Pickling cabbage for the winter. Homemade ways to pickle instant cabbage

With the onset of autumn, the pickling cabbage for the winter. This tradition has come to us since Ancient Rus', when whole barrels of cabbage were fermented and eaten throughout the winter. In general, cabbage is the vegetable that, when fermented, retains all its vitamins and minerals. Therefore, a huge variety of recipes with all kinds of additives and spices were invented for pickling cabbage. Below are the best ones that will teach you how to pickle cabbage for the winter at home.

There are methods for pickling cabbage a large number of... Some people prefer classic pickling recipes, others diversify them with spices and herbs. Others add mustard seeds, carrots or apple slices to the cabbage when salting it. Some people like salted cabbage with cranberries or beets. The methods of shredding cabbage for pickling also differ from each other: cabbage is fermented finely shredded, chopped into pieces and even whole heads of cabbage. Everyone has the right to choose the most interesting way and a recipe for pickling cabbage. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment!

For any ways to pickle cabbage for the winter It is also important to chop (cut) it correctly and choose a variety. Usually, for pickling, moderately tight white heads of cabbage of late-ripening varieties are taken, without any damage or spoiled barrels. Heads of cabbage that are too tight are not suitable for pickling, as they do not release juice during fermentation. The cabbage forks are cleared of the flaccid upper leaves, which have a light green tint, and then the heads of cabbage are cut into thin long strips. Many devices have now been invented for shredding cabbage: vegetable cutters, special and ordinary kitchen knives, food processors, cabbage graters, etc. Before shredding, you need to sharpen them thoroughly, then the process of chopping cabbage will be easier and faster. The spices selected for pickling cabbage must be sorted out, removing spoiled and rotten ones, washed and dried.

Traditional recipe for pickling cabbage for the winter

For regular salting white cabbage for the winter with a minimum set of spices you will need following list products:
- 5 kg cabbage,
- 4-5 carrots,
- 3 bay leaves,
- 3 tbsp. with the mountain rock salt medium grind (but not iodized).
You can also add any spices and herbs yourself.

The cabbage heads are cleared of the top and dirty leaves, and each of them is cut into 4 parts. Then the chopped parts are chopped into thin long strips using a sharp knife or other device and placed in a large bowl. The carrots are peeled, washed, dried if possible and grated on a coarse grater. Afterwards, you need to mix the cabbage with carrots and salt, rubbing the vegetables with your hands until the juice appears.

As soon as the juice begins to stand out, add to the cabbage Bay leaf, and the workpiece is compacted tightly into a prepared enamel pan or bucket. A flat plate is placed on top, and pressure is placed on it (for example, a three-liter jar of water). All this is covered with a towel and left at room temperature for fermentation.

The next day, remove the oppression and place about half of the cabbage in a bowl, stir to release the gases and leave for 1-1.5 hours. Then you need to return the cabbage to the pickling container and put pressure on it again. The described procedure should be done daily until the cabbage is salted. Around the third day, the cabbage brine should lighten, settle slightly and the foam should disappear from it. It is based on these signs, as well as tasting the cabbage for its taste, that the cabbage is determined for readiness and its degree of salting.

The finished sauerkraut is put into jars, compacted tightly into the container, and stored in the refrigerator or cold cellar. Also, the utensils for storing salted cabbage can be a large saucepan or bucket, and certainly enameled. Or they are laid out portionwise into strong plastic bags or plastic containers, and frozen as needed. If it is fulfilled pickling cabbage heads for the winter, then it is better to use special tubs.

Recipe " Delicious pickling of cabbage for the winter with dill seeds"
Salted cabbage with dill seeds turns out crispy, with a delicate sweet and sour flavor. You won't find a better snack for fried or boiled potatoes. So, to pickle cabbage according to this recipe you need:
- 2 heads of cabbage average size,
- 3 carrots,
- 1 tbsp. with a heap of dried dill seeds,
- 2-2.5 tbsp. salt.

Before salting, the cabbage is cut into two unequal parts, and the stalk is cut out of the larger one. Then the cabbage is shredded into thin strips, placing the halves on a cutting board edgewise or laying them flat (whichever is more convenient). The stalk and areas with coarse fibers do not need to be cut. The shredded cabbage is placed in a wide bowl or basin, salt is poured into it (you can also add a little sugar for taste), and the workpiece is thoroughly kneaded. Then grated carrots and dill seeds are added, and the cabbage is mixed again.

The cabbage, leaving it in the same bowl, is put under pressure, and it is removed to a cool place (but not too cold) for fermentation. Next, 2 times a day it will be necessary to free the cabbage from the gases accumulated in it by piercing it through with a wooden stick, otherwise the pickling will come out with an undesirable bitter aftertaste. Or you can remove the oppression, stir the cabbage with a spoon, leave for 3-5 minutes and return the oppression to its place again. After 3 days, the salted workpiece should be put into smaller containers (for example, jars) and the “Salty” recipe should be placed in the refrigerator for further storage.

Pickling cauliflower for the winter

Often, when we talk about pickling cabbage, we mean white cabbage. But there are recipes for cauliflower, which turns out no worse than, say, traditional one. To pickle cauliflower for the winter, you should take:
- 2 forks cauliflower,
- 0.5 kg carrots,
- 4-5 bay leaves,
- 5-6 peas of black pepper,
- 5-6 cloves of garlic.
For brine per 1 liter of water you will need:
- 1 tbsp. with a pile of salt,
- incomplete 1 tbsp. Sahara.
It is recommended to select cabbage that is dense, clean white, without yellowish inflorescences, which indicate that the vegetable is overripe and not suitable for pickling. Carrots for pickles for beauty can be grated not on a regular grater, but for Korean carrots.

First, prepare the brine. For it, salt and sugar are dissolved in water, brought to a boil and cooled. Cauliflower is disassembled into inflorescences and blanched for 1.5 minutes. Do not overcook cabbage in boiling water, otherwise it will become wadded and not crispy. Then the inflorescences are cooled in cold water and laid out in glass jars in layers, topped with grated carrots, finely chopped garlic, bay leaves, and black peppercorns. It is advisable that carrots be the first and last layer. Jars with cabbage and other ingredients are filled with brine, and pressure is placed in them. The workpiece is left warm for 1-2 days, and then transferred to a cool place. After 4-5 days, the cauliflower will be salted and ready to eat. For long-term storage, it should be transferred to the refrigerator.

Pickling cabbage pieces for the winter with beets
turns out crispy and tasty, and looks very beautiful on a plate for both dinner and festive table. After all, cabbage pickled with beets differs from its “sister” in its beautiful, bright crimson color. You can prepare salted cabbage according to this recipe using the following ingredients:
- 2 large forks of cabbage (about 4 kg),
- 2-3 medium beets,
- 1 head of garlic,
- 1 horseradish root.
For brine, use 2 liters of water:
- 100 g salt,
- 4 bay leaves,
- 1/2 cups sugar,
- 10 black peppercorns,
- 2 cloves.

The cabbage is cut into pieces of arbitrary size, and the stalks are removed from it. Peeled horseradish root and garlic are ground on a grater or through a meat grinder. The beets are cut into small cubes. The water for the brine is brought to a boil, everything dissolves in it necessary ingredients, the brine is boiled for a couple of minutes and cooled.

The cabbage is mixed with garlic and horseradish, and placed in a container prepared for pickling, sprinkling the layers with beet cubes. Then the cabbage and beets are poured with brine, pressure is placed on them and the workpiece is left to ferment. Periodically (at least once a day), the cabbage must be stirred to remove the gas accumulated in it. In 2-3 days, sauerkraut with beets will be ready. It is transferred into jars and transferred to a cold cellar, pantry or refrigerator.

Pickling crispy cabbage for the winter without salt
Supporters of healthy and proper nutrition try to consume as little salt as possible. But usually the process of salting cabbage occurs precisely due to the presence of salt in it. It turns out you can pickle cabbage without it. To do this you will need:
- 1 head of cabbage,
- 1 carrot,
- 5 cloves of garlic,
- cumin,
- red pepper.

So, to make this kind of pickling, you first need to chop the cabbage and add cumin to taste, red pepper and chopped garlic. All this is mixed, transferred to a pickling bowl, pressing the cabbage more tightly, and poured with cooled boiled water. A pressure is placed on top and the cabbage is placed in a warm, dark place for 3-4 days. Afterwards, the water is decanted, the cabbage is thoroughly wrung out, and the brine is filtered.

Grated carrots are added to the cabbage, the vegetables are mixed, placed in a bowl and filled with strained brine. The pressure is again placed on top and the cabbage is left for another 2 days in a warm place, piercing it through every day to remove gases. After 2 days, cabbage, pickled without salt, will be ready to eat and can be served. But when storing a recipe “without salt”, you must ensure that it is covered with brine.

Recipe "Salted cucumber"

If you have ready-made cucumber pickle, you can pickle cabbage using an excellent hot method. To do this, the heads of cabbage are cut into small pieces; small forks can be left whole. Then the pieces of cabbage are first boiled, then cooled and placed in an enamel bucket or pan. Next, the cabbage is poured with boiled hot cucumber brine, the dishes are covered with oppression and kept in a cool place for about a month. Cabbage in cucumber brine does not require anything else, because the brine itself should already contain the necessary spices that will make the cabbage truly aromatic.

You can also pickle cabbage in tomato sauce. The cabbage for this recipe is washed, cut into manageable pieces and shredded. Then the cabbage is blanched for a couple of minutes and placed in a colander to drain. Glass jars are filled with prepared cabbage and filled with hot tomato juice, to which you can add any spices. Or you can use slightly diluted tomato puree along with the juice. Filled jars are sterilized, rolled with boiled metal lids and wrapped in a blanket until cool. If suddenly the jars begin to leak, they should be opened, the juice drained, boiled, the contents of the jars rinsed and the preparation procedure repeated again. By the way, this is how it can be done: pickling red cabbage for the winter.

There are a huge number of recipes for pickling cabbage. Among them it is necessary to highlight the following: cabbage, salted cabbage with cranberries or hot peppers... But, no matter what recipe method you choose, it is important to consider the salting time. For this there is calendar for pickling cabbage for the winter, which tells you when it is most convenient to salt cabbage so that it turns out as tasty and crispy as possible.

It is recommended to salt this vegetable for the winter in the summer. Cabbage with heads of cabbage is stored in glass jars. It's easy to prepare. The recipe is quite simple and if you follow it, you can quickly make a very tasty pickle, which in the cold season is enjoyed with forks.

The following products will be needed for this:

  • About 3 kg of white cabbage (1 kg of vegetable goes into a 1-kg jar).
  • Bay leaf (several leaves).
  • Allspice, preferably peas (not necessary, but if you want a spicier dish, you can’t do without pepper).
  • 2 tablespoons each of sugar and salt (it is not recommended to use iodized salt).
  • Water for brine (3 kg of vegetables requires 1.5 liters of water).

The cooking recipe includes the following items:

  1. The cabbage will be cooked in brine, so you need to prepare it first. Dissolve salt and sugar in a saucepan with boiling water. After this, it must be left to cool.
  2. The vegetable is peeled from the top leaves and cut into slices. If desired, you can cut it into small pieces. To make it crispy, you can lightly spray it with vinegar and add a little salt.
  3. After this, you can start compacting the chopped vegetables into jars, but you shouldn’t be too zealous, because you need to leave room for liquid. Then the pepper is placed in the jar.
  4. It is better to pour hot brine over the vegetable, which was prepared in advance, but has not yet had time to cool. You should definitely try the marinade before pouring. Firstly, to make sure that it was not cold, and secondly, to check it sweet and sour taste. If the taste is not rich enough, you can add more spices.
  5. How long should cabbage steep? Answer: a day or two days. In any case, it must be infused for at least 24 hours. Only after this can the cans be rolled up.

Step-by-step recipes for lingonberry jam for the winter

Sauerkraut for the winter (video)

Pickling cabbage and carrots at home

This is probably the simplest classic recipe summer pickles. This method of preparation produces a delicious crispy salad with carrots and cabbage that can be eaten at any time of the year.

Grocery list:

  • Cabbage (from 2 to 3 kg).
  • Several large carrots (there should be more cabbage in this salad than carrots).
  • Black pepper (peas).
  • Sugar, salt (1.5 tablespoons each).
  • A little vinegar.

You can also make this salad with beets.


  1. First, you need to wash and peel the vegetables. Cut them big in large pieces Not recommended. It is best to use a food processor to grind them. But if it is not there, then you can use a grater.
  2. Now you should take a separate container, pour chopped vegetables into it and mix them with spices and vinegar.

If you do not plan to roll the salad in jars, then the container must be covered with gauze. Vegetables are infused for a day, after which you need to express the liquid. This concludes the preparation.

How to pickle cabbage pieces?


  • Cabbage (it is recommended to take cabbage).
  • Salt (a couple of spoons).
  • Sugar (half a glass).
  • Carrot.
  • Beet.
  • Vegetable oil (half a glass).
  • Vinegar (half a glass).
  • Garlic (several heads).


  1. The cabbage needs to be washed and cut into large pieces square shape. You should do the same with other vegetables, beets and carrots.
  2. Then the brine is made. Spices are dissolved in a container with boiling water.
  3. To the bottom glass jars vegetables are packed tightly. Cabbage can be chopped with garlic in advance. If this is not done, then it should be finely chopped and placed with other vegetables.

Now the cooled brine, oil and vinegar are poured into the jar. This final stage preparations.

How to salt cabbage with apples?

Apples make an amazing salad! So, what foods should you prepare?

  • White cabbage.
  • Carrot.
  • Apples.
  • Peppercorns.
  • Bay leaf.

Red cabbage recipes: simple preparations for the winter

Vegetables and fruits must be taken in equal proportions. The standard quantity of these ingredients is half a kg of each.

Now you can start salting:

  1. Apples, carrots and cabbage need to be chopped using a food processor. If this is not possible, then you need to take a grater. If desired, the apples can be cut into cubes rather than grated. This way, less juice will flow out of them and the salad will have a sweetish taste.
  2. Now you can start compacting the mixture into jars. The first layer is cabbage and carrots, the second is apples. One bay leaf should be placed in each container.
  3. The juice should ferment in the jar for at least 7 days. Every day it is recommended to pierce the contents of the jar with a wooden skewer or a long match so that the gases formed during fermentation escape.

On the eighth day the salad will be ready. You can store it in the refrigerator.

Which cabbage is better to choose for pickling?

Question: “Which cabbage should I choose for pickling?” worries many housewives who do not want to lose face. Everyone wants to cook delicious pickling from this vegetable, so it is important to understand the rules for choosing it.

Why? Yes, because this way the dish will turn out strong, with a preserved structure. The standard choice falls on the “Slava” variety, this is a white vegetable. It makes a good winter pickle.

How to choose the right cabbage?

  • The first thing you should pay attention to before buying this vegetable is its head. Under no circumstances should it be loose! When pressed, the head of cabbage should crunch a little. This is an indicator of the freshness of the vegetable.
  • You also need to pay attention to the stalk. It should be dense and juicy.

Fresh cabbage will always have green leaves near the head.

Many housewives want to know the secret of preparing crispy salted cabbage for the winter, because it is very tasty and healthy. In addition, this preparation in jars is a lifesaver for the winter table. WITH sauerkraut It makes excellent salads and vinaigrettes; Russian cabbage soup cannot be done without it; it is also good as an independent dish. From this article you will learn recipes for preparing crispy salted cabbage in 3-liter jars and other containers.

Quick recipes

You will need:

  • Cabbage.
  • Salt.
  • Carrot.

Execution steps:

  1. The fork is chopped into thin straws or cut into pieces. Places tightly in a jar.
  2. Poured cold water with salt, the proportion is as follows: per 1 liter 2 tablespoons.
  3. Leave in a warm place for 2 days.
  4. After this time, drain the brine and add half a glass of sugar to it, pour over the cabbage again.
  5. Leave for a day.
  6. Grate the carrots and sprinkle on top.
  7. Place the jar in the refrigerator.
  8. Fermentation is complete, ready to eat.

For the second recipe quick hand you will need:

  • Head of cabbage.
  • Salt.
  • Carrot.
  • Caraway.
  • Cranberry.

Execution steps:

Recipe for one jar

You will need:

  • Large head of cabbage.
  • Medium sized carrots.
  • A tablespoon of sugar.
  • Add salt to taste.

Execution steps:

  1. Wash and remove the head of cabbage upper layer leaves. Cut into two parts and chop into small strips, placing in a large container.
  2. In order for the cabbage to release juice when mashed with your hands, it must become translucent. At the same time, gradually add salt.
  3. Taste it, there should be a little saltiness, since during fermentation it takes away salt.
  4. The fermentation process will begin when we add sugar.
  5. The carrots are grated on a coarse grater, after which they are added to the already prepared cabbage. There is no need to crush it.
  6. Mix all the ingredients, put them in a jar and put pressure on them. Without it, the cabbage will turn out loose and will not crunch.
  7. The salting process for the winter is completed; cabbage at room temperature will be ready in 3 days.

Important! After cooking, you should monitor it during these three days and pierce it with a knife 3 times a day to the very bottom of the jar so that the formed gas comes out. On the first day there will be little hydrogen sulfide, but on the second there will be a peak of fermentation, and by the evening of the third day the process is completed.

If a lot of juice is formed, pour it into another container. On the third day in the evening it becomes sour, slimy and stringy. You did everything right, don't be alarmed.

On the third day in the evening cabbage last time we pierce it, squeezing out all the accumulated gas, remove the load and pour out the brine, which was poured into a smaller jar while it was fermenting.

Close the jar of cabbage with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. That's it, now you know how to cook crispy salted cabbage in a jar for the winter.

Recipe for pickling cabbage in an enamel bucket

To prepare the preparation for the winter you will need:

  • Cabbage - 10 kg.
  • Salt - 230 grams.

For improvement taste qualities And appearance you can take:

  • Carrots, grated coarsely or cut into narrow strips - 500 grams.
  • Celery root.
  • Apples whole or cut into pieces - kilogram.
  • Lingonberries - 200 grams.
  • Caraway.

Execution steps:

Surface of cabbage must always remain in brine, because without it it will quickly become unusable and will also lose some of its vitamin C.

Recipe for pickling cabbage in pieces

You will need:

  • Head of cabbage.
  • Carrot.
  • Garlic - for one 3 liter jar you need to take 1 head.

Preparation steps:

  1. Cut the head of cabbage into pieces, placing them in jars; the layers should be sprinkled with grated carrots and chopped garlic. Fold it and don’t press it too hard!
  2. Preparation of brine. Take a liter of cold water, dissolve salt (2 tablespoons), sugar (150 grams), add 9% vinegar (100 grams) and vegetable oil(100g).
  3. Pour brine over the cabbage and leave to ferment at room temperature under pressure. After three days, the salted cabbage is ready.

Pickled cabbage recipe


Execution steps:

  1. The head of cabbage is cut into pieces or into 4 parts. Placed in a barrel or pan. It is filled with brine and a press is placed on it.
  2. Fermentation occurs at room temperature for about 4 days. During this time, you should pierce it with a sharp object several times to release the gas.

Pickled cabbage is good as an appetizer for the second course.

Georgian cabbage recipe

Ingredients required:

  • Head of cabbage.
  • Beet.
  • Red hot pepper.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.
  • Celery greens - 100 grams.
  • Vinegar is taken to taste.
  • A liter of water will require a large spoon of salt.


  1. The fork is cut into large squares, the beets are cut into thin slices, and the celery and pepper are chopped.
  2. Everything is placed in a jar in layers, alternating with garlic.
  3. The jar is filled with boiling marinade until the vegetables are completely covered, which is prepared from water, salt, and vinegar.
  4. The jar is placed in warm place for 2 days, after which she needs to make room in the refrigerator.

Cabbage according to this recipe cannot be stored for a long time.

Festive cabbage recipe

You will need:

  • Cabbage - 4 kg.
  • Garlic - 9 cloves.
  • Beets - 250 grams.

For the brine:

  • Liter of water.
  • Salt and sugar should be taken 2 tablespoons each.
  • Pepper - 8 peas.
  • Bay leaf - 4 pieces.
  • Apple vinegar- half a glass.

How to prepare stock for the winter:

  1. Cabbage is cut into large pieces. Between it, place pieces of raw beets and thin slices of garlic in an enamel bowl.
  2. Prepare the brine like this: put a pan of water on the fire and add salt and sugar, pepper and bay leaf into it. After the brine boils, remove the container from the heat and pour in the apple cider vinegar.
  3. Pour the resulting marinade over the cabbage and close it with a lid. After 5 days you can try.

Crispy salted cabbage recipe

For the jar you need to take:

  • 2 kg cabbage.
  • Two medium sized carrots.
  • 3 pieces of bay leaves.
  • A few peppercorns.

The brine is prepared from the following ingredients:

For 1.5 liters of water you will need 2 large spoons of sugar and salt.

Here's how to make crispy cabbage for the winter:

Recipe for pickling crispy cabbage with dill

For a 3 liter jar you will need:

  • Medium sized head of cabbage.
  • One medium carrot.
  • The amount of salt is taken at the rate of 1 kg - 20 grams.
  • Dill or caraway seeds.

Recipe steps:

  1. The cabbage is shredded into identical straws and poured into a large container.
  2. The carrots are chopped using a coarse grater and added to the cabbage. Add salt and spices.
  3. Mix the ingredients, no need to mash.
  4. After pressing, place in the jar, leaving 8 cm free.
  5. Add boiled water until the contents are covered.
  6. Advice! You don’t have to pour water, however, if no juice has formed after a day, this must be done.
  7. Fermentation takes about 3 days, and you should pierce it several times with a pointed stick, reaching to the bottom. This will help her get rid of gas.
  8. Then the brine is poured into a deep plate, sugar is added and stirred. After which it is poured back into the jar.
  9. Sugar is added precisely at this moment, since the cabbage becomes more acidic and its shelf life is shortened. You can also leave the added sugar for later when you serve it.
  10. The jar is closed with a lid and placed in a cool place.
  11. The preparation will be ready in a week.

To get delicious crispy cabbage in winter, you need consider the following recommendations:

Thus, you now know how to salt cabbage at home. A can instead of a barrel is used by city residents because it is very convenient. It is easy to store, the quantity is small, for this reason it will not spoil. “Barrel” salting requires more stringent care, since you need to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the grate, oppression and cotton fabric. Moreover, the contents are often subject to mold and this moment cannot be missed. And the taste of the preparations made using these methods is almost no different from each other. A little effort will result in an excellent snack or component for a wide variety of dishes.

Traditionally, cabbage is pickled with carrots. This combination makes a delicious winter salad.

To prepare it you need:

  • 5 kg of strong cabbage;
  • 1 kg of young carrots;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tbsp. non-iodized salt.

Vegetables need to be finely chopped. This can be done by hand or using a food processor.

Chopped carrots and cabbage must be poured into a saucepan, sprinkled with salt and sugar.

After this, the vegetables should be mashed and mixed thoroughly so that they release the juice. The finished mixture is placed in jars and filled with brine.

To prepare it, you need to mix boiled water with 450 g of sugar, 300 g of rock salt. You can also add vinegar essence.

The jars are left open on a tray in the kitchen. After 5 days, when fermentation is over, you need to add brine to the top of the jars and close them with lids. Keep ready dish needs it in the refrigerator. No sterilization required.

Quick salting

Not everyone is willing to wait almost a week to enjoy delicious salad. In that case, it's worth a try quick salting. According to the recipe, the crispy snack can be eaten after 3 days.

For pickling, 3 liter jars are best suited. For such a container you will need 2 tbsp. l. sugar and the same amount of rock salt, 1 liter of water.

First you need to finely chop the cabbage. To keep it juicy and crispy, the leaves should be cut very thin. Ideally, they should resemble long ribbons.

Pour cold water into a clean jar and add salt and sugar. Then place the shredded cabbage in the container. It must be carefully compacted with your hands.

The jar without a lid is placed in a deep tray, into which a small amount of brine may spill out during the fermentation process. After 2 days the cabbage will settle a little.

When this happens, you need to add brine, close the container with a lid and put it in the cold. The next day the dish will be ready to eat.

The classic recipe for cabbage with carrots has been tried by almost everyone. Therefore, cooking lovers try to come up with something new. The following recipes will come to their aid.

Pickling cauliflower

A dense head of cabbage is ideal for pickling. It is better not to take yellowish cauliflower, as it will have loose inflorescences and hard “legs”.

The vegetable must be thoroughly washed, disassembled into inflorescences and dipped in boiling water for 1 minute. Then the cabbage is cooled in cool water. Next, you need to chop a small amount of carrots and garlic.

The next step is preparing the brine. This will require 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. salt and the same amount of sugar. When the water boils, add the remaining ingredients and leave until it cools completely.

Place carrots, cabbage, garlic, herbs, and bay leaves in a wide saucepan in layers. The very last layer should be carrots.

When all the ingredients are laid out, you need to pour the brine into the container. Then the pan is covered with a plate and pressed down with something heavy.

The cabbage needs to be left indoors for several days, and then poured into jars, filled with brine and put in the refrigerator.

Korean cabbage

Fresh cabbage should be washed and cut into 2 halves. Then the vegetable is soaked for 24 hours in water with the addition of 2 tbsp. l. salt.

At this time you need to prepare the spices. So, pepper and garlic need to be chopped, then salted and put in the refrigerator for a day.

When the cabbage leaves soften, they need to be carefully rinsed under water and coated on both sides with the spicy mixture. Then the cabbage is put into jars under oppression for 2 days.

Cabbage with beets

The cabbage needs to be cut into small pieces, and the beets into cubes. You also need to grate the garlic and horseradish.

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and placed in a jar with brine under pressure. After 2 days, the container can be closed with a lid and moved to the refrigerator.

The finished salad can be stored for 3-6 months.

Cabbage with tomatoes

Washed cabbage needs to be chopped. Bell pepper should be cut into strips. Carrots can be grated or also cut into strips.

This recipe requires small tomatoes. They need to be washed and cut into 2 halves. All ingredients are mixed and salted.

They are put into jars under oppression for several days. The prepared snack is stored in the refrigerator.

Cabbage in tomato sauce

The washed cabbage must be chopped and then blanched in boiling water for 3 minutes. When the water has drained, the vegetable is rammed into jars and filled with heated tomato juice.

You can add spices to the container to taste. According to this recipe, the jars need to be rolled up, wrapped in a blanket and left until the containers have cooled.

Subtleties of salting

To make the finished dish tasty, you need to consider general recommendations while cooking cabbage:

Pickling cabbage in jars is considered the most in a simple way preparing a winter snack, because it does not require special skills or exotic products.

Moreover, you can safely experiment with brine and spices. Thanks to this, coleslaw will never get boring.

ABOUT sauerkraut they say so - good snack, and it’s not a shame to serve it, and they eat it – it’s not a pity. It’s true, Russians really like to prepare this delicacy for future use, and in the villages they salt crispy cabbage in huge barrels so that they have enough for the whole winter. “Popular about health” will tell you how to salt cabbage in a jar in brine. Let's consider a quick way to prepare a traditional Russian snack first.

How to salt cabbage in brine in a jar?

There are many ways to prepare this vegetable. Traditionally, the recipe uses the following ingredients: salt, sugar, peppercorns, and bay leaves. You can make changes to the recipe and also use horseradish, beets and garlic, then the cabbage will turn out piquant. To speed up pickling, some add vinegar, then the finished snack can be served the next day. Let's look at all kinds of cooking recipes salted cabbage in banks.

How to salt quickly?

For instant cooking It is necessary to use vinegar, since chopped vegetables will not have time to ferment without this ingredient in one day.

Ingredients: a head of white cabbage, 3 carrots, 3 bay leaves, 10 black peppercorns, 1.3 liters of water, half a glass of vinegar, 100 g granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt.

Wash the head of cabbage with water. We remove the top leaves, they usually look stale. Arm yourself with a special cabbage grater. If it is not there, then cut it into thin strips with a knife. The thinner the fragments are, the faster the vegetable will be salted, and the appetizer will look more appetizing.

Peel the carrots and grate them. In a large bowl, knead the cabbage and carrot slices with your hands to release the juice. Then put a pan with the required amount of water on the stove, dissolve salt, sugar, add spices. The marinade should boil. After it is cooled to room temperature, vinegar is added and stirred. Sliced ​​cabbage and carrots are placed in a jar, which is filled to the top with brine. The top of the jar must be covered with a loose lid and gauze. Place the container in a tray (plate or bowl, because brine will flow out of it during the fermentation process). Leave the cabbage to salt at room temperature for about 24 hours. If the house is very hot, then after 10 hours put the jar in a cool place. This snack, prepared in a fast way, you can eat the next day.

How to pickle cabbage with horseradish in brine

This recipe will be appreciated by many - the appetizer will turn out to be vigorous due to the addition of horseradish. Let's prepare the ingredients: you will need 1 kg of white cabbage, 2 large carrots, take 80 grams of horseradish, 20 grams of salt and half as much sugar. For the brine you will need 1 liter of water. For spices, you can take a couple of bay leaves and black peppercorns.

How to salt - description of the process

Shred the cabbage finely and place in a bowl. Grate the horseradish on a fine grater, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. We send the vegetables to the cabbage slices and carefully mash them with our hands to release the juice. Place the slices in a jar with spices (not too tightly). Let's prepare the brine - bring the water to a boil, dissolve the salt and sugar. Leave the liquid to cool until warm and pour it into the jar. The brine should cover the vegetables. Cover the top of the container with a clean cloth. We place the container in the pallet. The first day the cabbage should be salted indoors at room temperature, and then it is taken to a cool place. Preparation time – 3-6 days. The longer cabbage is fermented, the richer its taste it acquires.

With beets, garlic and horseradish

Ingredients you will need following: 2 kg of cabbage, 2 carrots, 1 medium beet, 4 cloves of garlic, 50 g of horseradish, a tablespoon of honey, 25 g of salt, 3 bay leaves, one and a half liters of water.

Shred the cabbage and place it in a bowl. We peel the beets and carrots, grate them on a grater with large holes, and combine them with chopped cabbage. We crush the garlic and grate the horseradish on a fine grater. We combine all the vegetables together and press with our hands to promote the release of juice. Fill the jar with vegetables almost to the top (leave a little free space up to the neck).

Boil water, dissolve salt and sugar there, cool the brine. Fill the jar with chopped vegetables, making sure that the brine covers the cabbage. Cover the container with a clean cloth and leave it in the room for a day. Next, the appetizer should be salted in a cool place for 3-6 days.
Secrets of pickling

1. To make the snack crispy, it is important to facilitate the release of gases formed during fermentation. To do this, you need to periodically pierce the contents of the jar with a wooden stick.
2. Optimal temperature for pickling – 20-22 degrees. If the house is hot, it is better to keep the cabbage at room temperature for no more than 12 hours, and then transfer it to the cellar.
3. When too high temperature Mucus may form in the jar, and if it is too low, the fermentation process will occur very slowly.

Now you know how to quickly salt cabbage in jars in brine. A quick method involves adding vinegar, if you don’t mind this ingredient, then use it. If you do not want to use this product, then be patient - salting should continue for at least 3 days. We recommend that you sample periodically to ensure optimal flavor. As soon as the product has fermented to the desired state, put it in the refrigerator.
