Volkhov branch of the Herzen State Pedagogical University is official. Basic information

About the university

Branch of the Russian State pedagogical university them. A.I. Herzen in Volkhov was created by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1838 dated September 5, 1997 on the initiative of the mayor's office of Volkhov.

Branch of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen in Volkhov is a branch of one of the largest and oldest educational institutions higher vocational education Russia, which has a high status of national treasure.

The branch successfully fulfills the mission of a prominent cultural and educational center, representing the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen in the North-West region of Russia. The teaching staff of the branch is a team of highly qualified experienced teachers. Many of them are implemented in educational process modern humanitarian innovative technologies. Over 11 years of operation, the branch graduated 545 students full-time training (6 graduations took place in 4 specialties) and 153 students correspondence form training (3 graduations in 3 specialties). 16% of graduates received diplomas with honors, 17 graduates work in the branch. IN Leningrad region 82% of those studying at the branch remained to work. A prestigious state-issued diploma from Herzen University allows graduates to successfully find employment and realize further growth in their career opportunities

The branch operates on a university campus created like a European campus, which includes new academic buildings equipped with modern equipment, a gym, a library with Internet access and access to information resources fundamental library of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, a conference room, computer classes and language laboratories, a dining room and several hotel-type dormitories, which create comfortable conditions for learning, comprehensive development and recreation of students.

The scientific potential of the branch increases every year. There are 77 teachers working here, 20% of whom are doctors of science, professors and 38% are candidates of science, associate professors. During the operation of the branch, 25 teachers completed postgraduate studies and defended their dissertations, four of them are graduates of the branch. Four teachers defended their doctoral dissertations during this period. On the initiative of the branch, regional and international scientific and methodological conferences are held annually, and over the past 5 years its scientists have created and published 525 scientific works, including articles, monographs and teaching aids, including those with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation.

The entire contingent of students receives skills scientific research during the preparation of coursework and theses, and about a third of students take part in research activities outside the curriculum under the guidance of leading scientists of the branch. Young researchers speak at scientific conferences, win university and regional competitions, publish best works in collections scientific works university and branch. Genuine recognition of students of the specialty " Foreign language»received annual language internships and practices in the USA, Germany, and Finland. There is experience in obtaining postgraduate education on a competitive basis in the USA, which guarantees receipt of an international diploma.

The branch has created all conditions for students’ recreation and development creativity, for self-realization in areas of leisure that interest them. Student government bodies play a major role in the lives of students: the student council and the elder. Their representatives actively participate in the development of decisions of the Academic Council of the branch and the leadership of departments by specialty. The “Miss Branch” and “Mr. Branch” competitions have become traditional, and the long-term practice of the KVN team “Studbat” ensured it 2nd place in the regional KVN competition “Ladoga” in 2008. Meetings between teachers and students are held annually interesting people– members of the Government of the Leningrad Region, public figures and teachers from Scandinavian countries, Russian cultural workers, writers and poets. There are student associations “Historical Club”, “Linguistic Theater”, “Business Club”. Our athletes enjoy well-deserved popularity and authority - regular participants (and often winners) of city, district and regional sports competitions. Four times the branch team won the football tournament for the B. Govorunov Cup among teams from universities and colleges in Volkhov. The honorary cup of this prestigious tournament was transferred to the branch for permanent storage.

The vast majority of full-time students study at the expense of the state budget, and more than half of them receive a scholarship from 1,100 to 1,650 rubles. About 40 people simultaneously have academic and social scholarships from 2750 to 3300 rubles, and the best of the best were awarded a scholarship from the Academic Council of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen. Every year the trade union committee of the university provides our students with about 30 free trips to recreation centers Black Sea coast Caucasus. All those in need are provided with places in a comfortable dormitory with rooms for 2 and 3 people. Young men studying full-time receive a deferment from military service for the period of training.

Branch of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen in Volkhov fully implements in the Ladoga region the best traditions of one of the most prestigious universities in our country. It helps bring to life the possibilities of modern higher education not only for the youth of Volkhov and the Leningrad region, but also other regions of Russia, as well as residents of neighboring countries.
