maximum weight - 14.5 kilograms.

International small package

A small package is a small international shipment overseas containing unbreakable items and product samples. There are simple and custom ones, divided into air and ground. Maximum weight - 2 kilograms.

International parcel

International parcel- this is a postal item containing items for cultural, household and other purposes. There are air and ground. Maximum weight - 20 kilograms.

Ground delivery refers to delivery by land as well as by water. In other words, ground delivery is everything that is not air delivery.

Commodity investments

Currently, according to the rules of the Russian Post, product attachments can be sent by parcel or 1st class parcel.

To send goods to other countries, an international small package or international parcel is used.

Declared value

The amount of declared value for parcels and letters is not limited and is indicated in full rubles. For all 1st class items, a maximum limit of 20,000 rubles is established, for parcels with a declared value - 10,000 rubles.


Cash on delivery is the amount that must be paid to the addressee to receive the shipment. Includes the cash on delivery amount (in fact, equal to the declared value) and the Russian Post commission for postal transfer Money. Cash on delivery is allowed to send only valuable items and parcels.

In order to determine the difference between a parcel post and a parcel, you need to understand what both types of shipment are.

A parcel is a shipment in which items of the corresponding list weighing from 2 to 20 kg, as well as less than 2 kg, are sent. The parcel represents the sending of attachments to printing houses of various types: books, magazines, texts of manuscripts, as well as various documents, and when sending certain types parcels, a certain list of goods. All this is possible if the weight of the parcel is not more than 2 kg and less than 100 g.

In order to understand how a parcel differs from a parcel sent by Russian Post, you also need to know the maximum and minimum permitted dimensions, since they also differ. For a parcel they are 105x148, and for a parcel they are 110x220 mm or 114x162 mm, this is what concerns the minimum. A number of factors are taken into account when determining maximum dimensions.

As for packaging, there are no differences as such. Since various printed and written items of information are sent by parcel post, they are mainly packed in kraft paper and envelopes if their weight is insignificant. Anything larger is packed in bags and boxes. In principle, the same thing is used when packing a parcel.

The differences between these two types of shipments are very obvious, but how can you understand, for example, how a parcel differs from a 1st class parcel? After all, when sending a parcel, you can send goods for various purposes, and in a 1st class parcel, if it is valuable, a list of some goods is also allowed.

And the differences are as follows: if you send a parcel, then it can be less than 2 kg or more, while a parcel should be no more than 2 kg and 2.5 kg, if valuable, 1st class. There are also different tariffs for sending one type or another.

Since 1st class shipping implies expedited delivery, the parcel will be delivered faster than the parcel. The speed of delivery, as well as the list of permitted items, is the main difference, as well as dimensions and weight.

But, for example, how does a valuable parcel differ from a valuable parcel: Again, with the same parameters, weight, which when sending a parcel does not exceed 2 kg, if it is sending an ordinary valuable parcel. And also 2.5 kg if first class, which also includes a list of certain types of goods. As for the evaluation principle, these two types of shipments are similar. Since a valuable parcel is a valuable shipment that contains a certified amount of appraised value. In case of loss or damage of the parcel, this amount will be returned and paid to the sender.

As for the valuable parcel, it is a registered item that also has an estimated value. When sending it out, the attachment is also assessed, and the entire assessment amount will be returned in case of loss or unsuccessful transportation that led to damage.

All of the above is the difference between one shipment and another, and they are very noticeable, despite the fact that many confuse one with the other.

Thanks to the development of the Internet, regular letters from the post office have lost their value. But the delivery of things and gifts distant relatives by post is still valid. In this article we will tell you what can be sent by parcel post and how to do it correctly. We will also describe what attachments are allowed in this type of parcel.

What is a parcel post? What types are there?

There is more than one type of mail at the post office. They differ in weight, permitted investments, delivery speed and, of course, cost. These are parcels, parcels, 1st class items, letters, EMS and small packages.

Parcels are divided by type, and the permissible weight, attachment and speed of receipt depend on them. Types of parcels:

  1. Simple.
  2. Custom.
  3. Valuable.
  4. With cash on delivery.
  5. 1st class items (simple, registered, valuable and cash on delivery).
  6. Small packages (parcels abroad).

Each type will be discussed in more detail below.

Simple parcel

What can be sent by parcel post? Russian Post allows magazines, photographs, documents to be sent (it is better to send them in a registered or valuable form, since there will be a receipt and the shipment can be tracked). The weight of these items must be from 100 g to 2 kg. There are size restrictions; these can be clarified with the operator.

When sending a simple parcel, the attachment can be packed at home (if the packaging is purchased in advance). Considering weather, it is better to send to plastic bags, so the contents will definitely not get wet either by rain or snow. But it can also be in paper envelopes and even in boxes.

When sending, the operator weighs the item and affixes stamps for the amount the parcel cost. Further departure follows without registration. That is, the stamps on it are only canceled, and the parcel is ready to be sent. This is convenient, since the shipment does not require registration and will move faster. But the downside is that if the parcel gets lost, it will be impossible to track at what stage the loss occurred (immediately at the department or on the road, or maybe someone just pulled it out of the box).

Registered parcel

You can send the parcel in different packages and also pack it at home. A special feature of the shipment is that for such a parcel, in addition to affixing stamps, a receipt will be given. With its help you can easily track where the shipment is located. But for this reason, the parcel moves to its destination more slowly, as it is delayed at each point for registration and ease of tracking.

If the shipment is lost, then you can find where the parcel disappeared. But if the item is not found, then at best the postal employees will be punished, no monetary compensation V in this case not taken into account. Therefore, it is not recommended to send particularly important papers and documents this way.

Valuable parcel post

Valuable parcels are sent in plastic bags or boxes to prevent tampering. Special seals are applied to the gluing areas (the stamps no longer stick). The parcel is sealed only at the post office. The operator will offer to make an inventory of the investment, which must be certified.

An inventory is made in 2 copies. One remains with the sender, the second is placed in a container so that the recipient can verify the contents of the parcel. This is convenient because if the parcel is lost or there is a delay in receipt, then with the help of a receipt and inventory you can prove that everything was sent on time.

The investment must be assessed, the minimum amount is one ruble. A percentage is taken from this amount. But you shouldn’t go cheap if the shipment is truly valuable, since if the parcel is lost, the amount of the shipment’s valuation will be reimbursed. This type of mail also moves slowly, as it is delayed at each exchange office for registration.

Parcel post with cash on delivery

What can be sent by parcel post using this option? This is the same valuable parcel post. And it has a similar method of receiving and sending. The difference is that the recipient will have to pay the money that the sender will receive before receiving it. This is done when the recipient ordered: photos, documents, books in the store via mail. Or if it is expensive for the sender to send a parcel, then he indicates the amount of how much the shipment will cost in cash on delivery.

In case of loss of a parcel along the route, only the sender receives monetary compensation. The disadvantage of such a parcel is that the recipient cannot check the contents until he makes the payment. Therefore, before receiving such parcels, it is necessary to carefully examine the packaging for access to the contents. If it does not match the inventory or is damaged, the money will not be returned immediately. There will be a long check - where the error occurred and who is to blame.

Parcels abroad (small packages)

To process such a shipment, no special packaging is required; you can use the same packaging for Russia. The sender definitely needs to know how the address of the recipient and the sender is written in the language where the small package is sent, or at least in English. The weight of the parcel should not exceed 2 kg.

Usually small packages are sent abroad without declaration of value, but can be registered. Cash on delivery is also accepted. You should not pack your shipment at home, as each country has its own restrictions. And situations are possible when you can send something to us from another country, but it won’t work back, since there is a ban there. For example, you can send phones and various equipment from China to Russia, but you can’t send them back. It is difficult to fully know everything that can be sent by parcel post abroad, since the list of such things is constantly changing.

1st class parcel

This is a slightly different weight category. It is allowed to send them weighing from 0.5 kg to 2.5 kg. What can be sent by 1st class parcel? Not only printed materials are allowed, but also some types of commodity investments. What exactly can be sent and how to pack it correctly can be clarified with the operator.

This type of shipment is delivered to the recipient faster. 1st class parcels are processed first, and only then regular ones. They are treated with great care during processing. Therefore, cases of loss of such items are rare.

For 1st class parcels, special packaging is used. But even if one is not available, the operator does not have the right to refuse the shipment. You can use regular packaging, but mark it as “1st Class Shipment” with a red pen. The method of receiving and sending is similar to regular parcels: simple, registered, valuable and cash on delivery. But there is a significant difference in price upwards.

What can and cannot be sent?

What can you send? valuable parcel post? The list of permitted goods for shipment is quite long. Therefore, below is a list of what is prohibited from sending by parcel post within Russia:

  • Money. There are people who naively believe that cash refers to paper products and in order to save money they try to put it in a parcel post. It is forbidden. Firstly, this is a loss to the mail, and secondly, if the parcel is lost, then there is no way for you to prove how much money was in the attachment. Nobody will compensate her anymore.
  • Cannot be sent in parcels firearms, even if it's air gun.
  • Miscellaneous chemicals: drugs or substances that can harm others.
  • Combustible substances (gasoline, fireworks, matches, etc.).
  • Plants that can harm humans.
  • Animals. The exceptions are: worms, bees and leeches. Information about their transportation and delivery method will be clarified at the post office.
  • Photos, videos and other things of an obscene nature (for example, intimate photos).
  • Items or things that may leak, have an unpleasant odor and thereby spoil other items.

Items in a parcel post

People often ask, is it possible to send things by parcel post? This is not allowed by a simple parcel post, but by 1st class mail it is possible. But they should have a decent appearance, and not look and smell like they were just taken off a homeless person.

The list of prohibitions, even across Russia, is not constant; adjustments are often made. Therefore, before serious shipment, it is recommended to obtain in advance necessary information at the operator. If he cannot give an exact answer (for example, this is a new employee), then you can clarify everything with the head of the department.

Submission procedure

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the information about what can be sent by parcel post and what documents are required to send it. And, in addition, you need to know correctly the exact address recipient. If at least the apartment number is not indicated, the shipment will be returned. In this case, the money will be wasted.

If there are several post offices in the city, you can send from the one that is closer to home. But it is worth considering that this may add 1-2 days to the delivery time. Therefore, if it is possible to send from the central office, then it is better to send the parcel from there. But be sure to indicate the postal code of your branch. True, this will not affect the price. If you are sending a particularly valuable item, you can practically wrap everything at home in advance so that nothing gets wrinkled or wet on the way.

If difficulties arise when sending, it is impossible to decide on your own which method is best to send the parcel, then you can again use the help of the operator. If the speed of delivery is not particularly important, and only paper attachments are sent, then a valuable one will do. If you need it faster, it is better to choose a first class parcel.

When can you claim compensation?

Few people know, but if a 1st class shipment is delayed on the road and arrives at the department too late specified in the documentation (each city has its own deadlines), then the sender has the right to demand monetary compensation for the delay in departure. Therefore, when sending, you can ask the operator to provide you with information about the deadlines.

Where can I send a parcel?

Since the Russian Post has long lost the trust of people regarding the safety of items, and even more so in terms of delivery times, you can use other methods of sending parcels. The downside is that they are not yet available in all cities, and they have their own requirements.

Organizations that send parcels and parcels:

  1. "Business Line".
  2. "Ratek".
  3. "PEC".
  4. "Whale"
  5. "ZhelDorExpedition".

Here you need to contact the company in advance, clarify what can be sent by parcel post and the date when departure from the city will take place, since cars transport companies rarely leave daily.

One cannot but agree that the service sector has enough important in life modern man. Without noticing it ourselves, on a subconscious level we can no longer imagine our existence without salons cellular communication, personal manicurists, tutors and tailors. However, there is a list of services that our ancestors used. One of them is mail.

Every person has used this service at least once: he wrote a telegram, sent a letter, a parcel or a parcel. This is one of those opportunities that allows us to convey a gift, purchase or congratulations in a postcard without leaving our city. This article will answer the following questions:

1. What is a parcel post?
2. How is it different from a parcel or letter?
3. How long does it take for a parcel to reach the addressee?
4. What is its weight and maximum dimensions? Etc.

What does the term in question hide?

There are several concepts that reveal the full meaning of the word “parcel”. This special type a paper wrapper or package shaped like an envelope. The more widely considered term is used in postal services. Here, a parcel is a small-sized mailed attachment wrapped in paper. As a rule, it is slightly larger than a standard letter, but its dimensions do not reach a full-fledged parcel.

In trade, another highly specialized meaning of the concept “parcel” is used. This is a label attached to a product indicating payment of excise duty/tax/duty. Mostly in Everyday life we are faced with the second definition. In postal services there is a classification of this type of items:
1. Registered parcel.
2. With declared value.
3. Simple.
The most common type is the last one.

Maximum cost of investments and their dimensions

You can send various printed publications by parcel post, as well as all kinds of manuscripts, the cost of which does not exceed 10,000 rubles, and photographs. In this case, the size of the shipment plays a significant role. In order for an attachment to rightfully be called a parcel post, its dimensions should not be less than 10.5 centimeters in width and 14.8 centimeters in length. If the item is smaller in size, it is already a letter. There are also restrictions on maximum sizes. So, if a manuscript or printed publication has a length, width and thickness exceeding 90 centimeters in total, then this is no longer a parcel post - it is a parcel.

If you plan to send a roll, then the total component of its length, as well as its double diameter, should not exceed 1 meter and 4 centimeters and should not be less than 17 centimeters. This information refers to sizes.

Also important role The weight of the parcel also plays a role. Russian Post reserves the right to consider under this concept items whose weight is more than 100 grams, but does not exceed 2000 grams. Anything that does not fit into this category can be considered either a letter or a parcel.

Types of departure

Now let’s look at what a registered parcel post and a parcel post are. The first definition includes all kinds of postal items, the size and mass of which are within the parameters described above. Moreover, these parcels are sent by registered order. That is, this category of items is delivered to the addressee and handed over to him against signature. Simple parcels do not require confirmation of receipt. As a rule, documents and other important materials that have great importance or high value.

Anticipating unpleasant options

If the sender wishes to prevent loss, damage or disappearance of the item, he is given the opportunity to assess the value of the investment. To do this, a special approved form is printed at the post office. The cost of the parcel is entered into it (but not more than ten thousand rubles). The attachment, along with the completed form, is then sealed in high-strength material for secure transportation. Packaging of this type of shipment is carried out using kraft paper, bags and tape. Such a parcel is called a parcel with

New type of service

Not long ago, another type of shipment offered by the post office appeared: parcel post and 1st class letter. In this case, we are interested in the first category. What are its differences from a regular parcel post? Let's get a look.

Unlike simple ones, first class parcels can be used to send not only manuscripts, printed publications and documents, but also various product attachments. The last category includes:

1. All kinds of souvenir products (magnets, figurines, key chains, etc.).
2. Samples of cosmetic products, such as creams, samples eau de toilette etc.
3. Various plastic cards.
4. CD/DVD format discs, floppy disks.
5. Jewelry, etc.
So, as you can see, using this method you can send a fairly wide range of all kinds of small items.

Positive points

Another advantage of first class parcels is their weight. Unlike conventional analogues, the maximum weight of a shipment is two and a half kilograms. This is five hundred grams more than the standard version. In addition, there are differences in size. The minimum size is 11 cm wide and 19 cm long. The maximum dimensions should not exceed 70 centimeters in the sum of three dimensions. Or the width/length/height cannot be more than 36 cm. It is noteworthy that the sending of parcels of this category does not depend on the distance to the destination. This value is influenced only by mass and point of departure. It is worth noting that the sending of first class parcels is in no way affected by seasonal restrictions (unlike parcels).

Only by plane

Shipments of this type are delivered to the addressee much faster than their simple counterparts. This was made possible by using latest technologies not only in logistics, but also in sorting. The process goes as follows. First class parcels are not sent to sorting bases: they are separated immediately after acceptance at the communication center. The sent attachments are then transported to the airport and delivered to their destination only by air. No combined forwarding means are used here.

To make it easier to identify first class parcels among a mass of similar items, they are packed in special envelopes, bags and corrugated boxes. Those, in turn, are marked with a yellow mark and the name of the service is indicated.

There is a specially designated box for first class items (letters and parcels). Correspondence is removed from this container more often than from a metal cabinet intended for regular mailing.

Cost, varieties and tracking

The first class parcel, like its simple counterpart, has the following subtypes:

1. Custom.
2. With declared value.

It is noteworthy that if the maximum cost of a simple parcel and its varieties cannot exceed ten thousand rubles, then for first class items this parameter is doubled and amounts to twenty thousand rubles.

At the post office, after accepting the shipment (both simple and first class), a receipt is issued with a track code. For internal transfers, this identifier consists of fourteen digits. For international ones - out of thirteen. This code is used to track packages. You can view the history of the shipment's route on the Russian Post website.
