He teaches on Skype. Classes with an emphasis on speaking practice

Knowledge of English gives a person ample opportunities in study, work and leisure. But it’s not so easy to learn it: school only teaches the basics, but at university the program goes through quickly. All that remains is self-study.

And an excellent practice is English via Skype. To do this, you only need the Internet, a webcam and a headset with a microphone.

How to find a good school and teacher?

Everything is simple here. What would guide you when choosing a regular tutor? They probably would have searched the advertisements, asked friends, read reviews of candidates they liked, and compared prices. It's the same with a virtual tutor. Although, there are more opportunities on the Internet. So, what are the ways to find a teacher or school to learn English via Skype?

  1. Type a query into a search engine. Go to the sites of the dropped results, study the interfaces of the pages, look at the certificates.
  2. Ask around on the forums. Users are often willing to share contacts of their teachers.
  3. Go to freelance sites and find a tutor there. It may be cheaper, but there is no guarantee that the teacher will be a professional. Students studying in foreign philology departments often look for part-time work on freelance sites in the form of teaching English.

Do not rush to immediately register for long-term training or a full course. Perhaps you don’t like something, it is advisable to first conduct a trial lesson and only then make a decision.

Rating of online English schools

To make things easier for you, I offer the top 3 popular virtual schools that provide professional training English language using the Skype program.

An online school that specializes in teaching English via Skype. It has everything a person who wants to learn a language without leaving the computer needs. The school is ready to provide a personal teacher (native or Russian-speaking), an educational platform (video course, training), a conversation club and digital textbooks.

Before starting training, you will take a free trial lesson to establish your language level: beginner, advanced, etc. Select a learning goal, for example, English for business, for tourism or in preparation for the Unified State Exam. Decide on the intensity of your classes, and only then will a teacher be selected for you. Lesson price from 590 rubles for 50 minutes.

I have been studying English on this platform for 3 months. I really like it, I’m confidently moving towards my goal, although I’m lazy. I can confidently recommend Englishdom for its flexibility, professionalism and technology. When registering you will receive 2 lessons as a gift.

Englex.ru- an Internet platform with a simple interface that will be understandable even to those who are familiar with a computer. Everything is detailed and clear. You can start by pressing the big TRY button, and then it’s a matter of technique. Separately, you can familiarize yourself with the pages of teachers, where all their data is available (age, experience, education). There are conversation clubs and a database of educational materials. Free first lesson with a future teacher. Lesson price from 530 rubles for 45 minutes.

Skyeng.ru– another well-known English language school with its own educational platform. The service offers individual sessions, convenient applications for studying, course for independent work. Lesson price from 790 rubles for 50 minutes. From link 2 free lessons by promo code " American".

Advantages of speaking English via Skype

Why all more people Do you prefer learning English via Skype? There are several explanations for this.

1. Time saving

This starts at the stage of searching for a teacher. All you have to do is go online (and you can do this even with mobile device, standing in a traffic jam or sitting in line), read forums, look for advertisements. And when a teacher is found, you do not need to go to him or wait for him at home. You turn on the computer and the lesson begins.

2. Saving money

For many this is a priority. And a virtual English tutor will indeed cost less than a real one. Why? If only because he also teaches lessons from the comfort of his home or office.

3. Flexible training schedule

For a busy person, English courses via Skype are a godsend. If for some reason you are forced to miss class, the teacher will not be in a difficult situation. After all, he is at home and can do his own thing instead of a lesson. And you can schedule class times even at night, if it’s convenient for both you and your English teacher.

4. Opportunity to communicate with a native speaker

You can hire a foreigner as an English tutor. Or a person who has lived in English speaking country. Such English lessons will be productive for those who already have a good command of the language, but want to better master the dialect or colloquial speech. Offers of services for learning English from native speakers are also easy to find on the Internet.

5. Electronic textbooks

Since English classes are virtual, then the textbooks are electronic. This means that you don't need to buy them. Or you can do it together with the teacher, dividing the cost in half. And if classes are held at an online English school, then all textbooks are provided free of charge.

6. Monitoring your child’s studies

Many online schools offer special programs for children who want to prepare for the Unified State Exam or simply improve their English level. This is also very convenient, because parents can be present in the room and monitor the progress of the lesson, make sure that the child is not distracted, and evaluate the teaching abilities of the teacher.

Disadvantages of English on Skype

Unfortunately, there is no ideal option for learning foreign languages. And using Skype also has some disadvantages. Although, most of them can be predicted and prevented in advance. And then the lessons will become enjoyable, and, most importantly, effective.

1. Poor connection

If one of the parties has a slow Internet or there is communication interference, then training will become more difficult. It will be difficult to perceive speech, especially if the goal of the lesson is to master spoken English or some dialect. The problem can be solved by adjusting the equipment or increasing the speed of the Internet connection. Solvable.

2. Computer illiteracy

It will be difficult for a person who has poor computer skills and does not know basic things (enter a program, make or answer a call, send or receive a file). And the teacher is unlikely to want to waste time teaching the student these skills. It’s better to first ask a friend or relative to teach you the basics of working with the Skype program, and then practice distance learning English language.

3. Payment for classes

If it's an online school, then you don't have to worry about paying. There will be no cheating and your money will not be wasted. But with a private teacher there may be a problem. If you find a teacher through an advertisement, it is better not to pay him for several lessons in advance. The best option: payment for each lesson conducted.

How are Skype classes conducted?

The teacher must prepare the program for each lesson. He sets the tone for the lesson by welcoming the student and telling them what they will be doing today. The first lesson is often an introductory lesson, when the parties get to know each other, and the teacher uses a test, survey or simple task to find out the student’s level of knowledge.

Learn English! It will come in handy in any case.

The student must also prepare for classes in a certain way. First, complete silence should be ensured. Those. Children should not make noise in the background, music should not be played, or the TV should be on. Just like in a regular lesson, you need to create calm atmosphere which encourages concentration.

Secondly, the student should have a notebook, pen or pencil at hand. It is advisable to prepare a folder on your computer desktop where you can place files sent by the teacher. Sometimes the tutor additionally asks you to create a notebook or document for terms, download some software that will help you study, etc.

English with a native speaker when you really need it?

It is very interesting: to communicate with a real Englishman or American. But is this always productive when teaching English via Skype?

Experts recommend looking for a native speaker only if you already know English at a conversational level: speak fluently and understand speech. Because a tutor who speaks (and thinks) in your language and a foreigner are two different people with various teaching techniques. And it can be difficult for a beginner or even an amateur.

By the way, the tutor does not have to be a native speaker. This could be an ordinary foreigner who wants to learn your language. Those. it's almost like a pen pal, only in our case - via Skype.

How it works? On a dating site you find a person (hint: it’s better to look on foreign portals, for example, British ones) who wants to learn your language. You get to know each other and then chat for your own pleasure. No one pays anyone because communication benefits both parties.

In order to learn English not only effectively, but also interestingly, you need to approach the choice of a teaching system and teacher with full responsibility. Besides, you pay money for such lessons ( average cost one lesson is 700 rubles), every minute should be used for future use.

Good day, readers of my blog! Today I would like to touch on the topic via Skype. This will stir up the interest of a teacher of any language and discipline, and will also become an option for those who want to join. “ Skype“How much everything beautiful has merged in this sound.” And it responded, oh how it responded after about a year of my uncertain and timid steps in this direction.

When did I decide to teach online and via Skype? About 6 years ago, when I was seriously thinking about the possibility of moving to this island, I met one person who needed to improve his English and he asked me: “Do you teach on Skype?” To which I hesitated and replied: “No, but I can try.” That's what we decided on. Mine was not very successful, but I am still grateful to those people who gently gave me feedback, not about the quality of my knowledge or my teaching, but about the style of teaching on Skype and the degree.

What do I have at the moment?

Many of my students whom I previously taught live , I transferred to Skype. Moreover, all the State Examination and Unified State Examinations (for which I prepare) have also successfully mastered the online space without loss of quality. The courses also fell in love with Internet surfing. And what’s most interesting: Children are not as helpless as they seem! 8-year-olds enjoy learning English over the Internet, mastering complex Word, Pictures and Paint.

Pros of Skype:

1) Saving .

Where else can you save so much time of your life? Skype allows you to meet people on different parts of the planet, even late. You no longer need to freeze outside or face hail and snowstorms, despite the fact that your student is 10 minutes from your home.

Or, you don’t need to wait by the window and think: “Where are Sasha, Olya, Yulia staying and should I call their mother?”

2) Safe communication.

You know, when I started, I was a beautiful young girl, a little naive. Well, in principle, over time I have transformed even more, although thank God, I have acquired awareness and brains. And it’s not even a matter of men who want to zealously teach English and bring flowers to the third lesson with a wish for an interesting start, but, perhaps, a situation of misunderstanding between you and the student. Late payment for the lesson, crazy people running around the room, strange apartments, weird moms, men over 40, placing an order for tutors website . I had to refuse.

3) Independence from place and device.

Is your computer broken? No problem - I have a phone. Are we late home for class? No question - there is a Chocolate Girl. Is it a break at work? Great, you can go down to the lounge area...Yes, yes, I had a student who was driving a car during class with his phone! Incredible experience. A huge number of students study from iPhones, tablets and other things that you wouldn’t expect right away. True, as a teacher, I work from my computer (more convenient, faster, better quality, all the materials).

Cons of Skype:

Lack of shared reality.

Perhaps, when you want real live energy and close communication, Skype is not the best assistant. But, I think this is no longer about English, but about a cheerful chat with friends or.

Promotion in a live group.

Also, when you want group live action. (And this is not about). Well, for example, in groups it is much more interesting and better to work live. Moreover, you become part of this communication, and it can be very valuable. Move, talk, act out, communicate further.

Interesting observation : people on Skype look a little different than in person. The virtual distance becomes closer than the real one, and this sometimes makes me sad.

How to teach via Skype? A few tips from everyday practitioners.

1) At first, technical issues may confuse you: Problems with video or audio. When I decided to work via Skype, I bought myself a computer with good sound and video. Make this small investment - it will pay for itself many times over! The main thing is not the video, but the sound!

2) If there is a bad connection. Don’t worry if the connection leaves much to be desired, it’s better to purchase fast Internet. When I have students on that line with a very poor connection, classes, unfortunately, have to be stopped, because this becomes impossible.

3) Use pictures in classes, PDF files, screen extension, Microsoft Word, audio and video files (links can be provided to them)

4) Skype chat can be used to explain grammar and

5) Keep a schedule and remember what you went through with the student. To do this, you can use regular Word, or a regular notebook, or Google Documents or Google Drive.

6) time and practice the student at least 70 percent.

7) Always find something new and develop. This allows you to take on tasks of any complexity. All my students know that. Sometimes I cut out a task in Paint.

8) Close all social networks and YOUtube so as not to be distracted. This is a required item. I use social networks and YouTube when I can’t send a file in a chat. YouTube for links to videos, and social networks for texts if the chat is glitchy.

9) even if you are not in a good mood, or something is bothering you this moment annoys. You can always feel it. Try to switch your emotional states.

10) Set an adequate price for your classes. When I started working 10 years ago, without any experience, my lesson cost 500 rubles for an hour and a half. Now I charge 1000 rubles per hour via Skype and I’m not at all embarrassed by it, using the knowledge and experience that I’ve had. I actually went through everything that teachers go through in CELTA or TEFL English teaching courses. In the end. I don’t encourage you to follow my experience or price, since everyone has their own individual path and scope.

Good luck to you!

Have a great day

We are all accustomed to using Skype to communicate with family and friends from other cities, but the possibilities of using the program are much wider. Why is Skype increasingly used in teaching children and adults? Firstly, it allows both the teacher and the student to save time: each of them is in a convenient place and does not waste time on the road. Secondly, teaching via Skype facilitates the process of learning any subject: always, and not just during class, you can ask a question to the tutor and get Additional materials. Thirdly, Skype provides the opportunity for communication and work between two people who, without access to the Internet, might never meet: for example, a student has health problems that do not allow him to leave home, or, for example, a lesson is taught by a teacher such qualifications that it is impossible to find a teacher of the same level in your city.

What you need to have at the very beginning for successful teaching on Skype

Daria Rudnik, administrator of the site Distance-teacher.ru, told us about some of the features of online learning. A novice tutor must understand that to successfully organize lessons via Skype, you must have high-speed Internet access, a webcam, headphones and a microphone, since ideally this should not be a regular call, but a video call. This type of call is preferable because it allows the information to be presented more clearly and easily, and also facilitates communication between the student and the teacher.

In addition to video communication, you can use chat, that is, a form of text communication, correspondence. For example, in the chat you can write conditions for tasks to be solved, examples. You can attach images: drawings, photographs and formulas. You can also demonstrate the teacher's (student's) screen with open files, most often, presentations.

Additional recommendations for beginning tutors who want to work effectively

At the first lesson, it is important to check the student’s knowledge, the goals of his training, and agree on the schedule and cost of training. In accordance with this, the teacher builds a lesson program.

Training will be more effective if the tutor, when planning his lessons, takes into account the following facts:

  • It is necessary to know the student’s goals and properly motivate him to improve his knowledge.
  • Classes should be systematic: you should not jump from one textbook to another, from one topic to another.
  • The format of the knowledge test should change all the time in order to get a comprehensive assessment of the student’s knowledge: this could be online testing, problem solving, oral questioning, proof of theorems, etc.
  • It is advisable that classes take place 2-4 times a week: this will allow the student to have time to absorb information and at the same time not forget the material covered.
  • It's important to give homework and check the correctness of its implementation: this is necessary to understand whether the student understood the topic discussed.
  • Finally, tutoring implies not only the need to provide knowledge, but also to captivate a person with the discipline being taught: this will allow him to achieve good results with less effort.

It is advisable for beginning tutors to enter into an agreement with students. If this is not possible, it is advisable to teach to trusted people who were recommended by friends and acquaintances. This will allow you to avoid situations of fraud (in particular, those related to the distribution of copyrighted materials on the Internet).

Thus, teaching a particular subject via Skype can be much easier and more convenient than the traditional format of conducting classes. For beginning teachers, working via Skype is a good chance to gain work experience and learn how to flexibly change the teaching system to suit the goals and characteristics of each student.

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Since we live in the 21st century, many things can now be done without leaving home. You can also take courses vocational training and advanced training directly via the Internet. However, even now, not everyone understands exactly how this can be done, as well as how remote classes are conducted and how convenient it is.


Overcome laziness- read carefully!

Just read it. Don't scroll through it like everyone else usually does. By scrolling the page, you may miss important information!

Myths about distance learning

First, I would like to dispel a few common misconceptions about online classes.

MYTH #1: lower quality of education

If you ask " Why?", then, as a rule, you can get a very vague answer: "because via the Internet!"". In fact, the answer is not substantiated. This opinion probably comes from a comparison of full-time and distance learning.

In fact, with a normal approach to the learning process, the effect is exactly the opposite. Firstly, when studying at home, you are in a more relaxed environment. Secondly, individual lessons, by definition, have always been, are and will be better than group lessons, not to mention the fact that they allow you to master the educational material faster.

And very often people confuse normal training with so-called interactive courses. Or when they send you educational materials and assignments via the Internet that you need to do and send for testing. This, by the way, is the most common practice on the Internet, so it is not surprising that most people are hesitant about distance learning.

Normal training involves regular “live” communication (for example, via Skype) - this is a completely different matter. There is virtually no difference between classroom learning and normal: there is sound, there is an image from your screen, the teacher has the opportunity to show something right on your screen - what more could you want? Accept hot bath and have a cup of coffee!

MYTH #2: it’s inconvenient to study

On the contrary, it is very convenient. There is no need to go anywhere or, especially, to drive (a plus). When it's time for class, you simply turn on the computer and run special program- and that’s it!

Thus, not only is a lot of time saved on " get ready - come - leave", but the classes are much more comfortable.

MYTH #3: I don't see who I'm doing with

Will you see a lot during your classroom lessons? The people I teach in class then can’t even recognize me on the street, which, by the way, is quite offensive. And all because in class Students are each looking at their own monitor(!)- There’s no point in looking anywhere else here.

When teaching remotely via Skype, all your attention will be occupied by the program you are working with, and you will not have time to look around - I guarantee this.

MYTH #4: not sure how to pay

It's hard to make money! Paying for anything was never a problem at all. In addition, there are now so many ways to pay via the Internet that it’s dizzying. Here are just a few of them: Yandex.Money, WebMoney, bank cards. I’m generally silent about payment terminals - even ancient grandmothers now know how to use them.

MYTH #5: too difficult for me

There is nothing complicated. At least for any person able work on a computer, that is, for the vast majority. Read below to see exactly how everything happens.

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

How does Skype training work in practice?

Absolutely the same as remote technical support. I'll explain now.

1. Turn on the computer

2. Launch Skype

If you do not have Skype installed, you can easily install it from the official website. In fact, Skype is already built into all new versions of Windows. What to do if you are categorically against Skype is written at the end of the article.

By the way, a video camera is not required for classes - no need. But you need headphones with a microphone - I highly do not recommend using the computer’s built-in microphone (if you have one), as well as the built-in speakers, since it’s inconvenient for you and there’s a lot of noise in the headset.

3. Launch the client remote access

A special program for transmitting images from your computer screen gives me the opportunity to see what you are doing. If necessary, I can show you the screen with the mouse or type text. The program does not require installation - you just need to run the remote access program file, which I first send to all my clients.

Who said "virus"?!! Ask any system administrator (or Google) what Windows Remote Desktop is, and such thoughts will disappear by themselves.

4. Tell me via Skype the PIN code to connect to your computer

The remote access client that you launched will show you the ID number and PIN that are required to connect specifically to your computer. For security reasons, the PIN is different each time, but this does not cause any inconvenience - after all, it is only 4 digits!

5. On my side, I enter the PIN code received from you into the remote access program

The ID and PIN received from you are needed so that my computer can connect to yours. As soon as the connection is established, I will see the picture from your monitor on my screen.

The lesson has started!

At the end of the lesson, you close the remote access client and the connection is terminated.

What if I don't like Skype?

Well, if so, then you can do without using Skype. The sound is transmitted perfectly through the remote access client.

However, in this case, you should take into account that I still need to get a PIN code for the current lesson from you somehow! Can be used email, ICQ, VKontakte network... Yes, even SMS - there are many options!

Online training via Skype - simple about complex things

This video shows how you can connect two computers via the Internet to conduct training courses using Skype and a remote access client.

Today there are such a huge number of different schools that provide the opportunity to teach English via Skype, what to do right choice becomes almost impossible. Some establishments have a reputation and more extensive system training, but the cost of their services cannot be called democratic. For others, the price for studying is much lower, but there is a risk of receiving low quality services. Therefore, in order to eliminate possible risks for you, as well as save time, the portal site presents the first objective rating of the best online courses in English.

Learning English via Skype: pros and cons

Today, Skype as a means of communication is no longer something exotic. Like any other method, learning English via Skype has its pros and cons. But because out of the unusual this method has quickly become quite common, most people find themselves at a crossroads, choosing between online and offline activities. In order to help you make a final decision, we will consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of online learning

  1. Saving time and money- the quality of teaching depends entirely on the teacher. But renting a space more than doubles the cost of classes. Also included here are purchasing books, printing handouts, expenses for transportation, lunch and other household items. Training via Skype, with electronic educational materials, removes all these costs, as well as travel time.

  2. Convenience and practicality- studying via Skype is especially suitable for people who do not like to leave home or are extremely busy, as well as those who do not live according to standard schedules. Now there is no need to stand in traffic jams, jostle in public transport, overcome snow piles or wild heat. In the office, at home, in the country and in any other place, according to your own schedule, you can conduct classes with the teacher you like. Even people are "night owls" leading night look life, can find a teacher or native speaker on another continent, with a time zone suitable for teaching.

  3. Extensive learning opportunities- unlike in the classroom, during training via Skype you personally choose your teacher. You can also learn from a person with a pronunciation that interests you, common, for example, in a certain region of the UK or a specific state in America.
    Well, the conversational form of learning itself, used via Skype, is much more effective for mastering the language than classical memorization of the rules.

Disadvantages of Skype Training

  1. Only high-speed Internet is required
  2. Minimal knowledge of using a computer
  3. No possibility of personal contact
  4. When teaching children online, the teacher will not always be able to control their perseverance.

Where to start online learning English

Are you interested in learning English online? Then let's look at where to start learning. The portal's rating indicates best schools, which were selected according to certain indicators. But in order not to waste a lot of time on choosing, you should initially look at the indicated cost of training and the programs offered. Having chosen the option you are interested in, it makes sense to visit the website of the school itself.
